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Everything posted by Delta

  1. [COLOR=#d55555][indent][i]#9 You were once Dared to come up with your favorites. Is it the storyline, or something more?[/indent][/i] [b]Redemption[/b], perhaps?[/COLOR]
  2. Delta


    [COLOR=#D55555][size=1]I rarely wear anything with laces. Only when I have to make like a mountain goat and manage with boulders do I feel compelled to wear my trusty Merrells. When I'm feeling ******, I use my ratty grey shoes, now brown with caked mud and grass stains. Flip-flops dominate my shoe rack, mostly in pink, black or pink-and-black. I also have a pair of magic red flip-flops that instantly perks up any drab ensemble. Way better than Dorothy's ruby shoes, IMO.[/size][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=#D55555][SIZE=1]^ Only after 2 straight days of drinking nothing but soda. [quote name='sakurasuka][size=1']I despise diet sodas in general. If I'm going to go ahead and put crappy stuff in my body, I might as well go all the way and have it taste at least mildly pleasant.[/size][/quote]AMEN. [b]Welch's Strawberry Soda[/b] tops my list of favorite carbonated drinks, well ahead of beer. It looks really cute in a tall glass (sans fizz, it could pass for a cocktail drink) or when topped with vanilla ice cream, but I can't drink it as often as I like 'cause it's super sweet stuff. >_
  4. [COLOR=#D55555][SIZE=1][CENTER][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/obwtv2.jpg][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/obwtth.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=#D55555][b][u]Electromagnetic Wave Tower[/u][/b][/url][/COLOR] I hope you can see where them aces are.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#d55555][quote=Shy][size=1][b]#3[/b] [i][indent]A, AB, AN, BA, CG, CS MS, CN, F, FGM, G, G, I, LC, LSU, MSS, PL, S, T, TNR, T MS, [b]V[/b]. This no code, rather part of one.[/indent][/i][/size][/quote] [i]VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me [b]V[/b].[/i] So dark the con of man.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=#D55555]In case anyone misses it, I'd like to point out that "Asia" is actually a continent with a number of island peripheries. I pity individuals whose idea of "Asia" is limited to Japan and China. Perhaps the proper term for what the child was ranting about is "Japanatic" or something like that 'cause strictly speaking, one could consider a Peruvian gamelan enthusiast who obsesses over Bali an asiaphile, yeah? [/COLOR]
  7. Delta


    [COLOR=#D55555][SIZE=1]I have to say that your comparison of readymades/assemblage art to photography is rather inaccurate. Finding beauty (or its anitthesis) IRL is what artists have been doing since, ah, ancient Greece. On that ground, you're putting assemblage art at par with Attic, Impressionic, etc, etc. Rather vague, isn't it? I would've used "collage" myself 'cause it is a closer correlative in the sense that it basically involves premade raws put together to form an artwork. It's in the technique, really. I can prattle on and on in the defense of the use of premade brushes but if arguments are ended with "not for me" or "in my own opinion", then I guess calling up analogies and high-falutin' terms won't work. However, as closing remarks, I give you not another analogy but an appeal: [indent]Do not dismiss someone's work as "not art" in the instant you find that he/she used pre-made brushes. Instead, look for the expression of the artist's technical skill and understanding of the principles of design. Not everyone can pull off a piece with a logical flow.[/indent][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. Delta


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=#d55555][u]Marcel Duchamp's [i]Readymades[/i][/u]: [indent]There is this particular sculpture, one of the first from the Dada movement I think, called [i]Bicycle Wheel Ready-Made[/i] by Marcel Duchamp. If you're too lazy to Google it, let me describe it for you: a bicycle wheel attached to a stool by its fork and hub. Did Duchamp craft the wheel himself? [b]No.[/b] How about the stool? Did he make it? [b]Nah-ah.[/b] Where is it now? [b]MoMA.[/b] Is it art? [b]Postmodernists, anti-essentialists and anti-antiessentialists agree: Yes.[/b][/indent] We have these things called "principles and elements of design." Balance, color, color spaces, texture, lines, shapes and typography are but a few set members. More than the medium, more than the brushes, these elements and principles are what people instinctively and subconsciously look for in pieces of art. [list][*] Balancing raws by carefully positioning images ain't cheating.[*] Creating a sense of unity and logical flow from brushes ain't cheating. [*] Heck, even art majors will agree with me if I say that choosing [i]the[/i] right brush, digital or IRL, takes some skill.