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Everything posted by Makurayami

  1. Makai walked through the streets, his hands stuffed into his pockets. He had went home last night, Desu giving him back control after Layla had dissappeared. Makai had decided to go home. He had thought about going to Mailynn's and finding her, but Desu had delievered a telapathic shout so loud it had almost split his head open. Then he went on for a while about Layla. Makai just kind of tuned him out and he had stopped after he had gotten home. Makai was heading towards school. He decided it might be nice to do something normal for once, even if it was just going to school. He walked up the street and through the gates to the main are of the school. He looked around. A few kids were talking about random things, but everything seemed normal. Which was actaully kind of wierd considering the blood bath that had happened in the middle of town yesterday. 'I wonder why no one's talking bout the fight yesterday,' Makai silently thought [i]'Maybe because no on know about it,' Desu said. 'The Shadow Assasins probably have someone high in politics or the media. That's how they've probably hidden themselves for so long'[/i] 'Good point,' Makai thought. He walked by a group of girls. Some of them pointed at him, trying to be discrete, but actually being really obvious, and started whispering. Makai caught snatches of it, something himself and Mailynn. It didn't sound good. Makai felt bad. It had never occured to him what hanging out with Mailynn would do to [i]her[/i] reputation. What if she got a bad name just because he did? Makai sighed and started walking to his first class, his head deep in thought.
  2. Zain shook his head. "Are you stupid? It was him," Zain said pointing to the man that resembled Urth, but was different in some way. "He did the same thing last time we were on Char..." Zain's mind suddenly wandered off. They were on Char. Char, the planet that had been destroyed because of the fights with Ark, Kairiki, the seraphim, Tanna and Majotte. And now they were back on it. "Ok, Urth, or whoever who are now," Zain said as he pulled a cigarette out of his jacket. Man, did he need a smoke. He lit it up and took a puff. "What's going on here...wha?" Zain trailed off as he looked up. There was a giant explosion in the sky. And he could feel Earth slowly disappearing. Zain fell to his knees, his cigarette falling out of his mouth. "NO!!!"
  3. "We have to go, Hitomi's in trouble," Mailynn said as she hung up the phone. Makai got up and nodded, kind of dissappointed that he had to go fight. With that they both bolted downstairs and out the door, Makai following Mailynn in the direction of Hitomi's house. They arrived to the scene of Shun fighting off the assasin and Hitomi giving someone first-aid. Makai looked a little closer and relized that it was...LEE! Lee was still alive!? [i]'Later, fight now,'[/i] Desu said as he pulled Makai back down to reality. Makai nodded and brought a small amount of dark flame to his hands. The assasin deflected one of Shun's blows and threw him back. Shun seemed a little tired - odds were that he had been stalling. Makai took this time to throw the black fireball at the assasin. It hit him in the chest, but because it wasn't that powerful, it just burned a hole in his shirt and scalded his flesh a bit. The assasin turned to Makai, obviously irratated. "Kid, you shouldn't have done that," he said with a smile. He started making ninja hand signs. Suddenly a shock wave ripped through the house at Makai. Makai jumped into the air, just barely avoiding it, and was engulfed in fire mid-air. As he came down, the fire left him and Desu took his place, sword out. Desu landed next to the assasin and swung his sword at him. The assasin blocked it with his knife and punched Desu in the chest. Desu was knocked back a few inches, but grunted as he brought his sword back up. "So you're stronger than Fu, huh?" he muttered. "Why, of course I am," the assasin replied. "You wouldn't be the one that killed her, would you?" "I am." "Oh, really! This should be fun then!" And with that the assasin lunged at Desu, throwing a fast barrage of kicks, slashes and punches.
  4. Makai kissed Mailynn back. Her lips felt so good on his. Makai knew he wanted to stay with this girl as long as he could. They both broke off the kiss at the same time. Makai stared in Mailynn's eyes and gently pulled her onto his lap. He protectivly wrapped his arms around her as she sat down. They both sat there, enjoying each other's presence. "I don't want to leave, Mailynn," Makai said as he sat there, enjoying the pressure on his leg, the scent of Mailynn, and sound of her breathing - everything about her just put him at peace with the world.
