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Vash IDK

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Everything posted by Vash IDK

  1. Kelsey tugged on Heero's arm. She gave him that "let's go" look, and they said their goodbyes to the happy couple. Cat smiled as she waved, and Hakaruu tipped his head in gesture. They walked out of the nurses office and she looked at the sky. "It's a beautiful day Heero." she said. He looked at her smile and his heart leaped. He had loved that about her. Her glowing personality brightened even the darkest day. And that was what he held onto. All those years of being alone, he finally found the reason he'd been searching for to keep on living. He lived for her, and she lived for him. He wrapped his arms around her and she looked up at him. " [i]You're[/i] beautiful." he said with a smile. "Why thank you kind sir, but I'm afraid flattery gets a man nowhere with a girl." He knelt down and kissed her. "How about that?" "Well you just know how to treat a lady, don't you Heero?" she laughed as they walked away, looking forward, and not looking back. They were finally happy. OOC: THE END
  2. "Hey Katrina!!" Katrina smiled. She was starting to like the girl. "Hi Vey, what have you been up to?" "Eating to my hearts content. Oh, and don't bother the Captain-er, I mean Heero. He's busy looking at water." Katrina laughed as Vey walked off. She walked up to where Heero was standing and leaned against the side. "In all the setting up, I never got to ask you where we're heading off to." she said as she looked at Heero. Heero didn't avert his gaze over the water. "We're going wherever the wind takes us." he said "Well that's a little vague. I was hoping for a bit more detail." He was quiet for a while. "We're out on the sea looking for treasure." "Do you have a map? Any idea where this treasure is?" Heero looked at her. "Well you're one for questions. How about answering a few of mine before I go on." Katrina nodded. She knew he was hiding something, but it was only fair that she answered his as well. "First of all, how much do you know about life out on the sea?" "I lived on a pirate ship for 2 years of my life. There, they taught me every job, from sails to cannons." "Family trade? Working on a Pirate ship?" "No, something more along the lines of falling into the business." "Now you're being vague." he said with a smile "No, I just don't feel like explaining my life story right now." she said as she looked him straight in the eye. Heero nodded as he looked up toward the sea. "Well, then you can understand why I'm being vague as well."
  3. After the immediate work was done, she decided to take a look around the ship. It really was a beauty. She went over to her quaters and looked at all the space. She sat down and laid her dagger next to her. It had been a while since the last time she was at sea. She didn't have any trouble getting use to her sea legs. "Wow.... this is GREAT!!" Vey commented as she came inside. Katrina put her dagger away and walked past the girl. "Sorry mate, where's my manners, I'm Vey, and you're...." "Katrina." Katrina said without turning. "Well it looks as if it's just you and me in this here room. Where do I sleep?" "Go ahead and pick a spot. I'm not partial to an paticular bed." Vey's eyes lit up as she laid on every single bunk in the room. Katrina couldn't help but smile. "What are you doing?" "If I'm going to make he best decision, I have to test out every single one of them. Just to be sure." Katrina shooked her head and smiled. At that moment, Jericho came walking by. "Hey, the ladies quarters, looks like I'll have to walk this way more often. I'll be making my rounds, so I hope you ladies will be decent." he laughed as he walked in. His face got serious. "That's not right. Why is it the women always get the most room?" Katrina shook her head and turned, sh didn't want Jericho to see her smile at his comment. She was still upset with him. Well... sort of... "We get the nicer rooms because we ARE women. Now get going, I'm trying to decide which of these bunks I'll have for mine." she looked at the beds intently as Katrina turned. "What seems to be the problem?" she asked "They all feel the same." Katrina laughed a little. "Well what do you expect?? They're BEDS for crying out loud. Just pick them by location if not comfort." Jericho laughed as he still leaned on the door frame. "How long are you going to curse us with your presence Inblade?" "Until I recieve an apology." he said with a smile. "An apology? Alright, I accept your apology. Now you can leave." He laughed again. "I mean from you Katrina. My throat still hurts." "yeah, well tell that to my wallet, and see if it has any sympathy for you." I GOT IT!" screamed Vey. "You got what, girl?" said a startled Jericho. She ran to the bed where Katrina sat. "I'll have this one mate, much obliged." she smiled. Katrina smiled as well. "Sorry, this one's taken, you took too long." "Then I'll sleep right here." she climbed to the top bunk and put her head on the pillow. "Tell the Captain I'll be up later," she said jokingly. Katrina laughed again. "I'll try to tell him that as he's thowing you overboard." Vey laughed as she closed her eyes for a bit.
  4. "What's wrong with him?" Duo muttered. He was still dizzy from the sudden blows to the head and alcohol in his blood stream. "Shut up Duo." Wu Fei snarled. "Come on, that's enough you guys." Trowa said. "We're never going to get anything done with all of this going on." "Talk to him. He's the one who got himself all dopped out of his mind over some girl." Wu Fei said as he stood from his chair. "I don't like... the way you're talking to me..." Duo said. Quatre took a pot of coffee and poured him a glass. "Here, Drink this Duo." "Thanks." he said, his eyes glazed over. "You were always... my favorite friend.." Wu Fei laughed. "He's still drunk." "Yep.. I lie, sorry Quatre." he slurred. "Just drink it up, Duo. Drink it all." Quatre stood up and walked to the door frame. They needed to act quickly. There was no time to lose.
  5. They walked toward the hospital where they would be taken into intensive care. They were in bad shape, but none of that seemed to matter anymore. Heero put his arm around Kelsey's shoulder as they continued walking. He stopped suddenly and lifted her chin and kissed her tenderly. "Thank you" he said "For what, Heero?" "For never giving up on me." he said as he looked into her eyes. She smiled as she held his hand. The swelling didn't look horrible anymore compared to the rest of the scars he had. "You're always here for me Heero, Isn't it time someone helped you for a change?" He smiled and held her close to him. He looked at her again and there were tears in her eyes. "What's wrong Kelsey?" he asked "He didn't kill himself, Heero." Heero ran his fingers through her hair. "Are you okay?" "I'm relieved. He didn't leave me like I thought he did. He didn't give up hope, it was take from him." tears streamed from her eyes. "While it's not easy to think about what he went through, it kind of brings you comfort, knowing he never gave up." Heero looked down at her and bent his head to kiss her. She opened her eyes and smiled. "You didn't give up either, You stayed for me." "I didn't want to leave you Kelsey, not ever. I love you too much." "Why Heero, you better watch what you say, people around here may think you're capable of showing feelings." she teased. "I am now." he smiled and stared into her green eyes for a long time. "Thank you Heero. Thank you for making me feel needed." she whispered. He lifted her hand and kissed it. "Don't mention it." he said. He put his arm around her again and they continued walking back.
