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Everything posted by Delta
[COLOR=#354253][Size=1][quote]It was the peak of the monsoon season, yeah? And all university activites slated for that day were cancelled. Everybody knew about it and to this day I wonder why the news never got to me. So there I was, waiting for the next ride home in my pouffy red skirt and lacy top under one of those roofed stops that dot the university roads. The thing with these tropical monsoons is that it's almost always certain you're gonna have to buy a new umbrella after every storm. In an effort to hold my skirt down, I forgot to face the outer side of my umbrella against the wind. My umbrella readily converted itself into an upturned vessel that's useful only to the desert tribes of Africa during times of drought. That did it. I bashed my umbrella against a nearby post 'til the stem broke and the fabric had a sizable tear across two of the eight sectors. Never mind that I was quickly getting drenched and the dark pigment from my mascara was running down my cheeks, I absolutely HAD to break something right then and there. Then suddenly, the rain stopped. Or rather, the rain stopped falling on the spot I stood on. [b]"Miss, you're defacing public property."[/b] A guy about my age stood behind me, holding his orange umbrella over us both. He smiled in a way that made me forget about the wrecked mass of metal and fabric in my hand and the taxi that was then rounding a curve to my stop. You all have encountered enough implements of mass communication to have an idea of the movie-perfect relationship that may bloom from this chance encounter. But it was monsoon season and I had to get home quick. [b]"Shut up,"[/b] I said. I hailed the taxi, jumped in and sped away.[/quote] To answer that question that has been bugging you since the first paragraph of this post: That anecdote is not even [i]remotely[/i] related to how I became a member of OB. But it's a nice [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=41742][color=red]weather story[/color][/url], isn't it?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e][quote name='Avenged666fold']Hey didn't the black panthers start the all black thing? Also they didn't wanna conform either. Hey you emo's totally ripped the Black Panthers off![/quote]Naw, chief. Dem Benedictine monks started dis all-black shizz way back in 529 AD, yo. [size=1]Really, black is one of the true neutral colors. It goes with practically anything. With the right articles of clothing, even black on black looks hip. And it's sooooo not emo. People-watching won't hurt you.[/size][/COLOR]
[color=#354253]Color me spam! GTK, that's soooo awesome! I love the pattern you used for the sky (if it isn't tone paper then it looks like it!) and those dollops of pink are gorgeous! BTW, han ki-tae, I was afraid that this page'll go without you posting. Welcome back, chief.[/COLOR]
[color=#354253][quote name='Ozymandius Jones']http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25603[/quote]The Lady Delta wishes to create a likeness of this character. This faithful servant will claim it for her. [b]EDIT:[/b] Huwaaah~ So tired! [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/2.jpg[/IMG][/center] (I absolutely *heart* this character, Ozzy! I intended to make it look like a plushie but its slick skin made me think of a Japanese icon named Hard Gay. Fuuuuu!) [b]To Draw:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/1-1.jpg][color=red]Smoking Lady[/color][/url] Ah, yes. Another character with a pipe. Pipes look really, really elegant, don't they? Other key accessories: hair pins and the black ornamented robe.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#487659][i]Yawning Men Laud Saint Pierre Opera's Exotic Dance Evening Theatre[/i] Yes, they do. Here be an acronym you just might hate me for: [b]TCFAOQTCZ[/b][/COLOR]
Korea launches 4 'test missiles' in less than an hour
Delta replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=#487659]Though China and Japan are in range, NoKor will not target those countries simply 'cause of the fact that [i]they can't[/i]. I mean, come on. They've been launching missiles over Japan for at least a decade now, and Japan's like 400 square kilometers large and under a thousand kilometers away. If those previous missile launches were all tests, then this week's missiles shouldn't have missed such a large target at close range so horribly. Terrible, terrible waste of resources.[/color] -