[/list] After seeing many of you argue that slathering canvasses with pre-made brushes ain't art, I'm now wondering how you can venture into graphic arts and in favor of criticising the media used, boldly overlook the elements and principles of design. Also, it makes no sense when you are able to make brushes but cannot put things together to form simple digital art. There lies one of the most glaring differences between brushmakers and graphic artists.[/color][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=#D55555][list][*]If you wanna question the sisters' musical aptitude, go to the [b]Music, Movies & TV[/b] forum. FAQ, do you read it? [*]If you can't take the Holocaust off your minds, feel free to create a thread about it. Bitching about it in this thread, well, ain't that spam? [*]Don't assume. [b]Read their site.[/b] Goddammit, men! You read English, don't you? [*]Stop contradicting yourselves. If you want to go PC: Black = African-American. At least do that much.[/list] Let the girls be, my friends. We'd be hypocrites not to admit that we discriminate among different groups. The gifted against the learning-imparied, jocks against goths, males against females: the list goes on. They all boil down to differences in belief(s). It just so happens that with these girls, they're [b]pro-white[/b]. [indent][COLOR=#000000][b]taken from [url=http://www.prussianblue.net/bio.htm]prussianblue.net[/url][/b] [i]Today, if you are White ,and proud to be White , it is considered Politically Incorrect by the media. The music that Prussian Blue performs is intended for White people. They hope to help fellow Whites come to understand that love for one?s race is a beautiful gift that we should celebrate.[/i][/color][/indent] Give them a break. Latino Pride's in, so is Asian and African-American Pride; don't tell me that you'll keep these girls and their fans from jumping in the bandwagon. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#D55555][QUOTE=White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]Part one (Delta) has broken these rules. There is blue ontop of the original picture (the second building), there is pink on top of the first and there is text and sheep along the bottom of the buildings. Now I won't penalize you for this, but hopefully you've saved the file as .PSD so it can be fixed. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Sorry, chief. It was a "too long, didn't read" moment. Poor sheep. T_T[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=#D55555]Ah... It seems that I won't be able to submit a segment for the Worm, so whoever's next GOGOGO!!! So sorry.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=#D55555]****. And here I was, thinking I could grab the 50th spot. Ah well, 10th's not bad. Claimed.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#D55555]May be a fad but it's really hard to bump them game threads down because of their sheer popularity. A number of them have been around for a good few months and you know very well that the only way these threads end is not by general lack of interest but by threadlock. So my point is these threads will endure and will continue to bump non-game threads down the next pages of OLounge. Clutters up the page, even if there's just 2 or 3 of them. Yeah, Game Forum. I'm up for it. Not only will this clean up OLounge (and other forums as well) but it'll open up a new, less restricting means of interacting inside OtakuBoards.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#656446]Ah, how do we know who's Member #1, 2, etc? Also, our mascot looks like a cactus-type Pokemon. Love it.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#656446]Yoshi-yaaaa! The next spot is mine. [b]EDIT:[/b] Here it is! Nothing special, really; if making our entry for OBWT (Go Mongoose!) was wild, good sex, this would be the afterglow: [b][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/after-lan.jpg][COLOR=#D55555][u]If you want to see snow, try Siberia.[/u][/COLOR][/url][/b][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#656446]Ooooh! Hair! My hair looks black from afar but really is dark brown with a few strands of red here and there. It's also slightly sun-bleached and makes me look like I lead a really exciting life. It's a messed up color, yes, but it matches my eyes and complexion really well! Not everyone has this kind of hair color so I like it very much. I've yet to dye my hair ("virgin hair", as celestialcharm put it :P) 'cause I'm wary of the fact that dyeing will ruin the wonderful hair texture I have (think BLEACH's Matsumoto Rangiku). My hair's a bit straight near the roots and comes down in waves and nice big curls, and it's got those neat side-swept bangs that stereotypical vamps have. I love this cut so much that I cannot think of a cut that'll suit me more. Guys with long hair are headturners. They're the reason why I love windy days; seeing them tuck a lock of hair behind an ear or run a hand through their hair is really precious. I never did like guys who put hair gum or those with hair that look like stubble. [b]@CHW and CoLoR_Me_EviL:[/b] Love your