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Everything posted by Sol-Blade

  1. I've haven't gotten their CD yet, but I've been planning on it for awhile. I didn't really even know of the band until I heard their song [B]Blow Me Away[/B] on the [I]Halo II[/I] soundtrack, I really liked that song so chances are, I'll pick up their cd.
  2. [SIZE=-3]I've seen some of the things they do on the Graham Norton Effect, and needless to say that...was funny stuff. My personal favorite quote, "Oh man, our bleep machine is going to run out of batteries tonight!" :D Reno 911 is a very, VERY funny show. I especially love the episode where Dangle and Junior are having a standoff with the old woman throwing the flower pots down at them. Ah yes, Dangle decides to scare her away and throws a brick. She then falls off the roof, to which Dangle replies, "Go, GO man! We were never here!" Drawn Together is another great show, just because it really does poke at alot of things on many different levels. The most obvious, is making fun of reality shows, to which they pull off their small parodies really well. I loved the one with the food competition. Captain Hero's team had to find a cure for polio, and Foxie's team had to successfully place an egg in a bucket...all within the same time-limit. Oh the humanity!!! It was great when Foxie's team finally won, a big box labeled food hit the ground next to him, and a big box labeled Humilation hit Captain Hero in the back of the head. Primetime Glick...didn't really click with me. The show was funny, at times. But was mostly a head-scratcher. The whole [I]obese/fat man can't get around[/I] eventually got old. I mean, seeing Martin Short fall out of a chair once, funny. Seeing him fall out of a chair again, and again...shame on me. But I have to add, that my all time favorite show on there would have to be The Daily Show: With Jon Stewart because Jon is just 100% smartass, I love it. Some of their "segments" are by far, the funniest things I've ever seen. Stephen Colbert's (That last name might be mispelled) [I]This Week in God[/I] makes me fall out of my chair when I see it. "Show me the salvation!", was priceless. But really, Jon does make some actual good points on his show. Obviously, he makes sarcastic jokes about them, but some valid point's while he is at it. He deserves another Emmy, er I meant another Emmy Nomination. What was I thinking? lol[/SIZE]
  3. Sol-Blade

