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Everything posted by Lusheeta

  1. I think it sounds really interesting...were is he going??i hope you post the rest,I think it will be worth it! ^_^
  2. i thought it was realy well done!you realy made me imagine the pictures...it was realy creepy....but it totaly formed a picture,and if you did have that dream it must have been realy wierd....well,i look forward to seeing the rest! :D
  3. I know how you feel about your story....I was realy hesitant to post my newest one,but i did(tho no one has replied yet..) and i feel better now!I loved your story!the first part WAS confuzing but i think it kinda made it better..0_o ok,well good job!theres more right??im so excited!
  4. ok,its not a fanfic or anything but i need to know if its any good...so please comment!!hope ya like! ?Raena Toell Teirm,you have broken two of our towns laws; interrupting sacrificial acts and the murder of an Elder.You are hear by sentenced to become a sacrifice yourself.? The town leader sighed as he starred down into the book of laws.I averted my attention to the my hands,they were blistered and sore from the binds that held them at my back.I heard my families sobs as the leader continued,their faces were red and puffy from crying.My face was dry.I did not cry,there was no reason,I did not deserve this punishment,they did.They deserved to die for the horrible things they do,I knew the truth,no matter what they did I would always know it.My gaze then fell upon an old childhood friend,Khain.I loved Khain more than anything,and he loved me.Whether that love was romantic or not I did not care,he was my precious one.His face was pale and his eyes dark,I feared he would kill himself if I left.I remembered when I always could count on him for a smile,but now it seemed he would never smile again.The leader finaly finished and ended his speech by saying?To the Darkness you go,never to return?. ?Rae!!No,please!!no??Khain screamed,struggling against the men keeping him from me.He then broke down and began to sob my name.I felt my eyes burn and I shouted,?Khain,it is all right!I shall see you in heaven for you and I know the truth.The rest of these monsters will be cast to hell!I love you Khain and I always will.As for the rest of you,be cautious,bad deeds come back to haunt.Goodbye dear sister,I hope your child remains untainted.?Gasps and whispers echoed over the plain,I smelled their fear and saw the terror in their eyes.They would be punished with more than death.?leader,may I ask one more thing??I turned to the leader,his eyes uneasy.He nodded and asked me what I wished.?Bring me my Khain so I may say goodbye?.They cooperated and brought him to me.We embraced tightly.?I don?t want you to go?I love you?,He whispered.I kissed his cheek lightly,?do not fear,be strong,I will find a way to come back to you?.Tears wet his beautifull face and his voice wavered?but..the Darkness?I laughed,startling everyone.?the Darkness?ha,have we any proof at all they exist?No.Has anyone but the elders claim to have seen them?no.Have you ever thought that maybe we are just in fear of a misunderstanding?a shadow?Maybe even a small creature such as a fawn that someone imagined to be a monster?My dear Khain,do not fear for me,I will be fine!I will come for you and we will be in piece,no one will-? I was cut off by Khian,his lips pushed to mine and they mingled together sweetly.He then pulled from me?You are so strong?not even a bear could conquer you.?He embraced me again then the gaurds tore us apart.I kicked one in the face sharply to leave an impression,then they took me to the boat.I closed my eyes as I floated away,fearing the look on Khains face.Would he kill himself?Which would hurt more,death,or waiting for me in vain?
  5. Its okay,but im confuzed as to whether it is in Japan or america and if Alana and josh are american and why is the Sao lady tlking wierd when its 2204....well,yes its like inuyasha...but if your not publishing then who cares?as long as its interesting!maybe you can work on some of the inuyasha cheesyness,its a bit bothersome ^_^; but otherwise nice work,are you going to draw the characters or get someone else to do them?
  6. I just read it!I realy enjoyed it ^_^.It also has Mokona from magic knight rayearth!I have done a few fanarts for it so Ill be sure to post it,and if you'd like I can tell you more if you would like.I think it has characters from all the clamp [URL=http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://sc.groups.msn.com/tn/22/71/ANIMEXYCOMICs/53/868.jpg&imgrefurl=http://groups.msn.com/ANIMEXYCOMICs/shoebox.msnw&h=96&w=65&sz=3&tbnid=G1DqXPcjAd0J:&tbnh=75&tbnw=51&start=4&prev=/images%3Fq%3DTsubasa%2BReservoir%2Bchronicles%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8]http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://sc.groups.msn.com/tn/22/71/ANIMEXYCOMICs/53/868.jpg&imgrefurl=http://groups.msn.com/ANIMEXYCOMICs/shoebox.msnw&h=96&w=65&sz=3&tbnid=G1DqXPcjAd0J:&tbnh=75&tbnw=51&start=4&prev=/images%3Fq%3DTsubasa%2BReservoir%2Bchronicles%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8[/URL] heres a site that has some pics....oh and excuse my writing in the other reply,I was in a bit of a panic ^_^;; heres some pics tho[IMG]http://i3.yesasia.com/assets/imgs/comics/38/p1003121738.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.tsubasa_clamp.blogger.com.br/luana_sain2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://clamp-x.narod.ru/work/tsubasa/vol2_big.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.biwako.ne.jp/~susan908/tsubasaJ.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.clampworld.com/imgs/tsubasa_1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/otakuwebmx/tit_tsubasa.gif[/IMG]
  7. My current favorite manga act is in Tsubasa.Actualy I JUST finished it and I loved it!Chapter 1 was very good...but sad,Sakura and Syaoran try to admit their love for eachother but Sakura looses her memory and is dying.Syaoran then has to travel different dimensions to get her memories back.So sad,I highly recomend it though.I have also read the first part of Chrono Crusade,and I agree,It was rather funny.Also I enjoyed the manga Megumi...Negumi....ah,I forget.But its about a 10 year old boy training to be a majician but he ends up teaching english in japan for junior high,Its very fun!well,see ya,bye.
  8. I rather enjoyed searching the site ^_^,and the pictures were very nice ^_^
  9. I'm in such awe!!The first one was sooooo cute!!and the puff ball was pretty adorable....how come i cant draw stuff like that???!!WHY!!??hehe,well,Ill try to scan a picture(dumb computer) and post my own... :smirk:
  10. Hello,I am new here.I would realy like to get to know you guys,Ive seen the artwork and writing and I think they are amazing!Please be my freind!I draw and write ,so I hope you can see my work too!Thank you.
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