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Everything posted by THE EVIL EYE

  1. Hello, I'm creating a new RPG which is based on Myth 2: Soulblighter ( At least story wise) The Name of the RPG: MYTH : Soulblighters return. Rating: MA 15+ ( For violence, gore and language) Storyline: Many will not remember the great War from over sixty yeas ago where the Legions of the Light destroyed the dark and soulless taht was lead by Balor the Leveller. The King Alric, who at that time was just a powerful mage tricked Balor into revealling himself where Alric then severed the head of Balor and cast it into the great chasm while avoiding The Soulblighter. Now 60 years have passed since the war and Alric has been crowned king but the darkness is found to be rising once more when a small child is found to have his eyes torn out and tells a story of a man whose chest was heavily scarred and had a frightening grin on his face who carried a huge halberd. The man was surounded by a flock of crows wjo were even darker than the darkness around him. Now the nearly decimated legion are beginning to reform to fight the darkness taht is attacking them. If anyone is interested in the rpg then drop me a PM.
  2. Hello everyone, I have found out a few matcehs for Summerslam that haven't been stated. Y2J vs Batista vs Edge for the Intercontinetal title Kane vs Matt Hardy in the first ever Till Death do us part match. Now to my predictions Raw results Triple H vs Eugene- I don't see much hope in Eugenes life. Orton vs Benoit- We all know that Orton will win because of the writers wanting the young superstars t owin major titles. Kane vs Matt Hardy- We all know that Matt will wi nand marry Lita. The triple Threat match- I expect that Y2J or Batista will win because of Y2J's fan reception as well as Batista being a young superstar. Guerrero vs Angle- They will let Angle win this cause of it being Angles first PPV back. Taker vs JBL- I just hate JBL so i'm going with Taker.
  3. The Story: ( Warning: The Names will be changed in the RPG so please don't kill me MR Pratchett ) "Imagine a million rats" "Rat's that do not run" "Rats that Fight" "MY RATS!" Maurice, A street smart tomcat, has the ultimate money-making scam. He has found a stupid-looking kid who plays a pipe and he has his very own plague of rats- Rats, who are strangely educated, so Maurice can no longer treat them as lunch. And everyone knows the stories about rats and pipers. But when they arrive at the town of Bad-Blintz, the little con goes awry. There is another tune somewhere, a dark and sinister tune that spells bad magic. Now the rats must find the meaning of a new word- Evil. It?s not a game any more. It?s a rat-eat-rat world down there. And that is only the start. Character Creation: Name: Age: ( Obviously the rats are not going to be older than 4 years old but Race: ( Obviously there is only going to be one Human and one cat) Platoon: ( If Rat) Either the Heavy Widdlers, Light Widdlers, Trap Disposal Squad or Mischief making squad. Bio: Personality: Appearence: ( If the stupid looking kid or The Cat) I have just a few basic outlines of the RPG: 1) The Rats can talk 2) Ask me if you want to be stupid looking kid or The Cat And that's all
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