    The pillows

    Is this a question? If so, umm yes I do know who the Pillows are. They are pretty decent, but sound like every other J-punk (Is that a valid genre? lol) band I've heard.
  4. [SIZE=-3]Nice report. I remember seeing a petition like that when I went to my first Chemistry class. I still have the orginal document I was given... [IMG]http://img72.exs.cx/img72/4383/DHMODocument.jpg[/IMG] It's actually pretty interesting. [B]Should we ban Dihydrogen Monoxide?[/B] was the title. It was basically a paper attempting to persuade you that DHMO was a very harmful chemical that kills many people each year... If you haven't already figured it out, the chemical in question is actually...WATER. There were many hints in the paper itself, but the whole point was to get you to research the assignment. Googling Dihydrogen Monoxide brings up sites dedicated to...water. Let me break it down for those who haven't gotten it quite yet. [B]Di[/B], meaning two and [B]Mono[/B], meaning one. So, [B]Di[/B]hydrogen [B]Mono[/B]xide comes out to be...H20? Interesting...very interesting. The best part of the paper, were the facts about the deadly thing itself. ...DHMO have been found [I]in nearly every[/I] stream, lake, and reservoir in the World Today. ...also used as a [I]fire retardant[/I]. ...Most of these deaths are caused by [I]accidental inhalation[/I] of DHMO. ...Prolonged exposure to its [I]solid form[/I] can cause severe tissue damage. ...Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive [I]sweating and urination[/I]. Solid form? You mean...ice? Accidental inhalation...heh, that's a nice word for drowing. Anyways, lots of people failed the assignment! Me included![/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=-3]Yeah, I went to check my local EB Games today...they were sold out of their orginal shipment. Sigh, ah well. Guess I'll have to wait another day or so... See, this is what I get for dwelling over every piece of info that was released about the game. I can't stand to wait another day now. I hate it when this happens to me, because it happens everytime![/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=-3]Well, It all made sense when the cupcake appeared. lol I wonder who the cop was supposed to be...*ponders the thought...for like a second*...nah, couldn't be. :D[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=-3]Well, I do have a few hobbies, some are just there to kill time. For one, I am a photographer and I usually take lots of pictures of the world around me, here in Vegas. I usually do freelance work, but I've been hired once or twice to take photos. Ahem, I am getting off topic, but yes I take my camera everywhere and I take alot of pictures. Another thing I do is a I love to sketch little fanart of my favorite shows (Hence, the reason I ever began to like anime in the first place).I'll probably never host my work online though, I really only do it for personal gain. And to show off to my friends and impress my girlfriend! :D I also love to mix music. Nothing else brings me joy, than to rip apart several songs and string them together to make one really, really harmonic track. Lastly, for those of you who don't know yet, I am a collector of anime OST's. I have countless, numerous soundtracks to many shows. There is something about very intriguing about a show's music selection that just draws me in so much. It's one of the main reasons I ever continue to watch a series. Plainly put, I. Love. Music. So, yeah...animation, photography, and music![/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=-3]I wear alot of cargo pants and sleeveless t-shirts. And I mean alot, my entire wardrobe is basically consisted of that. I wear quite a few stylish sunglasses, and I normally am seen using my iPod so much, that it has become a part of my attire.[/SIZE] :D EDIT: So, yeah I would classify myself as a laidback, stylish kind of guy.
  9. [quote name='Lore][size=1][color=purple]For members who have been here for a while, some topics really [i]have[/i] been "done to death." However, that doesn't mean that new faces don't have somehting interesting to say about the same old things.[/color'][/size][/quote] [SIZE=-3]Well, if they have something really worthwhile to add to the thread, then by all means...post away! But if someone is going to jump on the bandwagon and starting pointing out all the holes in someone's opinion/idea/theory/story/life-time achievement award...[U][I]that has already[/I][/U] been pointed out, oh so many times already by many other people (And believe me, there are some [I]sharp[/I] people on this site. You know who you are!!! :D), then the entire post is useless and [I]I[/I] would rather not just post it all together. But again, you can't exactly prevent that from happening, you can only correct, inform, and regulate.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=-3]Hmm, okay let me try my hand at this. I've only been coming here a few months, but hey my opinion is as valid as anyone elses...right? *silence* Heh, I made a funny. Anyways, to get back on topic, what I was saying was...oh wait! That's the main problem I've seen right there...threads getting WAY off topic. I'm tired of seeing some pretty good discussions about life, or theories, or politics; turn into small little wars between members and/or stray posts about completely irrelevant info. I mean, sure it's a place to talk about real life issues, but I mean if you are going to post in a thread about politics...