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Everything posted by Sol-Blade

  1. [SIZE=-3]At first glance, while this idea does seem very intriguing, and seemingly necessary (I kinda mouthed "Why didn't they think of this before?" when I read about it). But indeed, I wouldn't feel very motivated to even post, if I felt that I had to "earn" my privleges. If anyone has ever been to the INA forums, you know that you need 50 posts just to be able to have an avatar and custom title. Now while not being that restricting (It's just an avatar), it still feels that the only reason some people are 'compelled' to post, is to gain those things. They (They, meaning a few of them) just kinda half-*** their way through those 50 posts. Kinda annoying, but then again it make work here. But it does seem like a very good idea. You'd just have to take in the fact that, not all New Members make duplicate threads. The ones who *are* smart enough to read to rules will probably have the next 'hot' thread topic, but I'm sure they aren't going to be very happy to learn they have to wait to post it.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=-3]I'm mostly Polynesian and German. Weird mix, yes. But indeed, it happened. My father decended from German immgrants to the United States, where he joined the Navy and met my mother on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. Tis where I was born and rasied, in paradise. :D Not trying to keep it brief, not really that much to say though.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=-3]Wow, I never heard about this yet. But indeed, I just checked online and yes, Johnny has passed away. He was truly a legend, I used to remember when I was really, really young...watching his show late at night. It made me laugh so much, it still does when I think about it. But anyways, I'll miss the old man, I never really got to know you.[/SIZE]
  4. [quote name='Dagger IX1']Another term you might see from time to time is seinen, which is basically shounen, but for an older audience. Berserk, for example, is a well-known seinen anime. Josei (i.e. Gokusen) is the female equivalent of seinen. Generally, however, you won't see people using "seinen" or "josei" nearly as often as shounen and shoujo.[/quote] [SIZE=-3]Now that, I did not know. Interesting, I wonder what other kind of series would fall under seinen. I mean, what exactly makes an anime 'adult' anyways? What are the (If there was to be any) standards set? I'm just curious if anyone has an idea.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=-3]I was sorely disappointed in the HDD for the PS2 this year. So underused and underutilized by many games. There just wasn't enough incentive at...all...to buy it. I already had FFIX on my PC, so that wasn't necessarly a big bargaining chip.[/SIZE]
  6. Aww! He took my answer! I was going to say [B]Take on Me[/B] by [I]Ah-Ha[/I] as well. That was practically revolutionary back in the day. A perfect mixture of real footage and animation, with extremely cool transitions to back it up. The best part was when they had the screen cut in half, and it was half animation and half footage. That was just the neatest thing I saw back then, and it still pretty much is. Besides that, I'd have to go with the [B]Black and White[/B] video from [i]Michael Jackson[/i]. :D
  7. [SIZE=-3]Gas here in Vegas is all over the place. I've seen it as high as $2.35 at times. It used to be as low, even averaging around...$1.50. But that was at least, two years ago since I last saw those kinds of prices. It really is quite ridiculous. It's currently $2.00 right now. I remember a few months ago, when the price of oil hit $50 US dollars for one barrel, for the first time in history...there was a world wide commotion. I mean, this is just insane. The oil companies (OPEC in particular) say they are doing what they can to lower prices, but I don't believe that at all. :D[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=-3]I seem to remember Carbuncle being drawn from the Fake President on the Train, when he morphs into Gregano or something like that. I'm probably way off on the name...but I'm doing this by memory. :D[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=-3]Hmm, me and my sister tracked down most of our family time and our first ancestors first came here to America in 1821. Nobody really famous to speak of, but one of my great grandfathers was on the first caravan through the Oregon Trail, after Lewis and Clark. So yeah, semi-famous. :D So they first arrived in New York, and slowly but surely moved over to the west coast, and lived in old LA for about, the next 100 years or so. Finally, around the 1950's, my family moved to Hawaii. And have been there up until...2001. Now we are in Vegas.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=-3]Yeah, I've seen it around here. It's all too common now-a-days. I get a kick out of little kids ands teenagers walking around with *Hot Stuff* right on their arse or having a charm that says *Booty*. Ah yes, how funny (And yet sad at the same time) to watch young people walking around strutting in hip-huggers. Yes indeed. :rolleyes: Infact, I remember seeing some Freshman girls with the Bunny stickers all over their binders and backpacks. It's really more common than you would figure.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=-3]I mainly play Unreal Tournament 2004, and Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. I play UT2k4 because I run a clan. We play vCTF, iCTF, and I personally compete in iMix. So we play everyday almost, and compete in ladders every week. We've won several leagues. :D I also play Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War, because it restores my faith in RTS's. I thought that we really needed a good RTS, something new and refreshing. None of the same rehashed Starcraft/Warcraft formulas. Dawn of War took it to a whole new level, with entirely orginal gameplay. So I've been hooked on it for months. Anything else, I'm already done with.