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Everything posted by Makurayami
"Not like I had any choice, pops. My ass is on the line 'cause you're the one 'inspecting' me," Zyx dryly relpied back to Isa. "But we need to get to the base, quick. I'm feeling a little tired after that last spell." Zyx fell silent as he beat his great black wings. They were nearing the hideout. Zyx silently glided down to the roof of the building. He put Isa down and looked at the roof. "Furo," Zyx said slowly, concentrating. His left eye took on its ussual spell-casting glow and the ceiling opened up. Grabbed Isa and jumped through, falling at a fast rate. At the last posible second he put his wings out and stopped. His feet gently touched down and he let Isa down on to the ground. Zyx looked up an closed the hole. Isa stood up. "That was a bit reckless. Did you check to see if there were more Yael following? And what was that falling bit? You could of hurt both of us?" "I just saved your ass," Zyx said slowly, holding back his anger. "I checked for more Yael before you woke up and I knew I could stop us from falling at the last second. It saved my energy to do it this way then flying down. And I got one of those damn books you wanted me to get." Zyx pulled out [I]Foco para o ataque [/I] and showed it to Isa. "Maybe now you can learn how to focus you energies and become more efficient," Isa said. Zyx, his hand shaking a bit, put the book back into his trench coat. He glared at Isa for a second then stalked off. He need some sleep and being a rebel had taught him to grab sleep for however long whenever he could. ((Sorry if I made you character out the wrong way Lostcause. This is just how he appears to me.))
Zyx looked at the paper. [I]O Avanço Soletra, Soletra para o ataque, Foco Teniques, Foco Da Alma, Foco para o ataque[/I]. Books written in the spell language of the angels. Zyx had no idea why he was able to understand and speak it. He just had had the ability to do so since he had become part angel. But maybe Isa was right. He had made a few sloppy mistakes. But it had been for a good cause. It was for the resistance. And Zyx was still getting to know his powers. As time went on Zyx would become better at spell casting and knowing how and when to use the spells. But he didn't have time. Maybe those books would come in handy. Zyx got up and walked to the wall. Unlike Isa, Zyx didn't fly that much. He didn't like it and felt that he was more open to attack. And being human for most of his life might have had something to do with it. "Camouflaugun transforma, elf," Zyx said. His yellow-green eyed glowed and his form change in a flash. He was back to being the elf, but this time the clothes weren't as formal. Zyx checked his form to see that it looked alright. He walked up to the wall. "Remova," he said as his left began glowing. He waited then walked through the wall. Once in the bar he walked out onto the streets. Zyx walked around a bit towards the shop area. He knew if he was to find angel books, it would probably be there. Once in the district, his attention was caught by one shop in particular. Zyx walked in it and saw that there was a large collection of books. He browsed them for a while, skimming through a few. He walked to the back of the shop and saw a book wedged between two others. Zyx pulled it out. It was an old book and looked like it had taken a beating. It had a light blue color cover and the words [i]Foco para o ataque[/i] on it in silver lettering. Zyx took it up to the front counter. "How much for this?" he asked the elf behind the counter, an older elf that had wispy white hair and small reading glasses on his nose. "Eh? That's an angel book. No one can read them," the old elf wheezed. "I know. I just collect them for fun. Call it a stupid hobby if you will," Zyx replied with the biggest smile he could muster. "Fine, fine. Let's say...about fifty dollars." Zyx checked his pockets. Inside was an assortment of bills and change. Zyx pulled out a combination that equaled fifty and handed it to the man. The man gave him the book and Zyx walked out. 'Damn,' Zyx thought to himself, 'I only got five bucks left. This book better be worth it. Zyx stashed the book in his coat and began walking. Something caught his eyes as he walked. No one else seemed to notice it, but Zyx watched as three figures clashed in the sky. One of them fell and the other two continued fighting. Then one sent the other crashing to the ground and then fell down himself. Curious, Zyx started walking towards the figure that had fallen. When he got there he saw Isa laying on the ground. Zyx walked over to him and propped him up, feeling for a pulse. He found one, it was strong, and picked Is up. Six figured he was just tired, maybe from casting a spell. He would need to get him back to the hideout. Suddenly a vulture Yale swooped down and landed in front of Six. It looked beat up and one of its wings looked oddly shaped. It was a wonder that it had made it here. "You aren't taking that angel anywhere, elfy boy," the Yael cawed. Zyx looked at him and let down his elf form. The light flashed and when it cleared Zyx's normal form stood there, eyes ablaze and wings spread out, staring down the vulture Yael. "What the hell are you?" the Yael shouted. Zyx pointed his finger at the Yael. "All you nightmares rolled into one," he said. "Bala do relâmpago!" A bolt of lightning shot out and hit the Yael in the chest, frying his inner organs and the skin and feathers around his chest. The Yael fell, dead. Zyx flapped his wings, propelling himself into the night sky with Isa in tow.
