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Everything posted by Sol-Blade

  1. Okay, I was practicing my Photoshop skills and I came up with this new banner for me: [B]New:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img11.exs.cx/img11/7193/AMPLITUDEbannerFINAL.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Old:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img16.exs.cx/img16/6933/BladeFinalBanner.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] Yeah I know, completely different theme. How do you guys think it looks? My old one was really just me adding in the sunburst effect and solarizing it. Then adding plain text in. In this one, I first desaturized all color (Like you can tell...:rolleyes:) and then outlined all the Freq's. Added in my text, along with my name...and then I neoned out the picture, fixing color where necessary. For the few of you that actually cared what I just said, NO. I did not draw any of this myself, it is all from the game Amplitude. :D Anyways, I really didn't want to throw my name all over it but last time I tried making one someone stole it and just pasted there name right on it. That sort of...well... pissed me off. Sorry but I just draw these up for me. If you wanted one made, ask. Don't steal please.
  2. Heh...sorry to be such a nag Bio, but there is no-one named "dark knight". There is a "dark king" and a "DeathKnight". ;) Anyways, after reading what dark knight (:D) said...I say more power to him. Let him do what he wants and believe in what he wants. To me, it is a load of crap. To him, it's the way of life. Good luck and have fun with your little quest for nirvana, because that's what it is basically. Least in my opinion it is... [I]Bring on the deathmatches!!! Ra Ra Ra!!! Bring on the deathmatches!!! Ra Ra Ra!!![/I]
  3. I've bought a few things off ebay and I have recieved every single piece of merchandise I ordered. Im not saying you guys are lying (Which im sure you aren't, there are some real pricks who abuse the system), but im saying everyone has different experiences with ebay, since it all depends on who you are buying from. Like QA said, you have to check to see if people approve of them, or have had issues, with the seller you are buying from. I never bought things from anyone who apparently has had some problems before, I also don't buy anything from people who are [i]new[/i] sellers on the ebay market. Half the time they are people looking to make a quick buck. That's why I stick to the ones with 1000+ ratings and/or those Power-Seller Awards. Those guys can be trusted. Plus, I almost always got them within a day or two of winning the bid. :D
  4. I wonder if they will ever bring it back again for another run...I liked the show, even though I was offically [I]lost[/I] half-way through the series and I never missed an episode the first run through.
  5. Ah yes, Prince of Persia. That was a really great game, a masterpiece almost. The sequel looks to be even better. What really intrgues me is the "Free-Form" fighting system which basically allows you to string all your attacks in a way that you are basically coming up with your own style of fighting. UbiSoft said that they were going to make the game a little more action oriented than the original (Which was more or less, a puzzle game). The storyline is also much, much darker this time around. If you played the first game, its all about when our lovable prince did the unthinkable, he defied [I]Fate[/I] by preventing his own death...and [I]Fate[/I] is pissed. The supernatural force known as [I]Fate[/I] takes on a mortal form and hunts down the prince, who is constantly on the run, cheating death over and over. Plus, he also has a much darker outlook on life, and the treating of people period. You can now decapitate your foes, along with cutting their arms and legs off (They are made of sand, mind you. No blood here.) to defeat them. You can latch on to the bigger foes and climb up them. The developers claim that "No two fights in the game will ever occur the same way.", obvisously refering to the Free-Form system. I can't wait. :D
  6. I might as well throw my bit in here. I think a good, quality cologne is Drakkar [I]Noir[/I] by Guy Laroche (It says made in Paris, France right on the bottle...right...). It has a pretty good smell and I personally wear it alot, probably more than I should. The smell is just so damn good, even I fall for it sometimes. On another note, I don't consider Axe to be a cologne. I mean I've used it, hell I've probably used at least 3 or 4 cans by now. But I think of it as...well...[I]deodorant[/I], like it says clearly on the can. I don't use it for fancy or special occasions. Just for everyday use.
  7. Hooray for Lucas! Bout time they released them out on dvd (This is the first time...right?). Anyways, I hope this doesn't spark up all the pointless debates like the whole "Han shot first!" issue. Han [I]did[/I] shoot first, now let it go. The changes don't bother me as much, but I can't believe some of the people who flipped out over the re-releases back in the 90's.
