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Everything posted by Makurayami

  1. "Shit! It's a scorpape. And that sphere's from its controller," Omrie shouted. He knew all to well that controllers had magic to trap and enslave humans and animals alike. Omrie knocked another arrow and let it fly at the scorpape. The scorpape knocked it away with his claws. But as he was doing that Omrie was able to get a shot into his armpit area. The scorpape let out a screech of pain. He charged forward and swung at Omrie. Omrie ducked and darted back. He then began to dart around the creature, ducking and dodging moves. Omrie knew that he possesed magical abilities that were equivalent to a controller's. But it was a matter of unlucking those abilities that held Omrie back. But if he could he might be able to control the scorpape. "YEUA! DISTRACT THEM WHILE I TRY SOMETHING!" Omrie shouted while dodging another blow.
  2. Omrie was sitting up in a tree. He had been thinking for the last few minutes. But now his hearing picked up something. It sounded like someone was coming. Without think Omrie knocked an arrow and jumped out of the tree, his bow pointed at the approaching person. As he landed his arrow came right into the face of Yeua. It wasn't even an inch away. "Woah!" Yeua shouted and backed up a few feet, stumbling as he did. He fell to the ground. Omrie let out a sigh of relief. "Sorry." He helped him up, putting away his arrows and bow while doing so. He grabbed the squirels and the two began walking back to the camp.
  3. Omrie's face set into a grim expression. He was right outside the camp. He had found some food rather fast and was on his way back when he had heard Satsuki. His unatural hearing had picked it up right away but they couldn't hear them, he was out of their hearing range. Omrie did have feelings for Satsuki. He had had them ever since the first day of their assignment but he had kept them hidden for a long time. Then after he got in touch with his emotions again after the controler fiasco he had still managed to keep them hidden pretty well. He had kept telling himself that she derserved better. And that "better" was Yeua. With a sigh Omrie turned around and faded into the woods again. He still had some time before it would be thought odd that he was gone for so long. But he didn't intend to hunt in this time. He needed to clear his head. Think a bit and figure out his goals.
  4. Omrie, who was up in a tree on watch duty, looked down to find Satsuki and Yeua hugging and sobbing. He smiled and jumped from the tree branch. He flipped in the air and landed neatly on his feet. He looked at Satsuki and smiled again. "Hey Satsuki. I was wondering when you were going to show up." Omrie looked at Satsuki in her gown, though ripped and torn. She still looked beautiful to him. But this was one emotion that he could hide still.
  5. Omrie walked through the woods, heading towards the mountain. He was still angry, frustrated with himself and his lack of weapon and what ever else crossed his mind. He needed a weapon badly. He looked down at his belt quiver. It was empty as well. Omrie punched another tree. As he walked on it fell over as well. Suddenly Omrie's keen hearing picked something up. He looked to his left and saw a small band of two Nine Army hunters. And they had bows! Omrie grabbed Yeua and pointed to the two. He nodded and Omrie silently began to approach them. He got behind on of them and grabbed him by the neck. There was a sharp twist and a loud crack. Yeua ran in and gutted the other one. "Nice job!" Omrie said as he picked up the bow. It was a nice one, made out of a black type wood. Omrie couldn't determine what it was, but like it anyways. He collected the arrows and put them in his belt quiver. "Come on, lets get going. There should be a few more around and I don't think it'll be a good idea to meet them after what we just did to there comrades."
  6. Omrie let out a sigh of frustration. If only they had run when he had cast the spell. This would have been solved...or kind of. He had ran, not looking back. If only he ahd looked back, saw Satsuki, saved her. Omrie threw his fist into the nearest thing he could find, which was a tree. For some reason they were in the woods again. The tree made a luod spliting sound and a crater appeared in its bark. A few seconds later it fell over. ((Sorry, I'm in a hurry.))