In one of the busy streets an elf dressed in formal clothes walked with the mass of people. He tried best to control himself while among them. He had learned been trying to, but every now and then a scowl of sigh of disgust would come. Zyx knew that if he was caught he would definitely be killed. Probably in the most gruesome way that Drake could think of. But, then again, if he was discovered he could just throw some magic around, hide for a while and come out later in a new disguise. Simple as that. Zyx looked up to find himself outside of Drake's mansion. He had taken it upon himself to do a little field work tonight. Drake's party might just be some ridiculous social gathering of the snobbish people, but Zyx knew that when rich politicians got together, mixed in with some alcohol, information was bound to be dropped. Or so he hoped. With another disgusted sigh, Zyx started for the door. He silently yelled at himself for the sigh. He had to stop doing that. People looked at him weird. And that just led to trouble. Especially for a half human, half angel. Walking to the front door, Zyx was confronted with guards; two dog Yaels. You could also call them bouncers, though they looked too stupid to dispatch of anyone of any real threat. But of course, the Yaels shouldn't be underestimated. They're strength alone could sustain them. "This is a private party," one of the dogs growled. Zyx smiled at him. "But I'm invited," he said with as much nobility and pride in his voice as he could muster. "I don't think so," the other dog growled. Zyx looked at him and waved his hand in front of his face, mumbling something under his breathe. His left eye, the eye that was usually yellow-green in his normal form, dimly glowed. "I'm sorry, go right in," the dog said. The other Yael looked at his companion with deep curiosity, but didn't say anything. Zyx just bowed smiled and walked in. The small mind spell was a child's spell, but it seemed to work well on the creatures that had a low level of intellect. Once in the party, a servant spotted Zyx. He came up to him and offered a glass of champagne. Zyx took it and took a sip. It had been a long time since he had had any alcohol. Life in hiding wasn't a lavish one. Zyx walked around for a while, becoming just another one in the crowd of nobles. He did spot Drake and another lord - Ryu he thought. He stayed around them, waiting for something to slip. But suddenly he felt his form begin to melt ever so slightly. Zyx winced. He had lot track of time and it appeared his camouflage spell was wearing off. Zyx swore under his breathe. Once his spell was gone he couldn't disguise himself for another two hours. Zyx quickly weighed his options. Risked getting caught in the middle of an upper-class social party, or get away and risk upsetting the upper class and getting caught later on. After a second he decided. "Protetor Fumo," Zyx, his left eye again dimly glowing, whispered as he pointed to a servant with a tray carrying a class. The class began bellowing out large amounts of smoke. A few of the guest curiously pointed and watched it. Zyx started walking very fast towards an exit. The glass suddenly exploded. Smoke went everywhere, sending the guest into chaos. Zyx, who made it outside before the explosion, knew there would be hell to pay later. He hoped he wouldn't have a werewolf after him. But right now wasn't the time. He cautiously made his way to the streets, making sure not to be seen. Once in a back alley he let down his melting elf form and in a flash of light he was back to his old self. He ran a hand onto his forehead and through his ear-length blonde hair. It was a few streets until he got to the hideout. He could make it. Zyx turned around, his black trench coat swirling around his ankles, and started heading to the hideout. Wasn't he suppose to meet someone tonight? Oh, yeah, he was suppose to meet that angel. Zyx picked up his pace.
