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Everything posted by Makurayami
Majotte gathered his wits, trying to plan out his next move. Here was Zain, his fellow god, in a mortal body with almost no memory of his past. What would be his next move? As he thought a sudden explosion rocked the building. The blast sounded as if it had come from nearby, somewhere in the town. The screams of civilians that were heard a few seconds later comfirmed it. Majotte's senses began picking up energy sources, several in fact. They seemed to be coming in the direction of the explosion. Majotte didn't know why, but he didn't like the way they felt. They felt almost...evil. Majotte looked at Zain, knowing what he must do. "Zain, I know about your senses and how they are incredibly sensitive. If I can fell the evil from these source, then you must definatly feel it. "I don't have time to explain fully, but you were a god once, Zain. It is your duty to protect this world and the universe from beings like these." Majotte turned his gaze to the other person next to Zain. "Suzu...holy , Suzu? What happened to you? Well, same for you as Zain, your a god that needs to fight, too. And you two," Majotte faced the new Heaven Warriors by the bar. "I don't have much time, but you both have been chosen to fight for the heavens against Hell's forces. Follow me," he paused. "All four of you, follow me." "Sahruk!" Majotte yelled to no one. With a flash of light, a new figure appeared, brandishing two golden swords. "You rang?" Sahruk asked, already knowing why he was called. "Let's go!" Majotte ran out of the bar, taking flight as soon as he was out. He looked at the edge of town and saw a mass of black and red humanoid figures. He landed in the mdidle of them, Sahruk next to him. They were demons, all of them black with red horns and eyes. Majotte summoned a ki blast and shot it at one. The demon flew back, damaged heavily but not dead. "So this will be challenging," Majotted mused as he slid his broadsword out and leapt towards a mass of the demons who were gathering in front of him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zain heard what Majotte said and knew it was right. He didn't question how or why, he just knew it was true. 'Details later,' Zain thought. He looked at the other two at the bar who were in a slight shock. "Gal Leon, Kredion Akima," Zain didn't question how he knew their names. "and Suzu. Time is short and we must fight. I can sense where we are going. Follow me - follow me to your destiny." Zain exited the bar and jumped into the air, flying up. He hadn't ever flown before - or had he? - but he felt at home in the air. Zain saw the mass of black bodies and Majotte and the man Sahruk hacking and slashing their way through the fray. The army of demons was huge, and even with the two powerful beings fighting it would it would be a tough fight due to the number of demons. Zain closed his eyes and concetrated as the din of battle filled his ears, mixed in with the screams of the innocent civilians that were unfortunet to get caught in the battle. Zain felt his power level spike and his eyes snapped open. A cold wind blew behind him as he rocketed down to the fight. He landed, burrying his foot into a balck demons face, and spun, smashing his elbow into another demon. He felt a massive amount of fighting skills flow through him. Zain welcomed it like a lost friend has he ducked and uppercutted another demon. The shear numbers was going to make this a hard fight. A very hard fight. Zain hoped that the other three had followed him as he kicked, dodged, and punched.
As Majotte walked through the town he noticed that one of the power sources he as sensing seemed to be moving away. He briefly considered going after it, but decided against it. There were more sources here, and their importance out-wieghed that of the one source. Majotte kept walking and soon found himself outside a tavern. With a deep breath, he walked in. The first thing he say were two men. The one was human-looking, but something felt a bit off about him. The other one was had a katana and was a sayain. These two must be two of the new Heaven Warriors. Before Majotte could think of what to say, his attention was pulled to two other figures in the bar. One was a boy, but seemed oddly familiar. The other was a young male with dark red hair. He also seemed familiar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zain looked up at the new man that had just entered the bar. A small gasp let out as his brain was electicuted with memories. [i]Zain and a man flew in the air, locked in an intense sword battle. They were above a ruined village - Zain's home. They both had golden aura's souronding them as their swords clashed again and again.[i] [i]Zain watched as a fight took place. It was the same man from his last memory, except a lot older, and he was fighting a young man. They two clashed until the man seemed to gather energy for a final attack. Zain felt a huge feeling a guilt and commitment wash over him as he took to the air. Black wings sprouted from his back as he aimed a ki beam technique at the older man. The beem ripped through the older man's arm and caused him to loose control of the technique.[/i] [i]MAJOTTE!![/i] Zain looked at the man and made eye contact. "Majotte?" he asked tentativly. ----------------------------------------------------------- Majotte looked at the man that had just called his name. "Holy shit...Zain? It is you, isn't it? Where have you been? Why haven't you made contact with the rest of the gods?" Majotte asked excitedly. Hs reply was nothing but a blank look on Zain's face. "Wait, you mean you don't remeber?" ------------------------------------------------------------ Zain shook his head. "I remeber some thing - bits and flashes of memories. I sort of remeber you. I do know that I can trust you, though. You were always a honorable rival." Zain's eyes widdened as he heard himself talk. His memories must be slowly coming back to him.
((sorry I've been off for so long, my life's been a tad crazy. i'm on a wii right now so it's kind of hard to type right now but i'll be updating soon.))
Discuss To Find the Infection 4 Underground [M - VL]
Makurayami replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to bring this to your attention guys. Has anyone heard anything from konske, the one that signed up as a femal sayain? She's the only one who hasn't posted yet. If someone could contact her, that's be great. I would, but I got to go right now. -
Zain resented other people butting into hid buisness, but was slightly thankful for this intrusion. The young boy stopped when the man stepped in. Zain tried to focus on him, but instead felt himself being drawn to this newcomer. He felt strangly connected with him, like the other two at the bar. What was going on here?? "And just who are you?" Zain asked. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Majotte's feet lightly touched down on the earth. He was outside of a town. He could feel enourmous power coming from within, more power than could be contained in one person. Maybe he had found more than one Heaven Warrior. As Majotte walked through the village he looked at the condition it was in. Something unnatural was here, making these people sick and causing them pain and suffering. Some where going about their normal routines while others looked as if they had given up hope. Majotte did not like the look of things. 'This must be hell's work upon the Earth,' he thought to himself. As he kept walking another thought came to him. Just how was he suppose to tell these people that they were the newly appointed fighters of the gods? Pondering this thought, Majotte made his way through the town towards the power sources.
((Post people. It may be slow, but it isn't dead!!)) Zain quickly leapt back out of the way of the sword slash, his head realing (sp?). This boy seemed to know him. But why was he attacking him? The slashed aimed for Zain smashed into the table they were siting at, attracting the attention of the other patrons. Zain looked at the boy. "Suzu, Kre, whoever you are, what are you doing?!"
"If you wish to," Zain replied. "Let's just move to to my table in the back corner. It's as private as it can get in a town such as this." Kre. The name wasn't familiar to Zain but the boy was. His movements, his attitude, his posture - it all called out to Zain. Like a long lost friend or family member. But a memory suddenly wracked Zain's brain, causing his a fair amount of pain. [i]"Suzu, I can still fell Noah's gift in me. It's enabling me to sense you better then ussual. I'm guessing that you can too. If we get separated in the warp, use this new sense, and find me. Although mighty, alone we gods may be attacked by Demona and picked off. We need to stay together."[/i] Zain looked up an noticed he had fallen to his knees, his head clutched in his hands. He quickly got up, hoping not to have drawn too much attention to himself, and walked to his table. Kre was already there and was looking at him with a puzzled look on his face. Zain sat down and began speaking. "I don't know if you can feel it, but we have an abnormally strong bond. My name is Zain. Have we met before, Suzu?" Zain was quiet for a moment, then realized he had just called the boy by another name. But why? He hadn't ever met a person named Suzu? Or had he? Was that what his memory was trying to tell him? Zain looked up and noticed the look of realization washing over Kre. Maybe he did know him.