  5. Zain suddenly felt Urth, or something that was very similar to Urth, but different a bit. He was above him, far above him, near the moon. He repressed his anger and started to think logically. Maybe that person up there was trying to get the moon back to normal. Zain figured he should try to help. Zain sheathed his sword and flew up, dodging Jukunen. Jukunen looked up at Zain, angry, and recieved a ki blast in the face. Zain then swooped down while Jukunen was reincarnating and picked up the two orbs on the ground. Just as Jukunen finished reincarnating, Zain hurled the two orbs at him. They hit Jukunen, and he was immediatly forced to the ground. "These are my weapons!" he yelled. "You think these will hold me for long?!" "Not really," Zain replied. "But they will keep you preoccupied for the time being." He flew up into the air, higher and higher. He flew as high as he could, high in the Earth's atmosphere but still low enough to breath. He powered down to his normal form. If he was going to concentrate on his woodling powers, he should be at the purest form of a woodling that was available to him. SSJ or angelic demon form weren't nearly as woodling as his normal form. Zain began to concentrate. He couldn't take much control of nature, but he could manipulate it. He felt the person's above him power and felt it flowing to the moon. Zain couldn't extend his own power, but he could manipulate this person's power. He began to concentrate on the power flow from the man to the moon, enhancing it and boosting its overall effectivness. 'Urth - if that is you up there - you can feel this power I'm pouring into your power. Use it well, wield it properly,' Zain thought to himself.
  6. Zain heard Majotte call his name. But he was fighting Jukunen, so he didn't care. "Fuck off, Majotte!" he shouted as he flipped backwards irrated at anything and everything. Zain powered up and hurled a dark ki blast at Jukunen. It hit him and killed him, ripping away half of his body. Jukunen merely returned in a flash of light. Zain let out another shout and ran forward. Jukunen reached inside his jacket and drew out an orb. He threw it at Zain. Zain swung his sword to bat it away, but when he did the orb stuck the to sword. Zain had enough time to glance at it puzzlingly until he was suddenly ripped to the ground. The gravity around him felt as if someone had just turned it up. Jukunen walked forward, smiling a bit. He began laughing at Zain. "That's 100 times gravity right there," he said. Zain extended his hand. Small vines launched out of the ground and tripped Jukunen. Zain then rammed his sword into his head, cracking the skull as he did. He smiled a bit then tried to get up. There was a flash of light and Jukunen became reincarnated again. The gravity suddenly became twice as bad. "Let's see how you like 200 times," Jukunen murmered. Still Zain struggled to get up. "400 times," Jukunen said. Still Zain sturggled to get up. "600 times." Now Zain was stuck. No matter how he struggled he couldn't move. He could feel his own weight starting to slowly suffocate him. He gathered enough energy to make the vines that Jukunen had tripped on move over to Zain's sword. The vines touched the sword, thus disturbing the orb's energy flow. Zain immediatly sprang up and ran at Jukunen. Jukunen pulled out another orb and threw it at Zain while backing up. Zain smoothly dodged it and delivered a crushing blow to Jukunen, slicing his body in half. He then concentrated and made a small ki ball right where Jukunen had been. There was the ussual flash and Jukunen returned. Zain merely smiled evily. There was a great explosion, the ki ball in Jukunen detonating, and parts of Jukunen splattered everywhere. Zain waited to the flash and Jukunen stood there, unharmed. "How many times must we do this, woodling?" Jukuned gasped, a bit overwhelmed at his death so many times by one man. "As many as I want!" Zain shouted as he flew forward at Jukunen again.
