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Everything posted by Nataniamon

  1. guys. ill never understand them." Erin muttered. Ax had just stunned Tom and was now fighting most of the gaurds. Just them Erin had just happened to look down. a strange object glittered on the ground. Erin picked it up an looked it over. it was a pipe looking object. she ran her fingers over a bump on it and the pole lenthened. Sweet!" Erin exclaimed. On one end was a spike and on the other was a small spear. My turn to fight. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Erin screamed as she ran into the fight.
  2. Erin: why cant we come up with any good plans. ive seen better plans on cereal boxs. Ax: well we are still waiting for yours. Erin: i told you mine!!!!!!!!! but does anyone listen to me noooooo.
  3. a little more info and mabye ill join in on the fun.
  4. does that include geting us all killed before or after we rescue all the others?" Erin asked how are we going to do this?" Eric asked. 1 find a base off operations 2 kiddnap a single alien 3 kill em if he doesnt coroperate." Erin said in a shrug. i like how she is thinking now." Ax commented
  5. well there is plan a them there is plan b." Erin replied. What is plan a?" Ax asked a bit suspicious. well there is no plan a. every one in the group moaned.
  6. ok we have to find out where they have the people." Erin said. that sounds easy."Tom replied in sarcasim Erin stuck her tongue out at Tom and added"but hey we got guns and they have spears." Ax looked at Erin and said." they have spears but they can have more weapons than that." Well then let us think of something else or does anyone have a brilliant idea." Erin asked. {sorry i havent been writing ive been sick. something with my throat and a headache acompaning that.}
  7. "One question. WHAT IF THEY DON'T SPEAK OUR LANGUAGE?!?!?" Erin yelled. "Well we got two choices. Talk and hope they understand, or talk and if they dont understand then shoot them all down." Ax said. "Oh good idea genious." Erin muttered. "The plan sounds good to me."Tom added. "Hopefully they understand us." Replied Erin in a hopeful voice.
  8. "ok lets go. go ahead and do that and try to count percisly." Erin said. she suddenly looked a Ax" Let me guess i dont get a gun." "Your doing the talking and i dont think it would look very good if a speaker had a gun." Nick said. "Yeah i know." Erin replied. ' but i could probaly kill more of em than you guys' she thought to herself. Erin and the group stated to head out the doors.
  9. "Oh boy." Erin thought. " Guys and thier ways." Both of them had finnally decide that talking would be plan one. if that didnt work then fight to the death. "Everyone calm down." Erin said " we need to find someone to go out and talk to them." All eyes suddenly went to her. "I should have kept my mouth shut." Erin muttered.
  10. Erin studies the survivers that are waking. She counts at least 800. The aliens that are standing outside continue to get closer. what the dont know is that Tom and ax have found the hidden gun ports on the sides.
  11. Nataniamon


    Wrin looked at the note and read it. Dear Wrin, Even though we can't be with you now we have always loved you. Rouk has probaly taken good care of you along with Flame. She has always love you. Wrin Rouk has finnaly brought her pokeball to you means that you must go fight for a place in the world. She has even brought Flame's pokeball, in other words check her pouch on her stomach. The pokeballs on this chain are for her and one that has never come out of the ball. The gold ball is a Sun Ball. It belongs to the unknown digimon. The silver ball is a Moon Ball. It belongs to Rouk. Now Flame's ball is a Flare Ball. It will fit on the chain. Take good care of all your friends hopefully you will find your place. With love, Mother and Father. At that point Wrin Broke down in tears. Now she knew her mother and father loved her and never ment to leave her alone in the world.
  12. Wrin watches from the main screan on the deck and makes sure that everyone is asleep. "Ma'am are you going in?" Piolit one asks. "As soon as we are in space and past the moon." came her reply. "Ok." the second piolit replies. Everyone is now asleep and now the wait begins. They head out past the moon and the piolits get into their chambers. "Good night guys." Erin said to the sleeping people. "Sweet dreams and i hope we all make it through this." she said as she hit the button to the chamber. Quickly she falls asleep. Behind them Earth their home explodes. Thankfully the journiers have brought a little bit of each animal with them to start new life on a new world.
  13. Nataniamon


