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Everything posted by Makurayami

  1. Zain nodded to Majotte as he took the left side. He had changed yet again, Zain could sense it, and he felt like he was back to normal - whatever that was. It probably meant that his mutant abilities were back, Zain mused. Clearing his head, Zain continued his attack on Zennousha. He weilded his blade with deadly accuracy, slicing up Zennousha and forcing him back. Zennousha suddenly saw Seidaku coming at him with his icicle. He dodged it, his back hitting the wall. Zain smirked. The stone wall suddenly started to rumble. Large spikes of stone erupted out of it, piercing Zennousha's chest. He made a small gurgling sound as the blood trickled down his chest, staining his clothes. A small trickle came out of his mouth. Zain looked on, a small look of triumpth on his face. Then Zennousha did something totally unexpected. He threw his head back and laughed. Laughed a menacing, evil laugh. He finished laughing and looked at the three fighters. "Maybe I should really start fighting. I've only been using power equaled to about two gods for this time. It's a shame to let the other three go to waist." He pulled himself off the rock spikes, breaking the spikes off. As he did, his chest began to regenerate, pushing the rock out of his flesh. Suddenly he reared back and let out a primal yell. A giant shockwave ripped through the area, sending Zain and the others flying backwards. Zain recovered and looked at Zennousha. He was standing there, letting his powers manifest themselves fully. His power had more then doubled, it was close to tripled. Zain let out a small groan. As he did Zennousha turned his eyes to him. "You see now, don't you? I can't be defeated. I will DESTROY YOU AND EVERYTHING ELSE!" he roared. Zennousha's form went blurry momentarily, then came back into focus. Then there was a sudden explosion. When it cleared, there were four Zennousha's instead of one. And all of their power were the same as the powered-up five god Zennousha. Without a word, the Zennoushas teleported, one behind Zain, one behind Majotte, one behind Seidaku, and one behind James. They simataniously kicked the fighters, sending them flying towards eachother. As they all flew towards a four person colliosion in midair, the gods each threw energy blasts at them. "OH, SHIT, BLOCK NOW!" Zain shouted as he flew into the others. Ignoring the colliosion and the pain it induced, he powered up a blast to counter one of the gods blasts. He unleashed it, holding back Zennousha's blast, but not defeating it. Zain only hoped the others could block the other blasts. Or else they all might be dead.
  2. Zain felt the liquid hit his body and give him an energy boost. He then looked at Majotte. He was back to normal, except he was missing an arm. It was his robotic arm, Zain realized. He wondered where it was, but then dimissed the thought as trivial. Zain smirked at Zennousha's commit about having five gods' powers. "Quality over quanity, you'll soon learn that," he taunted. The god grew angry at this and let out a small bellow. He then shot forward at the group. "Seidaku, Majotte, flank him, I'll take him head on - and boy, stay the hell out of our way unless you want to get hurt!" Zain said quietly as fast as he could. Just as the last word left his mouth, Zennousha hit Zain in the face with a punch. Zain rolled with the attack, lessening the blow, and then continued spinning, going into a round house kick. He nailed Zennousha in the face and then followed up with a flurry of of kicks to Zennousha's head. He finished the combo by kicking him vicously upwards, sending him up a bit, then bringing the heel of his combat boot crashing down on his face. As the once-god stumbled back slightly, Zain flapped his wings and rushed forward started to swing his sword in a blur of motion, stalling for Majotte and Seidaku to flank Zennousha.
  3. ((Guys, come on, my last part of my post was [i]The others were still there, in their various locations around the ruined planetoid. But Gekido was no where to be seen.[/i] Maybe I should of been more obvious, but Gekido died there. Gekido was gone by any posts after mine. If you could, just edit your posts accordingly so Gekido is not actually there and it flows together.)) Zain looked around. He didn't know where he was. There was just light everywhere. Eternal light, the type that went on forever. Last he remmebered he succumbed to his inner rage and became the abomination known as Gekido. He had then been forced to watch, as if trapped in the driver's seat but with no control of the wheel, as he engaged in his demonic art of bloodlust. He had formed an alliance with the demon, Shar, beaten the half-sayain boy (who he still didn't know the name of) to an inch within his life, engaged Majotte, then thrown an all out, last-result, ditch, attack at the unholy god, Zennousha. Zain shook his head, his red hair with the voilent black streaks shaking as well. He was back to normal again. But where was he? Was he... Was he dead? Suddenly a fire started in the distance. It started small, then became bigger and bigger, burning with an intense red flame. Zain looked and saw a figure appear in the fire. The figure became bigger and bigger as it came towards Zain. As it came within his sight range, Zain made out who it was. It was Gwenalin, Zain's long-dead woodling mother. "Son," she whispered as she came close. "Mother, I-" Zain began, but was cut off. "Listen now, my son. You have fallen far from the path, that is obvious, but worry not. Your destiny is not yet complete, and we have the power to send you back" 'We?' Zain wondered silently. "Yes, we," Gwenalin said as if read Zain's thoughts. "But we each have a gift for you as well. My gift for you, my beloved son, if the gift of knowledge. "To you I give the knowledge of nature, and with the knowledge comes the powers of nature. Once one understands nature, nature will understand it, and so it shall willingly perform tasks that are asked of it. This is the secret of the woodlings, the secret given by our gods the Seraphim, and it is what allows us to use nature. We do not control it, we ask of it for its powers, and if worthy, nature obliges(sp?). "And now, I leave you, take care my son, and forget not that I love you." Gwenalin turned around and dissappeared. The red fire remained through, burning brightly. Zain looked behind him and