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Vash IDK

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Everything posted by Vash IDK

  1. The only reason why I would think you would post about something like this is because of what Hev'n said ^^^. You want to broadcast it, shich is exactly why I think you have a long ways to go before you should even be thinking about having sex. You really need to think about all of this. But the more I read, the more I'm convinced that which each passing post with all the reasons why you [i]shouldn't,[/i] makes you want to go ahead and do it anyways. Take the advice from the many older ones here. We know what is best. Don't trust in your own feelings. Especially at age 14, they can betray you and make you choose the worst possible decision for the rest of your life.
  2. [quote name='TOTALIMMORTAL][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]I know you guys may also say I'm too young for love, and that I'm not really in love with her, I just think that I am due to hormones or something, but I am [U]really[/U] in love with her and I know it.[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] Then if you are really in love with this girl, it wouldn't matter whether or not you had sex later when you two can take care of yourselves. It is the hormones speaking for you. If you two were [i]really[/i] in love, you'd realize that love is something bigger than having sex. You wouldn't feel the need to prove it to one another. [quote name='TOTALIMMORTAL][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]But there can be special cases, right? Most guys my age would be too nervous to even think about doing it yet, but I'm not at all so that's at least some sort of sign right?[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] Exceptions? I don't think there can be any. Do you have a job? Can you support yourself? You don't even know what life is about yet. You're only 14, and to think with your heart is foolish at a time like that. You asked for the opinions of others, and I really think you're going to regret your decision. EDIT: [QUOTE=wrist cutter]That tells me one thing: you haven't taken into consideration anything that has been said in this post. Until you have a well-paying job and are mentally able to raise a child you SHOULD be nervous about having sex. Because until you reach that point, any sex you have could very well result in a life-changing day when she gets pregnant and suddenly you are the one that's screwed.[/QUOTE] lol, I posted before I read this post. I agree Wrist Cutter. Completely. You need to grow up, and back to my first post, asking people on a message board is really not proving your case that you're ready.
  3. [quote name='TOTALIMMORTAL][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DimGray]Alright everybody, I have a simple question. When are you old enough to have sex? I think when you're physically able to, mentally ready, mature enough, use protection, and your partner also matches all these categories, then you are ready. I know some would disagree and say you have to be married, or it's only intended to make babies or something like that, but what do you all think? I'm only 14, and I'm sure just about everybody here would say that's way too young, but I know I'm ready, and so is my girlfriend. All I wanna know is what all of your opinions are on when your old enough to be ready for sex. Please tell me what you think.....[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] Okay, I agree with every single person when they say 14 is too young. Personally, I think if you have to ask people on a message board whether having sex at age 14 is okay or not, is a bit immature, and is a clear sign that you're not ready. :cool: I'm a believer in the fact that sex should only be for a married couple, and not for "recreational" purposes. 14 is just out of the question IMO. I think you should rethink your priorities. Your 14. You're not even out of school yet, and you're making a grown up decision. It's not something to take lightly. Think about the consequences before you do anything.
  4. Kelsey looked up at Heero. She tried to be strong, but she couldn't. She winced in pain and fell to the floor. Heero caught her as she fell and looked at her again. Her head was to the ground and he felt her shaking in his arms. She pulled herself up and held her stomach again. Heero picked her up and laid her on the bed. He put the covers over her and pulled up a chair next to her. She put her hand out again and he took her hand. She squeezed his hand and he kissed it. She closed her eyes and a single tear fell from her cheek. Heero wiped it from her face. "I see them." Heero said nothing. "I see them... I see them on..me... They won't go away..." she said as more tears fell. Heero sat there. He blamed himself. He should have walked her to the classroom. "They threw me on that rock... it was cold..." she said. Heero's face filled with tears. He wanted to help her. "They said things... I didn't understand it then... but I think I do now..." Heero looked at her. He didn't understand... "They thanked Jaan Nagato, for..." her voice trailed off. Heero recognized the name. He was the teacher of unarmed combat... Anger swelled up inside of him "I think he may know who did this... who was responsible for..." her voice trailed as she grabbed her stomach again. The tears streamed from her eyes... Heero stared at Kelsey. He wiped her tears away again and knelt down and kissed her. "I love you Kelsey. Please don't leave me.." "I'll be fine. I'll be taken care of. There is one thing you can do for me Heero." she whispered. "Anything." he stroked her hair. "Take Hakaruu with you. Don't take unnecessary risks. Please..." Heero sighed. He would have rather gone alone, but he understood her frustration. "I promise." he said. He kissed her once more and left the room. Everyone was staring at him except for Hakaruu. He stood next to the window. Heero stared at Hakaruu. "Is she okay right now?" Cat asked. "No. Not yet. Keep her company while I'm gone. Please." Cat nodded and went into the room. Heero walked over to Hakaruu. "You're coming with me." he said. Hakaruu looked at him puzzled, "What made you change your mind?" "Kelsey. She changes everything for me." he walked out of the nurses office and went outside.