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=-3]I have the OST to FFX-2 and the OST to the International FFX-2 (Which has 1000 words in English) both. And yes, I must say that 1000 Words is a very good song. But by far the orchestra version (Availible only on the Intl. FFX-2 OST) is the *much* superior version. It's twice as long too, and more dramatic. None of the extra sfx or synths to get in the way. Just strings and percussion. :D Good luck finding the Intl. OST though, I had to look everywhere to find one, and finally nabbed one off of E-Bay.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=-3]Biggest disappointment this year? Probably Fable for X-Box. That game just tried to do too much at one time. Kinda sad really, it really was set up to be one of the best RPG's I've played in a long time. It was pretty decent, just...it fell short. Remember, a game can be great and disappointing at the same time. This, was the case with Fable. It was a good game at it's bare bones...but when you think of all the hype and promised features...It fails miserably.[/SIZE]
  14. Yes, D.N.Angel is a very great show that showcased not only extremely beautiful art, but some pretty well rendered 3-D enviroments. Also, the story was incredible. To me, it was completely orginal. Needless to say, the whole type of transformation/split personality type may have been done before, but it's done so well here thanks to great voice acting and a [I]very[/I] excellent soundtrack. [b]Byakuya - True Light[/b], is just so catchy! I love the very beginning with it's strings...then how it picks up into a more rock-like song. Oh yeah, that's right...there's already a D.N.Angel thread right [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=31446][U]here[/U][/url]. :rolleyes:
  15. [SIZE=-3]Hmm...good question. I'll have to think about the answer for ahil...Zelda! No really, playing Zelda for the first NES was what really got me hooked into playing video games. I absolutely loved it, to me...it was just mind blowing. I thought it was actually like being a whole other person in a completely different world. And that was was back [i]then[/i]. Today's games just blow me away, but still won't top classics like Super Mario World or F-Zero. :D [/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=-3]Heh, whoa sorry there. I didn't mean' to hijack the thread. She said she wasn't familar with it, and I wanted to show her what it was. That's all. Not to many Photo classes go over photograms that's why. I was wondering if she has already, or if she ever will. :D[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=-3]Well sometimes, some people here ask for way too much of some people. I mean, some try to help but people get all emotional and edgy about some criticism. While an 'Advice' thread would be interesting to see, I can't see it having enough threads or interest to stay active. Let alone, under control. There's a difference between asking for advice and asking someone else to make a life-decision for you. If it falls under the latter, then this is not the place to ask that. I don't think anywhere is. But uh, 'Advice' forum...gotta admit that's a new, refreshing idea. :D [B]Edit[/B]: Though, I don't know...alot of teenagers seem to frequent the OB. So all those distraught teens going to those aching years might have something to say! I can see threads from rants to shrines of their love interests. lol[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=-3]Okay...where to begin? Let's give you some facts. I am 19, and I am currently in the best relationship ever. I am still with my junior-high sweetheart, I first met Marina when I was 12. I was quite the anime fan back then (As I am now). That's what first set us off. One day while I was walking past some lockers, I noticed that this girl had this Akira drawing in her locker...so I stopped and asked her if my eyes were playing tricks on me. Sure enough, it was an actual Akira drawing, one that she drew herself. I was so impressed, I talked to her for the rest of that day. We just kept throwing back favorites left and right, and so on. Before long, we realized that we had alot more in common than just anime. She had a strong compassion love of art and music, just as I did. But I never actually started getting romantically involved with her right away. For at least a year, me and her were the best of friends. And I mean really, we would rather spend time with each other than our other friends. This was special. Before long, our 8th grade dance came around, and me and her were both going but with seperate dates. But that night, my date left to go to the bathroom and I never saw her again for hours. But I noticed that Marina was alone as well. Apparently, her date had ditched her too. Well as if on cue, our favorite song started playing. We both loved [B]Broken Wings[/B] - by - [I]Mr. Mister[/I]. So I asked her to dance with me, since we weren't doing anything else. And before I knew it, we were standing there kissing. And well, long story short...I'm still with her. We even attend the same Ai instiute. I love her very much, she means everything to me. Infact, while not anytime soon...I think I might end up marrying her. But shh! That's just a thought...nothing else. :D[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=-3]Heh, well let me give you the basics of a Photogram. Because Photograms, are by far one of the most unique kinds of "photos" you can produce. [IMG]http://www.artistsspace.org/webspace/1997/july97/01.jpg[/IMG] Can you tell what it is? It's