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Everything posted by THE EVIL EYE
Well, since JC isn't adding his question then I will have to do oone in his name although he never said anything about me asking it. Who wrote the theme for Tough Enough-2001? For extra credit has that band performed any other songs for the WWF/E?
Sign Up Red Twilight: Legend of The Angels (M-VSL, Blood/Gore)
THE EVIL EYE replied to Engel's topic in Theater
Name: Aaron Lee Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearence: Aaron has brown hair which he wears in a ponytail although it is usually greasy giving it a sweaty look to it. He also has green eyes but they are usually covered by his long fringe. He is covered with pimples although not everywhere on his body or face. He also has a eyebrow piercing although it is a fake when you take a second glance. Another notieable thing about him is the necklace that he always wears which has a miniature gold skull atached to it. Aaron stands about 6'5 and weighs 95 kilograms although it is all muscle. Demon Appearence: Aaron retains most of his humanoid appearence except for the huge bat-like wings sticking out of his back, his wickedly curved fangs and horns, his tail with the schimitar like blade at the end of it. Other then that he is almost human like. He also appears to have bulked up and grown to 7'0. Element: Darkness -
lets see...there any fans of the WWE out here?
THE EVIL EYE replied to chimazokuruby's topic in Noosphere
I am also a fan of the WWE although not for as long as Shinmaru. I have been watching for five years or ever since the Nation of Domination broke up although I had been playing the WWF games for a bit longer. At the moment I am trying to find the royal rumble 2000 and No Way Out 2000 becasue they had two of Mick Foleys last five matches in them. And proving how much of a fan of Wrestling I am I now look just like Razor Ramon. As for my favourite wrestler, I would have to say that one of them would be the 1,2,3 Kid/ X-Pac/ Syxx/ 6-pac. He is one of the most entertaining superstars ever although he isn't as good as the other wrestlers out there. Another one of my favourite superstars is Eddie Guerrero becasue of the fact that he can put on a great show. Well, onto my thoughts about the WWE nowdays, The WWE has been a bit of a letdown now that the ROYAL RUMBLE has passed but like Shin said, It is improving once more although RAW is a little bit better because of the fact that it has some sexier divas that SMACKDOWN :D . And also, Does anyone feel sad that Ray Taylor aka THE BIG BOSSMAN has passed away? I certainly do. -
Name: Habib Age: Mid- twenties Gender: Male Nationality: Lebonese Job: Deliveryman Special Skills: Drug Trafficking, Street Smarts Appearence: See Attachment Biography: No one is to sure about why Habib came to Fat Pizza except for the fact that his mama was always on his back about him getting a job, But he already had a job as a drug trafficker. So he chose to be a pizza deliveryman who worked for 3 bucks an hour on the outside but was secretly transporting stolen merchandise on the inside.
"FAT PIZZA PIZZAS, THEY'RE BIG AND THEY'RE CHEESY" Story- Welcome to Hashville Asstralia,with its Lovely beaches, lovely ladies and lovely food. This is the one place in the world ( Besides Mexico, America, Canada and other countries that are the lands of the free) where one can open a shop with insatisfactory hygeine and get away with rit. And if you're thinking that it's Mc'Doggles or the Generals Burnt Poultry then you are wrong. It's FAT PIZZA, which is run by a rowdy Italian called Bobo, an incorrect group of deliverymen, strange customers and stranger ways. Join them as they fight for illegal deliverys, battle the bogans for the babes, Getting Paid 3 bucks and hour and basically butcher good tastes as The Fat Pizza Delivery men. Oh yeah and watch out for the ultra fake Phat Pizza, They're cheesy and big. PEOPLE TO WATCH OUT FOR- Pu$$ymaster- An indian who works for the taxi company who loves that one word, that special, that word is......Pu$$y. Dazza & Shazza- Two bogans who live in the Bog section of Hashville. They love the words *******, *******, D***, ***** and C***. Sleek- A Lebonease man who used to work for Fat Pizza, He has gone into the Rap line. He considers himself the lebanese lover. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Creation- Name: Age: Gender: Nationality: Job: ( Either Deliveryman/ woman, Cook or advertiser) Special Skills: Try to make these relate to your job Appearence: Bio: (Make this why your character came to Fat Pizza)
Sign Up Pools of Midnight- A Forgotten Realms story (PG-LV)
THE EVIL EYE replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
I was wondering if certain classes could have different skills, You know Clerics & Paladins being able to turn undead, Mages and the sub-types of mages could summon familiars and stuff like that. I'm not trying to take over this RPG but it is just an idea. -
Does anyone have eyes that change colour????