  7. ((While talking amongst ourselves, we relized that we had never properly described Zennousha and his sons. So here we go: Jukunen - Old man, wairs a black trench coat with black on underneath. His face is wrinkled and worn. He has messy, gray hair that falls about two inches below his ears. The top of his head, hoever, is bald. Kairiki - A middle-aged man that is overly muscular, wairs regal-looking white pants with white boots. Wairs his golden armour on top. He has red hair that is short, spiky, and hangs in front of his face a bit. Eyeglasses with no earpieces that cover his small, beady eyes. Ranma - Wairs a black cloak-like robe with a hood. Average looking muscle build. Has very pale skin and black hair that is short and stands up semi-spiky. His eyes are an evil orange color and have a crazed look in them, like that of a insane person. Zennousha - Muscular, not overly muscular though. Wears armor, golden with purple inlaid, that is made in a roman-like tunic style. Nothing but simple sandles on his feet. Ankle-length white hair. His eyes are pur white, containing no pupils.)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zain colided with Jukunen, tackling him hard to the ground. He rolled off of him and spun around, his blade whirling dangerously. He gut into Jukunen's gut and a red spurt came out. Zain then drove the sword into Jukunen's head, killing him. Jukunen fell to the ground, dead. Zain turned around but felt Jukunen's power level returning. He spun around and saw a flash then Jukunen standing there, perfectly normal. "What in hell's name...?" Zain muttered. "With Zennousha on this plane of existance, I cannot die. I am Zennousha's own flesh. His power is limitless!" Jukunen laughed. This only furthered Zain's battle rage state. He flapped his wings and flew at him, hacking his sword. But Jukunen retaliated this time. He moved and dodged the sword. He dodged a few more blows then threw a few punches of his own. Zain dodged these. So it continued for a minute or two, each dodging and fighting. Then Zain swung his sword and Jukunen threw a punch. The two were timed so Zain swungand missed, but Jukunen's punch missed Zain. It instead hit the end of his sword. There was a cracking sound and the green stone on the end broke, shattering to dust as it fell to the ground. Zain let out a battle cry and performed a drop kick. Because it was so close, Jukunen didn't have time to block. He flew backwards. Zain teleported behind him and drove his swords forward. The combined momentum of the sword strike and Jukunen flying back peirced the sword right through Jukunen's chest. Jukunen lay limply on the end of the sword, dead. But suddenly he pulled himself off. In a flash of light he was back to normal. He smirked at Zain. "You've killed me twice, and still no result." "Just killing you is result enough. I'll do it as much as I can to satisfy myself," Zain replied, his voice a bit deeper and menacing sounding then ussual. Jukunen shot forward at Zain and Zain shot forward at Jukunen. They met in an explosions of fists, kicks, and sword strikes, in a never-ending battle.
  8. Zain pulled himself out of his rage long enough to look at the sky. Majotte was right. The moon was closer. And Zain could feel something else about it. It was getting closer. "Shit, it's falling..." Zain hacked and shot another few shadow warriors, thinking to himself as he did. There was only one person who could have done that. Urth. And with the gravitational pull like it is, it would be hard, if not impossible, to reverse the effects. But it was falling slowly. They still had a few hours, the earth's atmosphere would slow it down. Zain slaughtered a few more shadow warriors and glanced at the man that had just rocketed right past them. He was that odd man he had encountered earlier, the one who reeked of unnatural filth. Zain could feel his senses being nullified by the scent it was so bad. But who was the man next to them. He seemed familiar, but Zain couldn't recognize him. Suddenly two massive powerlevels were made known to Zain. He didn't know how he could of missed them earlier. The two power levels where getting closer. Zain killed a few more shadow warriors as he waited. The two power levels arrived as he finished off a shadow warrior. Zain look and almost let out a gasp. Standing in front of him was the old man in his long dark trench coat and the king in his suit of golden armor. They landed right above the smoldering pile of flesh near the demonic man. The king looked down and shook his head. "Ranma, should of unleashed your chaos sooner," he smirked. "No matter, father will revive him soon," the old man quiped. And as soon as he was done speaking, the corpse stood up and was engulfed in a blinding light. There stood the third child of Zennousha, good as new, if not better. "Hello Jukunen, Kairiki. Long time," Ranma said. "Ranma," Kairiki nodded, "Father is coming, soon. I can fell him." Was he talking about that incredibly huge power that Zain kept felling? Suddenly the three sons' gaze then turned up to the sky where Zain, James, and Majotte fought. "There's the ones who had something to do with our dying," Kairiki mused. As he talked the last of the shaddow men were finished off. Zain turned his gaze to the three. "Ah! The foolish woodling! Look how he has poluted his blood," Jukunen said as he saw Zain's black angel-like wings. Something inside Zain snapped as he heard that. This was the man responsable for the death of his people. Right here in front of him. "Majotte, James, handle Kairiki and Ranma. And find out who the hell that guy in the suit is." Zain said as he hovered in the air. "Jukunen's mine," he said in a grim, deepper-then ussual voice. With that he powered up, his gold and black aura surounding him, and shot off at Jukunen. He could still feel the immensly powerful level, the moon was still falling, Kairiki and Ranma were very powerful as well. But Zain didn't care. It was time for some vegence.
