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Does your race still sometimes conduct the stuff that interset you?
Sol-Blade replied to a topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed]Well I know, for a fact, that I always get asked the most idiotic questions about why I do some of the things I do, based purely off of race and culture. Ok, up front. I'm Hawaiian. Nothing special, but honest to god, there was this one man who, after finding out I was Hawaiian, asked me how well I was at making huts and hunting pigs. Just, wow. Even worse, was how flabbergasted he was when he found out I...wait for it...wait for it...lived in a 2 story house. *gasp* I usually know when people are just being sarcastic, but just wow. This man was really clueless. Ahem, anyways I think it's wrong to say that, certain careers go to certain races. Sure, they may be more of one race in a career than another, but that still doesn't mean that Blacks are automatically gonna be basketball players. Or Whites are gonna be come white collar office lackeys. Or that the Spainish are going to continue to deliever food for a living. No, just no no no. Anyone and everyone is free to do what they want, but the fact is that stereotyping is not gonna go away anytime soon, and has become all too common in the media today.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Although there are plenty of girls that like anime, I would say that there are just as much guys. Thing is, guys (The ones around here at least) aren't exactly as open about it, as girls are. Nor do they probably feel the urge to go to social gatherings with other fans. That's just my opinion at least. I'm sure though, that if the males were more open about it, you'd see just as many as you do females. As anime becomes more and more mainstream worldwide, that just might become a reality.[/COLOR] :D
[COLOR=DarkRed]My first experience with death, was when I was only 9 years old. I had a next door neighbor, a very young woman of 21 years. Her name was Alyssa. I thought she was the nicest, most beautiful woman in the world. I would always spend my days with her. Anyways, eventually she started dating this guy...who was really just an a-hole from the start. Well I knew something was up, as she began to look like...for lack of a better word, crap...with dirty clothes on and just basically not being clean. Plus, she had plenty of bruises that started to appear. I overheard my mother talking to her (They were good friends), and she kept saying how she should leave that man, but Alyssa insisted that she loved him and he loved her... Well, three weeks later, as seeing her like this became an everyday occurance, I saw something that really scarred me for life. A day or two before this, Alyssa had disappeared. No one knew where she went, and her boyfriend had split. Well, I was at a local park with some friends and we were playing a game of football. There were these bushes that lined the park, never thought anything of them. One play, I had jumped over the bushes and I had discovered a body. Yes, yes it was Alyssa's body. Her face was just, completely ripped apart. The only way I recognized her was by the tattoo she had on the back of her neck. Well of course, I ran home screaming. I just left my friends there, confused. Anyways, when I got home I had told my parents what I had found, and they called the police. As soon as they found her, there was a search out for her boyfriend. They never did catch him. So yes, it was a tragic loss...as it was my first time I had ever lost someone to death. Not just any death too, one that was not deserved, or justified. I still hold so much anger for that man, but alas...that was ages ago. ;)[/COLOR]
I would say my self-esteem is mostly stable at times, I'd give myself a 6 at most. I honestly don't think I myself have serious swings at times, but I do know that this feeling can change on a whim. If I'm having a crappy day, and things are just not going right, I'll feel probably like a 3 or 4. Somewhere near the lower end of the spectrum. Though that could just as easily have been a rather good day and I could feel on top of the world, like a 8 or 9. It doesn't happen too often, but indeed I do have these days where I feel better or worse than normal. I know I'm a good person and I know what I can do and what I'm good at. People telling me otherwise usually doesn't affect my self-esteem as it would other people. What I can stand, are the people who don't like me for no legitimate reason at all. You know, those ones that just say "Because" mainly. It could be because of looks, or my car, or the music I listen to, any of that. I don't respond well to those things.
