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Everything posted by Delta
Warning: Sexually related Question. 17+ Only. Rating [M-S]
Delta replied to Dhampir's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=#656446][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klismaphilia]Klismaphilia[/url] Wikipedia is the compendium of Universal Truths. Don't argue. Also, I've read an account of a political prisoner in China (was it?) who tried to go on a hunger strike but when the jailguards heard about this, they introduced liquid food to his body via enema. Won't this push the feces back to the digestive tract? Sounds dangerous. [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=#656446]Wish I didn't click that link. My senses were offended by that atrocious color scheme. *shakes head* Hmm, I'm no shrink but since you said he only bullies you when he's with his friends, he's probably just trying to build his image up. It lets 'em see that he's in control of someone and indirectly proposes something along the lines of "you HAVE to be friends with me 'cause I'm pretty influential". [u]Bottom line:[/u] The guy's insecure. [u]Cure:[/u] See Retribution's post. [u]But Delta recommends:[/u] A kick in the balls. Maximum force. Really, [b]cancer[/b], even paraplegics can take on somebody with a build like that; it just takes a well-placed kick, yeah?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]What the ****?!? Stop nitpicking on the acronym "MAMA", 'kay? If you think anyone of you has got a [i]lovelier[/i] name for them, go set up a naming contest, why don't you? And if anyone still insists on further discussion about the name of this particular organization and the alignment of its members, remember that the membership of OtakuBoards isn't 100% otaku.[/SIZE] Ehrm. [COLOR=#35425E]Now, [b]Overmod[/b], do you really work 'em mods hard? I've noticed that when some members become mods, they become more [i]withdrawn[/i] from the community. There's little interaction beyond friendly reminders and locked threads. I can only begin to imagine how difficult it is to run this place, but at the end of the day mods are only human. No matter how much trust or confidence we give them, they can't do everything, yeah? I really think it's time for a new batch of mods. Now more than ever.[/COLOR] [SIZE=1]And to save me the trouble of editing this post, I am [i]not[/i] fishing for a position in the staff. Bless your poor misguided soul if you thought otherwise.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][quote name='Dare][size=1']Do you think OB has a social ladder where there is a 'top' group and other groups?[/size][/quote]Yes, but not [i]a[/i] top group; it's more like top [i]groups[/i] to me. They're okay with me but I do get offended whenever their asinine affairs (iow, SPAM or OOT's) drown out posts with sense and substance. It's like one will post this and then immediately gets followed up with an inside joke and another 'til one actually has to go back a few pages to remember what the thread really was about. Precious waste of Internet time. Especially when I take the intarwebs srsly. Tut tut tut. (Well, that probably was off-topic. Sorry for ranting in your thread, Dare. I really am glad you put something like this up. :3)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656445][SIZE=1]^ Must be a pretty special hat. Here's another one 'bout a cliff (mining pits, actually): Just last April, we were assigned to take rock samples from a river in the boondocks and had to pass through an abandoned mining district on the way there. The locals told us not to go 'cause our vehicle can't handle it but then again, they were also the ones who said we can't make it go up a certain slope in the area (we busted the rear end but we made it in one piece!). Anyways, the road was really bumpy, yeah? And when it wasn't cracked or straddled by ravines, it clung to the mountain and tipped towards the pits. We realized only after some hundred meters (and with a good 2 kilometers to go) into the road that we were knee-deep in this **** and cannot turn back. Also, we cannot get off the minibus; doing so would mean taking off the only things that keeps it from bouncing too much and falling off. And there many instances where we all actually had to shift to one side(the one farther from the cliff) so that the minibus won't rollover and hurtle down the steep slope. Wheeee!!![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#654546][SIZE=1]********** WIN! AN AJIKAN THREAD!!! I stumbled upon the group but only grew to love them after hearing [i]Kimi no Machi Made[/i]. Perhaps it's the really unconventional melody in the chorus or the adorable PV, but with [i]Kimi no[/i] I realized that there's always something quirky going on in every AKFG song. [i]Angou no Waltz[/i] had that funky mix of tempos and then there's that oh-so-memorable "Aa, seiten no hekireki" in [i]Kimi to Iu Hana[/i]. Favorite AKFG songs: 1) Kimi no Machi Made 2) Eien ni 3) Angou no Waltz 4) Kimi to Iu Hana 5) Loop&Loop (Industrial Salt's version of "Loop&Loop" was also very cool. *nods*) On a related note, Yamada's soooo exploitable.