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Vash IDK

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Everything posted by Vash IDK

  1. Kelsey watched as the young man kept on walking. [i]Poor guy.[/i] she thought. [i]He must really be embarrassed.[/i] Kelsey sat up and brushed herself off and sat up against the tree. She looked over at the class and shifted a little more behind the tree. She really wanted to be invisible. Heero was just sitting there. She knew something was bugging him. But she also knew how she would feel if someone asked [i]her[/i] to spill her guts. She realized that her curiosity was less important compared to a persons privacy. Though she wondered why he didn't tell the tutor where she was. [i]Maybe he doesn't even know I'm here.[/i] she thought. But that couldn't be it. She wanted to know. [i]No harm in asking.[/i] "Hey, Heero." she nudged him a little and he opened his eyes. "What?" he sounded tired. [i]That may answer why he's just sitting here. He's sleeping![/i] she thought again to herself. "Um, I don't know, maybe you didn't hear. I was just wondering-" "Why I didn't say anything to the tutor about you? I don't know. Didn't seem really important I guess. I was sure if you wanted to be seen you would've spoken up, so I left it up to you. Why?" "No, just wondering." she sat there for a while longer. She looked at him again but he wasn't going back to sleep. She couldn't help her stupid curiosity any longer. "Is something bothering you?" Heero just laid there. He didn't respond. It was silent for a while, but then he finally spoke. "No, just tired I guess." he closed his eyes again. Kelsey smiled. "Sure you are." She decided to stop asking questions, and she sat back against the tree.
  2. Kelsey walked in and immediately made her way to the tutor. "Sorry I was-" "Late? This is the 3rd time this week Kelsey. Honestly, if you don't want to be here, don't bother even showing up. Study hall again for you Ms. ViTain. Now get over there and practice!" the tutor turned quickly and went to some other students. Kelsey sighed. She picked up her bow and arrow and started shooting at the boards. She missed all of them. She bent over the table in front of her and closed her eyes. She couldn't concentrate, she wanted out. But she didn't know where to go. She wanted to leave the class. She stood up again and glanced about her. She saw Heero sitting under the tree. He usually kept to himself, never really talking to anyone. Kelsey wondered if she should just go up and talk to him, but each day she came to the same conclusion. [i]He probably stays away from people because he doesn't want to have anyone around.[/i] she thought. She could understand his reasons for wanting to be alone. She felt the same way. But she knew that if she even tried to go and sot by herself, the tutor would scream. Heero was a good student. In fact he was the best in the class. Most likely, that was why the teacher let him go sit by himself when he wanted to. [i]Dang it.[/i] she thought. She looked up at the tutor and decided to make a break for it. Maybe if she went over where Heero was, she would leave her alone for the day. She waited and then walked over to the tree. She looked down at Heero. He was sitting there staring at nothing. "Hi, is that seat next to you taken?" she asked Heero didn't look up. he kept staring as if his life depended on it. "OKAY, then I shall sit." Kelsey sat on the side of the tree away from the tutor. Hopefully she wouldn't take notice of her. She leaned back and looked at the sky. She smiled as she thought of her mother and father. They were happy back then. She remembered picnics together with her brother. Just the four of them. They'd play all day while her father and mother laughed and smiled. And their smiles were beautiful. Why did things go so wrong?
  3. Kelsey walked to her archery class. She was already 10 minutes late. But she wasn't worried. Her teacher would most likely send her to study hall as a punishment. But little did he know that that was her favorite place to be. She enjoyed the peace and quiet. She smiled as she walked across the grove. She watched students running like crazy to their classes. She couldn't help but laugh a little when a younger student looked at her in shock, wondering why, she, too wasn't running to class. She loved Kurakow. It was beautiful in the daytime. She walked along the path. She was 15 minutes late now. She looked up at the sky and stopped. She really didn't feel like going. She was good shot, but she didn't find the enjoyment in it at all. She would rather sit out all day and remember the way things use to be. The way things could have been... She looked at her watch. [i]20 minutes. Better get going[/i] she thought. She didn't want to make her teacher [i]too[/i] angry. She started walking toward her class.