  8. Better yet, watch this: [url=http://users.adelphia.net/~kamel/Posting.html]Posting and You[/url] This should pretty much cover the basics. [I]Especially[/I] why threads get locked down. This is mostly common sense. Use it. [CENTER][I][B]It is always better to post in an existing thread than to start a new one![/B][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER]~Best part of the video :D.[/CENTER]
  9. If (And that's a big [I]if[/I]...) Ranma were to ever air here in the US, uncut...where do you think they would actually be able to show it? [adult swim]? Tech-TV? The Anime Network? For me, I really doubt they will ever get it on [as]. Read my post above, err behind...whatever. If they ever did, it would be one big mess of edits. Not good. Tech-TV? I don't know about that one, seems they never get anything outside of Geneon (or even Tokyopop). The Anime Network? Too few people get it in my opinion. I know I don't. So I don't even know if they butcher their shows for content. But I would have to agree, Ramna isn't Ramna without the nudity. (In a non-perverted way.)
  10. [quote name='The F-Bomb']The contrast between the size of a fat man and the size of a ukelele is what is mostly humorous.[/quote] Thank god, someone else who thinks that. Began to think I was the only sane person left on the island... Anyways, I knew it was a joke, just having fun with my own heritage. :D
  11. [quote name='The F-Bomb']Unless, of course, you're really fat and bring a ukelele to school.[/quote] Hey now, I take offense to that. Im Hawaiian and in no way fat...just husky. Haha, no really though, im Hawaiian and im not fat. Just sarcastic. I hated "Hawaiian Shirt Day" more than anything else. Alrighty...back on topic here, I would have contrast to what I said earlier. I am going to attend this year's home-coming (At my old High-School). Well now hold on, am I not in college? Why yes, yes I am. Besides, my college isn't too far away from my old school. They really came up with something creative this year (Okay, it's not really creative, just the fact that it will include me and a bunch of other graduates is what really interested me :D), they are going to have a home-coming parade right down the street parallel to the school that will drive out onto the football field. Of course you will have your usual floats: King and Queen floats, Cheerleader Floats, the B-Team and J-V football team floats, the one with the school mascot and so on. But this year, they are allowing a bunch of graudates from last year to come back and create a float of their own! So we illumini get to participate in parade already, and it hasn't been all that long since we left. Only 4 months ago I threw my cap up in the air.
  12. Speaking of Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner, I would have to say the fight with Anubis in compressed space was one of the more harder fights (Harder doesn't necessarly mean bad) i've seen in awhile. Besides the fact that Jehuty is pretty much crippled except for his melee attacks really...[I]really[/I]...made that one hell of a fight. Of course, using Zero Shift (Which was way more cooler than anything else I have to say) made that into one climatic fight. That fight took me a couple tries to finish also, but was really worth the effort. Even the last fight with Aumaan Anubis couldn't top the sheer awesomeness of that fight in space. Anubis 0-shifts away, you follow him...at least you think you did...when he grabs you out of nowwhere (ala 0-shifting in behind you) and beats the crap out of you. He zips away unscathed. Rinse, wash, and repeat as necessary until you finally master the full potential of 0-shift and kick his piece of crap Frame back to Phobos, using only your energy blade. Sweetness.
  13. Actually, call me crazy but I got another favorite of mine for ya. It was the final fight in Super Mario World for the NES. The last one with Bowser, at his realm, on top of his castle.That one was so simple...wait for him to come down and jump on his head. But I could [I]not[/I] beat him!!! And im not talking about me failing on the first couple tries...I mean I could not solve the mystery of this fight for about half-a-year :laugh:. I was calling the help lines, looking up Walkthroughs, asking friends for help... [B]I could not take down that prick.[/B] Finally, I triumphantly toppled the lizard from his flying contraption (The exact thing escapes me at the moment, ironic because you would figure I would remember something like that...), and no other person on Earth celebrated more than me on that day. I actually felt like I accomplished something great, considering the ridiculous length of Super Mario World. Go me :D. [CENTER]Anyways, besides my little victory story...[/CENTER] I would have to touch upon what Desbreko and Shinmaru said about Bowser in the 64 game, except the 2nd fight with him (The one over the lava) was probably the best in my opinion. I was pretty much taken by surprise when he tilts the whole platform over to one side at almost a 90 degree angle there. That was definitely an eyeopener for me. Gotta hand to them for making you change your tactics although you fought the same guy. That plagues alot of would-be-great boss fights. Some other good ones are from The Thing and Silent Hill 2. I remember the boss fights in The Thing, they were unique in the fact that the "things" could not be harmed period by anything except fire. So you had to work your way around to burning them somehow, which was always ended up in interesting results. As for Silent Hill 2, what can I say? Nothing else was better (Or disturbing in my case...) than a boss you [I]couldn't[/I] kill. If you've played it, you know what I mean. Pyramid Head gave me nightmares for awhile, all that stalking through-out the game really sent chills up my spine. Especially since...oh I don't know...4 out of 4 fights you can't do anything but run from him. Speaking of running from him, that was probably the best part. That ridculously large knife he carried around (For the first half of the game anyways) always made that screeching sound due to him dragging it behind him, one-handed mind you :D, on the ground. No other game scared me more than when I was walking down a long, dark hallway just to hear the sound of that knife approaching...*shudders* Then, of course in the end, when [spoiler]you learn that there were countless numbers of them, and yourself had to fight off 2 of them at once until they killed themselves[/spoiler]. One of the more chilling boss fights.