[B]Name:[/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Zyx[/COLOR] [b]Gender:[/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Male[/COLOR] [B]Age:[/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]appears to be in early twenties[/COLOR] [B]Race:[/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Human/Angel[/COLOR] [B]Rank:[/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Rebel[/COLOR] [B]Personality:[/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Cautious because he has been hiding since he was born, Zyx is also a bit cocky and confident in his angel abilities. He is "street-wise", knowing the streets better then he knows himself. Zyx knows when to run and hide and when to pick a fight.[/COLOR] [B]Height:[/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]6'[/COLOR] [B]Weight: [/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]146lbs[/COLOR] [B]B]Eye color: [/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]One is blue and one is yellow-green[/COLOR] [b]Hair color:[/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Black[/COLOR] [B]Body Structure[/B]: [COLOR=DarkGreen]thin but muscular; lithe[/COLOR] [B]Character Snippet:[/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Zyx cautiously poked his head out of the door to the hiding spot he was in. His blue eyes scanned the area. No sign of him yet. Zyx slowly came back in and resumed his position crouching near the doorway. It was unusual for him to be late. Something must have happened. Zyx felt the hilt of one of his two daggers underneath his black trenchcoat. Maybe they would have to fight again. It had been a while since the last fight and Zyx had been felling a bit jumpy for the last week. The door suddenly creaked open. In the doorway was an elf. Zyx stood up and pulled one of his daggers and stood ready for the elf to make the first move. The elf took and step forward and a flash engulfed him. Zyx shielded his eyes. When the flash cleared there was an angel that looked to be a male in his early thirties. "Legnar, damn-it, don't do that," Zyx fumed as he sheathed his dagger. "Sorry, my friend. I forget how quick you are to take up arms," Legnar replied with a small smile and a twinkle in his yellow-green eyes. "You're pretty quick yourself. After all, you're the angel that's a spy for the resistance." As Zyx spoke Legnar's face fell. Zyx noticed right away. "What's wrong?" "I learned something while I was roaming in the form-shifting spell. The resistance has been attacked. Most of them were whiped out." "That means..." Zyx trailed off. Suddenly he lept up and flung off his trenchcoat. He frantically began gathering what little food and drink there was around the cave and puting it into his coat. "They're on their way. I know it, Legnar." But as soon as Zyx spoke the whole hiding hole shook. "Yaels and elves," Legnar said. Zyx nodded and opened the trap door at the end of the cave. It was a back door that he had made just for an occasion like this. "Legnar, let's go." "No," Legnar replied cooly as the cave walls shook. "They'll only follow us. You go." "I'm not leaving without you," Zyx shouted. "GO!" Legnar shouted. He waved his hand and Zyx felt his body lurch forward. He fell into the escape cavern and the trap door slammed shut after him. Zyx frantically tried to open it but to no avail. "Oh you foolish ones," he could hear Legnar shouting, "perish! Explode impetuoso!" A large explosion rocked the cave and a few loose stones fell in the cavern. Zyx opened the trap door slowly. There were serveral dead bodies that were indistinguishable. But Legnar was lying in the middle of them. Zyx flung open the door and ran to Legnar's side. He looked up and smiled at Zyx. "Take it," he whispered. "Take it and use it well." Legnar's eyes closed and his body started to change into little particles of light. "Transferus genon." Legnar's body suddenly dissappeared and in its place was several particles of light. Zyx closed his eyes and shook his head. "You were the only friend I ever had," Zyx said. The little particles floated towards Zyx and layed on his body. They started making two extra apendages from his back. They were angel wings. But unlike Legnar's, they weren't the pure white color of the Angels. They were black. Zyx opened his eyes and studied his new wings. One of his eyes was Legnar's eyes' yellow-green color. "Camouflaugun transforma...elf," Zyx slowly said. They words came to him out of some deep new fountain of knowledge that hadn't been there before the fight. Zyx was engulfed in a flash of light. When the light cleared there was an elf standing in Zyx's place. He walked towards the main streets. Sure, the spell would lose its effect in four hours, but for the time being Zyx wanted to move and gather information. Information to plan his counter-strike.[/COLOR]
Name: Hydik Kenun (though ussually just called Captain) Age: 23 Position: Captain
Omrie starting descending as he saw the base. Satsuki was still glowing that sickly green color, but he didn't know what he could do about it. 'Better hand her over to the healers,' he thought. As he landed his guardian armour disappeared in a flash, leaving him in his traveling clothes, and he started running towards the entrance. One man saw him and immediatly started shouting for others. Two men with a stretcher came running out and took Satsuki. "We're from the academy. She's infected with some type of magic," Omrie explained. The man nodded and took her away. Half an hour later, Omrie looked up. He was in one of the rooms that could be described as a waiting room. The head healer was walking towards him. "We got it under control. However, we can't get rid of it. She'll have to stay here or else the magic will take hold of her again," the healer said with a grim face. "How do I get rid of the magic?" Omrie asked. "Kill the caster," the healer said. 'Omrie!' Jenon suddenly yelled mentally, "I can sense the tiger. It's near Chu.' "WHAT!" Omrie shouted. He ran out of the building, yelling to the healer to take care of Satsuki. Once outside he fused with Jenon in a quick flash of light. His wings unfurled and he flew into the air, shooting off in the direction of Yeua. 'We're going slower,' Omrie said testily. 'My energy's low. It'll take us forty minutes to get to Chu,' Jenon replied. Omried grimmanced. Hopefully he would be there in time.
