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Thank-you for your try, but it's not quite what I'm looking for. I was hoping for something with a little more photoshop work done to it. I perfer my siggys to be more old-fashioned I guess. The request is still open for anyone who wants to try.
I call them siggys, others call them banners - whatever, they're all the same. Anyways - Pic: [IMG]http://accel98.mettre-put-idata.over-blog.com/0/38/65/34/bleach/ichigo-hollow2-copie.png[/IMG] Words: "XYZ" and underneath it "The Beast Within" That's really all I want. Everything else is up to the artist. Thanks in advance.
Ryoku kept walking towards his room as he noticed Dawn walking past him. She looked distraught and Ryoku briefly thought he should comfort her. 'She needs someone to talke to; even you can see that' his inner voice said. Ryoku knew that. He wanted to walk up to her and give her a hug. He wanted to tell her everything would be ok. But he couldn't gather the nerve to do so. Why? Why was he so nervous all the time? Why was he the shy one? Ryoku hated himself sometimes for the way he acted. Looking up, Ryoku noticed he was at his door. His feet had kept walking while his mind was thinking. His hand reached up to turn the door knob, but then he stopped. His eyes squinted in a look of determination and he turned around. He began walking at a brisk pace towards the girls rooms. Ryoku kept walking until he saw Dawn in the doorway of her room. A faint happiness grew inside him as he continued towards her. But then he stopped dead in his tracks. He didn't know how he couldn't of seen him before, but Galian was standing in front of Dawn, talking to her. Ryoku was just close enough to hear. "Will you go out with me?!" The happiness that had been sparking inside Ryoku instantly vanished. Ryoku turned around, careful to make sure he wasn't heard by the other two as he made a hasty retreat. This shouldn't bother him so much. Galian was making Dawn happy. But why was that simple question burning in Ryoku's mind like a hot dagger? Why was he so upset over this?
Ryoku stood parlyzed by Dawn's actions. How easy it was for some girls to manipulate him. But yet, this felt slightly different. Did Ryoku like it when Dawn did this to him...? Shaking his head, he snapped out of it. He waved his hand, his keyblade disappearing in a flash of light. Glancing over at Dawn, he noticed Galian was back talking to her. He suddenly felt irritated at how Galian was so nonchalant, so relaxed where Ryoku was always bumbling and nervous. "...do you want me to fight Ryuko?" "No, I will tomorrow." Ryoku caught part of the conversation. He started walking back towards the dorm ((i assume its getting late)), walking past Galian on the way. "I'll be waiting for you...and d-don't underestimate m-me," Ryoku said to Galain. He continued walking, slightly mortified that he had stammered and had probably made his threat nothign but laughable to Galian. 'Nothing to do now but show him tommorrow,' Ryoku thought to himself as he walked.
((Revive...)) Ryoku looked nervously at Dawn. He had to fight her? He didn't know why this bothered him so much. Was it because she was a girl. No. Was it because she was weak? No. Was it because she was a pretty girl whom Ryoku had trouble talking to let alone dueling? Yeah, that sounded about right. Gathering his nerve, Ryoku held out his hand and summoned his red keyblade. Still holding it down, he looked nervously at Dawn. "Well then...shall we?" he said in a small voice, trying to push as much confidence as he could into it.
Ryoku walked through the grounds, letting the rain fall down on him, his red hair soaked and sticking to his head. As he walked, he thought about what Prof. Memnom had said and how the hearless had attacked almost immediatly after the warning was issued. Ryoku had been nowhere near the attack, but he knew vaguly the boy who was attacked. Ryoku didn't really hang out with anyone, but he knew a lot of the from classes. As Ryoku walked he saw Galian and Dawn. Ryoku took a deep breath and made a decision. He walked over to them just as they finished talking. "Galian," Ryoku said in his normal shy voice, getting his attention. "I hope I'm not interupting anything, but I wanted to talk to you. My name is Ryoku Tenshiba, we had a few classes together, though I don't expect you to recognize me. I heard about the attack yesterday and I wanted to know if there is anyting I can do to help the next time. I have some fighting abilities that are rather...unique." Ryoku stood there, slightly fidgeting, his nervousness apparent. He was trying to overcome his shyness to become more like a man his father, the father he had only know for a few years, wanted him to be - a man who stood up and fought against he Heartless.
