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Everything posted by Vash IDK
OOC: Oh who cares. Fights are always great, :laugh: "Heero?" she whispered He didn't say anything for a while. He just winced at the pain in his stomach. "Heero," she stood him up and put one arm on her shoulder, and walked him inside. He collapsed several times before she got him inside. She let him fall on the bed and she go some more bandages from her drawer. "I'm going to be out soon if you keep this up." she laid him on his back and he started coughing up blood. She sat him up and got her basin. He coughed in it and the blood kept coming. She needed to get him some help, but she couldn't bring him anywhere, and her phone had been broken for weeks now. "Dang it, I knew I should have ahd that fixed." she kicked the dresser. She looked over at Heero and he was still coughing up blood. [i]I don't get it. Why are they after me?[/i] When he was done she took the basin and put it in her sink. She went back and let him stay on her bed. She went over to the chair and slept. [i]He'll probably be furious that I let him take the bed.[/i] she smiled. [i]Who's going to take care of you Heero? If I don't, who will.[/i] with that, she went to sleep.
"Heero," Heero turned around quickly. He had thought she heard something. "Heero, are you sure you're okay?" "Kelsey, I'll be fine once you get inside and lock the doors." "You're wounds. They're open. You can get an infection if not looked at properly." "I'm going with you tomorrow, I'll be fine until then, just-" Kelsey took his hand and showed him the blood. "And I'm not suppose to worry?" she brought him inside. She sat him in a chair and got her new bandages. They were never used before, but fotunately she knew how to bandage a wound. She removed his jacket and saw that there were many different wounds. "Heero, if you want me to be honest with you, you have to be honest with me as well. Your wounds are more serious then you let on." She applied the medicine to the gash in his back, and cringed at the thought of the pain. But Heero didn't move. It actually made her job a lot easier. "There, all better now." she looked at Heero and smiled. "Never let a man do a womans job." She took the bandages and threw them away. When she came back, Heero was already out the door. She went to the window and saw him equipped with his sword.
Kelsey woke up and she felt dizzy. Her face felt sore. She started to sit up when a hand touched her shoulder. "Lay back down Kelsey. You're not well." She recognized Heero's voice. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine." he said. Kelsey knew better to believe him No guy ever admits to his pain. She sat up despite Heero's words and looked at him. He was completely bandaged. "Heero," she said softly. "What did they do to you?" He didn't answer. He stood up and got her a glass of water. She took the glass but didn't drink it. "But why?" "Because they can't take a hint." "Heero, where are they now?" she said "Beats me, but they should think twice before they want to pick a fight with you." Kelsey put the glass down and stood up, She walked over to where Heero was standing and checked his bandages. They were already stained with blood. "Heero.." "It's fine Kelsey." He stood up and put his jacket back on. "We should get you back. Tomorrow, first thing we're going to the Nurses office to get you checked out." "As long as you get yourself checked out too, Heero." Kelsey took a sip of her water and motioned that she was ready. Heero went to his closet and pulled out another jacket for her to wear. "Here," he said. "Heero, it's right around the corner, I think I'll be fine." "No, I want you to keep it." he said.
Heero smiled. "I'm not going to get off that easy, am I?" "Not while I'm around. I'll make you remember this one mister." she said, standing up. They heard another sound. Heero decided that it was best to get her back to her dorm room as soon as possible. "Is it them?" she asked "Who?" Heero looked at her confused. "Those two boys from earlier. They cornered me not too long after you left the nurses office and said they wern't finished with me or whatever. Then Cat showed up and they got scared and left." "Kelsey, I wished you told me this before." Heero said rolling his eyes. "You didn't ask. Besides, who knew that they'd be back. And besides, we don't even know if it's them." Heero looked around and decided to get going. "Come on, we've got to get you home now. I'm not taking any chances this time."