Omrie's ears had picked up some some yelling in the distance. As soon as they did, he had fused with Jenon and unfurled his wings. He was now in the air and was flying towards the sound. Using his eye-sight, which was enhanced even more by his spirit partner's eyes. Jenon caught sight of Satsuki and Yeua and they swooped down to them. Omrie quickly took the scene in. "Yeua," Omrie said. "I can help her I think. If we're where I think we are, their shold be an outpost around here. It would take half a day to get there. I could fly her there 20 minutes if I push it." Yeua looked up at Omrie. "But If I do that," Omrie continued, "You'll be alone and open to attack. It's your call, Yeua." "Take her," Yeua said without hesitation. Omrie nodded and picked Satsuki out of Yeua's arms and into his own. "I promise I'll take good care of her," Omire said. His wings unfurled and gave a mighty beat. He rose into the air and shot off towards the east. They wind shot up under his wings, giving him a boast. "Hold on Satsuki. Almost there," Omrie whispered to Satsuki as he rocketed through the air.
((Sorry about the lack of posting...life, computer problems...meh...)) "Yeah, she did," Omrie agreed. He was back in his normal clothes like the other two. He slowly stood up and tested his legs. A small ache, but otherwise, fine. He hadn't really taken that much physical damage, just a lot of energy was used when he had used his powers so much. "I hate to be a party-pooper, but J. Walls is still out there," Omrie said as he looked at the sun towards the direction of the fight. "I know," Yeua said quietly. "I wonder what will happen next time we fight. I have a bad feeling. He might become more powerful after being with the tiger for so long." 'I doubt it,' Jenon said mentally. 'He wasn't meant for the tiger.' 'Yeah, but he has powerful magic. More powerful than I've seen ever.' Jenon fell silent. With a sigh, Omrie turned towards the woods. "I'm going hunting. Just like I used to before all this stuff started." Omrie walked into the woods. After an hour, he came out with three small rabits. He felt better. Hunting had been relaxing. As he walked into the camp he saw Satsuki begining to get out of the tent. "Morning," he said.
((Why not just wait till everyone is able to continue? It's fine with me.))
((I'm sorry I've been gone so long...I got grounded and life caught up with me...I want to finish this out and I hope to get internet connection back this weekend (I'm on a friend's computer right now) Sorry about the trouble, but please bear with me.))
Omrie batted aside another blast of lightning. The blast were getting stronger and he was getting more tired by the minute. He reached back for another arrow to find nothing but air. Omrie cursed as he flew to the left, barely dodging a bolt of lightning. What was he to do now? "Let me tak over," Jenon said. Omrie relaxed and suddenly felt hi body shifting a bit. It wasn't painfull, just strange. He found he was in the body of a falcon that was the size of a man. the bird had patches of what seemed like armour on his chest and the front of his wings, but the back of his wings were unarmoured, revealing a mass of feathers. His tallons flashed dangerously as he dove down on the evil demon that resembled a tiger. Omrie wasn't in control. He had a little control, but mostly all he was doing was resting and watching the fight through Jenon's eyes. Hopfully the other two would get here soon.
