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Everything posted by Nataniamon

  1. [color=pink}lol anacondas are cool. i want one. [/color] Ravin: Gesh. Does this cave/tunnel have an end? Ax:Apparently not. All of the group came to an intersection. Three passages where on the other side. Ryo:Something is wrong. Ax: Your right. Ravin: Some thing does not feel right. Guys: Then you can go first. Ravin is pushed into the center of the chamber. Ravin*turns around*: You guys are going to get it! Ax:Eh. Shes not dead its safe. the others step to where Ravin is. then the two huge doors fall after them and block the escape. Three huge shadows appear at the entrances of the three other doors.
  2. "Let me see that."Ravin said as she grabbed the dart. Ax looked at hear and asked" What do you know about darts or pioson?" "Probaly a whole heck of a lot more than you do." she snapped back. After a long scilence Ryo asked," How long does he have to live?" Ravin laughed and replied," A whole heck longer than we thought." "Huh?" the guys asked. "All Strider needs to do is eat these leaves." Ravin said as she pulled the leaves out of her pouch. "How it that going to help?" Ax asked. "The idiot who used this poison did not know an easy part about it." Ravin explained. "And that was?" "He mixed it wrong." she said simply. "How do you know?"Ryo asked "I mixes pioson to put sick animals to sleep and I knew the cures for them too." "Ohhhh." both of the guys said in unison. ~*~*~* [i]In the shadows[/i] The dark being was slamming is head againts a tree. "I knew I should mix my own poisons. Wort will die for this." With that he swirled his cape an disappered
  3. can we use mad up digimon?if so then her i am. Digimon: Waterbilmon (virus) Attacks: Fin Blade, Tital Wave Digivoution: Bastetmon(virus): Gods Wing, Gold Collar Magic Bastetrinmon(vaccine): Gold Charm, Staf Ice Shot, Eclipse mask HighBastetmon(vaccine): Last Charm, Feather Charm
  4. "IT is so nice to have our dragons back. Even though they are...uh...um....." Ravin trailed off. "Wolves."Ax finished. "That is what I was thinking of." Ravin said. Both guys fell over anime style. Then had just landed by the cave opening leading out to the surface. ************ [i]'I had them in my claws and then they escaped.'[/i] the cloked figure thought angerily. [i]'Not to worry I'll get them next time.'[/i] it laughed evilly ito the night.
  5. lol. using ax's head to make soup was a good idea. tobad we would have had ax's mind cob webs in the soup. some where in the shadows. [i]'Hehehe. They will never know what hit them.'[/i] the cloaked figure thought. [i]'This will be so easy. The morons are to stupid to figure out that I'm following them.[/i] The shadows moved as the moon rose. The being moved with the shadows. Taking aim at the girl he placed an arrow on this crossbow shaft. This was its choice weapon, scilenced by magic and light and easy to carry. A hoot of an owl was heard in the distance and the girl moved. He froze. She quited down agin quickly though and he took aim again. *farther into the shadows. The air was calm a little to calm tonite and Rouk knew it. Since the night that Ravin and everyone disappeared the dragons had changed. Though she could go into a dragon form any time she prefered the one she was in now. She padded softly to Strider's side. He knew something was wrong also. Zouk came to stand beside them both with his nose in the air. Strider's eyes scanned the horizan for any sign of what may happen but couldn't find any thing. Scilence still clung to the air when a scream sliced through it like the sun's rays through the night. The three creatures bolted to where the scream eminatted.
  6. Kiro was a new member and a good compainion, and Ravin saw that. She was painfully reminded that she now had lost a friend. Rouk had dissappeard with the conforting feeling that she had gained when they first met and she missed it. Even strong, tough Axel was missing his partner. You couldn't tell by his face only his eyes. The flare had gone out of them and he was a little bit to much sober. He was never like that. The group sat down to rest that day was deffinetly a rest day. By night fall Kiro had volinteered to take first watch. It was agreed to have each of them take turns, unfortunately Ravin was last. She fell asleep into fitfull dreams. Ones without her friend Rouk, Ax, and the others.
  7. Ravin looked puzzled and just shrugged. "this is going to be one good adventure." sorry im at school cant be on any longer. sorry.