  4. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]Oookkkaaayyy XD Tolkien is sexist. I dunno, that doesn't sound like the dude. But I do remember seeing that Peter Jackson decided to add Arwen in more because she had too little of a part. Liv Tyler (played Arwen) only had to show up on set rarely now and then and often was found helping out in the Weta Workshop instead of doing scenes because Arwen has so little to do. Liv Tyler didn't even to the scene where she's riding on horseback being chased by Ring Wraiths. Wait... sorry... that's not fair to say. She rode on a barrel cloaked in fake horse skin in the back of a truck for five days XD But yeah, P.J. had to extend her part just to get her in more.[/QUOTE] Well I'd have to disagree with that as well. Just because someone's main characters are men, doesn't mean this person had anything against women. A person who is sexist is one who one, admits to it, and says so in an indignant way. To assume one is sexist would to be prejudging without substantial facts. We would be assuming that was his [i]intent.[/i] I honestly think it was all a matter of war. Back then, the women were not encouraged to go to war (as in Eowyn's case) So really, Tolkein had to keep to the storyline. I also remember when PJ was saying he wanted to do more with Arwen because she had such a small role. In fact, he was going to have her at the battle of Helms Deep, fighting side by side with Aragorn, but later changed his mind. But his reasoning was because he found it "unreasonable" that the two (Arwen and Aragorn) could go on loving each other when they were so far a part, for so long. That's why he inserted a lot of flashbacks between the two. :)
  5. [quote name='Dragon Warrior']Females played a small role in LOTR, IMO. I'm not trying to put them down, but I found it hard to find any that Tolkien made appear often. This seemed too much like a man story because Tolkien didn't let Eowyn, Galadriel, and Arwen do anything. What's up with that? I mean, they did do important things (I think Eowyn did the most important tasks of all women), but couldn't he have made more for them?[/quote] Most definetely. I really didn't care for Arwen's story at all, and Eowyn's character still lacked a little substance. But that doesn't mean their storylines weren't needed. I don't think Tolkein meant for their stories to be particulaly important anyway. IMO of course ;)
  6. [QUOTE=youta moteuchi]here, I'd like to know how to add the following piece of my artwork as my signature. Thanks.[/QUOTE] It needs to be set as an attachment first. Manage it as an attachment, post, then rightclick pic to properties. Copy the address url to your signature. :) Hope that helps ;)
  7. [QUOTE=maladjusted][color=firebrick] I just took a three-week course on Lord of the Rings at an academic camp and the professor stated [spoiler]that Sam left Middle Earth because his heart, even though he only wore it for so long, had part of the evil. He had the leave.[/spoiler] I'm not trying to be all intelligent here because I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to know everything about Tolkien's works, but I think I trust my professor. >_> Don't hurt me! I LOVE Samwise, his loyalty and bravery left me with a mental refreshment, but I'm just saying something that the professor said. ._. But you guys have all chances of being correct. :)[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=4]BASH BASH BASH BASH[/SIZE] jking ;) I guess it comes down to interpretations then of the ending. Everyone has their own take on it. I too, think Samwise was one of the better characters of the entire Movie :)
  8. [quote name='Dragon Warrior]I actually agree with Vash here. [spoiler']I remember reading some of Tolkien's work and it clearly states that Samwise leaves Middle-Earth by the way of the Elves. But his reason wasn't because of the ring. Being in the wake of the ring gave him a little long lasting life (like Bilbo and Gollum, but less) and he believed he was over-do to pass on to the other life. That's his reason.[/spoiler][/quote] [spoiler]Furthermore, Tolkein's whole purpose for Sam was bigger than merely being there for Frodo. Sam went from a feeble gardner to a courageous hero. In the books, we see Sam's growth throughout the book.[/spoiler]
