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Everything posted by Sol-Blade

  1. I'm glad to see that last line be interpreted in so many ways. But the way I intended it to be, was to show the reader that I was indeed so far in love, that I would *promise* her the *impossible*. I gave my word and assured her I would NOT die. And yes, that is one of the biggest promises you could ever give a person. I don't write such things lightly. Yes I feel that if she was indeed with me, I feel like I could never, ever, die and leave her behind. Now that I finally have her, why would I want to be separated again? That was my meaning behind it. But I guess it can be seen in a variety of ways, kudos to you. :)
  2. I never personally believed in a "fate" really. I believe more in a goal-oriented fate than one that has already been predetermined since the day I was born. I mean, if I'm ever going to reach my destiny...it's going to be because I worked hard, dealt with the down times, enjoyed the up times, and am standing there because I [B]*want*[/B] to be there. Nothing more to be said really. Fate's a nice concept that gives people feeling without a purpose a, well a purpose to be alive I guess. I'm not so easy to [I]accept[/I] that concept with such wide arms. I'm going to, probably always, believe that I got to where I am now/am going because of things I've done. Not because I was[I] "supposed to"[/I] or [I]"meant to"[/I] and such.
  3. Hmm, first post here...[B]ever[/B]. Hope I'm doing things right. Anyways, I was stuck in class today and thinking of this girl (my best friend) I'm madly in love with and can't have. And well, needless to say I started to write what was orginally just a two line poem, and kept writing...and writing... [center][I][U]Sweet summer, Sweet slumber[/U][/I] [I]Farewell. Sweet summer. I fell into you. Now you're gracefully falling away. I hope it's cold where your going. So your heart is always warm. I'm sorry I got so mad. You were the best I ever had. As long as I still matter. I will always have a place in my heart for you. As long as I have left an imprint on your life. I will always be beside you. As long as there is day and night. I will always protect you. As long as you stay by my side. I promise you... As long as you're here. I promise you... As long as you're always with me. I promise... I promise to never die. Farewell. Sweet slumber.[/I][/center] Anyways, I was wondering if you think it seems to run on for too long and such, as I want to give it to her, but not something that is unfinished. Replies with some constructive critism would be nice! :D EDIT: I just realized, that someone on OB has a signature that has some lines that my poem slightly resembles. Like "I promise to never die" was one I recall. I remember seeing it before I wrote this, so it seems like I was sort of inspired by them. But I didn't mean to steal work or anything, sorry about that. D'oh. :(
  4. Hmm, yeah been there. But my story is kind of a bittersweet one. I've been in love with my best friend for over half a year now, and she knows it. I mean, in *love* with her. Can't stop thinking about her, can't stop dreaming about her, can't stop wanting her. Cliche, cliche, cliche...yes, but! I can't help it. I'm way open about how much I'm in love with her, and yes, to a certain extent, she does love me back. The problem is we're seperated by two states and I cannot actually be in a relationship with her. So, obviously she goes out and dates other guys. Right now she's in a relationship with someone else, and as much as that breaks my heart into pieces...I'm happy for her. I'm always going to be happy for her. Because that's how much I love her. I mean, yeah it's sad and pitiful feeling worthless because the girl you love the most is out there sleeping with someone else right now, but yes no matter what you can't help but hope she is happy, even...EVEN...if it's not with you. I'm never going to be able to be in a relationship with her, so I make the best of the friendship I have now and cherish it to the most. I would protect her with my life. Regardless, sorry if that's not the total heartbreak story you're lookin' for there. But it's my most current one. ;)
  5. Chavez responded with: "It doesn't matter to me. I don't know who that person is," he said. "As far as his opinion of me goes, I couldn't care less." And to be honest, I'd have to say that I didn't know who Robertson was beforehand, and I still couldn't care less. But apparently he's said some pretty controversal stuff in the before. [quote name='"CNN.com"']He has suggested in the past that a meteor could strike Florida because of unofficial "Gay Days" at Disney World and that feminism caused women to kill their children, practice witchcraft and become lesbians.[/quote] But still, although he never came out and said it, to own a show dedicated to Christianity - it would almost seem he would have said such a thing "In the name of God." But I'm not going to jump to conclusions here, all I know is "Thou shall not kill" and it is *his* show and he can say *whatever* he wants in my opinion. Yes, it was wrong, and he of all people should know better than to say such a thing. Maybe he was speaking in response to the statement that the US would "bite the dust" if they were to invade Venezuela. [quote="CNN.com]CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez told thousands of visiting students that if U.S. forces were to invade the South American country, they would be soundly defeated. The U.S. government has strongly denied Chavez's claims that it is considering military action against Cuba's closest ally in the Americas. But Chavez said late Monday that the U.S. government, which "won't stop caressing the idea of invading Cuba or invading Venezuela," should be warned of the consequences. "If someday they get the crazy idea of coming to invade us, we'll