  6. Name: Quatre Raberba Winner Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: 6' 4" [url=http://www.animecowboy.com/gallery/Gundam_Wing/Quatre_Raberba_Winner/quatre.jpg]Click Here[/url] Mech: ~Angelswing~ Gold plaited, with red streaks on wings. The most durable of it's time. It's advantages are ground attacks, and air attacks. It's suit is heavily armored making it slower than most mechs out there. But it can take a beating. The gold plaiting was melded with white gold and silver, making it strong. The heat resistent shield is not easily penetrable. It's weakness is water. The suit is extremely heavy because of all the armor around it. Country: Arabia L4 Colony Personality: Surrounded by love since a child, Quatre had grown up to be a loving and caring boy. He is often reluctant to kill, and when he does, he will apologize for his action. He is the only heir to the Winner family assests, and being the only male heir and the youngest in the family of a father and 29 sisters, Quatre has many loyal servants and troops protecting him. With such a rich background, he always appeared in the series with a high elegant dress sense and high class manners. He knows more about humanity than others are willing to admit. In his mind, Quatre feels it necessary to fight to gain and protect the peace. Even as such, he strives to maintain his own sense of humanity: striving to avoid killing unless he has to and frequently apologizing and questioning himself lest he lose touch with his mission BIO: Quatre has been keeping a low profile for a long time now. He uses his money to rebuild and help out people in need. But he's been using most of his energies designing his mech. His mech is his pride and joy because he built and designed it himself. After watching the massacre in TV, he knows he has to do whatever he can to fix it. But he dreads the future, knowing that lives will be lost. But he knows he has to go through it for the sake of the people.
  7. "I'm tired...." he said as he closed his eyes. "Too tired..." "Heero? HEERO!!!" she screamed. He wasn't looking at her. He just laid there and the tears kept falling. "Heero Yuy, you leave me no choice." she grabbed his dagger from the ground beside him and pointed it at her chest. "You die, and I will kill myself with your dagger." Heero opened his eyes as he stared at her. He was confused. "So which is it Heero? Giving up now only kills both of us." "No Kelsey... please no..." "This is how it's like to feel helpless in a situation. You're giving up on us. And now I'm showing you exactly what happens when you give up on the people you love. You end up killing both. You live for me. I live for you. Don't you remember your promise?" He looked at her in the eyes. "Without you, I have no reason to go on." "Well, that makes two of us. You're not the only one who's in love, Heero." she said, the tears streaming down her eyes. "You can choose. I'm only showing you what will happen if you give up on us." He winced at the pain in his chest. He wanted to go. Kelsey held him with one hand and the dagger to her chest in the other. "Please Heero. I don't want to live without you. And I won't try." Heero cried out in pain. He didn't know what to do. His mind was gone, he couldn't think anymore. He was tired...
  8. At that moment, all of the Head Master's gang of boys returrned and it was a blood war. People were dying on both sides, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. Kelsey tried to find Heero, but she noticed Raxon backing into the shadows as he tried to flee. Kelsey charged after him, not letting anyone know where she went. She knew it was a mistake, but she'd lose him and he'd be gone forever if she didn't follow him. As she ran she picked up a dead boys sword and removed her dagger from it's sheath. She ran and followed him until they got to a dead end. "It's just the two of us once again Kelsey." he said as he turned around, sword drawn. "You killed him... and you let us all believe that he gave up on himself." "Isn't that the beauty though in all of this? I made everyone here live according to the way I wanted them to live. I decided each person's fate before they even stepped foot on these training grounds." "You killed so many people, so many that meant something to each and everyone one of us. How could you??" she screamed. "Oh, don't go and read me the rite of all that is good and pure. You're not so innocent yourself you know. You have blood on your hands. Look at the lives you and Heero ended??" "I had no choice.." "We all have a choice, Kelsey. You just made the easiest one. Just like I do." he smiled wickedly. "You're wrong." she said in an undertone. "Am I? Would you like me to name every single boy you killed this week? John was 14. He had just witnessed his best friend Carl being killed in practice. He came to me for help, and I gave him a place to belong. He was killed later by your boyfriend because he was following an order." "Stop it..." "And then there's Kit. Barely 17. He was one of the boys I was about to remove from existence anyway. He was later killed by you for following the wrong crowd of boys that night in the field." "STOP IT!!!" "We all make choices, Kelsey. To condemn me for the ones I made would be hypocrisy on your part. You stole lives, just as I did." Kelsey shook. She didn't know what to say.. she knew she killed them, but she also knew it was in self defense. Raxon saw her falter and jumped at the chance to strike. He slashed her sword from her hand and grabbed her throat. He pushed her up against the wall, and removed the dagger from the other hand. "Don't play with the big boys unless you can truly take them, Kelsey." Kelsey squirmed and tried to break free from his grip. She tried to scratch his hands, but they were covered with material. She couldn't kick free because he was right up against her. He put his hand on her cheek. "Heero was a lucky man to have so many beautiful women in his life.." She slapped his hand away and spat in his face. He wiped it off with his free hand and clutched her neck even harder. "Girl, you are trying my patience. It looks as if I have no choice but to dispose of you. But not until I've had my fun." he laughed as he put his hand in her hair. She tried to scream, but she could barely breathe. He laughed at her as she tried to get away. And then his eyes bolted open as he gasped for air. He screamed in agony as he pulled Kelsey's hair. She closed her eyes in pain as he squeezed her neck even tighter. He then fell on the floor, releasing his grip from her neck, and went cold. Kelsey saw Heero standing over Raxon's body. He removed his dagger from his back and looked up at her.