  5. Kelsey woke up feeling cold. It was dark and dank. The window was open and she felt the wind blowing on her face. She didn't remember where she was. And then the images came back to her. She closed her eyes hoping the images would go away, but they kept reoccuring in her mind. Her mind was circling. She felt even colder. She remembered their words to her as they each took turns taking advantage of her, how they hurt her, and then left her. She closed her eyes and started screaming. Her screams reached the outer hall of the nurses office. Hakaruu came running in with Cat and Lex close behind him. Kelsey was screaming under her sheets and crying violently. Hakaruu tried calming her down, but as soon as he touched her, she began hitting him. "Stop!! Don't touch me, get your hands off me!!" she screamed. Cat saw Hakaruu taken a back by this and went over to Kelsey. "Kelsey, it's Cat. We're not going to hurt you," she said softly. "Get off me!! Get off!!!! HEERO!!!" she cried again and started to get up and run out of the room. "Wake Up for God's Sakes Kelsey!!!" Cat said, trying to hold back the tears. She tried to hold her down but she kept screaming for them to get off of her. She broke free and ran to the door where Lex stopped her. "Let me go! I'm getting out of here, you won't hurt me anymore!! HEERO!" she cried. "Heero left Kelsey, you're in the hospital. You're safe from those people. We're here to help you." Kelsey finally realized where she was, but the images of the boys who raped her were still there. She put her head in her hands and fell to the floor. She sobbed and her cries pierced everyone's hearts as they watched the once spirited and happy girl crumble and breakdown. "Heero, where's Heero. Where is he...?" she whispered. "Heero, where is he.." Lex bent down to the girls level and put a hand on her shoulder. She shuddered at the touch but calmed down. "He left after he found you Kelsey. He left.." Hakaru said. He walked over to Kelsey. "He said he failed you," Kelsey sat on her knees on the floor and held her stomach. She was in pain. It wasn't until then that she realized her attackers left a reminder for her. She grabbed her stomach and crawled to her bed. "I need to see him.. please.. someone find him for me.." Cat looked at Hakaruu. "Please, will you go?" she asked Hakaruu saw the tears in her eyes and nodded. "I'll be back as soon as I can." and he left. Kelsey laid on her pillow, constantly being haunted by the images and pain coursing through her body.. "Heero.." she cried into the darkness.
  6. Kelsey walked over to Heero. "Come on, we can leave now if you'd like. There's nothing left to do here." Heero nodded and walked out the door with Kelsey. He stopped and turned. "Thank you for your help. But we're not getting anywhere here." he turned again and walked out. Kelsey was silent as they walked. "So where do you want to go?" "Somewhere away from everyone else." he said. Kelsey stopped. "Heero, are you offended by what they say about you?" Heero was quiet as he looked at Kelsey. "No. People will think what they want to think. There's no use in changing their mind. Besides, they all have reasons to hate me." Kelsey stared at him for a while. "But don't you ever wish for friends? I mean, Hakaruu seemed nice, why do you give him the cold shoulder?" "Cold Shoulder??" Heero said, a tinge of anger in his voice. "I don't want to talk about this anymore." "Heero, it's not fair that you don't allow yourself to get close to people. I want to see you happy. And trusting in people, and having that trust appreciated and returned makes a person happy. Can't you see that?" "Kelsey, you're completely different. You understand where I'm coming from. You know because you've been there. Those people don't know." "But that doesn't mean they won't understand if you opened up to them. You deserve to be happy." "I don't need them to make me happy. I've just been happier knowing you." "Heero, I've never felt happier either. I guess that's why I want you to make friends. I want you to be happier." "I'm fine Kelsey. Can we just drop this subject already?" "Fine, but will you consider what I've said. You should be a little more trusting. No one in that room was out to hurt you." "Alright, fine. I have to go. If the others ask where I am, let them know I'm taking a walk. I'll be fine. I just need some time alone." Kelsey watched Heero walk away. She frowned a little, half disappointed that she pushed him so far, and half disappointed that he left like that. She started walking back to the room when all of a sudden, somoene jerked her back into the bushes. She tried to scream when a hand was put over her mouth. "We'll take care of you Kelsey. Trust us." the voice said mockingly as he laughed. Then something hit her on the back of the head and everything went black.
  7. Name: Katrina Muleen Age: 18 Agenda: Female Weapons: Sword and dagger Appearance: [url=http://www.montfuji.com/anime/rahxephon/haruka-05.jpg] Click Here [/url] Personality: She's a no nonsense woman. She has the respect of many pirates and gains the respect from those who meet her. She doesn't fool around. (Please do not dirty my character.) The only thing she's interested in is her duty. She is a very loyal and trusting crew mate, and a brilliant leader when the time commands her to be one. One of the few women who hold a respectable rank. Posessions: Her mothers necklace. (Gold with a small emrald in the middle) Bio: Her father died when she was young. She had no memory of him. Her mother died when she was four of pneumonia. She scrounged up what she could around the city, usually begging for bits of food. Did this until she was 10. When 10, a local Inn Keeper took her under his wing and let her sleep and work there. He was the only father figure she had. He took care of her, and paid her well, letting her know she could stay and live there as long as she liked. She took fighting lessons from the Inn Keepers son, who was 25 years old, and by the time she was 15, they bought her a sword. She left the Inn at the age of 16, and boarded a ship that was going north. On the ship, the crew was over taken by Pirates. Katrina fought hard to save the ship, but eventually lost when 10 different Pirates had finally stopped her. After capturing her, they realized that the rest of the crew and shipmates had deserted her to fight on her own. The Captain had an impact on the girls courageousness and granted her leave. Since she had gained the Captain's respect, she had wished to stay on the ship. Her request was granted, and she became a pirate from that day forward. Many pirates respected her, and deemed her a worthy crew mate. Her ship was later destroyed,by a trecherous band of ruthless pirates. They slaughtered every single ship mate on the ship except for her. They tried capturing her, but she escaped during the night. She has been looking for work ever since.