make them bite the dust defending the freedom of our land," Chavez said to applause. He spoke during the opening ceremony of a world youth festival bringing together student delegations from across the world and convened under the slogan "Against Imperialism and War." Chavez called the United States the "most savage, cruel and murderous empire that has existed in the history of the world." The Venezuelan leader said "socialism is the only path," and told the students the collective goal is to "save a world threatened by the voracity of U.S. imperialism." Earlier, the students waved flags, danced in traditional dress, and held signs praising socialism, Cuban leader Fidel Castro and Ernesto "Che" Guevara. More than 300 students from the United States shouted out their disapproval of U.S. President George W. Bush, chanting "Get out Bush!" Other students chanted: "Bush, fascist -- you're a terrorist!" Some 15,000 youths from 144 countries traveled to Venezuela for the weeklong festival and conference, organizers said. Chavez wore a red shirt like many of the students, and embraced delegation leaders as their groups marched past. The ceremony was held in Venezuela's military headquarters in Caracas. Troops looked on while students passed carrying colored flags and shouting: "We will overcome!" This year's World Festival of Students and Youth is the 16th. The first, in 1947, was held in Czechoslovakia, and during the Cold War most host countries were aligned with the Soviet bloc. Apart from the former Soviet Union, other host countries have included Romania, Poland, Finland, Cuba, the former East Germany and North Korea. The weeklong gathering will include musical performances, panel discussions and an "Anti-imperialist Court," which in past years has condemned the U.S. government's actions. While tensions have grown between Chavez and Washington, the Venezuelan leader has built close ties with countries from Iran to China. Chavez expressed his support Monday for Iran's new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, saying he expects to continue strengthening relations. Chavez said like Venezuela, Iran is a country that has been "attacked" for many years by "the hand of imperialism." Chavez, whose country remains a major supplier of oil to the United States, also is sharply critical of the U.S.-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.[/quote] In conclusion, Jon Stewart put it best, "Thou shall not kill...if the oil shipments stop. If the oil shipments continue, feel free to slaughter as you see fit." ;)
  6. I have this little charm on my keyring, it's a golden heart that's pretty faded and worn out. I found it in the middle of a dirt field one day. The reason it's so special to me, is because it was the same day I fell in love for the first time. And as all firsts, she is really special to me, so whenever I take a look at it - I think of her.
  7. Well it would seem Rockstar decided to try and release a new "hot coffee [i]clean[i]" version of the game, in hopes of avoiding their potential losses in profit had they stuck with the AO rating. [quote="Gamespot.com"]After the public outcry regarding the "Hot Coffee" issue in Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, publisher Take-Two Interactive had two choices: leave the game as it was (and see it pulled from the country's biggest retailers because of its new Adults-Only rating) or rework the game to get it back on the shelves of Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and others as an M-rated game. The decision was an easy one for the publisher, which expected a new version to be in stores "in the next six to eight weeks," as of July 22. It appears as though when $50 million is on the line, things get done quickly. A listing on GameStop's online site shows a product page for an Xbox version of San Andreas with a release date of August 22 and price of $49.99. Under GameStop's policy, the retailer does not carry AO-rated games, meaning this version of San Andreas must be a non-AO-rated game. After the game was rerated, listings for all versions of San Andreas were pulled from the Web site. Currently, there are no listings for a PC or PlayStation 2 version. One GameStop employee told GameSpot that the retailer is already taking preorders for the Xbox product. "The SKU [GameStop's internal product code] that it's under suggests it's indeed the game, not a strategy guide or anything else. All Xbox game SKUs start with a certain number. It's how we look them up. It's also under the same SKU as it used to be when it was sold, and up until now has been listed as a recalled product." Games at the retailer generally don't get a specific ship date listed with a reservation SKU unless officials are "confident enough in the date to allow us to share the info with customers." Retailers often attain their information from game publishers, just as media outlets do. However, there has been no official announcement from Rockstar, and attempts to contact the company went unanswered. If the information on GameStop's site is true, it doesn't mean that San Andreas will once again be readily available. According to The New York Times, several retailers have considered not reshelving the product even if a "clean" version of the game is released. Rockstar recently released the "No More Hot Coffee" patch for the PC version, a file that blocks any attempts to unlock the sexual content hidden in the game's code. Before it was the center of controversy, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for the Xbox was the top-selling game in the country. By Tim Surette -- GameSpot[/quote] Edit: I just wanted to add, does anyone else recall the ESRB re-rating a game based on 3rd-party content? This is my first time I've ever seen them do this. You'd figure they'd do something like this about the so called "nude" patch for the Sims 2 and what not. Heh...
