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Everything posted by Nataniamon

  1. [i] It has been 700 years since thread has last fallen on Pern. The great weyrs have all but dissappeared except one, Benden Weyr, the second weyr ever in the whole history of Pern to be made. Now the thread has returned, more deadly than ever. And with only 100 dragons to fly and fight the world is in danger of total destruction. Only five people belived that the thread will return. The fate of the world rests in thier hands and on the wings and feet of thier new beasts. Are they strong enough to save the world or will it be turned into chare?[/i] here are the people that joined. Those in Hidden Weyr.(where we live now) Darncoolguy1-Niko--gold land dryphon-Queenie Me-Ravin-gold air-Rouk Tigervx-Zeonic-land bronze-? Cloud Strife00-Ax-air blue-? Sere Tuscumbia-Sere- Green air- Nani ~*~Pets~*~ Niko- fire lizard- Dragina Ravin-firelizard gold- Ecco -Dryphonett bronze- Clash anyone can start but i have one request. the person can be in there living quarters or on a scouting run to look for thread
  2. not noticing the Gryphon(gryphon, griffin, gryphin what ever) erin: well... heh..... that is a little wierd for me. nick: what is it with this planet? erin runs over to tom: tom what happened? tom is still smiling. he looks up,and closes his eyes. nick and ax walk over. ax: he fought well. nick:not well enough. erin: it is all my falt. i got us all into this mess. if it wasnt for me tom would still be alive. a voice says from behind them: i am.
  3. you signed up didnt you? well let me think a little. ill probaly start it tommorrow. i hope.
  4. one question. would you all mind if we only went in with 4 people? it will be a lot easier. oh well. i need your answers and if we decide to go with this then more with just have to join in with the story. tigervx your welcome and thank you sere for posting. more when i start the real thing.
  5. your age may be used i really dont know. it depends on how it turns out. Tigervx ill give you a litle help the colors are bronze, gold, blue, brown, and green, so since we have a gold of each type ill set you up with a Bronze. ice mage humm. would you settle with an air type siberian dryphon that breathes cold fire? or a ground type? i have a pic of a ground one with its harnis. an air one is basicly one with wings. Sere i slill need your stats. 4 down 2 to go.
  6. then they are not allies and they made us come her as a set up." erin said as she pulled out her staff and hacked the first guy. looks that way"nick said clutching his soulder. you get them outa here. ax and i will hold them off." erin shouted. nick ran off. erin and ax cotinued to fight. in a few seconds nick came running past with the prisoners. i guess its our turn" ax stated as her yanked erin out the door. (there are you happy?)
  7. aere i need your stats. i still need 4 more people.
  8. Erin broke trough the top soil only to have a laser spear stuck in her face. heh. guess its not a good time to enter" erin comminted. erin what are you doing?"nick asked as he came up beside her."oh so thats whats wrong" bothe laugh nervously. erin. your staff."nick whispered in her ear as they got out. erin reached behind her back and pulled out her staff. stop!"both heard the shout " they are our friends" Huh?" they asked. all of the prisoners came out. erin stood beside nick and whispered"this is a little off." (writers block. Strife where are you when i need you to finish up?)
  9. stupid computer :cussing: *mummbles a few more words* here is the pic of the air dragon
  10. good choice. the queen can run up to60 or 70 miles per hour. 80 or 90 miles when her mating cycle kicks in. here is the air dryphon pic the computer swrewed it up a little. i will put more details up on the story later. i still need 5 more people. oh and you can have a firelizard or dryphonet as a pet. one of each or two of one. no more over two. and i need the names of your pets and dryphon. Name: Ravin Gender: Female age: 14 Dryphon: type-air color-gold Name: Rouk (optional)Dryphonet/ firelizard: Type-air color bronze Name:Clash Firelizard: Queen Name:Ecco
  11. i need people to join. it might be worth it if you do join.
  12. here is a pic of an air dryphon sorry land dryphon
  13. how many of you have read the pern series? well this is based a little bit on the series. 700 years in the future on Pern and no thread has fallen for many passings. they thought they got rid of the thread, but what the never expected was that the tread has become more pentiful and more dangerous. the dragons are too few and only one wyre is left. and only 100 dragons can fight. a new creature has arisen to fight the thread. only 7 new people have ever been able to spot and impresse these creatures they are the dryphons, half bird half dragon. amazingly agile swift edit: im going to finish now. my anut came and needed to use the phone but ok. and cunning. useing mind speech they can contact their riders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i only need 6 more people. name:(may be shorted if you're a guy) gender:(be truthful) age: color and type of drypgon:(colors blue,bronse, brown males. golds/queens , greens female. queens are the only ones that can lay eggs)(type land- running dryphon can still breath fire. air- dragon/ feathered wings can flly)
  14. depends on how you look at my sig. i can do that with my eyes closed" erin said tom and nick are just standing there looking at ax and erin fight. by the time they are done no ships are left in the area. wow."nick said guess that cuts our job in half" tom added for now." nick said.
  15. okay now what do we do?" erin asked the others. your the genius. you figure it out. i got the bombs." ax retorted. it was you who didnt find the last bomb."erin snapped back. quit it you two" nick said in anger. erin suddenly stopped and turned around. she extended her saff.
  16. but before that the aliens came and attacked taking all the sevivers hostage. we saved a few then nick went in to a base while ax, tom, and i fought gards. he got caught so we went to try to save him. suddenly tom got ticked and went into this demon thing, saved the people, passed out, we got back to our base, sent ax to get the bombs, and the rest tom told you. now you better ad your to cents or ill go demon on your butt!
  17. ax:flameing: :she is still going erin walks up to ax and punches him in the face. ax holding his nose: what the h*** was that for? erin: i have had enough of you. all you have done is to critise me. Ax: ill show you critise.: pulls back fist and punches at erin Erin pulls out her staff and extends it. and evil look has entered her eyes.
  18. ax pionting at erin: she got us all into this. she can get us out. tom: i said you were going Nick: ax dont get him mad or he'll do that devil thing
  19. where was the sign up? i would have joined but didnt get the chance to.
  20. **erin, ax, tom, and nick still fighting** your going no you you you you you you erin: let me guess. poor axy does not want to be a hero Ax: :flaming: tom: now you have done it.
  21. erin: just one question where are we going to get the bombs? Ax: from the one base that is totally empty tom: if they even have any bombs Erin: they might. we might as well check
  22. "that is something you dont see every day" erin said as she checked on tom. "you are not kiding" nick replied as he stirred the stew. "how do you think he did that?" erin asked "got me" ax said as he sharpened a dagger. "it must be something about the planet."nick suggested. "I dont know but it was kinda cool." erin added. "erin i have a question." Ax said "shoot" "What was that you were fighting with." "got me" she replied tom started to move and wake up.
  23. erin looked down"so we have what at least 650 people to find." Nick:678 to be precise. erin"i was estamating ok. Tom" well we better see if we can find another base.
  24. i did not put that we were in a cave. i might have. no i put "inside the base." the alarm was still going off. the four stood back to back covering each other. what now."tom asked. we have to find Nick." erin said as her eyes darted around the cave.
  25. tom where are you." erin shouted in the enormous cave. no answer came back. The three started to go farther inside when an alarm went off. NEEEEEEEEE NEEEEEEEE NEEEEEEEEEEEE NEEEEEEEEEE oh s***." Erin said. "Bad day"
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