[i]post about politics[/i]. Don't bring up some completely useless/pointless issue that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. It makes it hard to understand what the actual debates (given there is one) are about. I wouldn't say thread quality is a problem. I haven't really seen any threads where I mouthed "WTF" at the screen or some other words I can't really mention! Post quality, well no problems really here except the one mentioned above. You can't really [i]control[/i] what people are going to type, you can only set guidelines and rules and hope people read them and follow them. I don't think that the rules here are strict in anyway, I think they are common sense if anything. I mean, nobody wants to read "OMFG I LUV TOM CRUISE HE IS TEH ROXXORS!!!!!!!11!1infinity!!11" in a thread about, hey you guessed it...Tom Cruise. I mean if there ever was that is. lol Another thing I hate to see, people bashing and dissecting every single post in a thread. It's pretty disheartening to see people rip apart people's theories, just to prove a point (I mean, if they are wrong, sure then tell them why. Don't start calling them names and judging how smart or stupid they are based on ONE post) and it gets out of hand sometimes. Some of those threads with 50+ posts, at least HALF of them are people berating someone's post to death. It's strange to read a thread where 10 people quote the same post over and over and bring up the same issues with it over and over and OVER. Correct them, debate them, Agree or Disagree with them...but please let it DIE after a couple posts. Don't keep dwelling on something that was said a week ago. Ahem, so yeah...rant aside, only problem really is stray posts and discussions that go on for way too long. Heh, don't get me wrong, I love this place. You all do a great job anyways![/SIZE]
  11. [quote name='Boba Fett][color=green]Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the "under god" portion of the pledge was [URL=http://www.religioustolerance.org/nat_pled.htm]added[/URL'] during the Cold War as a way to oppose the atheism of communism.[/color][/quote] [SIZE=-3]No, that's what I heard also. Anyways, I think that, even though it IS sort of a valid uproar...aren't we getting just a little too emotional about it? I mean, back in my days everyone said Under God, even if they were not Christian. Why now, in these past few recent years has the problem suddenly become so major? I mean, I won't deny that there has been problems like this before, but since 2000 we seem to have had alot of complaints, not about Under God but about Religion in schools in general. Did anyone remember about the father who fought the school district administration in New York last year? He was mad that his wife was making his daughter go to a school where they made her say Under God. He is an atheist, his wife is a Christian. Now, he literally said [i]made[/i], and that is a pretty strong word to use. I've been out of high school for at least 2 years now, and last I heard skipping the words Under God was [B]not[/B]; high treason. Did something change? =/ I mean, Xander is right, you can't possibly hope to teach history without delving into religon. Back in the early centuries, wars were FOUGHT over religion. People came to POWER through religion. People DIED over religon. Okay, I believe that no one should compromise their beliefs, no matter what. But, I mean does really saying Under God damn you to hell? If it's that big a deal, and apparently it is...then why not just NOT say it? I think there was a problem with that also, but whatever I forget. :D[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=-3]Front Mission 4. Ah yes [i]gaming bliss[/i]... To say I loved Front Mission 4 is an understatement, and a severe one at that. I've had the game for a month now, and it's consuming more of my time than GTA: SA did! First off, Front Mission 4 is HARD. Way, way, way harder than FM3 ever was. The difficulty level really tops off at around...[I]Level 6[/I]. After that, the game never lets up. The AI is incredibly smart and will be ready to counteract almost everything you do. The story is really intriguing, and the voice actors did a good job. The story of Darril and his former U.C.S. pals may seem completely parallel to what Elsa and the Durandal are doing, but not too far into the game you realize what exactly both storylines have in common. Needless to say, the game is chock full of surprises and twists. Gameplay. Excellent. 'nuff said. Okay, seriously though it really is pretty good. The only problem I have is the problem between all the FM games. Okay, actually maybe just 3 and 4 since they are the only ones I've played. Anyways, the problem is that, some of the battle sequences can get really tedious. I didn't really mind, but I know that most people might get impatient and annoyed. You CAN skip the battle sequence, but you miss out on how much damage was done, what attack was done, and so on and so forth. Another issue with gameplay was what I already mentioned. The game is HARD. Probably, TOO HARD. I spent at least an entire week trying to beat Durandal Simulation 13. If you've been there, you know what I'm talking about. Ahem, the customization is pretty good. Almost Armored Core deep, ALMOST. You can completely customize your Wanzers (Pronounced Vanzers for complete German effect) from their Legs, L Arm, R Arm, Backback and their Body. Then you outfit them with weapons of your choice. The weapons range from melee weapons like clubs and pistons to SMG's and Sniper Rifles. There are also shoulder mounted weapons like grenade and missile launchers. You can then name the wanzer and color it. Pilots are also pretty customiziable. You can't name them, and you certainly can't color them but you can choose what skills they learn via expericence points. Some pilots are better at sniping than others, some are better at repairs than others...you can tell by the skills they can learn. You can also "purchase" new CPU's for pilots that allow them to learn skills that were not available to them before. All this customization