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Everything posted by Vash IDK
OOC: Due to some unfortunate circumstances, I?m afraid this may be my last post. :( I?ll miss you :) Katrina looked down. She was hurt. She had given herself completely to someone. She had been fooled again. She had risked everything, and lost everything. She didn?t know what to do anymiore. She looked up and saw Heero. Her heart stopped. She was in love with him. And for a while, she really thought someone could love her. But that was all wishful thinking. No one could ever love her. She smiled as she stood up. She walked away quietly so no one would see. She lifted her daggers, and went toward the shore. The Rose shook, and Katreina looked down at it with a smile. ?Some things even you can?t avoid. Steer yourself until he comes back.? Katrina jumped of the boat and ran. She would take as many of them out as she could. She would die here. And she didn?t care. She saw 15 bandits raiding the square. She ran at full speed and fought them. They were surprised, but ready.Katrina took out 7 of them before a blade slit her leg. But she still found the strength to walk. She ran to the others and took out 5 more. But 10 more bandits came on the scene. She hunched down on her legs and stared at the 13 of them as they cornered her. ?There?s no where for you to go girlie.? The man said ?Just the way I planned it to be.? Katrina said with a sad smile. And she charged at them, taking them out one by one. Finally, a sword had made it?s mark. Katrina looked at the blood and smiled. ?How fitting it should hit me in the heart.? She thought. As she leaned over and everything went dark before her eyes.
Katrina walked into his room at that moment, she knew he was up. She saw him crouched against a corner, and went over to him. She tried to touch him but he slapped her hands away. She watched as he stood there, huddled in the corner. She couldn?t stand it anymore. She went over and put her arms around him. He tried pushing her away, but she just held onto him. ?I?m not them? I won?t hurt you..? she whispered over and over again. His pushing slowed a bit as he grew tired. His cries became soft sobs as he remembered everything. ?They won?t leave me alone, Katrina? It?s haunting me..? ?I?m here for you.. trust me. I won?t hurt you like they did. Just calm down..? ?I see them.. I feel them..? ?You feel me now.. I will take care of you. I will be with you, while you bear these images. Just know I?m here. I can?t take them away for you, but I?m always here, whenever you see them.. I?m here to go through it with you..? Heero just sat there. He tried to get them out of his mind, but he couldn?t. Katrina held him close as he shuddered at the images. She was there for him always. And no matter what happened, she would always be in his heart. And he would always be in hers.
"Vey have you lost your mind?" Heero asked looking down at her. "I want to be left alone. If you're not here to eat, then you can hightail it back to the ship." Heero grew frustrated. It was like he was talking to a brick wall. He looked at Katrina for help. Katrina just stared at Vey. "I don't need either of you here." Vey said as she picked up a towel and started wiping the tables. "I'm doing better since I came here." "That's enough out of you." Katrina said. Vey looked up at her and laughed. "And what makes you my keeper? You pretended to care about me, and then you stab me in the back? You never cared. You probably wouldn't care if I dropped dead in front of you." Heero was about to say something when Katrina put her hand on his. "Heero, please wait outside." Heero took a deep breath. He was so frustrated. He didn't know what to do or say. He nodded and left. Vey continued wiping the counter as Katrina sat down. "I'd like a glass of water, waiter." she said looking at a man behind Vey. "Give it to her cold, she knows nothing less." Vey said as she continued cleaning the dishes. Katrina pounded the counter with her fists. "I've had enough of you, Vey, you are completely out of line!!" "I'm out of line? Come on Katrina, you came back here to rub it in my face what you have and I don't. How many times have you enjoyed him while I was gone?" Katrina jumped over the counter and slapped her square in the face. Vey stared at her furious. "You need to grow up Vey, we came back here because you are a Pirate. Not a waitress." "And what makes you so sure? This is my life, Katrina. I can live it the way I want to." "And I'm your friend whether you want to believe it or not. And I know you are capable of much more than cleaning up after other people's crap." Vey stared at her and walked away. "You don't know me. And you never were my friend. You stole him from me. You knew how much I cared about him. You knew-" "A little too late, I might add. I didn't know you had feelings for him until I already had feelings of my own. And, had expressed them to him. So call me a bad friend for not reading your mind. I don't give a damn anymore. The Vey I knew wouldn't be feeling sorry for herself." "And what do you know about the real me?" Vey said with tears in her eyes. "Vey didn't let people and their actions change her and the way she did things. People called her annoying, she said live with it. People said she was childish, she wouldn't care. She was her own person, and enjoyed life by the moment. And God, if she's lost, then I don't think I want to see what's left in her place. That Vey belongs on the Devils Rose. And if she doesn't return, then there is no reason for us to talk anymore. People have to go on in life. No matter how much we're kicked down, we keep going, because we look for something to be happy about. And something WILL come along." "You can say that because you have something good in your life." Katrina turned around for a second and glanced back. "You're right, Vey, I do have something worth living for. It took me to lose both my parents in a deadly disease as I watched the flesh rot off of their bones. To watch my care giver be killed by a bunch of kids who didn't like the way he looked. And the Captain I had sworn an allegience to, to die infront of my eyes as they beheaded him. So yeah, after a while, you're bound to find a little bit of happiness. Can you really fault me for wanting to be happy Vey?" Vey just stared at her, she wanted to scream at her, but wasn't sure on what else to say. Katrina jumped back over the counter. "If you can honestly find happiness here, by all means stay. But if the Vey I know returns to her senses, and sees that this place isn't enough to keep her spirit alive, to challenge that girl we all knew and loved, the one who's saved my butt on countless occasions, let her know there is still a place for her on the Devils Rose. Where she's got people who care very deeply about her. Whether [i]you[/i] see it or not." Katrina turned around and went out the door, where she and Heero walked across the wharf, leaving Vey with a decision she would have to make.