  7. Omrie stood where he was. "What do you want with us?" he asked. "Easy. I want you to die. But not before I have my fun," J. Walls replied. But instead of in the common tongue, he had spoken in the Nine Army language. Which, Omrie found out, he understood perfectly. "You bastard," he said in the Nine Army language. 'Must be a side effect from the controller,' he thought silently. 'Wait, if I have his language ability, maybe I have his other abilities!' Omrie looked at J. Walls. His face, which was now visible because of the absent helmet, was horribly scared. It looked like it might have once been handsome. Omrie looked at the man. He looked back at Omrie and let a evil smile curl his lips. Omrie suddenly shot his hand forward. A yellow bubble encased J. Walls. "What!," he shouted. "What is this!" "NOW," Omrie shouted. "RUN!!"
  8. Omrie had a arrow knocked on his bow before anyone had time to think, including Omrie. It was more of a reflex then an act. He pointed it in the direction of the voice. "Now now, we don't want to do anything we may regret." Suddenly a giant figure lunged out of the darkness. He grabbed Omrie's arrow and bow. Omrie tried to resist but...SNAP! His bow was now nothing but some peices of wood and a string. Omrie looked up. A torch suddenly roared to life. Standing in front of him was a man, if he was really a man. He stood about seven feet tall and three feet wide. He was clad in black armour with silver trim. He had a helmet over his face but two eyes peered out from it. The eyes were yellow, like a cat's, and gave Omrie the shivers. "Pity, really, quite a pity. That was a decent bow, though worn from age and use," J.Walls said. Then he laughed, a cold horrible laugh.
  9. Omrie decided to say it for her. "Because she loves you, damn-it. You're a brother to her. And if you can't figure that out I say the hell with you." Omrie bent down and picked up the arrow that had been lodged into Yeua's throat. He checked it once and slipped it into his quiver. "What do you know? You just want to kill me," Yeua sneered. "I don't want to fight you," Omrie said, his voice more quiet and serious now. "But I will if I must." His voice had a deadly tone to it.
  10. Omrie walked behind Yeuam holding Satsuki's hand. Maybe he was wrong about her. Maybe they could become more then friends. He didn't know what the future held and he had long since given up trying to figure it out. Omrie's attention turned to the ghost girl. She did seem to be odd. And Satsuki was right - ever since she showed up Yeua had been acting wierd. This ghost girl gave him a wierd feeling. He didn't like it, and he wanted to find out why it was. Omrie decided to try to talk to lighten the mood. "So, he said something about the guardians. According to mythe, the guardians are suppose to be armour animals that only respond to certain people's presence." "Armour animals?" "Yeah, like you get in and you are the animal. There bigger then normal animals, or course, but still it's kinda weird, really. But the animals were also to have the elemental powers. I think there were four. Fire Lion, Ice Wolf, Wind Falcon and...ugh, what was the other? Oh yeah, Lightning Tiger." Satsuki just looked at him as if he was crazy. "Really, I'm not kidding. I used to be into mythes and stuff back at the acedemy. I didn't have any friends..."
  11. A low, almost animal growl escaped from Omrie's throat. This angry he was feeling was nothing like anything he had felt before. It was full out rage. Omrie calmed himself and looked at Satsuki. She had been deeply hurt, he could tell, and it just made him feel even more anger at Yeua. "We don't have to follow him," Omrie whispered, "We can go our own way, complete the mission. It's up to you Satsuki."
  12. Omrie stared at Yeua with a cold emotionless stare. He could feel another emotion ebbing inside of him, trying to chew its way out. Omrie knew what the emotion was. Anger. Raw, unbound angry, trying to get out so he could lash out at Yeua. "Just when I thought you wereing getting to be ok. Ya know, I even began to like you a bit. And now you do something like this. You really are a bastard Yeua. I don't know how you could say things like that." "My friend Jericho told me," Yeua replied back with the same contrained anger, "He came from ghis grave to-" "Your friend can go to hell!" Omrie was on his feet now. He could feel the angry starting to trickle out. His fist were clenched . "Satsuki has done so much for you." "She was just trying to get closer. She was-" Yeua couldn't finish his sentence. Omrie threw his right fist right into his nose. Yeua fell to the ground. He just stood still. "And stay there you dumb fuck," Omrie said. He ran into the woods after Satsuki. Whne he found here she was crouching crying. Omrie bent down and pulled her into a hug. Satsuki rested her head on Omrie's shoulder and continued to cry.