noticed another fire was starting to burn. This one was black though. It burned much the way as the first, getting bigger and bigger until a figure appeared in it. The figure came closer and Zain noticed that it was Rahk. Zain was about to speak, but Rahk stopped him with a wave of a hand. "Listen, friend, because we don't have much time. I have a gift for you as well. I have watched you and seen you fall into the pits of you own inner darkness. Don't worry about it, we all do. What I have for you will fix that, though. For you I have the gift of control. "The stone you wore around you neck will be infused within your body. Gekido will always exist, but he can be kept in check with the stone. It won't only take the stone, though, you also must want Gekido to be kept under control. He is powerful, Zain, I know, but you can channel the power that he wields as your own. Do so, Zain, for that is your power to begin with. "Now, friend, go, and don't forget that I'm always with ya'," Rahk smiled. He turned around and disappeared. Zain looked and saw another fire started to grow like the first and second one. This fire was golden. When it reached the size of the other two, a figure appeared. As this figure got closer, though, Zain did not recognize him. "Quiet, boy, I don't expect you to recognize me," the man said. He was built much like Zain, except older. He had dark black hair and a permanent five o'clock shadow. His eyes were a bit like Zain's, being dark black, but lacked the golden rims. He wore a black, full-bodied, skin tight suit with white chest armour that had yellow panels along the waist area. He also wore white gloves and boots. "Ok, here's the deal boy. My name is Noah, and I'm am...well, I'm you father." Zain's jaw dropped uncontrolably at this. Noah waved him off and continued. "I'm here to give you a gift like all the others. Zain, I want to see you fight. Not only that, I want to see you win. So, here's the gift of power. Use it well, and win with it god damn-it." Noah nodded at Zain then turned around and disappeared. Zain stood there, stunned. He wasn't ready for what happened next. The red fire suddenly lept forward on its own accord and engulfed Zain. Zain felt his body. His hair turned solid red and his eyes solid gold. His clothes were replaced with simple brown pants and shirt with a brown cloack. His muscles reclined a bit, but his mind was overwhelmed with the ancient knowledge of the woodlings. He felt the knowledge sweep through him. He was suddenly aware of nature and all of its secrets. Not just a small bit of manipulation like before, but completly intuned with it. Then the black fire launched forward and sourounded Zain. Zain's hair turned black and his eyes became crimson. His clothes were now black pants, combat boots, a black shirt and a black leather trench coat. His muscles became bigger and black angelic wings formed on his back. He felt the power flowing through him and the need for blood. But then there was a green flash. Zain was in control. He still felt to bloodlust, but he could curve the craving. He was its master, and it would listen to him. Then the gold fire lept forward and engulfed him. His hair turned SSJ golden and his eyes the SSJ blue color. His clothes were replaces with the outfit that Noah had worn, the sayain armour. His muscles bulged beneath the suit and a tail suddenly sprung from his rear. He felt power, power like never before, flowing through him. He wanted to fight. But more importantly, he wanted to win. Then there was another flash. Zain cycled through his three forms at a rapid rate as the flames of all three fires danced around him. There was another flash, and Zain stood a new person. His hair a mix between golden, black, and red, multiple strands of each color woven into one another and reaching down to the small of his neck. His eyes were SSJ blue with golden rims and crimson swirls. His mucles were moderate size, but powerful. He also had an ape-like tail and black angelic wings. His clothes were now black pants with combat boots, a green long-sleeved shirt with the sayain battle armour over it and a black cloack on top. Zain looked at his new self, a marvel of knowledge, power, and control. But one thing was missing. "My sword," Zain said. There was another flash and a sword appeared in his hand. It had a golden handle and long silver blade. Carved into the blade was a picure of a woodling woman tending to a plant, an angelic demon taking flight, and a sayain ozaru beating its chest. "NOW GO!" Rahk, Gwenalin, and Noah all shouted at once. There was another blinding flash and the new Zain found himself in the middle of a temple. He saw Sahruk flying backwards and into Seidaku, and a figure that looked like James, except different somehow. And then there was Zennousha, who was in the middle, obviously fighting to his full extent. Zain reared back and then launched forward. As he neared Zennousha, who was caught off guard the by sudden entrance of the new fighter, a giant vine about four feet in diameter launched out of the ground. It broke through the temple floor and sent Zennousha into the air. Zain ran under him, then jumped. As he jumped he spun and pulled a bycyle kick off, nailing Zennousha and sending him flying into the floor of the temple. Zain spun in the air so he was facing the crater that housed Zennousha. He powered up a ki blast and sent it straight at him. Zennousha caught it, but struggled to keep it under control. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND HOW ARE YOU SO POWERFUL?" he bellowed. As the ki beam began to loose its edge, Zennousha threw it over his shoulder. Before he had even completed the throw, Zain had teleported in front of him. He swung his sword in an upper slash and hacked into Zennousha's chest, blood spurting out as the silver blade touched his skin. Zain then spun with his momentum and roundhouse kicked Zennousha, sending him into the wall and kicking up a large dust cloud. As the dust cleared, Zennousha pulled himself up, hurt slightly, but obviously still able to fight. This would indeed be a long battle. "You still haven't answered my quetion," the fallen god said. "Who are you?" "I am the perfect balance the three most powerful races to ever live. I am the one who will slay you. I am Zain!" Zain shouted as he shot forward so fast he almost broke the sound barrier and hurtled into Zennousha, sword swinging so fast it was a silver blur.