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425E][b]Name:[/b] Sigil Trebec [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Side:[/b] Rebel [b]Specification:[/b] Rider [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/ff12_larsa_vayne.jpg]Sigil[/URL] (he's the guy at the back) [b]Weapons:[/b] At 8 feet, the [i]Partisan[/i] towers above all other members of the spear and lance class. Its unmatched range makes it the perfect weapon for heavy-class dragoons but the sheer weight of its full-metal frame means that only the strongest warriors can wield it. [b]Magic:[/b] [i]Support Magic[/i] - He cannot cast healing magic but he can provide temporary boosts in strength and effective damage barriers. [b]Bio:[/b] Sigil hailed from the warrior city of Mai Orites and was a senior officer in their defense force up until he fell in love with the daughter of a high councilor in the Rebel faction. His marriage to Reis sealed the alliance between his city and Heoul, and was taken by allies and enemies alike as a direct challenge to the Empire's power. [b]Personality:[/b] A quiet man who could spare only a few words, he often keeps to himself and prefers to mull over things rather than rush into them. Though he may seem withdrawn and introverted, he shows great concern over the welfare of the citizens of Mai Orites and its allies. [COLOR=#656446][b]Dragon Name:[/b] Sierra [b]Dragon Color and Appearance:[/b] According to "The Definitive Guide to Dragons", Sierra's serpentine body and mithrilgrey scales point to a Lunatic Silver lineage while her bronze whiskers and tailfin suggest ancestry from a Caramel Celebrynn. [b]Dragon Fire:[/b] Generally bronze but she has been known to fire silver sparks too.[/COLOR] [SIZE=1]Please PM me if I have to change anything in this sign-up. *bows*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]Charles' avatar ain't porn. If you hum that [i]Numa numa ei[/i] song while looking at his avatar, you'll realize from the way it oddly keeps the song's rhythm that it's part of the promotional video. Fo shizz yo. [SIZE=1]This reply is a good counter-proof to the statement "high post count = mod candidate." Save it before it gets deleted.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][quote name='Bláse][size=1][color=slategray]The only thing I do in those stages is lay around, sleep, eat something irresistibly sugary, and take many lovely showers. Reading yaoi fan fictions lift my spirits, too, as always. :P[/color'][/size][/quote]Listen to this girl! Truth is her beotch and is, therefore, absolutely correct. Yesiree! I do everything Bláse mentioned everytime I get in a slump. It's [i]extremely[/i] important to take things easy 'cause worrying won't really fix things, yeah? When depression sinks in, I cheer myself up by becoming a hedonist 'til I get better. Eat sweet things, wander aimlessly through bazaars and allow myself to wear really clashing prints. [i]Especially[/i] when there's a really major exam, like, on the next day, I like to bum around and spend the day looking at pretty things (the mirror, for example. ;P). It also helps when I inform people around me that I'm on an emotional low. That way, they'll stay the hell out of my way if I ever, you know, felt the urge to pick on somebody.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425E][CENTER][b]How to Vote[/b] Members must post a paragraph of at least three sentences about the entry they?re going to vote for, and one sentence of constructive criticism for the other entry. It?s a pretty simple format so if a member fails to follow it, he/she will be sent a love letter via PM by the Tournament Presider and will be given the rest of the voting period to edit his/her vote. His/her vote will be invalidated if it still isn't of the prescribed format by the end of the voting period. [b][SIZE=8][COLOR=Red]GO GO GO![/COLOR][/SIZE][/b][/CENTER][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]Um, hey. Sorry I will not be able to fulfill this request. I just realized that it required 1) drawing your characters; 2) coloring them and 3) applying the same style that made them FF logos so amazing. Truth is I can only do the last one. I did try tracing pictures from the net 'cause I can't draw the characters you wanted for your banner but that didn't work out. The sheer complexity of your request overwhelmed me. If it makes you feel any better, this has to be the hardest request I've ever attempted. Sorry if I made you wait for nothing. *bows*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]Always been a Gatekeepers fan myself. [b]animeloyalist91[/b] got it right.