  8. Wow - it's been so long, since I've ever thought about Reboot. That was a great show indeed. I used to think of how "state of the art" it was to me. I still used to laugh at how the first episodes went from corny and [sort of, but in a good way] stupid to mature and all idealistic at the end. Plus you just can't beat how "adventurous" it made the "Net" sound. Ah...that was the good ole years. I'll still never forget the way everyone would say "Bob!" with such emotion. Though if you ask me, Megabyte was given way too many personalty changes. How many times would he be hostile, one episode, and damn near friends the next? Weird...
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=-3]Hey Ima, that link doesn't really distinguish itself as a link very well. You might want to try [I]italicizing[/I] it or making it [B]bold[/B]. You know, like [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?][B]this[/B][/url]. ;) Oh, and Hi to the both of you.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=-3]I of all people, hate to do this, but I feel it's my duty to society to bring this to light if you haven't already heard of it. ;) So I happen to watch some news today, and I hear that the Jackson Family is currently in the process of making a new reality show. Yes, let that sink in for a moment. Ahem, now where were we? Oh yeah, the Jackson's are getting a reality show. I for one, never cared for the "realism" of "reality" shows. But does anyone else just happen to literally LAUGH OUT LOUD at the idea of a look at the "real" life of the Jackson's? I quote the TV as: "The Jackson's want to prove to the world that their family is just as tight and close as ever." ...right, considering they practically disowned Latoia (sp?). Anyways, I wish I had a link for you guys to read, but at the current moment there isn't one. It's mentioned only briefly on CNN.com if you happen to check that site out. Anyways, I ask you this: [b]Would you watch a Jackson Family reality show?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] Edit: Yeah a poll would have been a good idea...I know. I hit Post New Thread before it hit me though. ^_~
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=-3]Well unfortunately I haven't met anyone has dynamic and exciting as the rest of you, but I was able to spend a night partying with Blink-182, as well as Everclear when they came here to Vegas. That pretty much comes with the job though. I was able to actually talk to and hang out with these people though, if we're talking about seeing people in real life but not actually getting to spark up some sort of interaction with them, then I've seen almost every celebrity in the known US. With as many award shows held here, I see alot of them come through town.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='Roflocopter][size=1][color=darkred]Interestingly though, sol, how one person could say something is overrated and onother one say it is underated. Maybe this has to do with the areas we live in?[/color'][/size][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=-3]I wouldn't doubt it. Travelling across country once, I found an area in Denver where [I]everyone[/I] there seemed to have heard of [b]RahXephon[/b] at one point or another. Then in the next city sector over, you couldn't even mention the word [i]anime[/i] without getting a weird look from the locals. It definately varies from region to region though. As you could expect big cities with many oppurtunities to import would have larger fanbases for shows versus a relatively small town out by the interstate and such. It's all a matter of personal taste I guess, but here in Vegas, anime is definately something not talked about by alot of people. So I'm gonna have to say that ALL anime is underrated from where I come from... But to be honest, consider that Adult Swim, which does tend to air *some* good shows from time to time, has one of the largest, yet most...I'm trying to think of a good word here...idiotic, fanbases ever. I wouldn't exactly say that just because an anime may have not gone mainstream to the public, it is underrated.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=-3]All BackStreet songs sound the same...all Linkin Park songs sound the same...I'm with Siren on this one. But anyways, to be honest I didn't even know the BackStreet Boys were [i]gone[/i] in the first place. I never paid attention the boy-bands at all...as I honestly believe the genre should die. I think it all got started back when N-Sync came out. All hell broke loose with teenage girls across the nation jumping up and down to see N-Sync sing "All I Ever Wanted" and such. Infact, It wasn't until they eventually dominated MTV that I eventually began to grow such a hate for them. Not like MTV is prestigous in it's own right, considering it's only 2% music anymore. It's mainly a toss up between 49% skin and 49% interviews with mediocre artists.