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Everything posted by Darkmark
[FONT=System][COLOR=Navy][[SIZE=2] "Play..PLAY TIME IS OVER!"said B.T. B.T. eyes started to turn a more darker yellow before, his fangs started to grow twice as look, and everybody had to notice the sparks that was all of his body. "Lets get this over with...and I'll do anything to win!(:demon: ) " said B.T. Tallie came for everywhere, punchs, kicks, she was doing pretty good for having broken ankel. B.T. grab Tallie's ankel and slamed her down on the ring. The ring had cracks all over from Tallie being slamed. B.T. sended a surge of sparks though Tallie's body(still holding her ankel)she pull her an kel out of B.T.'s hand and kicked him with her other foot. He flys up in the air from her kick, when he started to fall he shouted "THUNDER BOLT!" said B.T. and clouds came out of nowhere and B.T. became a flash of pure Lightning as he crash into the ring, just a few feet a way from Tallie. Tallie was getting ready to jump when B.T. disappear. Tallie looked around the ring seeing everybody but B.T. B.T. appears behind her and Tallie moves just in time before B.T. punched her. She was about to return the punch when he disappear again.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]Name: Dim Hope Race: Demon Gender:Male Appearance:[url]http://www.powermonger.net/gallery/Dark%20Legecy%20Demon%20Knight%20no%202.JPG[/url] Weapons: The sword Of Hell. Nice long thick sword that lights on fire(red, blue, white) only when demons touchs it. The Dark orb of Light, it has the power to make an area go pitch black, only the demons useing it can see. Abilities: Mid Fire: Slowly roast (etc..) inside to the outside. They have two and a half hours to get the cure. Has to be with in 50 feet of Dim. Don't know you have it until your temp. starts to go up. Shape Shifter:To change form to anything for 12 hours only and has to wait an hour before he can change into anything after he change for 12 hours.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System] "Well well, look who out of the hospital wing just in time, the Mr.P is po, those punks from the other school is about done..just a sec...HEY TIM...HOW ARE YOU GOING, O MY YOUR STARTING TO LOOK PALE!" said B.T. Tim was looking pale, he was shaking like a rattle as he ran on the Bus followed by out people who also got beaten up to looking just like tim. "I'm not a person to be cross with so don't do anything stupid with me. I'm not in the best of moods." said B.T. :grumble: [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"(Where are they going?)" thought Dark. "Keep training!"said Dark Dark ran out to follow but they were turning in to a hallway. Dark took a step and fell down a hole. Dirt was a round him every where. Below him was dark and as he hit the ground two min. later he blacked out. ten min. later Dark was in a dark room and it was very VERY hot. He sat up he had no pokemon with him and he had no idea where he was. He continue to walk..in to a wall. Dark rub at his face, the wall was hot. The wall fell down at his feet. A river of lava was rushing by and was getting bigger by the minute. "The volcano...it going to blow!" said Dark He punch out a rock of the wall to surf on. "(I must warn them!)" thought Dark *Aku..Get as far away as you can..get everybody out...all of the pokemon..everybody..the volcano is going to BLOW...don't worry about me....*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2] [FONT=System]"This is boring..." said B.T. "There are no good fights...well..tom's was o.k." B.T. Vs Fast-legs Tim "What kind of name is that!?" said B.T. B.T. gets in the ring as the other boy gets in. "What he's like 4 in. shorter than me!!!" BEGIN! B.T. just stands there and tim disappears and reappears right behind him and punch B.T. five times. B.T. turns around and tim disappears and reappears right behind him and punch B.T. five times. This keeps going untill tim breaks B.T. wooden sword. B.T. gets mad and starts to change into his fighting form(yellow eyes, has fangs). "THATS ENOUGH!!!!" Yelled B.T. A continuous flow of sparks that was all over his body starts going to B.T."s fist. Tim stands there in fear as B.T. comes up and punchs him in the stomach. Tim flys out of the ring and goes right thought the wall. B.T. is the winner! People from the other school is stareing at him in disbelieve. "What!" said B.T. still in his form with sparks playing all over his body.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System] "OK THEN..DIL Agility!" said Dark "Blade...Agility!" said Aku Both of them are blurs on the field. "Dil do Sharp sickle!" Dil stop and starts lashing out at blade. Blade dogdes each one. "Blade, Mirror Move!" Blade does Sharp sickle and Dil is the one dogding. "Dil, Rage!" "Blade, Fury Attack!" Both of them hit each other. Half of their hp is gone. "DIL, PSYCHIC!" Blade gets hit head on but does Cut and gets Dil. They both fall over. "Dil..sleep." Dil goes to sleep and Dark gives Aku a pill. "Give this to Blade. I made it by myself, she will herself in no time, but she will have a lot of energy...they both will..."