  8. Kelsey walked over to Cat and Kita. "You girls ok?" she asked "We're fine. What about you?" asked Cat "I'm okay. I just wish they would stop following us." "We heard about the message your friends left for Heero." Kita said. "What? How did you find out? I thought they cleaned it all up?" Kelsey asked. "Everyone knows Genius, that's why we decided to do a little investigating ourselves. Fortunately, we came back here before we went looking for you two." Then Kelsey remembered why they came in the first place. "Lex, we needed to ask you something." "What is it?" he said without looking up. He was looking for anyone who was alive. He hated casualties, but these boys had left them no choice. "We need to know about this gang that was here a while ago. Any chance of them still being around?" Heero said walking over to Kelsey and the others. "I wouldn't know. But these methods are the same. I came here after they were gone, but according to school records, they fought in numbers, and would go after anyone who crossed a member." "That sounds like them alright." Heero said ?Well what do we do now? We can?t question them when they?re dead.? Kelsey said. She was getting frustrated. "This one's not dead." Lex lifted up the boy on the table. It was the boy Kita had knocked over with the chair. He was breathing, and cursing. Heero stomped over to the kid and grabbed his throat. "Heero, knock it off already!" Lex said, as Hakaruu pulled Heero back. The kid tried to run for it, but Lex held onto his shirt collar. Heero shrugged off Hakaruu and glared at the boy who was now laughing at him. "Heero, there's no need to be angry. This is all in good fun right? We all get to have fun every once in a while." he looked over at Kelsey who was now right next to Heero. He smiled, "You should know that first hand." Kelsey walked over to the kid as Lex held the kid down. "Who wants me dead?" she asked. The boy smiled. "Do you really think it will be the easy to get that information out of me?" he laughed as Heero tried to grab the kids throat again. Kita went up behind the boy and pulled his head back, holding it by a handful of hair. "We're not asking you. We're demanding you to tell us. Tell us and we might let you live." Lex stared at Kita and got frustrated with their methods of intimidation. He looked at her and shook his head. She nodded and released his hair. "Tell us boy. And we will make sure nothing happens to you." Lex said. The boy frowned. "I don't have to tell you guys anything." Cat grew impatient. "He's not going to tell us anything, this is going nowhere." Heero still glared at the boy, and the boy now stared at Heero. "I can't tell you guys anything." he said as he coughed. "You can't or you won't?" Heero said never averting his gaze. He wasn't about to let this slime leave without a decent answer. He smiled. "Both. Even if I could, I still wouldn't tell you anything." he said. "Take him out of here!" shouted Hakaruu. Lex and Kita picked the kid up and left the building. Hakaruu finally let Heero go. Heero shook his shoulders a little and walked about the rest of the corpses. "Get someone over here to clean this up." he said as he walked to the window. Hakaruu sighed. "Is he always like this?" he asked Kelsey. Kelsey just watched Heero. She knew what he was thinking. Cat finally spoke up. "Yeah, but you can't blame him. He's got a lot on his mind. More than I think any of us really understand or even know about." Hakaruu looked at Cat. She sighed softly and started moving the corpses outside. Hakaruu looked over at Heero who was just staring outside. Then he too started helping Cat. Kelsey walked over to Heero and just stood silently behind him for a while. Heero knew she was there. "We're not getting anywhere." he said softly. "We have to be patient. We'll find out sooner or later." "Hopefully before it's too late." He said. He turned around and walked past Kelsey. He started moving the bodies outside. Kelsey just stood there saying nothing. She didn't know what to think. But she felt this pit of anxiety in her stomach that told her something horrible was about to happen.