  9. Makai smiled a bit as the snake started to slither towards him. "Hehe, I would give him a pet, if not for the whole 'will strangle anyone else who touches him' thing," Makai chuckled. He walked to the other side of the room and sat down on Mailynn's desk chair. "You know what, we've been through a whole lot together. And the funny thing is, I don't know that much about you," Makai wondered out loud. "So tell me, just who is Namiko Mailynn?" He leaned back a little and smiled plesently.
  10. ((whoa, kind of early...but what-ever, let's do this.)) Zain grimanced a bit as Majotte talked about "his people". "Don't worry Majotte, I'm the last woodling, those energy forces you feel are like ghosts. They come when the planet is in trouble. Kind of like warning signs." Zain looked up into the sky and saw the countless dark enemies flying at them. They seemed pretty strong - well, at least strong for foot soldiers. Zain hadn't unleashed the full potential of his power in a long time, and he was looking for any excuse to do so. And he still had anger to burn off from Urth forcing him to murder Rashield. "Let's do this," Zain said. He slowly powered up to his Angelic Demon SSJ2 form, his hair slowly changing to golden and extending upwards with black streaks. 'Not full power yet...' Zain thought. Small pebbles and bits of stone began flying around as his aura increased. Zain recognized some of the stones as rubble from his former house. Majotte had destroyed it last time he was here. 'I will kill that bastard,' he silently thought to himself, 'when this is all over. The first shadow man landed and Zain charged forward, a battle cry of rage leaving his throat. He would not lose another home. Zain dissappeared just as he was about to hit the shadow then teleported behind him and delievered a roundhouse kick. The shadow let out a wierd shriek and there was a large snapping sound. The shadow flew a few feet and Zain unleashed a ki blast, disitergrating him just in case he did have the ability to regenerate. The next one Zain dodged a punch then smashed him in the face with his elbow, kicking him into another shadow. The shadow slowly got up and his face reformed. So, they could regenerate. Zain brought his sword, the green gem on the end shining brightly, and sliced the two shadows, the five or six peices of shadow falling to the gournd. He shot a ki blast and disinergrated the fragments. "Well, three down, about hundred more to go..." Zain said drly, already dodging three more blows. Suddenly a powersource exploded in his mind, making him lose his concentration for a minute. That cost him and he recieved a kick in the face, which sent blood spurting out of his nose, and a punch that sent him flying. Zain regained his composure in the air then reared back and threw his sword. The sword sliced through the shadows. Zain teleported behind them and caught the sword, throwing a dark ki beam at them to finish them. The green stone around his neck had slipped out of his jacket and was shinnig very brightly and the stone on his sword was shining even more brightly then before. 'Someone powerful's here,' Zain thought. 'And he's going to be sorry he messed with me today!' Zain charged at another pack of shadows, his sword whirling like the grim reaper's sickle itself.
  11. Majotte seemed really desparate. Zain knew Majotte, and he knew that he rarly acted desparat unless something big was happening. Zain looked from Majotte to James. His words were still ringing in Zain's ears. [i]This planet is dying![/i] Suddenly a huge spurt of magma opened up in front of Zain. Before he had a chance to react, two more opened up. Then the planet began shaking. Something was [i]was[/i] happening. Zain quickly debated with himself and decided to listen to Majotte. 'Can't kill him if I'm dead,' Zain thought to himself. Suddenly Zain's senses picked something up, wrenching him from his thoughts. Zain grabbed James's armoured arm and pulled him out of the way of a magma spurt that opened and shot up right where he had been two seconds ago. Zain quickly manuvered around the spurts, dodging two that opened, and shot towards Majotte. He came upon him and grabbed his hand with his right hand, his left hand still grasping James. "What-ever you're going to do, do it now!" Zain shouted.