  4. Gekido looked around as the planet floated around him. His feet were still being held by that ridiculus andriod, but it was dead or deactivated. It had become so when the planet exploded. Gekido about the new figure that had entered the fight. He called himsel Sahruk, "a warrior from the Heavens". 'Funny how a man such as Majotte could have a father so religious,' Gekido mused to himself. He was aware of the situation. He was out in space without any source of oxygen. Shar, Zennousha, Kairiki, James, and Seidaku, maybe even this Sahruk guy could breath (if he had access to Majotte's android abilities). But Gekido and the saiyan boy were in trouble. Gekido looked for James and found him. He was still an ally as far as he was concerned. Maybe he could help. But Gekido looked just in time to see James destroyed by Zennousha. At this Gekido felt something inside of him stir. It was as if his whole being, Zain's side included, was angered by this act. "One more thing before I...die," Gekido growled. He gathered his energy, not bothering to hold anything back. A small black ki ball formed in his hands. Gekido poured all of his anger, rage, bloodlust, and power into the ball. This was his final attack. The ki ball remained about the size of his fist. Despite the size, Gekido nodded and looked at Zennousha. He was engaged with Seidaku. Gekido had no idea where Shar, Kairiki, Suzu, or Sahruk were, and quite frankly he didn't care. This was it. "DIE, OH GOD!" he bellowed as he hurled the ki ball at Zennousha. It flew towards him at a great speed. As soon as it made contact, the ki ball suddenly expanded. In a second, it was the size of Seidaku's and Zennousha's energy blasts. Black energy ripped through space with crimson lightning cackling everywhere. When the blast cleared, the planetoid peices were still floating in space, but smaller this time because they had been broken up yet again. The others were still there, in their various locations around the ruined planetoid. But Gekido was no where to be seen. ((This isn't the end. Keep fighting, but take into account the damage factor due to this post. Rouroni, I expect a decent explanation and/or solution as to Suzu not being able to breath. No more sloppiness like lately.))
  5. "Enough of you babbling," Gekido growled, infuriated by the blades that were through his feet. His anger fueled his power even more and new force flowed through him. He ripped his feet out of the ground, the blood flowing freely as he did, and kicked his feet into the air. The blades flew into the air and Gekido flung Majotte off of him. He was a bit heavier know, Gekido noted, probably because he had completed his metal transformation. Still, it was nothing compared to Gekido's raw power. He flew into the air and launched a dark ki beam at Majotte. Gekido knew that a simple beam was nothing to Majotte, but he needed time. This would provide it. He concentrated on his sword and suddenly it was empowered with his dark ki energy. It glowed a faint crimson, as if begging for blood, and the crimson lightning cackled around it. Gekido now transported behind Majotte, who had easily dodged the beam as Gekido thought he would, and swung the newly empowered sword at Majotte. It hit him, the electricity surging through his metalic body and he flew forward - right into the path of his falling blades which were about four feet away and falling fast. The finish it, Gekido launched another dark ki beam, this one stronger then the last. It even even had the signiture crimson electricty in it. Gekido smiled. "Electricty doesn't mix to well with metal, Majotte," he sneered in his primal-like growl. ((Sorry bout any character control Sandman, but I needed to get this fight rolling...only three more minutes/posts :( ))
  6. Gekido jerked his head up and saw Majotte coming at him. He was only partially covered in the metal that seaped from his arm and was only SSJ2. Gekido scoffed. It almost seemed like Majotte didn't want to go all out. Quickly, Gekido drew his blade, the metal hissing as it flew out of its sheath. He brought it up in the knick of time, stopping Majotte's two blades with the flat side of his own. They struggled for a second or so, then Gekido threw him off. Majotte was still strong even though he wasn't fully powered up, but then again, Gekido hadn't fully powered up as well. He decided to raise the stakes a bit. The lightning around him cackled with new life, taking a darker crimson color, and the crimson swirls in his eyes swirled in excitment. He hair stood a bit straighter, being one of the only outlets on his body for his power. This all happened in about about 3 seconds. Gekido shot after Majotte, his power now surpassing his easily, daring Majotte to power up further to stand a chance. Gekido brought his blade down at Majotte, charging it with the lighning around him as it hissed through the air.