  9. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]That it does. I'm aware of [spoiler]Sam's passing with the Elves. He became Governor of Hobbiton first, though ;)[/spoiler] And I agree with you, Ms. Eowyn-Wannabe :D He did seem to do well with casting. But I'd like to say that whoever he did choose to be the characters, they'd seem like those characters in the book no matter who was the actor or actress. It's just that we see them on screen and that gives us a picture of what they "could" look like. But the actors chosen definately did well acting-wise.[/QUOTE] Lol, a little too late now. Casting is already over. :smirk: True, I guess I need rewording then. I mean the actors and actresses did a great job. I guess Peter J had nothing to do with that part. At least not entirely. The cast of LOTR was very well informed of their character's characteristics ;)
  10. [quote name='maladjusted]BUT, [spoiler] Sam was ultimately corrupted by the ring. I'm just saying that Frodo is freakishly strong, something that many people fail to notice. Like I said, Sam had to leave Middle Earth in the end...the ring corrupts anyone who carries it.[/spoiler'] [/color][/quote] [spoiler]Okay, in my opinion, Sam had the "privledge" of leaving Middle Earth, [i]because[/i] he was a ring bearer. It wasn't corrupting Sam after it had been destroyed. Sam felt it's weight, but that doesn't mean Sam was corrupted. He resisted the temptations the ring put forth to him. While I agree that Frodo is the stronger of the two, I don't think Sam was corrupted. When he would die in his life, he was to go to the undying lands. That's a [i]privledge[/i] if I've ever heard one. :) [/spoiler]
  11. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]I love the Rohan music. That song is great ^_^ And yes, I've seen all the footage of both 4-disc sets for both movies (more than once too). It's amazing what they can do. Peter Jackson had unlimited money for this movie so he went all out. I would too if I had endless cash rolling in. And they definately made more money than they spent. And if you want your username changed to Eowyn, talk to Charles or James. They'll change it for you.[/QUOTE] Lol, I didn't know they can do that? I'll talk to them thanks :) Peter J. did a great job in casting though. The casting was dead on for every character. It fit them perfectly. I didn't have any complaints. Expecially Denethor. John Noble did such a great job. I hated his character so much, and the fact that I felt such hatred tells me something about the actor getting the audiences attention. He did very well on all of it.
  12. :( I wanted to be Eowyn. Darn it! If only I had known :roll: That was a beautiful piece. Did you watch the extra's on Two Towers Special Ed. where they showed the folklore instrument used in the Rohan music? The music for the Golden Hall was gorgeous. My heart almost melted when I heard it. That instrument they used was perfect, and it rang up so many emotions. Music like that makes me want to cry and get all emotional. :cry: :)
  13. For me, the third cd was the best. As for losing manliness in burning enya, I don't think that's wrong at all for you to do that. At least you admit to it right? Some guys won't admit to it at all. The celtic style of her makes it worth it to keep. She's a GREAT artist. For me, the "boy choir," I think they add a really nice touch to the LOTR movies. But what sells it for me is the violins and harp strings. Those high pitches really get the heart pumping. Music does things to people, and most don't realize it until it's gone. If the entire LOTR movies had no music, I can't say I'd like them very much. While the storyline sells in itself, the music is what makes the heart beat in rhythm with the movie itself. Does anyone understand my reasoning? Or did I lose some readers? :razz:
  14. Eh Luu, this is actually a really cute set you have. While it may be a little too simple for my taste, I'm sure that's what makes this pic really cute. ;) 7/10
  15. Dang, Link is my all time player. When I'm in the Hyrule castle level, I run to the bottom and no one is able to get me off without me getting at least 400% damage. No joke. They kick me, but Link has so many manuevers that allow him to stay on. Pretty hard to learn them all, but well worth the effort. My brother though is unbeatable where I live. He plays as Samus, and he bombs like crazy with hits after each other. It's HARD. I've only beaten him a few times, but he's always been able to reclain his title.
