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Everything posted by Nataniamon

  1. [color=red]should i start singing "were off to see the dragon the wonderful dragon of pern"?[/color] Ravin and Ax walked into the sun light and onto green grass. Ravin had put the orb of Drogar in a small pouch at her side. Ravin: Where to now? [i]'Where ever the wind takes us.'[/i] replied Rouk [i]'And hopefully good fortune and life too.'[/i] Strife added. Ax:Should we fly, walk, or ride? Ravin: You deside.
  2. changed my sig happy? Ax draws his sword and takes a deep breath. He steps forward a step a stops. Dromar was still standing ahead of him. Then in a heart beat Dromar charged with swift steps. Ax jumped side ways and landing hard his sword flew and hit the wall. [i]'Ax can do this.'[/i]Rouk said stopping Ravin from going to Ax's side. [i]'I know.[/i] replied Ravin [i]' But there has to be something I can do.[/i] [i]'Toss him your dagger then.[/i] Strider said [i]'Oh yeah that should help defeat a dragon 5-6 times our size.'[/i] Ravin replied. Ravin: Ax catch*tosses dagger to him* Ax:Oh this is going to help.*dodges Drogar's foot* Ravin:If you don't want it then give it back Ax: I'll use it Suddenly Ax tripped and fell. Drogar's foot started to fall onto Ax. Ravin:Ax! No! Ax curcled up into a ball and by pure luck slipped through Drogar's toes. Ax jumped up and slashed the shoulder of the dragon making it bellow in pain. With another swift slash he made the leg usless. Drogar fell in pain "I give . My old bones cannot take this beating my time is up."
  3. oh well we will stick it out i hope Ravin:We're doomed. Ax:Yeah id say so.
  4. Ravin: Are you sure we should be exploring this cave? What if there is a mutated sand snake or something like that in here? Ax: Don't worry with our luck it is a mutated watch wyer in here. Ravin:Oh that makes me feel a whole lot better. Ax:What does? Ravin:Well at least I know that im not going to be eaten alive. At least im going to be killed before I die.
  5. Ravin: How in the world. The scientists have not found a way to create the theriaticl force field yet. Why hasn't the thread destroied the vegitaion? Ax: I have no clue but lets go check it out. I think the sky team can handle the rest. Both landed and slid off the backs of their companians. Withan unexpected landing they landed on a carpit of wiggling grey sluggs. Ravin noticed that a strand of thread landed on the slugges and disolved. Ravin: Ax I think I know why this hill has no been affected. Ax:Why? Ravin: The slugs are eating the thread.
  6. i'll try but only because ive seen the show. its cool :) Name: Erin (Thats it.) Age: 15 Gender: Girl Bio: A little looney. Always ticking people off. I sorta hitched hiked onto the ship and everyone doesn't know. Basicly they think I'm part of the crew. Oh I'm really good at fixing things too. So basicly I'm a kind of machanic. Fav word-Momintai(sp?) Apper.: Sweats always in sweats and a plain t-shirt. blue eyes but they change with my mood(really they do) semi-long dirty blond hair that is always in a pony tail.
  7. Ravin sat down on a high back chair in her wyer. 'Grrrrrrrr. It is not fair that the dragon queens can mate and not you.' Rouk snorted and replied'Why would I want to fly? There is no one here that would fly me.' 'But you should still have a chance.' Ravin answered as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. Ax suddenly decided to pop in at that moment. "Rav. You better get your things thread is going to start falling soon." "I'm coming Ax. You don't have to worry me like an aunty." Ravin replied as she slid on her jacket. "Try an uncle." He replied with a scowl. Ravin laughed as she slide on her helmet and fasened it.
  8. "I can not believe it is a real firelizard. These things aren't suppose ot be real." Zenoic said. The little creature crealled in hunger.Ravin ran and got a meat roll from the bag she brought with her and started to feed it. Soon it was full and fell asleep. "I guess you impressed it." Ax said as Ravin picked up the small creature. "I guess so." She replied Sorry i have not been writing ive been having a few family problems.