  7. Gekido ripped the odd wire out of his throat and veiwed the battle field with mild pleasure. He was mildly amused by the young boy, whose name he still didn't know, and his new transformation. Gekido wondered how he had achieved such an odd transformation, but then remebered that he had only sensed the boy was half saiyan, meaning that the other side could of had something to do with it. But now it was his turn though. He floated down next to the boy in time to see Kairiki regenerate. Gekido looked at the boy and smirked. "Time for bed, boy, let the adults 'talk'," he sneered. He sent a large shock wave at the boy and sent him flying off towards the ground. He then turned to Kairiki. But Kairiki wasn't looking at him. He was looking up at his father. "Father! Give me my armor!" he shouted. Zennousha momentarily looked and Kairiki and nodded. "Here are your little toys, son," he smirked. He waved his hand and six beams of light appeared. He then snapped his fingers and sent the beams flying at Kairiki. As they hit Kairiki, the melted and the solidified into his golden armor. As the two guantlets, two boots, chest plate, and crown fixed themselves onto Kairiki, his already immense muscle size doubled, and Gekido knew that his speed would not suffer. He had seen this armor before, the power inehancing one that made him almost immpossible to beat. The only way Majotte had won against him was be taking it off. And Gekido doubted Kairiki would fall for the same trick twice. He glanced at the boy, who was regained his composure and was flying back into the fight. Gekido glanced at the boy, then at the king. Odds were that he could punish the boy far worse then he ever could, especially in the curent circumstances. So Gekido merely levated out of the way as Kairiki powered up a blast to send at the boy. He floated towards Shar as he moved out of the way and Kairiki unleashed the blast at the boy. "Take care of him, Shar, but beware of the armor. Oh, and let the boy suffer a bit before you jump in, ok," he said in a low growl that only Shar could hear. Gekido now turned his focus to the other battle. Seidaku, James, Zennousha, and an army of soldiers made of light and dark were involved in a hug fight. Gekido shrugged and looked up. There he was. They on he wanted to fight. Gekido flapped his black wings and flew up to Majotte. He looked at him and chuckled. "So here we are again, just like old times. You versus me. Except this time it seems a little different. I'm not the same person, and neigther are you" - he let out a chuckled that sounded more like an animal growl - "well, my change was a bit more dramatic then yours. "But enough with plesentires. Let's get down to it." As he spoke, his voice go deeper and deeper, more demonic. He slipped into a fighting stance and powered up, his black aura started to souround him and crimson lightning cakled through the air. He smiled, showing his fangs which still had blood on them from the Suzu. He stood there, daring Majotte to make the first move.
  8. Shar seemed to be even more powerful now. He looked worst, but he seemed to be in control, not like the reckless mad-man type he was last time he came to this plane. But he did seem angered by his appearance. But back to the stone. Gekido sneered in disgust. "I suppose I should hold onto it. But if I come in contact with it, my...morally-sensitive side will regain his control." He held out his hand and concentrated. The ooze of the demon came out of his pores and wrapped around the stone, cutting off the stone from the outside world. The demon looked a bit anger, probably at Gekido for holding back some of his muck. Gekido just shrugged. "You think I'd give all of that shit to you? No. This is the only way to stop the god-child. And it is such a small amount that it doesn't affect your power, so cool down Shar." Gekido finished sealing the stone in the muck. He blasted a small, concentrated ki blast at the stone, hardening the muck. Once it was solid, he took it and put it around his neck. He didn't feel the slightest vibration from the stone. Good, so the muck had worked. Suddenly a powerful energy made itself known to Gekido. Well, actually, it felt like two energies. And they were enourmous. Gekido looked at Shar, the crimson in his eyes swirling in excitment. "Let us go, Shar. The final battle has begun."
  9. Sorry, but we're in the last stages of the story. I could except you, but odds are it would be too forced. Sorry, maybe next time.
  10. A smile crossed Gekido's lips, which broke into a sinster grin, his fanged teeth revealing themselves. He held out his hand a summoned the demon's ooze that was still inside of him. While the ooze gave Shar and Sal'es powers, it was just an extra house guest in Gekido's body. The reason he had taken it in the first place was to merely incapacitate Shar for Gekido to get control of the situation. But now it was time to turn the toxic slime back over to its owner. The ooze came out of his many pores in his hand, small strands all floating up to form a medium-sized ball of muck which floated slightly above Gekido's hand. He held out his hand to Sal'es. "Here is your power, Sal'es. Once you have asorbed it fully, we should be off to find Kairiki. Then to Zennousha." Gekido looked down at the boy on the ground. "Oh, but what about the boy here? Should we just leave him here on this desolate waste land? Or bring him along?" Memories of Suzu trying to fight Gekido swirled into his mind. "Or maybe it's just better to leave him here, to make him pay for what he attempted to do to me back on Char."
