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Everything posted by Sol-Blade
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=-3]Ah, ok. Sorry about the misunderstanding then. But yes, you do have a point, I too cannot imagine living there, or anywhere crowded for that matter. Only reason I bear with Vegas is because I live out on the outskirts of the city.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='SadBlue']I don't get how anyone could live in England. It's not because it's a bad place or anything (It's damn right beautiful, ask me) but England is litterally 100 times smaller then Canada with a population 10 times as large. How can people stand to be that crowded?[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=-3]Well last I heard, most people aren't really too accustomed to Canada's weather. Think about when the French orginally moved in there, they had to drastically change their economy as agriculture was a completely void in that area. So most people either started hunting and gathering again, or they moved down South to the English colonies. Thus, today, Canada's population has always been quite small. You can't compare two regions based on the size of the country. Japan is quite crowded, and it's even smaller (By math that is, you can't really compare the two geometrically) than Britain. Finally, do remember that Britain was the first place to industrialize, and London was the first town to urbanize and effectively be called a "city" then. So England had the first population boom due to their increase in food production, as well as the birth of more material possessions. Likewise, the standard of living in Britain rose dramatically. So it was a much more favorable place to live at time. With state-of-the-art healthcare, the average life-span of a Britain citizen rose by at least 20 years, and the birth-mortality rate fell by almost 300%. So...I'm not surprised Britain is where it is. But that's just me. :D [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=-3][COLOR=DarkRed]I'm near the Western Coast of the US. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. Where it's either extremely scorching hot, or freezing your a** off cold. Yes, believe it or not, it gets really cold over here in the winter. It even snows here if the conditions are perfect for it. Nothing alot to share about this place, or rather, not alot of things to be proud about. Lots of gambling, violence, drugs, and other acts I dare not speak of. :rolleyes: But it's home, and besides...it's one of the fastest growing cities, so there's always some place new to go. And people are always moving here, so it's nice to have a constant influx of friends. Oh, and if you were wondering...no I don't care of the whole "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!" slogan. Maybe some like the idea of promoting ourselves as the smut capital of the Universe, but I don't.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']I'm surprised that no one's mentioned ProActive yet, the ads show it has really good results.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]I used to use it, and I do admit, it works very well. But yes, as stated, it is too costly to buy on an annual basis. Unless you can really afford it, there are cheaper alternatives that work just as good. :D[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]If I recall, my father used to tell me that eating large amounts of potato chips will cause your face to oil at a severely increased rate. I don't even recall him backing it up with evidence...but it did explain alot of my problems. ;) Anyways, everyone has to deal with acne at one point or another in their life. All I can say is take care of it while you can, as I didn't and I ended up with some unfortunate scars.[/COLOR]
Favorite, strangest and most annoying commercials on TV now
Sol-Blade replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=DarkRed]Yeah count me down for one of those "How the hell did Jamster get so popular?" people. Anyways, I'd have to say the absolute strangest commerical I've seen in awhile had to be that controversal Paris Hilton commerical for Carl's Jr. First time I saw it, I was with my girlfriend and me and her both kinda mouthed "WTF?" after it was over. We even saw the longer-than-needed-be one minute version of the commerical. Such...a stupid commerical.[/COLOR] -
Gaming Series jokes (from Tingle to Biggs and Wedge)
Sol-Blade replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=DarkRed]Hey now, you can't forget the MGS series. That series always happens to use reoccuring themes for their jokes. Comical codec conversations, weird easter eggs involving nudity (Handled in a good way, mind you :P), and very...very funny past references to other games made by Konami. And a bunch of other ones that can't really be classified. But for example, Z.O.E. posters could be found all over in MGS 2, and Z.O.E. 2 posters are in abundance in MGS 3. As well as even including a full size Jehuty model in one of the cutscenes. I'm not telling you which one, go find out yourself. ;) Also, the cardboard box. Need I say more? Gotta mention the pushing-the-limit swimsuit posters in every game too. And the camera hijinks, such as ghosts or acts of pervertedness. Finally, you can't deny the fact that EVERY Metal Gear has at least *one* cutscene where lots o' blood is spilled! But lets stray away from MGS for a moment, if anyone here has played UT, I could list over 100 easter eggs that have always been in the series. [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]I hate classifications, and I'm not about to single myself into any one group. Somedays