  9. 'I shouldn't have got mad.' Ravin said angeraly to her self as hse stomped off. [i]'He didn't mean.' [/i] Rouk crooned. [i] 'I know.[/i] she replied [i]'but I've been so wound up. It's been the thread. Why does it have to fall now?[/i] [i] 'Logic of the world is one thing I really dont understand well.[/i] Rouk replied. Ravin sat down in the sand and layed back. The sun felt good on her skin and was conforting. Suddenly Rouk said [i] 'Ravin, don't make any sudden moves. Open your eyes slowly.'[/i] Ravin did as she was told. To her surprise a gold firelizard, one of old tales, was looking her at her. It blinked and then dissappeared into thin air.
  10. ok ill try to get it going again. [i] MEAN WHILE IN ANOTHER PART OF PERN[/i] "It feels out here." Ravin said as she stretched out on the beach. She had come her with Ax and Zeonic after hte thread fell. Amazingly Ax was relaxing after almost having a wing sheared off by the thread the last fall. "Ravin! When do you expect thread to fall again?" Zeonic shouted. "Its hard to tell. We have had only two time thread has fallen so its hard to tell." she replied. A large splash and an angry shout from Ax made both of them look toward the water. Ax was scrubbing Strider's back when Strider had rolled over getting Ax soaked. "I didn't think you needed a bath just yet Ax." Ravin shouted to him. "I didn't need one," Ax paused and waited then a large amount of water hit Ravin." but you did." he replied laughing.
  11. sorry for me not bieng on for a while. got grounded and comp. on the wack. someone post im all out of ideas.
  12. *sorry i have not been on. i was grounded because of my little bratty sister.* Ravin was exaustied. Rouk had fallen to sleep where she had landed and was softly snoreing. Ravin wlked over to her and fell right beside Rouk's head and imbetween the fore paws and went to sleep. [i] "Wake up Ravin."[/i] Rouk said as she pushed her partner with a mental thought.[i] "I'm hungry." [/i] "Hold your featers." Ravin replied as she stepped out of the shower and dried herself off. She pulled on her riding gear and walked out. [i] "Can we go now?[/i] Rouk asked her four feet shifting with energy. Ravin lept and pulled herself up onto the dryphons back. "We can go now." Rouk jumped off the edge of her weyr and headed toward the feeding grounds.
  13. All the dragons started to work burning thread. Suddenly above Ravin's head she heard a dragon scream. Three hours later and over 20 scored. Ravin was helping with Ax to patch up the dragons wings and bodies.
  14. Erin: where did they go? Ax: no clue. Erin: do you think well find him again? Ax: I dont know. (writers block.)
  15. i think dragonquest. or dragonsdawn. one of those or just pick one. after awile you learn not to expect them to be in order. but if you want to learn how dragons on Pern are made then get dragons dawn.*i hope thats the title.* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Rouk kept burning the thread when suddenly the 100 dragons that could fly started their attack. *Writer's block too*
  16. Ravin felt Rouk's body tese. Suddenly with a burst of energy she flew towards the Thread. [i]"What are you crazy?!?!? We need firestone to burn thread."[/i] Ravin said said telepathicaly. [i]"Who said i needed firestone?"[/i] Came a reply. Ravin felt Rouk's chest fill. Rouk then exhaled an extreame blast of hot fire that turn the tread into dust. ------------------- Fire stone in the original books were use to help dragons create flame. They chewed it and swallowed it and then beltch fire.
  17. "A war?" Ravin asked as she heard the shout. She looked at the sky where the blasts were coming from. Silver glinted in the sky above them. "That is not a war! They are fighting thread!" Ravin exclaimed. Fear clutched her heart as she saw the sight.