THE EVIL EYE replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in General Discussion
Well, like James stated the colour of your hair and eyes is determined by genetics although the reason why your eyes change colour is because of the angle that the sun comes in. This also happens to me also because my eyes are blue although according to the angle that the sun comes in it changes colour. the sun from behind me makes my eyes brown, the sun from in front of me I don't know what colour it is since i am blinded. Then depending on the angle the sun comes in it is made green or light blue. So it all depends on the light and shadows. -
The one game that would strike me as timeless would have to be Dynasty Warriors 4, Okay so the AI is a little patchy but if there is close to 1000 warriors on the map sometimes then you can forgive it. The things that makes it timeless is that you can just keep on doing the map to build up your character and the incredibly fun battle system. Honestly, [spoiler]Have you ever played a game where your character can have up to eight bodyguards which I add also grow in experience, Where the objective of each map is to kill off the lead general but to get there first you have to killl another general or gain a item or get an elephant to ride so you can destroy those pesky barriers and arrow towers that block your way?[/spoiler]
Sign Up Pools of Midnight- A Forgotten Realms story (PG-LV)
THE EVIL EYE replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
Name: Chris Lightfellow Age: 23 Race: Human Class: Paladin Weapon: Long Sword Gender: Female Appearence: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/c/chris01.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Chris Lightfellow is the child of one of the heads of the temple of Tyr who raised her in the ways of the sword and of Tyr from 12 years old. She eventually heard of the prophercy book at the age of 17 where she spent day after day studying the pages for some hope of discovering the place of the hammer. When the Prophercy was finally figured out, She offered to help the quest by giving another hand of Tyr to the group. Magic: Mild clerical magic. -
I have to admit that your RPG idea does sound interesting although you may still want to change the fact about the characters being the same just having the name being changed about. You should either change about all of it or nothing at all. If you get this thing up and running then I may join.
Name: Matthew Barbarow Codename: The Barber Age: 23 Gender: Male Nationality: Maltese Gang Name: The Puoppolo Foundation Gear: Kevlar lined Jacket with multiple pockets to conceal his various ammo and weapons Black combat boots which have softened soles A Red T-Shirt which is also lined with Kevlar Black pants. A hell of a lot of lockpits as well as his cybernetic hands which have small claws implanted in the web of his hand which enable him to climb walls. A pair of Black gloves to hide his cybernetic hands. Class: Hitman Weapons: A pair of upgraded Colts are concealed in his coat which fires out small rounds which leave a wound the size of a fist. A lot of Throwing daggers are also concealed around his person Description: Barbaro is 6'2, has shoulder length dirty-blonde hair which he wears in a ponytail, Barbaro also has blue eyes and has a recent cut across his cheek which has been stiched up by a well known street doctor. And let's not forget his cybernetic hands. Personality: Matthew Barbaro is an intimadating sight although he is soft-spoken and will keep quiet when talked to by an elder or superior. He can be quickly angered but at most times he is calm.
The games I am most looking foward to are WWE: Smackdown vs Raw and Rumble Roses- Okay call me a sick perv on the second one but Konami look like it has gotten an excellent grappler together. WWE: Smackdown vs Raw is looking excellent and is going through the last stages of develepment but the funnest bit will be the rock and sock connection- appearing for the first time in a game as an original tag-team.
Blorn felt the werewolf side of him fading with his strength as he battled the orcs and undead. So far, the humans had hung back because they noticed danger when they saw it yet even now they were starting to attack once more. As Blorns human mind took control once more, he noticed the peril that he was in. Blorn took off at a sprint towards the castle gates because it was the only possible way for them to escape into the city. While overhead, Sarai dashed across the battlements in a hurry although her magic had stopped all the invaders that tried to climb the walls. Tuscov caught sight of BLorn and shouted out " We have to run inside or we are officially fucked" Blorns eyebrows raised at this crude use of language then shrugged and looked around at the other two. They were all covered in blood although Blorn was bleeding from the huge axe wound in his shoulder which tore a chunk of muscle off of it. A minute later, Sarai dropped down from the walls with a featherfall spelll and dropped softly onto the ground beside them but she looked deathly pale, It was proberbly because of casting too much magic. She gasped " We have to get out of here now".
