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Everything posted by Sol-Blade

  1. Hmm...Sinspawn Gui. Is that the one that you fight at Mushroom Rock during the whole Sin fiasco? If so, I gotta say that was one easy fight. All my characters were pretty far on the grid though, but I won't go into details. Lulu had her -ra spells by now and I always go into any boss fight with full overdrives for everyone, including aeons. I believe that the hard part was keeping every single person alive through out the match. If you are like me, you like to get as much experience as possible for everyone. If one of them was knocked out while I beat the boss. I would redo it all over. :D
  2. [SIZE=-3]Well, im not in a band but I am a DJ at this dance club called Skin. Heh, I don't sing...obviously and the thought of it makes my head hurt. But I have made at least, oh I don't know, 40+ beats. Never picked up a guitar before but you give me a synthesizer anytime. :D[/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE=Doc][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=gray]Sol-Blade, [/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=gray]I recommend running Spybot Search and Destroy, it will rid your system of the majority of things your ad program will, but it also should immunizes the system of those Data-miners. I run this program about once a month, and rarely anything is found. If you are interested do a google search for Spybot.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] Hey thanks, I'll check that out. Anything to rid myself of this chore...
  4. [SIZE=-3]Well I've only seen at least 4 or 5 episodes of the series. But it looks pretty decent, but the characters seem extremely depressed at times for no reason at all. Considering I was trying to follow as much of the story as I could, I got lost [i]somewhere[/i] apparently. I too would like to know if the series is worth finishing out, because lost as I am...I am really getting annoyed at scratching my head for a half hour. Heh, I don't have an OST for this show yet. I'm not too interested in getting it. How long is the series anyways? I heard around like 20 episodes, give or take one.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=-3]Well, even if you were to consider it a legitimate theory...we practically know nothing about what is out there. The Universe could go on for light years and light years...or it could only as far as the eye can see. Who can say? We definitely won't know in this generation at least. Sure, we can fantasize and dream about it. But we honestly won't be making any big steps in the coming years. I mean, by far, if terraforming were to be come real and used to inhabit the other planets and satellites in our Solar System...that would still be decades if not centuries away. What we [I]do[/I] know is that there [I]is[/I] other [b]places[/b] to inhabit out there. Whether or not they already have been inhabited, well now that's just up to your imagination.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=-3]Well, I had a MAJOR problem with Data Miners. Not so much Trojans, but it depends on where you have been. Anyways, I once had at least 25 different Data Miners on my PC. That, was where I drew the line. I have used Ad-aware to constantly scan my PC and rid it of any "Unauthorized" programs I had received. It does it's job well, catching alot of them. But it gets tiring running the thing on a weekly basis...[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=-3][quote name='Dagger IX1']Just a weekend or two ago, The Delgados played at a club very close to where I live. I was actually pretty interested in seeing them live (it's not everyday that one is introduced to a Scottish rock band via anime), but never got around to buying tickets.[/quote] Aww, I would have given my left leg to go see [I]The Delgados[/I]. The rest of their music is pretty good. I would love to see them on a tour, but I doubt it. [quote name='Dagger IX1']Assuming musical variety is important, what do you rather have: stylistic variety or a variety of different moods? For example, the former would refer to a series with a soundtrack that showcases everything from opera to jazz; the latter would refer to a series whose music is dominated by (for example) rock, but contains both somber slow-paced ballads and hyperkinetic faux-punk.[/quote] Defintely a [I]stylistic variety[/I]. I love watching shows take their series even further by not only [i]showing[/i] us their art, but letting us [i]hear[/i] it too. Nothing is better when you see a very innovative, artistic series compliment itself with music to boot. [B]FLCL[/B] (Fooly Cooly, Furi Kuri, whatever you call it!) was an amazing show that sported some of the best and craziest animation for it's time and had an even crazier OST to follow up! [I]The Pillows[/I] fit that role perfectly! The Punk-Rock music was really in it's place. Think of [B]Texhnolyze[/B], a funky-modern techno-induced show. With digital visuals and effects, the OST is perfect with all techno, house, and jungle music. Call me crazy, but I really believe art and music mix together. [U][I]Sound needs Visuals[/I][/U] to be fully apprecaited, just as [U][I]Visuals needs Sound[/I][/U]. What I am trying to say is think about your favorite scene from a show (Any show...), and think about if there was no music playing the first time you saw that scene...what kind of music would [B]you[/B] imagine playing? Or if you were listening to your favorite theme or hymn and closed your eyes, what would [B]you[/B] picture happening while that tune was playing? This is where my orginal question came from! [B]Music: Does it really "Make or Break" a show?