hair![/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#656446]Ah, how perfect. Since most of the members I love most/wanna pummel to the ground are here, I suppose the most rational thing to do now is join in the fun. Sign me up! [SIZE=1][b]@KW:[/b] Yeah, uhuh, I'm a total n00b too. :P[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR=#656446]Well, a lot of places in this world have really inefficient dog pound, ah, systems and Shanghai's one of them. Instead of allocating funds for local dog pounds, they've probably decided that slaughter is a more cost-effective solution to the problem. And let's face it, it [i]really[/i] is. After all, a well-placed strike on the head costs dollars less than an anti-rabies shot. However cruel it may sound and despite the ire I might educe from the most of you, I strongly concur with the Chinese government's decision. Protection of the citizens was, is, and will always be foremost among the many priorities of governments and as essentialist as it may seem, so is choosing the method where the administration can shell out less.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=#656446]Hmm... an interesting mix of angst and fantasy. I need to ask, though: since the girl's staying in this world (the one she grew up in) , does this mean that the whole (if not most) of the story'll take place here? In my opinion, that would make for a very plain setting, something that can only work in the non-fantasy/surreal genre. But if you add [i]disturbances[/i] from the witch world (you know, 'cause the wrong daughter's in there and all. Imbalance, unfulfilled prophecies, etc.), that would really spice the story up! That way, she can train/improve her powers right in this world, yeah?[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Hot dang! If you're done watching GITS:SAC, why not go all the way and watch the first movie and [i]Innocence[/i]? Mild mind**** goodness from the entities who brought you the Puppet Master, Individual Eleven, and *really* obvious Catcher in the Rye references. Characterization, huh? I guess watching [b]Texhnolyze[/b]'ll go you good. It's a futuristic (think GITS) Japanese mafia anime. The little comedy in it is dark and just the first few episodes will take you in a gore trip. [i]Blood+[/i] ain't got nothing on this baby.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=#656446]Meh, I thought [spoiler]Kuchiki and Zaraki'll join Hitsugaya's advance squad the moment they came out of the gate. Short screentime (pagetime?), little dialogue...KUBO'S SUCH A GYP! Also, sending Byakuya alone would've been enough; after the two-page spread showing the two captains, the members of the 10th and 11th just sorta faded into the background. I actually forgot that Yumichika and Matsumoto were in the same room! Ten bucks say that Ichigo will ask Urahara to bring him to Hueco Mundo in 239.[/spoiler] [size=1][spoiler]Did anybody else notice Rukia's 2-hit "Ichigo..." combo?[/spoiler] So annoying.[/size][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=#656446]^ Haha! [spoiler]"Corrupted"? Perhaps Orihime'll be turned into an Arrancar (what good will it do?) or her power'll be extracted/forced out of her, kinda like what happened with Ishida... or something like that.[/spoiler] One chapter a week is too slooooow! Wut? [spoiler]Orihime can heal even without her little flying friends? She was able to heal Kurosaki's hand by just touching it, right? Is this the result of her training in Soul Society? Wonder what would have happened if she kissed him. [/spoiler][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]^ Ah, I know it may not mean much (or anything at all) and you may have heard it a billion of times but things will work out. Heck, there's a good chance that they already have and they're just waiting for you to move on! Erhm... Here we go:[/SIZE] I was reaaally nice girl a year ago. Yep, I was a run-of-the-mill plain Ms. Nice Girl who never really got pissed at anyone the way I do now. Though I stood out, I was painfully shy (at least I like to think that I am, but then again, there's a good chance that I probably wasn't). I wasn't part of any student organization and life pretty much summed up to grades and, uh... nothing else. Now I get into trouble more often. No, not deep **** trouble, more like grave trouble only people my type (diva) can get away with. My grades are slipping and there's a good chance that I won't graduate from college in time. BUT I am actively involved with a number of student organizations and the activities they churn out. And I am still capable of being nice but it has become something I can't do (or stand) for a long time. >:3[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#656446]^ You shouldn't stress yourself over a game, Katana. Do take care (eat more vegetables while you're at it). Here it is: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/after-jigglyness2.jpg]Spring, Spring Meets the Tiger[/url][/COLOR]
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