  9. The Next day, Kelsey and Heero walked to their next class. They were going to get the day off because of all the comotion this past week. And then they were going to use the day to figure out who was following them, and what they were after. "Heero, I am willing to give you the day off, however, Kelsey is another story. She's hardly here for class as it is." "Ms, we really need today off. I'll help her catch up." "Alright Heero. I trust you enough that you'll keep your word." she gave Kelsey a stern look. "I want to see more motivation from you Ms. Vitain. Be grateful that Heero gives you the time of day." "Actually Ms, it's the other way around. I'm grateful she gives me the time of day." he said. He took Kelsey's hand and left the class. Kelsey turned and giggled at the shocked tutor. "Thanks. She's a real witch." "No problem. We need to figure this out." "But how? We don't even know where to start." Heero frowned. He knew this to be the case. But what could he do? "We're going to see Lex. He should know of this gang Kita was telling us about." "You think it's them?" Kelsey said. "Who else would send 8 guys to your dorm last night, and send at least 5 others to the nurses office? It's got to be them." "I hope so. At least we'd know what we're dealing with. I'd hate to be following one trail, just to find out too late that we've been tracking the wrong source." Heero nodded in agreement. Kelsey looked up at the sky. "You still haven't fully recovered Heero. We shouldn't push it to hard today." "Kelsey, I'll be fine. The sooner we stop these guys, the sooner we both can move on with our lives." they reached Lex's room and no one was in. "Mr. Van?" Kelsey called. No one answered. "This isn't right.." Heero said. "He's suppose to have a class right now. Are they around the campus somewhere today?" "Maybe. But I highly think the students would take their books and bags with them." Kelsey remembered that this was Cat's first class. She was suppose to be here. [i]Where is she?[/i] Just then, the door closed behind them. Before Heero could react, a sword was at his throat. Kelsey stepped away from Heero and screamed. Their assailant was none other than the kid she sliced at the creek the day before. "So, we meet again. Funny how we all seem to run into each other like this." "Who are you, and what do you want from us?" Kelsey asked angrily. He laughed. "Now now, I'm not just giving you my name. Besides, where's your manners, you should get to know me before you ask such questions." he laughed again as he pressed the blade closer to Heero's neck. "You have quite a girlfriend here, Heero. Just my style. Now that you've had your fun with her Heero, you can let the other boys play with her as well." he laughed again. "You Bastard..." he reached for his Katanas when a second person fell from the ceiling. "Try it Heero, and the girl dies." he had his bow pointed at her head, and held her shoulder with the other hand. She tried moving, but it was no use. At that moment, the door flew open and Lex, Cat and Hakaruu barged in, weapons ready. Kita, too followed them in. "Are we late?" she said jokingly.
  10. She was silent. She kept clutching his coat. She had blocked that memory from her mind for so long. "He was sent to be executed for the murder of our parents. The justice system failed. They were going to kill my brother." Heero just held her and listened. That was all he could do. "I went to the judge, and demanded him to set my brother free. After telling him the real story, and that I was an eye witness that night, he ordered to release Jake." She smiled. " My brother, the one who told me to hold on even when there looks as if there's nothing to hold onto. The one who told me to have faith even when everytihng seemed hopeless, gave up on his life, and killed himself a half hour before I got him released." the tears came down her face. They were quiet for a long time. "What can I do to help Kelsey?" Heero asked. Kelsey was silent. She took the blanket from earlier and wrapped it around her and Heero. "Just stay. Don't leave me."
  11. OOC: To all of those who don't recognize the difference in color and style, this is what you would call, a FLASHBACK [I][COLOR=DarkGreen]"I'm sorry Ms. Vitain, there's nothing we can do. Your brother was tried anc convicted." "Sir, please, he's innocent. I can prove it! I'm s live witness to the fact about my father. He came toward Jake and me with a kitchen knife sir. he was trying to kill us, and then Jake saved me. We ran away that night. Oh please sir, please! Call back the execution order, he's innocent." He stared at her for a while not saying anything. "Please sir, he's all I have. Please don't take him from me too." she said softly. The judge just stared at the young girl in front of him, and then stood from his chair and retrieved a phone. "Leonard, stop the order this afternoon. Jake ViTain isn't going anywhere." "Sir?" came the voice from the other line. "You heard me! Get his things ready, he's going to be leaving today." Kelsey cried with excitement, "Thank you you Honor, thank you so much." "You better hurry." Kelsey smiled and ran down the courthouse steps. She ran across the small town of Hallder to the Jailhouse. Inside, she was greeted by a young lady. "Name please?" she said "Kelsey ViTain, I'm here to see my brother. He's suppose to be released today." The lady looked over the papers. "Room 127, and I'm very happy your brother is innocent." she said. "Thank you." Kelsey ra to the door. She stopped for a second and straightened herself up. She opened the door and saw aknocked over chair on the floor....[/COLOR][/I]
  12. Kelsey waited for a while. She understood his fear. She felt it too. It was something she had never felt before. It was as if he wanted to continue, but refused to. And then she realized what was wrong. He was afraid that everything he cared about, would suffer. Because of him... "Heero, you won't lose me. I won't leave you. We'll get rid of this problem. Just have faith that things will be better." Heero was shaking. He didn't look at her once. She lifted his chin to look at her. "Don't be afraid to feel. Heero." Kelsey stared at him for a moment. He was still shaking and unresponsive. Still holding his chin, she leaned in and kissed him. He broke away for a secoond and looked at Kelsey. He finally smiled. "Thank you." he said and he kissed her again
  13. OOC: Ouch.... (/0_0\) Kelsey's tears fell from her cheek. "Well, thank goodness you worry too much." she said. She begam to cry and she leaned her head on his shouder. Heero held her tight and kissed the top of her head. His heart was racing. These boys meant business. And they had a plan. They almost succeeded. He held her tighter. "Come on." he started walking with her to the nurses office. "You're not safe here." She followed him into the room where he had been, and everything was torn to shreads. The sheets and pillows were shreaded, and the machines were a pile of heap. Heero let go of Kelsey and walked over to the wall. There was a message on the wall, SHE'S NEXT Heero slammed his fist against the wall. The nurses came in gasping at the sight of the room. Their first reaction was Heero being responsible. But then they saw the message and understood. They called security. Kelsey stared at the message for a long time. She didn't know how to react to it. It didn't seem real, and yet it was there right in front of her. Heero slammed the wall again, and screamed in frustration. Kelsey touched his shoulder and waited for him to calm down. She knew he couldn't last much longer. She needed to make him rest. She turned him around to face her. "Heero," she whispered. "They won't take you away, Kelsey. I won't let them." he said.
