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Everything posted by Nataniamon

  1. Ax couldn't help but stop. The object was just there. And it looked pretty big. Ax: Wow. Ravin&Starr: Huh? Ax goes to touch the object. It starts to glow. The glow turned from a yellow to an orange to a red to a blood red. The thing started to move. The ground quaked and the object that Ax touched started to raise. It rose and revealed that it was an ebony white skull of a dragon. The rest of the ebony body started to rise. The skull turned towards the three travelers and the sockets where its eyes were supose to be glowed a blood red color.
  2. im at a total lost of words. lost of all thought right now. let me think and then i will post agian soon. i hope. until then have fun
  3. "Let me go back!" Erin screamed at BTP. "I can't do that." it said simply. "Why not!" "It would put you in danger." "I don't care!" she growled.
  4. my turn to post?!?!?! i forget where we even are! oh sorry a drake is like a dragon but with just a tail instead of hind legs. fine whatever. here goes. Ravin stopped at another wall and started to read it out loud again. Ax sighed at this. he really wanted to get out of this cave. [i] To make these gems use the dryphons. The more the better because the gems will be more powerful. But you have to have all three orbs or the gems will crack and destroy themselves. [/i] Ravin sighed and shook her head. Ax: What? Ravin: Remember we only have 2 orbs. Ax: oh yeah
  5. it is a good idea to have only 1. a dryphon is the size of a 1 and 1/2 story house
  6. [i]Ax watched only half awake as BTP took Erin away. He thought he was dreaming. He remembered giving up and not fighting but why was Erin leaving? Reality suddenly hit him.[/i] 'I'm supposed to be dead.' he thought. 'But how can I be breathing?' [i] In truth he was breathing. What no one had known was that the leader of the alien race that ruled this world had seen what Ax had done. He had given his life to stop the fighting. He had also not given into the other beings that control the body after they are dead or to full with fury to think straight. The ruler had given his life spirit to Ax just to keep Ax's soul from being lost. Only for that reason had the true war ended.[/i]
  7. yes thats the info you post. a dryphon is a creature that i had made up. we all know gryphons are half bird and half lion. Wellll......a dryphon is sorta like that. Only the difference between a dryphon is that it is half dragon half bird. I will have a pic up soon if you would like to see it.
  8. ooc: im gonna double post since this has not been posted in for awhile Wrin was about to black out when a she started to fall. Aroramon had headbutted Seadramon and he had dropped her. Aroramon had started to jump to the water and as soon as she had touched it, it froze under her paws. She jumped again and caught Wrin on her back. She landed on the shore beside Bliss. Then Aroramon turned back to Seadramon. Aroramon opened her mouth and a blue ball started to form. "Ice...Beam......burst!" She shouted and the ball shot out and hit Seadramon square dead on.
  9. [i] he would die before he had to face the evil again. The other entities knew this and banished the evil from him for good.[/i] mabye we should let tom write something. we need his help for a thought or something
  10. Ravin noticed the writing and started to read it outloud. Not to anyone imparticular either. [i] When time began a great evil controled this land. These were the Malikays. They tortured the people and destroyed almost all life. The Malikays, even though evil, had an enemy of their own. The Geldars were the enemys of them. And protected the survivors that were left. Soon the people helped the Geldars and rose against the evil. Two brave worriors and a cunning follower were chosen for one simple task. To find the orbs of the world and create the Forgotten Gems. These Gems could only be created from the firey and icey breath of a secific beast. Thy beast is known as the Dryphon. They roam and ruled the world before even the Malikays and knew its magic and used it for good. Only the fire and ice breath can create the gems and only will the end of the last Malikays bring forth peace. This is our hope that this will be heard and remembered and the threat of the Malikays be kept alive. Until the chosen ones can acomplish the deathes of the last of the evil will there be true and hidden terror on this land.........[/i]
  11. [i]Erin looked shocked. She was afraid that she had lost both of her friends to this planet. But she knew that the fighting was over. Erin was to afraid to get up to check if Tom was alive or not. She was afraid of more than just that.....[/i]
  12. Rav: Mabye we should stop fighting and find somewhere less.... Ax: Muddy? Rav: Uh...yeah. The team headed farther into the cave to try and reach it's hidden secrets.