[/B] Some shows seriously ruin the experience by not placing the "right" music with the "right" scene. As Wasabi mentioned, if you are watching a very sad, and heart-breaking scene...you don't expect the happiest music in the world to play, do you? Or if it's supposed to be an exciting, breathtaking, moment of triumph...you don't expect some depressing strings and horns, do you? You would be surprised, there are shows that really, really can't put two-and-two together. Thus, the show's credibility has to be questioned. Is it [I]honestly[/I] taking itself seriously? Thanks Dagger, for sparking that connection in my head. :D[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=-3]Well to clarify, I believe this game is worse than Manhunt, where you could gut a person's eye out with a shard of glass over and over again. Why? Context, I think that encouraging people to re-enact the most vile assasination of US History (I think so at least) is wrong morally. Well, now why isn't GTA (There are MANY violent games out there, I use GTA because it's pretty prone to controversy anyways) considered wrong? They are, but think about it. They involve frightening realistic characters which almost portray their real-life counter parts to the dime...so why is this game any different? Right now, im not going to lie to you. I can't word it. I can sit in GTA, rob some random person and kill them the next minute...and can't feel an OUNCE of emotion. But there is just something about killing a president, that just sends a chill down my spine. I can rip a person in half in Mortal Combat, but I can't stomach to pull a head shot off of JFK. I can blow somebody apart in Solider of Fortune, but can't bear to fire a single round at Kennedy. Now by far, this does NOT apply to everyone. Hell, it probably applies to no-one but me. But I really think that the reason this game is considered so horrible is because this was a REAL person that people knew and we remember. Not some made up fictional-character. The actors in movies? They aren't real! They are just [b]act[/b]ors. They ACT like who they are supposed to be and if that person dies well they ACT like they died. But see, here is where the line is drawn. If a movie comes out, based on a real life tragedy, no matter how heart-warming or all warm n' fuzzy the story may try and be, PEOPLE STILL DIED!!! In real life, there are no actors that people care about. There is themselves, and the person standing next to them. If I was on Titanic, and lived to see the movie, I would probably burst out crying. Hundreds of people died that night, but the movie only seemed to care about 2 people, one of which I couldn't stand! The Day After Tomorrow...that movie was horrible! Not because of storyline or the visuals, because even though the main 4 characters lived, at least 3 million people died! The fact that killing a president is so morally depressing is because, no matter how "Educational" the game is promoting itself to be, it can't possibly be taken seriously or even respectfully by anyone. Whoever wanted to shoot JFK if they had the chance? How far is too far? Games can almost create any possible situation imaginable, but are some of those appropiate to reproduce? By far, material gets questioned all the time, but it almost seems the game companies are looking at each other and going, "Well I wonder what we could do next? What haven't we done yet?" and there will eventually be a game on every kind of suggestive subject material imaginible! EDIT: Oh man, it's late. If I happened to offend anyone, or blabber on about something...sorry. I don't feel like proofreading it right now. :D[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=-3]Well to clarify, im talking about mostly when a show's soundtrack is either 1. Not of very good quality, or 2. Doesn't really quite fit with the theme of the show. Take [B]Gunslinger Girl[/B] as a pretty good example. The show is very dramatic, and at some points action packed. Well the OST has a little bit (A perfect combination, might I add) of both. More upbeat tunes like [U]The Light before we land -b-y- The Delgados[/U] are way more happy-go-lucky with its acoustic guitar and drums. While [u]Wake from Dreaming[/u] is way more dreary and depressing with it's slow strings and pianos.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=-3]Wow, just wow. I mean, not even Rockstar would try and pull that kind of game off. Now this is the first time I've ever heard of a company named Traffic, and I hope it's the last. Honestly though, I can't imagine how this game could be "Educational" at all. I mean sure, maybe it will kill some of the theories that surrounded the way he was shot (Like multiple shooters, firing remotely placed guns, using a pistol, and so on), but still... Now I really feel sorry for the Kennedy's. I could NOT imagine walking into an EB Games, just to see people attempting to kill a virtual representation of a past family member, over and over and OVER. That would be too much. But nothing, nothing even comes close to the absurdity of the [i]contest[/i] they are offering. $100000 to the player who best recreates how JFK was wounded...what the F!?!? May there be [I]shame[/I] on person who participates in that. Not even Madden offers that much money. They called it a "touchy" subject. That's probably the smartest thing I've heard them say so far. They lost my interest after the biggest BS'ed line ever, [B]"This new form of interactive entertainment brings history to life and will stimulate a younger generation of players to take an interest in this [U]fascinating[/U] episode of American history," said Kirk Ewing, managing director of Traffic and the creator of the game.