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Everything posted by Makurayami

  1. OOC: It's ok I guess, I just don't like people controling my character. I kind of overreacted, sorry. "Sure I'll travel with you. Training you will be a good workout for me. A wise man once said 'If you want to learn something, teach it!'. And if you get good enough we might even be able to find some fire stones for your pokemon. That's if you want." Zan smiled. He like this kid. If she got good enough he felt that they could easily team up. Taking her under his wing could be fun. "Even if the others want to train, I think I will still go my seperate way. We could keep in touch, by phone, but I think people train better when they are in smaller groups. Easier to concentrate."
  2. "Not at all. I used to have 30 pokemon. I would switch around, training each party evenly. I wanted to be the best. Then the deprssion struck. My two weakest pokemon, Pikachu and Magikarp, were the only ones to survive. I trained them and traveled the world. I've been everywhere in Kanto, Johto and Hohen. That's how I heard the legend." Seeing the confused look on Andrea's face Zan continued. "The legend is that the depression will end when the trainers worthy of the title pokemon masters appear. With the rise of the pokemon masters a rainbow bird pokemon shall appear and test their skill. If they beat him then the depression shall end and all shall be well again. If they don't, then he shall fly away never to return again. After hearing this I habve trained hard. But it has become apparent to me today that I need to train harder."
  3. I love the game and I am unbeatable with Zelda/Shiek. I run circles around my friends and when they aren't expecting it I hit them. I love the speed. Ad my favorite level is probably Zebes with Kraid. Being Shiek I am fast so I can jump all over the level. While my friends try to keep up I usually hit them.
  4. OOC: Darn-it! Didn't I just ask if you wouldn't control my character! If you wanted to have a fight between me and the TR you could have posted then waited for me to reply. This is a Pole Playig Game. Role play your own character and let me take care of mine. Don't let it happen again. Zan had walked away while Aku had battled looking at the pokeball that held Gyarados. 'If I had knew he was that strong I would have used Pikachu....darn-it...I have to stop getting cocky after my wins...' he thought. Putting the pokeball into his jacket he looked at Pikachu. "Sorry man. I should have used you. I keep getting too cocky." Pikachu lightly hit him on the head as if to say "You goofed!". "Yeah I know...." Zan walked back to the group. "Are we ready to go?" OOC: DON'T CONTROL MY CHARACTER!!!!!
  5. "Out of my way! I haven't even relesed my spirit yet. I probably won't have to. But for now I'll leave you to lick your wounds. Trust me. I will be back." Marjax faded into the a shadow on the wall and was gone.
  6. Marjax disolved into the wall. Suddenly the warehouse lights went out. It was pitch black. Grey waved his hand in front of his fae. He couldn't see it. Grey was kicked in the gut. He then was thrown into the wall. He tried punching back but hit nothing. Meanwhile the same thing was happening to the other chosen ones. They were being thrown all around the place but when they tried to fight back they hit nothing. "I can be everywhere and nowhere all at once!" Marjax's voice came out of nowhere. Suddenly a scream ripped through Ami's thoart. Her wing was now just a stump.
  7. "Nice to meet you Andrea. I've trained Gyarados since he was a Magikarp. He and Pikachu here are the only pokemon of mine that survived the depression. Us three have been through a lot together." Zan looked at the group they were in. 'Quite the gang,' he thought to himself. "So what are we going to do about the DTs? And how powerful are you guys? If we have some real firepower the DTs shouldn't be much of a problem." Zan held up a pokeball and returned Gyarados. He then put the pokeball into his leather jacket.
  8. "ARGH! Foolish girl. You will pay!" The cuff holding Carson released and let her fall. Under her spiked formed out of the shadows. They were about four feet tall and there were a lot of them.
  9. OOC: Could no one else control my character no more. He now seems like the happy do-good person. That's not how I wanted him. Zan saw the TRs. "Get out of here, no one likes you. And anyways TR doesn't exist anymore." "Hey kid, who do you think you are?" shouted one TR, a man in his mid twenties. "Let's take him. GO ARBOK!" shouted the other, a man innhis mid twenties. "Go Raticate!" "Fine, I'll teach you a lesson. Go Gyrados!" Zan reached into his jacket and released a Gyarados from a pokeball. "Raticate, hyper fang!" "Arbok, poison sting!" As the Raticate lept at Gyarados he merely smacked it down with his tail. Raticate fell to the ground hard. He was defeated. Arbok shot poison sting needles at Gyarados. "Gyarados, dragon rage!" Gryarados shot a stream of blue fire at the Arbok. The Arbok was momentarily engulfed with flames. When they cleared Arbok was on the ground, defeated. The two TRs returned their pokemon. "Quick run before he gets angrier!" They took off running as fast as they could.
  10. The cuff holding Carson's left arm disappeared. Carson was left hanging by just her right arm. "You don't know the half of my power. At the park I underestimated for you. Something I will never do again." Marjax looked back to Ami and Cat. "The choice is yours. But you may want to hurry. My patience grows thin." One of the cuffs holding Grey, the one on his left ankle, dissappeared, leaving him with only three more.