  13. [i]Erin stood in complete shock. One of her only friends-one of the only ones to be there from the begining.[/i] 'This shouldn't have happened.' Erin thought as she sank to the ground. Tears forced their way down her cheeks. 'This should have never happened.' she let her staff fall to the ground with a dull thud. [i] Tom saw that his one and only true equal to a good fight was gone. He smirked and turned to the cring girl. She sat there. She at this time was so easy to kill. [/i]
  14. [i]Erin backed away from both the fighters. Tom had totally forgotten about her now and was going after Ax. Both had frightened her, but Ax frightened her more now.[/i] [i]Ax was glowing brighter now. Nothing else seemed to matter to him. The only thing that mattered was that Tom was now his enemy. And that enemy had to be destroyed[/i]
  15. what ever you want to do ax. The shadows became clearer. The rest of the group had decided to join Ax in his new cave. Ravin: Going for a beauty treatment Ax? Ax: Shut up Rav. Ravin: It looks good on you though. But I bet you prefer the bron type and not the beauty type of life. Ax glared at Rav and said nothing. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ meanwhile... A dark figure hung over a crystal ball. It watched as two companions quarled. It grinned baring sharp silver teeth. [i]"Finally. I've got you where I want you."[/i] it hissed and was sent off into a fit of evil hissing laughter.
  16. [i]thin air. Erin had somehow managed to escape the blade's fury when Tom had swung.[/i] "Wow." Erin whispered in shock. [i]Tom got ready for another attack. His face showed the anger and the sword's blade seemed to drip with liquid fire. Erin began to tremble in fear.[/i] 'I can't escape this time. Last time was by pure chance.' she thought.
  17. Tom dropped to his knees and screamed again. Everyone looked confused as this happened. A dark cloud formed over Tom's body and lightening burst through the clouds. (corny i know) Erin: Great....It just had to rain..huh? Nick: Yep Tom shuttered ans fell to the ground on his face.
  18. fine with me. The group started off again only because Ax had really pissed off the old man of the house. Ravin: Thanks Ax. Ax: You're welcome! Ravin: Geez.....lets just get to an inn or something before it starts to rain. As soon as Ravin said that it had started to down pour. Ax: Way to go. you just had to open your big mouth didn't you? Ravin: Shut up! The group runs to a group of trees by a cliff wall. Ax had started to lean against the cliff wall when he fell backwards. Ravin: Ax! Ax: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! if gouf wants to join now would be a good time
  19. Ravin: So you're saying you have no clue who he is and why you came here? Ax: Yep. Why does that bother you? Ravin: Um....... your turn, writers block!
  20. hmmmm.........sleep is good.. Well the next few days they stayed in town. Everyone was hurt in somewhy or another so that took time to heal. Luckily Ax knew someont in the town that could house them for awhile.
  21. nice name. "We did it!!!!!!" Ravin shouted while on Rouk's back as the group flew through the air. Everyone flew up farther into the sky. [i]sorry. writer's block[/i]
  22. Ravin held the stick straight up and planted one end on the floor and continued to chant what was on the stick
  23. The group of friends were sharing a break. They sorely needed it for traveling such away and still having a mile or two to go. "So how did you get here?" Bliss asked. "Me?" Wrin said and Bliss nodded. "I was on a camping trip with my family and I saw the blue gem on the ground and picked it up. Next thing I knew I was in a desert with two Floramon harassing me, and Nataniamon comes along and rescues me." "Sounds like we have something in common." Bliss replied. Kehho was still asleep but in a hollow of leaves on the ground, and Umimon was asleep beside her. "That digivolution thing was cool." Wrin said and sighed, then added, "Nataniamon can you do that?" "I..I dunno." Nataniamon replied with a slight stutter. "Well I hope both Rraikmon and you digivolve soon." Bliss said. "I would really like to know how you two look after you digivolve." "I agree. It would be amazing to see what you look like." Wrin added. Everyone was scilent for awhile until Rraikmon and Nataniamon's ears purked up. "Huh?" Wrin asked. "Shhh." both digimon replied. A movement in the brush caught the eye of both humans. Glowing red eyes moved and blinked at them then disappeared. A slpash of water was heard after they disappeared. "Lets check it out." Nataniamon said and started off to the brush. "Rraikmon and I will stay here to watch Kehho." Bliss said and Wrin nodded. Wrin folowed Nataniamon to a small creek on the other side of the brush. "HARD RAIN!" came a shout and shining water droplets hit Nataniamon and flung her into a tree. "Nata!" Wrin shouted and tried to run to her partner's side. "Hrrraoooarrrrr!" a digimon roared an fell into her path. It was a long serpentine digimon(Seadramon). The Digimon's tail flew at Wrin and tried to wrap around her legs. Wrin skillfully dodged it and rolled in front of a tree. This time Seadramon lashed his tail and hit Wrin into the tree. Wrapping her up in his tail the digimon started to squeeze. "AHHHHHHH!!!!!" Wrin screamed in pain. From the back of her head cme an idea of what her partner might look like if she digivolve, but she dismissed the idea because she knew her friend had blacked out. Seadramon squeezed Wrin harder and suddenly Wrin shouted, "NATANIAMON!!!" A light shot out of the creek and flew to Wrin. Nataniamon woke up and then stood. "I will not let you hurt her." she growled and a light enveloved her. "I will keep her safe! Nataniamon digivole to....." Nataniamon seemed to grow larger. From walking on two legs she change to four. What looked like ice cicles or ice shards erupted from her shoulders and all along her tail feathers and ice shards formed. Her eyes turned an ice blue white and her canines grew. What looked like a harness formed around her face and a blue gem appeared on her forehead. "Aroramon!" she shouted her new form standing proud.
