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Everything posted by Sol-Blade

  1. [SIZE=-3]Well I don't feel like going into really deep details, since my wallet was hurting the entire season, but my list ran a little like: [B]Two younger brothers[/B]: I gave my two younger brothers their own PS2 and an X-Box (since I took the old ones with me to college, lol). Now they can stop complaining about it! [B]Sister[/B]: I gave my sister a new Picture Cell-Phone. Forget the brand but it was really, really expensive...which makes me question my right state of mind! [B]Father[/B]: I bought him a couple PC games...because my dad is an avid gamer of the worst kind, lol. I got him Rome: Total War, Starwars: Battlefront, and World of Warcraft. [B]Mother[/B]: Bought her a new Home-Theater system, complete with: VCR, DVD, Tape and CD player, Stereo, and a flat screen TV. Along with the StarWars Trilogy DVD's and the Matrix Collectors Edition DVD's. Can't wait to watch them! [B]My girlfriend[/B]: This really, really, [i]really[/i]...damn big ring, a bunch of music CD's, and bunch of her favorite movies. And I gave her a bunch of pink Roses on Christmas Eve. ^_~ [B]Grandfather[/B]: I refurbished an old watch of his, it meant alot to him. [B]Grandmother[/B]: I was able to get some special chocolate treats for her on my trip back home to Hawaii. She didn't share... That about sums the majority of it up. I gave other small things besides those, like clothes and houseware appliances, and other stuff that you really don't care to hear. :D Happy Holidays![/SIZE] EDIT: Haha, they merged the threads. Kinda took me by surprise! I thought I posted in the wrong thread!
  2. [SIZE=-3]Heh, I opened my gifts already. What about you? I thought it'd be fun to find out what everyone got for Christmas. I got a whole crap load of gifts from my Family! Merry Christmas indeed! No need to go over EVERY gift, but my major ones were a brand new 20GB iPod (Since my old one broke...), a brand new digital camera (Kodak C7430), a brand new SLR Nikon, a most of all, a brand spankin' new car!!! I am the proud new owner of a 2003 Red Eclipse! Ahem, now what did you guys get? :D [I]Note: I know some of us here may not celebrate Christmas, but feel free to share your Holiday experience anyways![/I][/SIZE]
  3. [quote name='KarmaOfChaos][color=deeppink][size=1]I stumbled upon it through theotaku, while searching for the name of the cat from Trigun.[/size'][/color][/quote] [SIZE=-3]I was looking for the same thing. lol Google is your friend. Heh, after looking through about...oh I don't know...a dozen sites I finally clicked on the link that brought me to the Trigun Shrine. I was dumbfounded by it's quality (Compared to some of the sites I had just seen, you would be too) and I delved into the site even more. Before I knew it, I was posting away. :D[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=-3]Heh, I believe in Santa. Have done so for the past...19 years. I don't need no stinkin' science or big words to tell me otherwise!!! lol I don't care whether he is real or not, it gets me and my family in the Christmas'y mood, and that's all I could ask for. :D[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=-3]Don't know about you, but Sky3's depiction of himself reminded me of the Anti-Christ that the Virgin Porcupine gave birth to, in the latest South Park episode. You know, "A special time, a special place, it's time for Critter Christmas...Hail Satan!" :D[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=-3]They work now. :D The second picture looks great, did you do a Neon Outline/Glow with Photoshop? That's what the effect looks like.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=-3]Ray Charles. God bless the man. I loved his music. Abosolutely LOVED his music. I still listen to his tunes even to this date. His songs were unparalleled in orginality. The man had a great, booming voice to back it up also.[/SIZE]
  8. Sol-Blade

    Halo 2

    [SIZE=-3][quote name='Siren]I think Sol-Blade's posts about the Halo story might punch a hole in that. You can find his (hers?) comments [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38891&page=4&pp=15][u]here[/u][/url'].[/quote] Ahem, HIM. :D And, yes...without the books the story is "okay". I don't feel like getting involved in this right now, or ever again for that matter (We've debated the damn thing to death already! lol), so just listen to Siren. You won't win. ^_~ Uh, Happy Holidays![/SIZE]
  9. Ahem, I need to gain my composure before I start typing. Practically fell out of my chair laughing. Need to sew that hole I just ripped in my *** from laughing so hard. Okay. WOW. That was funny. That was, beyond funny. That was brilliant. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it before. [B]Orginal. Check. Shameless Ad pugs. Check. (LOTR out now! lol) Ripping on other members. Double check. Comedic value. Limitless. :D[/B] Great animation dude, kudos to you.