is not just there for show, you have to at least do some customization to win missions and in some missions (cough*cough*...Simulation 13...cough*)...abosolute, perfect preparation and excution are REQUIRED to beat the mission. It's not possible. It just isn't without some serious customizing. So be prepared to spend as much time building wanzers as you do destroying them. :D About the music, I would say that it is pretty good. The soundtrack seems more techno oriented at times, in the menus. Can't really comment on the battle music, since it was so repeatitive after hearing it play for over an hour and a half. =/ But that's probably it's only weak point. Besides that, the game is great and is for the truly hardcore. And I mean, hardcore. You better prepare to lose track of time when playing this game, because if you ever want to finish it you will have to devote some days, if not weeks to it.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=-3]First off, it's phoenicians. Secondly, I don't ever remember them being at war with the Greek City-States. Maybe at a disagreement with Thebes or something, but I doubt they would ever challenge the likes of Sparta and Athens. Ahem, anyways...I guess if the Greeks were to be decimated "Before their time", it would have been a much different world than we see today. For one, democracy would have probably never reached the years of today, considering it was born in Athens. Neither would have alot of architecture, which we borrow alot from the Greeks. But most damaging of all, was that if the Greeks were destroyed we would have never seen the likes of Rome. Rome borrowed MUCH from the Greeks. There was a saying, that said "Greece has conquered her rude conquer" that meant that, even thought Greece was under Roman rule, Greece ruled Rome [i]technologically[/i] and without Rome, I doubt that much of today's [i]world[/i] would be as it is today. Since, you know...alot of world governments base their systems on the achievements and technological breakthoughs of the Romans. The basic principles of Roman Law were: 1. All people are equal under law. 2. A person is innocent until proven guilty. 3. Guilt must be clearly established in a claim for any punishment to be dealt. 4. The accused can face the accuser and defend himself. 5. All decisions must be based on fairness to both parties. Sounds a bit like...today's law doesn't it? I mean, all over the world these are [i]still[/i] the basic principles of Law. Back in those days, these laws were revolutionary since they were in a world where the principle was An Eye for An Eye. I once heard...that An Eye for An Eye makes the whole world blind. Thank god for Rome! Just my theory anyways...[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=-3]I also thought the critics were wrong, but hey to each their own opinion. I liked the movie, I really did. It was a completely unexpected jewel. I thought the movie was going to be really corny and cliched. I also didn't expect the movie to sell out the night I went to it. Boy, was I wrong! I really loved all the "Puzzle Solving", it was really intrigiuing. It was neat how one thing lead to another so vaguely at first, but it usually made sense shortly after. It was definitely a funny movie also, I laughed at a few more parts than I should have (aka I was the only one laughing at times! lol). Besides that, I don't know what the big deal Ebert and Roeper made about those Ah-Ha! moments. For those of you who don't know what an Ah-Ha! moment is where the character suddenly solves the puzzle or problem on a whim (Sometimes without explaination), because if they didn't the story would end right there. There were a few of these moments, but Gates (Cage) really gives you insight and reasoning along side his ideas. Really good movie, a recommendation from me. :D[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=-3]After finishing a series, if I liked it I will usually go out and pick up the OST. Sorry, but I honestly am not a big fan of the actual shows themselves at times, just the music. I can usually find almost any anime OST online, at Amazon.com or even, Borders. I have a very large collection of anime OST's, and OST's in general (I know, lots of you already know this lol). I am very appricative of good, creative music that just oozes with [i]style[/i]. I do buy some series on DVD, but mainly music is where it's at. :D A show's music selection is just as important as, I'll go as far to say the PLOT itself. But again, you can see just how important I think music is to a series [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=43097][B]here[/B][/url]. I don't feel like recapping everything I've said in the past few months! lol[/size]
  16. [SIZE=-3]Wow, just wow. I'm laughing hard at the thought of them fighting side-by-side. I can see them coming across situations where only one of them can get solve it, but the other two don't know that yet. Master Chief and KOS-MOS would see hours fly by as they try and open the classic Metroid doors. lol As for a villain, they were some notable X-Box badguys. Fable's [spoiler]Jack of Blades[/spoiler] for one. Or General Corrosive from Metal Arms: A Glitch in the System (Which was released on ALL consoles, but techinically did better saleswise on X-Box), and you can't discount one of X-Box's flagship games, Morrowind with it's evil devil, Dagoth Ur. I could see Revolver Ocelot, Dagoth Ur, and Bowser coming up with some really evil plan. [B]Metal Gear Toad[/B], the Metal Gear made to obliterate all of Peach's castle using only the Dark Daedric weapons of Morrowind. Talk about interesting level layout through, KOS-MOS blowing through hordes of Covenant on Tallon IV...I can only dream so much. I can see the production team now...[I]brillant![/I][/SIZE]
  17. Sol-Blade