"What?" she said softly. "Nothing. I want to show you something." he got out of the water and got dressed. Kesley stood up and she was still wet and cold. "What is it?" she asked. "Just a place I think you'll like. I know how fond you are of nature. There's a place behind this creek that I think you'll find very enjoyable." Heero took her hand and walked past the creek. Kelsey had never walked this far from Kurakow. She was always afraid to go so far alone. But now that Heero was with her, she wasn't so afraid anymore. They stopped in a small clearing. They were below the ground and the trees formed a canopy over the still waters. "How did you find...?" "Come on, there's more." Heero led her to a tree where the branches extended over the waters. It was perfect for climbing. "Heero, I'm all wet. I can't climb like this?" "Kelsey, are you always a complainer?" "No, at least not when I'm dry." "Suit yourself, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss this shot, nature walker." he said and started climbing the tree. "Fine" she sighed. She followed Heero up the tree to the branch. He sat there and waited until she got herself up. She placed herself on the branch below him, and leaned against the tree. "Well this is high." she said. Kelsey enjoyed climbing trees. She just wasn't fond of the high ones. Heero smiled, "Look up Kelsey." She looked up and the stars outlined the sky in sweeps, and she noticed how the water picked up the stars reflection from their view. "It's beautiful. Actually, this is a lot like the place Jake and I used to live." "You used to live in a place like this? Lucky." said Heero. Kelsey pulled out the stone Jake had given to her. It was warm, despite the coldness around her. "Just like Jake." she said. Heero looked down at Kelsey, and was about to ask what she meant, when he saw a shadow pass along the bottom.
OOC: Lol, talk about not knowing what to say :laugh: "Well you don't look any better." she shot back. "It's FREEZING in here!!" she yelled. Heero laughed at her which enraged her even more. She pushed him away and got out of the water. She was soaked. "Dang it, these were fresh clothes from the laundry you know." Kelsey couldn't help but smile. "Well, they needed a wash anyway." he said. "Hey, don't make me get my bow and arrows, Heero." she threatened. Heero laughed and climbed out of the water he went over to his clothes and got his jacket. He shook it out and gave it to her. "Here" he said. "Don't want you catching a cold now do we? You've got school tomorrow, and we both know how much the teacher likes you." Heero said. Kelsey took the jacket and put it on. It was warm to her surprise. "Oh the groutch would just give me another detention." "Not that you ever deserved one." he said as he went back into the water. "As a matter of fact, no. I highly disagree that taking time to enjoy nature is against any school poilicies." "So that's what being late is called now, Enjoying Nature, I should remember that." Kelsey smiled. She had finally gotten Heero to smile. "You know, you don't look half bad with a smile. You should make it a habit." she said.
?Heero wait.? Kelsey said. He turned around and looked at her. She knew he would stay. She patted the ground next to her and turned and faced the water again. Heero stood there a while debating whether or not he should stay, but ultimately decided to stay. He went over and sat next to her. ?I?ve been waiting. What took you so long?? Kelsey said jokingly. ?I had something I needed to do.? He said Kelsey smiled. ?Heero, you don?t need to tell me anything about your past. I understand it?s painful to talk about. It wouldn?t be fair to expect something from you, knowing how painful a past can be.? ?So why are you talking to me? What are you doing here?? he asked still staring at the water. Kelsey waited for a second to gather all of her thoughts. ?Heero, you may not realize this, but you?ve been helping me a lot lately. And not in the way you think either.? Heero looked up for a second. His facial expressions showed that he was confused. ?Talking with you, seeing you, even being around you, Heero, helps me. I don?t feel sad when I?m around you. I hate being sad.? Heero was quiet. She could tell he was confused. ?My Father came home drunk one night and tried to kill the family. He killed my mother, but Jake, my brother got me out of there just in time. We didn?t return for years. Jake and I stayed away and lived in the woods. He had a small job in a different village. He used the money to buy foods at the store. We were actually happy despite what happened at home.? Heero looked up at that moment. ?So where?s your brother now?? Kelsey stopped for a while. ?He?s? dead, he killed himself in a jail cell because justice was too late.? Heero looked down at the ground. ?I know what it feels like to lose everything.? ?I haven?t lost everything, Heero.? Heero looked at her, and she met his questioning gaze. ?I have you as a friend, and now you have me. We can help each other get through this, just by understanding one another.? Heero just stared for a while. And then Kelsey saw what looked like a small smile. She smiled too and stared at the water once again.
