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Everything posted by Nataniamon
okay. i have an idea for that. Ax: Where did you come from? Ravin*sweatdrops*:I've been here. You idiots left me in the cave and i tracked you back here. Ravin whacks him again across the head. Ravin: Well forget about that now. We have a good to do. Thread doesn't burn its self now does it? Ryo and Ax folow her out of the hospital with the little creature in tow. Ryo*mutters*: I think I liked here better dead. Ax*mutters back*: Got that right. sorry guys now im stumped. writers block.
ok. um. yeah. am i still the creature or am i back to myself. im confusald. i have been for awhile. hey here is the pick. and yes i did get the part about the thread coming. tell me if im me or the creature and ill continue.
Ax: Is what? Ryo: Was in my dream. And the dragons were there and Ravin had died and an egg took her place and the egg hatched and ..... Ax:Will you stop with the ands and get to the point? Ryo: Thats Ravin! Ax: What?!?!
sorry to double post but if you want a pic of the creature that has just hatched then tell me. ill be glad to post one.
nuh uh. [b]quote unquote "so dont try and revive me." [/b] that is what i said. and sorry for not posting for awhile. my frillen computer is acting up, family things, and writers block kept me away. Ax carried Ryo out of the cave. He had lost a lot of blood but was still alive. They both flew to a hospital. Ryo had to have surgery and Ax stitches for multiple cuts. Ax was waiting in the lobby for the doctor to tell him if he could se Ryo. He had grabbed Ravin's bag before he left the cave and now was going through it. To his surprise the only things in it were the two orbs they had got and the egg that she stole from the sea cave. He smiled, [i]'She always had a knack at stealing objects.'[/i] he said to himself. He was rolling the egg around in his hands when he felt it jump. Surprised he dropped the egg and it cracked. A hole had appeared in the shell and and a small clawed paw protruded from the hole. A squeak came from the egg and the crack got bigger. All attention was on the egg now. Nurses, patients, doctors, and workers were watching the egg. Soon with one mighty rock, shake, and push the little creature was out with onlyy a large portion of egg shell covering its head. Ax lifted the egg shell off and saw large deep blue eyes looking at him. The creature was furry with round ears and a long tail. Only it had scaly from the lower jaw down its chest onto its stomach and ended there. It had dragon wings that were a little to big for it but it seemed to fit it. The creature cooed then hicuped. And looked around. Several women sighed and went 'ahhhh' as it looked around. Its eyes turned back to Ax and it cocked its head to the side and mewed. Then it mewed more.
warning i dont care about my spelling. .....an enormous shadow with glittering eyes appered infront of him. [i]'Where do you think your going?'[/i] the shadow hissed. "To kill you and the people once and for all." he hissed back. [i]'You will never accomplish that feet Drakian. You have lost this battle.'[/i] it said as it glared at the dragon with unblinking eyes. The creature pulled out the dragon seal and the orb and said, [i]'I banish you Drakian to the realm with your sibling. This orb has finnaly brought your death.[/i] it hissed and the seal opened. Drakian was absorbed into the seal with a final roar. The seal then crumbled into dust The shadow laughed and disappeared with the orb. your turn strife. i have a clue what i wanted to put next but oh well. one question. Ryowa and i are dead right? if sooi have a good idea for the next part. so dont try and revive me. okay.
hello? heelllllooooo? strife? Sacred? *looks under a rock* where are you guys?
stupid me. i forgot to post the pic. and mods sorry for bouble posting.
D*Star i have no clue if your gonna like this and if you want something changed tell me. it just a basic sketch. tell me how you like her. >_
ohhhhh. oh tay. i got it now. Drakain knew something. That it was soon to be over for him soon, aand his orb would lead to his destruction. I don't know i have writer's block. come on im writing this at 11 o'clock at night give me a break.
hummm. if anyone cares or even D*Star. here is Draquamon(is that how you spell it?). humm again. it looks bad to me. i didn't do a good coloring job.
[color=darkred] thanks strife. make sure i kill you next time i post something that needs someone killed[/color] Ravin looked down and saw blood dripping down the from of her shirt. A startled expression on her face. Ax gasped and ran over to her side. Ravin: Ax get him for me. Ax nods his head and replies: I'll do that.
whos Blood. mine or yours ? Im confusaled. tell me if its my blood or yours. then ill get it going.
grrrr.... where is sacred warrior when you need him. Domar:....... Ravin: So how do we use it? Domar hands the seal over to Ravin." That is for you to find out." "What?!?!?!" Ravin and Ax suddenly get dizzy again and colapse, both out cold. :devil: take that right back. hahahahaha!
you going to die strife. Ravin and Ax blacked out. They ended up waking in a field of grass. Ravin sat up and looked around and saw dragons by the fair(a word meaning a group of dragons). Two imperticular came closer. Ax notice the first," Wait a minute. You died. I should know I was the one that killed you. And as a matter of fact I killed you too." "We are all dead here. Except you two. You two are so close to dieing that you were brought here." "Why?" Ravin asked. "You remember that egg you took from my cave." The second asked. Ravin nodded. "It is the only way to defeat the last dragon there." "Ohhh. But aren't we going to die?" "Do you want to die?" "Well, no. Not exactly." "Then here is my gift to both of you." The dragon said as he leaned of Ravin and Ax......