Zain watched the scene with the two men, one who seemed to be radiating more heat then normal. The one on the ground was going through some type of wierd coma and the other looked like he was trying to help. Zain kept watching, and as he did he couldn't chake off the feeling that he was somehow connected to these two. But Zain's attention was diverted as a boy walked into the tavern. He seemed to have a large energy level for a someone his age, but that wasn't what attracted Zain to him. It was that same feeling of being connected. Except this time is was stronger, pratically screaming at Zain. He stood up, but fell back into his seat holding his head. [i]Zain was in a place of complete darkness, as if he was dead. Next to him was a boy who seemed to be missing his legs. In front of him was a man. He seemed to be explaining that the two were...brothers?[/i] Zain stood back up, shaking his head from the memory. Was this memory his? Zain didn't know. Steadying himself, Zain got up and walked over to the table where the boy sat. "Excuse me, but do what is your name,?" Zain asked as he sat down, his eyes the only thing visible from beneath his hood.
Majotte slowly opened his eyes. He looked around and saw nothing but trees for miles. Obviously he was in some sort of forest. But there was something wrong with the forest. The trees were slowly rotting and dying, already many of their leaves brown and some trees completly bare. Majotte shook his head and stood up. He flexed his muscles and viewed his new body. It was basically the body he had when he had been a gladiator. 'Time for a test run,' Majott thought. He slowly began to power up, the air simmering with ki. He kept pushing and ascneding to SSJ form. He continued pushing and ascended to SSJ2 form. With a chuckle he felt the energy flow through him, his golden hair standing up on its ends. He powered down to normal form. "Now to try the other side," he said to himself. Gathering power, he willed his body to change, the mutant blood rushing in his viens taking control. His skin turn gray and hi hair became part of his head and hard spike. He felt his wings starting to grow from his back and his tail starting to sprout. But instead of letting it happen, Majotte stopped the transformation and powered down to normal. 'Can't go messing up my clothes. I'm suppose to be keeping a low porfile.' "Ah, so you're here," a voice said from behind Majotte. Majotte spun and came face-to-face with Sahruk. "Oh, it's you." "Now that you're here, here's what needs to be done. Seidaku, Zain, and Suzu need to be contacted. I take care of that. You take care of finding the newly appointed Heaven Warriors. There should be four of them - two saiyans, one male and one female, a fire-weilding being, and a pyshic of some sort. They are all here on Earth, making it easier for you." "Alright, got it," Majotte grumbled. "Hey, aren't I suppose to be giving the orders?" Sahruk chuckled. "In good time." Majotte flew up then shot off, trying to sense power levels that would be high enough to be the new Heaven Warriors. Sahruk watched him go then floated into the air and with a flash shot off towards the south. He kept flying until he reached a desert. Sensing something, he began descneding to the ground. A blur of white caught his eye. It looked like an animal of some sort. Decideing to investigate it, Sahruk began making his way towards it. ((Just a reminder - Sahruk is a NPC, useable for anyone just as long as you stay within the boundries of his personality. Majotte is a specail NPC only to be controlled by Red and myself.))
((Ok, let's start. If anyone has any questions as to where they are, ask in the Underground thread.)) A man clad fully in black walked down the streets of the city, his cloak's hood drawn tightly over his head to keep out the cold. A odd, unseasonable winter had descended upon the land, turning the normally pleasant spring weather frigid. Incredibly pale blue, almost white, eyes gazed out from under the hood as the man strolled down the road. He watched as a man walking by him coughed voilently. Another person, this one a woman who was comming out of her home, fell under the same voilent fit of hacking. For weeks a new type of sickness had swept over the area. It started as a common cold but then worsened. It soon induced massive cough fits, pain in the chest, tightnes in the joints, and overall misery. There had been no deaths, or at least none that had been made known to the public. But the infection was causing people to be miserable. The black-clad man continued walking, nearing a tavern. Not having any money but wanting a spot to sit and get out of the cold, the man entered the tavern. He picked a table in the back and sat down, trying not to draw attention to himself. He looked around and noticed a few people were in the bar in addition to himself. He looked down and let his thoughts flow over him as the other patrons talked. [i]'Who am I?[/i] [I]'Why can't I remeber anything about myself?'[/i] The man smirked under his hood. He did know one thing about himself. His name. It was Zain. ((It has begun. The reasons for the odd disease and winter weather can be found in the prouloge. Here's a hint - it has something to do with Hell's move on Earth))
Bret painted lightly as as ran along the roofs, following the truck that the Hellspawn drove. He regret leaving Burden, espevially after the beating she had taken, physically and emotionally, but had decided that he wanted to figure out who this man was. The paramedics would take care of Burden. He leapt from one roof to another roof, the portion of his lycan strength and speed that he retained while not transformed propelling him. He crouched as he landed, and shot off again in a run. As he ran the words Burden had spoken to him ran through his head. [i]"Yeah, well Mr. Lycan, if your so sure than name one other person, besides Tayu, who loves me!"[/i] Bret had been at a lost for words, something that didn't happen much. He had tried to recover, but had blown it. Truth was, he was starting to devlop a crush on the hybrid girl. But he wasn't sure enough yet to confess such feelings. Bret leapt to another roof and landed. He shook his head from his thoughts and watched the truck below on the road. He pulled into some sort of safe house. Bret crouched low, keeping his form out of sight. He jumped down the side of the building, and landed on the ground below. Dusting off his clothes, which still bore bullet hole in them Bret sourly noted, Bret stood up. He walked to the safe house and rapped on the entrance. "Hello? Anyone home?" he asked, his voice a tad bit lower then normal.