[quote name='k9-Girl']True True, that's what everyone woman wants, proof that we're desired as an individual and not just as an interchangeable member of the oposite sex. But humans are fickle things and looks are indeed important, it's only natural, not that appearance can't be made secondary to personality (as lord knows we girls make tons of compromises in the appearance and personality of our boys), but still, knowing he is the real deal, there are few girls who wouldn't want to be found physically attractive by their boy.[/quote] So do you think it's unreasonable or unrealistic to ask for something like that? Because I don't think it's wrong to ask for something like that. Besides, I know for myself that would be the ONLY way I'd accept something like that. And if it means that I;ll be waiting for a LONG time, then so be it. I'm in no hurry ;)
[QUOTE=Gelgoog Pilot]Ok I've been thinking...I know I'm not the best at getting girls but I think one of the reasons is the way I got about it. I want some feedback on it. So normally I see a girl I like and think of going out with. I try and get to know her first, become friends and all that. The problem is, that doesn't seem to work. Actually the only REAL successful relationship I've had is with a girl I met on a blind date. It lasted like a year. So my question is basically which way do you think is best? Befriending them so they think of you as a friend and nothing more or just going in and asking them out and what not straight off the bat. Personnaly I don't think I can handle the later I'm much too much of a nervous person. :([/QUOTE] Personally, I like to get to know the guy first before I accept anything. But for the record, I'd want them to get to know me [i]first[/i] before they [I]saw [/I] me and thought of asking me out. Not the other way around. ;)
Kelsey was hunched over on the floor. She stopped crying a while ago, but her heart still felt heavy as if it had been crushed with too many blows. "This...must stop...." she whispered into the darkness of her soul. She knew she was doing it to herself again. The last time she almost lost everything. She almost lost her life. She sat on her knees and leaned against the bed. She held the stone and tried to draw on it's meaning. "Jake. He believed in me," she tucked the stone into her pocket. "Why did you leave me, Jake?? You swore to take care of me, and you take your life instead!!!" she screamed. She started throwing everything around the room and broke down again. She needed air. She dried her tears, grabbed her bow and went to the target courts. She had missed her class, but she really didn't care about what her witchy teacher would do or say the next day. There were more important things she needed to sort out in life, and it didn't involve archery lessons. It was getting dark outside, but she preferred the night hours when she felt this way. She set her bow and started shooting the targets. She concentrated hard on each shot. It helped her to avoid thinking about those who hurt her. Those who weren't with her, those who betrayed her, those who she counted on, and deserted her in the end... and those that confused her. She stopped and put the bow down. [i]Heero..[/i] she thought. He was the one thing she didn't mind thinking about. He was a puzzle to her. It was as if helping him would help her as well. Maybe that was why she tried to force it out of him earlier. But now, she knew she really must have done something right. The boy, who everyone took no notice of, because he took no notice of anyone else, was finally opening up. And she felt that while the victory belongs to Heero alone, she played a part in helping him. He, too had a past he wanted to escape. One that he clearly wanted to bury beneath the soils of the dank, depressing earth. But depsite his pain, he was finally finding it in his heart and character to open up. She smiled as she dried the last tear from her eye. Thinking of him made her feel a lot better. [i]Who knew that the person I thought needed my help was actually going to help me instead.[/i] And so, she walked over to the creek she had found Heero in earlier and sat there. She would wait for him, for as long as it would take.