  11. "I will give you your power back, demon, but right now we need to get out of here!" Gekido shouted. He quickly teleported behind the demon, shoved him into the portal and flew in behind him. He made it just in time, the portal sealed and the planet blew up a mere split-second after he was in the portal. Gekido's vision slowly cleared as he found himself laying on the ground. He flapped his large black wings and brought himself back to his feet. Looking around he saw that the boy, Suzu, was on the ground next to him. The demon was already up, looking a bit angry at Gekido. "Before we engage in useless bloodshed, let me first explain. We didn't have enough time to transfer power, so I got you into the portal. That took us here. Now that we are here, I will give you your power, but hear me out. "I propose a partnership between you and me. Together we could take down the remaining Zennousha child, no doubt he's still alive no doubt, and he's the strongest one. Then we could even take on Zennousha, my power and your demonic ooze combined could destroy him. And after that, we would have Majotte and Seidaku to despose of, James stays though, I owe him. But of course, then there are planets that are ours for the taking. Oh, think of the fun. Eigther way, I'll give you your power back, but you still owe me a transportation. Don't forget your words on Char. But what do you say to our alliance. Hmmm? Oh, and I'm Gekido - speak it with respect. What is your proper name anyways, demon?" EDIT: ((I was just informed that Red will be out for four days or so, computer trouble. So, try to take it easy, don't make it too much work for him to catch up on.))
  12. "WHAT!" Gekido yelled as he realized the planet was about to explode. He looked around, trying despartly to think of an idea. He could fly away - but no, he coulnd't breath in space. The demon could breath in space - but he was just a temporary battle alley, he probably didn't have a way to let Gekido breath in space anyways. But James - he could help somehow. "James, I hunger not for your blood, so we are still on good terms," Gekido said to James as he turned to him. He then turned his eyes on James. "Please, companion, use your new-found teleporting abilities to get us off this doomed boulder of a planet." Gekido grabbed Jame's mechanical arm, grasping it and nodding to him to show he was ready to tag along as he was transported.
  13. ((Just to tell you Suzu, Kairiki is a bit above a SSJ4 in power-level...)) Gekido smiled as the demon's meat hook ripped through Ranma's chest. Gekido followed up with a black ki blast to his face, sending him flying. Gekido then looked down at the other fight. Kairiki was actually getting beat by that Sayain boy, who had miracusly survived Gekido's onslaught. How he had repaired himself was unkown to Gekido, but one thing was for sure - the boy couldn't hold that form in his current state and Kairiki knew that. Kairiki had a habit of playing with his prey , Gekido remebered, and obviously he was doing that. The boy didn't seem aware of Kairiki's imortality. All Kairiki seemed to be doing was to let the boy burn off his power while he taught he was winning, then destroy him easily. Clearing his head of thoughts of the boy, Gekido turned his attention back to Ranma. He had survived, or course, and was starting to regenerate his chest. Gekido flapped his wings and shot off at him, readying his sword. He teleported behind him, but received a kick in the chest. Ranma followed with a series of punches. He landed about three before Gekido threw the end of his pummel into Ranma's face. He then aimed his sword upwards in a vicous upwards slice. Ranma fell apart, his two pieces of body falling to the ground. "NOW DEMON! FILL THE GOD CHILD WITH YOUR TOXIN!!" Gekido roared as the two pieces of Ranma fell to the ground.
  14. Gekido watched as Seidaku flew high into the atmosphere. Gekido longed for his blood, but he couldn't go that high into the atmosphere without running out of breath. "Doing what you do best, eh?" Gekido sneered as Seidaku flew away. "Running." Gekido then turned to face the other children of Zennousha. Ranma and Kairiki where floating there, a bit stunned at their brother's fate. Ranma looked at Zain, his orange eyes begining to glow, the insand look coming over them. Ranma was releasing his inner chaos. 'Majotte will have to wait for later,' thought Gekido. 'This fool's mine!' With that, Gekido lunged at Ranma. The two met in a flurry of punches, kicks, and blasts, explosions ripping through the air almost every second. Gekido landed a punch on Ranma's face and followed up with a round-house kick. Ranma tumbled backwards, but fired a beam at Gekido as he did. Gekido side-steped the blast, but was singed lightly on the side. Gekido looked down, enraged that he had been touched by this weakling. He slowly pulled his sword out, which had been in its sheath at his waist till now. "Time to bring it up a notch," Gekido smirked. He dove at Ranma, juked left, then swung a mighty right-side slash. Ranma, thrown off by the juke, couldn't catch the blade in time. It cut a deep gash in his side, going about five inches into him. He gasped as the blade slid into his flesh. Gekido brought up his right hand and threw it forward, aiming for Ranma's chest. But Ranma still had some strength left in him. And he was insane. He brought his arms up and caught Gekido's hand. Then then gave it a giant turn, causing Gekido to flip through the air. While in the air, Gekido received a vicous kick in the gut followed by an elbow to the face. He tumbled back, then flapped his wings to steady himself. Ranma's side was healed and flying in quickly, two beams in his hands. Gekido shifted into a stance, his blood-stained sword held high. As Ranma threw the beams, Gekido swung his sword. There was a giant explosion, then a large dust cloud. But suddenly the dust cloud was blown away, revealing Ranma and Gekido in the middle, two blurs of deadly motion.