  9. "You're a pathetic excuse of a man Heero. You avoid emotions because you can't handle them. It makes you weak." "What do we do with them now Mr. Raxon?" "Leave him. Hakaruu will kill this boy. Won't you Hakaruu." he said. Hakaruu kicked and screamed but the boys brought him closer to Heero. They bent him over Heero's body and placed a dagger in his hand. They held him down over Heero and put a sword to his neck. Raxon laughed. "You weren't my first choice, but I guess you'll have to do. Heero here doesn't listen to reason. And he's never given you the time of day. Why spare his life? He killed his girlfriend." Heero didn't move, but he heard everything. "She's dead? How can that be?" "Happened 4 hours ago. The poor girl. A pity to waste such a perfectly good treat like that. But Heero's blows killed her in the end. And to imagine, he was trying to protect her from us, and we ended up not being the ones responsible for her death." he laughed again. "You're lying." "Oh come on boy, do you really think she could have survived it? Maybe if Heero stayed, she would have found her way back, but Heero here can't seem to handle emotions. When he starts to feel, he becomes paranoid. He's weak. And Kelsey was too trusting. Why should you let him live? Kill him. Make him pay for what he did. Kelsey died at his hands. Do you think it's fair to let him live?" "I can't kill him..." he said. "So you'll give up your life to save an already dead person? Take his life!!!!" he screamed. "NO!!!" Hakaruu screamed. He threw the dagger away and bent over Heero. "Fine. You'll die together." he raised his sword and was about to strike when a sword came to the back of his neck. "Put it down Raxon." Lex said Kita held her sword to another boy's back as Cat ran to Hakaruu. "Lex, you really are annoying." he said with a sigh. "Put your swords down boys or Raxon will die." The four boys looked at each other and dropped their swords. Raxon laughed. "Do you really think you can stop me? My training surpasses yours, Lex." Lex put the blade closer to his neck. "Drop it." Raxon moved faster than anyone had ever seen as he disarmed Lex and pointed his sword at Cat's neck. "You're all a bunch of fools. Do you not think I was ready for you? The boys picked up their swords and bound Rita's hands. Cat closed her eyes. She didn't want to die... But she couldn't stay like that either. Suddenly, she drop and rolled out of the way and drew her sword to Raxon's. "You liar..." "Oh yes, the girl with the fake brother. So you found out? It really doesn't matter. You ended up not having much skill for me to be interested in you anymore." "Leave her alone, Raxon!!" Hakaruu yelled. He stood up and drew his sword as well. "Oh how sweet. Love amongst the battlefield. I forgot to cry." He stabbed Lex in the stomach and drew his other sword and pointed his blades at both Cat and Hakaruu. Lex laid there on the ground bleeding. "Mr. Alastine!!!!" Kita screamed. "He was a poor excuse for a teacher. One of the few staff members that never made a part of my little group here." Cat cried as she saw him unmoving. She didn't know if he was dead or not. But she knew there wasn't much time for him. "You Bastard..." Hakaruu said as he gritted his teeth. "My my, Hakaruu, is that the drugs talking, or do you really hate me?" Raxon smiled. Hakaruu fumed and charged toward Raxon. Raxon parried the attack and knocked him across the room. "Hakaruu!!!" Cat yelled. "Take them out of here." He yelled. The guards took the Cat and Rita and took them away from the area. Raxon looked at Heero. He still laid there. He was gasping for air. "Poor Heero. Too bad his life had to end so soon. I'll ease your passing." At that precise moment, Kelsey jumped down from a higher ledge on the cliff and kicked Raxon in the face. He staggered back, and Kelsey landed between Heero and Raxon. "So, you finally came. I was wondering if my lie became a truth or not. I'm sorry girl; I'm not in the mood to play again. Maybe some other time we can take another go at it." Kelsey was disgusted. Tears streamed down her face. She remembered him now... She grabbed her stomach in pain. She unhooked her dagger from her sheath and faced Raxon. "You've hurt Heero and me for the last time." Heero's eyes opened immediately. She wasn't dead... she was alive... he looked up and saw Kelsey standing in front of him. Blood stained her clothes. "Leave us alone...? she said sternly, her eyes never leaving his gaze. "I can't do that. Heero is mine just as Jake was supposed to be. If he doesn't join me, the same thing that happened to your brother will happen to your boyfriend." Images flashed through her mind... the kicked over chair, the dangling body... Kelsey stared at him in horror. [i]All this time...[/i] she thought. She bent her head as the tears fell. "You pathetic girl. Isn't it funny how everyone just assumed your brother took his own life? Even you believed it." Heero used his arms to steady himself as he tried to sit up. Tears welled up in his eyes. Her brother was killed. Anger built up inside as he stood up. The blood drenched his shirt. But the stab in his stomach felt numb to the pain he felt when he saw her cry. "YOU MONSTER!!!" she screamed as she lunged at Raxon. He laughed as he blocked her attack. "Careful girl, I know your weak spot. I should know because I caused it." he laughed as he punched her in the stomach, as she fell over. "NO!!" anger surged through Heero. "Leave her alone!! STOP THIS!!!" he gripped his katanas and glared at Raxon. "Certainly. When you join me that is." he kicked Kelsey on the head and she rolled over. She cried out in pain as the blood poured from her head. "BASTARD!!!!" Hakaruu screamed as he lunged at Raxon. Raxon was surprised at the suddenly awake Hakaruu. He fought Hakaruu as Heero ran to Kelsey.
