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Everything posted by Darkmark

  1. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"Wait..where am I in the first place...?" said Dim[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]Siffing the air around him B.T. continue deeper into the woods searching for Sakura. She is this way. B.T. roared for Taille and Tom to follow. B.T. keep on running then he heared someone crying. B.T. let out a roar again. And started to go to the sounds of crying but it just stop.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System] B.T. pulled her in closer and kissed her. "Taille..." said B.T. "I love you, I never want to leave you.."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"I never want to hurt you..." said B.T. "I just don't to see you get hurt...I ...don't want to leave you alone.." B.T. wraps his arms around Taille and pull her closer to him. "I..I think I love you..." said B.T.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]OOC:sorry it short B.T. turns around and pushs Taille againts a tree. He puts his face right next to hers and wispers in her ear. "I can't stop thing about you....I never had feelings for someone like this...I..."said B.T.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"I can't tell her now...I don't know the feelings that Tobais and her share...everybody see them together...together...can't do anything unti I know...l" thought B.T. "Ummmm...nothing...I..I think she is this way..." said B.T. turning away.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"She isn't here." said B.T. "How did you..How do you.." said Taille "You know to much." said B.T. "Don't talk about this to anybody. Follow me." B.T. changed into his tiger form and started running towards the woods.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System] B.T. continue to watch Taille pound on the punching bag. She turn around and was about to say something and that is when B.T. got a strange feeling. He look at Taille and she was looking out the window. B.T. looked out the window and saw the white tiger running by. "O..no" thought B.T. "What is she up to? Its 5:14 in the morning...anybody can see her..all that white moving on the dimly lit grounds. Now I'm sure Taille thinks that someone else unless she saw what color I am. Now she thinks there're two tigers on the grounds...or what if...( :wow: )". "Hey! Did you see tha...B.T. are you ok? Your foaming at the mouth.. ( :confused: )" said Taille. "O....yea..hurt my toe(she isn't going to buy that! thought B.T.)real badly(I thought of that!)...Ouch." said B.T. "O..I didn't see anything..." said B.T. [/FONT][/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  9. [B]VERY URGENT!!! PASS THIS ON TO ANYONE YOU HAVE AN E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR. If you receive an email titled: "It Takes Guts to Say Jesus" DO NOT OPEN IT. It will erase everything on your hard drive. This information was announced yesterday morning from IBM; AOL states that this is a very dangerous virus, much worse than "Melissa," and that there is NO Remedy for it at this time. Some very sick individual has succeeded in using the reformat function from Norton Utilities causing it to completely erase all documents on the hard drive. It has been designed to work with Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. It destroys Macintosh and IBM compatible computers. This is a new, very malicious virus and not many people know about it. Pass this warning along to EVERYONE in your address book! and please share it with all your online friends ASAP so that this threat maybe stopped. Please practice cautionary measures and tell anyone that may have access to your computer. Forward this warning to everyone that you know that might access the Internet. Joyce L. Bober IBM Information Systems Pittsburgh Mailing Systems 412-922-8744[/B] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]I just got this from my friend and this is bad for computer users. If you don't know what a hard drive is, its where all your files, music, pictures,etc....is saved. Do not take this virus lightly. Send this information to everybody you know![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]You know my school has an anime club and its getting worse every day. We just had a meeting yesterday(O_o...*sigh*). At the start of the school year we had forty people in the club and that was shocking! *faints* Nobody wants to come to anime club because they think its full of nerds!( that is partly true...3% of nerds come...not being mean but... *Shugs*..its true. *sighs*)Yesterday we had 21 people and half of them said they might not come back.( *curses out loud* ) [B]What we did yesterday is name what show that song came from or theme song...whatever.(thats a tip*winks*)And to let you know I'm not a nerd.[/B] I'm a socal outcast. [U]Socal outcast-[/U]is a person who is knows almost all and all knows back.(all the names I got to keep up with!O__o)but the reason I'm saying this is because most of the people I know like anime and didn't know there was an anome club or they thing its full of nerds(sorry again*sighs*).If they didn't thing it was full of nerds we would have about around 85 people. So my anime club is lost people(I have no power in anime club so I can't sit down and come up with Ideas. But play the music game(Its bolded) it fun and it gets people to think about anime.Drawing-I say do 15 min. drawing con. with a theme(like draw your fav. anime char. dieing...etc..) and to a theme for the next time you meet. Have them draw something untill you meet again. Thats all I have to say.*dances around the room* [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"Well...i was wondering why you where running allover the place(O_o)?" said B.T. try to lead her to think what ever she saw was someone else. Or at least he thinks she got a good view of him. "It looked like you where looking or following somebody. ("Please let this work!" thought B.T. :sweat: ) said B.T.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System](OOC:OK< I"M BACK :D "If I did know this Tajiri guy really well, I wound say I wound kill him." said Dark "And sense you don't know him..." said Satoshi "Still kill him for alot of good resons, but I think Dil wound give the pain first." said Dark (:flaming: :is Dil) "Ok, why don't we go..." said Dark. Dil has already taken off already. "Dil..Flame lets g.."said Dark. Azzura was right next to him, she jump in his arms and was ready to go."Lets go." said Satoshi one hours later "Are we there yet?" said Dark "No." said Satoshi two hours later "Are we there yet?" said Dark "No." said Satoshi three hours later "Are we there yet?" said Dark "No and no!" said Satoshi four hours later "Are we there yet?" said Dark "No." said Satoshi "Are we there yet?" said Dark "No." said Satoshi "Are we there yet?" said Dark "No." said Satoshi "Are we there yet?" said Dark "NO!!!!!!!!" said Satoshi [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"I got the place to myself now...I think..." thought Dim. He changed back into his self and walked outside. "Now to make a signal..." Dim said as his hand started growing.