  15. Gekido watched as the demon lunged at him. This was the same demon whose energy he had drained, whose toxic powers now helped power his own. But this time the demon was weaker, only half of his strength. But he was still strong. And he was pissed. Seriously pissed. Gekido fired his own beam at the demon's blast. The two beams met and exploded, throwing dust and debris every where. In the donfusion, Gekido felt a fist hit him in the jaw. He flew back a bit then regained his composure and saw the demon. He must have been the one to hit him. But suddenly three shapes came tearing out of the haze, blasting at high-speeds. Gekido instantly recognized them. Zennousha's children. Gekido suddenly saw three orbs flying towards him. One was black, the other red, the last one brown. Gekido dodged the red one, feeling a hot blast as it passed, and caught the brown one in his left hand. The black one he bat away with his right hand, knowing the effects of the gravity orbs. But as soon as he caught the brown orb, his left arm was encased in stone. Gekido looked at it, amused. He turned to see Jukunen. Jukunen looked at him, a look a fear coming to his face. "Just what are you...?" he murmered. "Surely you're not the woodling. It can't be!" "No, you're right. I'm much more now," Gekido growled. "I'm strong, that's all that matters!" he shouted. He lunged at Jukunen and threw his left arm forward. It smashed into Jukunen and the stone shattered under the impact. With his other arm, Gekido plunged it into Jukunen's chest. Jukunen let him, knowing he could easily regenerate. But Gekido smirked. "I got something for you," he sneered. He released some of the demonic ooze he had absorbed. It leaked into Jukunen's body. Jukunen suddenly started screaming. As he screamed, massive boils and whelts appeared on his body. He fell to the ground as he continued to burn from the inside-out. Gekido watched him fall and hit the ground, now nothing but a black puddle of muck. He waited for a few minutes, but nothing happened. It seemed the demon's ooze blocked the incarnation effect. Gekido smirked. Now he had a way to kill the other two. But now that they knew, it would be harder. Oh, how Gekido looked forward to the bloodshed.
  16. Gekido glance as the two beams came spiraling at him. It looked a lot like the fusion beam technique Zain was so good at. But this one was no where near as powerful. And the person behind the blast was weak as well. Gekido caught one beam in each hand as it came at him. He smirked and then wrenched them apart, sending the beams flying behind them. They flew for a while uselessly before burning out. Gekido now set his sights on the boy who insisted on attacking him. "Boy, you seem young. Because of that I gave you time to flee. But now, you're dead." Gekido smirked a bit, his fangs bared at him. With a flap of his wings, Gekido shot at the boy. Just as he was about to reach him, he teleported behind him and vicously kicked him in the back, sending him flying. He then teleported in front of him and smashed his elbow into his face, sending him flying once again. Gekido then teleported for a third time and grabbed the boy, flipped over him, and threw him to the ground. As he landed he created a big crater. Gekido landed on top of him, his boots grinding into his back. Gekido knelt down and grabbed a fistful of the boy's hair, which now had some blood in it. "This is true power, boy," he smugly whispered into his ear. With that he smashed the boy's face into the ground, creating a crater for just the head, and rubbed it in. Suddenly, Gekido was overcome with an urge for blood. And not just blood-shed, but blood itself. He craned his head to the boy's neck and it it, his fangs peircing deep into his flesh. He drank the boy's blood for a minute then released the boy, stomping on his head again for good measure. Gekido flapped his wings and hovered into the air. "Come on out Majotte," Gekido growled as he licked some blood off of his lip.
  17. Gekido let out a small chuckle as the electricity came at him. Without moving, the crimson electricity surounding him lashed out and intercepted the green electricity. It moved just so slightly so that it went past him and missed. Gekido looked at the young boy. He was at a higher SSJ2 level. Unfortunetly, that was nothing compared to his power. He would have to ascend another level before even being considered a threat. "Listen and listen well, weak one," Gekido murmered. "The Sayain transformations alone aren't powerful enough to compare to beings of true power." Gekido summoned a black ki ball into his hand. He held his hand at the young sayain. Suddenly the ball extended and shot out as a beam, right at the young sayain.
  18. Zain suddenly changed directions as Majotte plunged at him. He spun right and let Majotte go flying past him. Taking advantage of Majotte's open spot, he drove his elbow into his back, sending him flying to the ground. As he flew, Zain concentrated and the two ki balls on his hands suddenly grew to the size of two basketballs. He hurled them at Majotte as he hit the ground, the black ki balls cackling with crimson electricity. They hit and there was an explosion, a large dust cloud kicking up. Zain wasn't sure if he had hit or not. 'He's ascended to Super Sayain 3,' Zain thought off hand. 'I should ascend too.' [i]No! The Super Sayain stages are based off of the want of a fight and anger. They are weak when compared to the power of true fury, chaos and blood-lust.[/i] 'I need to be stronger to beat Majotte.' [i]Then submit to the stronger power![/i] Zain did so. His muscles suddenly became bigger and his aura became darker. His power level sky-rocketed as he let the power manifest. "Hehehe...so this is what is feels like," Zain, his voice now an animal-like growl, said to himself as he felt the new power surging through him. Crimson electricty cackled around him and he clenched a fist. "I am Zain no more...I am now...Gekido." Gekido smiled at his new name, revealing fangs in his mouth. "Yes, Gekido. Now, come on out, Majotte. Don't you want to play?"