  10. Kelsey ran down the tunnel. She knew they were'nt far off from them. She'd find Heero. She ran and tripped over a root once they reached the clearing. She fell and tore open several wounds. She screamed in pain as Cat, Kita and Lex came up from behind her. Kita and Cat helped her up. "You're a fool Kelsey. You'll die before we reach them." "Then turn back. I don't care. I need to get to him before it's too late." "Dammit Kelsey, it already is too late. Don't you get it?" "I refuse to believe he's gone. Hakaruu didn't believe he was gone. Why can't you all have that same faith?" Kita stared long and hard at Kelsey. "You'll die Kelsey. You can't do anything. And then this will all be for nothing. He won't want to live without you, and he'll kill himself anyway. Is that what you want?" "To leave him out there would have the same result. If I don't do anything, he'll kill himself anyway. But as long as I'm alive, I'm not going to let that happen. I'll do whatever I can in my power to help him. Even if it brings me to my death. Like Heero, I have no desire too live without him." She stood up and pointed at her arm. "And I don't have any drugs in me. Do you understand how important this is to me now? He wasn't crazy when he told you that Cat." Cat looked up at her and bit her lip. She was starting to get it. "He wasn't gone. Because if what he says makes him gone, then I'm far gone as well. Call us crazy, but we don't have much to live for in life. The only things keeping us alive is the hope that we'll be able to be together someday. And Heero has given up on that. I won't let him forget me. It's too easy to throw your life away when you feel everything is lost." She knelt back down to where Rita was. "Well I'm not dead. He should know that before he ruins our lives. Now are you coming or not? I'm going to him, even if it kills me." Rita moaned as she stood up. She walked away from Kelsey. "You're crazy girl." "Well, then I'm crazy. That still doesn't change things." She began to stand up on her own, and blood stained her clothing. She bent down over the creek and splashed the cold water over her wounds. Cat looked at Lex and Rita. "I'm with you Kelsey all the way." Lex nodded at Kita and she sighed again. "Alright. I'm here to protect you. We'll all get going. Do you need some assistance, or can you walk." Kelsey smiled. "I'm fine. Let's get going."
  11. Kelsey laid there in her bed. She was alive, but the relief had come and gone hours ago. The nurses had bandaged her completely around her chest. The medicince they gave her made her cringe as she moved. She sat there, thinking about Heero. Cat had told her what he said. [i]'I'm on a one way ticket to self anihilation, tell her that she will always mean more to me than anything else on this planet, I can't go on like this anymore...so tonight it ends, tonight i will destroy everything,'[/i] She sat there, looking out at Kurakow. Where could he be? Where did he go? It was somewhere they had never looked before. But she couldn't put her finger on it. She needed some air. She had to find him before it was too late. But she needed to think. Kelsey walked outside despite the nurses calls. She didn't care about anyone or anything. She needed to figure out where he went. She walked to the creek where they had first talked. She smiled when she remembered how he pulled her into the water that night. How cold it was. And then how he brought her to that clearing. She walked to the clearing and saw the tree. She climbed it, despite the pain she felt. She sat where they were, and stared out over Kurakow. She still thought this place was beautiful. Her eyes glanced down and noticed a small bridge over the creek. She'd never seen it before. She climbed down and stared at the bridge. She crossed over it and leaned against it. "Please, don't throw your life away. I'm okay. Don't you know that I need you?" she whispered in the night. She leaned over and stared at the water. She noticed something that seemed to be hiding under the brush of the canopy trees. She walked over to it and saw a tunnel. Her heart nearly leaped out of her. She knew Heero had to have gone in here. She ran down the tunnel and went after Heero. "You'll have to do better than this to make me forget about you Heero." she said to herself as she ran as fast as she could.
  12. Kelsey screamed as she ran. She bent down quickly and picked up Nagato's sword and blocked Heero's attack. He looked at her, anger burned in his eyes. "You Betrayed me.." he muttered. He raised his Katana's to strike her, but she dodged and parried his attack. Her sword blocked another attack. Tears streamed from her eyes. "Go! Leave us here, please." "You're CRAZY!!" screamed Hakaruu. "He's going to kill you." "Get out of here now or I'll let him kill you all. Leave!!!" she screamed as she defended herself from another blow. Heero was slashing like mad. Hakaruu was confused. "I can't stop him if you're here. Go now, please." she screamed. Heero was unfaltered by her cries. He was that gone. "Come on, let's get out of here." "We can't leave her!!" cried Cat. "We don't have a choice. Let's go!!!" "NO!!!" Cat screamed, she ran to help Kelsey but Hakaruu caught her and pulled her back. He pulled Cat while she kicked and screamed. "She'll die if we leave her!! Hakaruu you're making a mistake!!" she cried. Hakaruu fought back tears. He didn't know what was right and what was wrong anymore. He wanted everything to go away. After they left, Heero was relentless with his blows. Kelsey blocked every single one. "Heero, I never meant to hurt you." she screamed over the sound of clashing swords. "You left. You didn't even think about me. No one cares. Everyone who ever meant something to me is dead. And you're dead to me as well. So DIE already!!" "You kill me, and you lose everything." He laughed wickedly. "Don't be so vain, Kelsey." he grabbed his Katana, and without thinking, slammed them into her chest and stomach. Kelsey bent over in pain. She knew the drugs were taking him over, but her mind circled. She didn't know what else to do. Her stomach ached in pain from the blow, and she felt light headed. He didn't mean what he said... right? The tears fell from her cheeks as she coughed up blood. She glanced at Heero. Heero's face started to clear. His head was clearing. He was remembereing. Her heart skipped a beat. He was too late. He grabbed his head with his hands and started crying out in pain. He opened his eyes and saw her, hunched over on her knees, breathing heavily. "Kelsey..." he said as he looked at her. She was bleeding. But how?? And then he remembered what had happened. He remembered striking her... He cried out in anguish. "NO!!!" he stared at her, she was still coughing blood, holding her stomach. Trying to hold on... Heero went crazy, his grief was too much. He stood up and looked down at her. "Please not you Kelsey... Please, I didn't hurt you, right?" he stared at her, his face was stern. She said nothing as she looked at him, the tears falling from her eyes. "ANSWER ME DAMMIT!!!" he screamed at her. "Heero..." she whispered. Her tears fell, Heero stood there, trying to stay calm, but he couldn't stop the tears. The drug was trying to control his anger again. He wanted to lash out, but he couldn't. He wept as he dropped to his knees and looked her in the eyes. "I'm sorry..." he whispered as he touched her cheek. Kelsey cried as she gasped for air. She tried to smile, but the pain was too much. "Heero..." she said. Heero grew frantic. "SOMEBODY!!!! GET HELP!! FAST!!!!" but no one was around to hear him. "Heero, I love you." "Stop it. Stop that now." She closed her eyes as she whispered to him. "Please, don't blame yourself." "STOP!!!" he screamed as he picked her up. "I won't hear this. You're going to be alright!!" The blood fell from his hands. She bent her head up and kissed him softly. "I love you." she said. And she fell unconscious.