  10. [SIZE=-3]My most hated cliche? [U]The Invulnerablity Cheat[/U]. lol No seriously though, some cliches that seem to repeat themseleves are: [B]1.Main characters always getting what they want. (Call me a negative person, but it's nice to see them go through hardships. It adds a level of realism and depth to their character personas) 2.Main characters always, [i]always[/i] kicking ***. Why can't they lose just a couple of times? We all know that they will end up... 3.Winning in the end. Come on, every story just apparently [i]has[/i] to have a Happy Ending. Eh? I'm a big fan of multiple endings now, sure it's nice to see game characters reach their goal, but the "What If?" endings really make get more into the story, even after completing a game. 4.Almost [I]every[/I] Love Story is a joke. (Look at the Final Fantasy games, almost every...single...one.) Give me two people I can actually develop emotions for, and be happy for. 5.Main guy being a "Badass/Hero/Stuck-Up" kind of person. 6.Main girl being a "Sexy/Good-Looking/Yet falls in love with the guy who she is just crazy for" kind of person. 7.Basically everything I said in the [u]Most used anime cliches.[/u] thread. 8.And lastly...nobody likes all the incredibly exaggerated cleavage of virtual women. It just looks stupid, and annoying. Yeah, go psychics.[/B] :rolleyes: [/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=-3]I live in the middle of nowhere. A little desert wasteland called [I]Las Vegas[/I], [I]Nevada[/I]. Surprisingly, it's freezing here come winter. We even had snow awhile back. It was pretty amazing, truly a sight to behold. Snow in Vegas, now I've seen everything. :D[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=-3]Am I the only person who wanted to visit the Siberian Wasteland? I think it would be pretty interesting, I mean considering how large Siberia is, and how few people live there, there's alot of unexplored territory. Now I'm just fantasing...but who knows? lol[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=-3][I]Evangelion's[/I] [U]Cruel Angel Thesis[/U] was stuck in my head, for so **** long, it was unbelieveable. lol Anyways, I'd have to say that [U]Cruel Angel Thesis[/U] was a pretty catchy song, I remember hearing for the first time. I was actually humming along with it. You know you did too, don't act like you didn't. :D [I]Initial D's[/I] opening theme, [U]Around the World[/U], was the best techno-grunge theme I've ever heard coming from Japan. Plus, the male singer and the female singer (Sorry, don't know their names.) sound great in unison. I listen to this song all the time I my car. But by far, the best song in my memory, will forever be [U]Through The Night[/U] from [I]Outlaw Star[/I]. Oh man, don't even get me started on how much I loved that song. I played the hell out of my soundtrack when I first got it, I don't think it works anymore... But yeah, that's the best opening theme. EVER. And, off-topic but [I]Outlaw Star's [/I] [U]Hiru No Tsuki[/U] was the best ending theme ever. Don't debate! It was! And you know it![/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=-3]Oh man, I had a real disturbing dream awhile a week ago. The funny thing is, is that I, personally, was not in the dream. I was watching something rather horrific take place. Forewarned, this is not the most happy-go-lucky dream I've ever experenced, nor told so...it's a little @!*$&ed up. I remember me "walking" through some sort of dark swamp. I say walking, because I felt like I was moving my legs, but I could NOT see myself at all. I was like a floating pair of eyes. Ahem, anyways as I am going through this swamp, I see a little boy who is lost and is crying. He is neck-deep water (neck-deep for him that is, he was short, around 3 or 4 so it was like knee-deep to you and me) and is not moving. He keeps looking around crying "Momma..." Then all of a sudden, I see a Crocodile wading through the water. Soon after, I see another. Both of them are slowly heading towards the kid, who is just crying his heart out. I wanted to scream, but couldn't. They came up on the kid, and he just went underwater. No fuss, no struggle, no nothing. That's when I woke up. It was midnight, and I was sweating. You should have seen me, I mouthed "WTF?!" so many times... I honestly could not figure out as to why I would have such a dream. Childhood experence? Not mine. Evil thoughts? I would never. Random thoughts? Probably...hopefully. I told my friends about this and they said I was too many horror flicks. Maybe they were right! lol[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=-3]Oh I know couple. My main BIG one: [B]1.Main guy falling in love with Main girl who he did not care for at first, being a total jack*** in the beginning, but mellowing out in the end.[/B] Now the others: [B]2.Main Characters surviving seemingly impossible situations...only because if they died the story could not progress.[/B] [B]3.Main Characters having "Ah-Ha!" moments, where they are stumped one minute, but all of a sudden know the answer/solution to a problem for absolutely no explaination at all (Or a completely ridiculous explaination), because if they didn't, the story could not progress.