  12. Makai got up as he heard Shun arrive. He had stayed at the shrine, to Desu's great dissapointment, and healed, his wounds being something of the past now. Makai had also explored the shrine a bit and read some of the old scrolls in the back. One had held a particularly interesting technique invovling fire-based ki. Desu was still angry at him, but Makai could tell that he was getting through to him. It was just Desu's pride that prevented him from admiting it. Makai walked into the central area and saw Shun crying. Makai hung back and waited for him to finish. When he seemed done, Makai came up behind him. "What happened?" he asked. Shun whipped around, probably surprised Makai was still here. He regained himself in a second though. "We...killed him. Lee's dead," Shun said quitely. "Really..." Makai mumbled. He was expecting Desu to be angry. [i]"Oh well, can't get them all; that's part of being a mercenary,"[/i] Desu mentally said. Makai had to use almost all of his self-control to keep his jaw from dropping. There seemed to be more to this ancestor then he thought. "Alright...later, I guess," Makai shrugged and walked out. He pulled the coller of his jacket up to keep his warmth in from the cold rain. He started walking home. As he walked, he went past Mailynn's house. He then remebered that Genji was still there. And it gave Makai an excuse to see Mailynn. He walked up and knocked on the door. No answer. Makai knocked again. Still no answer. He leaned against the door and it slightly opened. Makai poked the door open and walked in. "Genji, you still here?" he called as he walked in. After five minutes of searching he figured that no one was home. He turned to leave when he heard the door knob start to turn. Some one was coming in. Makai froze as the door opened.
  13. "Damn, hold on!" Makai shouted. Makai started to run after the three but remebered Shun was still there. "Mailynn, you'll have to handle this one," Makai whispered under his breath. He had complete confidence in her. However, Desu didn't. [i]"Fool! We must be the one to kill the dark ninja!"[/i] he shouted mentally. "Shut the hell up, Desu. I'm in charge now, and Mailynn can handle herself!" Makai shouted back. "Besides, you're only about three-fourths healed. I don't want to fight till you're fully healed." [i]"Fine then, be a dumb-ass, get your friends killed,"[/i] "Hey Desu." [i]"What?"[/i] "Shut the hell up." And with that Makai walked into the room that Shun was in. He was still knocked out, but his wounds had been bandaged and treated. He wasn't looking good, and if he didn't wake up in the next few hours, he had a chance of never waking again. Makai sat down on the floor and leaned against the bed. "Come-on, Shun, you can make it...you have to make it. You're the guardian."
  14. ((That's why I threw the shirt...I figured you were something like ten-fifteen feet away...)) "You got to be shitting me..." Makai muttered. Desu was tired from excerting so much ki at once. There was no way he could fight the dark ninja and expect to win. Makai could use a small bit of ki, but nothing like Desu could. But the guardian and this girl needed to be treated. Makai threw threw the guardian over his now bare back and inched slowly towards the girl. She was weak, but still concious meracilously. Makai slowly pulled her onto his shoulder, supporting her but leting her walk on her own. She started to say something, but Makai cut her off. "Shut-up, we're all too weak now. We need to retreat and recover," Makai said. She got the idea or maybe she was just too weak; whatever the reason, she quited down. Makai began making his way away from the silver-haired ninja, hoping he wouldn't turn around. After a few minutes he was out of range. Wheather it was because the dark one was idstracted or he just wanted to let them go for later, they had gotten away. Makai looked to the guardian on his shoulder. He was awake, barely, and struggling to say something. "Shrine...go to...shrine...up...ahead," he whispered. After about ten minutes or so, Makai was at the steps of a shrine. He walked up the steps and into the shrine. Mailynn was on the steps, looking like she was waiting for something. "Jesus, you're here," Makai gasped. "Help me get these two in."