Sage found herself in a hospital bed when she woke up. Something had jolted her awake, but she wasn't sure what it was. She looked around and saw Jean with a stack of papers. "Jean?" she asked Jean smiled. "I was wondering when you were going to wake up." she said warmingly as she stood up. Sage put a hand on her chest. Her heart felt heavy. Something was wrong... Jean sensed something was wrong as well. "Sage?" "Where's Steffanie?" Danny walked in with Imric at that point. "We were hoping you knew where she was going." Danny said rather seriously. "What happened in there?" Imric said. Sage looked at them. She didn't feel like explaining herself, but she looked at Jean, and she knew it was serious. "I-- I don't know.. we have some sort of... connection.." "What?" Imric said "Are you making this up, Sage??" Danny said. Sage looked at Danny angrily. "Why would I make up something so ridiculous?" Danny looked at her suspiciously. He didn't believe her. Just then, Soulin and Jim came in. "We can't find her. She ran off." Jim said. He looked at Sage. "Are you okay?" Sage nodded, but she was wanting to know more about Steffanie. At that moment, she felt something inside her head... "Don't let them do anything until I come back." Sage looked up at that moment and Jean stared at her. "Did you hear it too Jean?" Sage asked. Jean shook her head. "What did you hear?" "Steffanie, but she said not to do anything until she came back." Danny looked at her again, not fully understanding what was going on. He was about to say something when Sage screamed. "SAGE!" Jean yelled as she went over to her, Sage gripped the side of the bed in pain. She placed her hand on her back and felt a sharp pain through her body. Jean looked but there was nothing. She looked at Sage. Sage did not have telepathic abilities, and yet she was feeling everything Steffanie felt. Sage cried in pain as she started seeing images. She saw the forest and Pyro in her mind, but then her vision went blurry. "She's in the forest..." Sage whispered despite the pain. She screamed again. her bones felt as if they were cracking... Jean looked at her and tried to take her out of whatever she was seeing, but their connection was far too strong. Suddenly, Sage felt nothing. The pain, everything had gone away. She heard a voice in her mind, Steffanie was crying for help. Sage started to cry. "She's in trouble Jean!! I need to find her!!" "Hold on, we don't know where she is yet, Sage. How can you possibly find her?" "Don't you understand? She's in the forest, Pyro was there, and she's hurt. She called for help, Jean. She needs me to help her! I can't let her die!!!" Danny was frustrated. There was no way he could help her. He looked at Imric, and he was equally upset. "Sage, can you tell us anything else?" Jean asked. "I don't have time for this." She said angrily as she got out of the bed and walked out of the room. Danny looked and Imric and they both followed her. "Where are you going?" "I'm going to look for her. I need answers. She's in my head, and I can't get her out." Danny stared at her. "We're coming with you." "All of you?" she said. Danny looked in back of him and saw Jim and Soulin walking behind them all. He looked back at Sage and Sage was using her speed to the forest. She was teleporting to the last spot she had been. "Damn it.." he said as he started running after her.
Sage was crying when something invaded her mind. Her eyes were closed, but she was seeing images. She saw and heard a young girl screaming as a train flew off the tracks. She saw a man in the rubble. Sage put her fists to her eyes.. what was she seeing?? She saw Steffanie at that moment and she was kneeling over the man. She saw her lift his hand and put the hand on her face. Sage started hitting herself. What was happening to her?? She watched as Steffanie cried and knelt her head agianst the man. Sage felt this overwhelming loss in her heart, as if it was her in the vision. Sage cried out to nothing as the images faded. She was about to scream again, when she realized that she was screaming at the same time Steffanie was screaming. She ran back into the room and saw her laying in bed screaming. Sage knew then that she had seen her dreams.. Sage shook Steffanie and Steffanie wasn't waking up. Sage bit her lip. She had no clue how she wake up the girl. She remembered how Steffanie had said she felt everything she felt. Sage stood back and closed her eyes as she took energy from inside herself and sent a wave of electric energy through her body. Sage screamed and fell to the floor. Steffanie instantly woke up and stared at Sage. Sage had used an overwhelming use of power on herself, and she laid there shaking on the floor. Steffanie was amazed that she was not affected, and realized that she had felt the pain, but was not in contact with the actual jolt. And the pain had awakened her. She jumped out of bed and kneeled in front of Sage. "Sage?" she cried Jean ran in at that moment, and bent down. She saw Sage twitching on the floor and quickly picked her up and ran to the emergency rooms. Steffanie followed, hoping that Sage would be okay.
Sage stared at the girl. She didn't know what to say. She felt a coldness well up inside herself as she remembered her parents. The coldness took over once again, and she became hard. "I don't see the difference. You either pried into my personal life by reading my thoughts, or feelling them. Regardless, their mine, and I'd like it to stay that way." Steffanie nodded and stared at the floor. "I didn't do it on purpose..." she said quietly. Sage was completely confused. She didn't know what to do. She knew she had been through a lot. Her face said it all. She didn't feel right brushing her off like the rest of them. It hurt her to know that she couldn't put her walls up against a girl like Steffanie. "Come on. My room is this way." Sage said in a softer tone. Steffanie follwed and they reached her quarters. "You can sleep on the bed. You need your rest." Sage turned around to get herself a cup of coffee. "Sage.." Sage stopped and turned around slowly. "Did you see it?" "See what?" "Your parents. Did you see them die?" Sage stared at her for a long time. She turned around and continued making her coffee. "I saw every moment of them being murdered. And not even my powers could save them." "Is that why you stay away from people?" Steffanie asked sitting on the bed. "Why do you ask these questions?" Sage asked turning around quickly, slamming her cup on the counter. "Because I want to know what I feel." she said quietly. Sage growled in frustration as she turned around and faced the counter. She closed her eyes as the tears fell. "I'm sorry I'm hurting you.." Steffanie said. "Stop..." Sage said through her tears. "But it's not your parents death that hurts you each day, is it?" Sage opened her eyes at that moment and gripped the end of the counter. "What are you talking about?" She spat out. "You're hurting because you're not allowing people to get close to you. Because you blame yourself.. you blame yourself for your parents death... and they died because they loved you.." "How are you doing this??" Sage screeched. "I feel it.. I don't know why, but I feel it.. I know just by being around you." "Then STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!" Sage yelled as she was about to leave. "Don't go Sarah.." She stopped and stared at the door. "Don't call me that. She died a long time ago. She died when her parents died. She doesn't exist anymore." she turned around and saw Steffanie still sitting on the bed. "She died because you killed her..." she whispered. She laid down on the pillow and closed her eyes. Sage stared at her. She didn't understand what was going on.. she was confused, she was scared, she felt so alone, but at the same time, she felt as if Steffanie could really help her. She shook her head. "No.. I don't want friends. I don't want anyone." she turned around and left the room. She stood against her door and slid down. She held her coffee in her hand and stared into it. Steffanie was right about everything. She bent her head and cried in the lonely hallways.