  11. "I'm Zanteksuken, though people call me Zan for short. Are you guys looking for the DTs? If so I'll help. I hate those guys. Always bothering me since I beat some of their trainers." Zan's eye wondered to the girl with the TR uniform on. "Team Rocket? Are you kidding me. It's because of you guys that the depression started. Because of you guys that I lost most of my pokemon. I'm amazed you even have the guts to show that uniform out in daylight." Zan gave no effort to hide to cold hatred in his voice as he spoke to Aku.
  12. "Oh foolish children. I will destroy you!" Marjax flicked his finger at Grey. A geyser spouted from under him and shot up, hitting Grey. It pushed Grey up to the ceiling. When he hit the ceiling cuffs of shadow sprung out and clamped onto his arms and legs. Flicking his finger again he released Ami and Cat. "Give me your items or I will drop the fire-one." Carson was suddenly wrenched to the ceiling, left dangling only by her arms. "And if you continue to resist, I will drop the water-one as well."
  13. 16-year-old Zanteksuken walked around Blackthorn. He was thinking about entering the tournament, but decided not to. His Pikachu was on his shoulder. Usually Pikachus were friendly and generaly happy Pokemon. But this one had a grim look on his face and an x-shaped scar on his forehead. Zan saw a group of kids talking. They were saying something about the Dark Trainers. Deciding to follow them he walked a ways behind them. 'If they're DTs I'll take them out. If not...well we'll see,' Zan thought. Then he saw the Raichu. It was blue and silver. Zan ran over to them. "Where did you get that Raichu?" Zan was getting excited. It had been a long time since he had seen a different color pokemon. They had become even rarer since the depression.
  14. The door flew off it's hinges right into Ami. There stood Marjax, sword drawn. He put out his hand and the shadows lept from the wall and grabbed hold of Carson. "If you want to see your friend, bring your item and the others' items to the old warehouse at the corner of Elm street. I would do it myself..." Marjax flicked his sword. "...but the items can only be removed by their owners." Marjax began to melt into the shadows, bringing Carson with him. "I'll be waiting for you."
  15. Marjax stood up in a tree. He had gotten there by going into a shadow under water. He was watching Ami and Carson. From what he could pick up from the conversation they were going to find the other chosen ones. 'Maybe I should wait and fight them when they are all together. They beat me last time. But I won't underestimate them again.' Marjax looked into the shadow the tree was casting on the ground. He jumped off the tree and into the shadow. When his body hit the shadow it was as if he were being absorbed. His body was swallowed up and he disappeared.
  16. The man laughed. It was a deep chilling laughter, one that sent goosebumps onto the arms of the girls. "I am Marjax. And the sword? It's for this." Marjax brought the sword up and swung it downwards at the girls. It whistled through the air as it headed for it's victims.
  17. While Carson and Ami were looking at the orb of water, a man appeared out of a shadow. He walked up behind the girls. "Having fun?" his deep voice rumbled. As Carson and Ami spun around, the man drew his sword.
  18. I love Evanescene. I did since I first heard them on the radio. I love there songs. I also think their music videos are cool too. I get a lot of grief at school, because Evanescene is "uncool". But I still stick by my opion and I still listen to them.
  19. I'll join. This sounds fun and I can't resist a good RPG! :ball: :ball: :ball: :ball: [b]Name:[/b] Zanteksuken (Zan for short) [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Pokemon with you:[/b] Pikachu (not your average happy Pikachu, but a grim looking Pikachu with a x-shaped scar on it's forhead), Gyarados [b]Starter Pokemon:[/b] Pikachu (kinda...his original starter pokemon is dead) [b]Personality:[/b] Is quiet and doesn't say much. (Tough guy act) [b]bio:[/b] Was alive before the depression and was training to become a pokemon master. Then the depression struck. Almost all of his pokemon were wiped out besides two. His Pikachu and his Magkarp. He trained his Magikerp until it evovled into Gyarados. He now goes from town to town trying to train so he might become on of the masters and end the depression. [b]Description:[/b] Average height - 5' 10". Where's a blck leather jacket over a red shirt. Also wears jeans and sneakers. His hair is white and goes down to his ears. He has icy-blue eyes. Pikachu usually is on his shoulder.
  20. I'll join as the villian if you still want. Name:Marjax Age: 25 Elemental Item: Sword Element: Darkness Looks like this except minus the bird and he wears the sword at his waist.
  21. Is it your echo? It makes sense for the first two lines...the last two confuse me...
  22. I like Gundam SEED. It is one of my favorites, as well as Gundam Wing. I like them both but can't say which is better. They both have different storylines, different point of views, and different character aspects. I think if you watch them both you get the best of both worlds.
  23. Pretty good, I like the first one the best.
  24. Uh...that's definatly wierd. Like some others have said, just leave him alone, he'll grpw out of it.
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