Revenge of the Nerds 2, 3, and pretty much 4 too. The first movie was hilarious, truly hit on many Animal House type jokes with uh...nerdness...involved. It was a great movie that was really a good plot for it's time. Eventually, the sequel came out...and it kinda sucked. Why? Because they rehashed the same old jokes...with the same characters...with practically the same 'badguys' as the first. Then, a third sequel came out, which I didn't even see but heard the also sucked. Then a fourth one came out, which was like the American Wedding of the genre, ending it but not before at least coming up with some decent material. ;)
Needless to say, I've never been in such a situation but in purely a hypothetical viewpoint, I honestly believe that I could and, probably would take someone off of life support. Surely, I wouldn't want to let anyone die, but situations are never going to be picture perfect, and unfortunate things happen. If there is abosolutely no chance that, the victim will recover...no matter how close this person is to me, if the choice was up to me, I would take them off. It may seem harsh to some, but clinging on to something with little or no possiblity of it happening just seems a little...for lack of a better word...[I]pointless[/I] in my opinion. But again, I have never been in such a situation so I'm sure my opinions may change if (Or when...) it happens to me. It's human nature to do so. ;)
Well 'home' to me is alot of things, not just a location. Home to me, is at it's most basic form, the island of Oahu in Hawaii. I was born n' raised there, for almost 16 years. Now I live in Vegas, and I too also refer to this place as home but not in the same sense as I do Hawaii. Home in Hawaii, was the place I could go back to and feel comfortable, no matter what was going on at the time. I could forget all my worries. It was also the place for me to go when I needed someone. I may not have known everyone that lived in my neighborhood, but I knew well that I could always find someone who was willing to help me or lend an ear to me. Home, was infact the place I will always return to, no matter what may happen to it. They can demolish the houses, and/or the place can turn into a shopping plaza but that area is still my home. Nothing can change that. Home, is irreplaceable. Sure, I could have been born in Hawaii but lived in Vegas since I was 1 and more than not, I would have called this place home as I would probably have more of an attachment to it than I do now. Home is not the place you grew up, or rather it never has to *always* be the place you grew up in. Hell it doesn't even have to be a place you've lived in or haven't even seen yet. Home is where you make it. :D
[SIZE=-3]I never really liked reality shows, as I never really saw anything even remotely 'real' in them. I would have to say that, more and more reality shows are just scheming up ideas one after another until they litereally suck the life out of every subject possible. Not only that, the fact that they toy with people's emotions...real or not...is just wrong. Honestly, I can't believe the people who get into this stuff.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]Wow, I haven't played Rival Schools in...so long. *dusts off copy* That was a pretty good fighter, loved the characters. The whole school rivarly thing (Hence the name. ;)) was pretty entertaining, especially when you paired fighters up from the same school. My favorite character was Shoma, that bat wielding baseball player who took crap from no one. He really had the temper to back it up too. But by far, coolest thing was beating the story mode with him and unlocking his Home Run!!! game. That...kept me occupied for months to come. :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]Try using [B][url=www.imageshack.us]ImageShack[/url][/B], quick, easy, and free. You can use it without registering, but if you don't register you have no way of going back to see your collection of hosted pictures, let alone take 'em down.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]I'm going to have to go with the Guildmaster from Fable. For one, all his conversations seem irrelevant to the actual storyline, I mean who wrote his script? Must have not played the same game...and besides that, his 'advice' (You know, when his voice plays over the action, like "Use a potion!" "Try to get your combat multipler even higher!" "You're almost dead, better heal!" and so on...), plays so loudly and so often that's it's annoying and makes me want to kill him on sight. :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]I remember hearing Johnny Knoxville was going to star in [B]Walking Tall[/B] (A pretty decent movie), and thinking that Mr.Jack*** himself would comepletely bring down the movie as whole. To my surprise, he can indeed play a serious role when need-be, and still crack some funny jokes. And of course, he made it through the movie without being propelled off a ramp in a diaper, sitting on in a shopping cart. So that's definitely a move forward. :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]Well, I usually don't make banner or avatars for anyone (Besides myself) but I figured I'd give it a whirl and well, this is what I got. It's not really some of my best work, but it was hard finding a picture to go along with your request. Feel free to use it, alter it, do whatever you wish with it. As long as the usual credit is given...:D For a first time, I think it looks pretty decent. Might change the colors though, I don't like the red scheme I went with. We'll see. Anyways, here you go:[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img214.exs.cx/img214/2266/dnangelbanner24av.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img214.exs.cx/img214/357/dnangelavatar25qt.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE=-3][COLOR=Navy]*Note: Yes, I know it's a bit on the pixelated side...I tried my best to reduce that. Sorry.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]What's so special about Vegas? Lots of things really...lets start with the general view. Known as the "Playground for Adults" and I'm sure you've all seen the whole [i]What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas[/i] campaign. At least 30 million tubes of Neon here, that's an actual fact too. Along with being ranked the fastest growing city in the US, as per 2004. It's beginning to look like the next LA boom. Lets see, also we probably take in at least 100,000 new vistors a day. This city thrives on Tourism and Gambling, to the point where even the Airport is chock full of slot machines and card tables. Hell, walk into any gas station around here and you're bound to run into another slot machine. Uh, Yucca Mountain is a couple dozen miles north of us I believe. You meet alot of people from other countries here. I've run into Japanese, Swedish, Russian, French, British, Spainish, and an Eygptian tourists in my years living here. Plus, the amount of money exchanged daily here is mindblowing. That's about all I can think of at the moment. :D[/SIZE] Edit: Oh yeah, best New Year's firework show west of the Mississippi!!!
