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BL00p d3 L00p

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About BL00p d3 L00p

  • Birthday 11/30/1989

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm known as teh hyper gurl IRL.
  • Occupation
    Just starting freshman.

BL00p d3 L00p's Achievements

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  1. [SIZE=1]Me, I'm from Los Angeles, CA. But i wasn't born here. I was born in Phillippines and grew up here in Hollywood for about 13 years already. Right now I'm 14 turning 15 this November (Cant wait till my birthday >
  2. [SIZE=1] I just started playing guitar like 4 months ago, but then didn't have time to practice because of school. -_-' I have my own guitar too. It's an accoustic and an electric guitar. So i have two. Usually i practice playing em every weekends if i don't have any stupid chores to do. The first song that i know how to play is this song...i forgot what it is but the song was sang by Paul McCartney. (Have to ask my dad what the song is x.x) And, yeah, my dad is my guitar tutor. =D It's not really hard to play the guitar. but to me, it's kinda hard, but it's a challenge. =P[/SIZE]
  3. [quote name='Trigun11']They wanted me to buy girl-clothes... Nyahhhh Never.....[/quote] [SIZE=1] My dad would say the same thing. "Buy girl clothes instead of anime". But i never did listen to him. So in my opinion, i think you should buy manga books. They cost less than the anime dvds. But if you want to buy the dvds too, fine with me. =D Evangelion dvds would be a good one to buy. I've seen most of the anime series and I'm really into it starting when i first watched it. (And so did my uncle, but he's more obsessed with Evangelion than I am ¬¬..) And FLCL. Omg...the first time i watched it, i just fell in love with it. THe anime is so hilarious. (Well, to me it is). You should get this one too. So that's all i can tell ya. :P [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]It's a well done picture. I can never draw something like that. I'm bad with angles and positions and the proportions too (a little bit). And i'm also working on the hands. -.-'; But i'm okay at drawing. [/SIZE]
  5. The anime is good. I do love the ending music like "Every Heart" and "Dearest". My favorite character from that anime is Shippou. He's just soo chibi. The series ARE okay. It's not like I'm really obsessed to it or something. But i would add this to one of my favorite animes that i watched.
  6. Wow this is the first time i've heard of Manwha. I had this friend who's Korean and he has all of this korean manga books. I never knew they were called Manwha. I'ma try and buy the first volume then and check it out. ;D
  7. BL00p d3 L00p


    Lol. No i don't like TaTu. Even though they're cute and all, i still don't like them. Their song is okay but their music video of "All the things she said" kills it all.
  8. I'm not a fan of Evanescence but i do love their cd. But i don't listen to it more often. I used to, but not anymore. Their really great, though. I like their song called "Fallen" and "My Immortal"
  9. Knowing that I'm not really good around people, I'm sure i can survive alone in an isolated island...by myself. I'm not that really talkative around people and usually i prefer to be just myself if i'm not in the mood to be around with my friends. If i live in an isolated island alone right now, then that would be awesome. Why? I can forget all of the problems i did before, all of the troubles i caused, and all of the hateful things i said to some people. Plus, i can live happily and peacefully without disturbance or annoyance from some annoying people. But if i get tired of living by myself, then there's no problem for me to make new friends. The only problem is that if i'm one of your friends, i wouldn't be doing the talking. I'm more of a listener.
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