    Halo 2

    [QUOTE=Siren]I do enjoy what I can in Halo 2, though; I find that the co-op is really what saves the Campaign mode. It was incredibly fun to hop into the Scorpion Tank and start blasting down that bridge, stopping momentarily to park near the rail so my brother could retrive a Ghost that had inexplicably bounced up and landed perfectly onto it, blowing ships out of the sky with Dan zipping on ahead and being a nuisance to the opposition (and sometimes getting in the way of those cannon shells, lol). Then he hopped into a Wraith at the end of the bridge and we proceeded to barrel through the tunnel with two doom vehicles, as it were.[/quote] [SIZE=-3]Yes, Co-Op does add a bit of replayablity to the game. It certainly is a good time to blow throw the skies together in Banshees. I would have to add the me and my friend running through all the crossfire in Quarantine Zone was a real adrenaline rush. I was driving the Spectre, he was in the gunner seat. He was shout at me where to go, I would complain back, and after lots of miscommunication, we laughed hard at our deaths. It really is enjoyable, but this brought up the question of Co-Op Live play. Bungie ditched the idea because they said, it just wouldn't work out. Well, what do you guys think? Granted, playing Co-Op online is a fun on other games (Champions of Norrath to name one), I don't know how it would have fared on Halo II. But that up for speculation...[/SIZE] [quote name='Siren']About the Energy Sword, it would have certainly made sense to have an "ammo" count for it in Multi, but to my knowledge, it seems that there's only one sword available at one time. In the time I've played Multi, I've only seen the Energy Sword when neither of us had it. If one of us did, it wouldn't respawn. Maybe I was just seeing things, I don't know.[/quote] [SIZE=-3]Yes, it does indeed only spawn if any one player is currently not weilding one. There is a limit on how many can be in each map, and the limit is the same for each map. It's ONE. Unless specified by a special gametype... Anyways, still it's too easy to have one play become way too powerful with the sword. Especially in 1vs1 matches. If one or the other player grabs the sword, I pray to the person who has to fend off that...alone. I mean, it sucks to be Billy_Bob03 who just spent his last shell of shotgun rounds on IamTHEmasta who is now rushing him with a sword... Let's all have a moment of silence for Billy_Bob03. :D [/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=-3]Well, to say I like Anime music is an understatement. A severe one at that. I LOVE the soundtracks to shows, and I take music selection of show seriously. I believe it is a [i]very[/i] important part of a show, this is my current discussion on that [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=43097][B]here[/B][/url]. Anyways, I can't answer that 2 CD situation because, I love music period. All types of music. In my line of work, you have to like all sorts of genres and mix and match. I have quite possibly over...god who knows how many OST's, of anything really. Movies, games, anime, sitcoms, to just regular [I]standard[/I] music. But yes, in relation to the topic question. I love anime music.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=-3]At the club I work at, there was one guy who was playing with a TNG. I asked him whether those things were hard to play, and he said it was really just for show. Don't know if he was kidding, but they do look a little bulky to play and seem to just be too much of a hassle to wield.[/SIZE]
  20. Sol-Blade

    Halo 2

    [SIZE=-3]*looks at debate between Sciros and Siren* I ain't got nothing more to add. :D Actually, if there is one problem that annoys me with the game, it's Live play. I loved it at first, but now little things are starting to turn me off. For one, in every Team Skirmish game, it's just a mad dash to the Energy Sword. Whoever gets it, practically dominates the rest of the match. You can try and stick him with a grenade, but he/she will just retreat and nab another Overshield or Active Camo to help them. Another thing, why the hell is the Energy Sword [i]unlimited[/i] in multiplayer? I can understand it if it was unlimited in Singleplayer, but not in Multiplayer. Why it's the other way around is beyond me... People who are able to get their hands on a Energy Sword can slash people up to their hearts content. If there was at least a limit on it, it would reduce the amount of "Sword Camping" in games. Don't you think? Otherwise, my Live tag is [B]Sol-BladeXGP[/B], and I'm currently a level 26 in Team Skirmish! If you care that is...lol[/SIZE]
  21. Sol-Blade