Blorn raced through the now empty streets to the keep in a panic, Tyr was being attacked and he was in it. A guard at the top of the steps sttod in Blorns way and demanded to now why he was running to the keep. Blorn awnsered by saying "We are under attack, fetch your mages and the like". The guard took off into the keep which let Blorn turn and race back towards the battlements. They were climbing ladders to get on top off the battle ments. Minutes later, Blorn ended up on top off the battlements preparing for the orcs to get up. Unfortunatly he had a few seconds of preperation before they got up. Blorn relayed this through his mind then decided to jump over the wall and be in the middle of the fray. Blorn could already feel the werewolf side of him grabbing at him so he decided to attempt in mid jump. Blorn found this risky but still decided on this course of events which left Sarai dumbstruck. However, Sarai could not do anything, Her crys were falling upon deaf ears. Blorn was fully chaged before he hit the ground and he was angry. Blorns claw ripped off the head of the nearest undead warrior and slashed out hard against the chest of an orc.
I don't know what the extra credit question is but your awnser is the On the Edge PPV on May 23, 1999. My question is When did Davey Boy Smith enter the 2000 royal rumble and for extra credit, who eliminated him.
I belive that Slayers the movie could have a lot of potentiol as an adventure or RPG. Ok so It could get a bit dull but you would unlock different spells by, for example beating the optional bosses. You would be able to switch in between Naga and Lina or have two player mode. I mean say you have come across a foe of the fire element and seeing that Lina uses fire magic then you would have to switch Naga who uses Ice and water related magic. Iwould love to see this as a game wouldn't you.
Hello, I just started collecting MTG cards and have no idea how to play, I have built up a deck which is the Devastation deck from the Onslaught series with a few extra cards. So my deck is Creature cards [COLOR=DarkGreen]Llanowar Behemoth Giant Spider Wirewood Savage x3 Venomsprout Brackus x2 Snarling Undorak x5 Wirewood Elf Elvish Pioneer x3 Barkhide Mauler x2 Towering Baloth Krosan Groundshaker x2[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed] Shaleskin Bruiser x2 Snapping Thragg x7 Battering Craghorn x4 Charging Slateback x3 Tephaderm x3[/COLOR] Instants [COLOR=DarkGreen]Primal Boost x2[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed]Solar Boost x2 Chain of Plasma x2[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Naturalize[/COLOR] Sorcery & Enchantment [COLOR=DarkRed]AEther Charge x2[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Wing Snare Explosive Vegetation x2[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Erratic Explosion [/COLOR] Land- [COLOR=DarkGreen]Tranquil Thicket x5[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed]Mountain x Many[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Forest x Many[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Forgotten Caves x5[/COLOR] Artifact Cryptic Gateway
Alric- The stars decreed the second coming of the Shadows. Blorn- And we are here because? Alric- The great war ended sixty years ago when I myself slew Balor the Leveller. Sarai- We do know this, I am a warlock. Talan- And Like We give a damn about you being one. Blorn- Hey, watch how ye speak to Sarai like that Elf. Talan- I don't need a bloody Trow telling me what to do. Blorn- Well I don't need no smart-ass elf talking back to me. Alric- Easy you two, The prophercy said we need five warriors, not four warriors and pieces of a fifth. It also says that one shall die, one shall go mad and .... Blorn- Nothing was said about anyone dieing. Talan- Hopefully it's you that dies Blorn- Don't you start me or they'll have to get a diviner to find the largest chunk of you. Alric- Oi, I am trying to talk here, No shut the bloody hell up or I'll transform the both of you into orcs. Talan- Well, That is a bit uncalled for. Tuscov- Just shut up ok. Alric- Now as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, One shall die, yadayadayada. Soulblighter has returned from hiding with an army of undead at his heels, Those of weak heart are turning to his dark banner. Sarai- But your majesty, What does this have to do with us? Alric- At this point, our legions do not have the power to stop the shadows from spreading so I have consulted the stars which have revealed to me what must be done. The stars told me to gather five champions to go deep into the enemy lands to remove Soulblighters head and cast it into the Great Devoid which was done by myself to Balor. Sarai- So your plan is to decapitate the armys of the dark by, wait for it, Decapitating their lord and casting it into a big pit. Lovely plan. Alric- That's the jyst for it because the only reason that the army is in being is because of Soulblighters power. Reya- Ah, You make it sound so easy. Let's not forget his minions that would bar our way. Alric- That's why I specifacly said 'Covert'as in stealthily. I will give you until tomorrow morning to decide on your fate.
WWE: Summerslam and The Return of the Deadman Tour.