Sage jumped at the sound of Imric's awakening. She grew fidgeted and irritated. "What am I doing here??" she thought to herself. She looked at Imric and he was holding that girl Steffanie. She remembered they were related somehow and grew bored with the waiting. "I'm getting out of here." she said as she stood up. Just then, Jean walked in and called for Sage. "It's about time. I've been waiting forever." she said as she walked into the room. She saw the Professor and walked straight up to him. "I don't mean to be rude professor, but i really don't know why I'm here. I didn't see anything of importance. Why am I needed here?" The Professor smiled. "Sage, I need to know what you saw when you saved Jim." "I didn't [i]save[/i] Jim, I just brought him to the medical specialists. And I didn't see anything. I just heard him scream." "Would you mind if I use my telepathy on you, just so I-" "Yes, I would mind.." Professor Xavier was a little surprised by the response. "I understand. May I ask though what Jim looked like when you found him?" "I don't see how that could help." "Sage," Jean said, "You healed some of the main wounds on his body. We can't trace the damage if it's not there to trace. What marks did you see if any?" "There were a lot of marks. I don't know how I can explain them." "Were they bullet wounds, or were they gashes?" asked the Professor. "A little of both actually. But mostly gashes." "Do you remember the marks and the appearance of these gashes?" "No, not really. I do remember three pucture holes, if that helps at all." "Anything else you can tell us?" Jean asked "No. I'm afraid not." The professor smiled. "You've been enough help already, Sage." "Then can I leave? I'm not too keen on sitting out there or in here anymore." "That's quite alright. You may go, Sage." Sage got up and walked out of the room. The professor looked at Jean. "It's her past, isn't it?" Jean looked at the professor. "She doesn't want people to know her." He smiled. "I wouldn't have used my telepathy to pry into her personal business, but I think she was already aware of that." "No doubt she was. But she's not too trusting. She doesn't let people get close to her." "Do you know why?" "No, she's never told anyone. Well, I think she may have told Logan, but a part from that, I don't think she talks to anyone long enough for the subject to even come up." The professor nodded. "Well, I'll remember that so I can respect her wishes. In the mean time, I need you to check on Jim, see if he's well enough to have a chat. I need to ask him some more questions." "Of course." Jean said as she left the room.
Katrina watched as she screamed in his room. The tears fell from her cheek, but she quickly wiped them off as she left the room. Heero watched as she left and looked at Jericho. "Take care of her." he whispered as he turned and left. He found Katrina in her room ripping out all of her belongings from her drawer. "Katrina.." he said "Stop it, you heard her. I'm hurting her Heero. I don't want to hurt her anymore. I can't be happy knowing she's in pain. It's not right." she started putting everything into her bag and rummaged through the rest of her things. "Don't do this Katrina!" Heero said frustrated. "How does it make things better if you leave?" Katrina looked at him. "How can a person be okay eating in front of a starving person, Heero? My existence is taunting hers. I can't bear this pain anymore." she stood up and looked at him. His eyes were filled with sadness. Katrina cried as she looked at him. "I don't want to hurt you, Heero. There is no other way." she was about to walk past him when he stopped her and kissed her where she stood. He pulled her closer to him as she cried even harder. "Please Heero... let me go." "You're not leaving. You deserve happiness, just like Vey. Don't give up on us now. Not now." he said as he kissed her again. "I don't deserve you, Heero.." Heero stopped and gripped her shoulders. "Now you listen to me Katrina, I don't deserve a damn thing. I don't deserve a ship, an excellent crew, and most of all, I don't deserve you. You deserve everything. And dammit, I'm offering you everything I have and don't deserve!" She stared at him not knowing what to say. She cried some more as he held her close. "She's hurting, Heero. You saw the way she acted toward me.." "She's in pain, Katrina." he whispered in her ear. "You saw her, she hates me, Heero." Heero hushed her as he wiped the tears from her eyes. "Give her time. Like you told me to do." Katrina looked down. "Thank you Heero." "For what?" he said brushing the hair from her eyes. "You didn't need to stick up for me like that. I know she was angry. But I appreciated it nonetheless." "No one can talk to you like that. I just wish everything was alright." "Everything is fine now. I'll just have to stick up for myself next time, won't I." she smiled faintly.
Katrina woke up that morning feeling restless. She sat up in her bed and put a hand to her head. She remembered Heero.. "Was that a dream?" she said suddenly feeling embarrassed that she dreamt that about him. But then she remembered everything that happened that night. Everything.... She wrapped a blanket around her as she sat back down on her bed. She smiled slightly. She loved him. And to know he felt the same made everything in her life feel perfect. She remembered his soft touch, his tender kisses. Everything felt so right. "So what am I doing in here?" and half way into that thought, she remembered Vey. An overwhelming sense of guilt came over her. She knew something was wrong with her when she left the ship... she had a feeling Vey was hiding something from her as she said goodbye. And everthing became clear to her. Vey, too, was in love with Heero. "How could I have been so selfish??" she thought to herself. Tears welled up in her eyes as she remembered a hurting Vey trying to drown herself. She blinked back the tears as she remembered her screams for Heero when she had fallen unconscious. "How could I have been so cruel?" Images of Heero came flooding back. She remembered how his skin felt against hers, and how their emotions went crazy. She remembered how they each satisfied each others desires that night, and how complete her life had felt. Up until Vey had screamed... She couldn't take the guilt any longer. She went over to where Vey's room was and saw Vey sleeping, and Heero gone. She looked around the room for a while and decided to sit down anyway. She sat close to Vey and watched the sleeping girl. Her eyes filled with tears. She wasn't sure how she should feel. She felt guilty, and she felt happy at the same time. And she hated feeling that way. "I'm sorry Vey... I'm sorry..." "Sorry for what?" Katrina looked up and saw Heero leaning against the door frame of Vey's room. Katrina got up quietly and decided to talk to Heero outside.. "What was that about? What could you possible have to be sorry for?" Heero asked. Katrina cried a little. "Vey's in love with you, Heero, can't you see that?" Heero stepped back a little, not knowing where this was coming from. "I'm sorry.. I had this feeling, but I felt the same about you.. I didn't think about Vey before.. before last night." she whispered. Heero smiled a little at her and took her hand. Katrina shuddered again at the touch. He drew her close to him and kissed her lightly. "I'm in love with you, Katrina. Vey is in pain because of what those men did to her. Not because of you and me." he said as he wiped the tears from her eyes. "But what if I'm the reason she left in the first place?? She left after she saw you and I in the room. She saw me kiss you. What if I'm the reason she left?" she started to cry uncontrollably. Heero held her closer and ran his hand through her hair. He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. Her heart nearly stopped as her blood ran cold. "Even if that was true, Katrina, you were not responsible for what happened to her." his eyes darkened a little, and she touched his face. "You're not at fault either, Heero. Don't blame yourself." she said as she rested her head on his shoulders. She wanted to stay in his arms. Everything felt so clear when she was near him. "I know.. but she's hurting. And I don't know what to do to help her." he said quietly. "Give her time. But most of all, we need to be here for her. Always." Katrina said softly as another tear fell onto his shoulder.
