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Everything posted by Nataniamon
everyone can now start. there is a a section ready to start
everyone one who signed up is in this. you know who you are i know you do. and yes this is not a dream. this is a beginning on the first evil so you can know what happened. [i] Night fell over the trees and a group of children huddled around a small camp fire. The chill of the night was starting to get to them. A figure watched from the brush of the dense forest. Her digimon stood beside her quietly watching them shiver. The figure smirked and turned to walk away but she came face to face with a dark shadow. The shadow growled and jumped at her. Trapping her it flew away. *~*~*~*~*Somewhere in the digital world "Let me go!" a girl screamed. "Never! Not until I am finished with you." replied a voice that was as cold as space was black. The girl screamed as an egg shaped form clasped itself around her neck. She fell scilent, her face contorted in pain. Her digimon suddenly merged with her body, and a disfigured creature emerged from the bonding. The creature stood up and laughed evilly. The digimon around it bowed down. "My Queen you have finnaly come forth." a vioce said. "Yes I have and now they will pay for what they have done to me. I will destroy their world as well as this one. But I will make those revolting little Digidestined suffer the same fate as their world first." and with that the Queen laughed mercilessly. The dark creatures around her cheered her on. Dark eyes turned toward the queen and her regien of darkness began.[/i] Now everyone starts where they just enter the digital world. We will find each other in the story and start the action from there.
yeah they are. i as thinking of useing gold as one of my elements. i think gold will be a new element.
oh geez...i knew i shouldnt count on you. Ravin: Think, think, think, think of what to do. The floor was still rising at an incredable rate. Ax: Well you better hurry up! YOu got us into this and you can get us out! Ravin: And when did I become the brains of this outfit! Ax: Since now! Ravin groped in her bag for something to help them out. Finding nothing she sighed heavely. Ryo: Let me guess we are all gonna die! Ravin: Well if you really want to. The ceiling was inching closer every second now. Ravin searched her bag again but this time found something. She pulled a small stick out of her pouch that wasn't there before. Ax: Great how is a stick gonna help?!?!?!?!?!
well i was actually planning to add more elements to both my stories. so yeah i guess if its alright with everyone else. now i have to think of an element. well hold on lets see what the others have to say about you wanting to join
strife you are gonna continue this time. im stuck
otay.....ummm....this will happen soon if my computer does not act up, which it is doing right now. so i have 5 people and 2/3 have/want the named crests. me: Imagination Rei: Laughter GinnyLyn: Curiosity two more up for grabs. ok. someone asked about the daggers, well i can tell you that now. The Digi-daggers are one way the digiknight's digimon can digivolve. Basicly you have to have the dagger and D-C connected (ill draw a little sketch for you to see what each is like) the digimon digivoles to champion and there is a speical term to digivolve with( i actually forgot it so i have to look it back up). To go to ultimate you need the crystal. Mega tags. And for an unknown digivolution way..... Knight's Mega....the pendents. Wierd name huh? Those steps will be mentioned if someone askes me about it.
ok....sorry for not posting in a while.... i have four peeps i need one more. this is gonna have ot do if that one isnt seen in a while. oh well. he a little more background info. There is a legend of the time when the degidestined could not defeat the evil one their own and a new evil has arisen to help the old evil. From a cry of help from the youngest digidestined five children from a different dimension appeared before the digidestined. The elements Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Ice, and Electricity came forth to abolish the old evil leaving the newer more powerful evil to defeat. The six crests, Imagination(mine), Curiosity(sp?), Laughter, Adventure, Pateince(sp), and the Unknown crest were forged from the personalitys of these five. Only these children with The Digi-crystals, Daggers, Crests, Tags, and the five Bio-Forging Pendents can save the digital world and the hopes of the future. he >_
This is sorta like the first basic digiknights. I have a story about the Second digiknights but nothing on the first digiknights. So here we are, the first digiknights to sve and protect the digidestined(aka season one) A little info on the digiknights.. The group came from a different world than the digidestined. Instead of Digivices these kids have D-Cs the basic digi-crystals. These attach to the daggers used for digivolving or digiknight evolution as they would say. Five kids and five elements were used in saving both worlds ice, fire, earth, air, and electricity. Six crests were made though. The crests will be mentioned after the story starts. Rules: I will only take the first five. Name Digimon(real or madeup) Color dc Element(ice already taken) The crests will be given out at the right part of the story. Ill add a prolouge or something more a little later.
Ravin: Not on my watch you don't! She jumped into the air and grabbed the orbs. She roled on the ground and stood up. Demon: You should not have done that fool. Ravin: We stole these and wont get them without a really good reason. Demon: Fine. Have it your way. The creature welled a large amount of dark magic into his claws and laughed evilly. Demon: Prepare to face your death and surrender the orbs to me.
Ravin glares at the creature. Ax: Ravin do you think this was a good idea? Ravin did not answer. She took a fighting stance and glanced over at the two guys. Ryo: Ravin you don't need to get yourself killed. Ravin: I will not get myself killed! I can do this! Ax: Are you trying to prove something?!?!?! There is nothing to prove by doing this! Ryo: You don't have to do this we can just get the banner of light for him. Ravin: And then what? The demon creature looked at them and spoke up. Demon: To save your lives you don't have to retrive the banner. I'll be happy with those orbs that are in your pouch there.
Ravin jumps in the air in a victory shout. She points to the demon's owner and shouts at him. Ravin: Take that you fugly beast! We can take anything you can throw at us! cant think of anything more.