Don't mention it pin head. ;) Lol :laugh:
OOC: Lol, Yeah, everything?s Good :laugh: Kelsey walked back to her room and waited until the time would come for her class to resume. She pulled out the stone from her pocket and smoothed it with her fingers. It was cool to the touch and she still could remember his cries of joy when she had reached the top of the tree. The stone was what had given her strength, was what she thought back then. But she knew now it was the faith her brother had in her that kept her going. [color=green][i] ?Kelsey, wake up.? Kelsey turned around and saw Jake putting his boots on and putting the sleeping bag away. ?Where are you going?? she asked. ?To town.? ?Jake! What if Dad finds you?? she sat up now and realized how cold it was outside that morning. ?Kelsey, he?s not the bad guy here. We need to realize that. It was the Alcohol that killed Mom. It was the knife dad used that killed mom. It wasn?t Dad. Dad wouldn?t do that. The day I believe that he did those things to hurt us is the day when the sun is gone.? ?Fine.? Kelsey got up and put her boots on. ?Then let?s get going.? ?No Kelsey, not this time. This is something I?m going to do myself. I?ve got to make sure everything is alright.? ?Jake, please let me go with you.? Kelsey pleaded. Jake gave his little sister a hug. ?Kelsey, I?ll be fine. I?ll be back in no time.? ?When Jake? When do I expect you back?? ?Give me two days Kels. I?ll be back by then.? ?Promise?? ?I promise, now go to sleep. I got food in the ice chest for the days I?m gone. Don?t get sick on cookies, you hear?? ?I promise.? Kelsey smiled and went to sleep.[/i][/color] [i]But you [b]broke[/b] that promise, Jake.[/i] Kelsey thought to herself. ?You [b]LIED[/b] to me!? she cried. Kelsey hugged her pillow and wept.
If you can't talk to her, do you really think you're ready to date her? Think about when you would be on a date, would you find it hard to talk to her then? If so, maybe you should wait it out for a while. Until you're ready or mature enough. If the answer is of course, what's the difference between then and now? You already asked her once, so she knows you have feelings for her. Why don't you go the rest of the way and talk to her? If that's all she's asking for, the least you can do is make this girl happy, right?
?Thanks. I guess I should be more careful.? ?I think you should.? Said Cat. She patted her blade and smiled a little. ?And it doesn?t hurt to have something like this either.? Cat started to turn around. [i]What is it with people and helping me anyway?[/i] Kelsey thought. She smiled again and put her hand out. ?I?m Kelsey.? She said ?Cat.? She said. Kelsey noted the sadness and relief in her voice. She turned around and walked away. [i]I think I made a friend.[/i] Kelsey chuckled at the thought. She walked past the building for a while when she saw Mr. Van leaning against the fence. Kelsey decided to go up and talk to him. ?Mr. Van?? He looked at Kelsey and smiled. ?Yes Kelsey?? ?Is something wrong?? ?Why don?t you tell me?? Kelsey looked at him with a tinge of confusion. ?I don?t know what you mean.? ?Kelsey, why do you think Heero helped you? Heero doesn?t do anything for anyone. ESPECIALLY give them the time of day.? ?I don?t know.? Kelsey had been wondering the same thing all day. ?Maybe it?s because I try to make it my business to get to know him. Sometimes, if we wait for someone to open up to us, we?re doing harm in not taking action. Why?? Mr. Van turned around and leaned over the fence again. ?Is it really that simple?? ?Mr. Van, is something bothering you?? He fell silent and just watched the school. ?No, it?s just that Heero doesn?t care what happens to anyone. You saw that in the case with those two boys. They weren?t right in what they did, but was Heero?s solution any better?? Kelsey didn?t know what to say. She knew that she wanted to stick up for Heero, but for what? She knew he trusted her on some level, but how far did that trust actually go. ?I think Heero is more complicated than any of us even know right now, Mr. Van. And I wonder if it?s right of us to question the actions of another person. To say there are better ways to handle things isn?t fair.? ?But in order to change the events in the future, Kelsey, one has to realize their mistakes and change it, in order for history not to repeat itself.? ?But can you honestly say that what he did had no benefits whatsoever?? He sighed. ?No. I guess not.? He smiled at the young girl and continued staring at the school.