I happen to dress "punk" and somedays more "preppy" like. I don't happen to assign these designations to clothes myself, it's what I hear from friends and strangers alike. Some of my friends are goth, some of them happen to be athletes, some are what you would even call nerds or geeks. Hanging out with them, or even being in the vicinity of them, does not automatically associate me with them, now does it? I hear it all the time, "Why do you hang out with [i]those[/i] people? They aren't [i]our[/i] kind." What the hell? Last I heard, we were ALL homosapiens, lol. What kind are you refering to exactly? Are you trying to say that just by the way someone dresses or cuts their hair, or plays some instrument, or drives a certain car, that they are lesser OR greater than you? Honestly now, use common sense. I fail to see how it's wrong for a goth to drive a BMW and so on. Bring racists into it as well, and the list of this ignorant stereotyping goes on and on... Anyways, if you want to know who *I* fall in with? The community. Put it that way. :D[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Ah yes, the Anime Expo. Where is that gonna be held again? Actually, sadly I'm not going so it really won't matter. I just don't have the luxury of attending it this year, too much other stuff to take care of. But there is always next year of course, in which I guarantee you'll see me there for sure. ;)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]First off...hoo boy has it been awhile. I've been so busy with school finishing up, haven't posted in...months almost. Anyways! With summer just around the bend, I was curious to know what everyone's plan for summer is! I personally, am going to be taking a FlashMX animation class until July. I've recently become *obsessed* with Flash animations, wanting to do so many Mario parodies and spin-offs already. But before I can do anything, I actually gotta learn the art first! So I'll be taking a class in which I'll (Hopefully) be able to master some of the basic techniques to create a basic Flash. In July itself, I will then be going on a month-long trip to my hometown of Honolulu, Hawaii with my two brothers and sister. I plan on catching up with old friends and family, and mainly to see if my old place has changed or not. Those of you that have ever been back to your old home know what I'm talking about...that feeling of if your place has been "violated" or not. I heard my old house was torn down, which is sad because I had alot of memories there... I'll be coming back around August, at which point I'll process to finish out my summer with a Adobe In-Design/Macromedia Dreamweaver class. I'm determined to learn how to work HTML and eventually get into web design and management. So...what are YOU doing for summer? :D [/COLOR]
Why were the anime archive boards closed?
Sol-Blade replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Help & Feedback
[COLOR=DarkRed]Because they are old forums, and old threads. Nothing of interest to be revisited really, all you can do is read through them. No reviving. :D[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Yes, while I too am not as outworldly pious as many others are, I do feel for the Pope at this time. He was a great man, who has done alot not just for the Roman Catholics, but for the entire world. As evident in his history of his life, he was truly a man who has touched millions...if not billions of people. He is the most acknowledged human being in the entire world, he has been seen by literally everyone. His body is fragile, but his will is strong and it flows throughout the world. I remember, hearing that shortly after the Pope was shot (The days after the assassination attempt), he went and faced the man who tried to kill him, and he forgave him. He said, and I don't know the exact words so don't get all giddy over it, he said something along the lines of "I will forgive you, and love you the way Jesus meant me too." When he does pass away, and sadly he will...I'll remember him.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Indeed, I never really found Resident Evil scary or horrifying. It was more action oriented than anything else. Still a horror game, none-the-less. Silent Hill is just flat out disturbing and wrong, at some points. They weren't BS'ing when they said "Some parts of this game may be gruesome and offensive." It's not the amount of blood that scares me, it's the psychological effect. The creature designs in Silent Hill and the things they do are what send chills down my spine. Just the sheer size of the Walkers in Silent Hill 3, was more than enough to make me nervous when I saw them. [IMG]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/screen1/561292_20030707_screen006.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=-3]~A Walker, in Silent Hill 3.