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System] "Huh...whats up with you?" said B.T. to steve who had eyes twice as large as than normal. B.T. Looks at himselfin the mirror and sees he still has sparks all over his body and his eyes( His eyes pluse black and yellow)and fags(up,down,up,down...) keeps changing. "O..That happens when I train or fight...its natural for me. Did you know we have to use training weapons! Mine is still a real sword or they going to make me use a wood one because my thunder and lightning will set it on fire or burn to a plie of ash, we need a plan!" said B.T. with an unhappy face.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][FONT=System] "Thunder Blot!" said B.T. with his sword in the ground. Lightning came down and hit him. He stood up pulled his sword out and started to walk back to his dorm with sparks playing all over his body as he turns back to normal. He got a note saying: Your fight will begin at 9:00 AM. Do not be late, or you will forfeit. No lethal weapons allowed. Training weapons only. This is a free for all match. You will be teamed up with your partner against all others. Should your partner fall, you both will forfeit. "I got to see Steve now!" said B.T. as he run to Steve's room.[/FONT][/SIZE][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy] [SIZE=2][FONT=System]"Duo lets go!" said Wu fei "Why? It's easy for Ms.I have to have your souls will find us very easy if you run, and that little girl is here any way." said Duo Trowa, Quatre, and Wu fei turn around to find a little girl standing there. "Follow me..."she said An hour later they where right outside the door. I wonder where is Ms.I have to have your souls is? Relena Where the HELL ARE THEY!??![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"Dil...DIL...[SIZE=4]DIL[/SIZE]!!!!!!" said Dark "YOU....ARE....GOING....TO....BATTLE...BLADE!" Dil said No and Dark pulls out a sword out of nowhere. Dil gets up and jumps as the same time and there is Black and Green blurs in the air. Then Dil is mad at Dark and Dark is dancing around. "......." said Aku __________________ I don't have enough time the lib. is closeing I"ll edit this as soon as I can. Sorry.[/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]Night, B.T. is on the roof of his room. "Me and steve can't lose, I'll do anything to win...anything. Better practice to be intune with the spirits." thought B.T. He grabs his sword that was laying next to him and jump off the roof. When he landed he had gone in to his fighting mode(he grows fangs his eyes turn yellow and pulses the color every once in a while. Someone is calling him but he keeps running.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]OOC:How in the world am I going to follow this!?! Lets see...mmm.... "I DON"T KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON BUT YOU AIN"T TAKING ME ITCH! AND WE GOING TO GET EVERYBODY BACK IN THE END!!!" Shout Duo :flaming: . "Lets go to her office, I'm sure we can find something there!"Said Duo.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"A fight!?! But why you pick me?" said B.T. in a puzzed face. The Principal sighed, he was getting tired of that question. "Because you are." said the Principal. B.T. walked out of the office and waited for steve.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]" Ok...why must you know everything she does....its getting on my nerves."said Dark "Because I do. :D " said Satoshi * -_- * Dark's Face. "Errr..." said Satoshi "*sigh*Lets just go." said Dark Dark walk up to the cave wall and punched it where a D was. It open up to a big open,hot,steam coming out of the ground, bright(like every day light but) [U]red[/U] growing room with a pokemon battle ring. Dark took off his hat, rip off his sleves and let out his pokemon. "Flame and Red, I want you two to train on the field...haunter..you do your talports...Dil..Dil... :twitch: find train with Blade. Hey Aku..:nope:..(crap)oops..."said Dark[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]OOC:I'm just find with it. Its cool. :D _______________________________________________________________________________ Dark smile back before he realizes what he is doing. Flame come over a tap him on the shouder and :D at Dark. "Hm?...Ok..OK.I get it Flame." said Dark. "Well i have something to tell you. The volcano is mine kind of..Well..we go there ever year..me and Flame..sometimes haunter. Doesn't like being hot..but Lot of fire pokemon show up around the time we go there. But we're not sure this year. So lets go before the other two comes." "Shouldn't we want for them because they don't know how to get there?" said Anizaki. "No because they send Ruby to follow us." said Dark as he point to the trees. "Let go, if we run we should get there in ten min." Dark and Anizaki get there and go inside though a cave. "There use to be torchic and vulpixs around here all the time and they all ways train with us." said Dark "I hope that combusken we trained with is still around here." said Dark with Flame noding. At that moment a Blaziken appered and point at Flame and Dark. "Red?" said Dark Then the Blaziken shoke its head. "Your ok." said Dark . Blaziken walks over and took a pokeball off Dark's belt and handed it to Dark. "Are you sure red?" said Dark The Blaziken shook it head yes and smiled. " :ball: go!" said Dark As he though the his :ball: at blaziken. Blaziken let Dark catch him then comes out of his pokeball and points at Anizaki. "Friend..."said Dark.