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Everything posted by Nataniamon

  1. i like the banner though it scares me a bit. come to think of it, you scare me too sometimes. *shakes head* and they say i scare people....
  2. Airin shook her head as they got seated. She got a window seat but was no where near the others. Kitty was sitting with Matt, Ace, Ki, and Minako were sitting togeather, and that left her by a very old guy that was looking her over. She sighed inwardly and swatted at the guy's hand. "Touch me and you might get more than you want." she snarled at the man. He just looked at her and smiled. "What do you mean?" Airin glared at him and replied, "You'll soon find out if you keep it up." Airin turned back toward the window and sighed as they went over safety precautions and all the other stuff that goes on in the shuttles. The captain gave them warning and they launched into space. It was a slow trip to even the atmosphere, or it seemed long because of the guy beside her. He was just reaching over again when she lost it. "I gave you fair warning." she snarled loudly. She closed her eyes and consentrated on a creature that she had been imagining during the trip. The creature was a snake with gold eyes and fur along its body. Sharp fangs glistened with poison. Almost in a blink of and eye she had transformed into that creature. "Wh-What are you?!?!" he screamed. Airin just hissed and the man passed out beside her. She returned to her normal form.
  3. ooc: you guys did great. i wouldn't tell you to change it anyway. ic: Airin was interested in the whole elements conversation but soon found her mind wandering. All three girls, Ki, Kitty, and Minako, were now in a conversation of their own. Her gaze drifted to the window and the sight of the earth. She had heard many stories of the past and how the earth was. But from the looks of it now it was better than ever, though you could see large gashes caused by the war. [i]They shouldn't have done that.[/i] she thought to herself. Kitty waved her hand infront of Airin's face. "Are you home?" "Huh?" she asked and then blushed. "They called our shuttle." Ki replied. "Oh." Airin said and stood up. "Than what are we waiting for?"
  4. Nataniamon


    OOC: There will only be eight people. If you do not post in a curtain amount of days, i will consider you dead in the rpg. IC: Everyone has felt along sometimes. There are those people who fell like no one wants them and there is nothing that they can do, no one they can talk to, and that they have no right to live. If you were given a second chance to make a difference in life would you? If you could protect the world and fell wanted, would you do anything? Welcome to the year 3031. The world is left in ruins and very few people are left on the planet. The others have moved, to the Moon, Mars, and just in space. The people that were left on the planet were too poor to buy a plot in either of those places. There is no communication to the planet either. NO one knows if there are people left on the surface. All the chemicals and waste that was left behind started to effect them. Now, the planet wants to be free. It changed over night and no one noticed. Forests regrew, the building not in use disappeared, and the people left on the planet understood what happened. Seven people were chosen by the planet to protect it. Seven elements rule in the planet's wake. Space and the other domains have noticed the change and they want to get back on the planet. But the planet has other ideas and fought back to keep its purity. The war started on this day and in this year. This battle continued for 50 years. There year is 3081 now. The original seven protecters have died in battle now. The planet is being ravaged by the victors. That is, until seven children from off the world, these children forgotten, alone, and called social freaks, come to find them selves being drawn to the planet. These seven control the elements and a new power that the old seven never had. Now the seven must harness the power that was given them, understand their ability, and free the planet again. Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Darkness, Light, Dreams, and Psychic elements have been given. ~~~~~~ Airin sighed heavily and sat on a bench at the space port. She had just arrived at the port above New Earth a few minutes ago. Unfortunately for her this was all the father she could go because she didn't have enought Bit Credits to get the the planet. She needed to get there for some odd reason too. Airin rested her head on the bench, "Why is this the worst time in my life?" she muttered. "I mean, it can get better and get worse. With my luck it can only get worse." An alarm started to blare through the port. Airin looked around in fear. 'What the bloody frill is going on?!?!' she thought. Several heavily armed guards came down the hall and stopped a few feet away from her. "Where is the stow away now?" one guard shouted. 'Stow away?' Airin thought puzzled. "I saw it come down this way." another guard answered. "You mean you didn't stop and see if it was male or female?" the first screamed. "Sorry sir."