Ryoku found a seat in the assembly and sat down, quietly waiting for it to start. Everyone was talking nonstop, discussing as to why they had called an assembly on a day off. Ryoku sat there and thought to himself as well. A crowd suddenly hushed down as a figure walked in front of them. It was a tall man with a bald head and a cleanly shaved beard. Garbed in long robes that flowed around him as he moved, each move he made was a delibrate and precise, like an agile dance. This man was Prof. Memnom, legendary keyblade wielder who was now the head of the school. As he walked out to the front of the crowd of students, they instanly hushed in reverance for the man. "Students," Memnom said, his voice still containing all the volume and depth of its youth, "I would first like to say that I do not wish to alarm you. But there is a matter confronting us that is of the most grave manner. "You come to this school for a reason - so that you may learn how to defend yourselves and others against threats. It may be sooner than you think that you have to use this knowledge. Myself and the other teachers have reasons to believe there may be a large group of heartless moving towards the acedemy." The crowd of students errupted into a frenzy. Prof. Memnom simply held up his hand and the crowd fell silent again. He continued. "There is no reason to worry. We have no confirmation yet. Also, you are trained to be the best and so you will know how to defend yourselves. If anything does become apparent and we think that it may threaten the school, we will evacuate. Until then, stay in groups and do not do anyhitng stupid. "Remeber - be cautious, but not frantic. There is a difference between being careful and running around panicing. We wouldn't have told you this if we did not think that you would be able to handle it." Ryoku sat there as Memnom finished his speech. A threat? In the school? How? Students began to get up and file out of the gym. Ryoku soon was outside, but as he looked around he noticed something. Everyone was going back to where they had been before, more-or-less, but the group that had been sparing was no where to be seen. Usually Ryoku wouldn't notice this, but they fighters were still fresh in his mind and not seeing them stick out from the crowd was unussual. He wondered where they could be.
Ryoku heard the announcment go off and shook his head. That meant the end of the spar. And it was even getting interesting yet. 'Oh well, time to go to the auditorium,' Ryoku silently thought. As Ryoku walked, a thought crossed his mind. It was Saturday, their day off from classes. Why would they want to make announcements on the students' day off, when their minds were as far away from their classes as possible? As he walked into the auditorium, Ryoku bumped into a girl as he was pushed along by the massive crowd of students. Taking another look at her, Ryoku recognized her as Dawn, a girl he knew by name and face and nothing else. He had talked to her only a handfull of times. "Sorry," Ryoku murmered to her. He tried to smile, but found his usual shyness taking over. A akward half smile came to his face, clearly showing his shyness. Before she could say anything, though, Ryoku hurried away. ((OCC: sorry if the post is a tad bit awkard, I'm still trying to get in character.))
Discuss The Keyblade War: Academy Underground [PG]
Makurayami replied to Aberinkula's topic in Theater
Finally. And banners would be cool. I wish I still had my art program, though... -
Ryoku stretched a bit and yawned as he walked towards the bleachers. He had overslept on accident and had just woken up a few minutes ago. Hearing a big rucus outside, he had hastily threw on his clothes and walked outside. Once outside, his ears caught the sounds of a fight. He had wandered over in the direction of the noise and was greated with the sight of a three way spar between Kenso, Domsu, and Galien. He knew all three of them, but didn't talk too much to any of them. Actually, he didn't talk too much to anyone. Ryoku sat down on the bleachers a little ways from Dawn, watching the fight. Hopefully it would be a good one.
Discuss The Keyblade War: Academy Underground [PG]
Makurayami replied to Aberinkula's topic in Theater
Hey guys, sorry about not posting. My internet connection got servered for a while, but now it's back. I would really like to be part of this RPG, hopefully its not too late for my character to come in. It's ok if I post, right? Could someone PM me or something a quick summary about what's going on? I'm trying to read through it but it's a tad confusing. -
So when are we starting...?
Seven Deadly Sins by Flogging Molly Celtic punk is awesome... 'nuff said.
Depends on what your definition of "grown-up" is. Look at some of the rock bands still around, say for example Motley Crue. They've been around for ever, and they still don't look "grown-up"
[quote name='Boo][size=1][b]Edit:[/b'] I just watched the "Papercut" video and I must say that I'm a lot more pleased with the way they present themselves now. [/size][/quote] How? Their in a rock band (a Nu Metal band to be more specific) so their suppose to look like that. I understand that they're trying to brnach out, but their loosing their look to something else. Like I said before, if they keep this up, they'll be like any other band in the new genre they're exploring. Don't get me wrong, I like the new song, I'm just worried that LP (my favorite band) will become like every other band out there and loose their individualality (sp?).