    Halo 2

    [SIZE=-3][QUOTE=Siren]If they're not just blasting the wall, how are they running out of ammo? Higher fire rates or not, the only way for them to deplete their Plasma Cells is to fire their weapons (or I simply haven't come across the Cell Drain areas yet :p), and if they're drying up their Plasma Cells, that would imply they've been pulling those triggers quite often, and most likely, in your direction, as you are their enemy and such. But since you're behind the wall, and they're not hitting you with the projectile fire, they simply shouldn't be firing, because it's a waste of ammo. Higher fire rate or not, they're still firing, and still running out of ammo, and therefore, they're not being all that effective, in fact using pretty poor judgment and strategy. Don't you agree?[/quote] Well, I'm not going to lie to you, your point is valid and I am at loss of words right now! You win...lol But seriously, the only situation I can figure them losing ammo when they aren't firing at you, would be if they were firing at other Marines (And there are Marines in almost every Master Chief mission) and after they died, they also run up to the corpse and blast it a couple times. But all in all, they could not even be running out of ammo at all. They might just be switching over to their sword for the hell of it. Then again, I once picked up the Plasma Rifle he threw and it had a charge of 2. Who knows? Maybe when the AI is firing, their weapons deplete at a much faster rate than normal, even if they fire the same amount of shots as you do. If all Elites spawn with their Plasma weapons at 100 charge, then how come after only firing a few shots their weapons suddenly have charges of around 75-80? I think that could be a possiblity, but only if the whole [i]Spawn with Full Charge[/i] rule really exists! [QUOTE=Siren]The tactics you just went through are nice and all, but they're still to be expected. They're still commonplace military strategies to place shields up-front, grenaders behind them, and projectiles in the back row. In fact, it's really no different from Roman combat, or Nordic, or even modern military procedures. It's all run-of-the-mill stuff, yet people are still saying that Halo's combat is the best ever, or blows everything else away, etc etc, when it's just the same type of stuff you'd find in both real life and in other FPS. Halo 2 isn't a bad game, of course, but it's not revolutionary in the least, apart from the online component.[/QUOTE] Yes, the game [I]was[/I] overhyped. I by far never said it was going to be revolutionary, or genre-changing in the least. But, it is a good game. Little flaws, yes. But as I argured with Fable, [I]"Love the game for what it is, not what it is hyped up to be..."[/I] Heh, the more and more I read my posts I am beginning to look like a Halo fanboy...I'm not. I just really enjoy the game, most notably the story! Take it seriously, there is alot more there than meets the eye! :D [/SIZE]
  22. Sol-Blade

    Halo 2

    [SIZE=-3]Well they don't just sit there and shoot at the wall, or whatever object you are hiding behind. Due to the fact that their firerates [i]are[/i] ridiculously high, they will run out of ammo much faster than before. They will also break out their Energy Swords if you get close enough now, lots of times they will just toss their weapon aside and rush you if you are within (This is an estimate) 10 ft of them. Also, I never said that increased damage and accuracy were signs of increased AI. I think you misunderstood me. :D As I said, even though they are just more harder to kill, they DO imploy more tactics to their attacks. If you hear closely, the Elites will shout commands at the Grunts. They will say things like, "Finish off that straggler!" and attack a wounded marine and "Take out that Sniper!" to take out (obviously) a sniper. More often than not, you will see the Jackals actually move up infront of the Grunts and Elites to cover them with their shields while the Grunts throw grenades from behind it and the Elites will simply shoot over the Grunts and the Jackals. The flying Drones will not simply fly at you, they will use side routes (If there is room permitting) and fly around you when you least expect it. Also, the Elites will no longer carry "Dumb" combos of weapons. Instead of simply carrying two Plasma Rifles they will carry a Plasma Pistol and a Plasma Rifle. They will take out your shield with the Charged-Up Pistol and finish you easily with the Plasma Rifle.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=-3]I can see what you are talking about, there are sometimes when the signature is at least twice, maybe three times as large as the actual post. I would know, because I've hit that 500 character limit a couple times. But that was way back then when I had a bunch of quotes in my signature, not anymore. It's a relatively decent size now, don't ya think? Anyways, the new 300 limit is for the better though. Also, I know people like doing this, but...is an AIM conversation really signature material? lol[/SIZE]
  24. Sol-Blade