  24. Wrin and Nataniamon had started to walk north ward for no apparent reason, except that Nataniamon suggested following the small jewel Wrin had picked up. "This is getting us nowhere Nataniamon." Wrin complained. "Yes it is." Nataniamon said pointing to a line of dark objects in the distance. "See there is the forest." "Woohoo." Wrin said with a hint of scarcasum. The digimon just looked at her and headed off again. Wrin sighed and followed after her partner. Nataniamon's tail feathers twitched in the slight breeze. Wrin's hair blew into her eyes and whe pushed it behind her ear and sighed again. A scream and a flash of light jolted each into alertness. "What was that?" Wrin asked. "I dunno, but we might want to find out!" was the replie. They ran toward the trees at a faster pace. The stopped only to see a large magnificently white digimon challenging a very big black dinosaur digimon.
  25. Wrin sat on the ground looking at a small flower and a hummingbird. She sighed heavily and layed down to watch the tiny bird even closer. It hummed its way to the next one and Wrin soon got bored. Ever since they got to the camp site she had been bored out of her skull. A small flicker of white and blue light caught her attention and she jumped up. Walking over to it she found out that it was a small blue crystal that seemed to pulse with a blue icey fire. As soon as she picked it up an explosion of light surrounded her. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Wrin plopped down on hard dirt. She was still dazed and could barely make out her surroundings. "Hello? Is anyone out here?" She asked as she stood up and brushed herself off. The area was a complete desert. The trees that once surrounded her were gone and only to be replaced by sand dunes. A small wind caught sand and kicked it up into a small sand storm. Wrin could hear shuffleing through the sand that wasn't because of the storm. "What is it?" she heard a low voice ask. "I have no clue, but lets poke it with a stick." replied another vioce. Soon after the comment something poked her arm and she swatted at it. "Quit it." Wrin demanded sqinting through the sand to see her who was poking her. "It can talk." the first voice said in awe. "Can we keep her as a pet?" the other asked. "No." a new vioce said growling, "That is my partner and you will not keep her or hurt her." "And who are you to boss us, the Floramon sisters, around?" the first sister asked in a cruel tone. "I am her partner. I am suppose to protect her and help her." came the replie. "Then mabye you should start protecting." laughed a Floramon, "Stamen Rope!" A vine rapped around Wrin's waist lifted her off the ground. The vine started to tighten and sufficate her. "Help!" Wrin gasped. "Grrrrrr......Ice Tail!" a voice said and a sound of glass shattering was heard. The vine around Wrin's waist disappeared and she dropped to the sand below her. "An' let that be a lesson for the both of you. It's 'Don't mess with a digimon and her partner!'" the vioce shouted after the pair of scurring feet. "Are you ok?" and a hand helped Wrin up. "Yeah." she replied and looked at her rescuer. It was sorta dog like but it walked on its hind feet. A horn stuck out of its forehead and its tail was tipped with feathers. It had a collar on with a swirl and wings on it. "Wait, What exactly are you?" Wrin asked. "I'll tell you on our way to the place we are suppose to be." it replied. "Oh and my name's Nataniamon." "Uhhh.....yeah. Hi Nataniamon."
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