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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=#038000]...And how about putting in "groping" horizontally with the first g of "snuggle" and the first p of "papaya" (assuming its second a = a in "elephant"). A dark shade of pink would be lovely. Whew~[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=#FFBB25][center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/obwt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=#F67F7F][b]After [i]Seishun Kyousoukyoku[/i][/b][/color] [size=1]a Gaara splash lovingly dedicated to the fans of the default Photoshop brushes and Sambomaster[/size][/center] [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#038000][size=1][quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']What a cowardly disgusting person. He killed people for the joy of it. I hope he rots in hell.[/COLOR][/quote]I think it's more of curiosity than joy in this case. The boy [i]was[/i] interested in the implements and methods of the business. Add to that his fascination with death as an aspect of Goth culture and the fact that he was able to acquire weapons and you've got one nasty cocktail. They should've kept him alive, though. There's probably nothing that could make a man feel shittier than scoring his first kill. BTW, how was he able to build up his weapon stash (if that could be called a)?[/size][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=#35425e]Try to keep your things in order and mark them if you can. It's easier to keep track of your stuff that way.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#35425e][b]@ CHW:[/b] Oh I just *heart* your latest hairstyle! I chopped my locks to the same length but absolutely, miserably failed to copy the look. [b]@ John:[/b] The porn banner above your pic was sexier. XD [b]@ Sangome:[/b] First thought that came into my mind was "OMG! Same hair texture as mine!" Awesome. *flips hair* [b]@ sakurasuka:[/b] I'm totally ghey for you. [b]@ Neuvoxraiha:[/b] ^ ditto [b]@ BKStyles, Jubei and Sandy:[/b] ...and then you remind me why I liked men in the first place. [b]@ vicky:[/b] That's a really rad hair/eye color combination! [b]@ Ikillion:[/b] Wha- Tousen cosplay?!? WINRAR! (Tell Soi Fon I love her as well) [b]@ Acheron:[/b] Your family photographs beautifully. [img]http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/5295/afroninjadm6.gif[/img] [i][b] Charles?[/b][/i] [center][b]DELTA[/b] Jumping in the bandwagon. [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/fgfgsd.jpg[/url][/center] Obviously, my cellphone doesn't take very good pictures and I suck at photo manips. These were taken half a year ago. LEFT: Me at ship, in a sucky business class cabin. Better than the cramped tourist accommodations but still willing to shell out a few more bucks for them admiral class suites. RIGHT: In a classroom/makeshift lodging during one of our fieldworks. That's how I look like when I'm tired and irate. ;P I intended to divulge my wetsuit pr0nz collection from my first open water dive but I've yet to unearth it from the mess that is my harddrive. BUT I have prepared a backup and it's just as hot: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/deltapronz.jpg][b][COLOR=Red]Delta's pr0n[/color][/b][/url] [spoiler]I SINCERELY hope I can get them wisdom teeth pulled out this week.[/spoiler][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#35425E]Posting to say that I wholeheartedly second and support what you just wrote, [b]VR[/b]. Also, maybe he wants space to test the waters with his new kitten, yeah? Last thing he probably wants is his ex nearby, who'll serve both as a point of comparison to him and paranoia trigger to his gf at crunch time. In any case, do have faith in your friendship. If he says he's still friends with you, I think it would be best if you believe him.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=#35425e]Going for gold with [b]#3[/b], Red-fella. If you're tell something about yourself, better tell something [i]fascinating[/i], yeah? I myself own only two pairs of pants 'cause I wear skirts all the time. Good on you, brother. [b]Delta likes...[/b] a) grapefruit juice b) alkaloids c) Ark Royal Sweets d) Pyramid Head[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#35425E]^ Yes, yes. For a while there, they sounded exactly like Ichigo and Uryuu talking. [spoiler]Maybe their acquaintance with each other is very much like their sons' "friendship" (if it could be called that), yeah?[/spoiler] In any case, I'd much rather see [spoiler]Isshin in action than Urahara. I have grown quite fond of him since The Cigar Blues 2 and with 241, looks like we're going to see more of him from here on.[/spoiler][/COLOR]
  9. Delta


    [COLOR=#35425E]So is anyone willing to grab a copy of the JP version when it comes out? I've yet to see a screen with Kanji in it so I thought at least one of us can manage to play through it before the US release. Also, will buy Pearl 'cause Parukia looks like an EVA and you can play as Ocelot.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#35425e]Ten bucks say that Nero's a long lost brother to Dante and Vergil. Kinda like [i]Les Enfants Terribles[/i], only with pretty boys. Then again, I won't be surprised if he somehow turns out to be DMC4's Vergil incarnate, complete with an unknown past (i.e. was found mortally wounded in the outskirts of Fortuna and could remember jack squat about his life) and brief lapses of Vergil-ness coupled with stinging sensations in his right hand, to which Dante will utter in surprise: [b]"Liquid?!?"[/b][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#35425e]A [b]snuff film[/b]features actual murder of a person filmed for entertainment purposes. No special effects, no fake blood, just plain murder being caught on tape. The Zapruder film has been wrongly labelled a snuff film. One has to take into consideration the intents of the filmmaker. Surely, it was unknown to him that in the duration of filming, he was going to capture the murder of a person. It is often said that you'd know it's a true snuff film if the victim's last words were along the lines of "There's no such thing as a snuff film."[/COLOR]
