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Marik Ishtar

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Everything posted by Marik Ishtar

  1. I can't pick one!! :animestun Umm...Overlap (Yu-Gi-Oh! Beginning theme, Pharaoh's Memory), Kawaita Sakebi (Original YGO series Theme), Ashita (Original YGO Ending), Ready Steady Go (FMA Theme)...ummm Heart of Sword (Kenshin ending)... Yeah, all themes...
  2. [COLOR=Indigo]Black Album, hands down. It's just so...wow. And my faves from it are pretty much the first 5 tracks ^^"[/COLOR]
  3. Does anyone know how to get Yami Bakura? I've tried the online codes I've found, but they don't work...what am I doing wrong?? Any help would really be appreciated!!
  4. [quote name='lcrisler']Ultimate favorite classic rock band...RUSH. They've been making music for 30 years, their older stuff is still relevant and their newer stuff rocks. Geddy Lee is hands down the best bassist in rock, and he can sing too...he must have sold his soul to satan. I can't imagine a better drummer than Neil Peart and while Alex doesn't write lyrics or sing, I can't think of what the band would be like without his guitar playing and rapport with the guys.[/quote] Omg!!!! RUSH ALL THE WAY!!!! They're all I listen to, thus I vote for them^^
  5. Hmmm....my faves? Overlap....Heart of Sword...and.....um....Warriors. Yeah..^^ And Eyes. I like the ones they choose for YGO... :D
  6. Check this crap out: [url]http://www.artmajeur.com/index.php?go=cat_artist_detail&login=dismalchocobo&selected_img_catid=0&serie_catmain=&image_id=96985&image_file=Marik2.jpg[/url] Her name is AJAY LIN SHORN, she's stolen both me and my mom's artwork, and she's also stolen some other InuYasha pics from other people (Not sure who) Her e-mail is [email]yugiohyamimarik@yahoo.com[/email] I cannot post anymore artwork because I will not let her profit off of ours and others artwork. I have found her on at least 3 sites with art stolen from here. Enter her name in Google and look for your art, as she may have stolen yours as well. :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: I am very angry, as you probably will be too if you find out she's taken yours...she even stole my crappy ones, the dumb B*TCH!!!! Marik2112
  7. Yah. I'm new. been on Otaku.com for awhile, but I never joined here. Just don't be mean, ok?
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