Yeah, Chester did look a bit like a nerd, but when he screamed and stuff he looked like a rocker. And the way he carried himself, dressed, and sung was rock styled. I don't know, it's hard to explain. But now he's dressed in this black suit with gloves and huge sung glasses. And he has a mic stand and he moves it all over the place when he sings. Like I said, it's hard to explain, he just doesn't seem like his old rocker self.
It sort of sounds like My December, but Chester just sounds different. You should see the music video. They are all dressed up in suits and Chester has these big sunglasses and gloves on. He doesn't look like his old rocker self and looks like freakin' Bono. As a matter of fact, the whole video looks like a U2 video. And you should be able to find it on YouTube if you look hard enough. I know a lot of them says removed due to copyright claims, but one or two of them are still up.
If anyone wants to hear the song, you can get it and even the whole music video on YouTube.
Aiden. I heard the first 30 seconds to one of their songs and almost threw up. It's just so... ugh, I don't even know how to decribe it. I don't like it, I know that though.
Just came out yesterday, offically at least, and the album is set to drop May 15th. This is suppose to be a new sound from Linkin Park and not like their last albums. The new single is called "What I've Done" and is really different from anything else by Linkin Park. The sound is softer and Chester doesn't use the screaming sound of his voice the whole song. Also, Mike doesn't rap in the song at all. The video is a flashback of a U2 video. It goes with the song, but I dunno, I liked my LP to be Nu Metal sounding. So, about this new sound. It is softer than previous Linkin Park and sounds different. I kind of like it, but if the whole album is like it, I think I'm going to cry. I understand what the band is trying to do, make a new sound and all, but if they keep it up, they'll start sounding like every other band of the pop-soft rock genre. That's my take on it. Opinions anyone? And please try to make them semi-constructive at least. I'm so sick of the blind fanboys/fangirls spewing on about how "LP is the greatesy no matter what so f**k you if you don't like them."
Name: Ryoku Tenshiba Age: 18 Blood type: AB+ Battle Type: Drive - he intertwines his fighting style with his magic style to the point that they are almost one. Magic type: Chaos Weapon: The blade begins with a light reddish tint and gets darker down the blade. The end of the blade and the spikes at the end, there are three of them (two big and a smaller one in between), are colored a dark, dark red - almost crimson. The spikes at the end aren't entirely straight, they slightly wave sort of like a fire's tongues. The handle is a deep black, but is smooth like ivory. The chain is a black chain with a silver shuriken (ninja throwing star) attached to the end. Abilities: [U]Current[/U] - Ube - Ryoku's keyblade fuses with his right arm. His arm, that is his hand to the right shoulder, become red and grow leathery skin. His arm also doubles in size, but weighs no less than it normally would. His fingers become talon-like and his whole arm radiates red energy. This energy, coupled with his arm, can cut through almost anything and make an effect fighting force. Kasai - Ryoku's keyblade will emit a small explosion of fire when it comes into contact with something. This uses up a small amount of energy, however requires good timing. Uxingusu - Two giant bat-like, leathery wings sprout from his back. These are useful in that they give him a high ground advantage when fighting and also have their practical use. They fade after a while and are hard to maintain while using another spell. [u]Later[/u] - Baizou Ube - same as Ube, except both arms undergo the transformation. Bakuhatsu - A red explosion of fire and power rips through the air around Ryoku, forming a sphere of death for enemies around him. Incredibly powerful, but takes a fairly large amount of power and leaves the user slightly drained. Saishuu Ube - Ryoku's whole body undergoes the metaorphosis described like the Ube technique. His whole body doubles in size, muscle growing and Ryoku gaining a good four inches in height. His feet become gargoyle-like and wings, like the ones described in the Uxingusu ability, sprout from his back. The only thing about his face that changes, though, is that he grows fangs and his eyes become red with a small, reptilain slit of a pupil. Personality: Ryoku is a kind of shy and reserved to new people. He values friends, though, and will trade anything for them. He like the company of other people. History: Ryoku led a troubling life. He never knew his father and his mother was working most of the time, leaving him alone by himself. He often played games when he was little, pretending he was someone else, or something else like little kids often do. He grew up with a small group of friends, always the quiet one. On Ryoku's 13th birthday, a man appeared on Ryoku's doorstep. He came into the house and said that he was his father. Ryoku was stunned. The man further went on the explain that Ryoku had a gift and was to come with him to further develop this gift. "Dark times are coming," Ryoku's father said, "and soon, people like you will be needed." Ryoku agreed and decided to go with him. As he was walking out of his house, his father asked him if he had ever wished to be someone different than who he was. When Ryoku said yes, his father smiled. "So you do have the gift." Appearance: [IMG]http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e329/iluvmach1/AnimeBoy5.jpg[/IMG] Ryoku is decently built. He has muscle, but no where near the amount of a muscle builder. He is slightly thin, but the muscles string together to give him a nice overall look. He stands at about 5' 10". For clothes, Ryoku wears a black shirt and basic, jeans-like pants with a red and black checkered belt with a chain hanging on his side.. He usually has on a white headband. He has on black shoes on his feat and sometimes dons a brown traveling cloak with a high coller (seen in picture)
There's not really too much to it. The movie will be a coin toss, heads or tails. Heads, it rocks and people love it. Tails, it sucks and bombs big time. Either way, though, I think there are going to be a group of fans that accept it and love it. You can never rule out the blind devotion of the fanboys/fangirls.