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System] Just then B.T. runs in to Steve. "O...sorry, here is ten dollors that I want back soon so go eat.." And don't do anything stupid ok." said B.T. B.T. walks over to check on Tom(B.T. just knows his name) to see he ok. Then the smell of Manch got to him. "Hey Tom, are you... :faint: ...can'tt.....o what is that smell it smells like a cart of milk was left out for six months?!?" said B.T.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System] Duo: Heero...heh.heh.heh..aaaaaaaAAAAAHHHHHH! Duo jumps up off the ground and kicks someone in their face. He dives toword his guns grabs them and spins around to find no one there. He walks to the stairway and looks down. There is a little bit of light. When he gets to the bottom he sees a dim light blub lighting a bar. He sees a door on the far wall. When he gets there the light goes out. He opens the door slow and closes it behine him quietly. He sees Releena on top of Heero. He walks up behine her and puts the gun to the side of her head. Duo: Get off of him... Just before he could say anything else, two girls grab him but he stands where he is with the gun next to her head. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]OOC: MMmmmm. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Flame lets go." Said Dark loseing his smile and becoming cold. "We didn't train for ten years for nothing." Flame comes out of the trees behide Dark. "Fly up and do ash!" Flame starts swinging his tail in the air and little fire balls fall down all over the place. Azura started to run around trying not to get burn.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System] Duo: :flaming: LETS GO!!! Duo starts running and then the floor wasn't there for a moment, long enough for Duo falls in. He is this very big room with no doors. Just stairs on the other side of the room that goes down. Duo:This isn't one of my good days. People with red eyes came out of nowhere. Duo flips and lands in the middle of the crowd and starts shooting only to find the guns to be sailing across the room. Duo: What the Hell?!? Someone punched him the face and Duo falls to the ground.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System] "I'll be back! Don't try to find me find Heero...I'm going to be a problem. * smirk * Go NOW! Something is happening to him right now." said Duo Duo starts running to the rooms. Ten min. later. He runs into his room. :eek: He see himself sleeping with drool running down the side of his mouth. "Thats..thats not..we must be in..shut up and grab the guns." Duo grabs his guns and turn's around... Meanwhile... [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"(Greeeeaaatttt...More to come along, I really don't mind or care butI'm not slowing down.)Just to let you know a head of times, we're head for a volcano. And...don't give me that look!" said Dark. :wigout: was Haunter's face. "And DO NOT FALL BEHINID!" said Dark. Dark smirk, he had his rage back and he was going to enjoy it. "Hey..Yea the lovebirds, DIL!!!!!!!! Blade can we go now, you have the whole trip to the volcano." Their reaction : :wow: Flame's : :demon: Well I'm leaving to train NOW...NO BUTS...*bye*! Dark's starts running[/FONT].[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]" There is nothing to do but train. But I train ok so far but a fight would be nice..." said B.T. He walks up to a big rock, he draws his sword out and was on the other side of the rock putting his sword away as fast as you can blink. He starts to walk a way, a girl sees the rock and sits on it. It turns into dust. And she falls on the ground. "Why aren't any good..huh?" said B.T. "Oooooooo! A Fight!" B.T. runs towards the fight.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]OOC:Hey, school happen for me so you know i can't post as much. _____________________________________________________________________________________ "O greattttttttttt. The toilet if I want to take a piss I would..."said Duo as he looked in to the pool. "For a second it looked like blood." puts finger in water, pulls out to find finger to find blood. Everybody in the pool area eyes turn red. "O SHIZZLE!"said Duo. He slips in a puddle of blood."AHHHH! Got to get to guns...". He make a doorway in the wall with his laser watch. Duo bust though the wall. He seesTrowa, Quatre and Wu Fei standing there. "Guys...were...in..." said Duo.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]OOC:Today was my first day of school so I will not be posting as much as I had been. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "There goes those two. We better start training Flame, Haunter and...WHERE"S DIL!?" said Dark Dil and Blade are standing under a tree. "He kind of left us out in the rain huh..hahah...ok my jokes sucks..looks like Auk has to come with us...lets go ask. (why do I feel all shy and have the need to feel nice to people..I don't want to feel nice to...I have issuses.) *sighs*( Enough of being goodtwo shoes!) Hey Auk..Oops!" said Dark.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]