Heero woke up in his bed and saw no one in the room. He was about to get up when Katrina walked in. "Well it's about time you woke up." she said as she looked at him warmingly. She brought in some new bandages. Heero shook his head as he sat up. "How long have I been out of it?" Katrina smiled as she sat next to him. "Nearly 8 hours. Fortunately I got enough medicine for a while. We won't be running out this time." Heero's eyes darkened. "How's Vey?" Katrina looked down. "She's not well. Considering what they did to her, I don't expect her to be for some time. She needs her rest though. She won't be walking for some time." Katrina smiled. "Or at least she [i]shouldn't[/i] be walking. The women of the Rose have minds of their own." she said laughing a little. She looked up at him, and smiled faintly. "I know she'll be okay. Vey is one of the strongest women I know. She'll be okay. But we all have to be there for her. No one should have their innocence taken from them. No one." her eyes grew sadder as she looked out the window. Heero looked down. "Vey is a fighter. She won't allow this to destroy her life." "She is a fighter. I don't know what I would do if I was her. I really wouldn't want to know..." she looked up to see him looking concerned. "What?" "It almost happened again, didn't it?" he asked quietly. She folded her arms again. "Heero, it's almost happened to me on countless events. And each time I fear the worst. But for Vey, she has to deal with something I have feared my entire life. And for that, Vey IS the strongest woman I know. And the kindest." she said with a smile. Heero smiled too. He watched her as she got back up. "Where are you going?" "Getting you some new bandages. You're old ones are completely soaked with blood." she got some of the bandages and went over to Heero. He stared at her as she carefully removed the bandages from his chest area. The blood had dried, and the wounds were healing normally. She reached for a wet cloth and gently wiped the blood from his wounds. "Let me know if this hurts.." she placed her hand on his chest when Heero set his hand on hers. She looked up at him and he was staring at her still. She went red, hoping she didn't embarrass him. She went to remove her hand, but he held it there. And he stared at her with his blue eyes. Her heart nearly stopped as she looked at him. She was trying to think of a way out. Her sense of duty, her sense of purpose.. but everything seemed lost when she stared at him. The duty didn't seem real anymore. Her purpose had changed. Something had changed in her. And she began shaking. But he kept looking at her, warmingly, and she fell a part. She was frightened, but free at the same time. And she was weak.. and she hated feeling weak.. but this weakness made her feel alive. She felt as if things were right, and everything she had strived for, became complete. He held her hand there and he lifted it and kissed it. She shuddered at the touch. She knew in her heart that she loved him. But she had swore to herself that she wouldn't let him know. She didn't want to let her barriers down... but as he stared at her, she felt her invisible walls come down. She watched him as he pulled her closer to him. She wanted to run, but at the same time, she wanted to stay. Her mind was spinning. She didn't know what she wanted, or what she needed. She was lost, but something inside of her reached out and she found herself again. With Heero, she felt clear, and everything that she thought was wrong, suddenly became right. She was in love with her Captain. And she knew there was no coming back from it.
Later that evening, Katrina held Jericho's hand. He was bleeding badly... she didn't know what to do. "Oh come off it girl, he's not worth it. Let us show you what it's like to really have fun." one of them said. Katrina didn't reply to them. They were sick minded to think that way. Jericho was silent, but he was trying to breath... the shot had hit him near the heart. "Jericho..?" Katrina whispered to him Jericho's eyes opened just a little. "I'm sorry... I failed..." "What are you talking about??" "I'm not able to protect you... please forgive me.." "Don't talk like that!!" she said louder. The men behind her were laughing and gathering rope to tie her up with. "Please... I'm sorry..." he said. She understood what he meant.... she knew what they were planning on doing to her. "Jericho, you didn't fail me. I'll be back for you. I promise. Just hang in there. I'm going to find you medicine." Jericho nodded. He wasn't sure what to think. His eyes rolled back and closed, and Katrina knew that he fainted. "Jericho?" "GET UP!" yelled a man. He grabbed her arm and threw her to 5 other men who tried to undress her. She screamed as they ripped her clothing and tore away from their grasp. She was bleeding because of the scratch marks they had made on her. She held her daggers and was shaking when they pulled out their guns. "Drop it girl.." they said "Over my dead body!!!" she said "Don't make us be literal.." one of them said She flung the daggers into 2 of the men's chests and they fell down dead. She ran to the door, but the other 4 on the room grabbed her. She screamed as loud as she could and kicked, but there was no way of getting out of their grasp. They pulled her onto the bed and tied one of her wrists down. Her eyes were filled with tears... she knew what was about to happen. She screamed as loud as she could, but no one was hearing her. They ripped off the rest of her clothing and were about to have their way when she heard 4 split second shots come from Jericho's pistol. Each on looked at her surprised as they fell down, dead. Katrina ripped the rope off of her and wrapped herself in a blanket as she ran to Jericho. "JERICHO!!" she screamed. He woke up for a second. "What..?" "What was that??" Jericho smiled as he closed his eyes. "A rescue, I think." Katrina smiled at him. "Thank you..." she said. "Don't mention it. Find Heero and Vey." "What if they come back here?" "I'll take care of myself. I won't do you or them any good anyway." Katrina bit her lip. She desperately wanted to find Heero, but she didn't feel right leaving him there. "You have to go. You know you do. I won't be responsible for you not being able to find Heero in time." She looked at him as he grabbed his pistols and held them in his hands. "You love him... go find him." Katrina stared at Jericho. He was right. And she knew she had to go. She gave him a weak smile and lifted him up. She supported him as she put him on the bed near the door. "Push this dresser to the door when I leave. I'll let you know it's me before I come in. Anyone else, just shoot them." Jericho smiled. "I think I can habdle that." Katrina knelt down to the fallen pirate. She frowned at him as she started stripping the dead man. "What are you doing??" "I need their clothes." He looked at her and laughed. "Well you would have the element of surprise if you didn't take any." "Oh shut up Jericho!" she said as she got dressed. Jericho laughed and turned his head. He gave her the privacy she needed. She tapped his shoulder letting him know she was done. "I'll be back with the rest of them, and I'll have some meds. Hang in there please." she said. "I'll hold on. Now get out of here!!" he said as he pushed her out of the door. She laughed a little and ran outside. She had to find them, but most importantly, she needed to get Jericho medication. She didn't tell him his condition. She didn't want to worry him. But the blood wasn't stopping. And he would be clean out of blood if she didn't return with the meds he needed. But she first went to find Heero. She needed to know he was safe.