  5. *sighes* i'm being really nice tonight. i'm creating 2, i repeat 2, new spots. the elements are Electricity and Dreams. i know dreams is a very corny element but in my book it exists and differs from psychic greatly.
  6. oh boy.....um....i need a decision from the group. i have had 2 entries for the air catagory, who do you think should have it? i would like this from the group. a comment or something so we can decide and get this started.
  7. all we need are 3 other people. thanks for all of you who joined and sorry about the wait.
  8. Everyone has felt along sometimes. There are those people who fell like no one wants them and there is nothing that they can do, no one they can talk to, and that they have no right to live. If you were given a second chance to make a difference in life would you? If you could protect the world and fell wanted, would you do anything? Welcome to the year 3031. The world is left in ruins and very few people are left on the planet. The others have moved, to the Moon, Mars, and just in space. The people that were left on the planet were too poor to buy a plot in either of those places. There is no communication to the planet either. NO one knows if there are people left on the surface. All the chemicals and waste that was left behind started to effect them. Now, the planet wants to be free. It changed over night and no one noticed. Forests regrew, the building not in use disappeared, and the people left on the planet understood what happened. Seven people were chosen by the planet to protect it. Seven elements rule in the planet's wake. Space and the other domains have noticed the change and they want to get back on the planet. But the planet has other ideas and fought back to keep its purity. The war started on this day and in this year. This battle continued for 50 years. There year is 3081 now. The original seven protecters have died in battle now. The planet is being ravaged by the victors. That is, until seven children from off the world, these children forgotten, alone, and called social freaks, come to find them selves being drawn to the planet. These seven control the elements and a new power that the old seven never had. Now the seven must harness the power that was given them, understand their ability, and free the planet again. Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Darkness, Light, and Psychic elements have been given. Name: Airin Quin Age: 15 Gender: Female Element given: Darkness Power given: Power to Morph into any creature that she can imagine. Description: She is 5'11" tall. Long black hair to her knees with streaks of blue and purple through it. She usually wears her hair in a long braid while her bangs are left alone. Black baggie jeans, a dark magenta top with bell sleeves, and black steel toed boots are her usual attire. A black choker with a small cat's eye dragon hangs from her neck. She wears small oval, dark red sun glasses that hide her eyes that change colors with her moods. Do you take the challenge to save the planet? Here is your second chance to make a difference.
  9. that was amazing. *laughes* i probably couldn't have done that much. i hope you keep writing because i'll keep reading. 9.7/10
  10. As our heros are turned over the vat Dragon Warriors pants catch on fire. DW: *trying to put out the fire* I'm on fire!! Nataniamon: *rolls eyes* No...really? Kinetix: I want to be on fire! Carrottop: *from somewhere above* I can help with that! Carrottop zaps Kinetix's shirt and it catches on fire. Kinetix: *cheers* Yay!!!! I'm on fire!!!!!!!!!
  11. that was odd, funny, but odd...
  12. i like them and i wouldn't mind reading the story about them. maybe we can see pictures of them soon. i hope because i would really like to meet the characters that way. ^^
  13. Nataniamon struggled to get herself free and try to help the two morons she got stuck with. Nataniamon: *glares at DW and Kinetix* Are you idiots gonna help get out of here or what? DW: *is crying* Why, oh, why did they give us an expired cupon!?!?! Kinetix: *is crying also* WHY!!!!! Nataniamon: *sighes and struggles some more* Why did i get stuck with them..... As Nataniamon struggles with her bonds and her companions cry over the small peice of useless paper she wonders if she will ever get out of this mess. Stay tuned... Natanianmon: *shouts at narrator* Hey you! Narrator: *points at himself* Me? Nataniamon: *rolls eyes* No the one behind you, of course you, you moron! Narrator: *looks confused* Ok....What do you need? Nataniamon: Could you untie me? Narrator: *still looks confused* Um....sure. Our faithful narrator unties Nataniamon and soon has her free. Nataniamon: And now to untie the two morons. Thanks Narrator man! Narrator: *still confused* Yeah...sure....anytime....