  14. Cat and Kita were still going at it when Heero finally got fed up with the bickering. "If you two don't cut it out, I'm going to order the nurses to escort you out of here." he said as he laid back on his pillow. Kita and Cat stopped talking but were still giving each other nasty glares. Heero turned to look at Kelsey when he noticed her torn jacket. "Oh hell, Kelsey, what happened?" Kelsey looked at the jacket and just smiled. "Nothing Heero, you need your rest." "Kelsey, for Gods sakes, if you don't tell me everything now I'll get out of here right now." Kelsey sighed. "Fine, but you have to promise to stay in bed." "We'll see about that. What's going on?" "Earlier today, when I went to get your twin Katanas, two guys followed me. To make a long story short, one of them made a move on me, and I showed him why that's not allowed." Heero shook his head and smiled. Cat and Kita were listening as well. Kita bursted out in laughter. "So you sliced him? Smart one Kelsey." "Oh, come on Kita, you wouldn't have allowed someone to do that to you either. Anyway, then they told me that they're going to kill you, but not before they make you suffer." Heero seemed confused about the suffering part. And then it hit him. They knew what would hurt him the most. "Kelsey, you have to get someone to guard you." Kelsey looked confused. "What are you talking about?" "They're going to get to me by hurting you. You need someone now." "Heero, they wouldn't come after me." "That's not what it looked like earlier." Kita spoke up. Heero shot a look at Kita, "What in the-?" "You're girlfriend was attacked again today. She and Cat tried fighting them off, but I saved them. They would have torn you two apart by the way. I shoud get some sort of compensation for my heroic acts," she said as she smiled. "Kelsey, you need to have security on you." "I'm not going anywhere Heero. I'm staying here, and as far as protection goes, I think I did pretty well on my own this far." "Yeah, with the help of us." Kita pointed out. "Shut up Kita." Cat said again. "Oh come off it, you know how brutal those guys were, Look what they did to Heero." she said. "So what??" she said with a scowl on her face. "It's their problem." "EXACTLY." said Kelsey. "So if you two don't mind I'd like to have a word with Heero. Alone. Thank you" After a lot of mumbling, they finally left the two alone. "God Kelsey, why didn't you tell me this sooner?" "Heero, it's not something to worry about right now. Please save your strength. The quicker you get better the faster you and I both get what we want." "And what's that?" he said laying back down. "You being my own personal bodyguard." she smiled. "Fine. But if you leave, I want someone to walk you to your dorm. There's plenty of nurses here you can ask. Please, Kelsey,for me?" "Alright. Fine. Get some sleep Heero."