Katrina smiled at Vey as she left. It made her feel better to see the girl being her normal self. Despite everything that had happened. She looked back at Heero who stood by the window and said nothing as Vey picked up the glass pieces. "You don't have to do that, Vey. That's my mess." "YOU need to get better. So go on, get into our room. We're going to have to look at the damage they've done in the morning." Heero wasn't looking at anyone. He was too busy staring outside... Katrina nodded. She took her leave, but a part of her didn't want to leave Heero. She knew he needed someone to talk to. She just hoped he would be alright. She was walking to her quarters when she noticed something in the distance. She saw sails, but she couldn't tell if it was another Pirate Ship or if it was the Military. But she had a feeling that either way, it wasn't good... She went back to Heero's quarters and saw Vey was gone. She looked toward Heero and he was still staring out the window... "I know. It's the military." he said Katrina just stared at him. "Is that bad?" "Considering the fact that one, we've been spotted, and two, I'm sure we're the only Pirates here alive at least. Things are not looking well." Katrina noticed a hint of sadness in his voice. She knew he was trying as hard as he could to focus on the present, but she knew he was in pain with everything that had happened. She walked over to him and noticed his hands were still bloody. "Where did Vey go?" "I sent her to get Jericho. We're going to have to fight the Military if they won't believe us." Katrina frowned. "And since when does the Military ask questions?" she said "That's why Jericho and Vey are going to be down in the Cannon rooms. I'm not taking any chances." "And me? What am I doing?" "You're wounds opened up, Katrina, I'm not having you out there." "Fine, but I must warn you, my Captain seems to be complaining lately about me not following his orders. I can't say I'll be fully obedient." she said with a slight smile. Heero smiled as well. But his smile faded as he turned toward her. "I don't want to lose any more of my crew." Katrina looked at him, and saw the sadness in his eyes. But she was tired of not doing anything. "Heero, I'll be okay. I'll be just as safe as those two you stuck down in the cannons room. I'll manage the sails. Nothing could happen to me from there." "You can't manage them alone. Not in your condition." "My 'condition' is fine. Besides, there's hardly any wind anyways. I won't be in danger." "And if we have to attack?" "Then we're all in trouble. I'm not sitting in my quarters Heero. Not this time." Heero shook his head and looked out the window. "Fine. But if in the middle of battle, I decide that I want you back down where it's safe, you'll listen to me, is that clear?" Katrina smiled. "Alright, fine. I promise." Heero nodded and they walked out to the Wheel deck.
Heero was in the Captains quarters when Katrina heard something fall. She walked over to the room and saw him drunk on the floor. She watched him as he tried to stand. He was drinking... and she hated alcohol... Heero finally stood up and started talking to himself. "It's all my fault... the man is dead because of me..." "Stop it." "Shut up girl, you don't know half the pain I do.." he was about to take another drink from the bottle when Katrina walked up to him, grabbed the bottle and threw it against the wall, causing it to shatter into pieces. Heero was about to yell when Katrina started taking every bottle and throwing them, glass littered the floor, but she kept breaking. After she has broken the last bottle, Heero, completely sober, stared at her in disbelief. He looked at the ground and there was no where for him to walk without stepping on glass. Katrina just stared at the wall for a while, the anger in her eyes minimizing with every breath she took. "Don't... do that again..." Heero just stared at her, not knowing what to do or what to say.. "He's gone Heero. He left us, and there's nothing you could have done to stop it. It's an unfortunate accident, but grieving this way.. it's shameful to his memory.. Don't do this again...." Heero stared at her, tears filled his eyes. "He wasn't suppose to leave..." he whispered. His face grew angry. "He wasn't suppose to go like that..." his anger made him crouch to the floor where he grabbed the glass shards with his hands, and they cut him. Katrina walked over to him as he began hitting the floor with the glass, cutting himself even more. She watched him for a while and then put a firm hand on his. Her hand too, was covered with his blood, but she left it there. "No more...." she whispered. Heero was bent over on the ground when he lifted his head and saw Katrina with her hand on his. He knelt his head down and wept silently. Katrina stood up pulling Heero up with her. She looked at him and kissed him gently as he just stood there. "No more...." she said.
Katrina went to the lower deck and saw Jericho and Vey talking. She burst in the room and told them what happened. "Where's Heero?" Vey asked. "He's bringing the ship a bout. We need to get ready. It looks like a brawl." "What about Cliff?" Jericho asked. Katrina bit her lip. "He needs medicine. I'll go see if I can find some. Vey, stay with him. If Heero asks where I've gone, let him know I'll be right back." Katrina went to her quarters and equipped her daggers and ran off the ship. She jumped to the deck and went where the hospital had been. She searched through the rubble and found proper meds for Cliff's wounds. She stood up and was quickly kicked back down again, and her face was smashed into the rubble. "Boys, the Devils Rose is here. We got one of the pirates belonging to the boat. Let's get the rest, shall we?" she heard the cheers from behind her, which sounded to be at least 3 dozen men. The one behind her took his foot off her face and lifted her by the hair. "What a nice surprise! A woman. You'll be a great gift to my men." he said as he laughed. Katrina spat in his face as he dropped her to the ground. She got up to run but 7 of the men picked her back up. The leader she had spat came walking up to her wiping the spit from his face. He looked at her as if to ask "Why would she do such a thing?" and surprised her by punching her in the stomach. Katrina screamed as her legs gave way, and the wound opened up. "Take her away!! We've got bigger fish to fry!!" he said as they dragged a crying Katrina away.
That night, Katrina stayed with Heero and tried to stay awake. She was tired. Her stomach was in pain and she could barely move her muscles. [COLOR=darkred][i]"You need to sleep, Katrina" Vey had said. "I'm not tired." she lied. "You're not going to help him in your condition." she had pointed out. "I've had above all the most rest on this ship. You and Jericho need your rest. Take shifts. He'll need his sleep. You can steer a ship right?" she had asked "Of course I do." Vey said. Katrina knew she wanted her to leave. "Then get some rest. He'll need you to take over in a few hours." Katrina said, never looking away from Heero. Vey frowned as she went to the top deck. She had wanted Katrina to get some rest. But Katrina refused to leave him. She would stay with him until he woke up...[/i][/color] Heero's eyes had opened and he looked around the room. He tried to sit up and he saw Katrina asleep over his bed. He felt his head and knew his fever was getting better. He looked down at Katrina and stroked the side of her face. She needed her rest. But he didn't want to move her. He wanted her to stay with him. He shook his head. The thought left him as quickly as it had entered his mind. He was the Captain. It wasn't appropriate for him to think that way. Especially about his crew mate. He just looked at her. He didn't know what to do. He could leave her there, or disturb her from her sleep. He watched her as she moved slightly. He decided to go with the first. He sat back and just watched her as she slept, and pulled the strands of hair away from her eyes.
