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Everything posted by Nataniamon
OOC: I actually use a word or two of profound language *bows* sorry and please don't mind. IC: A person burst through the brush and landed in the clearing the girls were standing in. It was a boy that looked like he had been through hell and back. He stood there for a moment but then doubled over gasping for air. Ravwrin ran to his side: Are you alright? The boy nodded but continued to breath hardfor several more minutes. Ravwrin and Starr looked at each other. The boy looked up: We have to go or they will find us......
welcome aboard ^^ we should be getting to where you enter soon, i hope. see you one the boards!
the RPG seems to be going somewhat good. and hopefully soon we will get this thing to the other world. i hope it's soon. anyway.....i have decided to let 2 other people join. there is a catch though, they can only come in when we hit the other world. i know it sucks but eh.... just follow the info thigy at the top to sign up.
Ravwrin allowed Starr to look at her arm. It wasn't as bad as she tought it was really; just that it was a whole mass of small scratches. Starr: Why are you out here? Ravwrin looked at Starr and sighed: I ran away from my abusive father. Starr's eyes got wide: About what happened to me huh? Ravwrin shook her head no: I don't think your reason was the same as mine. My problems started when I was five. Starr looked down at Ravwrin's hand again: Oh. Ravwrin nodded and started her story: My father was the basic drunk. He got mad at my mother everytime she did anything. One night he came home before we got back from getting food and he said nothing when we came in. My mother put me and my older sister to bed and went downstairs. My father started to yell at her and then we heard a crash and a scream. My older sister motioned for me to stay where I was and she went to check what happened. I knew something was wrong and I followed her. I looked over the stairs and i saw my mother in a pool of blood and my sister was trying to stop the bleeding. There was one of my dad's prized daggers laying beside my mom and my dad was standing back shocked. The police came shortly after and my father blamed the whole thing on my sister saying she was insane and she killed my mom. The police tried to grab my sister and she ran away from them. They never caught her and no one knew where she ever went. The police never thought my dad did it because he was in a government service and they never believed me because I was so small. I have stayed with my dad for nine years in abusive situations until tonight. I took one of my father's most prized daggers with me to remind him never to mess with me. Ravwrin showed the dagger that was about 6 inches long and the hilt fit her her hand almost perfectly: My dad told people that it was made in Ireland and was folded onto itself more than 500 times to make it perfect. The edge stays sharp for some odd reason, no one really knew why actually and it never will dull. Starr looked at Ravwrin for a moment and then shook her head: I never knew that that could happen. Ravwrin nodded in scilence and looked at the sky: I am hoping that I will never see him again. Starr: I hope so too. Starr and Ravwrin looked up with a start though. Something was crashing towards the woods toward them. The smell of fire waffed of the wind.
---ok peeps. you know who you are so lets get this started shall we? and note, we start where we meet each other and i'm sorry if my section is very short-- What happens to the children that are beaten and abused and just seem to disappear? Have you ever wondered about all those children that just seem to disappear? What if I told you that they might not have really disappeared but they all have moved? Five abused children soon find the secret to all of the missing children. There is one problem though, they are the ones that have to save this new world. The history..... Eight gems were created by the world's gods and goddesses. These gems and the gods and goddesses that created them and a curtian point to the whole somewhat revolves around them. There is a god and goddess for each element and a point on the compass. Fire belongs to Ishnu and Baset-each is a dragon of the north-, Water belongs to Givin and Youria-water dryphons of the east-, Air belongs to Areth and Airith-gryphons of the south-, and ground belongs to Manora and Herthanth-two very large wolves that control the west. The world that the lost children had found since the our world began. These gems were set in a staff that had kept the world in peace along with a sword that allowed the power to be used, or until and evil came and tried to destroy the staff. Eight worriors took the gems and hid the staff along with the eight gems. The sword was transported back to our world with an description carved into a cave wall. The eight worriors vowed to protect the gems from all evil and stay with them until the followers of the sword came to defeat the evil. There they have set along with the worriors. The staff hidden from the destruction of the land and the sword lays hidden within its cave in our world. The evil though has ravidged the land and keep its people under 'leash and lash'. The Present.... Five children from abusive homes only to stumble upon each other in a forest hoping never to return to their parents. They started there and their journey continues into the land the is controled by evil. But with only 5 children can they defeat this evil? This is where our journey begins and the destiny of 5 children will diverge........ _______________________________ Slowly a girl sits down on an old log and nurses several cuts on her left hand and arm. She had gotten them from a fall she had taken into a thorn bush. "Stupid bush. I should know by now not to fall into those things!" she muttered. "And to think, I Ravwrin, have fallen to a bush." She grabs a rag and poors a little water over her wound and starts to gently wipe the blood off. She starts to mutter to herself more and more until she heard a few bushes shake. "You do know talking to yourself does you no good, don't you?" asked a voice. "Who are you?" Ravwrin asked glareing into the bushes. A shadowy figure steps out of the brush.
