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Vash IDK

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Everything posted by Vash IDK

  1. Lol, I'm Listening to her right now. Favorite song is "My Last Breath." I have every single one of her songs now. At least every single one to my knowledge. :) I think her music is beautiful, and very cool. Her lyrics get me every single time. "Missing" though is the one that gets me every time I listen to it. You tend to put yourself in memories when you listen to it, and it can really get you down if it applies pretty well. :cool:
  2. Where to start. To tell you the truth, I'm really not interesting. I'm from California, and believe me, it's no summer beach :) Most of the days here are cold and grey with a chance of a little sunshine. But thank goodness for me, I love this kind of weather. I'm an early graduate, not cause I'm smart or anything, only because the chance was there where I could get out, and me being a school hater, I jumped at that and hightailed it out of there. Umm, let's see, I really have no life other than art and hanging out with friends. I've always been interested in Anime, but I've never had the resources to get my hands on some. Now that I do, I'm sucking up three different Animes a month. I've finished Trigun and Dot Hack, and I'm going onto Rahzephon. Can't Wait!!! I'm not really an artist. It kind of started as a hobby, and then I started learning more and more about it from friends. Alright, my hobbies consist of doing nothing, playing video games, (No gore. Worst game I own is Zelda. Oooh, fRigHTenInG....) spending time with friends, and getting obsessed over the littlest things. I enjoy Movies that have great character development, and close companions that never quit supporting the ones they care about most. Kind of the way I like to describe myself. While I am not the easiest person to be around at first, I tend to grow on people. My humor is anything less than normal. So fear... fear VERY much... lol, well that's all I care to reveal about myself. If you got to this point in my post, I'm truly amazed that you're not bored yet. :)
  3. [I]I fear the unknown. Like death, when I die I don't know where I'm going or where my soul is suppose to go. Probably because I don't know the way to heaven or hell. It's like going in a dark alley and you don't know who or what's in the end of it. Sometimes I just want to feel secured of death like before I die someone could give me directions or whatever ^_^x Like an unknown virus with un unknown cure. Hell, that makes me wanna stay in a secluded 4-wall room when an epidemic of it occurs...though I'm claustrophobic. Maybe that's why I fear commuting to places when I don't know the directions... same applies to going to countries with no map... you just get lost.[/I] Wow, I have to agree with you. That can be a really scary thought. But I guess a lot of that depends on if you're religious or not. I know for me, that isn't my greatest fear. I don't think anything happens after we die. I think we are concious of nothing. Now what can be so scary about that ;) It's all about one's point of view. :) I guess I would be scared of being in a situation where I open my heart and trust in my gut feeling, and then to be wrong about the whole situation. It's one of those things that can hurt for months and never go completely away. I guess taking all that into consideration, I would have to say that my biggest fear is for this to happen to me over and over again. I think after awhile I would shut down completely. It really is scary to trust in yourself to the point where you risk it all, only to lose it all. Don't you think?
  4. Sorry, I don't know how to create a flashing Avatar, but I think this is pretty cool too. Hope you like it! And if you meant a Banner, I can create one for that too :D
  5. Here it is! Hope you like! The 2 characters from Dot hack, 1 character from TRIGUN, and the last one is Princess Mononoke, from well, Princess Mononoke.
  6. Alright, again, this technique also uses Photoshop. Attached is an example of what I think you mean by blending into a background. Hope this helps! :)
  7. First, I think you did a really good Job. I would LOVE to see this in Line art though. Then digital artists like myself would be lining up just to color these pics. I really love it. You did a great job :)
  8. Sorry about that. :) Here it is again, if you would like it back, Heero. ;)
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