  8. [color=red]ihateyouihateyouihateyouihateyouihateyouihateyou[/color] At the end of the dark tunnel they ended up in a green field. "Whoa." Ryowa said as he gazed around them. "I am deffinately not asking." Ravin added. "What? How a large vally is under the earth or is on top?" Axel asked. "Oh shut up." she replied as she slapped him acrossed the back of the head. "Ow, don't do that." "I was hoping to get a little air to that little pathetic mind of yours." Ravin said. A crunching of leaves was heard behind them. Ryowa turned around and froze, his words stuck in mid air. [color=green] I AM THE MASTER!!!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! take that! [/color]
  9. oh great lets relive the nightmare before christmas secene again "Ok someone tell me this. Why is there a door knob in a door?" Ravin asked her hands on her hips. "Because it just is." Ryowa said. "Yep. Just because." Axel agreed. "Are you two sur you have [b]NOT[/b] in the happy jucie lately?" Ravin asked :therock:. "No. There's no more. We had the rest after you went to sleep last night or when ever." Axel said as he shook his head. "Yep. And it was the best happy juice I ever had." Ryowa agreed. "You teo are real idiots you know that?" Ax didn't repliy. He had just turned the knob to the door. Nah nah! take that back. i got you in trouble! woohoo!
  10. your mean strife real mean. but hey i guess i asked for that one didn't i? [i]'The dragns have disappeared.'[/i] Ravin thought. The conforting felling when Rouk was around had disappeared. [i]'This is not good. Where are we and what happened to Rouk?[/i] All Ravin could see was darkness and dampness beneth her feet. Her hearing picked up a faint drip of water in the distance. Her hand rubbed up against a spongey object. Just above that was a ruff tecture. "Hey guys." "What!?!?" both of them replied irritated and surprised. "Well I just thought you would like to know that we may be in a forest." "Well how did we get there?" Ax asked a little peeved that he was woken up from one of the first in a long while comfortable slumber. "I dunno." she replied as she shrugged her shoulders. ha. got you back strife. take that evil person.
  11. [color=red] i forget what orbs we have. i know we have the speed orb. which orther though?[/color] "Will you two shut up! It's both of your falts that we're her, both of you have bottomless pits for stomachs." Ravin mubbled as she wiggled to get comfortable on the hard floor. "It's not our falt!" Axel protested. "What ever. I'm going to sleep." Ravin replied crankely. The small egg she took was under her shirt and keeping it there was very uncomfortable. She was cranky because she had not had a bath for two days and both the guys could get annoying after some time. In the moring she woke up to find herself extreamly confortable. she opened her eyes and saw that she was no longer in the church.
  12. [color=blue] i am so sorry strife. i mixed your dragon's name up with a name im thinking of using for a story. sorry [/color] Breathing in the fresh air Ravin sighed. "That was a little too close for comfort." Ax slid down [b]Strider[/b]'s side. "Lets never do that again." He said as he shut his eyes. "Or we won't and say we did." Ryowa said. Ravin, Ax, and Ryowa started to laugh. "So still have the orb?" Ryowa asked. "Along with the other one." Ravin said as she patted her side pouch. "And I can back with a little jewel too." Both Ax and Ryowa stared at her.
  13. ouch. grounded twice in one week and i thought i got in trouble bad. "Whoa!" Ravin shouted. She dodged a huge rock that had just fell. "Weve got to get out of here!" Ax shouted. "The way you came in is blocked." Roywa said ducking away from a large bolder. "Maybe there is a way out though the bad chamber." Ravin suggested. [i]'Then lets do this.'[/i] Rouk said as she ran toward Ravin. Strife ran over to Ax and Ax mounted to the back of his freind. Ravin did the same. Roywa's beast came out of no where and he lept to its back. Running and dogeing falling rocks was mo easy task. but they got to the sleeping chambers. Ravin saw the egg still glowing where Drydon left it. [i]'I've got to get that egg.'[/i] Ravin thought to herself. She leaned over Rouk's side and as they passed it she scouped it up in a swift movement. Placing herself up right she settled herself down again and they were off at top speed agin.
