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Everything posted by Makurayami

  1. Omrie pulled himself into a sitting position against a tree. He was starting to feel beter actually. Omrie cursed under his breathe. 'How could I have been so stupid? I should of completly dogded that bastard. I can't believe myself...' he thought to himself. Looking over he saw Satsuki. She smiled at him as she noticed he was looking at him. "I'm sorry..." Omrie muttered. "I really haven't been the best teammate....it's just back at the school I wasn't with others much because there were barely anyone else that trains with the bow. And I was so good I moved up into the higher classes rather quick. I was always with people at least four years older then me.... I never really had any friends. I'm not to used to hanging with other people. I was always training in my free time because I had no one to hang out with..." Omrie sighed as he finished talking.
  2. Omrie stumbled again but regained his composure before he hit the ground. Cursing under his breathe he continued on. The sun was starting to go down. He figured they could probably get another hour of walking in before it was dark. It wasn't smart to travel after dark and Omrie knew this. "Let's go, another hour and then we stop..." Omrie muttered to his two companions.
  3. Omrie threw off Satsuki's arm and walked a few stpes in front of her. "I'll heal. I always heal quickly." He stumbled a step then regained his composure. "We're going north." Omrie began to walk in the North direction, stumbling every few steps. He turned arouond and found that the others were just watching him. "Come on, we got a job to do!" Omrie shouted back angrily.
  4. Omrie sighed as Satsuki asked where they were going. He took a step to point to where they were going. Suddenly he fell to his knees. With a groan he got back up, cluching his side. "What's wrong?" asked Yeua. "Just something I got into earlier," Omrie moaned. -----------------------FLASHBACK------------------------- Omrie walked down one of the back alleys. He had noticed how Satsuki had been keeping an eye on him. This disgusted him. He didn't need babysitting. So while Satsuki had been watching something else, Omrie had slipped away. While walking down an alley a few men had gathered on the other side. Actually they were about 18-21. There were four of them. As Omrie came closer one had shouted at him. "Hey punk, you better give us all your money or else." The man had a large club in his hand. The other three also had clubs. "Give you my money? Why don't you all screw off you assholes," Omrie replied in a calm tone. While talking one of his hands had carefully reached his bow and another had reached into his quiver belt and grasped an arrow. "That's it smart-ass! You're dead!!!" The one that had been talking jumped at Omrie, swinging his club. Being an archer, Omrie didn't have the ability to be able to block moves like other types of fighters. So, Omrie depended on his agility. And, because of his training, his agility was above that of other humans. Omrie jumped back and knocked his arrow. The man swung the club down. Seeing an open part Omrie shot his arrow into the back of his shoulder. The man shouted in pain and fell to the ground. The three other men jumped in on Omrie. One leaped and swung his club downwards while another swung his club at Omrie's feet. Omrie jumped into the air and knocked another arrow at the same time. The man in the air seemed like he was going to hit Omrie, but at the last second Omrie shot the man in the stomach. The man fell, his club grazing Omrie's left side as he did. The other two gapped at there two wounded comrades. Omrie came down on one, stabbing him with an arrow in the back. He then knocked the arrow and shot it into the other man's shoulder. All the men layed around Omrie, writhing in pain. Omrie wlked out of the alley. As he came to the opening he fell to his knees. "Damn, that club must of hit me harder then I thought." Seeing Satsuki again he picked himself up, hoping she didn't see him. His fights were his own problems, she didn't need to concern herself with him. --------------------END----FLASHBACK----------------------------- "Shit," Omrie mutter as he picked himself up.
  5. Omrie's eyes narrowed as he talked. His eyes were keener then mostly all other people, one thing that let him use a bow so well. "We need to pick our way through this crowd and make our way out of the city. Even with my eyes I'm having trouble picking out a spot to walk through." "I don't think we can stick together. There just isn't enough room to walk three across." Omrie released his arm from Satsuki's. "I'm going on my own. I'll meet you on the west edge of town by sun-down. You can come with my if you want. But I'm not babysitting you. You have to keep up with me." Omrie started to walk into the crowd of moving people. He started making his way through. 'Maybe I can take the back streets and alleys...' he thought to himself.