[/B] [B]4.Main guys falling under the "Hero/Outlaw/Warrior/Bad***" catagory.[/B] [B]5.Main girls falling under the "Naive/Shy/I want to tell him I love him but can't" catagory.[/B] Meh, just some observations...:D[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=-3]I wish I could go traveling. I went to Florence, Italy once. Was a [i]beautiful[/i] town. A very astounding place to visit. I would love to go back one day, hopefully to explore more of Italy. Yes, I am one of those guys who wants to go back-packing across Europe. What can I say? lol I was born in Hawaii so I love to get out, perferably to explore more humid climates. I'm going to Jamaica in May, can't wait![/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=-3]Well, in every online-enabled game I've played (and I've played alot), the average attitude of gamers has really, really gotten low. It's funny to see people talk trash, it must make them feel all high and mighty! lol Alas, in UnrealTournament: You can't be good, or your a *%@&! aimbot/hacker. You can't be bad, or your a *%@&! no0b.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=-3]Now that I look back at the polls, it makes me want to retire already. lol Heh, I wonder who the [i]oldest[/i] OB'er around here is. I'm still waiting on that one poster who was forgotten long ago, to come back and announce that he just hit 98.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=-3]I am currently 19, turning 20 in May. :D I feel way too old on these forums. lol[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=-3]Heh, I've got quite a bit...but here are my current favorites. And you know which one is a favorite, they are the kind where you wai,t and hope, for those moments where you can say them and not look like an idiot! But uh, I might be a word or two off in some of these. Sue me. -Ahem, first off all, ALL DAY I have been muttering that stupid phrase that was on [U]South Park[/U] last night (Which was a pretty messed up episode BTW, even by SP's standards): [I]Intro Theme: "It's a special time in a special place, it's time for Critter Christmas! *few seconds of silence* HAIL SATAN!"[/I] -[U]Family Guy[/U], Peter and Lois walk in on Brian...doing something in the bathroom. [I]Lois: "Oh my god, was he just..." Peter: "Yeah! Should we rub his face in it?"[/I] -[U]Insomniac[/U], Dave Attell at the end of every show. [I]Dave A.: "Come on! There's one last thing I gotta do!"[/I] [U]Chappelle's Show[/U], Dave Chappelle in his [B]White People CAN Dance[/B] skit. [I]Dave C.: "Apparently, the Latino community love dancing to fast, upbeat piano...with Spanish gibberish shouted over a microphone."[/I] -I forget where this quote came from, but it's from a movie I saw LONG ago. Can't remember the name. Anyways, it went like: [I]"Give me a man who insists on doing the moral thing all the time, and I will show you a life-or-death situation which an Angel couldn?t get out of."[/I][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=-3]Well, personally I'm not MAD that my favorite games didn't win, because they did. I like GTA: SA, Half-Life 2 and Halo II, they were all pretty good. That's not the point, the point is the credibilty of such a program. Not questioning whether it is serious or not, that's pretty obvious. What I am trying to point out, is that the show is so horribly produced, it hurts my eyes! lol G-Phoria, while just another stupid awards show, can actually be taken seriously. I believe they know their stuff, because most of the games that deserve to be in the catagories...are actually there. G4-TechTV is, for lack of a better term, like the VH1 (Hey, its a good channel for music!) for games, while SpikeTV is the MTV version for games. Of course though, G-Phoria and G4-TechTV in general doesn't get nearly as much exposure as it deserves, probably because you need satellite or digital cable to get it. But I'd recommend you do, they are a great channel. :D[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=-3]The G-Phoria showing last year was great, but I practically laughed my a** off when I saw that guy come out dressed as Sephiroth and say, [I]"Estuans interius ira vehementi"[/I], a line from One-Winged-Angel. Heh, they go all out...which is a good thing. Thumbs up to G-Phoria! :D Anyways, hey I didn't catch the VGA's! Such a shame, I wonder how I could have ever missed it! Besides I just read over their list of winners. Does anyone else sense money transactions? Hmm...[/SIZE]