Discuss To Find the Infection 4 Underground [M - VL]
Makurayami replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
That's what I was thinking. Also, if anyone has any questions pertaining to the RPG and characters (such as what planet you are currently on or how you do something like teleport) this is the place to ask them. Oh, and I forgot to mention in the above post, but we have an officail website for TFTI. The link is down below - [URL=http://www.freewebs.com/tofindtheinfection/]To Find the Infection Official Site[/URL] I will probably be updating it soon and asking some of your info for the site. -
Sign Up To Find the Infection 4: Hell's Gate [M-VL]
Makurayami replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
I am incredibly sorry for my lack of commitment to this. My life decided to suddenly smack me in the face with an incredibly hectic schedule and I just couldn't get online for the life of me. However, I will be starting this. Look for [b]the RPG thread Saturday night. [b]Kredion[/b]: Accepted. One small note, if you plan on being a heaven warrior, add that into your bio somewhere about getting the call. If not, that's fine too. Red, as for Sandman, I will post an NPC profile either in the underground thread or here. I want him to be an NPC for a bit, but one only controlled by you and me since we know his character the best (no offence anyone, but me and REd have been with Sandman's character in three seperate RPGs, so we know him). Look for that soon. Again, I apologize for my short absence. SATURDAY NIGHT!! ----------------------------------------------- [B]EDIT[/B]: Here's Majotte's Profile for this RPG. He is an NPC, but can only be controled by Red and myself. Again, this isn't to insult anyone, it's just that me and Red know Majotte where most of you won't. [U]God Body[/U] [B]Name[/B] ? Majotte [B]Pronunciation[/B] ? Muh-Joat [B]God of[/B] ? pride and strength [B]Age appearance[/B] ? early 40?s [B]Sex[/B] ? male [B]Race [/B]? sayain/mutant [B]Height[/B] ? 6'2" [B]Weight[/B] ? 250lbs [B]Hair color[/B] ? White (close to the face), Gray (middle-ish area of the hair), Black near the end. [B]Hair style[/B] ? Shoulder length, but just down the back, nothing on the sides. Like Seraph, except it tries to spike up, but spikes a little bit downwards. [B]Eyes[/B] ? Teal [B]Body[/B] ? massively buff [B]Skin Tone[/B] ? average tan for a white person [B]Clothes[/B] ? a simple white shirt with rips on the back (where the wings would sprout) and no sleeves, black boots, and dark gray pants. A dark gray cloak over the whole ensamble. [B]Distinguished marks[/B] ? A huge scar where the arm was ripped off from Zain's Fusion Blast [B]Other Appearance details[/B] ? none [B]Weapons[/B] ? none [B]Special powers[/B] ? [U]mutant transformation[/U] - skin hardens and turns gray, hair grows into his head and becomes horns, sprouts a tail and wings, and body mass increases greatly. Majotte can combine the SSJ transformations with the mutant transformations [U]Concentration[/U] ? The ability to focus 100% body energy to a particular spot in the body for supernatural powers. [B]Handicaps[/B] ? slower than average due to large size [B]Transformations[/B] - (In the order)...SSJ1, SSJ2, MSSJ1, SSJ3, MSSJ2, MSSJ3, ultimate MSSJ (uses up basically 99.9% of body power, that last .01% is the percent he needs just to stay alive after he uses USSJ) [B]Special moves[/B] ? [U]Bio-Ray[/U] - His signature energy beam, basically just a green energy beam. Usually followed with a light green gas. [U]Sin-Wave[/U] - An energy beam that on it's own is a little bit stronger than the Bio-Ray, but gets stronger the more powerful the target is. Although, is no where strong enough to kill the target. But can damage the target a lot. [U]Celestial Dance [/U]- If you read TFTI2 near the end, Majotte did a series of combos on the Seraphim. That series of combos was called the Celestial Dance. It?s basically an incredibly fast series of moves that end with snapping the opponents neck. Leaves Majotte drained for a while [U]Dimension Sphere[/U] - The attack used to finish both of the first two RPGs so far, and was unsuccessful in both attempts. Majotte powers up and his aura grows around him in a spherical form. For those who can't understand, just picture a purple Spirit Bomb with electricity, k? Now picture Majotte right in the center where he is safe and controls the energy ball there. Anything it touches, immediately gets raped with destruction. When used at a certain speed, can leap through dimensions. [B]Bio[/B] ? a known warrior on Earth, he got caught up in the events leading to the near destruction of the planet. He learned how to travel between planets by hopping through dimensions. This made him very smart and experienced, but the strain of dimension hopping aged him greatly. He then served time as a gladiator on Char. Afterwards, he was turned into an android and fought against the corrupt god, Zennousha. He regained his original body and mutant powers and helped destroyed Zennousha. He is now a god. Sahruk is his father. [U]Mortal Body[/U] [B]Name[/B] ? Majotte [B]Pronunciation[/B] ? muh-joat [B]Age appearance[/B] ? early 30?s [B]Sex[/B] ? male [B]Race[/B] ? sayain/mutant [B]Height[/B] ? about 6? 1? [B]Weight[/B] ? 200lbs [B]Hair color[/B] ? Really dark blue, almost black [B]Hair style[/B] ? Almost flat, it's combed back, but at the end, it's really spiky. Almost completely horizontal, a few curls in the front. [B]Eyes[/B] ? Dark green [B]Body[/B] ? muscular [B]Skin Tone[/B] ? slightly pale [B]Clothes[/B] ? black, unzipped jacket over white muscle shirt underneath. Black pants and black boots with white straps. Broadsword strapped to his back (like Trunks in DBZ) [B]Distinguished marks[/B] ? none [B]Other Appearance details[/B] ? none [B]Weapons[/B] ? broadsword [B]Special powers[/B] ? Concentration: The ability to focus 100% body energy to a particular spot in the body for supernatural powers. Not as powerful as god form version. Mutant Transformation (see god form for description) [B]Handicaps[/B] ? slower than average [B]Transformations[/B] ? SSJ1, Mutantu, SSJ2, MSSJ1, MSSJ2. Feels that he might be able to ascend higher if given the chance. [B]Special moves[/B] ? [U]Bio-Ray[/U] - His signature energy beam, basically just a green energy beam. Usually followed with a light green gas. Weaker than god version. [U]Dimension Sphere[/U] - The attack used to finish both of the first two RPGs so far, and was unsuccessful in both attempts. Majotte powers up and his aura grows around him in a spherical form. For those who can't understand, just picture a purple Spirit Bomb with electricity, k? Now picture Majotte right in the center where he is safe and controls the energy ball there. Damages anything it touches. Weaker then god version and can?t jump as far through dimensions. -
((Geez, sorry I haven't posted in a while... I'm going to summarize in my post. Tell me if I get anything wrong.)) Bret walked beside Burden, slightly taken back by her rage. He replayed the scene that had just taken place back in his head, trying to figure out what was going on. Burden's ex had shown up. They started yelling. Clearly intoxicated, his words had hurt Burden, so Bret had tried to stand up for her. He had recieved a hit to the jar and a few shots. Not wanting to reveal his true race in front of everyone, he had taken it. It didn't matter, the blow with the pipe didn't hurt that much and the bullets had tickled - normal bullets couldn't do much damage to him, and the dumb fallen had used some wimpy bullets. But then Burden had gotten in some type of fight with a demon of some sort. He had tried to tranquilize her, to no avail, and had dragged her and the fallen girl (the one that had been with Burden's ex) out of the bar. Bret came out a few minutes later when things had cooled down. But Burden was still pissed at something. Bret sighed and shook his head. So much in such a short amount of time. He looked at Burden and offered her a sympathetic look. "Tonight was terrible for you. I wanted to treat you to a nice evening, but, well, it just didn't go that way. I'm terribly sorry. If you want to talk about it, I'm here."