THE EVIL EYE replied to PWNED's topic in Noosphere
The matches for the Smackdown tour down under, at least in melbourne are Torrie Wilson vs Dawn Marie- This match is just to take up time. Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle in a three stages of hell match- Could be good. The Undertaker vs JBL for the WWE championship- Could be good The Dudley Boyz vs Paul London, Billy Kidman and Funaki- Another match to take up time. Rene Dupree vs John Cena vs Booker T for the US championship- I myself am betting on John Cena winning this match because he is a fan favourite. I don't know any other matches for the TOur so I will have to check with my friend. -
Blorn sat impatiently in his chair, It wasn't right that a King would wish to hold an audience with a Trow or a Warlock. Blorn turned to face Sarai who was acting in the opposite way of Blorn, acting patient and quiet. Blorn- Why would a king want to hold council with people like us? Sarai- Well just shut the bloody hell up and we will find out. Blorn- Ye know that a Trow is looked down upon in this places. Sarai- Why wouldn't i know that? Blorn- And a Warlock is not really liked either Sarai- Well yes but...... Blorn- and I'll take none o yer bullshit abou Alric being a magician. Sarai- Well he is. Blorn turned to face the nearest person who was a elven ranger whose name he didn't know then turned again to see a Half Elf whose name he din't know either. Blorn rolled his eyes and slid slowly into his chair and began to sleep.
It's now over 100 years since Balor first appeared at the eastern edge of the civilized lands. His arrival was heralded by a great comet that grew in the sky and signaled doom to all life. With dark arts he raised up the Fallen Lords, sorcerer-generals like himself, bent to his will and desiring nothing but to lay waste to the living and rule over the blasted lands. Among their number were Shiver, the Deceiver,the Summoner, the Watcher and, most vicious and cunning of all, Soulblighter. Leading a grim army of beasts, spirit creatures and the reanimated dead, the Fallen swept through Eastern villages and cities, destroying the great capital at Muirthemne and scattering the survivors. They passed the great continental range of the Cloudspine and flooded into the rich lands of the West. Only two of the great cities of the West still stood when our armies rallied. Pursuing a plan of retaking strategic points and exploiting the weaknesses of the Fallen, Alric, last of the Nine protectors of the West, led a strike through the Fallen lines and directly for Balor himself. In a desperate gamble, Alric tricked Balor into exposing himself and cut off his head. Eluding Soulblighter, he brought it to the Great Devoid, a vast pit in the heart of the world, and threw it in to seal Balor?s fate. Their leadership broken, most of the Fallen Lords were soon hunted down and destroyed by Alric?s armies. With Balor?s destruction, Soulblighter found himself defeated, but alive and free from Balor?s service. He escaped into the wilderness, to bide his time and look for an opportunity to return to his former power, to achieve the ambition that was denied his master. Now sixty years have passed since the end of the Great War against the Fallen. Alric sits on the throne in the rebuilt city of Tyr. Warriors have returned to their villages, and allies like the elves to their homelands. Peace reigns and the land prospers. At least it prospers until a warlock of great power decided to track down the resting place of both Soulblighter and the staff of the Magi. It was foolish because when he found the staff of the magi he did not quit in his search. Soulblighter ambushed the warlock and drained his power and stole the staff. Now with the power to create all the undead minions he needed, Guess what he did? He created legion upon legion of Undead and offered the Fetch a way home to get back to their plane in return of their continued servitude. The possible final war had begun. Paladins and clerics fled before the nearly untunable undead. The dreaded Trow warriors fled from the north, the elves from their lands to the south. The dwarves were beseiged in their stone citys and the greatGnomes once more began to tinker with their great war-machines which have been almost destroyed via their long time without use. King Alric has sent his messengers in search of five champions who are destined to stop Soulblighter and cast him into the great Devoid. He has sent for the destined five who are Reya Sukin and Talan of the elves, Blorn of the Trow, Sarai Taurer of the humans and Tuscov Wolfbane of the mixed blood. But in the prophecy ( Proberbly in the fine print) It is stated that one shall die, one shall go mad and the others will find success and greatness. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first postin the RPG starts in the wilderness where they have met the messenger and set off for Tyr ( obviously not together unless you state that the person has met up with others.) try and use this post to expand on the character as much as possible.
Name: Dwight Horne Description: [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/f/futch10.jpg[/IMG] (Except for the sword) Age: 25 Race: Human; Tattoonie Ship Pilot expertise: A remade version of the tie bomber. Expertise: Demolitions, Mild Pistol expertise Bio: Born into a rich family on Tattonie, Dwight was raised in the art of warfare by some fairly famous instructors who taught him everything he needed to know about demolitions and pistol work. Dwight soon joined a mercenary group who were hired by the republic to destroy a remnant base. This mission was a success but half of the mercenary group were killed in the progress of it. General Cracken had heard about Dwight's skills and sent a message to him concerning a position in the new squadron which Dwight aceppted if he got a decent enough paycheck. Personality ( Chose to add this): Having been a mercenary, Dwight can be very incompassionate when it comes to other people, Dwight is incredibly quick thinking and patient with what he does ( Since when dealing with explosives, impatient people will usually find themselves in a hole in a ground). Dwight also only looks out for number #1 which is what has made him survive these past few months.
