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Everything posted by Darkmark

  1. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=System][SIZE=2]"That Relena is getting on my nevers, she pops up everytime something going to happen. Come eat breakfast..ten minutes later.. go to bed...sees hiding some thing."said Duo."And why does she want us to sleep so bad!?![/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=System][SIZE=2]OOC: Not to be mean but Eclips, you need to write because you said we where going to your master's house. If not we have to come up with a new idea but Where are you?! :confused: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "I'm sure Flame would like to help train your Growlithe. Ash and Blaze is his two fav.. I thought we where going to Kin's Master house? " said Dark[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]Heero and Duo walking do the hall. Duo saw a button on the wall. "This is boring. Ooooo...what does this button do?" said Duo. He pushed the button a door open. Heero didn't know what to be, surprised or annoyed. It was a party. Before Duo can act Heero grabs the back of his ponytail. "Lets go."said Heero. Duo's last sight is a man waving to him smiling the his eyes turn red for a second. "Ouch! ok..wait stop..I...saw som...OUCH!... :bawl:...pain... LET GO!" said Duo. "What!?!" said Heero. "I say some dude eyes turn red." said Duo. A crash comes from the room. They both shake their heads together and start running down the hallway to the party.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"That little thing!? Flame(Dark's Charizard) leared all the fire moves and some psychic too." said Dark. Flame smirked and spat out some fire. "I say we get a move on before night time I might add."said Dark[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"We're going to the party! Partypartypartypartypartypartypartyparty...PARTY!"said Duo. "SHUT UP!" said Wu Fei & Heero. Duo coif something that sound like crabe. "Your going to wake people up and get us kick out if you don't be quiet! said Wu Fei. "Clam down and relax, the people sleeping are a bunch of deadwights anyway because they don't know how to par....did any one feel the house shake or is it just me?![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=System][SIZE=2]"Great, theres move of them. MORE OF THEM!?! One of them look like her(her hair is driving me up the wall) and... o boy..zen..ben..zack..quck..zin..bin..o yeah zan! He going to freak out, everybody isn't happy about those two being here...haunter is freaking out...something going to happen, when I don't know...CAN I STOP THINKING TO MY SELF!" thought Dark. "Haunter put her hair up please and clam down." said Dark "DEL!(Dark's Scyther name)" Dark can't belilve what he's seeing. " :love: " is Dark's Scyther face. "Can we go to kin's house now and who is those two?!?" said Dark.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]Fun, fun, I smell fun. :D Name: Black tiger (BT for short) Age: 17 Gender:Male Appearance: 5'9 , wears all black all the time, sleveless shirt, long pants made of polyester(easy to move in), Black shoes, Black bowl hat, short black hair, brown skin, brown/black eyes, has middle size fags . Dorm: East Bio: Ever since he was little(5 years old) he grew fags( has fags all the time) and eyes turn yellow when he got in fights with fake swords. Parents took him to a doctor, couldn't do anything about, said to have cat like reflexs. Got the name Black tiger(wears black all the time, thats why he is called black tiger), very very fast. Got his reverse blade swords when he was ten, has a supple of swords. Fight with two or one swords, may seem dumb but really smart when he needs to. His parent send him to this school because they think he might hurt someone really badly. When he is in battle, noone can reach him or chage his mind unless its a close friend. Personality:Trust a few people, can get along with someone very easy. Smart, smart mouth, loud, very very fast in battle. Eyes turn yellow when he fights, undefeated in fights, super friendly, can count on him for anything.Never back down from the fight unless its dumb. He WILL do anything he can to win if its not dumb.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=System][SIZE=2]Cool. Thanks for the info guys. I'll think I'll get the other books. I got 1 but I saw 2 & 3 in the mall when I got mine. :D [/SIZE] [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"Zan calm down, she just wears it. Don't call her by her first name or something will happen to you. ( :twitch: :rolleyes: ) " said Dark. Dark's Haunter taps his shounder, they look at each other for a moment and then Dark said "Haunter said it wasn't a good idea to go asked everybody about the D. T. Kin, because someone is watching us. ( :shifty: ) "[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [FONT=System][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2]"Light doesn't suit me that much." said Dark. " I got three pokemon just to let you know." Right when he said that, his Charizard & Scyther came out of their pokeballs and his Haunter came out of the shadows. Dark's Scyther started to walk over to Anizaki's Scyther.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]"Mmmm, this is boring." said Dark. " We been at this for weeks now. Do you sense anybody talking about the Dark trainers Haunter?" Dark and his Haunter is walking thought the area when his Haunter pointed at a group of kids talking. Haunter looked at Dark and frowned. "Yes, they are talking to loud about The Dark trainers." said Dark. Dark and his haunter walked over with out anybody realizing them. "If you can't tell when somebody is in your bubble, then how do you know when somebody is watching you." asked Dark? [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  12. [B][COLOR=Navy][FONT=System][SIZE=3]I'm wondering if anybody heard or have any books on it. I just got the first book a few hours ago. I think it's pretty good, thats my thought. I'm just wondering what anybodys elses opinion.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]Have a trap set up by someone who doesn't want us to reach our goal.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=System][SIZE=2]Can anybody tell me what happen last night.. my parents made me missed it.