Sign Up To Find the Infection 4: Hell's Gate [M-VL]
Makurayami replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
[B]kiltz18[/B]: Accepted. Only one thing, though, add where and when you got the call to be a heaven warrior, if that's what your signing up for. Otherwise, you're good. Oh, and I forgot to mention Lionheart, add the same thing as I told kiltz18 if you are going to be a heaven warrior. And sorry for the delay, we're trying to get Sandman to join but are running into trouble. I would really like him (his character's Majotte from the intro), so me and Red are working on it. We'll keep you posted (pun not intended....). :animeswea -
"Well," Bret replied, his mind raising as he spoke. [i]DON'T REVEAL YOUR SECRET![/i] [i]She already knows.[/i] [i]YOU BETRAY YOUR FAMILY.[/i] [i]This is different. She is different. I have faith in her.[/i] Bret smiled and continued. "I come from a rather rich family. But we have a, ah, certain condition, one which I can not say whilst in this public place. If you remeber, the child picked up on it quiet quickly. But anyways, I was kept inside for most of my natural life, learning to come to terms with myself. I was aloud back into the world, oh, about four years ago. Now I just travel around, a sort of wanderer. I suppose it's due to my being couped up for such a long part of my life." ((I would post more, but I gotta go. Sorry))
((Jayden87, lostvoice will probably tell you this, but sign-ups for this RPG are closed. But you didn't even post in the sign-ups, did you? And your post is horrible, its too clumped together and annoying to read. You're new here, so read the rules and learn how to properly RP before you make another post, ok? So I'm just going to ignore his post...)) Bret stood up, put his jacket on, and nodded at Burden. "Shall we?" He opened the door and she walked out, the little girl darting in front of her in a split second. Downstairs, Bret looked at Tom as the little girl ran to him, keeping any hatred that he bore for the vampire out of his voice. "Look after the girl for us, please?" he asked. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a crisp fifty dollar bill. He put in on the counter and nodded. "Something for your time." He then walked with Burden out of the inn. Outside, he offered Burden his arm, which she took. He then strolled down the street to the dance club. A dull beat could be heard on the street from the music inside and a sign hung above the building, reading "The Suicide". Bret walked to door, opened it for Burden, and was greated by a dog hybrid waitress. "Anywhere to sit?" Bret asked, figuring it was better to sit for a minute before they started dancing. "A small table in the corner," the waitress replied. "Perfect," Bret said, smiling. The two were led to their table. After sitting down, they were asked if they would like some drinks. "Some brandy for me, please," Bret said. He then looked at Burden. "And for you?"
Sign Up To Find the Infection 4: Hell's Gate [M-VL]
Makurayami replied to Makurayami's topic in Theater
I'm so happy.:animesmil. Now all we need is Sandy (ha, I gave him a nickname!). Oh, and by the way, to make this official sounding... [B]Rurouni922[/B]: Accepted [B]ForestCrusader[/B]: Accepted [B]Red16[/B]: Accepted [b]Lionheart[/b]: Accepted And now for my profile -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [U]God Body[/U] [b]Name[/b] ? Zain [b]Pronunciation[/b] ? zAn (long a) [b]God of[/b] ? skill and ancestry [b]Age appearance[/b] ? early twenties [b]Sex[/b] ? male [b]Race[/b] ? sayain/woodling/angelic demon (his body wasn?t created in the normal way (i.e. sex and parents)) [b]Height[/b] ? about 6? 5? [b]Weight[/b] ? about 210 lbs [b]Hair color[/b] ? a balance of different strands that are red, black, and gold [b]Hair style[/b] ? a mass of slicked back spikes that fall to just above his shoulders [b]Eyes[/b]? blue with golden rims and crimson swirls [b]Body[/b] ? muscular; buff [b]Skin Tone[/b] ? semi-tan; about average white [b]Clothes[/b] ? black pants with combat boots, a green long-sleeved shirt with sayain battle armor over it. The armor lacks the shoulder panels but has the panels around the waist. He also wears black cloak on top of the whole ensemble [b]Distinguished marks[/b] ? none [b]Other Appearance details[/b] ? has two black angel-like wings and a saiyan ape tail [b]Weapons[/b] ? he has a sword that has a golden handle and long silver blade; carved into the blade are the images of a woodling woman tending to a plant, an angelic demon taking flight, and a sayain ozaru beating its chest. Zain doesn?t carry his sword, but instead summons it when he needs it. [b]Special powers[/b] ? Zain has complete control over nature; he can also sense life forces and can tell someone?s power, age, race, and other things by their life force [b]Handicaps[/b] ? none [b]Transformations[/b] ? none, Zain?s body is made so that it is always powered up so he has no transformations [b]Special moves[/b] ? [u]Elemental Slash[/u] ? Zain flies around his target at incredibly fast speeds while attacking with his sword. Each slash evokes the power of a different element of nature [u]Ultimate Ki Slash[/u] ? Zain concentrates all his ki into his sword and swings it, firing a thin beam that is incredibly powerful. This move leaves Zain vulnerable temporarily and usually used as a finisher. [u]Lightning Drill[/u] ? Zain summons a bolt of lightning and manipulates it to swirl around his arm. The lightning can then be used either as a melee weapon or it can be shot at someone [u]Crimson Blast[/u] ? Zain summons some crimson lightning and throws it at his opponent. [u]Fusion Beam[/u] ? Zain fires a two beams, one of ki and the other of dark ki, which spiral around each other as the travel towards the target. This is an incredibly powerful attack [b]Bio[/b] ? Zain was a half woodling, half sayain boy who found his way into events that were much bigger then him. He fought on earth against many great warriors, served time on Char as a gladiator, and helped defeated Zennousha, the corrupted god. His dead father, dead mother, and dead friend made his body for him when he died during the fight against Zennousha. He was then appointed to be one of the new gods. When the universe reset, Zain was seperated form the others and dissappeared. The god Zain?s whereabouts are currently unknown [U]Mortal Body[/U] [b]Name[/b] ? Zain [b]Pronunciation[/b] ? zAn (long a) [b]Age appearance[/b] ? early twenties [b]Sex[/b] ? male [b]Race[/b] ? unknown (appears humanoid) [b]Height[/b] ? about 6? 4? [b]Weight[/b] ? about 190 lbs [b]Hair color[/b] ? red [b]Hair style[/b] ? a mass of spikes that flair downward and fall to his shoulders [b]Eyes[/b] ? pale blue, so pale they are almost white [b]Body[/b] ? thin but muscular; lithe [b]Skin Tone[/b] ? pale white [b]Clothes[/b] ? black boots, black pants, black long-sleeved shirt, black fingerless gloves, and a black cloak with a hood [b]Distinguished marks[/b] ? a huge scar across his body that runs from his left shoulder, across his chest and stomach to his right hip [b]Other Appearance details[/b] ? none [b]Weapons[/b] ? none [b]Special powers[/b] ? can sense life forces incredibly well [b]Handicaps[/b] ? an incredibly huge case of amnesia ? all he knows is his name and how to fight [b]Transformations[/b] ? Zain has no idea if he can transform into anything [b]Special moves[/b] ? Zain has no recollection of any special moves that he can perform -
Bret noticed the tears coming from Burden's face but didn't say anything, not wanting to sadden her even more. They climbed up the stiars into their room, which Burden unlocked, and entered the room. Bret looked around and noted the minimal furniture. One bed, a flimsy table, two chairs, and a small dresser. 'How quaint,' Bret mentally smirked. Bret took off his suit jacket, draped it over a chair, and sat down. He iddly adjusted one of the cuffs on his dress shirt while Burden unload her bag and wiped her face. When she turned around, he shot her his charming smile. "So, how about that dance?"