  12. Delta


    [COLOR=#35425e]^ That was absolutely wonderful, Adahn. Was that a restatement of if it wasn't perceived, it wasn't there?[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#35425E]Dreams that actually happen? Yo're talking about déjà vu, right? I guess this article can help: [url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/5194382.stm][u]Deja vu recreated in laboratory.[/u][/url] From the way I get it, déjà vu's just a sign that your brain's tripping, in a glitchy Matrix sort of way. [b]Regarding fate and destiny:[/b] The concept of destiny works for me. I've always had this gut feeling that I'm set to accomplish something great, like a scientific breakthrough or a world record. There's such a thing as "unfulfilled destiny" in my book; it's what people achieve when they just sit around claiming that Fate will drop their super amazing futures right on their laps. Unfulfilled destiny = MASSIVE FAIL. That's probably why I feel compelled to work hard and be better than everyone else. I absolutely won't allow myself to die until I fulfill my destiny by my own blood and sweat.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#35425E][quote name='celestialcharm][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkOrchid] I'm really starting to think that there was a bet going on between the animals in the animal kingdom. I guess the stingrays won.[/COLOR'] [/FONT][/quote]And the crocs won't take this sitting down. This is exactly how war between cats and dogs started. True story.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#35425E][quote name='cancer][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I'd love to become a graphic designer, but I've never really learned much about Photoshop or anything, so where do I start? What's the best way to learn Photoshop effectively?[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]Posting to reiterate what has been said before. [b]Practice, practice, practice.[/b] Oh, and you gotta be as tough as nails, I think, 'cause there's really no easy way to get better at it than to [b]practice, practice, practice[/b] (and it's absolutely annoying when you ask a decent question and get that for an answer, isn't it?). It's easy to learn them really neat techniques but putting them together into a satisfactory piece is wonderful mind****. (PROTIP: Try even those tutorials that are rated "Difficult". Tutorial makers often make the mistake of underestimating the population) It's not a crime to copy styles but to get ahead, you gotta offer something new. It sucks to be someone who's style is exactly like Trib's or Ezekiel's 'cause I'm gonna be all like "Ah, nothing new here. Might as well wait for the next update of
  16. [COLOR=#35425E]Oh, Charles! This is indeed a [i]much[/i] better way to deal with your detractors. Phoenix Wright ftw! [b]Questions:[/b][list][*]I suppose that was you as Mr. White in the stand? [*]It looked rather strange when Edgeworth was flapping his lips after "A much longer list". Was there supposed to be dialogue in there?[/list]No further questions, Your Honor.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#35425E]Ah, it seems that some avatars are not displaying correctly. I've cleared my cache, hit refresh, switched browsers, etc. but the avatar field still gives that "X's Avatar" message. Is OB still convalescing?[/COLOR]
  18. [color=#35425e][size=1]tl;dr [QUOTE=The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Would you rather smell good and be dirty or smell bad and be clean? [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]I choose the former. I'm not as much a neat freak as I am intolerant of noxious fumes. Also dirty = bath time fun.Applies to my men as well.[/size][/cOLOR]
  19. [COLOR=#35425E]I'll wager #1 is [b]theOtaku[/b]. Seems like the only orange thing around here other than :cool: this guy here.[/COLOR]
  20. [color=#35425E]**** no. Just no. The guy's one of the reasons why I'm pursuing a career in science. It's pretty ****ing rich when somebody you really look up to suddenly dies like that. I really truly am crushed. But I guess this was a good way to go for him. Not by old age (though it would be preferable) nor by murder, but out there, doing something he was really passionate about. Really shows he was into his job, yeah?[/color]
  21. [COLOR=#35425E][b]Nickname:[/b] Red [b]Name:[/b] Irina Berzin [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/a23ba944.jpg]Irina[/url] [b]Weapon:[/b][indent]Standard to Ms. Berzin is the Colt SAA/Peacemaker customized by Kenji Arms shop into a DA revolver with a swing-out cylinder. Loaded with just 6 live bullets at any given time, it is a testament to Irina's confidence in her excellent marksmanship. For close-quarters combat, she relies on her bare hands and knowledge of a variety of cheap but effective street-fighting techniques.[/indent] [b]Years as a Sinister Nation member:[/b] 2 [b]Primary Specialty:[/b] Reconnaissance [b]Secondary Specialty:[/b] Protection [b]Personality:[/b][indent]Irina seems amiable and approachable at first glance. She is, but it's second nature to hold suspicions about almost everyone outside Sinister Nation. She hides her intents rather well, making it hard to tell if she really is as friendly as she looks. The only thing constant through the facades she puts up is her absolute regard for rules. Red has a good sense of organizational hierarchy and regards her superiors with great respect.[/indent] [b]Background:[/b][indent]Irina was hired as replacement to Hayter, the first field reconnaissance specialist of Sinister Nation. A former member of TPD?s Intelligence Division, she followed Fargo's trail for 3 years prior to her assimilation into SN and was fascinated with the organization's inner workings. She became more critical of TPD's inefficiency and, even after being taken off the SN investigation board, continued to pursue marks of the organization with undiminished zeal. Sinister Nation only found out about her activities after helping Hayter escape from TPD Central's detention facility. Irina sustained gunshot wounds to her right arm and shoulder, and Hayter lost of control of his lower limbs from tactical interrogation. Due to his incapacities, it was suggested to the reconnaissance specialist that he relinquish his position. Hayter obliged, though not without compromise. Impressed with her ability to elude even the watchful eyes of the reconnaissance specialist, he specifically stated that he will resign only if Irina Berzin will take his place. To his surprise, she declined, stating that it was too soon after her resignation from TPD to affiliate with the police?s targets and that she will elicit distrust among the members due to her former line of work. This was when Nicholas Fargo stepped in and personally extended an invitation to join Sinister Nation. Seeing that her former target was willing to hire her despite having divulged to TPD a great amount of information about the group, she finally accepted Fargo?s invitation. As the new reconnaissance specialist, Red overhauled the way the organization conducted its investigations. She fortified the weaknesses she had once exploited as TPD and in a week?s time, erased all leads the police had to the organization.[/indent] [b]OOC:[/b] Thanks for the heads up, chief. Hope this is alright.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=#D55555][quote name='White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]And has anyone noticed how all the artists on OB happen to have stuff like Designer and Architect in their names? Neat.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote]T_T [b][url=http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=vwdTkqkdsuREUWk-GK-DADDD-e365]Animated Inventor[/URL][/b] [indent][b]Very High attention to Style[/b] [i]You have a strong sense of style and value your personal presentation - friends may even seek your style advice from time to time.[/i][/indent] Ah yes. This is the only aspect I really cared about. I had promised myself to let loose a barrage of expletives if I scored below 90 in "Attention to Style". That being said, I actually felt offended when I was evaluated to be partial to functionality. I must make it clear that [b]I do not buy things with functionality in mind[/b]. Number one in my shopping rulebook is "Get nothing but the cutest model. Pocket knives and compasses are no exception." [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=#D55555][SIZE=1][b]Xra:[/b] [indent]This is an interesting take on the subject. Instead of going for the really obvious themes of light/radiation energy, you instead chose to interpret the image that way. It's a simple connection, but I'm willing to bet that not a lot of us will think of it. V. good. The use of monochrome really brings out the yellows in the bulb. However, I feel that the other images are a tad too dark and rather creepy-looking. Perhaps adjusting the levels so as to match the white in the bulb's outline (plus it'll look really rad if Einstein's skin blended into the bulb).[/indent] [b]Kitty:[/b] [indent]Nice quote you got there. The bulb and nearby text are so perfectly aligned that I feel like I printing out your work and folding the paper to enjoy its symmetry more. Yes, it does elicit really odd feelings. I also love the way you used text in attempting to maintain balance in the image. "So" fills the upper part of the image nicely but the phrase at the bottom could've been set higher 'cause it sort of disappears into the background, or that white nebula thingie placed lower.[/indent] [b]Eclipse:[/b] [indent]Just as Xra's monochrome brought out the intense yellow of the filament, the colors you used brought out the blue in the bulb's outline. I never really noticed it until now but dang, that's complementary colors in action! I also like the way how instead of muting out the colors, you chose to intensify them instead. Hot. Typography is lovely and the use of leaf(?) brushes to render fire is a capital idea, chief. [b][COLOR=blue]GMV, Eclipse.[/COLOR][/b][/indent][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#D55555]Just when I thought that guy's taste couldn't get any worse, he replaces his phone with a Slvr. My God.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#d55555]^ ... Seriously, DaSilva, give it back. Razrs aren't worth a crap anyways. The keypad scratches easily, the animation is tacky, it's got a few lousy games AND it takes crappy pictures. Slim phone? Bah, it's as wide as Xbox 360 is huge. It's so lacking that even the useless Nokia 7360 kicks Razr ten ways to Tuesday. If you hate that douchebag so much, give it back; he probably deserves a fugly phone anyways. (Also, I suggest you go over Gavin's post and take it to heart.) Now if it was from Siemens' shock/water/dust-resistant line or that funky Ericsson/Walkman collaboration, I'd be singing a different tune. [b]EDIT:[/b] A lot of phones have a feature that locks a phone to a particular sim card. Insert a different sim card and you'll have to enter a security code to get through. I find it [i]extremely odd[/i] that the Razr allows more than three tries for security code input.[/COLOR]
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