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Everything posted by Makurayami
Omrie got out of the lake and dried off. He put his pants and shirt back on. "Do you have any idea what you are about to do? Take on the fiercest army to walk the earth. And with Yuea barely able to walk and you may deny it, but you're still not at 100 percent from when I hurt you. I don't think it's the wisest thing to go charging off." Omrie strapped his quiver around his belt as he talked. "Also I think we should form a plan. The Nine Army is a lot more tricky then we thought. I think the controller proved that." Omrie took out an arrow. "I also want to improve my new trick before we go into a fight." Omrie knocked the arrow and drew it back. A look of concentration came on his face. Tiny particles in thae air began to glow around Omrie's arrow. The particles attached themselves to the arrow until the arrow had a shaft of light. Omrie aimed at a tree and let it fly. The arrow flew towars the tree but lost its glow about a foot away from the tree. It thudded against the tree and stuck to the bark. "Damn. If I could just hold the charge... Anyways, I still think we should wait a bit."
Omrie fought off another wave of emotions. This was definetly different. And this emotion he felt when Yeua was talking to Satsuki? Jealousy? With a sigh Omrie took off his shirt and pants revealing his muscluar body. He had on some boxers underneath. He ran to the edge of the lake and made a flying leap. He made it past the shallow part and splashed into the deep end. His head bobed to the surface and he swam a bit. He then swam over to where Yuea and Satsuki were. He sat at the bottom of the shallow part. "Hmmm.....Jericho was good. I remeber hearing about him. But the commander...I dunno. The Nine Army fights differently from us." Omrie looked up and saw Satsuki and Yeua staring at him. "What?" "You know you're in your boxers?" Yuea said. "Yeah. It's not like I'm naked," Omrie replied, his eyes narrowing. "Anyways, could we get back to the mission?"
Omrie was in deep concentration. So much had just happened and he barely had time to go over it all. He decided to put it through in a scientific way - 1. His body had been ripped away and he had been on the verge of doing something really bad 2. He had fought Satsuki and Yeua and hurt them both. 3. He had somehow regained his body and was planning on leaving. Satsuki and Yeua had been through enough because of him. 4. Satsuki had thrown herself at Omrie begging him not to leave. To Omri this was odd. After all he had done she still wanted him around. 5. They now had an assasination mission. One that Yeua's friend had failed. Absent minded Omrie looked up. Satsuki was smiling at him. Without thinking he smiled back. That was odd. What happened to his ussual emotionless self? It was as if the controller had somehow opened the link that Omrie had burried so long ago. And he could feel something. What was it? "That's a lie, he has growing feelings for you. Feelings he doesn't want." Maybe he did. Looking up again Omrie noticed Satsuki there. "Time to go?" he said. She nodded.
Crap...I was hoping this would go.....
Inuyahsa rawks. I love it. I wish I could see it more since it comes on really late now. *SIGH* I guess I'll have to go get some DVDs. But I do want to get the new movie. And I think he would go for Kagome.
((I won't let this die!)) The body of Omrie spun around and drove Yeua into the wall. He spun again and drove him into another wall. Yeua's grip loosened a little. Omrie flipped Yeua off his back. Yeua crashed into the wall. Ormie kicked Yeua a few times and started walking off the the main office again. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The thief brought his dagger down, but Omrie dodged. He still had his unhuman speed. He dodged a few more swipes of the dagger. Then he kicked the thief in the chest. The thief flew through the air. Omrie held out his hand and a bow made out of the same substance as the thief's dagger appeared in his hand. Omrie drew back the string and an arrow formed in the bow. Omrie released the string. With a 'twang' the string propelled the arrow towards the thief. It hit him square in the chest. The theif fell and sttod still. Omrie flew up to him. "Damn you..." The thiefs last words. Omrie suddenly found himself in control of his body. Yeua laid on the ground and Stauki was a few feet away tied up. "What have I done..." muttered Omrie. He quickly knelt down and started rousing Yeua. When he started to come to Omrie went to Satsuki and untied her. She started to regain her senses. Omrie began to walk to the main office. "Omrie, where are you going?" shouted Yeua. Omrie turned around and face him. "To the main office. I'm going to ask for a discharge."