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]OOC: YEA :excited: I'm ungrounded, so I can go back on my computer now.... :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "This..is...boring..." Thought B.T. " Sakura acked like she had no idea what I'm talking about...I have to see what's up with steve but first I'll go see Tallie but I know its four in the morning. That was a weird fight...Sakura is hiding something." B.T. walks over to Tallie's room and knocks on the door. "Hellooooooooo..."said B.T. He leaned againt the door and thought of the things he would ask her as he knock on the door again.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]I live on the panhandle of FL and the side of our house next to the roof has been ripped off and all the insulating from the house is all over the yard(Still cleaning it up!).And half of my deck in the backyard has been blown over.And raking isn't fun at all! And the internet just came back to day. Its been offline for days. :flaming[/FONT]: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy] [SIZE=2][FONT=System]"Huh..whars up?" said Dark as he walked over to her. "Ummm..." said Aku Dark looked in to her eyes. "Aku...." said Dark "What..." said Aku Dark leaned closer. "Well, what I'm trying to sa..." said Aku Dark kissed her for a moment. When he realized what he was doing he pulled away. "Oooo...umm..Sorry, I couldn't help myself....that was to bold of me...umm..." said Dark blushing and :sweat: [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]It was getting dark. And after an hour of running, Katai and Satoshi didn't look so good. They stopped and made camp in the middle of the woods. Flame woke Dark up a told they were here. Katai and Satoshi drop where they were and to sleep(They were're running for an hour). Dark put out his sleeping bag and place her on top of it and cover her in a blanket. He started to make dinner(soup), he let it simmer and walked in to the woods to take a bath. He took his shirt off. *Wow...she a good nurse..why can't I stop thinking about her? ( :blush: )* thought Dark[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System] "Ak...Aku..you.u...smell...good....Flame, pl.an...b....mmmm" said Dark as he fainted again. Flame walked over to Dark and taped on a pokeball. Red came out( Blaziken). They both shook their heads and grab everybody(Flame grabed Dark & Aku...Red grabed Katai & Satoshi) and started to run like there is no tomorrow. Ten miles later.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"I'm not done with you yet" said Dim He took out his sword and set part of the forest on fire. "Baelnaga, I'm following the archangels, keep a look out for my sign." said Dim He turn himself in to a kitten and ran off in to the forest that was burning. *The things I do...sigh.* thought Dim. Dim started to meow. * This better work! *[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System] *Get out...mmm..stay where you are.* said The red tiger "Who are you!?!" said Sakura *This should JOLT your memory!* said the red Tiger as it put its claw in the water for a moment. Sakura got a jolt of sparks up her legs. "B.T...?" said Sakura "That's me, so it's you smell I have been following." said B.T. ( :D ) as he when back in to his human form. "Your cute." The sound of a person running towards them reachs their ears. "Tallie...Tell her none of this if you can't get away in time, I'll be in my room." said B.T. as a bolt of lightning came down and he was nowhere to be seen.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]OOC:Sorry for the short post but I have homework and can't be on the computer, tom. I can though. "Fools!" said Dim "Everybody get ready to fight, The Dark orb of Light will be set for ten min., that's when we're leaving!" Ark was up above when he sees darkeness overflowing the forest. [/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"D**** it." said B.T. as he jumped out the window. "Seez you Tom!" B.T. starts to run. *So its her, I know she when this way* thought B.T. He keeps running and jumps up on the roof. He sits in the shadows on the roof and waits. "So it begins..." said B.T. as he turns into his form but five new things happen. His Eyes turn dark yellow, fangs grow two times their size, he get Tiger ears on top of his head, he gets a tail(the fur color is red and black stripes), and his hair gets longer.(Of course, the sparks has to be there.)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]B.T. runs by sniffing the air. "They're this way...no..this way. Now I got two problems, who is the other tiger & where is Steve." B.T. He starts sniffing to Tom's Room.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System] "I..can't..goo.go...an..any..far..." said Aku as she fainted. "This isn't one of my better days. ( :help: )" said Dark as he was holding on to her. He pulled her up on his back and started to climb. "Why did you wait for me..." said Dark With the lava right behind him he made it on the top of the volcano. There Flame was waiting. "Flame take Aku and get her far a way as poss. Get everybody to dig a big hole for the lava to go into, I'll try to tell you when it is coming." said Dark Flame took Aku and looked at Dark. "GO!!!" Flame took off and Dark started to run down the side of the volcano. He's half way down when he trips on a rock and starts to fall. He lands on his side hard, he starts to faint as his body starts rolling down the hill.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System] "Get off..stop..ga..That hurt...Stop...STOP I'M OK.LEAVE ME BE...I'll get you back for this Tallie. " said B.T. B.T. runs out of the nurses office and starts to walk a round. "Whats that smell..." said B.T. as he starts to walk. He as his nose in the air, B.T. runs and stops outside of the principal's window. He jumps in and looks around, he sees the principal is sitting up in his bed staring at him. "Why did you do that..Who pay you..what was about that! ( :nervous: )" said the principal. "What are you talking about?" said B.T. "THE FREAKENN TIGER, THE WHITE TIGER!" said principal. "SHUT UP, ITS A FACT THAT SOMEONE NO SOMEPEOPLE HATE YOOOUUUU. SO STOP MAKING THEM P.O. YOU FOOL!" said B.T. " That's a warning...O yeah, you peed your bed before I came in here." B.T. jumps out the window and starts to run. *White Tiger...the smell is familier but who...* Thought B.T.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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