  19. Zain flapped his wings and ascended into ADSSJ3, giving him a boast of speed. The demon's hands came dangerously close to him, but missed, the swirling energy almost singing Zain's jacket it was so close. Zain flew back a bit but suddenly relized something felt different. He looked down and relized the stone that always hung around his neck was now in the hand of the demon. 'That was the stone from Rahk!' Zain thought furoiusly. [i]'He took it from you!'[/i] the voice from before shouted in his head. 'That was the only thing I have left to remeber Rahk and Enarjun.' [i]'And now he's taken it! He deserves to die for that!'[/i] 'Yes,' Zain metally murmered. [i]'Kill, kill...'[/i] "KILL!" the shouted errupted from Zain's lungs. His golden arua suddenly was engulfed by the black elements of the aura, and the color red clashed in with the black. He hair reverted to normal, then shot up, not up like in SSJ, but to the sides, breaking the small tie that held it together in the back. His red hair flashed and then changed to black, the once-black streaks turning red. But the most drastic change was his eyes. The black stayed, but the golden rims were replaced with a crimson rim, and there were also crimson swirls in the black parts. Zain stretched his black wings, which seemed to be darker now as well, and looked at the creature. His face stretched into a insane grin and he held out his hand. The demon let out a howl as a small black stream of ooze shot out of his body towards Zain. Zain absorbed the ooze and watched as the demon's features became less and less distinct. He was reverting back to his human stage. Zain kept draining the demon till he was completly human and then abrubtly stopped. The human collapsed on the ground, probably drained from the demon's possesion. Zain's eyes now turned to Majotte. They were filled with a maniac expression. "I've been wanting to kill you for the longest time now," he growled, his voice low and sinster. [i]'Yes, kill him, kill him now!'[/i] Intense black and crimson ki energy gathered around Zain's hands. With a roar he launched at Majotte, hands raised high. ((Ok, this is basically Zain's alter-ego. The stone controlled it, but now the stone's gone. Think of it like how Ark was with Rahk.))
  20. ((Rurouni says he's away till Tuesday)) Zain, who was still very tense, looked at the new-comer. He was a saiyan, that much he was sure, and he was fairly weak. "Fool, use your senses," Zain scoffed. "The demon's still here." And the demon was still there. The Fusion Beam had kicked up a large dust cloud, concealing the demon. Zain didn't know if he hit or not, but odds were that he did, even if it wasn't a direct hit. But Zain could still sense him, his oozing aura intoxicating Zain's life sense with his every breath. Zain impaitently flapped his black wings, awaiting the counterattack.
  21. ((Great work guys, but like REd said, cut back on the character control. Shaga may not mind it, but me, Sandman, and Red don't like people controling our characters' actions and words. It's just a habbit, but I did say that this would be less other-character control then is the norm here at OB. TFTI and TFTI2 were made with almost no other-character control.)) "Well, I know nothing about Zennousha, but this imprisonment idea might do the trick," Zain said. He had walked over to James and Majotte after Seidaku had left to discuss a plan. But Zain suddenly felt his whole body tense up. There were two new arrivals here. The one Zain didn't care about, but the other one...it was that evil aura he had sensed from that man that somehow kept catching up to them. But this time it was stronger. The scent of the evil aura was enough to force Zain's brain out of his head. Zain looked at Majotte and James. "You feel that? It's...that unnatural aura again. Funny how it keeps following us." Zain fell silent for a moment. This aura couldn't go on. It's feel was too unnatural. "I'm going to kill it. You can come if you want, I don't know if I'll need you though." Zain shot off towards the aura. After a few minutes he arrived in time to see a younger boy getting thrown around. From this distance Zain could tell that he was younger, probably mid-teens, and that his powerlevel wasn't as high as the demonic creature's. He didn't stand a chance really. But something did intrigue Zain. And that was the boy's golden hair and SSJ aura. 'A Saiyan,' Zain mused silently. 'That's interesting.' But he instead turned his attention to the demon. His appearance had changed since they had last met - his appearance now matched his aura. Zain powered up to ADSSJ and felt his hair stand up, his black angelic wings expand, and his gold and black aura engulf him. Without waiting for a chance to let the demon react, Zain positioned his hands and pointed them at the demon. He was preparing for his one of his most powerful attacks, the one that had destroyed Majotte's arm last time they had fought. "FUSION BEAM!!" he yelled as the two beams of dark ki and normal ki errupted out of his palm and flew towards the demon, spiralling around eachother.