Sorry for not putting the tag, my fault, I was really tired guys. ForestCrusader, please repost your sign-up here for me, thanks. Also, don't forget about the underground thread, which is right [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=55313]here[/URL]. Ok, take two!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=Navy]Majotte, the recently appointed sayain god of pride and strength, stood in the room of the gods. It was a circular room that bore a table that had once held the old council of the gods, but was now empty except for Majotte and one other occupant. ?All right, tell me already,? Majotte said to the other man in the room with him, ?why have you brought me here? I?m still trying to catch up on what?s going on.? The other man looked at Majotte. His name was Sahruk and he was a warrior of heaven, a fighter for the gods. He was also the father of Majotte. ?Majotte, I have much to tell you. Much happened when Seidaku reset the mortal plane. You?d better take a seat,? Sahruk spoke, indicating a seat next to where he stood. Majotte sat down and viewed the three other empty chairs at the table. One belonged to Zain, the god of skill and ancestry; one belonged to Suzu, Zain?s brother, and the god of level and wisdom; and the last one belongs to Seidaku, the god of light and darkness. The three of them, all newly appointed gods like Majotte, were now scattered around the mortal universe. ?Majotte,? Sahruk said, reclaiming Majotte?s attention. ?Let me start by explaining exactly what I am. I am a warrior of heaven, a messenger and fighter of the gods. I exist to serve you and help you and the others. I am not a true immortal, like you, Zain, Suzu, and Seidaku, but I do not age or get sick and therefore will not die from natural causes. I can, however, die in combat. ?Why is there just one of you?? Majotte interrupted. ?That seems like a pretty big job for just one man.? ?Ah, but it is,? Sahruk nodded solemnly. ?There were once many of us, but centuries upon centuries have lessened our numbers. We were down to three at one time, Anthion, Frenz the seraphim, and myself. Anthion was lost to us in a battle against the powers of Hell and the former god Zennousha took Frenz when he became corrupted.? ?So Kairiki?s seraphim from Char?was once a ?warrior of heaven??? Majotte wondered out loud. ?Yes, and he even worshipped by the woodlings of Earth,? Sahruk replied. ?But I?m digressing from the point. Obviously, with the new council of gods, we are going to need more heaven warriors. I have sent out the call to a few select mortals around the mortal universe, and if they choose to accept, they shall be summoned here, to the immortal plane, so they may embrace their newfound.? ?But why now?? Majotte persisted. ?Why do we need warriors all of a sudden.? ?Because of the threat of Satan, his daughter Demona, and all the forces of Hell. They will begin with a psychological warfare, trying to steal hope from the mortals and making them turn on each other. And then, when the time is right, the gates of Hell shall open and the armies of Satan will march upon the mortal realm.? ?So? I?m a god. Hell, even when I was mortal I was strong. Can?t I just go down there and kick some a**?? Majotte asked with a smirk on his face. ?That?s the point I?m getting to,? Sahruk sighed. ?When Seidaku reset the universe, something changed. The mortal dimension will no longer hold gods upon it.? ?WHAT?? Majotte yelled. ?HOW THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO FIGHT THEN?? ?Calm down, I?m getting there. We warriors can travel both planes, mortal and immortal, with a god?s permission, and can fight for you.? ?That?s not enough,? Majotte said flatly. ?You?re going to need me, Zain, Suzu, and Seidaku, or whatever name he?s going by now.? ?Well?? Sahruk hesitated. ?There is one way. However, it?s risky.? He glanced at Majotte?s expression, then sighed. ?Fine, I?ll tell you. You can create another body for yourself, a mortal one, to travel the mortal plane in. I suspect that Suzu, Seidaku, and Zain are currently in mortal bodies like I have just described, but I had planned on finding them and bringing here, where?d they?d be safe.? ?Don?t,? Majotte said, standing up. ?The last council of gods sat on their a**es too much and now they?re gone. I plan on being around for a long, long time.? Majotte flexed his arms, feeling the power flowing in them. ?Just tell me where I?m needed.? ?Earth. That is where the powers of Hell shall strike,? Sahruk said. ?Why there?? ?Because it?s three planets that makes up the triangle of destiny in the mortal universe. Char was one, Vegeta was the other, and Earth the final one. Once these three planets are destroyed or taken over, the mortal universe does not stand a chance. That is why Zennousha sent his sons to those three planets when he tried taking over the universe. It is also the three planets whose orbs power Seidaku along with the final orb, the orb of light.? ?So the pieces begin to fit into the puzzle?? Majotte mused to himself. ?Vegeta is destroyed and Char defenses are almost nothing. Earth must not fall to the evil abominations of Hell.? Sahruk spoke as Majotte began to gather power in his body. ?Majotte, before you leave, be warned, taking a mortal body is a dangerous risk for a god,? Sahruk cautioned. ?And why?s that?? ?Because you can die.? Majotte smiled at this comment. ?Nothing I ain?t used to,? he said with a grim smile.[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkGreen][U]Universe Explanation[/U] The To Find the Infection Universe is a loosely based DBZ universe. As such, ki is the primary weapon of fighters. When I say ki, I mean a loose interpretation of the power ? powers can look like almost anything, just have a generally beam-like quality. Fighters can also sense others ki. That does not mean that fighters are limited to ki-based attacks, though. Magic and technology are both widely used forms of fighting and there are others depending on how creative you are. As for a time era, currently Earth is in a medieval time. There are other planets, though, that each have their own level of technological advancement. Planetary travel is possible, either through technology, magic, or ki. Also, I need to address the issue of power-ups and transformations, since that is a major thing in the DBZ world and in TFTI world. I?m not saying that none can be done, we?ve had plenty of Super Sayain 3?s and other types of transformations, but ridiculous, out of proportion transformations that make a character unreasonably strong will not be tolerated. I want this to be a quality RPG ? everything in moderation. [/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkRed][U]Previous RPGs [/U] This RPG is going to be the fourth one in a series. Don?t be afraid of joined because of that, though, it is very easy to join. However, there is some history to fill you in on what has happened in the previous TFTI?s, though, in case you are curious. Summaries on previous TFTI RPGs can be found in the underground thread, which is [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=55313]right here[/URL]. I tried to make them brief, so they?re sloppy and lack many details. If you want to read the original stories, look at the TFTI website, you can download them there. Reading these are not required, it just fills you in a bit about what the older characters may be referring to. [/COLOR] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkOrange] [U]Rules[/U] 1. No God-moding, cheese-whizzing, or any other form of invincible RPing. This tends to be a problem in DBZ-related RPGs, but we?ve managed to keep it under control for the first three TFTI?s, so I don?t really see it being a problem in this one. 2. This RPG will use have less player control of other players then is the norm her at OB. You will be restricted to your own character and only be able to post smaller, insignificant reactions and things about the others players. If you violate this, don?t worry about it the first time, we will just remind you about it, I know it takes time getting used to. But don?t make it a habbit. 3. I want players who are willing to commit. I?m not saying that TFTI has to be the only aspect of your life, because I know that we all have our own lives outside of the internet. I am, however, asking that you post a fairly good amount of the time and that you try to contact one of the other members if you can?t post for some reason. This does not mean posting an immense amount, however. Know when to stop and wait for the others ? there?s nothing worse then being gone for two days, and then coming back to see three pages of posts to read to catch up on what?s happening. 