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Everything posted by Makurayami
Bret watched Burden run out of the bar with a puzzled look on his face. She had rushed out in such a hurry, and had seemed almost embarressed. How odd. And he hadn't even gotten the chance to tell her his name. Idly sipping his drink, Bret wondered if he would see her again. Looking down he realized that in her rush, the female street-fighter had forgotten her bag. Picking it up, Bret rushed out the door, pausing only to throw some money on the bar for his drink. Hopefully he could catch up to her. ((Sorry, was planning on posting more but my dad's making me get off...ugh))
That's going to be one bulky coat then. And heavy too.
Bret chuckled, amused by the hybrid's bluntness. "Forgive, but it's in my up-bringing to be polite. It's now so ingrained in me it's impossible to be rid of." He quickly glanced at the book in her hand. "I see you can read the old latin text. That's impressive. And to think that they say all street fighters are uncivilized brutes." Bret chuckled as he took another sip of his drink. "So, tell me, just what is a famous street fighter doin in Atlanta?" Bret said as he looked at Burden. She was kind of cute, in a rough-and-tough kind of way. Bret wondered if her personality was the same.
bodhidharma, you're saying your chatracter carrys that many guns on him? Come-on, that number of weapons on one person is ridiculus (heck, the idea of carrying 4 rifles alone is ridiculus.) And you're saying he can carry even more? That's just tacky. And besides, guns make fighting boring.
Bret glanced up as the the hybrid came into the bar, sipping on his brandy. She was a fox hybrid and a popular one none-the-less, the whispers flaring up as soon as she walked in. He thought to himself, trying to think if he had seen the popular hybrid before. After several minutes, he remebered. She was a street fighter, a expectionally good one if he recalled correctly, and had built quite the reputation. Bret saw out of the corner of his eye as she sat down two seats from him. After taking a few more sips, Bret looked up to say something to the girl. But she was reading a book, so he looked away not saying anything, being polite.
Bret walked through the crowded streets of Atlanta. He was wondering aimlessly, something he found himself doing often, looking in all directions at the sights, taking it all in. He was in the human part of town, and it was considerably nicer then the other part where they kept the vampires, hybrids, fallen angels, and other lycans. Actually, the other part was just a downright dump. Never-the-less, Bret still wondered down there from time to time. Although it was trashy, it was interesting and every now and then there was a good street fight. As Bret continued walking, an angel walked by him. The angel looked at him then nodded. Bret smiled back and continued walking. His control over his lycan form was so masterful that he wasn't ever detected as actually being a "danger" as the angels had labeled his race. Bret found himself with less and less people on the street he was walking. He looked around and noticed that he was heading into the other part of town. He continued walking for a bit and saw a shady looking tavern. He was thirsty and sometimes he picked up jobs in taverns, so he decided to stop in. Bret walked in and sat down at the bar. An old looking crow hybrid was the bartender, his long bierd compsed of almost entirely of ruffled, fading, black feathers. Bret ordered a drink and relaxed, looking around the bar at the other customers.
[B]Name and pronunciation:[/B] Bret Maxell (Br-et Macks-el) [B]Breed: [/B]Werewolf (perfers to be called Lycan) [B]age:[/B] 20 [B]sex:[/B] male [B]occupation:[/B] assassin [B]Weapons:[/B] a collaspable nightstick that's concealed in his jacket [B]Special abilities:[/B] He is very skilled at controling his transformation, so skilled that he can cause himself to not transform on nights with a full moon. He can control his metabolic rate so he can speed up the healing process, however this takes a lot of energy from him so that he needs to rest afterwards. Also, he retains a small amount of his werewolf speed and strength when not transformed. [B]Appearance:[/B] His hair is blonde and is trimmed short and neat. He has deep blue eyes and is incredibly handsome. He is about six feet and is of average build. He wears black pants, black dress shoes, a white shirt, and a black suit jacket. All his clothes are very well kept and look very nice. [B]Pets (optional):[/B] none [B]history: [/B]The Maxels were a very rich family. They also had a dark secret - they family were werewolves and had been back for ten generations. However, the Maxels taught their children how to control their werewolf transformation from a very young age and so they kept their secret hidden well. Growing up, Bret was kept inside all of the time because he was still learning how to control his transformation. He didn't go outside his house until the age of 15. But in this time he was taught a great deal in the fields of education, werewolf control, fighting, and common sense. He became an assassin at the age of 18, wanting to see the world and not caring about the pay. [B]Personality:[/B] Bret is well-mannered and polite. He takes care not to reveal his true ancestery to anyone. He has a habbit of wondering and he atributes this to spending the first 15 years of his life in one house.