[i]'If I can destroy those two by posing as their fallen comrad. Then I will be rid of these two.'[/i] the dragon thought. He was heading toward Ryo.
D*Star here is my version of Darwuamon. it is not colored except the eyes and personally i dont think i did good. but hey its your digi you decide.
Ravin had an idea. Ax seamed to be hisself again for the moment so she had a little time to think. The room was narrow and there was barly any room to ba able to dodge in. Fear clenched Ravins heart. She knew what the evil beast had in mind. Ax screamed in clutched his head again
[color=red] my turn. by the way this is all in my head or at least part of it.[/color] Ravin crumpled down onto the floor. Her head pounding in pain. [i]A fight was going on inside her head. A enormous black dragon and a small girl fought it out. She somehow was a wizard and was protecting herself with a sheld. She was losing the fight and knew it. Nothing would stop it, nothing could stop it. In one last desperate atempt she readied herself for the last blow. 'Don't give up!' a voice shouted. 'I lost you once and I won't lose you again.' The girl looked back and saw a golden Dragon/Wolf. It stepped closer. 'You are not in this battle alone. Let me help you.' the dragon/wolf started chanting and soon girl and beast were lost in the words. A flash illuminated the black dragon's scales and it hissed. It knew it had lost the battle. Girl and beast had combined into a new creature. A girl half wolf and half human dressed in Dragon armor with wings unfurled stood infront of the black dragon. [b]'This ends now.'[/b] they said. [b]'We are tired of playing your games. No more mind tricks. We will save our friends and defeat you.'[/b] They pulled out a sword of pure ice and charge at the dragon. The sword percised the chest scales of the dragon and cut through the beating heart. They heard it scream, removed it, and started to walk away. The beast fell forward with a trickle of blood flowing out of the corner of its mouth.[/i] Ravin blinked as the last of the pain lifted from her head. She looked down and saw that she was no longer herself but the girl/wolf in the armor.
ok.i can actually try and draw the digimon but you have to pm me or email me with the full description. ill try to draw it, i promise.
Ravin: Lets do what he says. Ryo:But what about Ax? Ax:*fals to his knees* Just go! Ravin grabs Ryo's arm and pulls him onto Rouks back. The start to run toward the exit and barly make it though with Zouk. Strider had not come with them. Ravin:*crumples down onto the floor* He's gone. Ryo: ...... Ravin:*slowly stands up and wipes the tears off her face* He died so we can get the last orb. And we're going to get it even if it kills me in the process. A scroll of paper falls to the floor. Ryo picked it up and started to read it out loud.
oh thats creative. Ravin: Geez quit it. the guys continued. Rav: I dont like to get tough but im getting angry. Ravin walked over to them pulled back her fist and punch Axel right in the face. Ax blacked out all at once after the hit and lay motionless. Ryo: Wow you have a mean right hook. Rav: And to think ive never punched anyone before. Ryo: You haven't Rav: My first time. Now excuse me while i doctor my now brused fist.
every one headed toward the middle door and went through. the corridor seemed to go on foreverand nothing seemed to be wrong. they soon came to a rope bridge. "How are we suppose to walk across this?" Ryo asked "Ryo. you walk across it." Ax said. "I knew that but how are the dragons going to gwt across?" "Beats me." Ravin shrugged.
Ravin: It said the odd ones are tight. What the heck is that suppose to mean? Ryo: Your asking me? Ravin: Oh right you two are males. Ax:Hey whats that suppose to mean? Rav: Oh nothing but i sugest the center one.
[color=green]grrrr *pulls out bestfreinds mutant notebook* get him boy get him.*starts running after strife.* MWHAHAHAHAHA! I AM THE MASTER![/color] *scroll being read* You have beat my two brothers but can you beat me? Before you lyes threes challenge for each of the. First chose a door, only one is right. I'll give you a clue the odd ones are tight. Find me in the end my sphere you will win. But lose to me and you will be din din. *end* "Is this guy an idiot?" Ravin asked a little confused. "Probaly." Ax sighed. "Ok now which door?" Ryo asked.