  15. ?You don?t have to be here, Kelsey. I?m fine. You should get some rest yourself.? He said, his eyes closed. ?You?re right. I don?t have to be here. I want to be here though.? Kelsey said. She then picked up his Katanas from before. ?You left them by the creek.? He saw them and smiled. ?I really didn?t have time to go back and get them you know.? Kelsey smiled, ?I know, that?s why I went back and got them. And I got to use them a little as well.? ?Kelsey, what did you do this time?? he asked playfully ?Nothing. I just put a few returning hoodlums in their place. That?s all.? ?What happened?? he asked. She was silent for a few seconds. ?They returned, and they were asking for trouble. So I gave it to them.? She didn?t want to go into details, because she was afraid Heero would react to quickly. ?Kelsey, I want to know what they did to you.? He said with a sterner tone. ?Well, I?m not going to tell you until you?re fully healed. You?re just going to react and what good would that do either of us?? ?Kelsey..? he said ?No, this is my decision. Hopefully this will give you an incentive to get better faster.? She reasoned. ?I?m going to go get some lunch at the cafeteria. I?ll be right back.? ?Don?t worry, I?m not going anywhere.? Heero said sarcastically. ?Don?t even try to mister,? and she left his room. She went outside to the food court where she got herself a small lunch. There she saw Cat, running up to her. ?Kelsey!? ?What is it?? she asked ?I just heard about Heero. Is he alright?? Cat asked ?He?s fine. How did the whole school-? Oh who cares, He?s doing better now.? ?There?s rumors saying he was dead. I?m so thankful that they?re not true.? ?Well they aren?t. I have to get back. You want to come back and see him with me?? ?Sure, let me get my stuff.? Cat grabbed her bags and walked with Kelsey to the Nurses office. On the way there, Kelsey saw three shadows passing behind the building. ?Stop? she whispered. ?I see them too.? Cat pulled out her Katanas, when all of a sudden, three thugs came charging at them. Cat maneuvered around them as Kelesy dropped to the ground and grabbed her bow. Cat slashed at them, striking one on the arm. Kelsey dropped the bow and carried the arrow. She wound herself behind a thug coming after Cat and stuck the arrow into his right shoulder. He cried out in pain, slashing at Kelsey, cutting her coat, and pushing her to the ground. At that moment, Kita Rayne jumped down from the balcony and fought off the remaining two with Cat. The boys ran after a few slashes and missing. Kelsey stood up from where she was pushed and looked at Kita and smiled. ?Thanks.? She said ?Don?t mention it.? Kita smiled
  16. She laughed. "Heero, why does a childl give their father a hug along with a thank you when they recieve a new toy? Because they appreciate what that person has done for them, and to show them extra gratitude, they try to show them how much they really appreciate it by displaying some sort of action with the words." He smiled and was silent for a while. "Why? Did you hate it?" she teased
  17. Kelsey took his hand and caressed it. She ran her fingers through his hair. She knelt down and kissed him, ever so gently. She sat up and smiled. "Thank you," was all she could say. Lex stared at the two of them in disbelief. He left the room and reported the incident to the board. Meanwhile: Heero was fighting for his life. She would stay with him until he was well. The nurses had allowed it since the situation seemed unexplainable. No one understood what had happened to the young man, how he came back. But Kelsey didn't need to know how. Just as long as he did, she was happy. Two officials came into the room. "Ms. ViTain? We need to ask you a few questions..." "Let me guess, you want to know who did this to him, well it wasn't me, and the boys who did do this are hiding somewhere. I can only give you a description of what they look like. But as far as everything else, I'm afraid you boys are going to have to be on your own and get your justice done." "Maam, we need your statement. It's the only way to bring your boyfriends attackers to justice." "Justice." she whispered as she stared at Heero. Tears welled up in her eyes. "There is no justice." Justice didn't save Jake, and justice won't save Heero. Please, leave me alone." The 2 men looked at each other and nodded. They left the room. "Ms. ViTain, before we go, we want you to know we will be contacting you for descriptions," "Understood." she said softly. She stared at Heero. She remembered seeing Jake's lifeless body hanging from the top of the cell like it was just yesterday. They said he had killed himself after lunch, 3 hours before his execution. She screamed in horror as she walked in there. She remembered the cold and alone feeling that followed. [i]If he had held on for a little longer.[/i] she thought. She looked at Heero again. "Don't be like Jake." she whispered as she ran her fingers through his hair. "You never know what tomorrow will bring."
  18. Kelsey closed her eyes. The tears stopped falling. "Save your strength Heero. You have so much to live for. You have a future. Everyone has. Life was given to you, not to be wasted, but to be used to it's fullest. Don't give up on that gift. The ones we loved only were able to enjoy their gift for a short while. I'm sure they all wanted to live as long as they could. But their lives were cut short. Don't mock them by throwing that gift away. Hold onto it. They would have if they could." she said sadly. "Don't be like Jake. Don't give up so fast. You never know when things might turn out better. You never know what the next day will bring." Heero tried moving but the pain worsened. He yelled in pain as he fought the coming darkness that seemed to be stealing his life away. All he could remember was his parents death and how painful it was to watch them die. He couldn't let that happen to Kelsey. He couldn't put her through that kind of pain. He held on as hard as he could. Then, out of the bushes, Lex and about 5 other medics came and started putting Heero on a crate. Kelsey watched as they lifted the lifeless Heero. She cried even harder when he cried in pain. The medics left and Kelsey ran back to the creek. "Kelsey! Where are you going?" Lex asked "I have to get his weapons. It's special to him, I can't leave them here." she ran back to the creek, and found them against the rock. She picked them up and turned around just to see 2 of the boys from earlier. "Where's your guardian angel now little girl?" said the leader "You thought you were pretty funny back there, hitting to of our guys like that. You'll regret ever crossing paths with us." Kelsey was burning with anger, "Actually, if I'm not mistaken, you crossed paths with me first." "Pretty smart words for a girl." He touched her cheek "Just the way we like them" With that Kelsey backed away and used the twin Katanas and sliced his hand. He winced in pain and cursed at Kelsey. "Don't you EVER touch me you slime." she said. The other one walked up to her, keeping a safe distance from the twin katanas. "You may think this is over, but we've got friends girl. Friends who are more powerful than us. We won't be finished until your boyfriend has suffered the imaginable and is dead." "Leave or I'll slice your face in half." they turned around and left. She waited until she knew they were gone, and ran to the nurses office, and went to see Heero.