(on the 27th of july) :moron: [/SIZE] [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]Ha! This should be fun! :D Name: Duo Maxwell Age: 15 Sex: Male Weapons (2 or 3):Two RC-p90 and one Laser watch(watch with build-in laser) Appearance: [url]http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/7939/duo.html[/url] (that's where the pic. is.) BIO: Can't sit still at times, loud mouth, always awake for action, keeps his cool when needed.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]Hi. Keyshift (story I made up)is about the good spirits of the world go head to head to fight Bio.and the other bad spirits to make the world become pure and clean or to become one big nuker dump. The spirits choses one person(age 13-18) to give their powers to the person they choose(can't be bio). Spirits are going to battle in a year, to give the people who been picked a chance to learn their power. Each year the Bio. spirit gets stronger from the toxic wastes, garbge piles, land fills, smog, etc... The good spirits(Thunder, lightning, water, etc...) can't spot it alone but together they can. To do this, the spirits go out though the world to pick their chosen one to past their powers to. One year will past when the chosen ones go head to head to fight for the earth. By then they will know all their powers.They will meet and have conflicts with each other and tying to understand what is going on. If they don't act soon the Bio. and the other dark spirits will destory the earth . There will be battles every chance somebody meets somebody. Choose any spirit you want. Once somebody pick a spirit. Nobody else can pick it. You choose what side you want to be on. Good or evil. Can change in middle of the story. [SIZE=3][COLOR=Black]Name: (any) Age: (13-18) Gender: (Male or Female) Description: (How he/she looks, what they wear...) Personality: Bio: (Lives in u.s., japan, etc...)( Friends, Family, etc...) Spirit: (What spirit you want to be)[/COLOR][/SIZE] Mine is [COLOR=Black]Name: L.M. Age: 15 Gender:Male Description: 5'8, brown skin, black hair cut short, wears long black pants no matter what, black sleveless shirt, and black shoes. Personality: Loud, always has something to say,nice when he whats to, makes friends when what to. Bio: Lives in New York city in U.S., lives with dad only, goes to school at New York Tigers, 10 grade. Spirit: Lightning[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='XYZ']Uh...that's definatly wierd. Like some others have said, just leave him alone, he'll grpw out of it.[/quote] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]Hope so. :shifty: [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]Name: Dark Age: 14 Gender: Male Pokemon with you:Haunter, Charizard, Scyther Starter pokemon:Charmander Personality:Loud mouth, changes his mood a lot, makes friends when he's cares to. Bio: Both parents died when he was two. All he had left was his chamander that his dad gave him. That chamander he got two weeks before his parents died. A week later Sabrina the gym leader found him and toke him in as a little brother. As years passed Dark learned to only trust himself, his pokemon, and Sabrina. At the age of nine, Sabrina gave him a gastly. Two weeks later his Charmander evolve in to a Charmeleon.Five years after that, Dark found a Scyther one week before the Depression. 12 years of training it took Dark to leave Sabrina, not empty handed. He has some powers of his own. Description:5'5, Short black hair, brown skin, long black pants with black long seves shirt, always wears a black bowl hat. :D [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  19. [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=3][FONT=System]I have a brother the same age and all he does is makeout with the girl arcoss the street. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  20. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]Awwwww...you beat me.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]My guess is space. :bellylol: [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=System]Try Three weeks. It really drove me crazy! I was trying to ask my girlfriend out(she wasn't my girlfriend then)and thats when you notice everybody poping up out of nowhere. And when I got to ask her out, it was like everybody knew! :wigout: [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE=Bishie]Okay, heres another question. Its kinda pointless..but still! I HAD! to ask O_o. My mother does not stop me from watching anime, im 17 lol ^__^ i doubt she could if she tried. BUT! do anyone elses parents dislike it? I know when i was alot younger she would try to talk me out of watching it, then got really bad when i started watching/reading Shounen-ai manga/anime. Apparently she thinks it will fry my brain and make me forget the real world. I guess i really shouldn't have announced i was dying my hair hot pink, cutting it short to look like "Shuichi Shindou" and running away to Japan to find my Eiri *chuckles* Only joking, not ALL of that is true. But so..anyway. Has this happened to anyone else before? and if it did, how did you feel about it?[/QUOTE] [color=navy][font=System]My Parents just thinks i'm weird and they think i get it from anime but they're wrong! :D[/font][/color] [font=System][color=#000080][/color][/font] [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please put more thought and effort into your posts in future please. One-liners are against the site Rules, and even though there's a large quote the rest of the reply is pretty much spam. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  24. [FONT=Impact][SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy]My worst nightmare is when it was the middle of the night and i got up to wake my brother up to go use the bathroom.(he is 5). And he wasn't in his bed. So i walk to my parents room to find they aren't there. BUt the front door was open. There I see my parents, brother and my girlfriend tieed up in the back of a white van. But noone else. So I get dress and run out to van to find two guys giving me the middle finger and started to drive off. I grab the Nissen' quest 04 mini van keys and start to drive. I follow them for hours and the stop at a ciff and i pushed one off the ciff and untie everybody. When i get out of the van out the back, my girlfriend jumps into my arms. Then the van backs up and i jump out of the way, RIGHT OFF THE CIFF! I pushed my girlfriend out of my arms and she pulls her self up. I start to fall i think "I can't beilive i forgot the other guy. Then i woke up right before I hit the ground. :confused: [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT]
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