  15. "Let's end this, bitch!" Desu shouted as he blocked another one of Fu's attacks. They had been trading blows for a while now, not hitting each other. Fu flipped backwards. "Fine with me!" she yelled. She started to move her hands in a series of wierd motions. The air around her began to fill with power. Her ki was charging up. Desu was standing there, his sword held out in front of him. He extended two fingers on his left hand and moved the fingers from the bottom of the blade to the top. As he moved his fingers along the blade, dark hellfire engulfed it. Fu let out a yell and aimed her hands at Desu. The area around her errupted with invisable energy and surged forward towards Desu. Desu held his blade and waited. Then, at the last possible second, he swung his blade. The dark hellfire on it suddenly erupted from the blade, rushing forward at a great speed. The two ki energies hit eachother and became still, both energies trying to overcome the other but to no effect. "It...seems...we are...even," Fu said between pants. She was excerting all of her energy. "Maybe I should use all of my power now!" Desu smirked. A look of concentration took over Desu's facce and the dark blaze suddenly moved forward with new strength. The invisable ki energy sucombed to the flame and let it through. It rushed towards Fu and engulfed her body. A blood curdling scream ripped out of her throat. First her clothes burned off, then her skin began to burn. Soon her muscles and insides burned until there were justs bones. Desu released the flames and dropped to one knee as the skeleton fell to the ground and the echo of the scream died away. Desu looked up and smirked under his veil. "Job done...damn, it's going to take a while to recover from this...Makai, your in." Desu's body was engulfed in black hellfire. When the fire cleared, Makai was in his place. Makai got up and ran over to Shun and Hitomi. He pulled his jacket off and wrapped Shun in it, trying to stop the bleeding. He took off his shirt and tossed it to Lee. "Don't just stand there! Use that to stop the bleeding!" he shouted.
  16. "Damn bitch," Makai grunted as Miss Fu walked towards them. He was behind the two girls, in a fighting stance. "And who are you?" Miss Fu retorted, a bit angered. "A mercanary hired to kill you," Makai replied, his voice becoming deeper. "Maybe you'd recognize me better if I was to take on my form." Suddely black flames engulfed Makai. When they cleared there was a man standing in his place. He had on armour and a sword, arrows, and a bow on his back. He also had a hood pulled low and a high coller over his face, so his eyes were the only things visable. His eyes were a smoldering blue. "Recognize me now?" the man asked. "Makai's sitting this one out, I'm in control now." "I think sensei told me about you once," Miss Fu murmered. "You were suppose to kill off the Shadow Assasins. But you didn't finish before you died." "Something like that...now, lets do this!" Desu shouted. He pulled out his long katana with a his and ran towards Miss Fu. Miss Fu retaliated with a her own sword, which she seemed to pull out of thin air. The two swords clashed and Desu threw her off. "Interesting trick," he murmered. "I know how to use my ki," Fu smirked. "So do I!" Desu yelled. He summoned his black hellfire around his arm and let it engulf his sword. He swung the sword and struck Fu's sword. The fire started to travel on to Fu's sword. After a second it ate through the metal. Desu swung at Fu but she jumped back and dogded. "Damn you!" she shouted. ((Picture of Desu attached below. You can't see his face, just like I said in the post.))
  17. *noted* We need more character development between her and Makai...
  18. "Damn, too late," Makai muttered. Desu had told him that one of the Shadow Assasins were near. Makai had jumped out of Lee's window, saying a quick good-bye to Mailynn with a kiss on the cheek. After making his way a bit, he had found the woman. But she was already locked in an engagment with another person. Desu had told him that that was the guardian of the ninja shrine, but he didn't know too much about. Makai jumped down off the roof and landed on the ground. He walked over the the guardian and looked him over. Pretty injured, not in good shape. He might die if not taken care of soon. He then looked over. There were two girls over to the side, both staring at the guardian in shock. Their eyes traveled to Makai and their eyes widened a bit more. Damn rumors. "Who are you?!" one girl, this one in a ninja costume yelled. She didn't seem to recognize him. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your gang" the other girl asked, in pajamas half taken off. Obvisously, she did recognize him. "Shouldn't you shut up and come help you friend here?" Makai retorted. The girls ran forward and started to lift the guardian. They began to run towards the shrine. Makai was behind them. "Where are you going?" the pajama girl asked. "If the Shadow Assasins attack, you're not in any shape to defend yourselves. And I get a chance to do my job," Makai replied with a smirk.