Ravin: Then try this. Ax: I have to get this down into its mouth right? Ravin: Do it now while Ryo has it busy.
you're right about that. [i] Ravin fished in her bag for something. Without thinking she pulled out a long chain of catnip.[/i] "Wait a minute. I didn't put this in here!" Ravin exclaimed. "Find something useful!" Ax yelled at her. "Ah...Geez!" Ravin shouted as the creature knocked her down to the ground. [i]Ravin through her arms into the air to block the jaws of the demon. The catnip twisted around from her arm over the jaws of the demon. Ravin forced the herb in its mouth and held its jaws together until it swallowed it.[/i] "What is that going to do? Make it hyper!?!?!" Ax shouted as he dodged the second demon. [i]As soon as he finished his sentence the creature gaged. It clawed at its mouth and hacked. Hacking some more it fell into convulsions on the ground and twitched.[/i]
i cant think of any come back. that is bad. [i]Both guys dodged and escaped the leap but were soon attacked again. The others were powerless to do anything. A creature went after AX and slashed his left shoulder rendering it useless. Ryo was attaked from behind but was missed by mere millimeters.[/i] your turn
you are evil, EVIL! on a scilent command two demons came forward. "If you disobey, they will kill you." "Ooo...Sounds fun." Ravin replied in a sarcastic tone. "SCILENCE!" Ravin was thrown across the room and was slammed into a wall and was knocked unconcous.
oh thanks. i love you too. [i] a glowing pair of orange/red eyes. The creature was set apon a large throne covered with various objects. All of them hard to see in the dark. [/i] "So glad you could make it." it said. "I hope my pets didn't frighten you too much." "No. Really?" Ravin asked sarcasticly. "They didn't frighten us, Did they?" "Ravin now is not a time to get this guy mad. He means busness." Ax said in a low voice. "I don't care. We're here now what do you want?" Ravin replied. "What I want is right infront of me." "Say what?" "You are the ones I want." I said pointing a finger at us. "And why is that?" "I need you to do a little job for me."
[i]to a dark pit. They continued to fall until they hit a rock floor. Several of them bounced a few times and them landed with a thud. Fire and debre fell around them. Soon a huge section fell and trapped them. All of our heros were knocked unconcous. [/i] I know my spelling stinks.
sorry. had to work on the haunted house down our way. don't ask ok? and school is on top of that. Ax: I have no clue but im not sticken around to find out! Ravin: Heh, Me either. A tremor rumbles through the ground. It shutters violently for several minutes and then stops. The group is on their knees. Ryo: Ok. that was not imagination Right? Ravin: If it was then you have one heck of a big imagination. A looming shadow falls over the group. A low growl escapes the jaws of the creature infront of them. Ravin: Ok guys. That is not one creature i want to meet. Ryo&Ax: Heh. for once we agree. The creature draws back its head opens its jaws and releases a fire blast of liquid lava.
Few days later. Ravin:* sigh* we can't make it! Axel: i told you we couldn't find a ship that big. Ravin: I know. But i really wanted to see space. Ryowa: Well why should we go to space. Heck i love a good adventure but i like to keep my feet and body as close to the planet as posible. Ravin: well lets keep searching anyway. Mabye we can find a ship. The group headed off again this time to another part of the world to find a ship.
[color=green]noooooo!!! ill be all alone! im not posting unless Sacred posts more. ill miss you already[/color] in the mean time here is a little hold over. Before any of the adventure starts the gang decided to rest for awhile. (hey they just got beat up a little bit ago, what do you expect?) Planning were being made though before hand.
Ravin: but didn't you say you were sent here to find him? Doesn't that mean he is still here? Dragon: He should be. Ravin: What do you mean should be? Dragon: The Dark One could havve taken him off this planet and onto his own. Ryo: What?!?!? I'm ok with fling on Zouk, but I will not go in space. Ax: Why? Ryo:Three reasons.One its black, two its cold, and three it has [b]NO AIR[/b]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ravin: That is why there is a space ship between us and outside. Ryo: Oh. Ax: Now that we have that problem fixed, we have anoher problem to worry about. Everyone else: What? Ax:How are we going to fit 4 dragons, 1 lion, and three people on a ship? Ravin:Uhhhhhh.
Jenga??? Sitting in a diner. Ravin:So your telling me you got the sword from a guy you didn't even know? Ax: Oh I knew him. We were best freinds before i got Strider and started fighting thread. Ryo: And how did he come across the sword? Ax: He did tell me the story. But it is a long one. Ravin: Trust me. We have time. hehehehe. strify gets to tell a story.
Rouk flamed a patch of thread in front of them. Ax and Ryo dodged and then flamed another patch also. [i]'I think the thread gets worse everytime we fight it. It just gets bigger and bigger.'[/i] Ravin complained. [i]'But we have to flame it. You know that.[/i] Rouk replied. Soon the thread had ended with out casualties. No one was hurt and everyone was thankful for it. Soon the three went back to the hospital and found the dragon still there. The odd thing was that Kiro and it were playing chess. [color=blue]i dot writers block again.[/color]
Ravin looked at Ax. Then looked at the dragon. Ravin: I don't think you have your pryorities(dont care how its spelled. k?) straight. Ax probaly has a brain the size of a walnut. He cannot be a king. Ax: Why cant i be? Ryo: Because you have no, quote unquote, royal blood. Ax: And who says i don't? Ravin: Is there even any royal blood on this planet? Ryo: No clue. Dragon in the background sighs and then roars. It sound got everyones attention.