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Everything posted by Nataniamon

  1. Name: Ravwrin El Age: 16 Animalize Creature: Dryphon Magic type: Ice Description: Has blonde hair with a little Red mixed in with it. Her eyes change colors between blues and greens and even a few shades of gray. She usually wears guy clothes. Bio.: A girl who really doesn't have a past only a bad temper. She basically came to Risha with amnesia and was adopted into a family that cared for her until she got a little wild and started to fight with them. She now hangs out with her friends.
  2. Ravwrin gave a yelp and a war cry and notched an arrow. Rouk bellowed loud enough to stop several of the enemy in their tracks. Ravwrin- Now my friend. Rouk launched herself at the foe and crushed two of them. She snapped at another taking off his arm. Ravwrin let loose several arrows and each found their mark. A cold chill suddenly ran through Ravwrin. She looked over her shoulder to see a shadow creeping up upon the small war band. ------- i know it is very short, but it will do.
  3. Ravwrin glares at Ryowa. Ravwrin- We do not gang up on you. Ignorance against the enemy can get you killed. Ryowa- The enemy needs attacked and nothing changes that. We should leave now and take them. Ravwrin- And get yourself and anyone that follows you killed. You need to lear.... Axel- Time to go! You two can stop fighting now and leave some of your anger for the battle.
  4. Ravwrin looked at Rhys. She sat back on her haunches and looked at her. Ravwrin- I wanted to help, but I seem to be in the way. And anyway, I really don't think I am as good of a fighter as those who have 2 legs. Rhys looked at Ravwrin for a moment. She shook her head. Rhys- Anyone can fight, but only that person knows their potential.
  5. Coming back to the castle no one greeted Ravwrin, as she had expected. Everyone was getting ready to move out and would be busy for a little while longer. Ravwrin sighed as she jumped off Rouk's back. Ravwrin- Why is it that I am the one to help these people? [b][i]Because you volunteered.[/i][/b] Rouk replied and nuzzled her friend's face. Ravwrin- Why is it that you are always right? [b][i]I dunno. Mabye because I have such a good memory?[/i][/b] Rouk replied with a smirk only a dryphon could muster. Ravwrin- *pats her friend's muzzle* I know. A sound soon drew Ravwrin from her friend. She soon was in a fighting stance her staff at ready.
  6. Ravwrin sighed. She had left the room without anyone noticing. Rouk had appeared behind her and rested her muzzle softly on her friend's shoulder. [b][i]Should we find a little something to eat? I am hungry enough to eat a gryphon.[/i][/b] Rouk said telepathically with a sight rumble from her chest. Ravwrin- I know my friend *laughs* you could. But would you settle for a large rabbit or two? [b][i]I would. But i would have liked a stag or a doe.[/i][/b] Rouk said poutily. Ravwrin- *sternly* You might find one, but only if it agrees to become your feast. [b][i]Fine. But you know how they react. I really like the chase.[/i][/b] Ravin- We are not on our lands anymore. We have to show respect to the animals here. The dryphon nodded and crouched down. Ravwrin hopped lightly to her back and layed down. She fastened the clasps to the dryphon's armor from her own Fox Wear so she would not fall off. With a light chirp given from Ravwrin the dryphon jumped into the air. Flying low the dryphon spotted an old stag limping in the forest below. The dryphon gave a screech like an eagle and dropped down into the thicket below. The stag did not try to run but waited for Rouk to land. Ravwrin undid the clasps in one swift flick and hopped off. Rouk maked soft clicks and chirps that seemed to be directed to the stag. It walked up to the dryphon and seemed to nod in reply. in one swift movement the dryphon and snapped the stags neck, giving it a quick and painless death.
  7. [i]The shadow that had been forgotten when Lacriox had entered stepped forward. The figure moved over to her beast and placed a calming hand on its side.[/i] Shhh...Rouk. We are here to help them so do not be afread.- she said. [i]Removing her hood of her cloak she leaned against her freind's side. She let her raven hair down from its trap and dropped the rest of the cloak. Standing staight again she placed the cloak over the beast and softly padded over the the group that was conversing. All four of her fox paws made no sound as she stepped beside the one they called Axel.[/i] My name is Ravwrin El.- she said. [i] Axel drew his sword startled.[/i] Axel: You should know not to creep up on a warrior. You may just kill yourself that way. [i]Ravwrin rolled her eyes and shifted a little. Her bushy fox tail twitched and she narrowed her eyes at him.[/i] Axel: Now that I know your name. What kind of creature are you? Your kind has not been seen here before.
  8. [i]The six entered the castle's great hall and were stunned by a large creature at the hearth of the fire place. The creature looked at them with golden eyes that were like pools of liquid gold.[/i] Axel-I did not know that you had that type of creature. Ryan-That is not ours. I have no clue what that thing is. [i]Everyone in the hall drew their weapons. The creature just layed its feathered and scaled head head onto its clawed feet and kept a golden eye on them. A shadow moved in the room. [/i] I would not do that if i were you-said a soft voice. [i]The shadow was suddenly in front of the group. A long, very delicate looking arrow was at Ryan's forehead[/i]
  9. Ravin: But what about the thread? Ryowa: That is NOT real thread. It is a basic illusion cast by our new enemy. Ax and his dryphon fly back down beside Ravin. Rouk soon lands beside tham with a really scared Starr on her back. The conversation had been linked telapathicly by the dragons and dryphons. Ravin: Then why was i burnt? Ryowa: It was added in. Some of them are actually is really dangerous. Ax: That helps us none what so ever. Ryowa: I will tell you more on the way. Lets go! With that Zeke pushed off and started to fly north. Everyone sighed and followed.