w00t, looks good, I'm in. Name: Xavior Von Dun (nickname - X) Appearance: Messy brown hair that sits on his head. His eyes are also brown. X is about 5' 11". He is not very muscular, but has some muscles, about average build. He is wairing a brown flannel shirt on top of a simple white muscle shirt. He is also wairing jeans that ae modertly baggy and sneakers. Bio: Xavior, who is 17, had a troubled childhood. When he was 12, his mom left his dad. Even though his mom and dad had been legally married, they never had any feelings of unity. Every night it was another fight. When his mom actually did leave, Xavior's dad turned into a drunken gambler. Most of the time Xavior was one his own. One night Xavior was up watching TV when his dad walked in. Like many other nights, his dad was drunk. X asked his dad when he was going to do something with himself. Xavior's dad, in a drunken rage, started throwing stuff at X. He managed to get out the door before getting hit, managing to grab his shoes. It was when he was out for a walk that he saw the portal. Some other people were there. One of them was Natene (I think that's demonchild781's character's name...) who was in Xavior's math class. When Natene (or whatever) walked into the portal, Xavior followed. Befriended creature: A komshi. Creature's appearance: A komshi has thick grey fur covering its whole body. It basically has the body of a wolf except's face lloks like a crocodile's covered in fur. The komshi stands on all fours and is about three feet high. The komshi that acompanies X is about 6 years old and is an animal that gets hurt. Xavior helps him out so the animal grows attached to him. (This will probably happen during the RPG.)
Omire's body nailed Satsuki in the face with a punch as she came flying forward. Blood spurt from Satsuki's nose from the force of the blow. Satsuki fell back and Omrie's body snapped his arm, catching the whip as it flew threw the air. He took a few moments to wrap up Satsuki. Then he was off. Towards the main office. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Omrie flipped back and dodged the punch. He dodged another left hook and then a right uppercut. Omrie then threw a punch into the thief's gut. The thief doubled over and took a fist into the face. The thief slew back and regained control in mid-air. He was strong, but Omrie's fist were fueled by anger. And another emotion. Another one that Omrie had kept hidden for a long time. Suddenly the thief held out his hand. A dagger appeared in his hand. The dagger seemed to be made out of liquid-light. The thief slashed it at Omrie. Omrie fell back, taken by surprise. The thief raised his dagger on Omrie. "Now you're mine!!"
'NOOO!' Omrie shouted in his mind. He had watched the whole thing through his eyes. He had felt Satsuki's neck in his hand. And he had felt her body go limp. Now he could feel the smile that was spreading across his face. That was it. He was fed up. Suddenly he found himself in a black void. Every now and then there would be a flash of color. Omrie looked at himself. He was wairing the same clothes that he had been wairing. But somehow he felt lighter. Suddenly it hit him. He was floating. Omrie experimentaly pushed to the right. He drifted right. Suddenly he saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was the thief. "Where am I?!" shouted Omrie. "In your mind!" the thief shouted back. Suddenly he flew forword and threw a punch at Omrie. It all became clear the second he threw that punch. This was Omrie's mind and these two were fighting for control over it. This was one fight Omrie couldn't afford to lose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Omrie's body dropped Satsuki to the floor. She slumped into a pile. Quickly he glanced at Yeua. Without another look Omrie's body darted off. He was again heading towards the main office. The place where they kept a record on all the fighters. The place where the grand master was.
Omrie stood in his room. He had managed to regain control before he entered the base. He had changed his clothes, now wairing a pair of black shorts that reached his knees and were fairly baggy and a long-sleeved aqua-blue shirt. His jacket and traveling gear hung in his closet. Omrie paced his room. His mind was racing, trying to find a way to get the spy out of his head. Suddenly Omrie jerked, his body became tense as if he was gettting shocked by lightning. Omrie stumbled, knocking over a few things that were placed on his desk. The voice was trying to take control again. Suddenly Omrie regained his composure. But Omrie wasn't in control. "Now I got you. HAHA!!" laughed the voice. Omrie's body began to walk out of his room. It walked down the hall. A kid ran into him. It was one of the kids playing tag. "Sorry.." muttered the kid. Omrie picked the kid up and threw him down the hall. Satsuki, who saw the whole thing through her open door, ran out and started shouting at Omrie. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT? HE'S JUST A KID!!" Omrie turned around and looked at Satsuki. Except instead of his normal lifeless facial expression, his face was twisted into a look of extreme hate. Suddenly his face snapped into a expression of fear. "Satsuki, help me, it's in my head, it's the-" The face twisted into the look of hatred once more and then Omrie turned around and began to run down the hall. He was running towards the main office.
