Name: Kita Rayne
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Nationality: greek
Human or Gear: human
Faction: The jellyfish Pirates
Personality: Kita is very stubborn but also out going at the same time. She tends to be very kind until you ask her about her past, then she loses her temper. Once her temper is lost all can become victim. She can come off as harsh to some because of her sarcastic nature, but that is just how she is.
Physical Description: Kita is about 5'9" and is pretty fit. She has long brown hair with dark purple streaks in it and deep violet eyes.Most of the time her eyes are sheilded by silver rimmed orange lensed sunglasses that she rarely removes. Her prefeered attire is a sleeveless black shirt with a red wolf on the front and a red symbol on the back that cannot be seen most of the time because seh is wearing a black trench coat with the same symbol that matches the one on her shirt. Her pants are loose black that have many compartments, her boots are lightweight combat boots with buckles at the top. Her wrists are adorned with spike bracelets and she also wears a black choker and a pendent on a silver chain around her neck. Most of the time she has her hair pulled up into a messy bun with a few bangs hanging around her face. her skin is fairly light (for being greek) and she has scars all over her arms and several on her face, one going across her eyebrow and down her nose (going from the left to the right) and the other is on her left cheeck.
Weapon of Choice: a rattle snake skinned (case and handle) Katana
Innate Magical Element : wind
Preferred Jinki : Senhoshiken
Bio: Kita was born into a family where she had a father that was working for the holy knights, and a mother that stayed hom tending to her and her older brother Lunus. Her father wasn't home much which made her mother overly worried, causing stress on everyone. Lunus had to be the family stronghold when their father wasn't around which was most of the time. So it made sense that when he turned 18 he wanted to go off and be on his own, so he joined the knights. He had much experience and sword skill. Kita was only four at the time and she was greatly depressed by this.
Two months after her brother left to join the knights there was an attack on the town where she lived, her mother stuffed her into a closet so that she would be safe. But that is where she veiwed her mothers brutal muder. Her youg mind couldn't take the stress of watching her mother die so she broke down and went into an almost catatonic state in the closet, where her father found her a week later. He took her to all the best doctors that he could but nothing would take her out of the state that she was stuck in. The only thing that she would do was stare off into the distance and everyonce in a while murmer something. Her father was devistated that there was nothing that they could do for her, but instead of throwing her out he kept her with him at almost all times. And when she wasn't with him she was with some of the younger knights.
There was one particular knight that took a likeing to her, he would watch over her when ever her father couldn't (which became more and more often as time went on) and would attempt to train with her. She wouldn't do anything of course, but everyonce in a while she would respond to his presence with a smile or nod when he was talking to her. This went on until she was six when while he was training she quietly rose from her seat and took the spare sword that he always sat by her feet and slowly started to go through the routines with him. She had them all memorized perfectly and could exectute them with great precision for a six year old.
The knight who had been watching her (Zeno Carthright) was rewarded greatly by her father and was asked to be with her as often as possible as to make more break throughs. Zeno worked with her for a year he got more and more progress out of her each day. except she would never say a word to him, he on the other hand was always talking to her thinking that it would help some. In late August of that very year there was a monumental attack on the headquarters of the area and Zeno was called away to battle, before he left he came to her and spoke to her about it. As Zeno was leaving Kita told him "goodbye, come back soon." Zeno was in total shock and awe and as he left for battle he looked for her father but didnt' see him. So he decided to deliver the message after he got back. Sadly Kita's father died in battle and Zeno couldn't deliver the message.
The following months there was some despute where to put Kita, Zeno offered to take care of her but he found out that he was soon in for a transfer. While he was packing he found a necklace that his mother had given to him when he joined the knights he thought that it was a fitting gift for Kita and he gave it to her to wear and remember him by. After he left they placed Kita with various families of Knights and she didn't like any of them. So the orginization thought that it would be best to adopt her out to a fmaily. Kita was supposed to stay with a family in a nearby settlement but she ran away and wandered the streets until she was almost nine when she met Johnny in a fateful encounter wtih the Jellyfish Pirates.
Kita had snuck aboard a large ship thinking that she would be taken somewhere better, but while she was on the ship it was boarded by the Jellyfish Pirates. when Kita heard the commotion she climbed to the top deck where she met up with the pirates. It was obvious that she didn't belong in the same crowd as the people on the ship, she was wearing ragged clothes and they were all wearing rich and fancy clothing. Johnny questioned some of the people on the ship about Kita and they said they didn't know anything about the mongral and told him to do them a favor and take it. WHich he did.
Johnny took Kita in on his ship, he took interest in her because she didn't speak but was handy with a sword. He would take time out of his day everyday until Kita was ten before he got her to spoke. She became well aquainted with the crew and Johnny and started to become more comfortable around them. Soon she was talking a lot more and actually holding up conversations. She became a good tool for Johnny around the ship and he was almost like an older brother to her. Soon she became a regular part of the crew and went on pilages and such with them.
When Kita turned 15 Johnny gave her the trench coat and the sunglasses that she still wears to this day, along with the necklace that Zeno gave her. She had several bloody encounters with the Gears, the first one and the most memorable one with several months after her 15th birthday. They were docked at a town for a few days and Kita thought that she would go off and explore some of the town. Little did she know that there was going to be an attack.
She came into contact with one of the subcommander gears, it was her older brother Lunus. At first sight she was over joyed to see him but then she realized that he was a Gear. She had a hard time fighting him because he was much, much more stronger than her. He gave her the long scar across her eye and nose, along with many on her arms. She was cornered and Lunus was about to go for the kill when a mysterous man (with a fimilair air about him) fended off Lunus and told her to run. She got out of the area and to the ship just before they shoved off.
Kita was enraged at all gears after that point she wanted revenge on what they had done to her only living blood. She wanted to go off and do it on her own, but Johnny suggested against it he told her that she would only get killed. She accepted his way, while secretly planning attacks on the gears, there were a few more times where she ran into gears and for the most part she was bearly winning that was with the help of the others. She knew that there had to be a better way to battle them, so she decided to create a master plan, something that would end all battles. This decision came to her when she was 18.
She thought it best not to get engrossed in too many battles while hatching her plan so she has stayed out of the large picture not going into any major fights since. she just mostly did little things to help in battle while formulating plots and looking for weaknesses in Gears. She spent almost all her time thinking about how to bring their power down or break their defences, setting herself off from everyone else some. Leaving her where she is today.