Where to start. To tell you the truth, I'm really not interesting. I'm from California, and believe me, it's no summer beach :) Most of the days here are cold and grey with a chance of a little sunshine. But thank goodness for me, I love this kind of weather.
I'm an early graduate, not cause I'm smart or anything, only because the chance was there where I could get out, and me being a school hater, I jumped at that and hightailed it out of there.
Umm, let's see, I really have no life other than art and hanging out with friends. I've always been interested in Anime, but I've never had the resources to get my hands on some. Now that I do, I'm sucking up three different Animes a month. I've finished Trigun and Dot Hack, and I'm going onto Rahzephon. Can't Wait!!!
I'm not really an artist. It kind of started as a hobby, and then I started learning more and more about it from friends.
Alright, my hobbies consist of doing nothing, playing video games, (No gore. Worst game I own is Zelda. Oooh, fRigHTenInG....) spending time with friends, and getting obsessed over the littlest things. I enjoy Movies that have great character development, and close companions that never quit supporting the ones they care about most. Kind of the way I like to describe myself. While I am not the easiest person to be around at first, I tend to grow on people. My humor is anything less than normal. So fear... fear VERY much...
lol, well that's all I care to reveal about myself. If you got to this point in my post, I'm truly amazed that you're not bored yet. :)