  19. "What the hell are you talking about!!" Makai shouted as he fell out the building. Just as they were about to hit the ground, Makai flexed his legs and landed neatly, kind of like a cat. Mailynn did the same. Makai just looked around, scared and surpirsed. "What the hell's going on!?" "Your ancestors begs to be awaken," Mailynn said to him. "He begs for you darkness to be awaken again." "What the hell-?" Makai started to say again, but he was cut off. By a voice in his head. [i]'She's right... The darkness in you does want to be awaken. The black hellfire that is your weapon feels the need to burn once again.'[/i] "What the fuck is going on!" Makai shouted. [i]'Haven't you notice that you were always a good fighter? You surley don't think you gained that on your own, do you? No, I, your ancestor have given your great skills. I am your power. I am your strength.'[/i] "Who the hell are you," Makai said. [i]'Desu.'[/i] Makai suddenly felt new strength running through his limbs. He lifted his hands up and saw that there was a black fire in each one. Makai felt the darkness spreading inside of him. "So, do I just become evil now?" he mused. [i]'Evil is such a stereotypical word. Let's just say that in the former life I was a...man for hire. A mercanary basically. One who wielded great power, one who hunted anyone, good or evil...depending on the price.'[/i] "So what's going on now?" [i]'The bastard making this mess was one of my jobs...obvisously he found his descendant too. And I can also feel a few more picking up. I was hired to hunt a certain...organization after I killed the dark ninja. The Shadow Assasasins. It seems their cult has survived all these years though...'[/i] "Makai, come on!" Mailynn said as she tugged his wrist. Makai let himself be pulled behind her. She hadn't heard Desu, the voice had only been in his head. Makai followed behind her. As he was walking, his eyes kept getting side-tracked to her butt. [i]'STAY FOCUSED!'[/i] Desu mentally yelled. [i]'She's leading us to the dark ninja.'[/i]
  20. To Starwind... I saw your picture, and something about it reminded me of something. Then I noticed it looked remarbly like this other picture I have (see below). So I thought I'd tell you and see if you wanted to use it to work it into the story or anything.
  21. ((geez, you guys move fast...)) Makai had stayed out with Mailynn that night. They had walked and talked a bit then went home their separate ways. Makai had followed Mailynn home, though, to make sure she got home alright. He kept a good distance and kept to the shadows so he wasn't seen. After he had seen her go saftly into her house, Makai had went home to his house. The next day he got up and met up with his gang on the corner of Junen street then walked up to the abadoned house. "Come on out, we know you're in there!" Makai shouted. There were a few more shouts as the other members of his gang yelled their 2 cents. The door slowly opened and a older kid with brown spiky hair walked out. He was followed by about ten other kids, ranging from 11-17. Makai had six more kids with him, ranging from 13-16. "Ya little fucks think you can take us?" the brown hair kid, the leader, yelled. "Don't think...I KNOW!" Makai yelled back as he ran forward. His gang followed behind him and the two collided in a mad sea of fighting. Makai ducked under a punch and threw his elbow into a kids neck, knocking the wind out of him and knocking him down. Makai then spun to block knee and one of his fellow gang members kicked the kid on the ground to finish him off. Makai punched this kid in the face then sweeped his legs out, stomping on him to keep him down. After a few more minutes of fighting, Makai found himself in front of the gang leader. He had a few red spots on his face, probably where he had been punched. The leader also had a knife in his hand. And there was blood on the end of the knife. "What the...?" Makai muttered. "Makai, he stabbed Genji!" shouted a random gang member. "WHAT?!" Makai yelled. He looked at the leader and let out a shout of rage. He lunged in and nailed him in the face with a ficouse punch. The leader brought his knife up, but Makai was ready. He kicked the knife out of his hand then kicked the leader in the gut. The leader doubled over and Makai delivered a ficous elbow to the small of his back. The leader fell down and Makai began stomping him in the face. After a minute, he stopped and ran over to his fellow gang-members. The other gang was spread through the grass, all beat-up seroiusly, some more then others. "Genji, you alright?" "I think so...it's just a small stabbed-" Genji was cut off by a coughing fit. Some blood came up as he coughed. Makai picked him up over his shoulder and looked around frantically. "I know where we can take you...she's just a street away." Makai and his gang all began walking, sporting their battle wounds. Makai was the only one to remained untouched that fight. After a few minutes he was in front of a house. He pounded on the door. After a minute of waiting, Mailynn answered the door. She was confronted with a scene of a gang, all sporting injuries, and Makai supporting Genji with ihs stabb wound. "Please, he got stabbed...help us..." Makai begged.