Oo' that was somewhat quick. ^^ k's, here is the sitch with this. i will get the offical thing posted sometime this weekend, but don't look for much, k? i have school tommorrow and several other things to do that need my attention. This might actually become a book and might be posted on a web site also. i might allow one person or two people to join later if this is going good. thanks for joining and i'm sorry for any delay that there might be.
What happens to the children that are beaten and abused and just seem to disappear? Have you ever wondered about all those children that just seem to disappear? What if I told you that they might not have really disappeared but they all have moved? Five abused children soon find the secret to all of the missing children. There is one problem though, they are the ones that have to save this new world. The history..... Eight gems were created by the world's gods and goddesses. These gems and the gods and goddesses that created them and a curtian point to the whole somewhat revolves around them. There is a god and goddess for each element and a point on the compass. Fire belongs to Ishnu and Baset-each is a dragon of the north-, Water belongs to Givin and Youria-water dryphons of the east-, Air belongs to Areth and Airith-gryphons of the south-, and ground belongs to Manora and Herthanth-two very large wolves that control the west. The world that the lost children had found since the our world began. These gems were set in a staff that had kept the world in peace along with a sword that allowed the power to be used, or until and evil came and tried to destroy the staff. Eight worriors took the gems and hid the staff along with the eight gems. The sword was transported back to our world with an description carved into a cave wall. The eight worriors vowed to protect the gems from all evil and stay with them until the followers of the sword came to defeat the evil. There they have set along with the worriors. The staff hidden from the destruction of the land and the sword lays hidden within its cave in our world. The evil though has ravidged the land and keep its people under 'leash and lash'. The Present.... Five children from abusive homes only to stumble upon each other in a forest hoping never to return to their parents. They started there and their journey continues into the land the is controled by evil. But with only 5 children can they defeat this evil? This is where you come in. I need 4 others to join in. I know it is cutting the people list short but I have had a bad time with these RPG's. I am one of the 5 kids, you should have known that already. ^^' Name: Age: (below 15 above 8; real or fake) Gender: Weapon: (long sword, bow, an ax, a short sword, glaive) Bio and description of this world and the other world: (something about you made up past) Name: Ravwrin Natael Age: 14 Gender: Female Weapon: Short sword (only weapons that are named can be used and if they are mentioned can not be used again) Bio & Description: A tall girl for a 14 year old. Very dark blonde hair with small flashes of red in it. He eyes change with her mood and her mood switches very quickly. Her mother died and she lived with her father who had beat her since her mom died. She usually wears baggie pants and belly shirts. Steel toed boots are her prefered shoe. Her hair is worn in two braids and her bangs are in braids. She has glasses that are tinted a dark rose color. Her outfit in the other world consists of something like her original wear. Her sword is straped to her back although the hair is braided in one very tight braid that is made of three braids togeather. that was a lot to write --'
that was funny. i have only laughed hard enough that my sides hurt only a limited amount of times. it was amazing!
i love it! nice story. hope you get the next chap out soon though.
Ravin: this cannot be good. The face of the thing had decaded and flesh was peeling off in layers. Starr gasped and ran toward the edge of the was. Ravin was close behind only because of the smell the thing sent off. Ax: That had to be the worst thing I've smelled for a long time.... The creature drew closer. ______________________________ Ack sorry. i couldn't think of anything else.