  19. Kelsey's heart was racing, He was still and his face was turning blue. She grabbed his clothes from the bank and covered his wounds. The gash in his back from the night before was worse. She started crying because of all the blood she saw. She looked at Heero, and his eyes were still closed. She cradled his head in her lap as she tried wiping the blood off his face. "Don't give up on me Heero. You're a fighter. You can get through this." she whispered. She saw his bruises and started crying again. "Please wake up, Heero, let me know you'll be okay." she said. She stroked his cheek and wept softly. He needed help and fast. Where was Lex? Why hadn't he brought someone yet? Kelesy looked at Heero. She hated what happened to him. She wanted to hunt them down and shoot every single one of them. Her anger blazed within her, but she couldn't leave Heero. She needed him to wake up. She put her headon Heero's and cried some more. He wasn't moving. "Somebody Please!! Help!!" she cried. But no one heard her. Just then, Heero began to stir, and he finally opened his eyes. Kelsey smiled. "Heero, we need to have a talk about your outdoor hobbies." He smiled faintly in reply.
  20. After lunch, Kelsey went over to the spot under the tree. She would go see Heero later. She knew he probably wanted some time alone. She was about to go to sleep when she saw Lex running toward her. "Kelsey!" Lex said "Oh hi Mr. Van, how are you?" "I'm fine, where's Heero?" Lex looked worried. "He went for a swim. Why? Is something wrong?" she stood up from her spot under the tree. He looked on her face and noticed the bandage on her forehead. "Were you two attacked last night?" he asked, gripping his sword. "Yeah, twice in fact, it was those same boys from yesterday." she started getting worried. "What's going on?" she said "Heero's in trouble. A student of mine says that he overheard them saying they're going to get him back for what he did to them yesterday. At first I thought it was just for what happened at lunch, but now I know it's more serious than that." "Lex, they tore him up yesterday. He had to go in for stiches this morning. We have to get to him now." Kelsey started running toward the Creek. "Where are you going?" Lex asked as he followed. Kelsey picked up her Bow and arrows that were left on the fence. "I know where he is. Hopefully we'll get there before them." "Kelsey, they left at the beginning of lunch, there's no way-" "I know a shortcut. We have to get there!" and Kelsey ran full speed to the clearing he ahd shown her yesterday.
  21. "Well, he's hurting, I know that much. Some wounds, if they are deep enough, will never go away. I worry about him Cat." "I'm worried about you." "What? What are you talking about?" "You're using Heero as a distraction. You want him to feel better, but you're not doing anything to help yourself." Cat said as she finished her drink. "I'm fine, Cat. My problems aren't nearly as big as Heero's. I'm not haunted by the past. At least not in the way he is. I want to help him, but there's nothing more I can do but be there for him." "Well I think you're doing a good job, he seems happier when he's around you." "Yeah, I just wish he was happier period." she sighed as she finished her plate.
  22. OOC: :laugh: Well [i]SOMEONE[/i] Had to :laugh: IC: Kelsey laughed. "Oh, poor Heero. Did you mess up? Teacher won't be so proud of you now." she smiled and went over to her targeting area. "Here, let the master teach you how it's done." She let her arrow go and it actually hit the targeting zone. She was actually amazed that she hit it. "Hey, you're pretty good." Heero said. "Um, yeah, happens all the time." she said, but she knew he didn't believe her. He laughed and turned around. "What? You don't believe me? I'm a pretty skilled shot." "Sure you are Kelsey. SURE you are." he shot an arrow and it, too hit the bullseye. "Care to make a little wager?" "Fine by me. What are the stakes?" "We shoot 20 Arrows. Whoever loses has to buy the other person lunch." "Fine, oh, and I'll like a BIG lunch today. I'm quite hungry." "Just make sure you order two." she said, and they began. Later that Day: "I can't believe you're actually making me by you lunch." Kelsey muttered. "Well, that's what you get when you gamble. Besides, you would have forced me to buy you lunch if it was the other way around." he said. He laughed. "Oh, and get me a larger soda, this one's too small." "Jerk. I'll spit in it if I hear one more request." she threatened. Heero laughed. he gathered the rest of his food, and they made their way to find Cat.
