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Everything posted by Nataniamon

  1. Nataniamon


    Wrin in a growl: Ros i wasnt talking to you i was talking with Suzuku. Raos: Later. : Ros turns around and walks away. Wrin: i live by myself like her but longer and i hope that im not like her. Rouk shaking head.: Mew ew ew.
  2. i think it would be very interesting to her a story with two angewomons. it may get confusing over time though.
  3. Nataniamon


    Wrin: Ive got a question Ros. shouldnt we take it to a pokemon center first? so we can get it healed? Ros: I think it will be alright. Both Wrin & Suzuku sighed and got ready for the release. Before the Scyther was released Rouk flew around Ros's head. Rouk: Mew mew mew mmmeeeewwwww mew ew ew. Suzuku: Huh? Wrin sighed: Rouk said that she would personally heal the Scyther. Rouk: Mew ew mmmmeeeewwwwww ew mew mew. Wrin: if it is wake and willing to let her heal it. At this point Ros was considering the Mew's offer.
  4. Nataniamon


    Wrin: hope you do have a plan or we all are sushi. Ros: ive got a plan just wait. Wrin watched as the Scyther as it started its charge. Rouk hoved just above Wrins head. Wrin whispering to Rouk: Rouk, Ros has one chance. if she doesn't kill this thing you are going to have to do this on your own. Rouk: Mew mew mmmmeeeeeeewwwwwww. Wrin: i know youre young but trust me with this ok. you have the potential. if you dont do it then you may never see me again. Ros and the Scyther were still in a still position. suddenly the scyther attacked.
  5. ill join. ill join. but one ? can i have a digivice i made up? it only come with crest, dc, and dagger. pm me to find out more. Name: Erin( Rather Wrin Or Ravin) 14. description: long dirty blonde hair, blue green eyes, jogging pants, tye- dye T, and always seen with a strange smile. personality: sarcastic, and strange. crest:imagination digivice: ? Digimon(my own) rookie- Nataniamon champion-Aroramon ultimate- MagnaAroramon Mega- Iceoraramon
  6. Nataniamon


    would anyone like me to interpritate what Rouk and Flame? if so tell me. ------------------------------ Wrin and her companions came upon a small town. it was pretty beat up and run down, "Mewwwwwww ew mew." "I know it does look like a dump. What town is it anyway." "Cha Char ar." "______________"(someone pm me a name please) Wrin starts ro walk down and into the town. Without knowing it in the showdows she was being watched.
  7. Nataniamon


    "Mew?" Rouk asked as she floated around Wrin's head. "No. We have to go to a pokecenter." "Char?" They little Charmander in her arms asked. "Because if I don't then it will take you longer to heal." Being with the two pokemon was quite intresting. The languages were quite easy to learn and understand. Wrin just hoped that her friend would hold out just a little longer.
  8. a lot are over rated. i wish i could see most og the ones ive missed in the us.
  9. Nataniamon


    This is going to be intresting. name: Wrin description: long dirty blonde hair, blue green eyes, wears jogging pants and a green T. hiking boots are a must. personality: ditsy, enthusiastic, and energetic Pokemon:.can i make my own version? if so then a Black Mew with a star on forehead. name Rouk. lv. 5 (just a little baby) if not then a Charmander. Lv 15 (never let it evolve. anyway it wouldn't.) name Flame. if i can i would like both hometown: none was abandoned and left wandering around with pokemon in the forests.
  10. I loved Princess Mononoke. i loke anime movies. they seen more interesting than that of the us's. i wish i could see it again.
  11. i dont know that much about zoids. except what they tell you at the beginning
  12. i must be shealtered. i never heard of the shows or games.
  13. i hear the insane asyleme has a new room open if you want to see them. they will treat you real god.
  14. neva heard of clamp. some one give me info.
  15. how many times have you seen a gundam fight on ground? hah. zoids are actually better. there are probaly more of them than gundams. if you think about it so zoids would destroy gundams without them knowing it.
  16. i pretty much like the zoids. i want the liger as my zoid. mabye i could create my own.
  17. mabye ill join. Name: Erin(Ravin)Crouse Female crest:Imagination personality:hyper,ditsy blonde. likes to be alone with my thoughts description:long dirty blonde hair, blue green eyes, glasses. wearing jeans and long t shirt. A digivice called a D-C(more later) ,a dagger at my hip and a crest around my neak Digimon fresh: Natamon I-T: Fanoramon R:Nataniamon C:Aroramon U:MagnaAroramon Mega: :huh: *sweatdrop* have not figured it out yet. but when i do ill tell you.
  18. nope cant help you. i have no clue what you are talking about anyway.
  19. you never know. zoids would win because the gundams are to afraid to fight on the ground
  20. zoids would win. most of them caan go faster than gundams
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