Discuss To Find the Infection 4 Underground [M - VL]
Makurayami replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
I got the computer blues, guys. Like I said earlier, my computer broke. Why does all this stuff seem to happen to me? Thank god I got a computer class at school, though. -
((Hey guys, my computer bit the dust about a day ago. I'm on a school computer right now and I am borrowing a laptop at home but I can't get on as much as I want to. I'm already looking into buying a new computer, so please bear with me.)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zain looked to his side as he fought. So Suzu (or Kre) had come after all. Zain felt a bit releived to have him fighting next to him. But he hoped the others from the tavern would show up. There was also another figure fighting against the demons. This one was dressed in a tunic and had some type of runes all over his body. Zain recognized him as from teh tavern. He seemed to have some strange aura flowing from him, much like the others had. Zain felt as if he were connected to this strange individual. To top it all off, there was another power source, this one boasting a fare amount of ki, heading towards the fight. This power felt natural, though, as if it were a incarnation of the power that flows from the Earth itself. Zain's thoughts were cut short dozen of the demons engaged him. To this point Zain had been fighting them one-on-one. Now that they were attacking en mass, Zain found it harder to defend himself when he was armed only with his fists. Zain heard an explosion and slightly turned his head to see what it was as he blocked a series of blows from the demons. Kre as well as Majotte were launching a series of energy blasts from their hands. The way they did it, it seemed so familar to Zain. Jumping into the air to create some space between him and his target, Zain held his hands in front of him. He felt energy pulsate in his palm, the strange tingling sensation as ki gathered in his hand. There was a faint glow of yellow and Zain aimed his hand at the demons, unleashing the blast. A small yellow beam shot out of his hand and then fizzled out midair to the demons. Zain watched it slightly shocked. He had been so sure he had it. What went wrong? Without warning a mass of demons leapt into the air, latching onto Zain's legs. Zain felt himself being dragged down and receiving blow after blow. As he fell to the ground, the demons formed a pile on top of Zain. 'No...' Zain thought to himself as he felt himself faltering. '...no...NO!!" Zain's hand glowed with a golden light. Zain closed his hand around the light and there was a flash. Zain felt a heavy wieght in his hand and a surge of old memories returning. [i]Countless hours of training and refinement through battle and practice...the deadly art of the sword.[/i] Zain swung his arm and cleared a way through the demon horde. He spun and aimed a series of slashes at one individual demon, reducing him to a mass of hideous organs and cut flesh. Taking a split second, Zain glanced at his new weapon in his hand. It was a sword of marvelous craftsmanship. The hilt was golden and the blade was a pure silver. Engraved into the blade were three picutures - a woman of some humanoid race tending some plants, a humanoid with wings jumping into the air and taking flight, and a ape-like creature beating its chest in furry. The blade and these three pictures reached out to Zain. The pictures felt familiar, like a part of his lost home. The blade didn't even feel like a weapon, but instead an extension of his arm. Zain left his thoughts behind and turned back to his bloody work as his silver blade zipped through the air at high speeds.
Neon Genesis Evangelion is a definate must. And try Ghost in the Shell if your into Sc-fi stuff. The movies are kind of deep, so if you not into philisophical-like stuff, go for the T.V. series, Stand Alone Complex. And make sure its the first season, not 2nd GIG, the first seasons better. Also Hellsing is a great anime thats good for older fans.