  6. "Anyways, about my parents. Not really a good matter with me. Ya see, I'm the son of a farmer. All my ancesters were farmers. Just plowing thier fields until thier life wasted away. I hated farming. I felt useless. I got into a big argument with my father about it. After that I ran away and joined the school, thinking maybe I could do something useful with my life..." Omrie trailed off as he completed his tale. He got up and walked away to go look out the window. "Maybe I shouldn't have brought this up...." Yuea said to himself.
  7. Omrie watched Satsuki walk away. As she walked away his eys was caught by her butt. 'Nice ass...' he thought. 'Wait, she's my team-mate. I can't think like this. Then again, she is pretty hot.' Just then Yeua walked in, interrupting Omrie's thought's. Omrie's looked to Yeua, tearing his eyes away from Satsuki. "You ok? It looked like you had a pretty nasty fall when you got on the train."
  8. Omrie sat down on a seat. The train cart had two rows with two seats in each row. Omrie took his bow off his shoulder. It was about four feet long and was a nice looking bow. He inspected it, making sure it wasn't damaged when he was thrown in. It seemed to be fine. Ormie pulled back the string. There was nothing wrong with it. Satsuki walked in the cart and took the seat next to him. "That your weapon?" Omrie nodded. "My bow's my pride and joy."
  9. Omrie snorted as he stood in line. Who did this girl think she was? Omrie waited quietly instead of protesting though. The teachers walked in. "As some of you might have guessed, we are graduating you all. Come forward to recieve you dilploma and assignment." Omrie walked in a line with the other students. So he was off to fight the Nine Army...
  10. Omrie looked up as a girl with blue hair came into the room. 'So others were called,' he thought. He had been called to go to the main hall. No teachers were there yet, so he figured he would just wait to see what would happen. Lately many students had been graduating. He had assumed that he probably was going to be graduated. Omrie walked over to the girl. "We might be put together so I think we should get to know eachother. I'm Omrie. What's your name?"
  11. Name: Omrie Sunaga Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Human Apperance: Has black hair that reaches the middle of his neck in the back. The front is cut short. His eyes are a icy blue. He wairs a black leather trench coat that has the sleeves cut off. The thrench coat goes down to his ankles. He wears a shirt underneath that's red. His pants are blue jeans that are torn in one knee. He was boots on his feet. Weapons: A four foot long bow. His quiver is worn at his belt. Magic: Can add some energy from the air into his arrowss when he wants to. Bio: Omrie was a son of a farmer. All of his ancestors were farmers. Wanting to do something with his life, Ormie ran away and joined the defense school. He had an unatural ability with the bow. He became proficient with the bow, his acuracy close to about 98%. He also learned how to grabb random magic particals floating in the air and put them into his arrows for a more powerful shot. With the Nine Army coming he was graduated and assigned to a squad.
  12. Marjax quickly mastered his fright. He was stronger then the light one. He hadn't fused with his spirit yet. That ment that he still didn't have complete control over all of his powers. Marjax smiled to himself. ((By the way, who's playing Leon? It seems as if everyone just plays him.))
  13. Makurayami

    Linkin Park

    I also like Linkin Park. They're music rocks and the songs lyrics get me thinking about stuff. Definatly one of my favorite bands.
  14. Zan releases his Gyarados. "Gyarados, it's bedtime." Gyarados curls up on the ground, leaving room for Zan in the middle. Zan crawled into the middle. "I'm going to sleep Andrea. You should do the same. We'regetting an early start tommorrow." Zan laid back and took off his jacket. He then draped it over him like a blanket. Pikachu curled up next to him. Within a few minutes he was out cold.
  15. ((Sorry for not posting for so long....internet trouble. Damn this dial-up)) Marjax looked down on the chosen ones. He was in the air above them, his black wings silently flaping from time to time to keep him in the air. 'They saved themselves. They're stronger then I thought...' Marjax's eye came to rest upon Leon. 'What?! I can sense the light, the twin sword of darkness. That boy has it.' Marjax silently flapped his wings and flew onto the roof of the warehouse. there was a shadow casted upon it by a tree. Marjax melted into the shadow and reapeared behind Ami. Except he was in the shadow, so he couldn't be seen, heard or sensed. 'Let's see who this light-one is.'