  23. Kelsey watched Heero walk off. "Where's he going?" asked Cat. "I don't know, but I'm going to go after him. I'll meet you at lunch today, how's that sound?" "Sounds great, see you then." Cat smiled and walked to her class. Kelsey knew he wasn't going to class, because his first class was [i]her[/i] first class. She smiled and walked to find Heero. She found sitting by the creek. "Heero?" Heero looked up and saw it was Kelsey. He knew she was wondering why he's here. She sat next to him, and they remained silent. It was only then, that Heero spoke. "I'm sorry." he said softly "For what?" Kelsey asked "For last night. I shouldn't have been like that. All Emotional ... It wasn't fair to you." "Heero, you were having those dreams again. I know what that's like. Except I wake up [i]wanting[/i] to be dreaming again. You wake up being tormented by the images you have to live with." she said. "I can't get rid of them. I want to forget. I want to forget it all." Kelsey couldn't say anything. Whenever she dreamed, she was with her family, and they were enjoying themselves all together. She didn't have to live with the images of her mother dying, or her father killing himself. Nor did she have to live with the images of her brother becoming hopelessly sad, and killing himself. Her dreams were always happy, and she wished that she could forever dream. "But when you wake up, it's all gone, and your stuck with a reality that doesn't seem real. And the dreams," Heero listened to her, she was thinking out loud. But she continued. "The dreams become a constant reminder of the way things used to be. The way things could have been, and the way things should have been. Nobody deserves to have their childhood stolen from them. Nobody. We all deserve happiness. We all deserve a good life. None of us should live to suffer the past." Heero was silent. She knew he was thinking about what she said. She was thinking about it as well. They sat there for about 15 minutes when Kelsey looked at her watch. "Dang it. we're going to be late. And I promised Cat we'd meet her for lunch today! How can I do that if Ms. Grump gives me another detention??" "You can always tell her you were just enjoying nature." Heero said as he stood up. "Very funny, you don't have to worry because you're her favorite student." "Well that's true. She won't give you a detention. I'll just tell her you were helping me with something." Kesley thought about the idea and smiled. "I knew having you as a friend would come in handy." she started walking to the class when Heero stopped her. She looked at Heero with a questioning glance. He looked serious. "Thank you Kelsey. For everything," he said. She smiled and put her hand on his face. "You've suffered too much in life. We both have, It's time to move on." He gazed into her eyes for a while and smiled. They walked to their class.
  24. Later, Kelsey was staring out of the nurse?s window. She and Heero had walked to the office right when it was open. Heero had insisted that she be checked on first, but Kelsey knew he was just being protective again. After they had checked her, and reaffirmed her healthiness, they took Heero in. She knew he would be in need of stitches and further medication for the wounds. So she suspected it would take a while. She knew he watched his parents die in front of him. She wondered how it must have felt. She knew Jake had nightmares too when he saw their mother die. But this was different. Heero was [i]forced[/i] to watch his parents suffer. She cringed at the thought of being forced to watch those you love die. She saw Cat pass by the window. Cat was smiling. She didn?t understand what had happened to the once quiet girl, but she knew it must have been something good. She decided to go out and talk to her. ?Hey, Cat!? she called. Cat turned around. ?Oh hi Kelsey.? ?Well you look happy. Did you get to break someone?s jaw?? Kelsey said with a smile. ?Yeah, some thing like that.? She smiled. ?No, some other things have happened, and I?m feeling a lot better because of it. So how are you?? ?I?m fine. Well, I?m fine, but Heero isn?t. He got in another fight yesterday so we came here to get him some help.? Cat looked worried, ?Is everything all right?? ?Well, I?m no doctor, but I?m sure he?ll be just fine.? Kelsey said. She smiled a little, but she was really thinking about what happened after the fight. ?What happened to him?? she asked ?Well, you know those boys you scared off for me yesterday? Well they came back and ambushed us. Heero took them all out, no help from me though. I got myself knocked out.? ?But you?re okay now.? She said ?Yeah, I was fine. He was walking me back to my dorm when they tried it again. But they got him pretty hard that time. It was awful cat. I just wish I could defend myself for a change.? ?Well this is Kurakow, they do [i]teach[/i] that kind of stuff here you know.? She said with a teasing tone to her voice. ?I know.? And then the nurse came out and smiled. ?He?s okay now, you can see him Ms. ViTain.? ?Thanks. Come on, I don?t think he?ll mind the company.? She said as she smiled at Cat. They went inside and saw a bandaged Heero putting his jacket on. ?How are you feeling?? Kelsey asked. Cat followed her in. ?Fine now, thanks to the nurses. They did a pretty good job.? He said looking at his own bandages. ?And my work was anything less than perfect, right?? she said jokingly. ?Something like that.? He saw Cat, and Cat smiled. ?Hey Heero.? Heero smiled a little. ?Hey Cat. You look better.? ?I?m feeling better. Thanks for helping me yesterday. I think I needed that.? She smiled. Kelsey looked a little confused but she finally understood. ?Heero, you?ve been a very busy guy lately, haven?t you.? She smiled. ?Busier than I?ve ever been. Come on, let?s get out of here.?
  25. "Stay here." she whispered in his ear. He shook violently as she pulled him back. He was kneeling over the floor and Kelsey was supporting what she could support. "I'm looking after you Heero. I'm taking care of you." she said. He put his nad on his face and wept. He was in emotional as well as physical pain. "Stay here. and I will help you. Trust me." she said. She lifted his arm to help him stand. Heero dried the tears from his eyes and started out the door, when he saw Kelsey run in front of him. "Please Kelsey. Let me go." "No, I'm going to protect you. I'm protecting you from yourself. From your past, and from your nightmares." she went up to him and took his hand that she had bandaged earlier. "You need someone to look after you. And i', going tolook after you like you've looked after me." she released his hand and he began to cry again. She stepped closer and held onto him. He wept in he hair as she tried to be strong for the both of them. But she was determined not to let him go.
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