  14. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. i have to double post again! As Ravin turned back to the dragon she saw something glitter from under its wing. [i]' Curiosity killed the cat. [/i] Rouk warned. "But." Ravin started to protest alound, " but its so shiney."
  15. ok.... well fellow dryphon/dragon riders this is Ryowo rider of an red-orange dryphon. everyone Ryowo, Ryowo everyone. we are kinda short on people but hey its exciteing. "Whoa." Ravin said. [i] 'I agree.'[/i] Rouk added. Ax smirked and added,"That was easier than i thought." "Got that right. " A vioce added from the shadows. *~*Forget tom was even there ok.*~* "Who the frill is that?" Ravin asked as she turned around. [color/red]da da dunnnn. a cliff hanger. [/color]
  16. i forgive him. so we cant do anything until either cloud or gouf comes and does something. or you can add to this.
  17. i know double posting but no one else is going to post "Well...." the new comer started. "I thought so." Ravin replied. "Try to talk to it instead of shooting it." he said. "Fine well try that." Ravin said sighing, "But if it doesn't work then we're dead anyway." [i] come on and post someone. or do i have to hunt you all down?[/i]
  18. "Not him you idiot. Drydon." Ravin shouted at Ax. "Im tring to." Ax snarled back at her. The new shouted. "Don't shoot!" "Why not. Its going to kill us! Or do you have a better reason?" Ravin shouted back.
  19. 'Why do I have to do this?I don't want to. This is not fun.' Ravin thought to herself as she crept along the cave wall. She soon reached the bedding chamber. There Drydon was curled around a large crystal. In its fore claws was something shiney. [i]' Ravin don't you think about it.'[/i] Rouk warned. [i]'But I like shiney things. Anyway I'm curious.[/i] Ravin replied. [i]'Curiosity killed the cat.[/i] Rouk added in a dry tone. Ravin ignored the last comment and continued forward. She slwly got closer and saw what the object was. It was a small egg about the size of Ravin's fists. It had gold speckeled spots. Ravin crept closer and say that she could grab the egg. she inched forward just a little and was about to touch the egg when the great creature's eye opened. "Uhoh. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Ravin screamed as it got up. She ran out of the chamber into where Ax was. "SHOOT IT! SHOOT IT! SHOOT IT!" she screamed running around the cave. [color=violet]feww. that was sorta long [/color]
  20. if its for a friend then i need thier name dragon/dryphon & color (blue green gold bronze brown.) basicly thats all i need and they can join any time. Instead of this cave being dark and dry this cave was somewhat bright and wet. Ravin: Peachy. I hate cold Wet spots. Ax: You complain to much. Ravin: You complain more.
  21. cool ill remember that. Ax met up with Ravin with a smug look on his face. [i]'He has got something up his sleeve.'[/i] Rouk said as they all saw him. Ravin: What did you do now? Ax:Got a surprise to beat one of the eldest. Ravin rolled her eyes: Goody can we go now before some kid sttarts to ask me again for a ride on Rouk. Ax:fine lets go. The both headed off toward the distant mountains. Rouk and Strife taking their riders at an easy pace.
  22. [color=blue]i got that joke. [/color] Ravin and Ax ate and decided "hey if we got to stay ina town for awhile, why not stock up on somethings." They pasted a store with what seemed like hiking gear and tents. Ravin: Should we stop and get a few things? Ax:Why not. It wouldnt do any harm to get a tent or something. Ravin: Lets do it then. Both of them walked in and started to look around.
  23. Nataniamon


    well you really want to know where we are?" Erin askes coty. Well yeah." comes the reply Hmmm.... by the engines and lost in space." Tell me something i dont know."
  24. Nataniamon


    *Sitting by the engines* Hey Holly is every one awake?"Erin asked. What do you think?"came a reply. Shesh you dont have to bite my head off." If I could I would do that." I know you would." Erin replied scornfully
  25. [color=red] me too [/color] Ravin woke in the morning and went to take a shower. Ax:*knocks on the bathroom door* Ravin your useing all of the hot water Ravin: I promise I'll save you some. Ax:*huffs and leans against the wall*Yeah right Ravin steps out in a towel and slippers. She looks at Ax :rasberry. Ax:You better have saved me some water Ravin: I did. I did. After they both got ready they headed out to a resterant.
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