Name: Hero Age: 21 Appearance: [IMG]http://www.clubzen.com/img_photo/profile/x0001929_01.jpg[/IMG] ((I hope this is ok, I don't like that real picture, this guy looks a bit cooler.)) What band are you in: Dongbangshinki Bio: Was raised in a small town in Korea. Nothing big ever happened. But there was one thing that was special to the town. That was Hero's singing. Everyone in the town knew he was talented. But no one knew just how talented. One day he decided to enter a talent compitition and was sent to the final round. He won it and recieved a large money prize. But more importantly he was spotted by an agent, which eventually led to him being in the band.
Omrie stood leaning up against a tree. Once Satsuki had woken up he had walked off. He was happy she was ok, but he blamed himself. Blamed himself for her getting hurt so badly. He should have been stronger. But he wasn't. Omrie silently walked off. Once out of ear range he extended his wings. With a flap he fly into the sky. He exerted no effort as he glided upwards to the clouds. Soon he was above the clouds. The sun was setting and everything was a pink and orange color. Omri hovered in the air, his wings beating efortlessly. 'Amazing, isn't it?' Jenon said in his special type of thought speech. 'Yeah.' 'I know what your thinking. We have a bond, remeber? You had an off moment. Don't worry about it. Satsuki's fine.' 'Yeah, but it's still my fault. Sometimes I wonder, what did I do to deserve this gift? Why was I the one to be an elemental guardian? Why me and not some seasoned, experianced warrior?' 'That,' Jenon replied, 'you must answer for yourself.' Omrie fell silent as he stayed there, watching the sun set. It dipped below the clouds and darkness began to set in. Omrie tunred around and decided to go back. But a bolt of lightning flashed through the clouds aiming at Omrie. Omrie spun and dodged. He wondered what that was, but as soon as he did the answer appeared in his mind. It was the tiger gaurdian. And J Walls was using it. Omrie flapped his wings and flew through the air, dodging bolts of lightning. He knocked and arrow and let it fly, pushing it with the wind. But the clouds blocked his sight. With an irrated groan, Omrie began to concentrate. He pushed the clouds aside with the wind and burst threw them, knocking aside a bolt of lighting with his hand and powers combined. He could see J Walls now. He had on armour that was simmilair to Omrie's, but it was orange and had black stripes. His hands had claws over them and he had a tail. But the most disturbing thing was his head. It had a mask clamped over it that went from the top of his head to his nose, having two slits for eyes. And the slits were staring at Omrie with red, menacing eyes. The eyes of evil. Omrie knocked an arrow and let it flying, the arrow traveling at a great speed. He pulled up and let another fly, this one going fast as well. He began to fly around J Walls, who was throwing lightning at Omrie and only dodging only half the arrows, launching arrows at him. He couldn't keep this up forever.
Omrie's wings extended out of his back. They silently beat the air, propelling Omrie up into the air. He silently pulled a arrow out and knocked it. He pointed it at a soldier and waited for Yeua's distraction. And it came. Yeua caused a large spurt of fire to rip out of the ground. The soldiers and mage looked over in shock. As soon as they turned Omrie let the arrow fly. But he was to high up and the arrow wasn't going to reach the soldier before he turned around. Omrie stood there, willing the arrow to go faster. And suddenly it did. A huge spurt of wind shot behind it, pushing it towards the soldier. It his in the back of his neck, burying itself halfway. 'How'd that happen?' Omrie tought 'Your an elemental guardian warrior. You have power over the wind,' Jennon replied. Omrie let out a silent thought of understanding. There was no time to be troubling himself with things like that now. He had to fight.
"Yeah, what is going to happen to the tiger?" Omrie echoed. He was curoius too. But more then anything else he was eager to get out into a battle field and test out his new powers. Omrie stood there. Then he realized he was hovering about three inches off the ground. He had two big wings on his back that were filled with feathers the same color as his armour. 'Where'd that come from?' he thought silently. 'They come out when you will them to," the falcon replied mentaly. 'Ah. Anyways, I should give you a new name, shouldn't I. How about...Jenon?' 'Why that?' the falcon inquired. 'That was my dad's name. I haven't seen him since I ran away many years ago. I think after this is all over I'll go see him.'