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]If you absolutely have to pre-soak your clothes, don't let them stay in the wash water long. Also, don't wait for stains to dissolve; scrub them off immediately. I had to do my laundry for nearly the whole month of April. First time, yeah? I could have just let them pile up and have the laundry girl worry about the various freakish stains I sampled why traipsing across fields, mountains and buffalo watering holes, but I can't afford her services (I would have to give up my addiction to the local lime soda, my sole link to sanity, just to pay for laundry). So every midnight, I'd be handwashing my clothes, scrubbing my delicate fingers raw while trying to get out the microenvironment of mud, grass juice and sea salt. Being poor certainly ain't fun.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]1) How big do you want it? 2) Is it "Phoenix Uprising" or "Phienox Uprising"? 3) Do you want it to look like them generic FF logos? You know, like [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/f4a29424.jpg]this one[/url]? Thanks![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][quote name='SyrusMatrix][IMG']http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/9720/nohintinghehe3ig.jpg[/IMG][/quote]I will venture a guess, my good sir/ma'am. Judging from the weapon, the outfit and the drawing style from the nether regions of deep antiquity, I say that the screencap in question is from [b]Akazukin Chacha[/b]. You, sir/ma'am, have summoned the Magical Princess Holy Up without calling forth the powers of Love, Courage and Hope. In reparation for this act, teacher Rascal must now whip you. ^_^ EDIT: I'm going to go right ahead and post a new screenshot. *bows* (see attachment)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#35425E][SIZE=1][CENTER][SIZE=5][b]Handicap Battles![COLOR=Red] FINAL ROUND[/COLOR][/b][/SIZE] [COLOR=Red]The super-duper exciting conclusion to the super-duper graphics tournament we've come to hate and love![/COLOR][/CENTER] Of course we're going to see this tournament to its bloody finish! You all have impressed us with your ability to deliver high-quality work under restricting and (extremely) frustrating circumstances. For that, I salute you, dear artists of OB! Now, on to the match... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ [SIZE=2][b]Participants:[/b] [b][COLOR=Red]sakurasuka[/color][/b] and [b][COLOR=Red]Ezekiel[/COLOR][/b] [b]Date Due:[/b] June 19, 2006 [b]Handicap Set:[/b] [SIZE=2][i]Play It[/i] got a banner in Nifty Fifty '06, so did [i]Anime Lounge[/i]. I say [i]Art Studio[/i] should have one as well. [list][SIZE=2][b]Theme:[/b] Art Studio[*][b]Dominant color(s):[/b] Pink and/or gold[*][b]Size:[/b] 500 pixels by 300 pixels [*][b]Banned:[/b] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sans-serif][COLOR=Red][u]fonts without serifs[/u][/COLOR][/url] [*][b]Banned:[/b] Solid borders. Funky borders are a must. [*][b]Required:[/b] [i]?Terrible! Orange and pink don?t mix ? they resemble vomit, and the text isn?t much better. This isn?t art, it?s just lame.?[/i] must appear somewhere in your piece. [*]That's it.[/SIZE][/list][/SIZE]+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ [SIZE=1][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/Untitled-1-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] It's out raking dead leaves for its funeral pyre. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who missed your chromatic CG's. You both have really interesting methods when it comes to color-treating images, and I've noticed a great difference in the "finishes" you two apply on your banners. With your contrasting styles, this match is bound to rock! Go crazy and best of luck to both of you![/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446]We had to bake in one of the exercises in our Microbiology class (yeast=good excuse) and were given detailed instructions, down to the last gram of ingredient, on how to make banana cake/loaf. Then our group, in a brilliant display of dyslexia, put in something like three times the amount of baking soda (or yeast, 'couldn't remember) so we said "To hell with it!" and started putting in semi-random amounts of the other ingredients as well. We were then surprised when we saw the teachers in the Biology department eating our banana cake. They said (and we saw) that it tastes great but looks a little funny 'cause the food dye of them M&M's we put in bled through the cake. 'Twas prolly good enough for [i]Yakitate!! Japan[/i], I'll say.