  23. [quote name='Kyuai][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]Does anyone else have issues with overly-competitive or just plain rude online players? (Just a thought)[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [SIZE=-3]You'll find rude players everywhere, lots of people take the game way to seriously and have nothing better to do than to trash talk. I could rant on here for awhile, but by far the game where the most trash is talked, is Unreal Tournament. I run my own UT2k4 clan, and we've had our share of idiots in our time. Such lingo like: no0b, owned, L3Et, ghey, haxor, and xloc get annoying after awhile. It's not "cool" to say things like that, too bad majority of people say it. I can usually get along just nicely in our VCTF server, but sometimes I can't stand people who are unsportsman-like and can't take it when there is someone better than them. It's no secret, thousands of people play Unreal, chances are that [i]someone[/i] is going to be better than you. The fact that some people can't swallow this concept really shows either 1.How stupid and arrogant they are...or 2.How young they are. Apparently, if someone is way better than you...instead of complimenting him the best way to go now-a-days is to call him out as a cheater, and say things like he is hacking and using an aimbot or some crap like that. I can tell when someone is using an aimbot, I've been a server admin for...god knows how long, and I've banned my share of cheaters. I. HATE. Cheaters. I take every accusation seriously, which is why I get mad with all the false complaints I get. But still, if you have to resort to cheating, you're pretty sad. If anyone here has played UT, then you know that all the elitist pricks come from DM. You can play any other gametype, and you'll always find some guy bragging that "If this was DM, I would OWN you all" or some rubbish like that. What's funny is, he probably could. Good for him, I hope his e-ego is even larger now. My question is, if he is so good at DM...what is he playing VCTF for? Hmph. =/ UT04 has voice support, and by far it's the WORST thing to happen to the series. I can't believe, how many, annoying people, have mics. Now wait, I may sound like a hypocrite. But you have to understand...there are some really, REALLY, annoying people out there. But besides that, people don't even use the public channels properly. Let me expound on what I consider proper. Proper talk, is NOT saying "D'oh! I just died...aww! I died again!" or "LOL I just owned that guy!" and so on. So, I just disabled voice on UT. I use Teamspeak2 or Ventrilo if I want to talk anyways.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=-3]Well, I'm not really a big fan of Sandler's work, but my girlfriend recently bought me his newest album as an early Christmas gift, and needless to say that I was ROFL'ing all night long. No seriously, I don't think I've ever laughed harder than anything before. His songs are pure, immature jokes of the greatest kind. A few make you go, "Oh, that was wrong" but you laugh none-the-less. Some great songs are [B]Mr. I Do And The Doo Doos[/B], and [B]Best Friend[/B], along with the really funny skit; [B]Newlyweds, Sleepyheads[/B]. I mean, I can't stop laughing at times. It is [I]really[/I], that funny. I haven't laughed at someone this much since I got Stephen Lynch's album (Which is THE comedian/artist out there, I recommend him to EVERYONE!) last year. But let me state this real quick, the [i]song[/i] on the album is [B]Secret[/B]. It's actually a very, very, VERY catchy techno tune with some of the...most suggestive lyrics I've ever heard. I find the urge to sing out the lyrics sometimes but can't, because I will get arrested for words like that. :D The music video for [B]Secret[/B], which recently aired on [U]Comedy Central's Secret Stash[/U] was pretty good too. It was actual a decent video, not some half-assed clip. Basically put, thank you Adam Sandler, for bringing me some of the things that I used to joke about in High School, back to me.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=-3]Ahem, where to begin. Well, as I'm sure you all...didn't know, the very craptacular [b]Spike TV Video Game Awards Show 04[/b] are airing tonight. Personally, I think that the whole gala is a sham, and a very big one at that. To me, it looks like they hardly take their selections seriously. I mean, half of the games that are nominated this year, shouldn't really be there. Of course, they talk about the big hits like Halo II and GTA: San Andreas, which were both excellent games mind you. But the fact is, it seems mostly for publicity. As hard as they try to seem legit, it doesn't really come off that way. For one thing, it looks like some games bought their way into the show, and on the other it seems Spike was hoping to nab some dough from all the studios dumb enough to participate in this event. Also, what's with all the celeberties? Sure, celeberties may play games, but by far I doubt they are in anyway, [i]avid[/i] gamers. Let me explain that. Anyone, hell EVERYONE can be classifed as a gamer. But, an avid gamer is one who, in my honest opinion, knows his material. If anyone caught last year's show, they had Pamela Anderson announce that [B]True Crime :Streets of LA[/B] had won best action game of the year. She then began to "talk" about the game's amazing gameplay and it's breathtaking graphics. We must have picked up two different games. =/ I can't wait to see what kind of hijinks go on tonight. Well, that my two cents, anyone care to comment on the show?[/SIZE]
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