  10. Ravin: Mabye....no. It is not goning to work. The dryphon beside her looked at her funny. Ravin: I am not sending you out there by yourself. The dryphon growled and glared at her, but stayed put. Ravin: But you are the only other dryphon to fight so you might as well go help. With that, Linarai sat there and looked at her and shook its head......
  11. i think i might as well join. but warning, i might not be able to reply very fast. -------------------------- Name: Ravwrin El Gender: F Age: 25 Race: Foxutar- A half human half fox creature. These creatures ar new to the world and are still evolving. So far they are like centaurs, with a fox's four legs and body and the top torso of a human. Weapon: The bow and of course elven made arrows. -edit- another weapon of her's is a magic staff that the werewolf leader gave to her. it will only responde to her touch and turn into a sword if need be. Armor: Fox wear. A durable light armor that can stop arrows, spears, and swords. The armor might even be better than the elf's armor but that is unknown. Info: Ravwrin is a black Foxutar. She is exactly 4' 11" tall and her tail seems twice as big. Her parents were killed by a gryphon when she was young. She was raised by werewolves, which only brought her in because she had charmed the leader of the pack by how helpless she looked. She was taught how to shoot and to protect herself from many things and befreinded a dryphon(part dragon, part bird). Since Ravwrin is so small she can ride on the back of her friend, and they are so close that they can talk to each other telapathicly. App.: She stands 4' 11" tall. Her fox half is raven black and her hair is also that color. Her eyes chnge color with her mood. She normally wears over the top half a werewolf made cloth to cover her chest. the rest of the time her armor. C.N: Rouk Creature: Dryphon Desription: A very large half bird half dragon creature. Rouk is female and wears body armor constantly. She fights with tooth and claw though.
  12. Ravin watched from the ground. She sighed and watched as the dryphons flew into the thread. Ravin: I cannot believe I got hit. Lunarai sat beside her growling. She was pulling on one end of a bandage while Ravin tide it off. Ravin: Stupid thread. Can't believe it, three dryphons and only two that can fight because of the riders. Geez. Can this get any worse?
  13. Rouk flapped into the storm of thread. Blazing each cluster and strand without hesitation. Starr was only holding on for dear life. short and crappy i know
  14. [i]...her dryphon was detained. Starr looked puzzled to say the least. Starr's dryphon bellowed in new found rage.[/i] "Stop moving so much you blasted Dryphon." a pained voice commanded. The dryphon stopped struggling and beat the air in a steady beat. Starr looked at the speaker and noticed it was Ravin. Starr: Ravin? But you disappeared! How did you get here? Ravin: Explain later. I need to get down to the ground. Rouk can take care of you, but i need down on the ground now before I bleed to death. Starr: But....I don't even know how to fight! Ravin: You'll learn. Rouk will help you, but only with a little coaxing. [i]And with that Ravin pulled Starr onto Rouk's back and hoped onto Lunarai's back. The battle dryphon then spiraled toward the ground leaving Starr and Rouk aloft in the air.[/i]
  15. [i]suddenly sees that clump of thread is comeing toward her. Not dodgeing it in time it hits her left side. Rouk screams in shared pain and disappears only to reappear very close to the ground[/i]
  16. Ravin: Wait not even we are ready to see in complete darkness. Ax: You think!?!?!?! Ravin: Will you shut up! Starr: you know none of this is helping. also i don't even know how to fight thread! Ravin: Well. you are gonna learn now
  17. Ravin: You know. Mabye this was not such a good idea. Ax: Now you tell us. Ravin: Shut up. [i]Thread soon started to fall. Thin whispy tendrels falling like feathers toward the village. THe three dryphons bellowed a chalenge and headed toward the thread.[/i]
  18. everything seemed calm and collected. Nothing was really out of place except that there was a cart with a young girl tied to it in the street. Ravin: Is that odd or is it just me? Ax: Well, i dunno. You tell me. Starr: I don't think it is. And anyway, does anyone else see a huge shadow coming our way? She was right a huge shadow was heading toward the town.
  19. Erin: The other person that is trying to take over is body, mind, and soul. He also tried to kill Tom but that was when Tom was being controled. Zack: Oh writers block stinks! i cant think of anything else to type
  20. sorry. school has been taking over our lives pretty much. that and writers block. but i hope to right more soon
  21. Ravin grabbed her by the back of her Dryphon and pulled her up. "Girl, we are going to have to make you a harness and climbing rope." Ravin said. "That might help a lot!" Starr shouted. The three dryphons then jumped into the air but not with out almost loosing Starr.
  22. Erin: Ax! Erin didn't care if the body was getting up or if he was either alive or dead, she ran toward it anyway. She hide behind him. Heavy footsteps could be heard getting closer.
  23. The skeleton chased them out into the open. The wings were unfolded somehow and the whole body intact. It somehow managed to throw a fireball at the three humans. Ravin: And was this in the movie too?!?!?!?!?!
  24. Erin continued to run. "I knew that I was only getting myself in trouble!" She found the spot where Ax was. There was something different about him though.
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