Name: Blorn Age: 21ish Race: Trow Class: Warrior Weapon: A medium sized quarter staff is what he weilds as a human, when as a werewolf he claws the foe) Appearence: Human form [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/b/bob01.gif[/IMG] Werewolf form [IMG]http://www.suikosource.com/images/chars/b/bob02.gif[/IMG] (Forgot to add the fact that Trow are Werewolves as well as northern humans) Bio: As a child of the trow, Blorn was looked down upon by the numerous warriors that passed through the northern lands, Blorn was raised to regard anyone with suspicion due to the great losses his people took during the great war due to both the humans and the dark. However, when Blorn went on the quest that his peple recieved at the age of twenty his quest was to bring the head of the white dragon that terrorized the village to the due east. So off he went to face this terrible foe, only to find that the dragon was not in it's lair. Instead of the dragon's hoarde, there were an array of barbed spears that were wedged into the ground which were coated with a light layer of blood. Feeling that his quest was for naught, he travled back to the village only to find it had been razed to the ground, But they hadn't gone down without a fight, which was proved by the scores of torn bodies lying on the ground, when he noted something that was almost comical to watch. It was a large man who appeared to be trying to put it's knees on the right way. Blorn remembered the local shamans prophercy of the coming destruction and nodded in grim agreement with whom the shaman stated would do it. Blorn turned around, knowing that he could not avenge his people, so in the end Blorn decided to fight the enemys on the fight to earn the rightful place of his people in the heavens
My personal favourite character is either Marth or Roy- Marth because of how quickly he can turn a fight around against a large character and how quickly he can counter a move. The main weakness with this guy is that he doesn't have very good combos besides the dancing blade move. Roy because of how speedy he is for a guy who can knock someone out with a fully charged move as well as the up+b move which drags the opponent upwards. The main weakness with this guy is how he cannot have a chance at charging up the flare blade against a fast opponent as well as how slowly his combos can be.
The Name of the RPG: MYTH : Soulblighters return. Rating: MA 15+ ( For violence, gore and language) Storyline: Many will not remember the great War from over sixty years ago where the Legions of the Light destroyed the dark and soulless that was lead by Balor the Leveller. The King Alric, who at that time was just a powerful mage tricked Balor into revealling himself where Alric then severed the head of Balor and cast it into the great chasm while avoiding The Soulblighter. Now 60 years have passed since the war and Alric has been crowned king but the darkness is found to be rising once more when a small child is found to have his eyes torn out and tells a story of a man whose chest was heavily scarred and had a frightening grin on his face who carried a huge halberd. The man was surounded by a flock of crows who were even darker than the darkness around him. The scarred man spoke into his mind " The world has fallen into chaos, And from the chaos the greatest fallen lord will arise, Slay the king who stopped me from taking the power of the leveller and bring the dark into the world once more. The figure then turned and walked back into the dark, leaving the crows to attack the boy. The elves have withdrawn from their once great citys to flee eastwards from the coming darkness and the trow are retreating southwards from the maruding undead and mercenarys. Now the nearly decimated legion are beginning to reform to fight the darkness that is arising to conquer the once great world and seal the peoples fate. A handful of the soldiers of the light have taken up arms to stop the darkness by severing the leader from his warriors and doing what Alric had done long ago. Character Generation: Name: Age: Gender: ( Does not change any class preventions) Race: Human- No class restrictions, No special skills Dwarf- Can not choose Warlock, Druid, Archer or Paladin, Can go beserk and possess infravision Elf- Cannot become an Alchemist or a Paladin, possess powerful infravision and are able to charm animals. Half Elf- Cannot become a Paladin, Possess weak infravision and stealth Gnome- Cannot become a Warlock or Archer, Can mix potions quite well, also possess uncanny dodging ability Trow- Cannot become a Druid, Theif, Warlock, Paladin or Archer, Are werewolves Class- Choose out of Archer- A Ranged unit, Weilds a ranged weapon and a secondary weapon Paladin- A mix between a cleric and a Warrior, Can carry two weapons Warrior- A warrior, Can weild any weapon with aptitude Ranger- A mix between a Druid and a Archer, Can weild bows and other weapons adeptly Druid- A spellcaster whose magic is deprived from nature Warlock- A spellcaster whose magic comes from anything other than nature Rogue- A person with no allegiance to anyone can include assassians, spys and theives Cleric- A healer, Their magic is deprived from the gods Appearence: Bio: