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Zero Tolerance

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About Zero Tolerance

  • Birthday 08/31/1988

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  1. [COLOR=Red]Your art is very good. It's different from all the other stuff that you see here all the time (ie- just flat out anime stuff.)[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Red]You make very beautiful works of art. Maybe you should consider a career in graphics arts.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Red][COLOR=Red]It's good. You should use more shading so that it doesn't look so plain.[/COLOR][/COLOR]
  4. Final Fantasy VIII is also a game that stands out for me. I have that necklace that Squall Leonhart wears. I never take it off. I love it so much.
  5. I like it. That would be cool if Hitomi & her martial arts trainer fell in love. Sorry, but I love anime and mangas that have love and romance in them.
  6. I've read the first 4 volumes and they are good. I have almost read Negima & Love Hina which are also by Ken Akamastu. I think thats how you spell his name.
  7. It's sound really interesting. But why does that guy have potassium cyanide in his spit? I dunno, but it seems really weird. But whatever.
  8. I'm in the same boat as you, but one of my friends said that Tetsuo is the reincarnation of Akira (The boy that blew up the city). And that Tetsuo is doomed to the same fate as Akira.
  9. The Prince of Tennis. It used to be in there, then it got taken out. And they took it out before I ever got the chance to read it.
  10. I love the Gundam series, but there are so many! But yours sounds really good. I hope that it all works out for you.
  11. I have read the entire series, and I absolutey loved it. IT WAS SO GOOD!!! I can't wait until the 16th volume comes out. Cause I want to see how Rei & Kira are doing after a year of being married.
  12. I've heard of it, but never really got the chance to read any of it. But it's on my anime to do list.
  13. It's good material, but make sure you place everything out so that your readers don't get confused.
  14. It's good, but you need more scrpit. Don't worry you'll get better with it all in good time.
  15. Trigun should have a second series, hands down. And I would also like to see Cowboy Bebop have a second series too. But it would be depressing cause [spoiler]Spike is dead, and Ed & Ein left. All there is left is Faye and Jet, and all they like to do is fight. But it would also be depressing to watch Trigun cause Legato and Wolfwood are dead.[/spoiler] WHY DO ALL THE COOL CHARACTERS HAVE TO DIE?!?!?
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