Kelsey sat there regretting saying anything. She knew now that his past wasn't only something that involved lost, but it was something that haunted him [i]Did I do the right thing?[/i] she asked herself. Just as she was standing up, the two boys from earlier cornered her. "We're not through with you yet." And then out of nowhere, "Is there a problem, Boys?" OOC: And no, she's not going to die. :laugh: so no one kill her please.
"It doesn't hurt them you know. They would want you to be happy." Kelsey said as he walked away. "Whoever it was you lost," she continued, "I know they would have wanted to see you smiling, despite the pain." He turned around and looked at her again, he was completely confused and shocked to say the least. "I know my parents would've." she said, and she turned around and walked away.
Kelsey ran after Heero. She wasn't going to let him just leave like that. "Heero" she called. Heero stopped. "Kelsey, I don't need a lecture from you. Can we please skip it today?" Kelsey took his hand at that moment. She looked at his still clenched fist and undid his fingers. "We gotta get some ice on that." she said. Heero's face was something rather amusing to see, Kelsey thought. He didn't know what to do or how to react, and she found that a little humorous. Still holding his hand, she brought him to the nurses office where they were able to retrieve ice from the office fridgerator. "Here," Kelsey set it on his hand and noticed that he was still looking at her with that questioning look like before. "Well someone's got to take care of you too, Heero. You're doing a fine job being my guardian, it's about time I return the favor, don't you think?" she smiled at him and gave him the ice pak.
Kelsey was still shocked by what had happened. She didn't know what just went on. Her mind went completely crazy with questions, but the one that stuck out the most to her was why Heero helped her like that? She looked at Heero who was just standing there. She looked at his clenched fist and noticed it swelling. But Heero didn't seem to notice it. He was still fuming. "Heero?" Kelsey said softly. He stood there without saying a word for a while. She thought he woul just ignore her again, when to her surprise, he looked at her, and his facial expression had changed. He didn't look at her with that cold stare he was accustomed to showing everyone else. It wasn't even a smile though. It was as if his face became softer for a second as if he was worried about her. She smiled and they waited for Lex to come back.
Recent events in my life has made me remember one of the worst dreams I EVER had. This dream was really weird, while it was a while ago, I can't really remember the details, the partst that still stick out in my mind is watching every single one of my family members being shot to death. I witnessed each one fall, and I had the guilty feeling of not being able to stop it. All I could remember was waking up screaming my lungs out. My parents freaked out because they thought I was in trouble. But what makes this nightmare so hard is that this is something that even happens in the real world. Sometimes things happen where no matter how much you want to help someone, there's nothing you can do to help them. I guess this would have to be the worst nightmare in sleep, AND reality.
Ack, Hyperspace.. (picks up her lightsaber and starts haxing the computer) I hate that. I for one would not want to go to Sand Diego for a celebration covention. While I'm a die hard fan, I do have priorities that come higher in this case. As far as the title, I'm very pleased with it. But I really wouldn't call it a spoiler ;) The franchise is already being released with the name of the 3rd movie on the packages. I though, will be going first day, first showing at the theaters. Can't miss the final one :) I STILL believe though, that the OT is 100% better than the PT. Hopefully Eppy 3 will bring those numbers down a little ;)
Kelsey looked up from the table. [i] Crap. I hate cleaning.[/i] she frowned. "Well that's what you get when you're being a trouble maker." the teacher said. Trouble maker. The thought of considering herself as a trouble maker made her smile. Wow, who knew being late for class constituted me as a trouble maker. She didn't know the teacher very well. In fact, she didn't know a lot of teachers well at all. She only stuck with Archery because as a child, her father used to teach her and her brother Jake how to shoot an arrow. While she couldn't say she was great at it, It didn't involve her to practice hard for tests or exams. She shrugged her shoulders as she stood and follwed the class outside to the courtyard. She stretched when she got outside. The day was really beautiful. She saw Heero past them all and avoided looking at him. She was embarrassed for what had happened earlier. [i]I'll apologize when I get the chance.[/i] Right now, she was about to go do some of the dirtiest work on the Kurakow grounds. She moaned as they reached their destination.