  13. Omrie's keen hearing heard Yeua wake up just as it had heard him thrash around in his sleep. 'Good,' he thought, 'it must have been quite the nightmare.' He was about to turn around when he had an odd feeling that he shouldn't. He didn't know why, he figured it had something to do with his new emotions. Instead of turning around he leaned forward and poked the squirels. They seemed about done. Omrie looked to his side. The girl was there. He hadn't noticed her before. That was odd. Was she even there before? Omrie shook his head. He shouldn't bother himself with such questions. Omrie instead pulled his bow out and pulled a cloth out of his coat. He began to polish the bow. It looked pretty bad. He had had it for a long time. Looking closer he saw some small cracks and scrathes. This wasn't good. He needed his bow to be at its best especially with the up coming fight. Omrie decided that it was safe to turn around. He did and said to Yeua, "Hey, if your hungry I go some food."
  14. Omrie sighed as Yeua fell to the ground. "Guess we're making camp here," he murmured to himself. He walked into the woods for a bit and found a nice clearing. He didn't want to be too close to the road. He gently slipped Satsuki off his back and put her at the trunk of the tree. She muttered something but kept sleeping. Omrie smiled as he turned around. He ran back to the road and hauled Yeua onto his back. He took him to the clearing and laid him down next to Satsuki. 'Maybe waking up to that will make him feel better,' Omrie thought to himself. Thinking that they would be OK for a few minutes, Omrie slipped into the woods. About ten minutes later he came back with four squirels. He slipped into the woods again and found some wood. Minutes later there was a fire roaring with the squirels roasting over them.
  15. ((Don't worry about it, it happens)) "It's a ghost girl that been following Yeua...I'll let him take that one." Omrie experimented walking a few steps with Satsuki on his shoulder. It wasn't the best, he was a bit taller then her and it threw them both off balance. "This is stupid, here." Omrie grabbed Satsuki and threw her on his back. He easily walked with her on his back. It was a few minutes later when he thought about what he had done and blushed slightly. With a breath he he calmed himself and kept walking.
  16. A ghost. Omrie had seen everything now. He watched as the girl moved over Satsuki. He felt himself tense up, but shrugged it off. This ghost couldn't hurt Satsuki. He stood up and looked at Yeua. "Why is there a ghost following you?" Omrie asked this as if he was asking a simple question such as a wheather.
  17. ((Not dieing...I want this completed.)) Omrie ran towards Satsuki as she fell to the ground. He put her head on his lap and checked her temperasture. It was rising. Not good. He looked at the Cak in his hand. It was no use if Yeua didn't come back with the Bitter Leaves. Omrie looked up and caught sight of Yeua. He was walking towards the creek. Omire shouted to get his attention. He looked up and saw him. He took off at a run towards Omrie. When he got there he was out of breathe. "I...got...the...leaves..." He handed a pile of leaves to Omrie. Omrie crushed them in his hand and threw the cak powder into the goey mess. It made a powder goo. Omrie put it into Satskui's mouth and held up her head to swallow the mixture. A few minutes later he checked her head. The fever was dropping. She would wake up soon. Omrie smiled. She was going to live.
  18. ((I won't be able to participate in this...I kind of already have enough on my plate...bit off more then I could chew...you have enough people anyways.))
