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Everything posted by goku2001

  1. YEAH sure Brolly. Someone spiked your orange juice didn't they?:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :sleep: :cross:
  2. Just curious who do you think would kick who's rump? GOKU or GOHAN:D :D :D
  3. try goin to messinger chat and starting your own room :D If yoy need invited pm me and I can send you signup information for messinger
  4. Hey all you dragonball z fans out there who do you think would win in a fight between GOKU and GOHAN??????????????? just curious:D :eek: :laugh: :D :D
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL AND TO ALLA GOOD DRAGONBALLZ!!!!!!!! :love: :cross: :babble: :wigout: ;) :) :D
  6. Sure I'd like to be on your friends list. I,d like to start my own list. My birthday is on the 13Th go figure. DRAGONBALL Z KICKS @$$ GOKU RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  7. I could never fathom pogs myself. My litttle brother had some until I cleaned the room. That the operative words Till I cleaned the room. AS far as anime gos yes it would be nice to see more anime on cartoon network. But remember also that it is devoted almost exclusevly for kids and that some anime no matter how cool is just too rough for kids. However for those of you who have sattelite and get the action channel thay have anime pretty regularly on there. GUNDAMS KICK @$$ VOLTRON WHIPS TAIL!!!!! and GOKU RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :cool: :p :tasty: :laugh: :devil: :angel: :cross: :rolleyes: :eek:
  8. I think they should have never killed off Goku. He was the greatest warrior the earth ever knew. In fact I actually cried when they showed the tribute too him by having him back up gohan in his final onslaught against cell. Only someone of true courage could have overcome the boundaries of death to back up his son, as well as forfiet allthough be it slim the chance to come back from the dead!!!!!! GOKU RULES!!!!!!!!!!:( :angel:
  9. My fave is deathscythe, and ceathscythe hell they rock and they also look so doggone wicked. the deathscythe's rule!!!!!!:eek: :D :tasty: :laugh: :blush: :cross: :wigout: :ball:
  10. Duo Maxwell rules. Deathscythe and deathscythe hell are two of the coolest gundams goin. Duo shows that even though you may not have the best fo everything you can still kick ***:laugh: :D :angel: :cross:
  11. chi chi bulma videl android 18 krillens x[IMG]http://www.mpz.co.uk/cwm/ups/supersaiyan2mvegeta/dogpile.gif[/IMG]
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