  22. ((I'm back, sorry bout the post earlier, I deleted it... Took me forever to cathc up.)) Makai spun around and saw the girl he had talked to yesterday. Mailynn - that was her name. Makai didn't think anyone would recognize him in this area, ussually people just didn't bother him due to the rumors. But this girl either didn't know about the rumors or chose to ignore them. "Hey," Makai said as he slowed down a bit and stopped. The other people with him kept running after the boy. Makai stopped next to Mailynn and nervously glanced at the boy. The people that were with him had almost caught him. "It's kind of complicated..." Just then the other people caught the boy. They dragged him over to Makai. A look of anger crossed over Makai's face and he slammed his fist into the boy's gut. The boy gasped for air and fell limp. Makai looked him in the face and said "Now, we're the fuck is your base, ya little shit?" The boy spit in Makai's face after he got done talking. Makai hit him in the face and asked him the question again. This happened a few more times then the boy started to talk. "Their on the old house on Junen street...the one that's been abadon for so long..." "Good. Not get the hell out of my sight." The other people let him go and the boy scampered away. Makai turned to Mailynn to see a look of horror on her face. "Oh my..." "It isn't what it looks like," Makai said quitly. "Then...is that your gang or something?" "Kinda, ya see-" Makai was cut off as Mailynn began walking away. Makai ran behind her talking as she walked. "We're not really a gang, we just keep the streets clean of other gangs. We have to be rough with them sometimes, honestly. That kid was part of the gang that went after two girls yesterday. This guy that was with them saved them. Honest, ya got to beleive me. I want someone to know the truth for once, instead of all these rumors." Mailynn stopped walking and turned around. Makai stood there, waiting for her reply, if she would believe him of not.
  23. The friends-enemies idea rocks, we should do it. And I think something like assasins would be cool - their similar to ninjas to they would be evenly matched, but their different to add some variety to their fighiting style. So, I'm all for it. Where and when do we sign up the boys transformations?
  24. "I dunno," Zain replied to James. He hovered up into the air next to him while powering down, his wings dissapearing and his hair returning to its normal red and black. "But I think we need to get out of here. And quick. This doesn't feel right." Zain wasn't even telling half of it. The planet was screaming at Zain, and it felt like his head was going to split in half. But he pushed the pain aside and kept going. Suddenly Zain heard his name being called. He spun around and saw Majotte. "What do you want?" Zain shouted back to Majotte, his hand on the hilt of his sword. ((Shaga, we're on our way to Earth, so you can get there somehow and then meet up with Urth.))
  25. ((I'm going away for the weekend, so my character might not be so active...sorry)) Genken Makai walked through the streets. He had sat on the bleachers at school and watched a softball game, not wanting to dress out today, and had enjoyed it a bit. For some reason he laughed real hard when the kid got whacked in teh nose. It just struck him as funny. As he laughed, kids had scooted away from him, some throwing him looks and the regular rumors began being whispered about him. Makai had only shook his head and jumped off the bleachers. Time to go. But now he was walking around in the streets just checking out the places. He was deciding where to go. As he was thinking, he walked by the springs. Figuring he could try it today, he happened to have some money on him, he slipped in and looked around. There were a few students from school and as he walked in he heard a buzz of voices as they started talking about him. Makai sighed. After a few minutes they would forget about him. He walked to the counter and asked about getting into the spring for a while. He paid and then went to the changing room to change. As he passed a girl, he heard "Makai is always smoking something and his gang's really violent - I heard they gang-raped a girl once for not paying them money as their hoe." A look of anger surged over Makai's face for a second then left. Makair smiled to himself and kept walking.
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