Sage sat a few chairs away from Soulin. She sat there, gazing at the window. The rest of the kids had left. Their parents had come to pick them up, and they had all gone. She remembered watching the kids as they went to their parents. The parents were smiling, and they showered their children with love. She remember longing for that connection again. She wanted it badly. But she came to her senses when the images of that night came flooding back into her mind. [i]"You won't harm her!!" her father yelled as he tried to hold back the crowd. "She's a mutant John, she's not human!!" She remembered her father's eyes as he looked back at his daughter. They were soft, but determined at the same time. And suddenly they went white.... He stared at the crowds as he touched the poles next to him and they lit up with light. He used the current to attack anyone who came near his daughter. "He's a FREAK!!" yelled a townsman. "KILL HIM!!!" they said as they all charged at him. The last thing she saw was her father falling to the ground and hundreds of men with shovels beating him down. "NOOOO!!!" she screamed as her mother picked her up and ran. "Shh, it's alright Sarah, everything will be okay.." "Daddy..." she had whimpered. "Everything will be-" Just then, a fire was heard and her mother fell to the ground. Sarah got up from the ground and touched her mothers wound. Instinctively, her mothe started healing and coming back to life. "Go..." her mother managed to say. Sarah knelt there in front of her mother with a blank stare. "GO NOW!!" she hollered. She pulled off her hand and pushed Sarah away. Sarah glanced back at her mother. She wanted to save her, but her mother had told her to go. "Please... for Mommy..." she said quietly. Sarah's eyes filled with tears as she ran into the grove and lost the crowds as she sprinted away.[/i] Sage shook nervously as she came back to reality. Her life had ended that night, Everything that she held dear to her was taken away. Everything.. and only she remained. Is this my punishment? she asked herself. Is this what I get for not saving my mother? For not helping her when I had the chance? Tears filled her eyes and she sat up from her seat and walked over to the window. She didn't want people to see her emotional. They'd ask questions... and she hated answering questions... but everything in her felt cold, and alone.. and she didn't want to deal with the pain anymore.. The pain of losing everything. She went through it once, she wasn't going to go through it again.
Vey stood up and ran toward the cannon rooms. "VEY!! YOU CAN'T DO THAT ALONE!!!" Katrina screamed. "She'll help me, Katrina. Stay with Heero..." Vey ran to the bottom deck. Katrina went back and sat next to Heero. She bit back the tears and held on. She feared that it was the end for all of them. Heero opened his eyes and looked around. "Where am I?" he whispered. "Shh, you're running a fever.. you need to keep your strength." A cannon fired from below and Heero's eyes opened wide. "What's... happening...?" he said. He tried to sit up but Katrina stopped him before he could move. "Stop.. you've done enough, We can't be without our Captain.." Heero just looked at her and tried to get up again. This time Katrina stood up and forced him to lay down. She put a cool rag over his head and placed a firm hand on his arm. "You're done saving us. It's our turn. And with her help, we'll be okay. Rest." Heero stared up at her, and weakly fell back into sleep. The cannons fired and she heard Vey whooping as one of the ships sank. Katrina looked at Heero and placed her hand over his. "I won't leave you. We're going to Duego, and we'll be there on time.." Jericho screamed in triumph as the last ship was sunk, leaving the Rose without a scratch. The ship manuevered itself away from the wreckage, and plowed straight to Duego. Katrina bent he head and cried. "Thank you... Thank you..." she whispered to the ship.
Sage watched as Jean held Soulin. To her surprise, she actually felt bad for him. She knew he was trying to help. And she could see how lost he looked. It stunned her to say the least, that it was affecting her that much. Rogue walked up behind her. "He's not a bad guy, once you get to know him." Sage's face went red. She didn't want people thinking she was going soft. "What are you talking about? He's a menace to the entire Institute!!" Rogue shook her head. "You know, for once I thought maybe you cared." she turned around and left Sage in the hallway by herself. Sage stared at them for a while. She watched as Rogue went over and helped Soulin up. She watched as Jean gave him a small hug and he smiled. He glanced over in her direction, but she turned around quickly and teleported out of sight. Sometimes she wondered what she was doing to herself. Why did she avoid people? She wanted to be like them. She wanted to show feeling. But whenever the chance arose for her to show warmth, her barriers went up. She was protecting herself. She had loved her parents. And she lost them. She lost everything. And she promised herself that she would never allow that to happen to her again. She didn't want to care or even love again. Because the feeling of loss was too much for her to bare..
Katrina tried to hold the tears back. But Vey's screams were piercing her heart. "No Heero... please....." Vey cried. Jericho held Vey as she cried. "Why does he have to be so stubborn??" he muttered. "The Rose takes care of him, Lad. He doesn't mean for us to worry.." Cliff whispered. Katrina was silent. She didn't know what to say. The waves crashed against the ship and everyone was thrown about. Jericho held onto Vey as Katrina stayed by Cliff. Hours past, and the waves had suddenly stopped. The ship was calm. Katrina slowly stood up, she went over to Cliff who was trying to hide the pain he felt. Jericho tried the door, and it flew open. Heero walked down the steps tp check on everyone. He was drenched completely in his own blood. "Is everything alright down here?" he asked. Katrina stood up as Vey ran to Heero. "Heero...." she hugged him. "I'm so glad you're okay." Heero smiled. "How's everyone else?" "Cliff seems to be okay. He's getting weaker though." Katrina said. Heero walked over to him. "Vey, can you fix him some soup from the kitchen?" "Sure thing." she said as she ran up the steps. Jericho looked at Heero. "You're a mess Heero." "Not feeling too great either. Do you mind taking care of the wheel for me?" Jericho smiled. "ALRIGHT!!!" he too then ran up the steps hollering "SHOT GUN!" the entire way up. Cliff opened his eyes. "You did well, Heero.." Heero bent on one knee next to the wounded man. "Save your strength. We're going to be at Duego by tomorrow morning. And then we'll get you some help." "I'll hold on.. I wouldn't want your efforts going to waste," he said with a smile as he closed his eyes. "I'll stay with him tonight. He needs some company." Katrina said. Heero sat there looking at the man. "You need to get yourself bandaged up, Heero. You're wounds are worse!!" she said. She looked at the damage and was relieved to see no signs of infection. "It looks as if the salt water cleaned them thoroughly." "Well, then the pain was worth it, I guess." he said with a smile. Vey returned with the soup. "Here..." she handed Katrina the soup, and Katrina began to spoon feed Cliff. "Anything else?" Vey asked with a smile. "No, I think this will be fine for him. Thanks." Katrina said. "Good." Vey looked at Heero. "Heero, I'll bandage you up as soon as you're ready." Heero smiled. "I'll be in in just a second Vey." Vey smiled and left the room. Katrina was trying to feed Cliff, but Cliff didn't have the strength to take in food. Heero stared at the man and his hand started to shake. Katrina put the bowl down. She stopped trying to feed him and just stared at Cliff. "He can't eat." Heero's hand started shaking even more. "He won't die... right?" Katrina put her hand on his and kept her gaze on Cliff. "No matter what happens Heero, you tried your best. You can't blame yourself." Heero looked down and shooked his head. "I am responsible for every person on this ship. Of course it's my fault." he said, raising his voice "Shh..." Katrina said as she held his hand. "He wouldn't want you to blame yourself, Heero. He's fighting for his own life now. You've given him a chance. More of a chance than most people are able to risk their lives for. You did what you could. It's up to him now." Katrina said as she set a cool damp cloth over Cliff's head with her other hand.