  13. Katrina was walking home when someone bumped into her. "COME BACK YOU SCUM BAG!! YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!!!" She looked at the little weasel and instantly recognized him. "You!!!!" "Oh Crap, this isn't my day." Jericho sighed as he tried to run. "Get back here you worthless Bum!! You owe me money!!" she yelled at him. "Where did he go??" screamed a fellow. "He couldn't have gotten too far, he's got to be around here somewhere." Jericho glanced back and looked at Katrina. "Come on Lady, get out of my way already. I promise I'll pay you back." "Tell me when and I'll make sure they don't find you." He swallowed hard trying to think of something. "How about tomorrow at noon?" he said. He knew he'd be gone by then. It would be perfect! "Not good enough. I want it at 6:00 am tomorrow at the bar. Be there, or I swear I'll kill you, Jericho." "Fine, I'll be there. Just get them off my tail." he ran full speed over the south wall. He wasn't going to meet her tomorrow. He'd be gone an hour later. And then he'd be rid of this place once and for all. Two men came running from around the building. "Have you seen a no good kid coming around here?" "You mean Jericho? That idiot, he went that way." she pointed North. "Thanks ma'am. Much obliged." "Think nothing of it," she said as she walked into her apartment. "He just better be there tomorrow. I'll hunt him down if he's not."
  14. "Stop saying that! We need to get you inside." "I can't have them look at me. Nagato's reaction would be the same as mine if someone tried pumping the drug out of me. It's making me crazy Kelsey. I can't make it go away." "Then at least get some rest. You won't find any here. Go back to your room. I'll stay here. Get a good nights sleep. You need your strength for tomorrow. Please." Heero's body ached from the fall. He knew he needed rest. But to leave Kelsey alone was something he couldn't do. "I left you alone once, I'm not going to do it again. Not when things are this complicated." Kelsey stood there looking at him. "What did he tell you?" "He asked me to forgive him for what he's about to do. He's planning something. And it's not against me. It's against you." "How can you be sure?" He looked down. "I just do. It's this drug. I'm fighting it, but it's trying to control me. It's trying to make me do something, but I'm ignoring it. The drugs made me hurt you. What if they're telling Nagato to hurt you as well?" "Heero, we'll cross that bridge when it comes. For now, we need to rest." "I'm not leaving you." "You can't sit in a chair all night." she pointed out Lex walked forward. "Heero, there are extra beds on the main floor. You can sleep there. If anything is wrong with Kelsey, you'll be the first to know. But she's right. You do need your rest." Heero stared at Kelsey for a long time. "Alright. But if there is the slightest noise, you contact the nurses immedietly. "I promise." she smiled. Heero walked inside and made sure Kelsey was situated and made his way to the main floor. He went in the room and saw it was empty. Hakaruu stepped in. "I want to be alone." "Well you'll be alone if you keep this up." "What are you talking about?" Heero didn't feel lke talking. "We're the only friends you've got. I suggest you show a little more trust that we're looking out for your interests." "Well I'm truly touched. Don't forget to close the door on your way out." Hakaruu shook his head. "It's amazing Kelsey loves you. You're not making her life any easier by shunning away those who are trying to help you two." Hakaruu turned around and left, but didn't bother closing the door. Heero stood by the window and stared. A nurse walked by his room. "Is there anything I can help you with?" she asked Heero didn't turn around, "Make sure this room stays empty. And if you hear screams from this room, dismiss them, I don't want to be disturbed." The nurse nodded. "Understood. I'll let the rest of the staff know." she left Heero and closed the door. Heero stood and looked out the window. He couldn't find it in himself to sleep. Something wasn't right. **************************************** Kelsey walked to her bed, she was finally able to go sleep. The nurse had put small bandages on her neck to stop the bleeding from infection. She would take them off in the morning before Heero would see her. She didn't want to remind him of anything that had happened today. She knelt her head on her pillow and pulled the covers to her chin. It was cold... The window... Heero had closed it before he left. But now it was open... "What do you want." she said quietly. She heard laughter. "I want you to listen good and hard missy. And don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you." "I've heard that before." she said unmoving. He laughed again. "I'm too old for you little girl. You're simply not my type. I just want you to listen." She didn't move. She wanted information. And she was hoping Mr. Nagato would give her something to go on. "You and Heero are obviously close." "You're point?" she said sternly. "Pipe down. I'm doing the talking. You answer questions. That's the only time you speak." She was quiet. But she was getting annoyed. "Now like I said, you mean a lot to Heero. That wasn't a part of the plan. You can either back away quietly, and let your boyfriend live, or you can die with him. It's up to you now whether or not you live. I'll give you until tomorrow morning. If you're not gone, then I'm afraid you'll have to die. And that goes for Heero as well if he doesn't behave." "I'm not afraid to die Nagato. If I leave him, I'm as good as dead." "We're not talking about your life girl, we're talking about Heero's. He'll die as well. Do you want that? With you gone, and make sure you don't make it look as if we're responsible of course, he'll have nothing else to feel attached to. He'll join us without a fuss, and live a long normal life. Don't you think that's better than death?" Kelsey was quiet. She didn't know what to think anymore. "I'll let you think about it. And remember, don't let him think we took you. I hate being blamed for something I didn't even do." he laughed and jumped out the window. Kelsey laid still in her bed. She didn't know what to think anymore. She couldn't leave Heero. She didn't want to. But everything went wrong when she came into the picture. At least if he knew she was safe, and she was going away, he'd be okay and not worry about her. Tears fell from her eyes and soaked her pillow. She didn't want to leave, but there was nothing else she could do. She didn't want to be responsible for his death. She had no choice now. "Damn them. Damn them all." she whispered. They ruined her life. They forced her to go away. After everything they had gone through, fate wouldn't allow them to be together. She cried as she got up. She packed her things. She didn't know how she was going to be able to live without him. She picked up Jake's stone. She could do anything. She would find a way to live by herself. She did for most of her life. She had to. For Heero. She grabbed the dagger and was about to walk out of the room. She went over to the nurses desk. "I'm checking out for the night. Please Let Heero know I won't be coming back." "I'll give him the message as soon as he wakes up." "Thank you." she walked away and stopped short. She looked back at the nurse. "Is there anything else I can help you with?" Kelsey took the stone out of her pocket. "Please give this to him. Tell him not to look for me." The nurse took the stone, puzzled, but nodded. "I promise he'll recieve this and your message tomorrow." Kelsey nodded. Tears streamed from her eyes as she ran out the doors. OOC: Sorry for the long post.... I had a lot I wanted to add today :D
  15. She stared at him and smiled. "You need some rest. You're tired." "I'm fine, I don't want to sleep." She knew he was afraid of the dreams he would have if he slept. "Heero, you'll be easy prey for that gang if you're half asleep. I'll stay with you. You'll be fine. But you need some rest. Please Heero.." He shook his head. "You have to go to the nurses office. You haven't recovered yet Kelsey." She bit her lip. "I don't want to. I want to stay with you." "I'll come with you then. But you have to be near the nurses if something happened." She smiled. "Alright, I'll let you win this one. But one night is all. I'm not going to stay there tomorrow." "We'll let the doctors decide that." Heero said as he smiled. Kelsey took his hand and they walked to the nurses office. The nurses were running frantically around the hospital. Kelsey started to worry as everyone was screaming orders at one another. "What's going on?" she whispered to Heero. Heero grabbed a nurse's arm. "What in the hell is going on here??" he demanded "Mr. Nagato had been drugged. He's going crazy. Please, wait in the rooms until we can assist one of you." Heero stared in the direction of the room where the Doctors were surrounded in. "HOLD HIM!! BIND HIS ARMS! DON'T LET HIM MOVE!" Kelsey stared in disbelief, they had gotten to Mr. Nagato. And Heero was next.