Omrie slid his bow over his shoulder and put his arrow away. He had no idea why he had done that. For some reason his body had acted on his own. Omrie shook off the feeling and walked after Satsuki. She was right about one thing - they had to get back to the base. As he walked he suddenly lost control of his body again. It kept walking but Omrie didn't even try. The man who had cast the spell on him suddenly appeared in his mind. The man started talking, but this time Omrie understood him. "HAHA...when I said I had a good use for you I meant it. Now I will find the location of the base and there is nothing you can do about it!"
Omrie, being released fomr his prison, had ran to put some distance between himself and the battle. His arrows worked best when at a distance. Yeua was fighting one. Carefully Omrie aimed and fired an arrow into his chest. The target moved and it hit him in the armpit. Yeua took the chance to finish him off. There were two more left, but they were weaker and Yeua could take care of them no problem. Omrie turned around and came face to face with Satsuki, who still looked pissed off. Omrie looked back at her, betraying no emotion of any sort.
Omrie crouched in a tree. It was a fairly big tree and he had quite a lot of room to manuver in. Silently he slipped out some arrows and pulled a vile out off his jacket and poured a few drops onto each arrow. Odds were that the scouts would have were-beasts and this poison would definitly do the trick. He used about half the bottle. He had five arrows that had poison tips. Quietly he sat and waited for the scouts. About an half and hour later he heard rustling in the bushes. Quickly he knocked an arrow. Three were-beasts emerged and they were followed by four scouts, each one clad in black cloth with a black cloth hiding thier face. They all seemed like handlers. 'That explains the were-beast. It must have gotten free from these guys.' Omrie aimed and let his arrow fly. It hit a were-beast in the neck and he fell down, the poison taking effect. The handlers looked around baffled by the sudden attack. By the time they were able to draw their small swords Omrie had used his other four arrows to bring down the other two were-beasts. The spys spotted Omrie and lept with unhuman speed into the tree. Omri leeped out of the tree, knocking an arrow in midair. He shot it as he landed. The spy batted it away and Omrie knocked another arrow. But before Omrie could shoot it the spy held up his hand. Omrie was suddenly encased in a glass orb that had a yellowish tinge to it. He had heard about these. Impossible to break without magic. "Damn, I'm screwed.." Omrie muttered. The spy walked over to him and laughed. He rambled something in the wierd languauge of the Nine Army followed by a wicked laugh. Omrie had no idea what he said. What he had said was "Now we got you. There are probably others following you. Fool, to confront us alone. Oh well, you may prove usefull to us yet..."
"Son of a bitch. This is all I need." Omrie stood in the middle of the path. Yuea's words were running through his mind. "You really are a heartless bastard Omrie." 'I guess I am a heartless bastard...' he thought to silently to himself. While at the school he had never had any friends so he had buried himself into his training. Obviously he had buried his emotions as well. Omrie looked towards the path that lead to their objective. The other path that Yuea and Satsuki had went down. Without looking back he began to run down the path towards the enemy, away from his team. Within a few minutes any trace of him dissapeared and he dissappeared in the distance.
'Great. So Yuea and Satsuki have a "conection" and I'm the odd man out. This team is seriously bullshit,' Omrie thought silently. He was seriously starting to get fed up with this team. "A bunch of freaking wusses I got here. 'Could of killed somebody.' That's war. No one fights just to see who wins and who loses. You fight till the end." Omrie looked up to see Yuea and Satsuki staring at him. "Shit, I didn't just say that out loud...."
Omrie lashed out and hit another man in the nose. He then jumped back as the man tried to hit him. Another man grabbed him and put him in a nelson. Another man tried to punch him in the face, but Omrie moved his head. The man hit the other man and Omrie was released. He punched the man in the gut and smashed his elbow into the other man's face. Omrie didn't even know who he was hitting anymore. He could feel himself slippping into his battle rage. And he let himself.
Omrie looked around the bar. There were a few men that were giving him odd looks. 'Drunk locals...' Omrie thought to himself. He looked up to the bartender. "Hey, give me another beer." "You already had one. Aren't you a little young?" "I'm old enough to be a fighter. Now give me a beer." "What-ever.." The bartender slid Omrie another beer. Omrie took a big drink. Suddenly one of the drunks got up and walked over to Omrie. "You say you a fighter, boy..." Omrie glanced at the man but took no attention. Suddenly the man swung his fist hitting Omrie's beer. It fell to the floor and spilled. "Now your mine." Omrie was to his feet quicker then lightning. Quickly his fist lashed out and hit the man square in the nose. The man grasped his nose. Omrie drove another fist into the man's gut with even more speed then the last blow. The man fell to the ground. Suddenly almost all the men in the bar were on their feet. Omrie took off his coat and threw it on the table. "This is going to be a long night..."