  14. In your opinion, what would you say was the most memorable "boss" battle in the entire history of videogames? Im talking about the ones that made you want to play them over and over again because they were just so fun. The ones that were innovative...that incorparated really unique gameplay into the fights. Where you said: "Whoa, that was cool!" and "Who's the man? Im the man..." (You know you did :D) because of how awesome they were. Personally, I would have to go with the Harrier fight from Metal Gear Solid 2. That stood out in my mind, mostly because "dodging" all the attacks were so invigorating and really made my adrenaline rush. Even more so than the fight at the end [spoiler]with the multiple Metal Gear Ray's after boarding Arsenal Gear[/spoiler]. So what's your personal favorite? [B]Note:[/B]There [I]were[/I] boss fights [I]outside[/I] of the Final Fantasy games people...:rolleyes:
  15. The game that really took me by surprise this summer was definitely, hands down, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay for XBox. Mostly because well, most games based off movies...er...suck. But that game was probably the best looking game i've played in awhile and was really alot of fun. Talk about production value, lots of innovative gameplay...enough to break-up the usual run-n-gun action (which is actually quite absent through half of the game, for reasons you learn). The game had it's unique parts and the storyline was better than I thought it was going to be. It had a few plot twists and the story drew me with it's dark, eerie attitude. Vin Diesel actually fits the role perfectly, and his attitude and voice really lend alot to the atmosphere. It was by far the best game based off a movie...ever. Who knew escaping from prison was so fun? :D
  16. New developments on the school attack. The actual deathtoll was over 350+, majority students. The Russian Paralement has issued a statement claiming "The US has has practically supported the rebels," apparently because we asked them to negotiate with the Czech, "and that asking us to talk with the Czech terrorists is like asking America to talk with Osama Bin Laden". Well, Russia declared war on terrorism yesterday, go figure.
  17. Heh, great points there James. I didn't really mean my comment that way though. Im not prejudice (as far as I believe myself to be) against gays. I have a friend who i've known for literally my whole life. A year ago, he told a bunch of his closest friends that he was gay, and a most of them decided that they didn't want anything to do with him. Me on the other hand, It didn't make any difference to me. I just joked around about it alot, hence my little comment James quoted :D. I don't go around, being extra-cautious near every guy I meet. That is just pointless.
  18. The game was probably one of the most stylized games I've seen in a long time, so Im sure the show will turn out just as cool. I can only wonder what the show will be about...did Joe's girlfriend, Sylvia, get kidnapped again? Maybe Captain Blue will have a bigger part now ;). I highly doubt Dante will get a part, but if he did...
  19. I [I]think[/I] the song you are looking for is the one called [B]Beyond Me[/B]. Im not sure exactly which one you are talking about, but this song has a strong cello part through the entire song. It isn't so much creepy as it is soothing. It isn't very long, running a little bit over 2:30 minutes. The song is composed by Yoko Kanno. Works from Kanno range from Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, and even Ghost in the Shell. If you haven't figured it out yet, I am [I]the[/I] Kanno fan :D!
  20. I don't really have anything against gays. I mean if you are a gay guy, fine with me just don't be trying anything :rolleyes:. As for lesbians, more power to you. Though I think that a gay man is frowned upon more than a gay woman. And when I say frowned upon, Im talking about those guys who just can't fathom a man loving [I]another[/I] man. Everybody knows at least one of them...they hate gay guys but gay girls are a-okay with them! Why? Well you know why... Personally, I could careless what your sexual preference is. Long as I know where you stand and you know where I stand, we will get along just fine :D.