  16. She stared ahead of her and waited to hear the plan. She stood up and walked toward the door and leaned on the frame. She wanted to touch her throat to see if the bleeding stopped, but was afraid at what Heero might feel if she drew attention to it. "We need to know where they're coming from." she said aloud. "We can't do anything to let them know we know about them." Mr Nagato said. He looked up from his chair. "We do, and they will be crawling all over us." "They're already doing that!!!" she yelled. "Don't you see? We need to get out there and find them. Sitting around here doing nothing isn't going to make matters better. We need to do something. They may not be after you Mr. Nagato, but they're after me, and I don't like the idea that I'm wanted dead." Heero stood there not making a sound. He seemed to be zoning out again. Hakaruu stood beside Heero. "Heero, come on, focus on this. Don't think of your past. It does nothing here." Heero looked up and came to life again. His mind was twisting, trying to veer him away from the present. But he was resisting. There wasn't much for him to do. "They want Heero. Can't he lead us to them?" Cat asked. Kite laughed. "Not if we're alive. Great idea Cat." Cat looked at her with a stern look. "That's enough you two." Lex said. "We need to branch off. Kelsey's right Nagato. We can hide, but she can't. She and Heero are targets. We can either help them, or let them fight on their own." Nagato nodded his head. "I'm not leaving Heero alone anymore. I swore to pretect him." "Then DO SOMETHING about it." Kelsey said. She looked outside. "They're here somewhere. We're missing something. They have to have a means of communication. They seem to be everywhere. They may even be listeing to our conversation." They all stopped at that moment and realized that they could be watched. "They can even have a spy in our very own group." Kite said. She stood up and glanced at Cat. Cat replied with a cool stare. "This is no time to turn on each other." she said aloud. "She's right. We need to stay together. No pointing fingers Kite." "Yes Mr. Alastine." she said in a mocking tone. "We need to meet in a secure area. Somewhere that doesn't have many people around." Kelsey looked at Heero. His gaze met hers for a second and he bent his head. "I know a place. I'll give you each the directions tomorrow morning. We'll meet there at noon." They all got up and started walking back to their dorms. Heero stayed behind. Kelsey went up to Heero and put her arm on his shoulder. "I don't want to go anywhere. I want to stay here." "Then I'll stay here as well." Heero looked at her. "I'd rather be alone right now." "And I'd rather stay with you. Fortunately for me, I'm more stubborn than you are." she smiled. He looked at her and stared out the window. "I see them. I see them kill my father." he closed his eyes and blinked back the tears. He threw his fist into the wall. "I see them hurting her." he looked up at Kelsey. She saw the fear in his eyes. "Can you remember anything before that?" she said softly. He looked at her with confusion. "Before?" "Do you remember her smile?" she asked. Heero looked out the window intently. He smiled. "She was beautiful Kelsey." "What color were her eyes?" He closed his eyes as the tears fell. "Blue. She had blue eyes. Dad used to say they were like saphires." "Do you remember your father?" His smile lessened. "I remember everything. I remember everything before, I remember everything after. Why now?" he stared at Kelsey. "They're making you remember. They want you to remember the pain. But you can remember so much more, Heero. You can remember the good things now. Hold onto those memories." He stared at her and turned to her finally. He wasn't acting with what his mind was telling him. He was acting on pure instinct. He slid his hand behind her hair. "You remind me of her. You have her happiness. She was always happy." She smiled. "And I'm sure she would be proud of you right now Heero. She would be so proud of you." "How can you be so sure?" he said softly. She put her arms around him and smiled. "Because I'm so proud of you."
  17. As he left, a girl walked right past him and nearly knocked Heero down. She stormed over to one of the tables where a huge man sat with his 3 lackey's beside him. "You sold me a broken ship!!" she yelled. "No madam, you [i]bought[/i] a broken ship." he corrected. His men started snickering but were cut short. "I demand you return my money at once." "Well, you've got a lot of nerve. And you expect me to just hand it right over without a fuss." "I'd rather that be the case, but I can draw it out of you if I need to use force." "Really? You think you can take me and my men?" "I don't have to take you anywhere." she quickly flipped the table over, spilling the drinks all over the men, and she drew her sword to the huge man's neck. "I believe that will be a hundred and five dollars." she said never moving her sword. The man mumbled loudly as he removed his wallet and gave her the money. "It's been a pleasure doing business with you boys." She walked over to the bartender and handed him the money she had just recieved. "I hope this covers for the broken table and chairs." The bartender looked at the money and smiled, "Well, I'm sure it will be enough for just that little lady. Thank you." She smiled, "You're very welcome." she tipped her head to the men she just handeled and walked out of the bar. "So you buy a ship without looking at it first?" Katrina turned and saw a young man not much older than her leaning against the wall. "A mistake I don't intend to make again." "So you're in need of a ship?" "What's it to you if I am?" she replied cooly. "Are you in search of a ship, or just work?" he replied. "Any will do. Why?" "I think I have a job for you. Meet me at the harbor tomorrow. And if you like the ship I have, I'd like you to be a part of my crew." "Sounds fine. By the way, how big is your crew?" Heero smiled. "Just you and me for now." and he walked off.