  18. okay. that is an intersesting bio. *mutters* i wish i killed someone*walks off muttering*
  19. Ravin walked out of Ax's quarters after he went back to sleep. She was right that he would never be able to use that foot again."A waste of a good worrior if you ask me."she said aloud. "You got htat right." A vioce said fro the shadows. "Who said that?" Ravin asked a hand on her dagger. "Me" It said as it walked out of the shaddows. It has exactly like Ax's creature except it was golden in color. It was gold so it had to be a she. She had amazing wings and a muscular body. "What are you?" Ravin asked "My name is Rouk, a Dryphon. We came to help you and your people fight the Thread." Rouk said as she stepped closer. "Threads over. There are no more." "That is what you think."She came back. "And why are you talking to me?"Ravin asked a bit edgy. "Because you are my rider and I am your beast." "Riiiight. And I'm supposed to believe you why?" Rouk suddenly pick Ravin up and set her on her back."Hold on or you may fall off." After Rouk said that she launched herself into the air her great wings kicking up dust.
  20. ok ill try this. but if i dont like it ill say bye bye. Name:Erin Crouse aka- Creator(i make up digimon) Age:14 Location:Greenspring, WV -USA Digivice color: Navy blue and Purple striped. Description: A lonesome girl who loves creating digimon. Soon they start invading her dreams. She got her digivice while at school. She was showing her friend some digimon she made up when her digivice appeared in front of her. When she got home a digiegg was on her bed. It hatched into one of her fic digimon.
  21. Ax finnaly got to his room and Ravin sat down infront of him. "Ok Ax now tell me one thing. What is that and how in the **** are we going to keep it?" "Well he eats once every week and he calls himself a dryphon." "And what may I ask is a dryphon?" "Don't ask me he said thats what he is and doesn't know much more after that." "Why is he here?" Ravin asked suspicisly. "Looking for me." "Ohhh." Ravin said as she started to think. She heard Ax groan as he placed his leg up. "Ax. You will never be able to walk again and I really don't care, but we have to get that bloody shard of glass out."Ravin said sternly. "Like **** you are." he shot back. "Your right. Like ****I am" Ravin asnwered. She pulled back her fist and before Ax knew what hit him he was out cold.
  22. *Ax see my sig. it will help you out. i hope.* "Well it can sure fly."Niko said as everyone watched it. "Are there anymore like it?"Sere wondered out loud. "Ya' Know i hope there is" Ravin said "They look like dragons and they can probaly go between too." "HEY AX GET DOWN HERE!!!" Zeonic shouted to him.
  23. Ravin sat in here room with the door open and the shutters open. Suddenly Sere ran into the room. "Ax is gone!" "What the ****!" Ravin said as she stood up. "The bird thing is gone too."Sere added panting. "Ax could not have gone far because of his foot." Ravin walked out of the room onto a ledge." Start a search party i want Ax and that bird thing found now!" Niko came in and started to talk about seeing the bird thing fly over the weyr.
  24. "It looks like a deformed dragon, but no dragons have been hatched." the healer said as he looked at the thing that had Ax on its back. "Mable its a deformed watch weyr(a type of deformed dragon that cant fly.)" Sere suggested. "Watch wyer. Humph. It has to be somthing different."Niko said. "In coming!!!!!!!!" Ravin shouted as the thing dive bombed into the ground. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" Ax shouted as he flew off the back of it. The creature stood up then dropped where it was. "Get this creature into a hold so it won't get out. I want it checked out and everything."Ravin said as she gave the orders. People came out and carted it into an enclosed area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Later..... "Ax hold still!" Helger the healer demanded as he grabbed Axs leg."Ravin! get in here and hold him down!" Ravin walked in and grabbed his leg. Niko came after and held the top of the body down. Helger grabbed a pot of numbweed salve(salve that numbs the skin instantly) and generously slathered it on Ax's foot.
  25. Ravin walks down the stairs into the living quaters of her house yawning. Suddenly she hears a loud yell coming from Ax's quarters. " He must have wacked his foot again." she mutters to her self. A loud half squak, half growl followed his shout. "What was that?" she exclaimed. Running out of the door sid sees Ax holding on for dear life on the back of a creature. "Sere! Niko! Zeonic! Get out here now. Ax needs help!" "Wha?" Sere asked as she came out of here quarters. "Whoa. What the heck is that?"she asked. Niko walks in with a cup in hand" What is he doing now?"
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