[/B] Fascinating...interesting choice of words there. They can't possibly be serious...if this game is released, I can die right now and I would be so happy, knowing that I have literally seen [I]everything[/I]. "...brings history to life...", more like [B]kills[/B] it.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=-3]Oh man, by far the most touching song I've ever heard had to be [U]Armageddon -by- Vox[/U]. It's about Human life in general and where it's heading. It's a great song, with some [I]really[/I] deep-meaning lyrics. Now some of you may just skim over them...but please, take a minute and read the song. :D [CENTER][U]Armageddon -by- Vox[/U] -------------------------[/CENTER] Verse 1: How many times must we start again, The creation of the world from beginning to end, What will it take before we learn? We gotta wake up now and show some concern... What [SIZE=2]will[/SIZE] the future hold? How many untold stories will be told? Just what will the future bring? How many species of birds [B]will have a song to sing[/B]? Man 'n' Man can't even get on? Man 'n' Woman been at war for far too long... Superior race, all this black 'n' white vision?! Catholic. Muslim. There's too many religions... Just too much hatred, too much greed... Ignorant people pollute the air that we breathe, We've gotta wake up now before it's much too late, Hungry people need food on their plate! People being killed for just a few pence, Can you justify that? Cause it makes no sense to me, You're growing up much too fast, The [SIZE=2]destruction[/SIZE] of mankind - how long will it last? Verse 2: [B]Perfect[/B] - that's what I'm striving to be, The next best thing will do for me! I do my best, you disagree, Holier - than - thou, holier - than - me! [SIZE=3]Commiting crimes with no remorse[/SIZE], As good as gold now an evil force, One word description is a dis, You lick a boy down for his bag of cheese 'n' onion crisp! And you don't even stop to think, Whatever happened to the dinosaurs could make us all extinct! I'm being [I]judged[/I] by the clothes that I wear, We gotta educate those with a grudge to bear! But I'm content to a certain extent, You're condemned [I]for life[/I], it's too late to repent... Innermost beauty, [B]such a terrible waste[/B], Caught between a rock and a hard place... Verse 3: Be judged according to what you've done, [B]Live this life[/B]...the next is a better one! Eat the fruit from the tree of life, 'Cause if you live by the sword...you'll die by the knife! How [SIZE=3]great[/SIZE] and [SIZE=2]wonderful[/SIZE] are your days, How [SIZE=2]right[/SIZE] and [SIZE=3]true[/SIZE] are your ways... No more death, grief, crying or pain, 'Cause only the good things will remain... Heed my words 'cause what I'm saying is true, Treat them [U]exactly[/U] as they treated you! Wipe away the tears from your eyes, Be proud, lift your head up...reach for the skies! Verse 4: [B]Condemned[/B], for what you did to them! Now see how quick they fall to worship him... There's a place in my heart that makes me understand, Prepared and ready like a bride dressed to meet her husband... Treat life as a learning process, [SIZE=3]I said turn right...so you took a sharp left[/SIZE]. Wake up and we'll all sleep peacefully, The sun shines but it still seems bleak to me! You tell a lie and convince me it's the truth, I'm well mannered [B]yet[/B] you still call me uncouth, I believe that there's got to be much more, I hope I'm ready when death comes knockin' on my door! Mabye tonight, maybe as I sleep... It can [I]drive[/I] you mad if you think too deep, But don't have a breakdown 'cause I called you a clown, You threw a punch 'n' missed I killed you with a kiss! What on earth will you do then? [SIZE=2]The hour of your death[/SIZE], [I][SIZE=3]amen[/SIZE][/I]. All the prejudice that I've sustained... I know it sounds funny but I just can't stand...pain. [CENTER]-------------------------[/SIZE][/CENTER]