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=-3]I highly doubt it, as if there was I am pretty sure it would have already surfaced already. [b]Outlaw Star[/b] was ended, there was pretty much nothing left to continue. [IMG]http://img128.echo.cx/img128/9875/end69of.jpg[/IMG] The artwork (Sample Above) that is displayed during the credits is actually just [i]other[/i] random works of art from the show's creator (Forgive me, I forget his name. Details, I do not care for). They have absolutely *nothing* to do with the show at all. It was just another way for him to show off his amazing art skills. Which I do commend him for. :D So yeah, I think it's just a bunch of rumors started by people who want a the series to continue so badly. I think [b]Outlaw Star[/b] is a great series and all...but lets keep it as is and not ruin it by trying to lengthen the story. Let it go already.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=-3]I personally, did not care about the case either way. But I have to say, that I agree that just because he was found "Not Guilty" doesn't mean he didn't necessarly do it. It also means he probably never did. What it means is that the jury of 12 decided that there was just simply not enough evidence to find him guilty of any of the charges. Plus since it *was* a criminal case, you must take into account that they had to have more than [i]a reasonable doubt[/i] to find him guilty of any charge in that case. But I have to ask you this, did you even pay attention to the prosecution? Their case was extremely weak, and full of many holes. The mother and child were BOTH unconvincing and very suspicous. I mean, their truthfulness has to be questioned with all the apparent changes and seemingly ever-changing constants in their stories. They could just simply not be trusted. You would have to be *extremely* biased to believe them. So yes, I too believe he was "Not Guilty" based off what the prosecution has shown. Bring me better evidence and a more soild case, and then we'll see if I deem him "Not Guilty" again. Oh, and Sneddon was quoted saying something along the lines of "In 30 years [Of prosecuting] I have never once questioned a jury's decision, and I am certainly not going to start today." Smart man.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=-3]Well it's none of my busniess, but I thought I'd do it anyways. For one, if you're looking for a certain thread, like the Gundam series, I'd say your best guess is [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208][U]right here[/U][/url]. Secondly, yes, this is indeed a forum. But it's a *private* forum. Which means when you sign up, you are basically saying you are agreeing to follow the rules set down by the people that run the forum. It's their forum, so they can set whatever rules or restrictions they want. If you don't wish to follow them, then it's easy to find another forum to suit your needs. There are literally hundreds out there. No one is [i]forcing[/i] you to stay here you know. Some are just trying to say that, if you are going to continue to stay here, then follow the rules. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [SIZE=-3][COLOR=DarkRed]Well to start off, [B]Pokemon[/B] and [B]Beyblade[/B] don't count in my book at all. As even exisiting...thank you. ;) Now to the topic at hand. I personally believe that [B]Initial D[/B] is a *highly* underrated anime. Maybe it's more common where some of you are, but in my area it's relatively unheard of. I don't hear much of it online either. But it's one of my favorite anime's that doesn't get credit where credit is due. I give it so much respect because...well because it's soundtrack is the absolute [i]best[/i], hands down. Ever. And I've heard more OST's than you can shake a stick at. I'm sorry but you just can't get anything better than the beats of [B]Initial D[/B]. The series is pure Grade-A quality that doesn't have a large fan base. Kinda unforunate really. I have to add though, that I thought [B]Kikaider[/B] (Spelling?) was pretty damn overrated. All I saw on forums were "You gotta check out [B]Kikaider[/B] this!" and "...[B]Kikaider[/B] [I]that[/I]!" What the...did I see the wrong show? Because the [B]Kikaider[/B] I watched was horrid. Not only was the story completely feel like it was made up in 3 days, but the English voice-overs were making me want to jab a pencil into my ears. The show [B]Kikaider[/B] even tried to be dramatic, which is what insulted me most as it seems to be trying *so* hard to try and make me feel sympathetic to it's main character. No...not happening.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [IMG]http://img165.echo.cx/img165/9633/ttiwwop0do.gif[/IMG] ^ That's gonna count for my funny picture ^ [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=-3]Anyways, one time while travelling through Nebraska, we came across a sign that said: "Welcome to Smithville county! [U]Please[/U] drive carefully! We have seven cemetaries and no hospital!" We were in such disbelief, we actually got out and walked back to the sign. Wish we had a camera, was literally one of the funniest things we had seen.