I just made my first sig, so I was wondering if I could get some comments. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v192/SSJ4Gohan/Siggys/MyFirstSiggy.jpg[/IMG] I made it with the GIMP. Comments and contructive criticism welcome.
((Thanks a ton, Red. Just for the record, this post happened BEFORE Red's (he's just fast and I get caught up in life easlily)) Zain felt his body yanked away towards Earth, rocketing past everything. He watched as Vec and Suzu shot off to their own planets of origin. That was fine - Suzu knew how to find him. And Vec would run into them eventually. Although he was an abomination, Vec bore a great power and would be a needed asset in the battles to come. Zain now looked forward. He watched as the Earth grew in front of him. He, Seidaku, and Majotte all shot off in seperate directions. Zain recognized the area he was going to. It was the woodling ruins. Suddenly Zain felt a presence so strong, so vile, that its very existance voilated everything that was good. But that was all he felt. There was a sudden jolt and he was wracked with pain. The darkness took him. Slowly, he made his way to the light, swimming out of the darkness. The young man, he seemed to be in his early twenties, opened his eyes. They an incredibly pale blue color, so pale they borderlined on white. He slowly sat up and looked down. He was clad in a pair of pants, a sleeveless shirt, some boots, and a long black cloak with a hood over it all. The hood fell off the reveal a head of brilliant red hair that spiked down and fell to the young men's shoulders and in his face. "Where...?" the man muttered. But before he could finish speaking, he felt a vile presence. He turned and saw a man in a black cloak, a hood concealing his face except for his eyes, which burned a deep crimson. "So, how does it feel?" the man roared. "How does what feel?" the man returned. "To be stripped of your true being!" the man laughed a dark, hideous laugh. "How does it feel...Zain?" The man stopped laughing and looked off to the distance. Without another word, he was gone. Just like that - one second he was there, the yound man blinked, and then the crimson-eyed man was gone. The young man looked down at himself. "Zain...is that my name?" he murmered. "And just what does he mean by 'stripped of your true being'?" The man got up and began walking. To where, he did not know. But he knew that he desired answers and out there were someone who could answer him. ((EDIT: Told you I'd post. There's my begining plot twist for Zain in TFTI4! Happy trails!!))
"So let me get this straight," Zain said. "We are going back to where 'we began our journey'. Just where does that mean?" Zain rose into the air, hovering about two inches off the ground. The air around him became a deep golden aura with crimson lightning flashing across him. "Just how far back are we going, Seidaku? To the begining of time or just the begining of our quest back when we where fighting on Earth?" Zain was corious as to where Seidaku was taking him. But Zain knew one thing. He turned his head to Suzu. "Suzu, I can still fell Noah's gift in me. It's enabling me to sense you better then ussual. I'm guessing that you can too. If we get separated in the warp, use this new sense, and find me. Although mighty, alone we gods may be attacked by Demona and picked off. We need to stay together." Zain nodded, looked forward, and powered up, the crimson flashes becoming more frequent and the aura taking on a few flashes of black.
"That will be easy," Zain said, answering Suzu's question. "We will be gods. And as gods, finding Demona will be no hard task." Zain now looked up at Sahruk. "Sahruk, I am honored, and will accept this responsibilty to partake in the council of the gods." Zain turned his eyes to the light. Instantly, he felt the light wash over him, empowering him. He felt lighter and stronger, as if the mortal chains that had held him down his whole life where being unwrapped. Zain curled his wings around him a bit as he continued to stare at the light. His body took on a slight glow and he seemed to shine slightly. An air of awe began to souround him, like that of of something holy. Zain uncurled his wings and turned to Suzu, his new godly powers still flowing through him. "Brother, look into the light and take your place as a god among the council!"