  22. ((Hey, sorry bout not posting in a while, but I've been busy with my birthday, driving (w00t), school, wrestling, and life in general.)) Zain watched as Seidaku walked away. "Just walk away, let others handle your problems...heh, your good at that aren't you?" Zain spat at him. He turned around too and began walking the other direction, leaving Majotte and James there. James could handle himself against Majotte if he decided to do something stupid, and it would give Zain a reason to kill Majotte. As he walked away, he felt a voice talking to him. [i]'Why not just kill them now?'[/i] the voice asked. [i]Isn't that what you want?'[/i] Is that what Zain wanted? He got along with Majotte pretty well actually - when they weren't fighting that is. But he did owe his oath to Tanna. So he did want Majotte dead...eventually. And Seidaku? He was an ok person actually. He had made some serious mistakes, no doubt about that, but did he deserve to die from them? [i]'Why, of course he should die. He did walk right into those "mistakes".'[/i] Zain shook his head and sat down on the ground, smoking his cigarrette.
  23. "That's kind of funny in a way. One's a profesional mercenary, the other's a trained assasin and they both go at each other like some 4-year-olds," Makai chuckled. Mailynn laughed too, but Desu gave him a sharp mental blow. [i]"AND WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN!"[/i] he bellowed at Makai. "Ah, shit," Makai muttered, holding his head a bit. "What's wrong?" Mailynn asked. "Desu's bitching - it hurts my head sometimes" Makai replied. He shook his head and the pain left it. Makai leaned over and draped his hand over Mailynn's shoulders. She smiled a bit and rested her head on Maiki's shoulder. "You know, this is kinda cool. We don't get to spend time together much - well not under normal cicumstances that is. But I dunno if you could call this normal..."
  24. Zain regained his composure and slowly stood up, brushing himself off. He pulled out another cigarette, the last one now on the ground, and lit it. He took a puff and finished almost half of the cigarette in one puff. He then let it just hand there and looked at Seidaku. "This is James. He kinda got dragged into this and now he's with me. As to what happened to me, nothing really. "Unless you count four years of fighting to support myself, having to kill Rahk's mother, the one person who I actually cared for in this world, because of you, seeing you destroy Enarjun, my home for the past four years, returning to my homeland to see it get destroyed again, and seeing the Earth explode, which you just said was your fault." As Zain spoke, his voice got steadily louder and more voilent sounding. The green stone around his neck was now glowing dully, keeping his anger in check. "And now you have just told me that it is your fault that earth and my home was destroyed. So, to re-cap, I had to kill Rahk's mother, my care-taker, [i]because of you[/i], Enarjun was destroyed [i]because of you[/i], the ruins of my home was destroyed [i]because of you[/i], and the Earth was destroyed [i]because of you[/i]." Zain took another puff of his cigarette, finishing it, and threw it on the ground, stomping on it. His anger was ready to burst. The stone on his neck was glowly dully. That was a bit odd, because the stone was ussually only needed to keep his anger in check was he was in angelic demon form. So he must really be pissed for the stone to have to moderate his rage while in normal form. "Is that a good explanation for you?" Zain asked, using no effort what-so-ever to keep the venom out of his voice.
  25. Makai walked through the halls, avoiding the teachers that were patrolling it. He didn't feel like going to his class, which really didn't matter to him, it was just an elective anyways. Ugh, why did he have to take PE? He got enough excerise outside of school, and besides, they wouldn't let him wrestle or box anymore because he was thought to be too voilent. Other sports bore him, so PE was just a waist of time. Makai turned down one hall to see someone leaning against the lockers. Her head was in her knees, so Makai couldn't see who it was from this distance. As he got closer, he noticed it was Mailynn. And she was crying. Makai stopped and slid down next to her. She didn't move, whether she was ignoring him or just didn't hear him, Makai didn't know. "Mailynn," he said softly. Her head jerked up, she was probably startled. She looked at Makai, tears streaking her face. "Mailynn, what's wrong?" "The principle..." She told Makai about the princple and what he had said this morning. Makai sat there, silent, listening to every word. "and he's making me go to the track meet tonight," she finished Makai took a deep breath and looked at Mailynn. He hated seeing her cry like this. "You know what, Mailynn, just go to the meet tonight. We'll show these assholes - I'll show up and cheer you on." Mailynn went to say something, but Makai stopped her. "And this good grades thing - no problem. Hell, I'll help you if you want. He just said no F's. Never said anything about C's or D's. But you could probably pull off B's and A's, so no sweat there." "What about our ancestors, their pratically enemies. How can we be together with them at eachother's throats?" Mailynn asked. "Mailynn, you need to understand something. Our ancestor's are just here to help us and guide us with their opinions. If we chose to listen to them or not, that's our choice. It's still our lives," Makai said. He looked down the hall and saw a teacher starting to come down it. "Shit, hall-Nazi. We better go. Come on Mailynn, let's get going." Makai stood there, waiting for her, praying to god that he had cheered her up and not made it worst.
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