Omrie looked at Buron, the falcon. He was suppose to become the pilot of this guardian. This was going to be interesting. Omrie walked to the falcon and held his hand out. The falcon calmed down and looked at Omrie. Omrie touched the falcon's beak. As soon as he did there was a flash of light. Omrie shut his eyes. When he opened them he felt different. His muscles were lond and powerful. He flapped them and floated into the air. He was the falcon. But there was another mind inside of his. Or maybe they were just merely sharing. Omrie looked at Satsuki. "This is amazing," he said. His voice was a flow of his own and Buron's. Suddenly there was a flash. Omrie was back to his normal body execpt his uper body was clad in some lightweight armour that was a turquise color - Buron's color. The armour covered his torso, but left his arms open. There were also two flaps that fell to his hips at the sides. He was wearing the same pants, but he had shin guards and boots made out of the same material. His bow was still on his back and his quiver on his belt. 'Omrie,' said a voice in his head. 'this is Buron. I am now fused with you. Whenever we need to use our falcon form we just need to simply concentrate. I will always be here with you.' Omrie noted how he said "we". He was right, they were now a team. Omrie tunred to Sastsuki and Yeua. "Look at me, I'm guardian warrior."
Omrie shot another arrow. Another kill. Another arrow. Another kill. He had been fighting for some time now and he was beginning to run low on arrows. Omrie heard Satsuki say something to Yeua. Something about burning. He didn't know much about the Kellage or their customs or such. But burning a whole village did seem a bit unnecessary to Omrie. There was fighting everywhere. Some of the people had actually heard Omrie and had gone to get some weapons. There were a few fighting the beasts with swords and axes and other weapons. But they were losing. Badly. Omrie hated running from a fight. But he just might have to this time. Omrie caught sight of a large beast. It had a horn on its head, which was shaped like an alligator's except with fur, and the body of a bear, but longer legs that were made for running. Omrie guessed that that could be a good mount. After a few seconds of concentration the beast was Omrie's. Omrie jumped on its back and spurred it to Satsuki and Yeua. "Come-on, I got some transportation. We can ride it till it tires then kill it." It might have sounded cruel, but he didn't care at the moment. All he cared about was getting out of the fight and finding the guardians.
Omrie stood holding Satsuki as she cried. There were beasts al around them, most of them running towards the village. They ran past the two of them, though, as if they weren't there. The truth was that Omrie was using his abilities to hid from the creatures. It was dark and the creatures depended on there smell sense. So Omrie just lightly touched their scent instincts so they couldn't find them. It was amazing the control he was getting over this new power. "Satsuki, it's ok. It's ok. I swear, I won't let anything happen to you. But right now you need to calm down. We have a job to do. We need to protect your hometown." Omrie stood there holding her till she stopped crying.
"Yes, I did," cam Omrie's voice from the bushes. An arrow went sailing past Yeua and hit Juno in the leg. She winced in pain a second then returned to normal. "Damn-it!" she said as she pulled the arrow out. She looked at Omrie, who had come out of the bushes. He had another arrow knocked and aimed at Juno. "You didn't really think I'd let Yeua go out on his own with all the danger around, did you? No, your tamer energy is too strong to ignore." "How can you sense me? Only the Nine Army has tamer abilities." "Long story. I don't really feel like telling it now." Omrie said. Juno let out a sigh of frustration and charge at Omrie. Omrie let his arrow fly. Juno dodged it, but that gave Omrie enough time to jump out of her swords' distance. He leapt up and let another arrow fly. She dodged this one too and leapt after Omrie. Omrie hit the side of a tree and jumped diagonally, barley flying over Juno's sword strike. "Any time now Yeua!"
Omrie sat, wearing a red shirt and what seemed like jeans for pants. This was a lot to take in. He had kept quiet for most of the time, only speaking when necessary. Satsuki was Kellage and 104, but that didn't matter to him. And he could tell that it didn't matter to Yeua. This love triangle was getting deeper. Only one of them could be with Satsuki. And the one that couldn't would probably be hurt. They were in a village now and would soon be with the guardians. But what would they do with them after they were bonded? The obvious choice was attack the Nine Army. But how? And where? Actually they should probably go after J. Walls. Without his leadership the Nine Army would be crippled. Or that's what Omrie thought. He might be wrong. Omrie looked at Satsuki. She was braiding her hair. She had apologized for keeping her secret, but Omrie understood. He had kept secrets of his own. But there was something else that was bothering him. It had since they had made the camp back in the woods. Omrie stood up and began walking towards the door. "Where are you going?" Satsuki asked. "Out. I need to think." Omrie walked outside. He couldn't figure out this bad feeling. He started walking towards the woods. Still nothing. Omrie stopped and closed his eyes. He reached out with his tamer senses. That was it! The feeling. There were hundreds of monsters in the forest. There seemed to be a tamer controlling them, though the control was light, just barely holding them back. It seemed that they could be unleashed at any second. Omrie ran back to the house. He barged in and found Satsuki. "Can your people fight well?" "Why do you ask?" she replied. "I think we're about to find out. There are about two hundred monsters in the forest; all of them poised for attack.”