  16. Zan walked under a tree. It had just turned dark and he was getting tired. "Hey Andrea, over here!" Andrea walked over. "We'll be staying here for the night, ok? It's up to you to get your own food. Consider it part of your training." Zan walked to the bottom of the tree. "Pikachu, go!" Pikachu ran up the tre and grabbed a branch. He then jumped branch to branch. When he got to the top he saw some fruit. Pikachu grabbed some and threw it down. Zan caught it. Pikachu then grabbed a fruit in each hand and juped down Zan caught him. "Good boy Pikachu. Now we got something to eat." He sat down under the tree and began eating.
  17. Are you really goneing to shut this down? I was away for a while but I'm back so I can continue.
  18. I love the new episodes. I think they are a major improvement. Motoko rocks. And I agree with you, they are a lot more easier to understand then the others.
  19. "A bit further on this route. It's in Mahogany town." The Swinnub let out a whimper. It was going to die. "But Andrea. That doesn't matter. I hate to tell you this but there is no cure for the depression. I think the best thing we can do know is just make it comfortable..." Zan cringed. He hated this.
  20. "We can try." Zan didn't want to have to be the one to break it to her. There was no cure for the depression. Zan and many other trainers had tried long and hard to look for one. But in the end they had failed. "Come on, lets hurry." Zan ran to the next patch of ice and slid across.
  21. "About three more. And don't worry about your lantern. Pikachu can take care of the light." They walked on in silence for a few minutes. "I rember when you couldn't get through here without running into a herd of Swinnub." Zan stopped talking for a while. They then came to the next ice floor. "I'll go across first. Then you come. Just follow Pikachu's light.
  22. "Oh yes, the ice floor." Zan smiled. "Follow me. This is the quickest way across." Zan got a running start and then jumped on the ice. He slid all the way to the other side. "Come on!" he shouted from the other side. "Pikachu, give me some light." Pikachu let out a small flash. There was a light that lit up 5 feet in every direction around Zan.
  23. Kira Yamato - He's kinda filent and emotional, always thinking about why he should fight and such. But when he does fight....wow.
  24. "I know a place to train. The Wirlpool Islands. Their are kinda hard to get to but make great training grounds. We're gonna have to go thourgh Mahogany, Ecruteak and Olivine to get there. It sounds long, but hey, getting there's half the fun." Zan was quiet for a minute, thinking about where to stay. "I think we'll just camp out tonight. It'll toughen up your pokemon and you too. Come on, I want to be half way to Mahogany by night fall." Zan started walking in the direction of Mahogany town with Andrea following him.
  25. Marjax smiled as he watched Ami being dragged down. Being the darkness-one he was able to travel in this world without a problem. He often came here to rest and think. He had came here after fighting the chosen ones. 'It is so fun to watch them squirm. They have no idea when I shall strike again.' Marjax thought to himself. "You should have finished them off," came a voice. "Who's there?" yelled Marjax. A large wave of darkness flowed out of Marjax's sword scabard. I formed a man with wings. "Oh, it's you Makurayami. What do you want.?" "You should have finished them off. You had the advantage." "Makurayami, you know that I haven't completly mastered my powers yet. It was risky pulling the trick back in the warehouse. If I use to much of my power without experiance I will be sucked into the black void." "Which is why I will help you!!" Makurayami lunged at Marjax. Marjax's entire body became covered in darkness. When it cleared he looked different. He had black wings coming out of his back and his hair was longer. His clothes were pretty much the same except his jacket Was longer and went down to his ankles. "Well, this is new.." OOC: The picture below of Sephiroth is what I'm using for Makurayami. I also posted the Marjax pic again. They look so much alike it's not really hard to picture the fusion. Oh, and I'm changing it so that both of his wings are black, not just one. Makurayami means total darkness.
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