[COLOR=#656446][b]#9[/b] MOD ROD. If that's the answer then that was easy as pie.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#354253][center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/tsubasa_382_99.gif[/IMG] 99x99 [/center][/COLOR]
Korea launches 4 'test missiles' in less than an hour
Delta replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=#354253][SIZE=1][quote name='Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]But yeah, just remember: An army marches on its stomach. If his people are starving, they won't fight.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote]North Korea has been known to mobilize its citizens pretty effectively. In 2005, they were able to increase the labor force in the agricultural section by relocating millions of city-dwellers to farmlands. I won't be surprised if sometime in the future the structure of their society morphs into something like ruling class/military class/farmer class (complete with clear and unbreachable divisions, of course). [quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray'] Unless Kim Dong has a random reservoir of money hiding somewhere, they're not going to be able to do anything in the face of more powerful countries.[/color][/quote] If they maximize their agricultural production and exploit all arable land, the projected yield could easily support North Korea's 23 million citizens in a year and have some 2 million metric tons in surplus (and if you take in foreign aid, that number'll probably go up a few tens of thousands more). Their geologic setting is also favorable for mineral exploration and really cheap energy resources. If North Korea got its act together, they may be able to self-sustain and support whatever plans Dear Leader has for it and the whole world.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=#354253][quote name='Sandy']But what about the situation when some jerk sends you a PM that's littered with insults and swearing?[/quote]1. Report. 2. Request for b&age. 3. Look back on posts and see how much of a jerk you/I/we've been. An option allowing us users to turn on/off censoring... that's a lovely idea! Now we'll know who deliberately replaces them vowels in f[color=Red]u[/color]ck and sh[color=Red]i[/color]t with asterisks[color=Red]*[/color]. Also, ever considered filtering them problematic words into something else, like "YA KISS YER MAMA WITH THAT MOUTH?" [color=Red]*[/color] [spoiler]And that, my dears, is the Antilaw card to the R6 Law: Censorship. Beat that, Ezel.[/spoiler][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#354253][QUOTE=Frankie]Just one problem. You got the Archer and Azari mixied up. Azari is the uncolored shoelace tying dude, the archer is the green wearing blondie looking dude. That is awesome though. Some of the pictures o have on my pc. mainly the ones iv redone or mine that have been redone. but seeing them all together is nice. And knowing that they wont vanish suddenly is a nice thing to know.[/QUOTE]Yes, they are now forever preserved in a compendium that even my honorable I cannot touch. I seem to have forgotten the password to the album (that, or it has been edited) and cannot retrieve it. Ah well, ***** happens! :3[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#354253][CENTER][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3][b]Sexy Tongue of Jin[/b][/SIZE] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/worm.gif][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/wormth.png[/IMG][/URL] [img]http://www.wizards.com/images/Symbols/Symbol_3_mana.gif[/img], Sacrifice [b]Sexy Tongue of Jin[/b]; return [b]Worm of OtakuBoards[/b] from your graveyard to play.[/FONT][/CENTER] [u]EDIT:[/u] [SIZE=1]Hay, guys! Let's start a new list! This must survive until the next Nifty Fifty![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#354253][quote name='GTK']This is really random, but has anyone thought of archiving all the drawings done here? I mean, at the very least, it could get tossed on a photobucket account or something since that's free?