  18. He shook violently at the touch. Kelsey's tears streamed from her eyes. "Don't you hear me? If you don't want to hurt me, don't avoid me. Don't turn away from me. Don't leave me." she whispered. He stared at her. He knew in his mind that it was the drugs that were making him feel differently, but he couldn't shake the images of his mother and Kelsey away. "Please, tell me you haven't changed the way you fel about me. Please Heero.." her voice trailed off as she cried to herself. Her head was bent over as she stared at the ground. Heero heard her sobs and couldn't help but breakdown. "Please stop.." he muttered. But Kelsey kept crying. She couldn't stop the tears frolm falling. "Please Heero.." Heero held his head in pain. His mind told him to reach out to her, but another part of him told him that if he got close, she would suffer. He was confused with the messages that ran across his mind. He finally went with his gut feeling and pulled Kelsey closer to him. He wiped the tears from her face and brushed the hair from her eyes. He then gently kissed her softly. "I'm sorry Kelsey. I don't know what's right anymore." he said softly She wrapped her arms around him and knelt her head on his shoulder. "I'll help you through this. Just trust me, and listen to me. I'll get us through this only if you trust me."
  19. "No," she cried. She went over to him and hugged him as he shook violently. The blood from her neck trickled down. Heero pushed her away again. He got up and ran from the field. "Whats going on..." Kelsey cried as she fell to the gtound and wept. Cat put her hand on Kelsey's shoulder. Hakaruu stared in disbelief in the direction Heero ran in. He couldn't believe what he had done. He put his blade away and marched after Heero. Kelsey sobbed as she remembered the way he looked."He was so angry Cat. What could they have done to him?" she cried. Cat looked at her. "I don't know. I just don't know."
  20. Kelsey watched as Heero tossed and turned. Something had changed. She bent near him. "Heero?" she whispered into his ear. Heero shoved her away. "Get away from me!!!" he screamed "Heero, it's me, Kelsey." He kept turning and finally stood up and drew both his katanas out. He raised them at Kelsey's throat. Heero had them crossed infront of her neck as he stood behind her. She knew His eyes were closed. "STOP!!" he screamed. "LET HER GO!!!" "Heero!!" Kelsey cried. She knew he couldn't hear her. His memories were haunting him. And he didn't recognize who she was. "Heero Please.." she whispered "THAT"S ENOUGH!! LEAVE HER ALONE!! DON'T HURT MY MOTHER AGAIN!!." he drew his Katanas closer to Kelsey's neck. Kelsey couldn't stop the tears from falling. She didn't want it to end like this. "HEERO!!" she heard Hakaruu's voice running toward them. "STAND BACK, He's Been Drugged." Kelsey screamed Hakaruu stopped. He stared at Kelsey and Heero and his hand trembled. "Kelsey, he'll kill you. I have to stop him." "Don't you dare!!!" Kelsey shreiked. "You do and I will kill you. I swear, I'll kill you." Heero's katanas drew blood from Kelsey's neck. "THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!" Kelsey stopped crying and stared ahead. She looked to Hakaruu. "Stand back. Whatever you do, don't move... please. No matter what." Hakaruu shook in fear. He didn't know what to do. Cat put a hand on his shoulder. "Leave it alone Hakaruu. She's the only one who can help him." He grew cold and stopped trembling. He knew Cat was right. They had to trust that Kelsey knew what she was doing. Heero's blades cut her deeper, and Kelsey striked. She elbowed Heero in the chest and knocked her head back into Heero's. Heero staggered back as Kelsey kicked the Katana's out of his hands. Heero tried to gain his balance, but Kelsey pushed him to the ground. She turned him over on his stomach and his face was in the dirt. "LET GO OF ME!!! LET GO!! I HAVE TO SAVE HER!!" "HEERO!!" Kelsey screamed into his ear. She had one of his arms behind his back and a knee over him as she knelt by his ear. "Heero, she's gone. Come back now!! Wake up!! It's Kelsey. Please wake up.." she cried into his hair. He fidgeted and tried to get out of the lock, but nothing was working. And The Drugs were wearing off.
  21. Kelsey sat in her hospital bed looking out the window. She smiled to herself. "Heero would be mad if he knew I asked the guards to wait outside." she walked over to the window and looked outside. There were 4 guards outside patrolling the area, and 6 outside her room. She held her stomach in pain. They had hurt her, and she wanted to find out who was responsible. She remembered how she had tried to get away, but they kept hitting her... and punching her. She winced as the images replayed in her mind. She wished they would go awa "Please stop...." she whispered into the darkness "We can't do that, not until we've had enough." said one of the boys who held her down. Tears streamed from her face. She wanted to find those who hurt her and take her revenge. She sat on her bed and called on of the guards in. "Yes Ma'am, is something wrong?" "I'd like your blade please." Kelsey said as she pointed at the guard's small dagger. "Err, um, okay. May I inquire as to why?" "That's my business I'm afraid. Please." she said softly. He saw the tears in her eyes and sighed. "Alright." he handed her the dagger and sheath. "Please, don't do anything rash." Kelsey smiled. "I'll be careful. I have to do this." The guard stared at her in amazement. "No wonder Heero is fond of you so much." he bowed slightly and left the room. Kelsey laid the dagger in front of her. "This is [i]my[/i] problem. This is the only way to make these nightmares end." she got dressed in the clothes Cat had left for her. She then put the sheath and dagger and wrapped it around her leg. She fumbled with the rest of her belongings and was amazed when she saw Jake's stone upon the heap of torn cloth. She held it close. She thought she had lost it when they took her away. "I can do anything as long as I have this." she smiled and placed it in her pocket. "I'll end this. And I'll end it now." She jumped out the window onto the outer ledge and glanced at the guards below. She held her stomach as she climbed down the side of the building. Nothing was going to stop her. Not her pain, not her fears, nothing would stand in her way. She reached the ground and started running toward the training fields. She walked up to Mr. Nagato's room and saw Heero and Cat sitting around Mr. Nagato's desk. She knew Mr. Nagato couldn't have been the one at fault. She smiled. [i]Heero wouldn't look so calm if he was.[/i] She thought about going inside to hear what was being said, but she decided to do things her own way. [i]Heero will hopefully understand.[/i] she thought. She walked past the room and to the field where she was last. She knew whoever had done this to her would come after her again. While it wasn?t the best of plans, it would end her nightmares one way or another. She couldn?t sit and wait anymore. She needed to take action. She walked to the field and stopped when she heard a sound. She hunched down on one knee and removed her dagger from its sheath and waited.