Omrie ran just behind Satsuki. His breathing was controled and he was going pretty steady. He could see the town coming up. "I'm gunna win!" Satsuki shouted. As soon as she shouted Omrie bolted. Yeua ran with Omrie, not as fast, but still at a good speed. Suddenly Omrie moved with an amazing speed, the same speed he had used in his fight. He passed Satsuki and stepped into the town. Yeua ran passed Satsuki behind Omrie. Turning around Omrie looked at Satsuki with a smug smile. "I win."
Omrie ran besides Satsuki. After a few minutes they found Yuea standing in the middle of the path in a daze. Omrie walked up besides him. "Are you OK?" He looked at Omrie as if he had just seen a ghost. "Yuea, are you ok?"
Omrie smiled as he walked away from Satsuki. There was really more to her then met the eye. He walked to the stream and found his shirt, boots and coat. Hastily he threw them on. His trenchcoat swished around his ankles. Brushing his wet hair out of his icy blue eyes, Omrie began to walk back to the group. While walking he practiced his silent walking. As he came to the camp he walked up behind Satsuki. She didn't even notice him. "Boo," Omrie whispered behind her. Satsuki jumped about three feet and spun around to face him.
"Damn. Sometimes I hate being a range attacker..." Omrie muttered as he looked at the dead animal. He walked over and plucked his arrow out of the creature. Turns out it had it it's neck and there was blood oozing out. "Damn thing kept going," Omrie remarked as he looked at the neck wound. Normally it would cripple a beast but the were-beasts kept fighting till they were dead. Omrie began to fall into deep thought as he walked back to "his" stream. 'The other two must think I'm worthless. I just run to them when ever I'm in a fight. And when I am in a fight I screw up. Damn-it.'
Omrie smiled as he swam in the water. He had crept down to the stream and walked up stream a bit as to not disturb Yeua and Satsuki. The stream bended many times so it was easy to hide. Once he felt he was out of sight he had taken off his clothes and began bathing. It actually felt good. Suddenly Omri stood up. Something didn't feel right. He knew it. Quietly he got out of the stream and put on his pants, which still had the quiver belt on. He picked up his bow and knocked and arrow out of instinct. The bushes started to rustle. Omrie aimed his bow right at them. Without warning a beast came bursting out. It was a were-beast, one of the evil dogs used by the Nine Army. The were-beast was like a giant dog but his hind legs were longer then natural dogs. This alowed him to rear form time to time. He was covered in a shaggy grey fur and his lips were peeled back revealing his fangs. Omrie launched an arrow into the thing. It let out a howl. Omrie then bolted towards Yeua and Satsuki, still only clad in his pants.
Omrie chuckled as Yeua walked in the direction of Satcuki. He wasn't that stupid. A few minutes later he heard Satsuki shouting. Omrie shook his head. Walking around the camp Omrie stepped on his trenchcoat. He had decided he wasn't going to bring it last night. But today it seemed like a big waste. With a sigh Omrie put his coat on. He would just have to remeber to take it off when he fought.
Omrie woke up in the morning. He had slept well, only waking up once during the night. He picked himself up, testing his bandages. He seemed to be fine. Hesitantly, he walked a few steps and then ran a few more. He seemed to be back to normal. Omrie lifted his shirt and looked at his bandages. They seemed to be ok. 'Better leave them on a few more days,' he thought to himself. One thing struck Omrie as he stood there. Hunger. He hadn't eaten the night before. Queitly, Omrie picked up his bow and walked into the woods. A few minutes latter, Omrie came out dragging six squirels. Each had an arrow in it. Stoking the fire, Omrie put each squirel on a spit. He then put the squirels into the fire. Before he had he had taken out the arrows. 'Have to re-use arrows out here,' Omrie thought. Just as the squirels were almost done Satsuki and Yeua began to stir. The smell seemed to be waking them up. "Morning," Omrie said.
"Yeah stir fry's fine.." Omrie muttered. He was starting to become sleepy. "Actually on second thought, forget me for dinner." Omrie pulled off his trenchcoat. After thinking he had decided that this was the reason he hadn't dogded the blow. The trenchcoat made him slower because it was fluttery near the bottom. He never did wear the trenchcoat for fighting, just traveling. Omrie layed the trenchcoat on the ground. "I'm leaving this here..." he muttered to himself. Clad in only his jeans and red shirt, Omrie leaned back a little. He lifted up his arm and shoved the shot into it. He then pushed the end and injected it into him. Moments later he was dozing under the tree.