O.o interesting. i like it personally. hope you make a few more to show off. ^^
Ravin grew very still. Everyone was waiting to see what was coming up the stairs. A puff of hot steam blasted toward them and a rank smell followed. Ravin: I don't like this. Starr: Nor do I. Twin coal eyes burned in the darkness and the scary sight of another set opening beside the two already there made the feeling even worse. Ravin: Don't we ever get a break? Axel: Uhh....nope. Another blast of hot breath blasted them. Ravin grabbed her pouch and rummaged for a weapon. Axel grabbed his and Ryowa stood ready.
Ravin: So....what do we do with her? Everyone looks at Ravin. She was basicly in the back of the group with her back to the door they had just come through. They all gaped and a huge bellow echoed through the room. Ravin: Don't tell me. The dragon found us and is behind me. Everyone nodded slowly and another roar bellowed.
The dragon gave almost what seemed to be a smile and a snarl mixed. Starr gasped and started to crawl away. Starr: Help! Ravin grabbed Starr and pulled her out from under the dragon's nose as it's jaws started to open.
The floor continued to fall and soon everyone had hit the ground below. Everyone hit hard but the floor then started to crack and they started to fall again. i know i know. short and crappy. but i did post something
Ravin looked at the dragon then looked after the others. She walked over to the dragon and pulled out a small flask. Slowly she got the fresh blood into the flask and she pulled out another to fill. After she was done that she ran to catch up with the others. Ax: What were you doing? Ravin: Nothing. They continued on their way.
Ravin followed the others into the room. Slamming the door behind them Ravin leaned her head against the door and sighed. Ravin: I think we got away. Suddenly a blast of hot air erupted behind them. Ax: Why can't we ever have a good day? They all looked toward the creature that did it. A dragon stood there with fangs dripping liquid fire. A glint in it's eyes told everything. It suddenly opened its mouth as a huge glob of fire welled up in its mouth.
Ravin stopped suddenly because she had become aware of a strange sound behind her. Since she was last in line it got her really nervous. Ravin: Uh guys....i think something is following us. Ax *looks at her*: Are you sure. Ravin*scarcastically*: No....there is just a hot breeze on my neck for no reason. Wait...... Ravin slowly turned around.... ooc:Kiariastarr probably won't be on. OB won't let her on.
OOC: K, guys a little off subject. We have an RPG to finish. And back to subject.IC Ravwrin was enjoying the air currents, but knew her fun would soon end. Rouk glided down and landed in a clearing just a few yards from the others. Ravwrin- We will rest here for tonight. Rouk gave Ravwrin an odd [b][i]Why not camp where they are?[/i][/b] Ravwrin- Trust is gained not given out freely. Ravwrin and Rouk sleep in that clearing for the night only to wake to a morning of sunlight and dew.
Ravwrin watched all of this with mild amuse ment. She had come here to protect the land and not to get into any squables. She sighed heavily and turned to Rouk. Ravwrin- In the mood for a snack? Rouk's ears perked up quite a bit. [b][i]If you are the one who finds it, yep.[/i][/b] With that Ravwrin hopped onto her friends back and quickly snapped up. Rouk to a running leap through the crowd and jumped into the air.
sacred warrior might have to post next. i have no clue what to type
Ravwrin looked kup and growled. This was really gonna be harder than anyone thought. Ravwrin: Axel1 What do we do now? Shoot fire at it? Axel: That is the plan! Ravwrin watched as the creature loomed ever closer. ------- Short and crappy i know, but i just can't keep track of everything, but i am trying.
Ravwrin watched the cloaked figure attack Sather. The person grabbed Sather. "Okay...." Ravwrin said. She kicked the person in the stomach and he fell to the ground. "Thanks." Sather gasped. The person stood up an laughed.
Sather was just coming back to town with Kizu at his side. "How did you do that?" Kizu asked. "Do what?" Ravwrin asked hopping out of the shadows and startling the two a little. Whe had always had a thing for scaring people. "Uhhh.... What do you mean?" Sather asked. "You know what I mean." "What happening?" Axel asked. "Something happened to Sather and Kizu and they won't say what it was." Ravwrin replied.
~later~ Ravwrin was listening to everyone fight. Enough was soon enough and she stood up and started to leave. "Where are you going?" someone asked. "No clue yet, i just have to get away, I'll be back though." "Sure ya will." another person replied. "I will." Ravwrin said and left. ------- short sweet and it had no point what so ever, oh well