  22. Kelsey stared at the door for a while. She tried not to worry about him. But something felt terribly wrong. Why were they able to get a hold of those files so easily? Where was Nagato? And was he solely responsible for everything that had happened to them? She held her stomach. The pain worsened. She felt tired and sick, mostly from worrying. She pulled the covers over her and looked to the window. 3 guards were stationed behind the curtain. She smiled when she thought of Heero and his warning to the guards. She missed him already. She looked to the door again and sighed. "Be Careful" she whispered. If anything happened to him, she'd be lost again. And she hated being alone. OOC: OKAY, I'm off for a few days. No one kill my character while I'm gone, and please, no playing her either. She needs her rest ;)
  23. Kelsey put her hand over Heero's as he sat there. She rubbed his knuckles as he stared into the wall. "Hakaruu just filled me in on the details. We have to stop them before they recruit anymore people. This isn't right." Cat said. She knew she just said the obvious but she didn't know how else to Bring Heero back to his senses. He still sat there. "Come on Heero, knock it off already." Hakaruu said. "You're not one of them. That's why they're doing this to you. Don't you understand? They're ruining your life so you can be a part of their little gang." Heero looked at him at that point. "And that's suppose to change something?" he pointed out. Hakaruu slammed his fist against the wall. "For crying out loud, this is not a time for you to be feeling sorry for yourself. Don't you know they're not going to be waiting forever?? They'll come after her again and finish the job if you don't do something about this now. You have to stay focused!!" he yelled. Everyone was quiet. Heero stared at him for a long time. He stood up and looked at Kelsey. "He's right. We have to go." "Go where? You don't even know where you're going." Cat said "Mr. Nagato knows a lot more than we're giving him credit for. We'll wait up for him and get him to tell us what we need to know." At that point, Kita walked in with Lex. "Did we miss something?" she said Cat handed her the folder, and Lex and Kita bega reading it. "This is an outrage. Where did you get this file Heero?" "From Mr. Nagato's room." said Hakaruu. Heero turned around and stared at Kelsey. "Mr. Nagato? Are you sure?" Lex said "We can show you his safe in his office. We're going to go meet him again." Heero lifted Kelsey's hand and kissed it warmly. "I won't let them hurt you anymore Kelsey." he said as his eyes filled with tears. Kelsey stared at him for a while. "I know that Heero. What kind of Guardian would you be if that was the case?" she said teasingly. He continued to stare at her, and a feint smile came to his face. "How do you do that?" "Do what?" she asked "To be happy at a time like this?" he said as he sat on her bed. The others were talking amongst themselves on what to do next. She smiled. "Because you're here Heero. You do this to me. I'm able to do things I didn't even think possible. I love you." she said softly. His eyes filled with tears again. He put his arm around her and held her tight. His tears fell into her hair. "Thank you." he whispered. "For what?" she asked quietly. "For making me feel needed." he said as he looked into her eyes. He gently kissed her. She smiled. "Take care of yourself. I want them all to go with you." "No, someone has to stay here." "Heero" "I'm not leaving you alone again. Never again." "Then post 20 guards outside, and 30 in here. I don't care. I just want them all to go with you. I'll be fine. They won't come here. I know they won't." "Kelsey" "Heero, I don't want something happeneing to you. What if they're waiting for you at Nagato's? I want you to have help. I don't want anything to happen to you. Please, for me." Heero was quiet. He didn't know what to do. "She's right. We can post as many guards here as you'd like Heero. But you need to let us go with you. You're going to need our help." Lex said Heero was again quiet. He looked down. "Alright. But I'll be checking back here Kelsey. I want to see you here when I get back." She smiled. "I promise I'll stay here." she lifted his chin. "I'll stay only for you Heero." Heero smiled. "I'll go arrange everything then." Lex said as he left the room. The rest followed outside. "I love you Kelsey." he said quietly Kelsey smiled and kissed him again. "I won't leave you. Just as long as your promise me the same." He smiled. "I promise."
  24. No girl likes waiting around for a guy who beats around the bush. You have to just approach her. It shouldn't be too hard. :) Imagine if she's waiting for you to say something. Do you think she'll wait for long? It's best to be honest about these things as soon as possible, because if you wait too long, you may miss your chance ;)
  25. OOC: Hey, No problem! Look forward to future posts! :) Kelsey woke up. She looked over and saw Cat sleeping. She had tried to stay awake as hard as she could. Kelsey appreciated that Cat took the time to keep her company. Kelsey sat up and stared out the window of her room. She thought about the week. She remembered the day when Heero caught her as she fell from the tree. Actually, she remembered that she thought he was stalking her. She smiled. She understood differently now. She remembered when Heero had pulled her into the cold creek,and he teased her about how she looked. He was happy then, and she was too. She remembered the spot Heero had taken her too. It was beautiful. She remembered the cold air that night. And how Heero had given her his jacket. A single tear fell from her eye. She remembered when he kissed her. And how right it felt. How happy she was to have him near. She missed him terribly. She wanted him to be near. She held her stomach in pain. The bruises would never heal. She put her head in her hands and wept quietly. "Kelsey?" Cat had woken up. Kelsey stopped and looked at Cat. "Kelsey, is there anything I can do for you?" she asked "No. I just want to know he's okay. It's been too long." Cat looked down. "You love him, don't you?" she said quietly. Kelsey pulled the covers up to her as she sat up against the bed frame. "I have for some time, Cat. I just wish he wouldn't be so sad. I wish none of this happened. I wish we both could be happy." she said. "Kelsey, it's understandable that you two have gone through so much. But it doesn't mean you can never be happy again." "I know. I need to be strong. For the both of us." she said quietly as she held her stomach again. "But I'm not sure on how to do that anymore." she whispered and closed her eyes, and cried silently to herself.
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