[/quote] [center][SIZE=3][URL=http://s67.photobucket.com/albums/h286/draw_my_character/][b][COLOR=Red][i]Draw My Character[/i] Album[/color][/b][/url][/SIZE] [b]Password:[/b] ob_ftw[/center] [b]KW:[/b] Yay! Smoke! Also, bright colors![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#354253][SIZE=1]It was dark when the Rider and the Dragon finally reached the Haven. In the light of hundreds of blazing torches and paper lanterns, citizens scurried about, their pace more hurried than the usual easy measure of the capital. Everything about Heoul that night amplified the unsettling sense of urgency that hung in the air. Not far from where they landed was a great white edifice whose single entrance was guarded by a line of soldiers dressed in the colours of Heoul. The Rider walked briskly towards the tent, his light armour clinking softly, his long raven hair gathering up the swift breeze that blew through Heoul that night. The silver Dragon trailed behind, now slowing down to smell wares that lined the path, then speeding up to keep pace with the Rider. At the approach of the Rider, the head guard stepped out of the formation, drew his sabre and held it to his chest. Taking cue, the other guards saluted the Rider, and he in turn acknowledged them with a small nod. [b]?Lord Sigil Trebec and the dragon Sierra have arrived,?[/b] began the head guard. A gloved hand appeared from under his cloak and motioned towards the entrance. [b]?The Council awaits you.?[/b] The doors then opened, revealing the dimly-lit passage that led to the Hall. Sigil stepped up to the entrance. For a while he just stood there and waited at that end of the corridor. Finally, he turned to the head guard (who had been watching him with great interest all this time) and asked, [b]?Where is she??[/b] [b]?Ah, yes. The lady Reis went to the temple in El just this morning. She wished to inform you that she will be back by tomorrow evening. So sorry, sire. This old man forgets a lot of things.?[/b] As the head guard finished his explanation, he drew his cloak and gave the Rider a deep bow and an apologetic smile. Again, Sigil acknowledged the gesture with a nod. He murmured his thanks and proceeded down the passage. [b]OOC:[/b] I'm kind of lost (yes, this early into the RPG) so please excuse the rather bland post.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#354253]^ Thank you, Ms. Ozzy. [quote name='GTK][IMG']http://www.redvoid.com/ori/pinkgreen.jpg[/IMG][/quote] [b]edit:[/b] Alright, here it is. I combined GTK's character and mine into one drawing: [CENTER][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/genkai-haretsu2.jpg][b][COLOR=Red]Click![/COLOR][/b][/url][/CENTER] My character's the guy at the left, okay? He's supposed to be wearing those baggy samurai pants. And don't forget his pipe! Hope you do well![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#354253][i]...Minutes of curiousity turned into hours of lurking. And during those rare moments of mild stimulation, he posted. He devoted every waking moment on the Net to this one single site which, by the way, had displaced Google as his home page. As with many cases of addiction, he was bound to do something drastic just to keep his poison of choice within reach. And he did. Assimilating a display screen into his form, he doomed himself to bear OB on his shoulders forever.[/i] [COLOR=#656446]Craptastic lit from yours truly. Here be my artpad masterpiece:[/COLOR] [url]http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?j1neeueoczk[/url][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425E]I use [b]Faber Castell[/b] watercolor pencils. Aside from those expensive tinned pencils art majors get, FC's the only brand I can get (the local supplies store also carries them dirt-cheap pencils from Taiwan but the red is so... pink). Hey, does anybody know if Prang makes watercolor pencils? I love their red but I couldn't replicate it with my set.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425e]I honestly once thought that, with the exception of midgets, humans never stop growing. I was really afraid that when I turn 30, I'll be fifteen feet tall. I was 8 then, and was 4 feet tall so the working equation I used was height=age/2. yeah, I was a messed-up math kid. I thought I'll be taller than my parents who, after putting much thought into the subject, I realized were perfect counterproofs to my odd theory.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]No white background but this one's really hi-res: [url=http://animepa.csusm.edu/galleries/F-G/GITS/index.htm]APA GITS Gallery[/url][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]LOLZ. What's a game without the drama? Srsly tho, methinks it's a rather exciting part of the game, the rush to claim the next character. Not only does it keep us on our toes, but it's a good way to rack up thread views. Certainly is [i]the[/i] coolest art thread on the block. Yo yo.[/COLOR]
Warning: Sexually related Question. 17+ Only. Rating [M-S]