  16. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]David :^D I personally enjoy Track 17 of the Fellowship soundtrack. It's pretty much a combination of a sorts of music previously used in the film (though it's actually used when Frodo and Sam are leaving and Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli set off at the end). It's so beautiful, though. My least favorite part of the song is the boy choir singing at the end, but it's pretty cool how it moves right into track 18 with Enya singing. Yay ;^D[/QUOTE] You know what's funny? A lot of people I know HATE Enya. (I absolutely LOVE her) But what was great when they said the vocals for the end and during parts of the movie was great, and then I got to break it to them :razz: They were all so upset, except for one. My MOST favorite is Track 3: Minas Tirith from the Return of the King CD. The vocals from the scene where Gandalf fights off the Winged Nazgul from the fleers of Osgiliath. And then they switch to the music where he and Pippin ride up to Denethor, all in one score. It's so beautiful. It get's me going when I'm in a cleaning mood. :)
  17. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]The music calms me. I can listen to it and feel like the world has no trouble and I'm somewhere else. It almost makes me break down and feel tranquility. Kind of odd O.o As for your thing about Faramir in the book, that's a bit odd since in the film, he (like his brother Boromir) was tempted by the ring and wanted Frodo to take it back to Gondor led by Faramir's troops (I think this was partially so he'd gain his father's respect). But as we all know, he eventually overcomes the ring and sends Frodo away since the ring must stay away from evil at all costs. Good ole Faramir. FUN NOTE: The dude that plays Faramir (can't recall his name) also plays the friar in Van Helsing. Bwee![/QUOTE] Believe me, I was TOTALLY upset with what Jackson did to Faramir's character. It was altered for movie purposes, but the books are the real thing. Faramir was NOT tempted by the ring. He helped Frodo and Sam from the very beginning. He filled their bags with food, gave them safe passage, and warned them of Gollum. He was a GREAT character. But the movies still did fine with him in the end. Just not the way I hope they would do it. :( And yes, that music is the best. Especially Twilight and Shadow. I zone out whenever I listen to it. It calms me, and I can't seem to get sick of it no matter how hard I try. I love "The Fields of Pelenor" as well. Great Music. Very worthy. ps: David Wenham ;)
  18. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]You misunderstand me. I didn't mean that he was actually [i]evil[/i] like Sauron-type evil. I mean he's been corrupted by the ring and has a dark aura around him because he always wants the ring. But in TTT special scene where he's in Gondor, he hasn't been exposed to the ring and so he's a cheery, happy, friendly dude who's not corrupted. [spoiler]And it rarely shows signs of Sam being corrupted. The time he really shows it was when Frodo was captured by the orcs in the third movie and Sam comes to the tower to save him. It shows Sam not wanting to give it back. But Sam is too loyal to Frodo. He even overcame the ring for Frodo and for the fate of Middle-Earth. Frodo's strong, but so is Sam. Don't diss the Gamgee XD[/spoiler] NOTE: I'm currently listening to the LOTR: FOTR soundtrack XD I love this music.[/QUOTE] I agree, the music is SO AWESOME. As for Boromir, I have to Agree with Dragon warrior. He wasn't an evil "person." He was corrupted, but redeemed in the end. While the ring took a hold of him, he recognized his mistake, and died with honor in the end. In the books, this was actually meant as a mirror reflection to his brother Faramir. They were completely different in the books. While Boromir became easily tempted by the ring's power, in the [i]books[/i] Faramir refused it without question stating "I would not take this thing if it laid by the roadside and I alone could save Gondor." (Or err, something like that ;) ) All I'm saying is that Boromir was freakin cool, and while he was tempted, he redeemed himself in the end. NOW, as far as Sam, well, Sam is weaker than Frodo yes, but as Dragon Warrior said "Don't diss the Gamgee" (love that btw :laugh: ) meaning he is not as easily tempted as the others. Actually, I would think is second to Frodo as far as resilience goes. But that was why FRODO was chosen instead of Sam, because Sam would be tempted faster than Frodo would have. But because of Sam's Love for Frodo, (as a friend sicko's ;) ) Sam could never stab Frodo in the back. The scene was displaying how far Sam's Loyalty to Frodo went. Not how weak Sam could be. Sam gave it up in the end. While he heard the rings voice in his head promising him great powers, he wasn't lured into it's offer. He resisted because his bond was stronger than anything.
  19. LOL!!!!!! That was exactly how my parents were (except they aren't divorced) It was the same character too from Dot Hack. My mom didn't like the way she was dressed. But she didn't stop me from watching it. She's really cool about things like this. :)
  20. LOL, well your very welcome Ronin, just make sure you change the sig from "his" to "her" ;) lol, I'm a girl ya know. Don't want to confuse the peoples on this board TOO much :laugh: Glad to be at service ;)
  21. Amen to that. And I'm sorry, 5 seasons of repeating mess-ups and storylines can really get old. The whole Pokemon show has really lost it's flare. I'm a little tired of a quest that is always repeating itself. Now while I really liked Jesse and james in the beginning, don't you think it's a little boring when you can predict the outcome of every fight they're in? I guess if they were smarter I'd like them a little more. But watching them mess up feels like a waste of time.