  12. [SIZE=-3]I [I]still[/I] doubt that anybody could piss me off would do it to such a point that I would shoot that person, dead on the spot. If this person has damaged my car, or stolen some money from me and so on...that's just trivial and can be dropped without thinking a single fatal thought. On the other hand, if this person had threatened to harm or [i]has[/i] harmed a family member or my friends, then I wish this person to be hurt, but not DEAD. I would definitely do something to them, but I would never kill someone. Anyone. [SIZE=2][CENTER]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[/CENTER][/SIZE] So [I]since[/I] I didn't answer the [B]topic question[/B] at hand in my first post here... [quote name='"mononoke_man"']If you had a shotgun in your hands, and everyone you hated were standing in front of you, would you shoot them?[/quote] ...to kill? Never. I could [SIZE=2]never[/SIZE] [B][U]forgive[/U][/B] myself if I did. ...to harm? Still no, because I doubt I will [B]ever[/B] fire at them. [SIZE=2][B]Even if[/B][/SIZE] I was shooting to, "Make an Example aka shoot in the leg or an arm", I would never [SIZE=3][B]risk[/B][/SIZE] the chance of having [SIZE=2][B]someone die by my hands[/B][/SIZE]. So in the end...no.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=-3]Yes, I do because my 18th birthday was last year, on my senior Prom night. It was probably the best night of my life, so many things went right. It's a long story no one cares about, but I'll give you the gist of it. I had a car accident the day before my B-day/Prom. Turns out, I didn't have to pay damages and I walked away unharmed. My parents were threatening to split that night, but they didn't and they are still currently together. And I heard that my girlfriend wasn't really in love with me, but she told me that night that she would change schools so that me and her could stay together. Oh happy days, oh happy days...god I love B-days. :D[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=-3]I remember when Pokemon first came out, we had kids all over the place ready to fight for the latest "Rare *" card. It was so funny...I couldn't help but laugh at the time. I remembered saying to my friend, "I can't wait till this fad dies out! It will be ironic trying to see these kids sell the cards they bought for $5, for around 50c!" Well, that was around 4-5 years ago, and the franchise is STILL going and still going strong. Hell, even other shows have sprung up just like it. It's really quite the success story. You've got to hand it to whoever invented the idea of Pokemon, they are evil, evil people. LOL But seriously, the show has gone on to produce several seasons of the show, toys, countless cards, video games, numerous fan sites and almost 3 movies at least. The term [U]phenomenon[/U], is a [I]severe[/I] understatement. I wonder exactly how much money they have grossed over it, over the entire Pokemon...thing? Way more than they imagined, im sure. Now, we have many other shows attempting to pull off what Pokemon did, and some are doing even...dare I say...[i]better[/i] than Pokemon. Yu-Gi-Oh, how o' how did this show ever attract kids. I mean, the characters in the show USE the very cards they are selling! Brilliant!!! I really guess the marketers believe in [B]Simple Shows for Simple Minds[/B]. [quote name='"Siren"']So...yeah. First post in Anime Lounge...ever.[/quote] ...and quite possibly, the last? *play corny cliffhanger music here* :D[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=-3]Well, I would definitely only, and I mean [i]only[/i], shoot someone if they posed an immediate threat to me, my girl, or our friends and relatives. Hell, why not...I would even stand up for any bystanders that could be threatened (Not trying to be all heroic here, trying to do what's right). But personally, I am against killing someone. Anyone really, even the Death Penalty is too strict in my opinion, but hey that's for another time, another thread. Anyways, [B]I honestly believe that killing someone is a permenant solution to a temporary problem[/B]. Think about that, please do. It will make sense to you eventually. If not, then well by all means, have your own way of thinking. You are certainly not forbidden to do so. I am just saying, at least consider that bit of advice. I am not the way of the world here, I just hate to see people hurt/kill each other for no reason at all. As for this entire subject, well lets just say that somethings should not be said, not even in jest.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=-3]I've been meaning to pick this up. I probably will now, sounds pretty good. It looks like a very fun (And funny) game. It's been on my To Get List for quite awhile now.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=-3]Wow, I wonder if I was they only one who really opened up in this thread. lol Probably shouldn't have, now that I've seen the rest of what he had to say. But my point still stands, and recommend you all read my post (2nd page), since it did make a valid point. (Nothing about this formula or whatever). :D[/SIZE]
  18. Phew, this was quite-a-ways back. Anyways, I have to add more to this. I just saw FMA for the first time last night (Sue me, I don't keep up with [as] as much anymore). This morning, I bought the first soundtrack. I really, really...love the music in this show. And dispite being "Turned-Off" by it's premise, I will probably continue to watch it and eventually like it, because it's soundtrack is that good. Can't seem to get enough of [U][i]Ready, Steady, GO!!![/i][/U] and [U][i]Riraito -by- Asian Kung-Fu Generation[/i][/U] . By the way, AKFG rules, I highly recommend anyone who is a fan of J-Rock to go check them out if you haven't already. Lastly, because as you all know I [i]am[/i] Japanese deficent (lol), I can't tell who sings [U][i]Ready, Steady, GO!!![/i][/U] at all. Anyone want to clear that up for me? I really want to know and Google doesn't help in this situation. :D EDIT: Also, if you can, tell me who sings the song [i][u]Returnable Memories[/i][/u]. I can't quite read who sings that song either. It's also from FMA.