4. Please post some quality posts. Good grammar and spelling are key to an RPG. Spelling doesn?t have to be perfect (I personally suck at spelling) but try your best and try really hard to have good grammar. This makes the posts so much easier to read, thus making the RPG more fun to participate in. 5. I hate when posts start becoming cheesy or not making sense. Try to make this realistic (or as realistic as an event under these circumstances could be) and not post any lame, crappy, cheesy, DBZ fanboy garbage. Any fanboy garbage poster will probably receive a merciless verbal beat-down by myself or one of the other vets. 6. If you have any questions, feel free to PM, AIM, or E-mail me. You can also try to contact Red16 or Sandman ? they have been around TFTI as long as I have and have an equal say in it. We are nice people, honestly?I?m not joking?seriously[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [U]Sign-ups[/U] [SIZE=3][B][U]Normal Sign-ups[/U][/B][/SIZE] Name - your name Pronunciation - how to pronounce your name Age - how old are you Sex - male or female Race - what species are you. for a list of known races, [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=55313]check here[/URL] Height - how tall are you Weight - how heavy are you Hair color - what's your hair color Hair style - how's your hair sit on you head Eyes - eye color Body - how's your body built Skin Tone ? what color are you Distinguished marks - scars, stuff like that Clothes - what are you wearing Other Appearance details ? put stuff here that doesn?t fit into any of the other categories, like having other body parts or lack of body parts Weapons - tools for fighting that you carry with you Special Powers - unique abilities that others may not be able to do Handicaps - Things that you can't do but others (unfortunately) can Transformations - what can you turn into (ex. - SSJ) Special Moves - special moves that are unique to you Bio ? a small summary of you life up to this point, including the planet you are on. If you are going to be a heaven warrior, include where you were and what happened when you got the call to be a heaven warrior in here. [SIZE=3][B][U]God Sign-up (only for the older members who were previously gods)[/U][/B][/SIZE] God Body Name ? your name Pronunciation ? how to say your name God of ? what you govern over (check TFTI3 for this or just read to prologue) Age appearance ? since you?re a god, you don?t age, but how old do you look Sex ? male or female (I?m pretty sure all of the gods are male...) Race ? what race are you Height ? how tall are you Weight ? how much you weigh Hair color ? what?s your hair color Hair style ? how your hair sits on your head Eyes? eye color Body ? how?s your body built Skin Tone ? what color are you? Clothes ? what you normally wear Distinguished marks ? scars and such Other Appearance details ? put stuff here that doesn?t fit into any of the other categories, like having other body parts or lack of body parts Weapons ? tools that you may use to fight Special powers ? abilities unique to you Handicaps ? stuff the other gods can do but you can?t Transformations ? what you can turn into Special moves ? techniques that are unique to you Bio ? small summary of you godly life up to now Mortal Body Name ? can be different from your god name, can be the same, it?s up to you Pronunciation ? how to say you name Age appearance ? since your mortal body was just made, its technically not that old, but how old does it appear? Sex ? male or female Race ? what race are you Height ? how tall are you Weight ? how much you weigh Hair color ? what?s your hair color Hair style ? how your hair sits on your head Eyes? eye color Body ? how?s your body built Skin Tone ? what color are you? Clothes ? what you normally wear Distinguished marks ? scars and such Other Appearance details ? put stuff here that doesn?t fit into any of the other categories, like having other body parts or lack of body parts Weapons ? tools for fighting that you carry on you Special powers ? unique abilities Handicaps ? things Transformations ? things you can turn into (ex. SSJ) Special moves ? techniques unique to
[COLOR=Navy]Majotte, the recently appointed sayain god of pride and strength, stood in the room of the gods. It was a circular room that bore a table that had once held the old council of the gods, but was now empty except for Majotte and one other occupant. ?All right, tell me already,? Majotte said to the other man in the room with him, ?why have you brought me here? I?m still trying to catch up on what?s going on.? The other man looked at Majotte. His name was Sahruk and he was a warrior of heaven, a fighter for the gods. He was also the father of Majotte. ?Majotte, I have much to tell you. Much happened when Seidaku reset the mortal plane. You?d better take a seat,? Sahruk spoke, indicating a seat next to where he stood. Majotte sat down and viewed the three other empty chairs at the table. One belonged to Zain, the god of skill and ancestry; one belonged to Suzu, Zain?s brother, and the god of level and wisdom; and the last one belongs to Seidaku, the god of light and darkness. The three of them, all newly appointed gods like Majotte, were now scattered around the mortal universe. ?Majotte,? Sahruk said, reclaiming Majotte?s attention. ?Let me start by explaining exactly what I am. I am a warrior of heaven, a messenger and fighter of the gods. I exist to serve you and help you and the others. I am not a true immortal, like you, Zain, Suzu, and Seidaku, but I do not age or get sick and therefore will not die from natural causes. I can, however, die in combat. ?Why is there just one of you?? Majotte interrupted. ?That seems like a pretty big job for just one man.? ?Ah, but it is,? Sahruk nodded solemnly. ?There were once many of us, but centuries upon centuries have lessened our numbers. We were down to three at one time, Anthion, Frenz the seraphim, and myself. Anthion was lost to us in a battle against the powers of Hell and the former god Zennousha took Frenz when he became corrupted.? ?So Kairiki?s seraphim from Char?was once a ?warrior of heaven??? Majotte wondered out loud. ?Yes, and he even worshipped by the woodlings of Earth,? Sahruk replied. ?But I?m digressing from the point. Obviously, with the new council of gods, we are going to need more heaven warriors. I have sent out the call to a few select mortals around the mortal universe, and if they choose to accept, they shall be summoned here, to the immortal plane, so they may embrace their newfound.? ?But why now?? Majotte persisted. ?Why do we need warriors all of a sudden.? ?Because of the threat of Satan, his daughter Demona, and all the forces of Hell. They will begin with a psychological warfare, trying to steal hope from the mortals and making them turn on each other. And then, when the time is right, the gates of Hell shall open and the armies of Satan will march upon the mortal realm.? ?So? I?m a god. Hell, even when I was mortal I was strong. Can?t I just go down there and kick some ***?? Majotte asked with a smirk on his face. ?That?s the point I?m getting to,? Sahruk sighed. ?When Seidaku reset the universe, something changed. The mortal dimension will no longer hold gods upon it.? ?WHAT?? Majotte yelled. ?HOW THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO FIGHT THEN?? ?Calm down, I?m getting there. We warriors can travel both planes, mortal and immortal, with a god?s permission, and can fight for you.? ?That?s not enough,? Majotte said flatly. ?You?re going to need me, Zain, Suzu, and Seidaku, or whatever name he?s going by now.? ?Well?? Sahruk hesitated. ?There is one way. However, it?s risky.? He glanced at Majotte?s expression, then sighed. ?Fine, I?ll tell you. You can create another body for yourself, a mortal one, to travel the mortal plane in. I suspect that Suzu, Seidaku, and Zain are currently in mortal bodies like I have just described, but I had planned on finding them and bringing here, where?d they?d be safe.? ?Don?t,? Majotte said, standing up. ?The last council of gods sat on their ***** too much and now they?re gone. I plan on being around for a long, long time.? Majotte flexed his arms, feeling the power flowing in them. ?Just tell me where I?m needed.? ?Earth. That is where the powers of Hell shall strike,? Sahruk said. ?Why there?? ?Because it?s three planets that makes up the triangle of destiny in the mortal universe. Char was one, Vegeta was the other, and Earth the final one. Once these three planets are destroyed or taken over, the mortal universe does not stand a chance. That is why Zennousha sent his sons to those three planets when he tried taking over the universe. It is also the three planets whose orbs power Seidaku along with the final orb, the orb of light.? ?So the pieces begin to fit into the puzzle?? Majotte mused to himself. ?Vegeta is destroyed and Char defenses are almost nothing. Earth must not fall to the evil abominations of Hell.? Sahruk spoke as Majotte began to gather power in his body. ?Majotte, before you leave, be warned, taking a mortal body is a dangerous risk for a god,? Sahruk cautioned. ?And why?s that?? ?Because you can die.? Majotte smiled at this comment. ?Nothing I ain?t used to,? he said with a grim smile.[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkGreen][U]Universe Explanation[/U] The To Find the Infection Universe is a loosely based DBZ universe. As such, ki is the primary weapon of fighters. When I say ki, I mean a loose interpretation of the power ? powers can look like almost anything, just have a generally beam-like quality. Fighters can also sense others ki. That does not mean that fighters are limited to ki-based attacks, though. Magic and technology are both widely used forms of fighting and there are others depending on how creative you are. As for a time era, currently Earth is in a medieval time. There are other planets, though, that each have their own level of technological advancement. Planetary travel is possible, either through technology, magic, or ki. Also, I need to address the issue of power-ups and transformations, since that is a major thing in the DBZ world and in TFTI world. I?m not saying that none can be done, we?ve had plenty of Super Sayain 3?s and other types of transformations, but ridiculous, out of proportion transformations that make a character unreasonably strong will not be tolerated. I want this to be a quality RPG ? everything in moderation.[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkRed][U]Previous RPGs[/U] This RPG is going to be the fourth one in a series. Don?t be afraid of joined because of that, though, it is very easy to join. However, there is some history to fill you in on what has happened in the previous TFTI?s, though, in case you are curious. Summaries on previous TFTI RPGs can be found in the underground thread, which is [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=751181#post751181]right here[/URL]. I tried to make them brief, so they?re sloppy and lack many details. If you want to read the original stories, look at the TFTI website, you can download them there. Reading these are not required, it just fills you in a bit about what the older characters may be referring to.[/COLOR] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkOrange][U]Rules[/U] 1. No God-moding, cheese-whizzing, or any other form of invincible RPing. This tends to be a problem in DBZ-related RPGs, but we?ve managed to keep it under control for the first three TFTI?s, so I don?t really see it being a problem in this one. 2. This RPG will use have less player control of other players then is the norm her at OB. You will be restricted to your own character and only be able to post smaller, insignificant reactions and things about the others players. If you violate this, don?t worry about it the first time, we will just remind you about it, I know it takes time getting used to. But don?t make it a habbit. 3. I want players who are willing to commit. I?m not saying that TFTI has to be the only aspect of your life, because I know that we all have our own lives outside of the internet. I am, however, asking that you post a fairly good amount of the time and that you try to contact one of the other members if you can?t post for some reason. This does not mean posting an immense amount, however. Know when to stop and wait for the others ? there?s nothing worse then being gone for two days, and then coming back to see three pages of posts to read to catch up on what?s happening. 4. Please post some quality posts. Good grammar and spelling are key to an RPG. Spelling doesn?t have to be perfect (I personally suck at spelling) but try your best and try really hard to have good grammar. This makes the posts so much easier to read, thus making the RPG more fun to participate in. 5. I hate when posts start becoming cheesy or not making sense. Try to make this realistic (or as realistic as an event under these circumstances could be) and not post any lame, crappy, cheesy, DBZ fanboy garbage. Any fanboy garbage poster will probably receive a merciless verbal beat-down by myself or one of the other vets. 6. If you have any questions, feel free to PM, AIM, or E-mail me. You can also try to contact Red16 or Sandman ? they have been around TFTI as long as I have and have an equal say in it. We are nice people, honestly?I?m not joking?seriously[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [U]Sign-ups[/U] [B][SIZE=3][U]Normal Sign-ups[/U][/SIZE][/B] Name - your name Pronunciation - how to pronounce your name Age - how old are you Sex - male or female Race - what species are you. for a list of known races, check [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=751181#post751181]here[/URL] Height - how tall are you Weight - how heavy are you Hair color - what's your hair color Hair style - how's your hair sit on you head Eyes - eye color Body - how's your body built Skin Tone ? what color are you Distinguished marks - scars, stuff like that Clothes - what are you wearing Other Appearance details ? put stuff here that doesn?t fit into any of the other categories, like having other body parts or lack of body parts Weapons - tools for fighting that you carry with you Special Powers - unique abilities that others may not be able to do Handicaps - Things that you can't do but others (unfortunately) can Transformations - what can you turn into (ex. - SSJ) Special Moves - special moves that are unique to you Bio ? a small summary of you life up to this point, including the planet you are on. If you are going to be a heaven warrior, include where you were and what happened when you got the call to be a heaven warrior in here. [SIZE=3][B][U]God Sign-up[/U][/B] (for certain members only)[/SIZE] [U]God Body[/U] Name ? your name Pronunciation ? how to say your name God of ? what you govern over (check TFTI3 for this or just read to prologue) Age appearance ? since you?re a god, you don?t age, but how old do you look Sex ? male or female (I?m pretty sure all of the gods are male...) Race ? what race are you Height ? how tall are you Weight ? how much you weigh Hair color ? what?s your hair color Hair style ? how your hair sits on your head Eyes? eye color Body ? how?s your body built Skin Tone ? what color are you? Clothes ? what you normally wear Distinguished marks ? scars and such Other Appearance details ? put stuff here that doesn?t fit into any of the other categories, like having other body parts or lack of body parts Weapons ? tools that you may use to fight Special powers ? abilities unique to you Handicaps ? stuff the other gods can do but you can?t Transformations ? what you can turn into Special moves ? techniques that are unique to you Bio ? small summary of you godly life up to now [U]Mortal Body[/U] Name ? can be different from your god name, can be the same, it?s up to you Pronunciation ? how to say you name Age appearance ? since your mortal body was just made, its technically not that old, but how old does it appear? Sex ? male or female Race ? what race are you Height ? how tall are you Weight ? how much you weigh Hair color ? what?s your hair color Hair style ? how your hair sits on your head Eyes? eye color Body ? how?s your body built Skin Tone ? what color are you? Clothes ? what you normally wear Distinguished marks ? scars and such Other Appearance details ? put stuff here that doesn?t fit into any of the other categories, like having other body parts or lack of body parts Weapons ? tools for fighting that you carry on you Special powers ? unique abilities Handicaps ? things Transformations ? things you can turn into (ex. SSJ) Special moves ? techniques unique to you
This is where I will store all the optional reading material and some OOC stuff. All of this is not required to participate in the RPG, but it is a bit helpful. It looks a lot worse then it actually is to tell you the truth. The sign-ups are located [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=751361#post751361]here[/URL]. Any questions, feel free to PM or IM me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE=4][B][U]Known Races in the TFTI universe[/U][/B] [/SIZE] Sayain The most popular race in DBZ is obviously part of TFTI. The sayains in TFTI are pretty much like the ones from the show. Their home planet is Vegeta, which is destroyed, and there are a small amount of them spread throughout the galaxy. They love the thrill of the fight. Their primary weapon is ki-based attacks along with their strength and martial arts. They can also fly. Super Sayain transformations are also accessible by most. Woodling This is a peaceful race native to earth. They are extremely peaceful and hate fighting. They also have a direct connection with nature, and as such they have a unique control over the powers of nature. The whole race is believed to have been wiped out by a mysterious attack. Because the woodlings were so peaceful, they didn?t know how to fight back and were slaughtered. The only known survivor was a half-breed that managed to escape. Angelic Demon This race is native to the planet Enarjun (a medieval period planet). They have a human appearance, except for their black feather wings that they possess. They use dark ki blasts as weapons along with their strength. Angelic demons must be careful about keeping their emotions in check, especially their anger. If their powers are used and they don?t have proper control over their rage, the rage has a chance of manifesting itself as a different personality and taking control of the angelic demon. When this happens, angelic demons are still capable of rational thinking, however they are merciless killers and are much more violent. When under the control of their darker personality, they will also have a bizarre need to drink blood. Humans Humans are natives to the planets Earth, Terran (a technologically advance planet), and a few other planets. They are generally weaker and only few have the ability to use ki. However, the ones with access to advance technology are fearsome forces in a fight. Demon This race is very varied in appearance. They usually have some type of connection to evil, but don?t have to. Demons, because of they are so varied in appearance, shape and form, depend on many different means of fighting, from dark magic to nature control to using blades and hooks made out of their own skin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE=3][B][U]Previous TFTI Summaries[/U][/B][/SIZE] [U]To Find the Infection[/U] Zain felt a disturbance in the Earth, so he sought help. He teamed up with Rahk and Tanna and began searching for the infection. Majotte and Erutan met and became friends. Erutan also sensed something wrong with the Earth. Tanna was died of poisoning that Majotte had planted in him several weeks earlier and Zain swore revenge. A mysterious old man was revealed to have some type of role in the poisoning of the Earth. A legend about an orb that controlled the Earth was also revelaed, but the role it played remained a mystery. Because of a misunderstanding, Erutan and Majotte were lead to believe it was Zain?s fault that the Earth was suffering. The four fought in a town before Zain and Rahk fled to a hiding place. They were safe there for one day then Majotte and Erutan came after them again. Zain confronted Majotte. They fought, eventually traveling to the Earth?s core, Zain died, and Majotte killed the old man. Erutan was summoned to the Earth Orb and became one with it. Zain came back from the dead and fused with Erutan to help put the Earth back to normal, which had been disrupted even more by the fighting. The final battle: Zain, Rahk Vs. Majotte, Erutan ? The power was too much for the earth to sustain, so it booted Zain and Majotte into a inter-dimensional planetary traveling warp. [U]To Find the Infection 2: Gladiator[/U] Four years after TFTI1. Zain and Majotte get captured and are forced to be gladiators on planet Char. Rahk is head guard and Erutan is forced to be a guard. Tanna Jr., Tanna?s son, is also a gladiator. Rahk has a new dark personality named Ark. After being forced to fight by a king, Zain and Majotte break out. They are followed by Erutan, and Tanna Jr., who also break out. Ark comes after them and they fight but Ark flees. They come face to face with the king and fight, losing badly. After a rest, they then sneak to the castle to fight the king again. They are confronted by a seraphim, a supposed holy being that is corrupted, and win. In the castle, they run into Ark, the seraphim, and the king. They fight, each enemy being defeated. In the process Erutan dies and is reincarnated as Urth, who is fused with the orb of Char. Zain is infused with Rahk?s blood and gains new powers. Afterwards, Tanna Jr. becomes enraged at finding out that Majotte killed his father and a fight ensues. During the fight, Zain intervenes, causing Majotte to lose control of an attack. Majotte loses his arm, and damages the planet. Urth teleports them all to Earth, but Zain decides to go to Enarjun instead. Majotte, who gets left behind, makes a rift and goes to a different planet. [U]To Find the Infection 3: Gods? Game[/U] Four years after TFTI3. A mysterious god, Zennousha, and his mortal son, Ranma, are revealed to have a personal vendetta against Zain, Majotte, and Urth for killing Zennousha?s other two sons, Kairiki and Jukunen. Zain, who is on Enarjun, chases down a suspicious priest and get teleported to a different planet. Urth, who is looking for the third and final orb, is tricked into helping Ranma. Majotte wakes up on a mysterious planet with a robotic arm and new robotic powers. He helps his creators and starts fighting an army. James Lockwood get teleported to the same planet as Majotte. He gets drawn into the fight with the army. Zain, who is also on the same planet as Majotte, find him and James. They also meat Sal?es Vec, who is busy on a killing spree. They get information from a priest of Zennousha and find out that the god wants them dead. Urth comes under Ranma?s control. They attack Enarjun. Zain and James form an alliance and travel back to Enarjun. Majotte goes to find some answers on the planet he is on. Urth and Zain fight, but Urth flees with Ranma once the planet is corrupted with darkness. James, Zain, and Majotte are teleported to Earth. Urth is revealed as the 4th son of Zennousha. Vec is teleported to the moon, where Ranma and Urth are, and begin fighting. Zain, Majotte, and James hold of an army of dark beings created by Urth to destroy the Earth. Urth then sets the moon on a collision course with Earth. Jukunen (old man from TFTI1) and Kairiki (king from TFTI2) are reborn as continually reincarnating beings. Urth becomes Seidaku. Zain, Majotte, James Vs. Kairiki and Jukunen. The Earth gets destroyed despite efforts to stop the moon. Vec becomes Shar, and attacks a planet, in the process fighting Suzu. Seidaku, Majotte, James, and Zain are teleported to a recreated Char. Shar comes to Char with Suzu. Zain fights Shar, but goes insane and becomes Gekido. Gekido fights Shar, then Suzu, then Jukunen. It is too much and Char becomes unstable. Shar, Gekido, and Suzu go to a barren planetoid while Seidaku, Majotte and James escape. Seidaku confronts Zennousha, who came to the mortal plane, while Gekido, Shar, and Suzu make their way to the battlefield. Zennousha kills James. Gekido fights Majotte, Shar fights Kairiki and Suzu, Seidaku fights Zennousha. Gekido regains some sanity and tried to end the fight with a final attack, killing himself. James is reincarnated and takes away Zennousha?s immortality. Zennousha teleports everyone to the plane of the gods. He absorbs the other gods and the fighting continues. Zain is reincarnated and joins the fight. Zain and Suzu fuse, Majotte and Seidaku fuse. They kill Zennousha. Shar and Seidaku fight. Vec regains control over Shar. Suzu, Majotte, Zain, and Seidaku become gods. Seidaku resets the universe, sending Suzu and Vec are sent to their original planets. Zain, and Seidaku go back to Earth. Majotte is pulled into the god realm. Satan and his daughter, Demona, are revealed as a threat to the universe.
Bret followed behind Burden, thinking about the strange child. She had easily seen him for the creature he was, a lycan. He had to remeber to be careful around her type. It made things less complicated if not as many people knew about his powerful heritage. He glanced at Burden and noticed that she was still watching the couple. Two fallen. Fallen were a curious breed, one that Bret had never known that personaly, but not that it mattered. They just took Bret for a human and left him alone, like all the other creatures Bret encountered. "So," Bret said trying to distract her, "after we check into this 'inn', would you care to join me at the dance club you mentioned?" Bret flashed her a charming grin, hoping the cute hybrid would say yes.
"Don't worry, child, the vampires are gone," Bret spoke in a soothing voice. 'And if they come back, they'll be dead in three minutes,' he added silently. Now that he had their scent, he would know when they were coming. "Vampires really are quite disgusting creatures," he said to Burden. When he said vampire, he practically spat the word. His family, being an old lycan family, had a strong hate for the bloodsuckers, and Bret was no exception. "I have only one question, though. What did they mean when they yelled traitor?
Bret smiled with amusment as he grabbed the hybrid. "Woah, miss, wait please," he said. "You forgot your bag." He held it up to her and she took it. The hybrid took it and replied with an espression of grattitude. "Now problem, miss, I was happy to do it. Besides it gave me an excuse to see you again," Bret chuckled. "Oh, I don't think we've exhanged names. I'm Bret Maxwell. And you are?"