  22. Well for me, this is really hard. Because while love would move me to save anyone, I would hate it to be misinterpertated as something I did for the purpose of being remembered. I don't know, doing it out of love, and doing it because I would want to die heroically are two different things. I guess if I was to do that, I wouldn't want people to know I did. I would rather people remember me for the things I did when I was alive, rather the things I did when I died. As to who I would die for, I guess it would be my family, and friends. But wouldn't it be natural though to want to save everyone? I don't know, if I saw someone I didn't know in the line of fire, I think my natural instinct would be to push that person out of the way. Wouldn't that be everyone's natural response?
  23. Hi, I'm looking for Rahxephon pics for a wallpaper. It's the anime I'm currently getting hooked on, and like everything else, I'm taking my obsessions out through artwork. BUT I'm finding it hard to find usable pics. If anyone has some on hand, it would be greatly appreciated. :)
  24. [QUOTE=Balmon]Of course I'm going to HAVE to reply to this one. While I"m sure sanity does play a large part for a number of suicide attempts and subsequent deaths, I DO NOT believe that insanity is the sole cause of these attempts. There are any number of sane people who have committed suicide, Vash. Hope does not equate to sanity, and, of course (as equality goes) nor vice versa. We are talking about two totally different ideas here. One is an relatively abstract ideal, while the other is almost scientific. Someone who feels they have no reason to live, may be perfectly sane, but may still feel as though they would be better off dead. That are any number of perfectly reasonable paths that a person's mind could take towards that end, for any varied amount of situations. Vash - your statement is far too simplistic, and requires a little more elaboration as to its specifics... unless that is EXACTLY what you mean. Are you saying that people who suffer extreme and utter pain from diseases are insane because they want to stop the suffering? I hate to use that as an example, because it IS so often used, but in your case, it is the kind of example that might cause you to reconsider. These are people who are perfectly sound in mind, but whose bodies have been ravaged beyond our wildest imaginations. How can you tell these people that they must be crazy in order to want to end their pain? While these people obviously understand the sanctity and importance of life, they also understand the concept of enjoyment of life - there must be a balance that is struck between living, and just being alive. If the aspect of just staying alive outweighs and overpowers the possibility of actually living, than what would they be preserving?[/QUOTE] I know what you are saying as far as depression is concerned. But I'm talking about situations where people find them unbarable. (hope that's spelled right) While the choice is for each person to make, I find it pretty hard that suicide would have to be the only solution. Call it simplistic, but to commit suicide in my opinion would be the wrong course of action. But that would be [i]my[/i] choice, just as suicide would be everyone else's choice to make as well. But when I say "sane", I mean people who are seperating themselves from the problem, and deal with the situation without the effects of emotion. While it's not easy, it's also the only way out of a choice from suicide. Believe me, I've had friends take their life, and I don't question their choice at all. Not because I agree with them, but because I believe it to be [i]their[/i] choice. But to me, life is a gift, and not one to be taken lightly either. In a situation like isolation, I would still have to say that I would never commit suicide, or even understand anyone who did either for that matter. It's only because I feel hope outweighs all other prospects in life. If I'm on an Island, I'll die there of old age anyway, but if by chance someone was to find me, I'd want them to find me alive so I can greet my loved ones again, rather than they find me dead. The mind plays tricks on us. While we are designed for wanting companionship, we are not designed to kill ourselves because we lack it. That's [i]my[/i] opinion anyway. :)
  25. Okay, while I'm sure there are going to be many who will disagree with me, I feel like I really need to say this. I believe that we all can be pushed to some pretty extreme limits, but in no way on earth does anyone want to die. Even if they are alone. Nobody who is sane would ever take their own life. Humans were created with the desire to live. We also have hope. And no one can take that away. Everything around us can be falling apart, but a person who is strong, and believes in life and its worth, would never take their life away. And I make sure I say this speaking of ones who would be doing well, only because there are some who are not well, and suffers, that do indeed take their own life. Am I belittling them? No, I am simply saying one who is sane, would NEVER take their own life away. Now if I confused anyone, sorry about that ;)
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