  19. Well, I don't have much to add since all my views (Look nice, be yourself, be [I][U]respectful[/U][/I], be truthful, and make sure you are sure this girl/guy is [I]really[/I] in love with you with you before you take the relationship any futher) were pretty much expressed already. But I have to add that, if you ever...and I mean EVER feel that you have to change your apperance or your personality to impress someone or get their attention; they aren't right for you. I mean, sure they may be beautiful and all, but does that warrant a complete make-over of the way you grew up? If someone YOU like doesn't like the way YOU dress, they THEY aren't the person YOU should spend your life with. It may not seem like it, but if you let go of that person someone WILL come along and accept the way you dress. Please, by all means substitute the way you dress with anything else you want. It works for everything. Anyways, eventually you'll find someone like yourself or even remotely different. Two people don't [i]have[/i] to be similar in any aspect, but it's just way more common to see two people who do have things in common, fall in love. It's much more rare to see two people, a little off, but with good intentions, fall in love. I am very much happy to say that I found someone who I really believe is my soulmate. Yeah I believe in soulmates, sue me. Before her, I went from girl to girl. It was thought "Cool" in those days...but that was high school. Now I am in college, and my last high school sweetheart turned out to be someone I really got along with. I didn't have to act like I had a cool car, or was a good player on the football team (Which...I wasn't. BY FAR...I wasn't. lol), or was smart or anything. She was into music and animation, and we just [I]clicked[/I]. Before I knew it, I was actually in love. Yes Love, not Like. :love: [B]Like[/B], was me back in high school. [B]Love[/B], was me currently. I am (She will kill me if she sees this...ALMOST) ready to get married to her. I don't have a ring yet, so...NO it's not offical. But I am just saying, that I found someone I want to live with the rest of my life. I couldn't do this to any other girl I went out with in high school. That cheerleader? Couldn't stand her, want makes me want to live with her? The loner chick? Didn't really get along with my friends...how can I trust her to be any more social with me in the future years? The "Hot" looking girl who wasn't too bright? No offense, but what if she never quite got...smarter? How could she hold a good job? Things like these hit me in my senior year. I am relieved I found someone for me so soon though, and I really hope the same to anyone else also.
  20. Err...you probably don't care about my opinion...but Fable was [i]okay[/i]. It definitely wasn't everything it was [i]supposed[/i] to be, so when you play it I advise you love the game for what it is, not what was promised. I'd advise you read an earlier post of mine in another thread here. :D Link=[url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=610200#post610200]My Fable...Review? Thoughts? Opinion? Something like that...[/url] It was good, just don't look for stuff that isn't in the game. And there's alot of stuff...
  21. Oh god, I want so many games this season I am not sure if I even have enough money! Why don't we take a look at my list, I've been good this year. :D -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [COLOR=Navy][B]Playstation 2[/B][/COLOR] -Metal Gear Solid 3:Snake Eater -Gran Turismo 4 -Jak III -Final Fantasy XI: Chains of Promathia -Ratchet and Clank: Up your Arsenal! -Front Mission 4 (Came out awhile ago, still haven't gotten it but want it badly) -Mortal Combat: Deception (Same as Front Mission 4) -Katamari Damacy -Midnight Club 3 (Not announced yet, but I am hopeful for a January release) [B][COLOR=Green]X-BOX[/COLOR][/B] -Need for Speed Underground 2 -Silent Hill 4 -Call of Duty: Finest Hour -Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone [B][COLOR=Orange]PC[/COLOR][/B] -Doom 3 -Half-Life 2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I have already picked up Killzone and GTA: San Andreas for PS2 and picked up Halo II and Burnout 3 for X-BOX.