not abstract, not at all. It's not an actual negative either. Yeah, okay catch your breath there. Yes, I said no negative. Not all photography needs to involve film. A photogram, is a photo you creating using only the light from your enlarger. You create a composite photo by using any sort of items. Glass, saran wrap, leaves, rocks, and so on. The shadow(s) are cast onto the paper, creating a picture. Sometimes, they alter the color of the light hitting the paper, like glass. So you'll get different results. The one above, was actually just a paper I burnt. [IMG]http://www.forteantimes.com/gallery/images/skoto1.jpg[/IMG]\ This one, taken from an archive, may look like flowers. But it's not. It's really coffee dollies (Dolly's? I forget the proper spelling) placed on top of the paper. So really, you could make photograms with your hands if you wished. This is for those kids who loved making the dog shadow on the wall. lol Check this site out for more, click [url=http://www.photogram.org/][B]here[/B][/url]. (Warning, they got some funky effects and sounds going on.)[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=-3]I just saw a pretty good one, it was one of those Burger King commericals where they are in the office place, handing out food. It went a little like (Bear with me here, this is from memory, so the words might be off): [B]Guy handing out food: Okay so, who had the Bacon Beef Burger packed with Cheddar Cheese and Mayo?[/b] [b]Different Guy: Who was man enough to order that?[/B] [I]*Silence, camera pans to a mystery girl*[/I] [B]Mystery Girl, in a very stuck-up tone: That's [i]mine[/i]. [I]Omarosa[/I] is in charge of this place now.[/B] [I]*Everyone is just kinda dumbfounded, after a few seconds*[/I] [B]Different guy #2: Oh...man this is going to suck.[/B][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=-3]I remember taking Photo I - IV when I was in High School, now I take the advanced classes offered at the Ai institues! But hey, those are really good. I remember having to do theme shoots as well. We did several of those, especially of the 2000 election. So I have to ask you a question, you ever done a photogram yet? I want to post some of my pictures here too, but right now it's late. Tomorrow then. My assignments were so fun and innovative, I don't think I would love Photo as much if my teacher wasn't so creative! We did other things too, like creating photoart using Adobe Illustrator, and entering the the Imation contest every year. I won several awards for photography from the NAHS, or National Honor Art Society. Familar with it? :D[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=-3]Hmm, well being already realtively mature, I don't know exactly where I'm supposed to go. lol Okay, so let me think...if was in my 30's...I'd like to be: [B]1.Out of the US. 2.In Italy. 3.An established artist. 4.Wealther than I am now.[/B] Don't get me wrong, I love this place and my current job is cool. But I don't want to be a DJ for life, besides I know that's not entirely possible. And this city is just too old for me now. I want to get out and explore.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=-3]I too, found this site through Google. lol One day, I was looking for some good fanart sites, more specifically fan art of Evangelion. Well after looking through about 2 or 3 pages, I came across this site. It took me the the Evangelion "Shrine", and I was so impressed by it's quality that I decided to check out the rest of the site, eventually making my way here.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=-3]Heh, I actually chuckled at that. Looks great, gotta love that punch line too. But yeah, I could see this becoming the next Penny Arcade. Excellent way to express the detestment of n00bs. lol[/SIZE]
  25. [quote name='Dagger IX1']I'm not totally sure what you mean by "creative." In the game, some of the characters have really incredible abilities and weapons. There's less of this in the anime, but Shiki's power is still very cool.[/quote] I was wondering what kind of situations, in which this power would come into play, would be like. I mean, I've never imagined such a thing and so I'm just curious as to how the conflicts would be like. Especially, if he can just tear apart someone just like [I]that[/I]. Frankly, considering it's realitively short length, I hope this doesn't end up like Hellsing and ending all too abruptly with almost no closure. [quote name='Dagger IX1']It isn't showing on television (if it were going to appear anywhere, it would probably be TechTV, but the chances of that are pretty slim). On the plus side, Tsukihime is nice and short. Nearly all of the best and most shocking moments in the series take place after episode 7, but 1-6 are still quite solid.[/quote] Meh, I'm not surprised. I'll have to look through some shops online then. I really want to hear what the music is like, if nothing else. You know me...:D [quote name='Dagger IX1]EDIT: You can view a promo for the series[url=http://www.geneonanimation.com/main.aspx?PageUID=9601231d-3d88-4737-bd61-40609e2f2426][u]here[/u][/url']. Go to the box on the lower right-hand side of the page and scroll down to "Tsukihime." The choral music playing in the background is the OP; the trailer is made up mainly of clips from the show, but has one or two shots taken from the OP animation as well. I think it offers a fairly accurate impression of Tsukihime.[/quote] Ah, I very much enjoyed that. Now I really, really want to see this series. It looks very good, seemingly fluid animation, sounds great, and by far...the story really has my attention. I thank thee for that link. So Geneon eh? Somehow, I figured that. They always seem to have a common theme running along their shows.
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