Rogue was the first to hear the cries. She ran ahead and saw Jim, face down in the dirt. "JIM!" she yelled. She ran over to him but Sage pushed her out of the way. "Get back! You can't help him right now." Sage examined the damage. "He's in bad shape. Really bad. We have to get him some help." "But he's breathing, right??" "Barely. He's unconscious." Sage pulled off her gloves and placed a firm hand on his body. She concentrated and used her healing powers on the boy. The wounds healed slowly, but she knew there was more damage than what she could help. "We need to get him to the Specialists!" Rogue said. "Contact them. Tell them I'm coming in." Sage said. She put her arms around Jim, and teleported out of the forest. She reached the building where she used her speed. She dodged passing kids in a blink of an eye and dashed into a room where several specialists came and took Jim from her. Sage watched as they ran him into critical care. "You did a fine job, Sage." Sage turned around and saw Jean in back of her. "The forest is dangerous. Rogue was attacked as well, Jean." "I know. She told me." "Why is this happening? Why are all of these people getting hurt?" Sage said, with a tinge of anger in her voice. Jean looked up and toward the room they had taken Jim. "I don't know. At least, not yet."
Sage was awake when she heard the screams from Steffanies room. She couldn't go back to sleep. She didn't know what to feel. She touched the light fixture in her room and the entire room lit up. She walked over to the window and closed her eyes. "She's in pain..." she thought. She wanted to know what was going on. She was about to teleport when she heard a knock at the door. She walked over and found Rogue standing in her doorway. She was bleeding badly. She fell over on the ground. Sage knew why she had come. Sage without thinking put her hands directly on the wound. She felt her power leaving her. Fortunately, her healing powers were her most abundant ability. She had the power to heal even the toughest wounds. But she couldn't save her parents.... The energy left her and she collapsed to the ground in exhausation. Rogue sat up and stared at Sage. "Thank you...." she said softly. Sage sat up slowly. "Don't mention it..." she said as she got to her knees. Rogue felt the hole in her chest. "The bullet passed right through..." Sage breathed in slowly trying to regain her strength. "What are you talking about?? Bullet??" "I was shot, Sage. I was walking outside, and I heard a noise near a window. I went to investigate and someone shot me. I didn't know where else to go. This was the closest room I was around." Sage finally stood up and brushed off her shirt. "The last time you came here, it was a lot worse. I should start making you pay for all of these visits." she said as she held her hand out. Rogue took it and lifted herself up. She smiled. "You're such a pain, Sage." "Thanks for the insult, but I think I prefer 'stuck up' more." Sage said with a half smile. "Let's go report this to Jean. My guess is that this has something to do with the Steffanie problem."
Katrina walked past them and sat over next to Cliff. "You idiot. You had us all worried." she said with a smile. Cliff smiled faintly. "I didn't mean to scare you." he said looking toward Heero. Heero walked over to Cliff and knelt beside him. "Good to have you back old man." he smiled. Cliff reached for his hand and patted it. He was still weak. Katrina checked the wounds again, and saw that the stab in his shoulder was infected. "Well you're not out of the woods yet. He's infected. We need to get him to a Doctor." Heero looked at Katrina and then Cliff. Cliff closed his eyes and laid back on his pillow. "Don't let him sleep, Katrina." Heero said as he quickly walked out of the room. Vey looked at Katrina and Cliff and decided to follow Heero. "What are you doing?" she asked "We're taking a short cut." Vey thought for a while and knew instantly what he was planning. "You can't do that!! The Storms of Valiya will tear this ship a part!!" "That's a risk we'll have to take. I'm not losing him." he said as he turned the wheel. Vey just stared at him. "You're serious?" "Vey, I've never been more serious in my life. The Devil's Rose is a legendary wonder. It's time she proves her worth. She will take us through the storm. Just have faith in her and your own abilities as a pirate." Vey shook her head and went to inform Jericho of what was happening. Katrina walked out to the upper deck and found Heero steering. "You're suppose to be watching Cliff." "Jericho's with him. He's keeping him awake with one of his lame stories." she said and smiled. "What's this I hear about Storms of Valiya?" "That's our course. We're going to take a short cut." Katrina nodded and looked to the ocean. "The sooner the better." Heero looked at her in confusion. "What are you saying?" Katrina stared at nothing for a while. "The infection has spread all over, Heero. He needs medicine or his heart will fail him." Heero clutched the wheel and pounded the post next to him. "Damn..." he said quietly. Katrina turned and looked at him. "Go through with the plan, Heero. That's the only way we can save him now. He'll hold on." Heero looked up toward the ocean and frowned. "I won't let him die." Katrina stared at Heero for a long time. He looked down at her and tears filled his eyes. "He's the only memory of my father I have left. The only one who can remind me of his strength." Katrina smiled. "Funny, I see him all the time." she said with a smile. "He's in you, Heero." He stared at her for a while. He didn't know what to say. Katrina just smiled at him and went back to Cliff's room.