    "Where did you get these?" Wrin repeated. "Mew mew mew." Rouk replied. "What do you me it is none of my bisness and just read the note?" Wrin asked. "Mew" was the reply
  14. "Hold up!" Erin shouted."We need to get on thing straight. I helped with the Cryo-Sleep chambers, listen up or more of ya might die." She shouted to the 1001 passengers. All of the people looked at her on the screans and moniters. The two piolits and all the passengers stared at her in disbelief that a 14 year old could have made something so hightech.
  15. one more. im leting it pass this time. MajinVegeta. who are you so i can add you to the list.
  16. "Who in the h*** are you two?" Erin asked as she pick herself off the ground.
  17. Without knowing it Erin was going to be in major trouble. two people suddenly plowed into her straight on.
  18. Erin:" why me and not someone else" a sigh escaped her lips as she looked a the shuttle. " with my luck ill die in cryo sleep. i wander if it does keep you younge?" Erin got to the main door and was stopped be the gaurd. Guard: You are not permitted her without clearance. Erin flicked up her access card: Erin Crouse. stated WV. subject science. alone on mission to a new world to keep the human race alive. Guard: sorry miss, you can go through. Erin walks past and mutter to her self: Idiot.
  19. poor gouf. pity is on the verge of over flowing.
  20. ok i gave you the beginning now you do the rest. someone asked what the subjet was for on the sign up. the subject is used to get on the space ship. that comes after we meet up at cape canaveral(sp?). Players Me- Erin gouf-Tom sstrunks-Craig raiha-Raiha darkness-Kevin darncoolguy1-Nick anti-Zack krillen-Eric cloudstrife00- Axel(ax) someone start off my hands hurt. added player MajinVegeta- Andrew
  21. me humm so many names to choose from. Name: Erin Crouse Nickname: Wrin or Rat age: 14 homeplace: Greenspring,WV subjects: Science List is going to be on the main RPG
  22. i think thats enough. but i still need info on a few. this can do with magic or any thing but here is a little more info. when we get ready to leave earth decides that she has had enough. she blows herself up just when we get out of range. we go into cryo sleep for a few years and suddenly crash land jarring us out of cryo sleep. we are on this alien world where these creatures try to kill us. when this starts and when we get to this point you make up the rest.
  23. since you all got here first put a little info in about yourselves. Name Age Home place 1 friend(real life or made up. doesnt matter. no one who has already signed up) what subjet are you pretty good at(can be made up. no sports. ex. math, science, english) this is where i tell everyone a little about this rpg. every one has to meet some where. on earth or a space station. (2099 what do you expect) since earth wants to destroy us now they have decided to launch a ship with 1000, with a few families, and seprate people. we are testing cryo-chambers that can kill or keep us. that is all for now. well make it up as we go. if any of you got ideas im open for suggestions.
  24. ok here is the deal. ive had this idea in my head for awhile. here is the first few senteces.it takes place in 2099. Worlds. To us there is only one world, ours. Earth is ours as we say. We live on it, battle on it, and live off of it. But what if we were being used? Used to work for someone or somthing else without knowing it? What if we found out about them? What if they made us pay of finding out? What would you do to escape your enemy? What if your enemy was Earth? now with this rpg we take i need only a few, a FEW people. i will decide how to start. in this section i will tell you a little more about the rpg as people sign up. be leneant with me my first rpg. -_-
  25. Nataniamon


    Wrin: I guess i should be on my way. Suzuku: Until our paths meet again. Both took seperate ways and headed off. Wrin was still wondering around until Rouk stopped her. Rouk:Mew mew mew mmeeewww. Wrin: You want me to do want?!?!?!? Rouk:Mew mew mew mmeeewww> Wrin: No simply out of the question. i will not put you two into pokeballs. Rouk: Ew? Wrin: Why? Why?!?!? Because you are not my pokemon, you are my friend. Before Wrin could say another word Rouk disappeared. A while later she popped back. Wrin: What do you have now? Rouk had a gold chain, a gold pokeball, and a silver pokeball. It had a note atached. Wrin:Rouk where did you get these? Those dont belong to us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find out what they are and where they came form next time. TBC
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