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed]Cool. I'll join. Name: Renen Age: 21 Gender: Male Apperance: (I'll find a pic later...) Personality: Renen doesn't open up to many people. He has a short temper and is alsways ready for a fight. He is also known for his sarcasm. Renen basically says what's on his mind, which isn't the best thing all the time. Bio: Renen grew up with the average houshold. Nothing to special. Except for the attacks. Renen and his family would move around, trying to avoid the hotspots for attacks. Because of this Renen never made many friends. He also had and intense hate for all the people who attacked the island. Upon hearing the rumor about the ore and dragons one day, Renen set out with his pet wolf Bit, who he had had since childhood. He wanted to get back at the attackers. Animal: Wolf Animal's name: Bit Animal Description: A grey wolf with blue eyes. Noting to special. The wolf is completly obideint to Renen, obeying his every order. He also has a high degree of intellegence, understanding commands that are ussually hard for a dog/wolf to understand.[/COLOR]
  20. "Torn Apple? Damn-it, the antidote for that is some bitter leaves mixed with Cak rocks. Where the hell is Yeua?" Omrie glanced around again. The bitter leaves could fight the fever, but if mixed with the Cak it could fight the Apple Thorn. Omrie wlked away a few steps looking for the Cak stones. They were ussually by creeks like this one, but they were rare. He kept looking. Suddenly a orange rock caught his eye. He bent down and picked it up. The stone left a fine dust on his fingers. Cak was unrealistically frail, that's why it was so rare. Broke before anyone could get to it. Omrie ran back to Satsuki. But she wasn't there... "Shit! Where is she? She's delirious, she couldn't have gotten that far. Son of a bitch!" Omrie let out a long collection of curses, some even in the Nine Army language. He had to find her.
  21. Omrie looked towards where Yeua had dissapeared. Where was he? Omrie looked back at Satsuki. She was burning up and she was in a cold sweat. This looked pretty bad. Omrie took his jacket off and draped it over Satsuki. She took off his shirt and went to the creek. After soaking his shirt he put it on Satsuki's head. The trick was to keep the body warm but the head cold. Omrie looked again to where Yeua had went. Where the hell was he? He looked back to Satsuki. "Satsuki you got to fight it. Don't let it take you." It was more in her hands then his now.
  22. "No, you're not fine. You have a fever and a Nine army man just died. Even more he was a scout like the one that got me." Omrie carfully layed Satsuki on the ground. "My turn to be doctor..." he mumbled more to himslef then anyone else. "Yeua, I need some bitter leaves. You know what they are, right?" Yeua nodded. "Good. I think there's a creek nearby. Somewhere north, maybe about 200 yards. Through the woods. Meet me there." Omrie picked up Satsuki like an infant and began carrying her throught the woods. Funny. A week ago he would of kept going and forgotten about Satsuki. These emotion things really were changing him. For better or for worse he had yet to see.
  23. Entaro Tassadar, Executior. I shall join you in you noble quest to punish the ruthless invaders. Name: Tenais Age: 190 Gender: Male Race: Protoss Appearence: Tenais wears the traditional Zealot bottom (the yellow metal pants and big boots.) The top is mearly a brown shirt that's reinforced with metal. His wrists have his weapons on them. Class: Zelot - Templar in-training Psionic powers: The Templar physonic storm ability. Able to chanel small amounts of Templar energy. Starting weapons: Protoss Zealot phsyonic blades. Bio: Tenais is just a young Protoss. (Well, young in Protoss years) He is a Zealot and is know training to be a Templar one day. Being young, Tenais is rather reckless and doesn't have such a high sense of honor as other Protoss. Despite his recklessness and low sense of honor, Tenais is actually one of the most skilled Zealots. He is also rather skilled at Templar for his age and experiance.
  24. "Listen to Satsuki," Omrie mumbled under his breathe. He could definatly see it now. Before he didn't have any of his emotions. But know that he did he could see the obvious love for Satsuki Yeua had. Odd enough, Omri had had feelings like this. But know he knew they would never go any further. Just friends. Just. Friends. Omrie turned to Yeua. "Eh, you'll heal faster if you work out the muscles. I've done it before. Except it was my arms. Anyways, we should interogate these basards." Omrie glanced at the three scouts. They were knocked out. Omrie took out an arrow and thrust it into the throats of two of them. Without looking up he spoke. "Don't even try to tell me that was cruel. They would of been trouble so now they're dead. When the next one wakes up we'll interogate him then kill him."
  25. "God damn scouts!" Omrie shouted. He dove under a dart and dodged another with his speed. Quickly he drew out an arrow and knocked. He concentrated for a minute and charged it up. Omrie aimed to where the darts were and let it fly. This time it didn't let go of the charge. The arrow flew into the bushes and a splet second there was a small explosion. Three men garbed in dark black flew out, all of them knocked out, some of them exibiting broken limbs. "Got them."
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