[SIZE=-3]Little known secret about me, for some strange reason I'm always dreaming about a different ending to Outlaw Star. No seriously, I've had like...over a couple hundred over the past few years. I should write some down. My girlfriend got me in the habit of doing that when I was bored or tired. I always seem to come up with a new ending...sometimes good...sometimes bad...every day or so. :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]Back into as in...back into the exterior? Like over the fences? Because that's easy as hell. Getting back into the interior portion, now that's a different story. If you already beat the mission where you steal the jetpack, then you won't be able to get back inside. Unless you go through bluehell.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]I'm surprised that no one has mentioned this movie yet. I'm really looking forward to one flick this summer, and that is going to be [B]Kingdom of Heaven[/B]. It's about the First Crusade that took place. Mainly, it is about the moral decisions the knights had to make on their way. If you aren't up on your history, the Crusades were basically attempts to take back the 'Holy Land' (aka Antioch, Edessa, Tripoli, and Jeruselem) from the 'heathens' (Muslims). The Christian Pope at the time had recieved word that the 'Holy Land' was being corrupted by non-Christians. So he asked all Christians to rally up, and march to the 'Holy Land' and to free it from their control. Well, as the orginal army marched across Europe, more and more people joined it so it became larger and more varied. From ordinary townsfolk to even children, all were inspired by the Pope's speech. Well when they finally got there, they had laid siege to the city and after a day (Not sure how long it took for the city to fall) they had occupied it. They then slaughtered every soul who lived there; men, women, children, Muslim, Jew, and even the Christians who lived there. Anyways, the film is about 3 knights who are ordered by their liege to join the Crusade. They question whether it is right, and the basic morality of it all. When they get to Jeruselem, one of the knights (Orlando Bloom) is in awe of it's beauty. And at the end of the trailer describes it as the "[I]Kingdom of Heaven[/I]". If I recall, the movie comes out in May. Looking forward to it![/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]Well I wish I had found out about the server switch before hand...I spent a good half hour trying to figure out why I could not get on the OB at all. Sorry, I don't exactly read the main page of theotaku.com at all. :D Good to hear everything seems to be settling in fine.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]All I have to say, is that being a moderator is a job that I'm used to by now, and it is by no means an easy job. I run my own UT2k4 clan, and we have our own forums, which I am the admin of. I also host other clan's forums off of my excess room. So we get alot of traffic, and I moderate it all. Me and my fellow buddies (Who I appointed mod positions) have to catch ALOT of flak for what we do. Sure, there are lots of people who respect us and our position, but there are a few guys who always have a few choice words for us. Lots of posters hated me for deleting ONE post at times... As said in the very first replies of this thread, having to constantly deal with spammy posts and threads going OT all the time...it's more of a job than a role at times. I'm not exactly getting paid for this you know, infact I'm probably spending more money on it than I should. :p Ahem, what I'm trying to say, is that just moderating my forums is bad enough, and we get alot of traffic. Nothing compared to what the OB gets though, so my hat goes off to the staff of OB. They do a great job keeping everything 'civil' around here![/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]Fable wasn't the end-all RPG that everyone had hyped it up to be. Granted, Peter M. did some bragging of his own, only to cut a bunch of features out at the last quarter. Fable was a good game, it was a very good game. But when you look at what Fable was 'going' to be, and what it came out to be, it failed miserably.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]Well I have not seen this post of yours, Morpheus, in context but I think that you were probably either too blunt (As a few have stated) or just giving unhelpful/unecessary information. I myself, have never felt like I was 'Playing Mod' but there have been times where I have simply made references to a rule or another thread. As far as I know, that wasn't really me stepping out of my juristiction as a member. That was me just trying to be helpful.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]Indeed I have. Most of the time, I'm the one doing the introducing. But in my line of business, me and my friends meet quite a few big names :D I've met: [B]-Sum 41-[/B]These guys were pretty cool, extremely laid back and have a weird sense of humor. [B]-Lostphophets-[/B]These guys were also pretty cool, I got to check out their tour bus which was awesome. I lost track of the amount of videogames they have on board. [B]-Freezepop-[/B]Oh my god, these guys RULE! Liz Enthusiam is just, so f'ing happy all the time! It was great, I loved hanging out with Freezepop. I'd recommend buying their albums, and no that's not a shameless plug. [B]-Blink 182-[/B]They were ok, but their drummer (I don't know his name) was a total ***. [B]-DieselBoy-[/B]Now we're talking, someone I can relate to. Me and him got along well, and he taught me some pretty cool techniques.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]Never heard of this Ramunei Soda, sounds intriguing though. I'd have to say that my current favorite soda is indeed, Mountain Dew. Basically, I'm a sucker for all Coca-Cola products, because well...they are just so tasty! I get more of a flavor kick out of Coke than I do Pepsi. Just personal preference. :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]Indeed, I've seen many ridiculous things put up for auction on Ebay. From Elvis's bowling shoes (Did the King bowl?), to Jesus's robes and other more insane items. From cars with no wheels, to entire...livestock. I mean really, 7 cows for $5.99? I BID $6.01!!!!! You get what I am saying? I mean, doesn't matter if the actual items up for sale exist or not, the people doing it are clearly either having a blast doing it (aka Laughing their @** off) or trying to scam some person stupid enough to bid on it. Anyways, the bid for the towel that was used by Jennifer Aniston is about to end, and I gotta go sweep in at the last second and get it. :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-3]Uncool...let me think about that one for a bit. Oh yeah, it'd probably be running my own UT2k4 clan in my spare time. We love the game, and we created our own community...but damned if we didn't spend every day there, talking about the last kill or flag capture someone had. lol[/SIZE]