Noah-Inei looked at Majotte. He had been holding back, his temper somewhat under control now that he was slightly drained from fighting. In truth, he could easily defeat Majotte, being a fusion. But now was not the time. And somehthing was feeling funny inside him. "What the-!" he was cut off as there was a blinding flash of light. When the light cleared, Suzu and Zain were seperated, both in perfect health. Zain stretched out his wings, refolded them, and then looked at Suzu. "This day is just full of surprises, isn't it?" he mused. "I still feel our father's power in me. I'm guessing we can fuse again if the need arises." He then cast a glance at Majotte as he stuck his sword blade into the ground and slightly leaned on it. His glance sharpened into a glare, then returned to normal. He then looked at Seidaku and Sahruk. "Hold on Seidaku, before you do anyting I want to hear just what you're thinking. I think we all have a say in this." Without skipping a beat, his focus turned to Sahruk. "So, mighty heaven warrior," he said wearily, his trust of supposedly "holy" things faded from his fight with a god, "just what are these gifts?" ((We need Shaga to post... And if you're wondering about Noah-Inei's name, Inei is jappenese for successor or descendant. So the name means "successor and/or descendant of Noah".))
Noah-Inei let out a small sigh and looked at Seijotte. "If you really want to...and I was having fun." Noah-Inei looked at the god, who was clearly shaken. "You're in for it now." Noah-Inei teleported behind the god and planted a kick square in his back. The god flew a bit as his spine popped out of place. "That'll take a while to heal," Noah-Inei chuckled. Zennousha, who was now on the ground writhing a bit, looked up at the sayain with a menacing glare. Noah-Inei just ignored it and floated up into the air. Reaching back, his hands slid underneath his clothes and onto the two feathers that protrouded from his shoulder blades. With a small wince, he ripped them out and held them out. The feathers wrapped around his gloved hands and knuckles. They suddenly became hard and crystal-like. Hoah-Inei held out his now covered hands as they began to ooze a reddish fog. "I'm almost healed, young fool!" Zennousha shouted from the ground. "An I'm coming after you when I am!" "Too bad you'll be gone by then!" Noah-Inei roared. He brought his hands together and unleashed a massive blast of red ki energy. Zennousha got up just in time and caught it, but struggled to hold it back. "Now, Seijotte, attack too!" Noah-Inei's gazed traveled down to the demon. "Demon, if you want your vegence, attack now as well!!"
The sayain chuckled a bit at Seijotte's comment. "Boy?" he mocked. His voice wasn't two voices flowing together as was typical of most fusions, but instead an primal growl. He then turned his gaze to the god, but talked so that all could hear. "Know this: I am Noah-Inei, a sayain created out of the blood of Noah's sons. And I will also be the one to kill you, foolish divine one." Within a blink, Noah-Inei shot off at Zennousha. He spun and planted a round-house kick into the god's chest, which sent him back a few feet. He then followed with a vicous combo of kicks to his chest, one foot after another, flying so fast they were a barely visable blur. He then swiped his foot across Zennousha's face, sending him flying. Noah-Inei let the god fly and flared up a aura of deep gold, blue electricty cakling in the air around him. Noah-Inei teleported behind the god and planted an elbow into his back. He then used his other elbow to smash him towards the ground. While he fell, Noah-Inei powered up a yellow ki beam and shot it at Zennousha. It hit him just as he hit the ground. But Zennousha dodged slightly cause the beam to only rip through his upper shoulder. The god let out a small cry of pain and then hurridly stopped himself. "Heh, I missed," Noach-Inei chuckled. "Just image what happens when I hit!"
"As I said, I am Zain," Zain said as he grabbed the Suzu's hand, which was starting to go limp under the undoubtable stress of having his legs blown off. Suddenly he felt his brain explode and he found himself in the dark place he had been when he had died and received his new powers. But this time it wasn't completly dark. There was a strange golden tint to it. Zain looked down as saw that Suzu was here with him now. He seemed to be regaining strength. Zain looked forward and saw a man whom he thought he would only see once in his life. Standing in front of him was Noah, his sayain father, looking the same way he had before. Noah looked down at Zain and then at Suzu. "I know this may seem like a little much, and I know it seems ridiculus that I'm all of sudden so much in contact with you after never seeing you before," Noah started, speaking to Zain, "but I had to get you two. It's going to take the last of my power and I'm pretty much forfeiting any afterlife privalages by doing this, but here goes." Noah took a deep breath. "Back in my younger days, when the sayains were still a more powerful race, I used find some woman and well...you can guess. Well, I had an affair with a woodling once and then next thing I know there's a kid with my eyes at the woodling village. So I ditched the planet and took a new assignment. "About eight years later, ironically it was a bit after your village was destroyed, I was on another planet, this one with some wierd aliens that we hadn't encounter before. They had powers to rival that of the sayains, their looks almost like ours just with different colored hair. The woman I bedded with had pink hair with these wierd purple tips. "Well, later a kid was born to this woman. I decided not to leave this son behind and took him back to Vegeta with me when my assignment was up. The kid was about one. When I got back, I was there for about a day when the planet began to suffer tremors. Thinking something was wrong, I went to the pods. I launched a pod with my son in it and began to get into one myself, but the planet suddenly exploded, killing me and all the other remaining sayains." Noah let out a breath as if a huge wieght had been lifted off his shoulders. "Now, here's what I'm giving you. I'm healing you, Suzu, and then giving you a new power. This one will allow you two to fight more "closly" then ever." Noach waved his hand and fired a concentrated beam at Suzu. Suzu's legs were instantly healed. Noah waved another hand and two small ki balls shot the two in the chests. There was seemingly no effect from these. "I've given you the power, now go!" Noah shouted. "And show that so-called god that we are not of a weak bloodline." "NOAH, THE DEAL IS COMPLETE, NOW YOU MUST FULFILL YOUR END OF THE BARGAIN," a voice suddenly roared. "Fine, Demona, take me!" Noah shouted. A hole of billowing orange flames opened up at his feet and thick black tantacles attached themselves to Noah. "What's happening?" Zain demanded. "I told you I was forfeiting my rights by seeing you two," Noah replied. "I had to cut a few deals." "AND NOW YOU ARE MINE!!" the voice bellowed as the tentacles dragged Noah into the hole. Zain watched but his vision was suddenly flooded with light. Him and Suzu were back on the battlefield and it was as if no time had passed at all. "Suzu, concentrate on me," Zain spoke. Suzu nodded and began to glow. Zain began to glow and suddenly there was a flash. The two glowing figures collided, drawn to each other, and there was a flash. When the light cleared, a new figure stood. This man's had hair that was golden with pink tips and black streaks. His eyes were a brown color with a reddish tint and golden rims. His face was full and had a slightly curved chin, like that of a boy who hasn't stopped growing yet. His clothing was a simple black tank-top with black pants. On top of the shirt was a white chest plate that had yellow straps across the shoulders and yellow panneling around the waist area (the sayain armour without the shoulder padding). He also wore white bands around his bicepts, white gloves and white boots. He stood at about six feet and had a very muscular frame, his muscles bulging underneath his clothing. But one of the most notable features about him was that he had a ape-like tail of golden color. Also on his back were two black feathers, just two feathers, one laying down on each shoulder blade. The man rose into the air and chuckled. "So, two fusion warriors against the might of fallen god. This aught to be good." ((Sorry for the long-ass post. Rouroni, stay in contact with me bout posting.))
[quote name='Red16']((C'mon guys, someone needs to post besides me. This is taking too long, and I think that if we postpone the ending then at this rate we will never finish. Hows about we just finish this now? Or do you all want to keep going?))[/quote] ((My bad, let's keep going. I have a few ideas and it seems dumb to end now after coming so far. This deserves to be finished properly)) Zain watched in slight awe as the new being floated in the sky. His power was incredible, like nothing Zain had ever felt before. But he should of been able to guess that even without his senses - the being was a combination of a killer mutant, a fight-happy saiyin, and a vengeful god. But the question now was would it be enough to stop Zennousha? The two powerlevels raged at an impossible high as they stared eachother down. It was impossible to tell which was greater. Zain looked down and saw the demon Shar in his ultimate form. He would be required for the victory. "Demon, leave your prey and use your powers where they are truly needed!" Zain shouted to the demon. But suddenly Zain felt strangly drawn to the saiyan boy, the one who was almost dead at the demon's feat. Zain flew down to the boy, ignoring the demon and the ensuing battle between the fused warrior and the god.. "Boy, tell me, what is your name?" Zain asked as he held out his hand to the fallen saiyan. ((Rurouni922, PM me before posting, I got an idea...:animesmil))
((Anytime you guys can post, your welcome to. I don't want this dying after so much work.))
((Sorry, I'm a bit busy with school, but my schedule's clearing up this week. Where's Sandman? Or Shaga and Rouroni for that matter?))
((Geez, I go away for a bit an look what happens :animeangr. Heh, just kidding guys, lets do this thing already. Sandman, Red, get your thing together and do it, allrght?)) Zain finished his combination of slashes and shot into the air above the god, who was recovering from the quick and devastating attack. Zain quickly cast a glance at Majotte and Seidaku, who where talking amongst themsevles. They must be coming up with a plan, Zain reasoned. The god looked up and saw Zain. He powered up, a aura of purple and gold encasing him, and flicked his six black wings. He shot up towards Zain and had already engaged him so fast if Zain would of blinked he would of missed it. Zain fended off the savage blows of the fallen god and then threw him back, powering up himself. His aura, a mixture with gold and black, roared to life and crimson lightning cackled around him. Zain held up his right hand. The god came at him, but Zain fended him off with a savage kick. Lightning cackled in the air. Suddenly a lightning bolt came down and struck Zain's arm. But it didn't hurt him. The lighning swirled around his arm and formed a drill. Zain looked at the god and threw the lightning at him without hesitation. "Lightning Drill!" he shouted as the electricty tore off his arm and at Zennousha. Zennousha was ready for him - he fired a beam that he had been powering up while Zain summoned the lightning. The two blasts collided and an explosion ripped through the air, engulfing everything in a flash. As the flash cleared, Zennousha teleported behing Zain, then charged for an attack, Zain brought the crimson electricity around him onto his right arm. He charged it quickly and whirled to face Zennousha, the crimson energy bathing him in a soft glow. He thrust his arm forward, the energy suddenly expanding and unleashing on Zennousha. "Crimson blast!" Zain shouted. The blast hit Zennousha, sending him reeling. Zain flicked his wings and shot after him. 'I might not be able to keep up this pace for much longer,' he thought as aimed a kick at the fallen god's chest. 'Seidaku, Majotte, whatever you're doing, do it soon!'