  22. [SIZE=-3]I would probably just let them have whatever they want. If they are after my belongings, I say to hell with it. Take it. It's not worth fighting over. Money, credit cards, photos, identification...can all be replaced. If that is all they are asking for, I am not going to put up a fight. I would rather sit in the DMV for another 10 hours than lie in a hospital bed for a week or longer. You probably heard this before, but risking/losing your life over things like money is so pointless and just flat out ridiculous in my honest opinion. On the other hand, if this person wishes me harm, then it's a Do or Die situation. I will struggle with them as it's either going to be him or me lying on the ground in a few minutes. I might as well make it him. If the law states that I was out of line, well the law is wrong. They were not there, I was. My life was in danger, not theirs. The choice was mine, and I knew full well what I was doing before I did it. Whether I hurt my attacker or murdered him is not the problem, I was provoked and by law I should have a right to defend myself. If actually defending myself is a violation of that law...well then so be it. Corrupt? No, but just a little unfair. If someone is hell-bent on killing me, well I am not going to sit by and let them achieve just that. I will resist and fight back to the best of my abilities. Like wise, if someone else is having their life threatened, I will do what I can to help them. No, not like in a super-hero type way. Like as in the police have yet to arrive/haven't been notifed yet, and this attacker is just about to harm/kill another bystander, well I am going to try and take him out. I don't carry weapons on me, I feel like I have to. My college campus is safe, for the most part. We may have that minor altercation between a guy or two, but that's about all the danger you see around here. Lastly, if somebody were to threaten my girl, well then all bets are off then. I won't hesistate to stop this person, no matter the consequences. I honestly feel that way.[/SIZE]
  23. This is my personal favorite/current desktop. It's from the game Amplitude. NO, I didn't make it. Not taking credit for it either, it was created by Harmonix.
  24. Sol-Blade

    Halo 2

    [quote name='biospark444']sol-blade, u just cleared up so much for me. im half way throught the first halo novel right now. just wanted to say thanks. dont worry u didnt spoil anything for me[/quote] [SIZE=-3]Halo: Fall of Reach? Yes, that is a very good book and really explained alot. It was quite possibly one of the best sci-fi novels I've ever read. Anyone know when the 4th book is coming out? I think December... If you haven't read the [COLOR=Navy]books[/COLOR] I recommend you do! They are more story driven than the [COLOR=DarkRed]games[/COLOR], obviously. :D The Halo timeline goes a little something like this: [COLOR=Navy][U][B]Halo: Fall of Reach[/B][/U][/COLOR] (The Prologue to everything) [COLOR=DarkRed][U][B]Halo: Combat Evolved[/B][/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B][U]Halo: The Flood[/U][/B][/COLOR] (The book that goes over the events in the game) [COLOR=Navy][U][B]Halo: First Strike[/B][/U][/COLOR] (Takes place after the destruction of Installation 04, and before the attack from Regret on Earth) [COLOR=DarkRed][U][B]Halo II[/B][/U][/COLOR] (Where we are at now, and I hope that the next book/game will bring everything to a close!)[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=-3][I]Anime? Mainstream? NEVER![/I] Seriously though, it sort of depends on how you want to look at the situation. Kinda like that cup with water. Is it half full or is it half empty? Is anime not popular enough? Or is it too popular? What do you think? Me personally, I think that it's gotten to the point where more "average" viewers are getting into anime than you would think. If not getting "into" it then at least acknowledging what it is. I remember bringing up a discussion of Evangelion a couple years back. People had NO idea what I was talking about. I perfered it like that, so me and my friends could chat on uninterrupted. No more than a month ago, sitting in a cafe again discussing Evangelion, three random teens (Two guys and a girl who really did not look like they were into anime, think football jocks and cheerleader here) out of nowhere just butt in. "Are you talking about NGE? Oh my god! I love that show!" Needless to say, I was like...whoa. Before I knew it, they were sitting down explaining stuff to me. I had a notepad, writing things down, literally like "That really happened!?!", you would be surprised. But it is almost evident, with more and more popular series overseas getting licensed and aired here in America, why wouldn't it become more mainstream? When you really considered it though, when the average person thinks anime, they might probably think about Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh (Is this a fact? Of course not, I am just making an assumption off the people in my area). Why? Well for one thing, Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh [i]define[/i] mainstream in my opinion. Look at those two juggernauts! Movies, Clothing, Toys, Cards, TV-Episodes, Stickers and all that good stuff...the works! That is what you call marketing. Do other shows have all that merchandise? Probably. Would they sell as much? Probably not. So really, only a few shows have gone mainstream. But enough to consider anime in general to have gone mainstream? Yeah. Anyways, like I was saying I believe that more people know what anime and manga are, unlike previously before. With games coming out including many "anime-like" tendacies, whose to say? ZOE 2: The 2nd Runner was a great game, and was an anime show of its own practically. (No, I am not talking about the [I]real[/I] ZOE anime, that was confusing as hell) So in closing, Do I think anime has gone mainstream? Yes, I do.[/SIZE]
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