((OK, cool. I just don't want this messed up after so much work.)) They had been walking for a while. But now it was getting dark. And they were in the mountains, the mountain where the gaurdians were rumored to be, and it was not smart to roam at night. Also, Omrie had a hunch that there was something close. He couldn't explain it, he couldn't even sense it, but he had a feeling that there was somthing close by. "Let's stop here for the night," Omrie said. He let Satsuki down against a nearby tree and started to make a fire. With a fire they should be able to scare off most of the beasts.
((Misaki, I would just like to now if you are just typinng randomly or if you actually had an invitation to join. This RPG had a sign-up, which I know you weren't in, and that's now closed. If you wish to join you should contact bogger3k (by PM perferably) and ask. Also, a sign-up sheet is needed to join.))
Omrie sat there with with Satsuki leaning against him. He felt so content with her. There was no hiding his feelings. He did like Satsuki. And he was begining to think that maybe she liked him the way he liked her. But there was Yeua. Omrie didn't want to hurt him, he was becoming a good friend. But he did want Satsuki. He felt a little guilty, but he pushed it off. It wasn't his choice, it was Satsuki's. "Hey you guys. Are you ready to keep moving?" Omrie heard Yeua'a voice. He looked at Satsuki. "Are we ready?"
"Sure." Omrie let out a smile. He was happy that she was ok. He reached his hand into the water and began to gently wash the cut. Satsuki winced once and gave a shudder. "Sorry," Omrie murmered. He lightened his touch even more. Soon he was done. He walked to the edge of the stream and sat down. He could still sense the creatures around him. He was truly intuned with his tamer abilities now. But it concerned him. He was really becoming something different. Ever since he had gotten rid of the control of the tamer he had seemed to become more like him. Then it hit him. Maybe he hadn't ousted the tamer. Maybe he had merely had absorbed the tamer. And now the merging was complete. He was still Omrie Sunaga, but he was also par tamer now. Omrie looked at Satsuki. She was finishing washing herself. He looked down out of curtesy. A few minutes later she was out of the water and dressed. "Tell me, how did you kill the scorpape?" she asked. "Long story. It turns out that when I had the tamer controling me I actually absorbed him instead of destroying him. Remember when I spoke the Nine Army language to J. Walls?" Satsuki nodded. "Well, that's just one of my new found abilities. I also have all the abilities of a tamer, including the force bubble that I used on J. Walls and the control technique." "Well that's good. You have some new weapons now," Satsuki replied. "Yeah, but I have this extra sense now. I can feel every living thing around me. The insects, the birds, even you. And I can't turn it off."
Omrie silently thanked Yeua for the attack. Now he had the time he needed. Omrie begna to concentrate. Nothing. But then it was as if someone had suddenly opened the door for Omrie. He could sense the scorpape, sense the tamer who was in the bushes behind it, sense even the small insects that were crawling on the ground. Omrie concentrated on the scorpape. He could feel the tamer inside it, controlling the beast to his own will. Omrie tried to take over. The tamer fought him. The two wills battled back and forth for a while inside the beast. Then one won, the other thrown back and stunned. The scorpape reared and jumped into the bushes. Seconds later he emerged with the tamer in his claws. The tamer was dead. Omrie smiled a grim smile. He had won. But now this beast needed to be killed. Omrie mentally commanding the beast to use its own claws to rip its throat out. The beast complied and seconds later Omrie had a dead scorpape at his feat. Omrie could feel it fading away into nothing. But he could feel something else fading. "Satsuki!" Omrie took off at a full out run towards the camp. He could feel Satsuki slipping. Something had to be done otherwise should die.