Delta replied to Dhampir's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=#656446][u]Off Topic:[/u] Did you know that at the rate of 1 completely colored, high-quality manga page per day, Masamune Shirow is one of the fastest manga-ka around? [SIZE=1]Also, I find the thought of him as a porn star hilarious and at the same time, disturbing.[/SIZE] [u]On Topic:[/u] Nothing. Spam, etc.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Ueno Suzume [b]Nickname:[/b] The Second Brave [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Half/Full:[/b] Full-Blood [b]Appearance:[/b] Suzume in [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/siki5.jpg][COLOR=#656446][b]ninja uniform[/b][/COLOR][/url] and in [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/back5.jpg][COLOR=#656446][b]disguise[/b][/COLOR][/url]. [i]props to [url=http://www.interq.or.jp/japan/hosystem/]BOTUGAEMAKI[/url][/i] [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Koga-ha Sato-ryu Ninjutsu is one of the most comprehensive ninjutsu styles, combining both the tried-and-tested Koga ninja arts with the deadly Nanban Sato-style kempo. This ryu-ha emphasizes on mastery of advanced weapon tactics, as well as various forms of unarmed combat, invisibility and sabotage. [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Suzume has always favored the romanticism of unarmed combat over the use of melee and range weapons. But when taking out targets up close is not an option, a sniper rifle* named Hisui and the traditional Koga strings always get the job done. [b]Personality:[/b] Suzume shares her Sanada's love for good liquor and apparent distaste for trouble. Generally good-natured and somewhat rowdy, she maintains a good relationship with and among the other Braves, and with a little charisma, she can easily win the confidence of the commonfolk. Her zeal in protecting her charge would only show itself in battle; the rest of the time, she relies on his skills to defend himself. She stays by Yukimura's side as a guarantor to the alliance between Sanada and the 8 ruling clans of Koga, and following true ninja fashion, her commitment to the Dragon of Echigo is always second to fealty to the Koga. *I read ?futuristic? somewhere in the OP and figured that my character could get away with a sniper rifle. :3[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]BUMP! Ah, what makes me play a game. Of course, the hype a game generates prior and immediately after its release is somewhere on the top of my list. Yes, yes, it's only *vaguely* related to gameplay but you gotta first advertise that your game's got something new and innovative (even if it doesn't) for me to go buy it and see if it's really [i]that[/i] great. Then there's the controls. One thing I didn't like about [i]Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness[/i] (aside from pretty much everything else) was how easy it was to send Lara plunging to her death. Really, if my character keeps dying because of the cumbersome controls, I'll shelf the game.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]Good topic, Twilight_Kioku![quote name='Lindus]Take [URL=http://animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=4506][U]Victiorian Romance Emma[/U][/URL']. I'd expect them to use Miss, Master, and other terms since it'd be more commonplace in 19th century England. If it were something like old Japan, I could go either way with either trans/untranslated honorifics. Other than that, I don't think they need to use Miss, or chan or anything else really (unless it's a superior or what-have-you).[/quote]The above quote will form the bulk of my reply. It is important and must be iterated. If the anime is trying to cast an illusion along the lines of "Hey, this can happen!" on its audience, an often unfamiliar system of honorifics won't really help with the trick, yeah? As for Al using "big brother" in Full Metal Alchemist, it adds a bit of charm of his relationship with Ed 'cause Ed's not exactly a tall guy. I think the pun was also intended (and possibly done to death) in the original Japanese script.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425E]Ah, a satisfying conclusion to an extremely entertaining tournament! Thanks you very much, [b]Lunox, Ikillion, and all the participants[/b]: [i]Handicap Battles![/i] would've been different without ye, but I'm sure as hell that it'd be less fun. [CENTER][b]sakurasuka - 2 Ezekiel - 6[/b] [SIZE=8][COLOR=Red][b]EZEKIEL IS THE WINRAR!1!!one![/b][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] If anyone wants to dwell, reminisce, rant or rave on/about this match (or [HB!] in general), feel free to post in this thread. Delta out![/COLOR]