  21. I never went to any of my homecoming dances, I waited for the big one...the...wait for it...[I]Prom[/I]. That one was definitely one you should not miss out on, all the other dances at my school (Sadie Hawkins, Spring Dance, Winter Festival, Cultral Dance Party...etc) seemed pointless for me. Well wait, let me rephrase that: Paying $50 something for each dance seemed pointless to me. Granted, Prom was costly (About oh...I dunno...$500+?), I loved every minute of that night. That was the night I knew (Yeah here comes the long, boring story nobody wants to hear) that this girl I have been dating since my Freshman year really loved me :D! She actually changed her college choice so that she could come with me to my school of choice. I felt bad at first, I mean seriously...she wanted to go to a University, the exact name escapes me at the moment. I felt bad, and tried to convince her other wise. So she told me the truth, she didn't get in to her school. I was actually more relived than sad. Oh well...:rolleyes:
  22. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]*bursts out laughing* According to an announcement made at Dragon Con, Adult Swim has bought the rights to air ADV's Super Milk-Chan Show! And, yes, it's been confirmed that the next 52 episodes of Case Closed probably won't be shown on TV (unless the series moves to Toonami, where it should have been from the start). I just don't understand what ADV [i]or[/i] the CN suits are thinking. ADV has The Anime Network; why the heck are they whoring out their series to other channels? I hope to heaven that AS will air the super-localized (i.e. actually funny) version of Milk-Chan. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Whoa, wait, hold on there... Why the [I]hell[/I] did they do that? Of all the shows they could have gotten (None would have been better...) from ADV...they bought...Milk-Chan? That was a good waste of a $1.50 if you ask me. But that's it, that was the proof I needed. I am now 100% certain there are no signs of intellgent life in CN :rolleyes:. Anyways, I pretty much figured by now that they were going to drop Case Closed, now I just know it is offical. Guess it's time to go look for the dvd's...
  23. Personally im voting for Bush/Cheney party, also known as the Republican's for you slow people out there ;) . [B]Why?[/B] Well for one thing, I feel that Bush did a pretty good job the past 4 years and I truly believe that he will do another 4 just as great. When I think of Bush, I think of all the problems he has had to face these past 4 years. 9/11, the hunt in Afganistan(sp? LOL), the war in Iraq, and on top of it all...the usual world issues. I think he handled himself rather well, better than I definitely thought he would do. I was probably more happier to hear that we were actively hunting for Bin Laden only weeks after the attacks, than I was to hear my college football team (which I was a part of) won the Regional Championship. Sure we haven't found him yet, but that really doesn't bother me. What would bother me is if we didn't go after him at all. [B]The war in Iraq?[/B] Necessary? Well that one is really up to you. Did [I]you[/I] feel it was necessary? Did we [I]really[/I] need to go to war? Are the lives of a few, great, American (among other notable countries) soldiers worth the thousands that would be terrorized [I]world-wide[/I]? Im not going to say anymore. My last thought on the war: It's a war that could have quite possibly saved people around the entire world. So I feel that it should be a world-wide effort. We aren't doing this for the safety of America (well maybe... :D ), we are doing this to help the world. [I]I would like to say I feel greatly sorry for all the lives lost in the war, and I show remorse for the families that have lost their loved-ones. I have the utmost respect for any soldier active right now. They are doing what I cannot, and that is stand in the face of danger and fight for a cause. Giving your life, is a price that no-one should ever have to pay. No matter what the circumstances are.[/I]
  24. [QUOTE]As a young boy in a small port village, Monkey D. Luffy was inspired to become a pirate by his childhood hero "Red-Haired" Shanks. But when he accidentally ate the cursed Gum-Gum Fruit, he gained the power to stretch like rubber ... at the cost of never being able to swim again! Despite this limitation, Luffy vowed to grow up to become the king of the pirates, and find the greatest pirate treasure of all -- the pirate Gold Roger's legendary "One Piece." [/QUOTE] Well that definitely sounds interesting, if not a little vague. It's something new, that's for sure. I'll give that show a run. Who knows? It could turn out to be my next favorite show...
  25. The Riflebird and Cross-Punisher were both pretty cool. Riflebird being Vash's revolver in Trigun and the Cross-Punisher was Wolfwood's weapon. The Evangelion Units (Can they count? They are manned...[spoiler]for the first half of the series anyways, then you learn what some of them really are[/spoiler]) were also pretty slick. And if they can count, then the Gundam's take all! :devil: Seriously though, on a...non-mech...perspective, the Cross-Punisher was awesome.
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