"What?" she said as she smiled back. "Nothing. You just hate following your Captains orders, don't you?" "I resent that Captain! I don't mind [i]you[/i] at all. It's the orders I have a problem with. Never could sit still." Heero laughed as he turned the wheel. They were heading toward Duego. "You think they'll be able to do anything for Cliff, Heero?" Heero was silent as he steered the ship. "I don't know what to think. I think they can. But I don't want to get my hopes up." Katrina was silent. It was cold on the deck and she wasn't sure how long the chill would keep up. Heero noticed her and took his coat from the barrel where he had left it before he dove under water. "Here." He gave her the coat and she slipped it on. "You know, it would probably be a lot easier if you went back to your quarters." he said with a smile. "Do you really want me to go?" she smiled wickedly Heero laughed. "No, I don't, but I'm the Captain, and what I say goes." "True. So what are my orders then, Captain?" Heero turned back around toward the wheel and smiled. "Just get better. I'll need another hand down there as soon as we get to Duego" Katrina smiled and did a mock salute. "Aye Aye Captain."
Katrina felt her stomach. She felt the hole and opened the bandages so she can get a better look at the damage. She winced as she saw the hole, but the bleeding had stopped. She felt cold, and she looked at her hands. They were completely white. She had lost a lot of blood. She knew it would be a while before she could do anything. Her red blood cells needed time to restore the blood she had lost. She didn't want to push herself, but she needed to walk, or do something. She got up and quickly fell back down. She looked over to the window and saw Vey sleeping in he chair. She smiled at the girl. She walked over to her and put her hand on her shoulder. She stumbled back a little. She knew she needed her rest, but decided to go and see Cliff. She walked to where they were keeping him. She looked at the old man. He was so kind... she sat down beside him and held his hand. She felt his pulse, it was faint, but strong at the same time. Cliff was a fighter. And he wouldn't give up now. "Come on Cliff. You have to wake up." Katrina said with a smile. "We're do close at getting that treasure we were all talking about." a tear fell from her eye. "If you wake up, I promise I won't give you anymore flack about the horrible food you prepare." His hand was warm. He had never been able to get to know the man as well as she had liked to, but he was the kind of man she pictured her father being like. She never knew her father. She held his hand and gave it a small squeeze. "Please be okay..." "He's not waking up," Katrina turned around and saw Heero standing in the doorway. "Don't say things like that. Being negative gets no one no where." Heero walked over and sat next to Cliff as well. "It's not fair..." "What's not?" "That you all suffer. I'm the captain. I should be the one dying." Katrina rubbed Cliffs hand a little and looked down. "It does you no good to think about the past Heero." He looked up and knew she was repeating what he had told her. "It's not the same, Katrina." "Look at it from my perspective. You're telling me things you think should have happened. But what does it matter anymore? You can't change the past Heero. Captain or not. To fulfill your duties as Captain, you move on and learn from your mistakes." Heero looked down. "You're sounding more like a Captain then I am." he said quietly. "I learn from the best." she said with a smile. He looked at her hands and noticed how white they were. "Katrina, you need to be resting." "I'm fine, Heero. I want to be here with Cliff. He's going to need someone to watch over him 24/7 while you and Jericho and Vey are off collecting the treasure." Heero looked at her and shook his head. "How can you think of treasure at a time like this?" "Simple. I've got nothing better to think about. Besides, Cliff will probably want to see some gifts when he wakes up." she said with a smile. "If he wakes up.." Heero said. "Hey," Katrina looked down at him. "He'll be okay. Just have faith in him. He's a fighter, Heero. Not a push over." Heero smiled. He sat there and looked at the old man before him. He just wished he would wake up.
Katrina woke up and saw Jericho sitting on the chair across from her. She couldn't move. The pain in her stomach was too much for her to bear. And she was feeling dizzy. "Don't move!" Jericho said as he placed a cool towel on her head. Katrina winced at the pain and tried getting up, despite what Jericho had said. She tried sitting up, but the pain hit her like a ton of bricks. "Dammit Katrina!! You have to be the most stubborn woman I've ever met!!" "And you have to be the most loud." she said as she sat up. She looked at herself, and her entire stomach was covered with bandages. "I'm still bleeding..." she said softly as she looked up at Jericho. He stared at her and his face softened. "You can't be moving like an acrobat in your condition." he said. "I hardly think sitting up is something so extrordinary." she said. She felt her neck, and the blood had dried, causing her neck to feel stiff. It ached when she'd turn her head. "You're using the muscles that have been trying to heal. You need to lay down." "I can't. I'm hurting too bad. I feel tired, but I'm afraid..." her voice trailed off. "Afraid of what??" he said She looked up at him and grabbed her neck. "I'm bleeding still, Jericho. The bed is stained, and I'm loosing blood... what of I don't wake up??" she said as she stared at him. Jericho didn't know what to say. He knew she was afraid. Crap, even he was afraid. But he didn't know what to say. None of them could stop the bleeding. He stood up and went over to her and knelt down. "We'll take care of you. You need your rest..." Katrina nodded as he left. She tried to blink back the tears. She didn't want to sleep, but she felt so tired... Jericho walked over to Cliff's room. Heero was standing over Cliff. He wasn't saying anything. Jericho put a hand on his shoulder. "He''l be okay Heero. You'll see, he'll be fine. The bleeding has stopped. He'll pull through. This old man still has a few years on him." he said with a smile. "Katrina. How is she?" he asked still staring at Cliff. Vey walked past the room at that moment and listened. Jericho bit his lip. "She's still bleeding, and she's lost a lot of blood. I can't stop the bleeding. We just have to hope she can pull through this." "No... NO!" Vey screamed as she ran to Katrina's room. Heero ran after her. Vey was at the door and she was about to run in when Heero stopped her. "Calm down Vey, she can't take this right now!!" "It's my fault, Heero! I left her!! I should have stayed, regardless of what she told me." "You followed an order!" "I let her die!!" "She's not dead, Vey. If you didn't get us, you both would have been dead." Vey sobbed at the door. Jericho stood behind them. his fists were clenched. "She can't take this right now Heero!! Get her out of here!" Heero looked at Jericho and then at Vey. Vey had lost it. She was crying loud enough for Katrina to hear her. Heero picked up Vey and dragged her into the upper deck. She was in pieces, and she kept blaming herself. "Get a hold of yourself Vey! Stop feeling sorry for yourself! You did what you had to, and Katrina did what she thought she had to. You both made a decision, and you can't go back on it!!" Vey stopped crying. "I saw them coming, Heero. I should have stayed." "You can't do anything about that now. You need to think of what's best for them right now. Not then. It does no good to look at the past and 'wish' things were different. You need to look forward." "I don't know what to do anymore.." Heero looked at her and he calmed down. He gave her a hug and she cried. "Just keep your wits about you. You'll help her by being there for her. You can't help her by blaming yourself. It was their fault. not yours." Jericho came up from the bottom deck. His eyes were wide. "What is it?" "Katrina... she's gone into a coma Heero. She's unconscious."