  14. Our group of 'heros' continues to look for spammerz when they came upon a very very large hole in the ground. Kinetix: *points* Oo, oo. A hole in the ground! Nataniamon: *sighes loudly* Well aren't you Captain Obvious. DW: *protesting* But I wanted to be Captain Obvious! DM: You can be Captain Oblivious. DW: *squeals like a girl* Yay! TH: *looks over the edge of the hole* I wander how far it goes down. Nataniamon: *grins mishciviously* Wanna find out? TH: Yeah! Nataniamon: *pushes Kinetix over the edge and then looks innocent and starts to whistle* Kinetix: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Nataniamon: *Sighes heavily as she watches the two guys start to climb the mountain* DW: *in front* We'll go this way! *starts to climb* Kinetix: *Points in a different direction* No that way! DW: I'm the leader and I say what goes! Nataniamon: *knocks both of them in the back of the head* I'm the leader and I say we follow me you morons! DW: We are not morons! *whispers to Kinetix* What are morons? Kinetix: *shrugs and whispers back* No clue. DW: *whispers back to Kinetix* Ok. *Nataniamon procedes up her own path not looking back. Dragon Warrior and Kinetix just notice and follow after her only to slip and fall into a large sand pit.* DW: *glares at Kinetix* Now look what you did! Kinetix: Me? *Points to Nataniamon* It was her fault! Nataniamon: My fault? My fault? *she glares at them* How can it be my fault? I'm not trapped in the sand! *Both Kinetix and Dragon Warrior pull her into the pit* Now you are!
  16. Ravwrin knew that Sasuka, Tom, and Axel were staring at the two of them. She really didn't care at that moment though. She just sat where she was which was on some pretty wet moss. She folded her knees up under her chin and sat there. Sasuka, Tom, and Axel stood there for a few more minutes confused. Sasuka looked over at the other two. "Now what?" Axel looks at her, "Don't ask me. I have no clue." "Don't look at me, i'm not in this." Tom said backing away. Sasuka sighed and looked around. "Have any of you seen Corey?" "No...."
  17. ooc: *giggles happily* i'm back! so anyone can start off again. frill knows we need to.
  18. ooc: ok....before we continue this. Kiara what is your idea? i would like to know before i do anything.
  19. Ravwrin had slung Corey's arm over her shoulder and they were all walking out of the cave system. Ravwrin shot a glare at both Tom and Axel, "I hope you guys know that we are not considered friends." Sasuka and Starr glanced at Ravwrin. Sasuka quickly walked up beside Ravwrin and took half of Corey's weight off of her. "You know that trusting them might be helpful." Sasuka said. "Trust can only be earned." Ravwrin replied in a cool tone. "You trusted Starr, Corey, and I though." Sasuka replied just as cooly. "I trusted you because i knew what place you came from." "What does that have to do with anythin?" Axel said butting into their conversation. "And we are still with you here and we can hear everything you are saying." Tom added. Ravwrin glared at them over her shoulder, "And your point is?" "I smell fresh air." Starr said quietly interrupting the arguements. Ravwrin took a deep breath and exhaled with a sigh, "So you have." The group headed toward the scent of freedom from the caves.
  20. i'm not totally comprihending much at this point in time, it is 11:37 here right now --'. so i'm gonna start this off and whatnot, k? if i'm missing anything, and i probably will, tell me and i'll ad it in. *hero name: Kris Dawn Age: 19 Codename: Ravin Dragon Postion: leader team name: Strikers ship name: Furia Weapons: A bow that has been modified to shoot laser arrows, a short sword, and a wonderful sniper rifle. Bio: Not a person to trifel with on her bad days she usually scares people. On her good days though she is fun to be around. She treats everyone the same and keeps her head in tough situations. Never known to back down from a fight, this girl has death on her heels and she is just laughing at him. Appearance: Usually wears black baggie pants and a black tank top. Her dirty blonde hair gos from its natural color to black and the edges are streaked with blue and purple. Her bangs and streaked also with blue, black, and purple fully. She usually also wears steel toed boots.