[/SIZE] The "Ghosts" of the victims of those killed by [spoiler]Walter[/spoiler], in Silent Hill 4, were intriguing, as much as they were hideous. Just the sheer fashion, in the way they died made me almost feel sympathetic...that is, until Victim-14 showed me that they don't really care how I felt. The most horrorifying thing, was the "Hauntings" that began to appear in your room around the 2nd half of the game. They were just flat out disturbing. The list is (I wouldn't recommending reading it if you are playing and haven't gotten to them yet) as follows: [code][spoiler] Room 302, Main Room: -------------------- - Bloody Peephole at door. If you look through it while it's possessed, you'll see a victim Henry Townshend with "21/21" written on him if you look close. This one can re-occur, but it's rare for it to re-occur. - The shoes leave a trail of bloody footprints to the kitchen, where this haunting's area of effect is. - The fridge is possessed. If you look inside, you'll see a dead wrapped cat inside. It meows sometimes. - The water faucet in the kitchen sink is spouting blood. - There are cracks/spiked things all over a section of the wall near the hole to look into Eileen's Room. They will follow you into the bedroom as well. This one has a chance of re-occuring. - Victim-oldtype is trying to come through the wall. This occurs over the couch where the photo Sunderland gave Henry is. He will appear in the bathroom, bedroom or laundry room too if you don't exorcise him. This one has a chance of re-occuring, but it is rare for it to do so. - The TV is turned on and flickers with images that appear to be of Walter. It also emits a loud static noise. - The clock is turning rapidly and clicking. - The windows are banging, closing and opening rapidly. - The sofa chair near the window is haunted. If no other haunting appears to be visible, this is probably your culprit. When you set a Candle near it or walk into its area of effect with a Saint Medallion, it will turn all bloody. - *A bunch of baby-like impressions are crying and appear above the storage box in the main room. This only occurs if you place "Shabby Doll" item inside of it, and it can re-occur. While this haunting is active, the Shabby Doll item will not be in the box's inventory, but once it disappears it will re-appear there, so you can take it if you'd like. * = Can be avoided by not taking the item: "Shabby Doll". Room 302, Bedroom: ------------------ - There are cracks/spiked things all over a section of the wall near the desk in here. They will follow you into the main room if you don't exorcise them here. This one has a chance of re-occuring. - Victim-oldtype is trying to come through the wall. He's trying to come in from just above the bed near the window, on the wall next to the main room. He will follow you to the bathroom, main room or the laundry room if you don't exorcise him here. - The picture of Silent Hill Church near your door will change to a portrait of Walter Sullivan. This haunting is pretty rare. - The phone will be haunted. You'll hear the voice of Joseph Schreiber saying "I'm always watching you......" repeatedly. This haunting is extremely rare. - A shadow of the child Walter Sullivan will appear and be making a crying noise in the closet. Room 302, Bathroom: ------------------- - Victim-oldtype is trying to come through the wall from above the toilet. There's pretty much no way to avoid damage in here without wearing a Saint Medallion, so I recommend you leave and exorcise him in either the bedroom or the main room where he counts as the same haunting. Room 302, Laundry Room: ----------------------- - Victim-oldtype is trying to come through the wall. There's pretty much no way to avoid such damage in a small confined space if you stay here, so I would very much recommend you leave and exorcise him in either the main room or bedroom where he also appears and counts as the same haunting. If that's not possible due to lack of supplies, quickly go through the hole. [/spoiler][/code][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Oh man, he finally passed away eh? I remember watching his [i]Roast[/i] on Comedy Central once, he was one of major Friars and to this day, still is. He really was a pioneer in the comedy world, damn I'm gonna miss him.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Aww I was planning on being the first to post about it, ah well. :D Anyways, I'm really looking forward to this. I really loved the gameplay in Nocturne, so I expect this one to be just as good. The whole new theme is what has really caught my attention though. I'm eating up every detail I can get.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Yeah there are many references to American (And probably various Japanese) pop culture icons in FLCL. I found it quite amusing as well. I used to have an entire list of the references and parodies, I'm going to go look for it. :D But yeah, some people didn't exactly catch onto that the first time. I know I didn't.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][U]Silent Hill 2[/U] was defintely the most creepiest game I've played so far, not because of creature design (Which were excellent) or any specific gameplay elements (Nothing too special anyways) but because the plot was SO indepth and all the symbolism going on. Not to spoil anything, but if you want to get the whole premise of the plot laid out in plain English, then read [url=http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/silent_hill_2_plot.txt][b]this plot guide[/b][/url] on GameFAQs. [IMG]http://img82.exs.cx/img82/9428/pyramidhead27jn.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=-3]~You can't forget about [i]him[/i]. [i]He[/i] was the most hellish enemy out of all the games I've played so far. Doom 3 ain't got nothing on him. :D [/SIZE] As for most gore, I'd have to go with [U]Nanobreaker[/U]. The game actually *measures* how many gallons of blood you have spilled. Funny thing is, the blood is very comical and the game is extremely mediocre. As for the goriest...realistic...game, I'd go with [u]Mortal Kombat: Deception[/u]. Sure it's a bit comical too, but hey it was one of...ok the ONLY time I've ever seen a spine ripped out of someone's mouth. And it looked damn convincing too. As for all time scariest game, I am going to go with [U]Doom 3[/U]. Because that game was just pure fun. If I had to count how many times I jumped, shifted, and shrieked while playing that game...well I could do it on one hand...if I had a calculator.