((So, as you can see from Sandman's above post, Outlaw is going to be taking a leave of absence from us. Maybe he will be back. And now, let's do this and get this done guys!)) Zain felt sweat drip down his face as he held the god's beam at bay. He couldn't keep this up for much longer. Zain quickly looked over James. James was floating there, waiting for the beam. "James, block it!" Zain shouted. James looked at Zain and smiled sadly. "Sorry, friend, but my task is done," James said. He didn't shout, but could be heard clearly above the roar of the ensuing battle. "I told you earlier that I was meant to strip Zennousha of his immortality, and I have done just that. Now it is up to you and the others to do the rest." "No! You died once, but you're back now!" Zain shouted. First Rahk, then Rashield, now James. Why did all his friends have to die? "Zain, I was recreated by the gods. Now that they are part of Zennousha, I can feel my power ebbing away. I won't be that much help in the battle, but I will leave you with one last gift." James shot up above the three fighters and held out his hands. Suddenly, all four beams were pulled into James, flying past the others as if they weren't there. James's metal body lit up again, as it had when it had taken away Zennousha's immortality, and there was a blinding flash. Everyone around shielded their eyes. When the light cleared, James was gone and Zennousha was back to one body. "Tsk, that fool sacraficed himself for you. But now it'll be in vain!" Zennousha smirked. His figure went blurry again, as it did when he replicated himself, but then went back into focus suddenly. Zennousha held his head a little and winced. Relazation washed over Zain. "So, James took away your replication technique," Zain mused with a smirk on his face. At the smirk, Zennousha instantly was overcome by a look of rage. "With his last breath he has given us a new chance," Zain continued. He lifted up his sword and looked at the two behind him, then at the two on the ground locked in battle. "I intend to take that chance!" Zain shouted. With a flick of his wings, he rocketed at Zennousha with renewed enthusiasm. The former god had time to gasp before Zain gave him a series of cuts across his body.
((We'll just postpone this until after the holidays and when Outlaw gets back. Merry (belated) Christmas, and Happy New Years!))
((Really? Damn. So, are we to wait, or should we continue? Argh, why arn't you guys on AIM?!))
I just thought of a question. When we start, are our characters going to refer to one another in the Japenese way (last name until friends, and then first name)?
((ARGH!!! Where is Outlaw??)) ((Oh, and nice post Shaga.))
Name:Genji Kurisu Age: 21 Gender: Male Personality: Genji has a caring personality, but it isussually hidden most times underneath his mask of indifference. Because of this he may seem cold and withdrawn, but deep down he is really a nice guy, he just doesn't show that side too much because it would be taken as a sign of weakness by the boss and other assassins. Biography/Character Snippet: Genji lived a normal life around in Toyko. He attended school, was smart, was on the soccer team, and took martial arts lessons since he was four. Then one day, when he was 13, he came home to find his family vicously murdered. A man was sitting in the middle of his house, quietly watching his parents dead corpses. "What the hell are you doing?" Genji screamed. "My job, dear boy," the man chuckled in a manic voice. He stood up and looked at Genji. "Now to finish it!" The mand lunged forward at Genji. Genji, after taking martial arts for nine years, atomatically thrust out his foot and kicked the man back. "Ouch, you'll pay for that!" the man shouted. He ran at Genji again, but Genji dodged under him and ran down the hallway. He ran into his parents room and slammed the door. "Come out, come out where ever you are," the man mused as he walked down the hall. Genji frantically searched through his parents' nightstand until he found what he was looking for. A key. He took the key and ran to the other side of the room, to his father's desk. The key went into the top drawer of his father's desk. The drawer slid open, revealing a 9mm pistol. Genji hesitantly took it out and cocked it. He would probably only have one shot, so he better make it count. He crouched behind the desk and waited. The door crashd down as soon as Genji was in position. Then man looked around the room, then saw at the desk. As soon as he looked, Genji sprung up. He lightly squeezed the trigger and fired. The man didn't even know what hit him. A hole appeared in his forehead and he fell back, crimson blood pouring down his face. Genji went over to investigate the man's body. As soon as he neared the door, another figure jumped out and grabbed Genji, making him drop the gun. He put a cloth to his mouth and chuckled. "A little rough around the edges maybe, but I think the boss could use you. Hell, you have the makings of a sniper, I think you'd be good." Genji then blacked out. He awoke several hours later and his life was never the same again. Appearance:[URL=http://blizzard-art.com/img/cai/Man.jpg]Genji in normal Clothes[/URL], [URL=http://blizzard-art.com/img/cai/Sharp%20Shooter.jpg]Genji in mission gear[/URL] (mission gear includes sniper riffle (as seen on back), 9mm pistol for close-up, extra ammo, gas mask, goggles with infared, UV, Xray, and other settings, and clothes that are enforced with kevlar to withstand bullets)