  21. Ravwrin knelt beside Corey and checked to see if he was alright. He was just out cold. There was a long sword strapped to his back though and glancing around she noticed that Starr had a bow without noticing it. Sasuka still had her glaive and she stil had a short sword. Ravwrin turned to Tom, "Where exactly are we now? And why are we here?" Tom glanced at her and shrugged, "I don't know how i got here but i know you can't get back." Starr looked shocked, "What?!?!"
  22. Ravwrin walked over to Corey and placed a hand on his shoulder: Corey, calm down. Please. We all need to keep our heads aobut this. Corey shruged her hand off. He turned to her and replied: Don't you think it is just a little strange?!?! Ravwrin nodded: It's not just a little strange. Starr nodded but never said anything. Sasuka nodded also; her hands gripping her glaive. A soft sound made everyone jump. Ravwrin placed a hand to her right hip as if the draw a sword or dagger. Shocked, Ravwrin actually had grabbed the hilt of something that wasn't the dagger she had taken from her father. She pulled it and it slid out with ease. She didn't admire it though; she went straight into a fighting pose she had taught herself. she looked around with a sift glance and her eyes fell upon a shadow and then the room around her dissolved....
  23. Ravwrin started her watch after being awoken by a yawning Starr. Ravwrin shook herself and settled down in front of the fire only to stock it up again. While staring into the flames as they sparked and spat she tried to remember the dream she had. ***Dream*** Ravwrin stood before a stone altar. A very old looking short sword lay across it. Writing was on the wall behind it. She hesitated as she reached out to touch it; compelled by some force to take it. She lightly touched it and a brilliant flash enveloped her and 3 others behind her. She then sees, after the light went away, that they were not where they had started from but in a lust forest. *** end dream*** Ravwrin shook her head and stood up restless. She paced the cave where they were but couldn't seem to find inner peace. She started to look at the walls and softly touched one of the pictures on one wall. What felt like an electric shock ran throught her fingers and into her arm. Gasping lightly she pulled her arm away only to gape and watch the wall move to the side. Ravwrin started to step backwards and accidently stepped on Corey's hand.
  24. Ravwrin and Sasuka had actually created a type of litter contraption to carry Corey in. Right now Starr and Erin were carring it. Ravwrin looked at Sasuka: So you ran away just like the rest of us? Sasuka nodded. She was basically using her glaive as a walking stick; keeping the blade up. Starr looked to the sky and saw not just smoke still rolling over the stars she saw true clouds. Starr looked at Ravwrin: I dunno about you guys but I think there might be a storm brewing. As if agreeing to her observation a low rumble echoed off the trees and lightning followed in that sequence. Ravwrin looked up: That is not right. Lightning is suppose to come first then the thunder. Starr nodded: That is just what i thought. Sasuka looked at them and Corey: We should find somewhere to stay. Ravwrin looked around and spotted what looked like a hole in the cliff and muttered to herself: Isn't that ironic? Sasuka and Starr looked at her: Huh? Ravwrin pointed: Lookes like a cave over there. Starr nodded: We might as well check it out. I hope with Corey's moving that he doesn't fall out of the carrier. The other two girls laughed and they headed toward the cave.
  25. Ravwrin looked down at Corey's body and he dozed. She shook her head and sighed: There is something with this scene and him. Starr looked up at Ravwrin: You mean that there is something suspicous about his burns and everything? Ravwrin nodded absently. She looked closer at the boy and noticed the scars of abuse and faintly the smelled the scent of fuel. She shook her head again and murmered: The acts of someone desperate and it seems they might have gotten their revenge. Starr gave Ravwrin a confused look: What did you say? Ravwrin smiled and shook her head: Nothing. Starr shrugged: You know. We might want to move if the police are looking for him. Ravwrin: How are we going to move him? It looks like he needs sleep and I dunno if we will be able to carry him. Starr: We could always make something to distribute his weight between us. Ravwrin only nodded in reply. She turned around and spied two very long, very straight tree braches on the ground. She walked over and picked them up, right beside them was what seemed to be a blanket. Ravwrin looked at it and then picked it up: That's strange. Starr: What's strange? Ravwrin holds up the blanket and the two branches: These.
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