    Halo 2

    [SIZE=-3]Well true, it is in a sense just harder to kill them. There are by no means MORE Covenant than before, they are just appear as the more "Senior" ranks of the Covenant and are more agile and accurate with their weaponry. They also carry alot more Energy Swords now, so as soon as they waste their primary weapon, the Elites will break out an Energy Sword. I mean, ALL Elites. So if you hiding from 3 or so Elites, and they dry out their Plasma Cells, you better start running. They will take to the offensive alot more on Legendary. Lots of time, when you need to hide to recharge your shield (Which will happen alot, alot more than you would like to) they will just charge at you head-long and try and finish you off. But yes Siren, the whole [B][I]You do less damage to Them, They do more damage to You[/I][/B] rule is in place. Even so, I still feel there is a definite AI boost on Legendary. You should still check it out at least once. :D[/SIZE]
  25. Sol-Blade

    Halo 2

    [SIZE=-3]Actually, on Legendary and Heroic, all the Covenant you fight are all higher ranks and they do indeed have better AI. They will throw more grenades, actually flank you (To the point where you'll mouth WTF a couple times), fire extremely accurately...they rarely miss with any weapon...even the Fuel Rod, and worst off all is that at least 50% of all weapon fire is an instant death. They will take your shield down in seconds, so get used it. I think Legendary on [B]Halo II[/B] surpasses [B]Ninja Gaiden[/B] for my [I]Hard as Hell[/I] game of the year. lol You'll learn to hate the Jackal Snipers, they are One-Shot kill on Legendary. It's all about who can fire their trigger faster... Time for another spoiler from yours truly...if you got the LE edition you'll know what I am talking about. Otherwise move along... [spoiler]For those of you who got the LE edition, there was a little booklet called [I]Conversations From The Universe[/I]. Well, there was one page titled [B]>>> LLTTLR FRV7 TRBTH TV 7LR0Y HBVBT RLGRLT >>>[/B] that confused alot of people...probably even you so I bring to you the translated message in plain English. It's a letter from the Prophet Truth to the Prophet Mercy about the Prophet Regret. [/spoiler] [CENTER]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/CENTER] [spoiler]>>> Letter From Truth To Mercy About Regret >>> To thine own eyes, Prophet of Mercy Dearest Brother, I hope this finds you well. My sorrow and anger precede me with regard to the atrocity and heresy at Halo. We shall avenge this destruction with some of our own. Work proceeds apace on our battle plan. The Sangheili will do what is asked of them, and the Jiralhanae will show the humans what our strength looks like at close quarters. But this message concerns neither the planning nor the discovery of the human homeworld. Rather I question Brother Regret's suitability for this great purpose. I am aware of his tenacity and ambition, but I believe his youth and reckless reaching may prove to be grave risks to the perfection of this undertaking. You have noted his rashness in the past, and yet neither of us has acted. I suggest that we continue as planned, but we would both do well to pay mind to Brother Regret, and provide wisdom and guidance as needed. This matter is too important to be left to inexperienced hands. Piety is no substitute for wisdom. Perhaps I worry too much. You know that I embrace caution, but we cannot have inexperience or arrogance at this great juncture. Be pure, be vigilant, and never rest. By my hand, Prophet of Truth[/spoiler] [CENTER]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/CENTER][/SIZE]
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