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]INPUT! Um, you know how the English "go" is pronounced as if it has a "-w" in the end (and ends up sounding like "know" and "hoe")? That happens 'cause the lips go into a semi-purse and form the "-w" sound. Going by what I observe in J-doramas (significant!), Japanese pronounciation of "go" and many other syllables entails little lip motion. Try holding your lips in place while pronouncing "go". The -w sound is diminished, yeah? Indeed, this probably is the reason why the simple open-close mouth action we see on anime characters works so well with Japanese dubbing.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Oh! So sorry! Ah, [b]SyrusMatrix[/b] got it right. It's from the opening sequence of BLEACH. Good job![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/hayabusa_avi.jpg[/IMG] As requested: one Hayabusa avatar. Thank you for choosing Art by Request and have a good day. ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[RIGHT][COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]Wai~! It's a Hayabusa requeeeest!!! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/hayabusa.jpg[/IMG] It's still up for revision so if you plan to use this banner but think that something must be added/removed/altered, please don't hesitate to tell me. Avatar to follow. Enjooooy![/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
[COLOR=#656446][QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/6950/omgomgomgph34rthemystery4md.jpg It shouldn't be to hard, its just the anime that I seem to be obsessed with as of late ¬ ¬ [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR][/QUOTE]I thought it was an anime from Production I.G. but after a bit more sleuthing, I found out that it's from [b]Ergo Proxy.[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/20.jpg[/IMG] Easy as pie (sort of).[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][CENTER][SIZE=1]*cue in Kamen Rider music* [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/kamen_raiden.jpg[/IMG] [b][I]Tatakau bakarija, dame nano-sa Kogeki bakarija, dame nano-sa Raiden, Raiden Kamen Raiden V3!!![/i][/b][/CENTER] Ehrm, it's nowhere near as special as your set (Love it!). The pic's from the official wallpaper; if you wanna check it out, here's the [url=http://www.konami.jp/kojima_pro/english/index.html]link[/url].[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]^ [i]Gokurosama~[/i] Time for another batch of FF avatars! Can never have too much of them, yes? The images are either screencaps or fanart (by the outrageously talented Falcoon and Ryo Akazuki). [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/ff_zack.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Final Fantasy [b]Title:[/b] FFVII AC: Zack [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/ff_vincent.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Final Fantasy [b]Title:[/b] FFVII: Vincent [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/ff_sephy.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Final Fantasy [b]Title:[/b] FFVII AC: Sephiroth [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/ff_rufus_ryu.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Final Fantasy [b]Title:[/b] FFVII AC: Rufus [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/ff_rufus.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Final Fantasy [b]Title:[/b] FFVII AC: Rufus [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/ff_reno.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Final Fantasy [b]Title:[/b] FFVII AC: Reno [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/ff_kadaj_falcoon.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Final Fantasy [b]Title:[/b] FFVII AC: Kadaj [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/ff_kadaj.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Final Fantasy [b]Title:[/b] FFVII AC: Kadaj [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/ff_cloud_ryu.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Final Fantasy [b]Title:[/b] FFVII AC: Cloud [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/ff_cloud_falcoon.jpg[/IMG] [b]Category:[/b] Final Fantasy [b]Title:[/b] FFVII AC: Cloud ...Ah, bishie-goodness. My job as a fangirl is done.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#656446][b]Bump for infinite justice![/b] Thank you, dear han ki-tae. Because of your rendition of [i]Beach Girl[/i], I've decided to hunt for a similar swimsuit, abuse it the next time I go to the beach and buy myself a strawberry twirl. What can I say? Your version is most definitely better than what I posted in [i][game] Draw my character[/i]! Her eyes are the exact shade of purple I had in mind, and your drawing's giving off some really tropical vibes. And wow, you changed her pose in the colored version! I likesss it very much! Yes, yes.[/COLOR]