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=-3]Well, I personally haven't lost my pet yet, but my dog is very old, and only has a year or two left in her. I'm not ready to let go of her just yet, but I know that eventually I'm going to have to. And the thought, is a bit frightening. As I would always preach to others that "Death is envititable!" but yet I'm sitting here counting down the days and cherishing every minute left with my pet. Though I did witness my friend's cat get run over by a car. I can honestly say, it wasn't the driver's fault. The dog was sitting in his lap, while we were talking out by the curb. He got all excited about something and jumped in the street at the very last minute a car was passing. And well, needless to say that had to be the most silent minute I've ever spent with my friend. He kinda just, walked over to his dog's body and fell on his knees just staring at it. After which he just got up and walked back inside. Although I couldn't see it at first, and I sure as hell didn't hear it...I knew he had been crying. Was hard to watch really. But well, I couldn't leave the dog out in the street, so I...well I picked it up...half it really, and threw it away. Then I got the other half, and almost threw up, but I finally got it cleaned up. Needless to say, I was *so* glad it wasn't my dog, but yet I felt *so* bad for my friend. He loved his pet so much, I've known them together for years. That night I went home and I gave my dog a big hug. I was so glad it wasn't my dog...so glad. :( [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE=Siren]If you're looking for free hosting, Photobucket and Imageshack rock. [url]www.photobucket.com[/url] [url]www.imageshack.us[/url][/QUOTE] [SIZE=-3][COLOR=DarkRed]That'd probably be your best two choices. You can use them both for free you know, and they way organize pictures is very efficent. Plus (For ImageShack at least) after hosting your file, they give you a multitude of options as for what you wish to do with your image. Do you want to post it on a forum? They already added img tags for you! Wish to put it on a site as thumbnail? All done. Just copy the lines exactly and you're set to go. Plus, if you register (All they ask for is an email, and I haven't seen any spam yet so it's safe to say they're legit) you can keep track of all your pictures hosted. So you can go back for future reference or delete them if you feel you don't need them anymore. I've always used ImageShack for all my pictures, I didn't even know OB had it's own image-hosting capablities. :D [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [quote name='Sea Of Chaos666']You know what? Nevermind Thanks for everything anyway. Not coming back. Bye! Thanks![/quote] [SIZE=-3][COLOR=DarkRed]Well either he lost something other than his eyesight or he's using an audio narrator to type. :D [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=-3]Well if you want to count GTA, there are several to note. For one, the series has always had competition from the Driver series(Not actual competition though, as they all kinda...well sucked). All three GTA games after GTA:II have included a jab or two at Reflections and Driver. Smacking other games seem to be a trend, as they also made a reference to True Crime: Streets of LA in San Andreas. There is also the "Shoot the moon with a Sniper Rifle to make it larger or smaller" easter egg that has been in the last three GTA games. Can't forget the numerous cameo appearances from GTA:III in Vice City, and later both GTA:III and Vice City in San Andreas. Personally, my favorite reference is when Ken Rosenberg is with you in the Mafia meat factory, get scared and yells "Tommy! Save me!" to which CJ replies "Who the f**k is Tommy?!" Ah...classic.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [SIZE=-3][COLOR=DarkRed]Hey if you're in danger of going blind, maybe what happens to your account is the *last* thing you should worry about. For all I know, looking at the monitor could have CAUSED your problem (These forums do have alot of bright colors you know. :D). Don't worry about what happens to your account, go take care of your eyes.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=-3][COLOR=DarkRed]Favorite Final Boss you say? By far, it had to be Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2. He's wearing a HUGE silver, custom power armor outfit and has a Plasma Mk.II rifle on his left arm and a double-vibroblade on his right. Frank always was an ominous figure, you encounter him out in the desert once, where you watch him murder a farmer and his family since they refused to help the Enclave. From there on out, you only get to see recordings of him slaughtering your friends through out the game. But finally, after you *think* you're going to win the game, in the last 10 seconds of your escape from the Oil Rig...he blocks you way out to the tanker. I love his speech at the very end, his voice rocks. But I felt very bad for the way he died though, was a little too brutal. No matter how you kill him, his death animation is always the same. Suit malfunctions and he is ripped in half. Finally, his torso walks up next to you (By walking on his arms) and he gives you one last speech, and after muttering "Semper Fi" one last time, his head blows off and the rest of his torso finally falls dead.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=-3][COLOR=DarkRed]Oh noes, an old thread...sue me. :D I think the hardest thing I've ever accomplished, was finally beating God Of War on the God difficulty. Oh man, there were SO many...so so SO many moments I wanted to strangle myself with the controller cord. I went through at least 2 controllers, as I know I broke one by throwing it at the wall...heh, I was celebrating when I finally beat it.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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