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Well, file sharing may seem harmless and all, but the industry does suffer pretty badly with each file exchanged. With all the conceving, planning, recording, and tweaking that went into every individual song, the final sum is a pretty hefty one. And to think that, they won' t get their $9.99 for their CD might not seem like the end of the world to you, but when you considering HOW many people aren't paying for it...that's alot of potential profit lost. It's funny that I write this though, because I used to be *the* file stealer. Not really movies, the MPAA would have come a knockin' already (lol), but I was downloading entire albums off of [url=http://www.suprnova.org/]Suprnova[/url] (Closed down, guess why?) and off [url=http://www.lokitorrent.com/]LokiTorrent[/url] (Owned by the MPAA, tsk tsk), using the BitTorrent file format. Needless to say, I was leeching and seeding files left and right. But well one of my fellow...partners...got caught and was charged with a $30,000 fine in Chicago. That's actually kinda leaniant for a file sharing charge, but needless to say it was a wake up call. I've stopped downloading ever since, but I wouldn't doubt that my IP is probably already in the hands of law enforcement...:p So uh, [B]nay[/B].[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]*Excessive use of the ;)...I find the defendant, guilty. Ahem, anyways I don't know about a Civil War game. Sure, it's not really a big genre as the ever-old WWII genre and the needs-to-die Vietnam genre, but still does the Civil War have much to offer in the terms of gameplay? I've been playing the Red Orchestra mod on the Unreal Engine for about, 2 months now. With the power of the Unreal Engine, they were able to really create a truly realistic WWII atomsphere and believable bloodshed. Forget EA, I'd love to see the creators of RO take a shot at a Civil War game, as I know for a fact they'd do it right.[/COLOR]
Please Burn the "What Made You Cry?" Thread
Sol-Blade replied to AzureWolf's topic in Help & Feedback
[COLOR=DarkRed]Yeah I've had at least...oh I don't know...four endings revealed to me in the afore mentioned thread to shows I have not finished yet. Yeah, that kinda pissed me off as I quickly tried to forget what I read. But shame on me for reading it in the first place... Anyways, I don't know exactly what else you could do besides inform, warn, moderate/edit, and eventually ban. Now I would say (Completely hypothetical), out of every 10 people who joined...probably 5 read the rules and stickies. Out of the five who don't, maybe 3 of them *want* to use the spoiler tags, but don't know how. Can you hold that against them? So I say if it's a first time thing, then just inform them and give them a heads-up. Of course, for the other 2 who just don't give a flying f%#^, their fate is up to you. Just my thought on it anyways. :D [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]A little late to be posting this, but ah well. I spent my entire St.Patty's day listening to Flogging Molly on my iPod. Ironic? Well I even slapped on a green case just for the occasion. :D[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=DeathBug]I think angst is the biggest turn-off for me. Mobile Suit Gundam and Blue Gender were both series I found to be exercises in sadism; how much can we possibly make these characters suffer? You think they've suffered enough yet? No? Here's some more! Granted, the fact that Blue Gender became increasingly non-sensical yet increasingly predictable as it went on probably also takes it down a notch, to offically become the Worst Anime Show I've Ever Seen.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]Exactly what I was thinking. I'm all for well developed characters going through some realistic hardships, but I lose interest when they being to throw these characters through hell left and right, to the point where you would figure they would just give up and kill themselves! But of course, that wouldn't be what the writer was aiming for...;) If it was, kudos to you then. You've truly made one hell of an issue that, I hope I'd never go through. lol[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Yeah there were plenty of things I did to amuse myself. I remember one was, I would get up from my chair...run to the kitchen, touch the fridge...and run back as fast as I could. Sounds simple, but it kept me occupied for hours at a time! lol Besides that, my mom co-created this game simply called Lava. She wouldn't buy me a SNES when I was little, and times I would ask her for one she would reply with "Well uh, honey we can't afford...the floor is lava!!!" and I would end up jumping on top of chairs going "What the hell is wrong with our house!!!" and just basically running all over the place on top of furniture. :D[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Post counts are nothing to me, and should be nothing to some people. But I know, after years of foruming...that apparently post counts equal symbols of power. Yes, it's a ridculous statement but it's no secret that people do think that. On my old clan forums, we had at least 7 ranks. And yes, people did spam to get those ranks because they apparently thought that having the title of "Forum Veteran" was the cool thing to do. I love the fact that there are only two forum ranks here. Keeps it really simple, you are either new here or you aren't. The custom titles are beautiful, as they basically allow the user to give him/herself whatever title they want. I say stick with the two ranks, and leave custom titles. Just my two cents anyways. :D[/COLOR]