Art Rate the Sig and avatar of the member above you.
Vash IDK replied to Burori's topic in Creative Works
Wow, I REALLY like your avatar. The design is gorgeous, and the coloring is great. As well as your banner. Very nice combo ;) -
Kelsey turned in her slip for Study Hall, and sat over at the table nearest to the window. [i]What just happened over there?[/i] She got frustrated with him, but why? What was she expecting? She put her nose where it didn't belong, and got what she deserved. Did she expect him to react to her differently? [i]I should of let you fall...I guess that's what i get for actually showing.......Forget it, why the hell didn't Lady death take me too![/i] What did he mean, about Lady Death? Kelsey closed her eyes and put her head on the table. "Well this is a great way to start a day." she whispered to herself. She realized that it had to do with his past. [i]I never should've asked him about his problems.[/i] she said.
"What was that over there?" Kelsey demanded as she came out from the bushes. She didn't like being spied on. And she didn't know why he walked away like that after she fell from the tree. Heero didn't reply. He stood up and put the sword away. He walked over to where he left his clothes and put them back on. "I asked you a question, and I expect an answer!" "Since when does someone need an explanation when they recieve help from another person?" he said cooly with his back to her. Kelsey was taken a back by his words. She had sounded ungrateful. "I'm sorry. You startled me that's all. Why did you follow me?" "I wasn't following you." he said. He turned around and faced her. "Don't you think I have better things to do?" "Nobody comes around that area, Heero. I'm the only one." "Well, I didn't think anyone knew about this area, and look what happened." He was about to turn to walk away when she put a hand on his arm. "Wait. Something's bothering you. I know what that look means. Did something happen today?" Heero looked at her hand on his arm. He shrugged it off. "No, I'm fine." "Heero, I'm not dumb. I know you're hurting. I know because I've felt like that before. What's going on?" Heero looked at her for a while. She knew he was trying to see if she was sincere or not. But he just shook his head and walked past her. She knew he wasn't going to tell her. "It never hurts to tell someone how you're feeling inside. It just hurts [i]you[/i] when you keep it inside and shut everyone else out." she said. Kelsey turned around and faced him. He looked at her again for a while. She hoped she got through to him. But he turned around again and left.
Kelsey made her way down to study hall. She took the scenic route and stopped every npw and then. Just then, she saw the boy who had fallen on her. He left so quicklly, she didn't have time to even react. She made her way over to him. He was sitting at a table and she tapped his left shoulder. He turned and looked at her. "Hi, umm, you left so fast after I caused you to trip. Sorry about that. I should have made sure I wasn't in the way." He kept looking at her raising an eyebrow, "Umm... okay, well I'm Kelsey, so if we ever bump into, or err, wait, that wasn't a smart thing to say.... Well, have a nice day, ......" "Hakarru" he said, putting a hand out. She took it and shaked his hand. "Well nice to meet you. I gotta go now. Detention can't wait forever you know." Hakarru shook his head and smiled as she turned away. Kelsey walked a little faster now. While it was true she had to get to her class, she also wanted to pass her favorite spot. When she came to the clearing behind the building, the Old Oak tree stood alone in the middle of the courtyard. She jumped the small fence seperating Kurakow and the fields and went over to the tree and stood there for a while. She put her hand on the trunk of the tree and closed her eyes. She couldn't help but think about her brother after that. She remembered when Jake taught her how to climb trees. OOC: Flashback ahead in blue. Just FYI ;) .... IC: [COLOR=Navy][i]Come on it's easy! Just do what I do![/i] he had once told her. But she was still scared by the whole prospect of tree climbing. Jake looked around and found a stone right next to the tree. [i]If you keep this stone with you, you can do anything Kelsey. Just keep it with you.[/i][/COLOR] Kelsey pulled out the rock. She still had it. She looked up at the tree and smiled. She put her books down and climbed to the biggest branch up top and leaned against the tree's bark again. She smiled. "Jake was a good teacher." she said aloud. But she didn't know someone had followed her and over heard what she was saying.